89-1278 WHITE - C�TY CIERK COl1[ICII ^ PINK - FINANGE G I TY O A I NT PA U L CANARV ��DEPARTMENT � l � � BLLE - MAVOR File NO. r Cou c 'l es lution ���� �...�_� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS , a Grant has been ad to the City of Saint Paul by the Metropolitan Council to fund a ap r Recycling Project ; and WHEREAS , the Mayor pursuan t Section 10.07. 1 of the City Charter does certify that there are ava la le for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 ud et ; and WHEREAS , the Mayor recomme ds the following changes to the 1989 budget : Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 165 Finance Special Projects F nd 31157 Recycling Program . - 3802 Metropolit - 0 - 20 , 300 20 ,300 Council Gr 'nt All Other Finan in 2 , 152 , 329 - 0 - 2 , 152 ,329 --------- --------- --------- Total Fund Financing la 2 , 152 ,329 20 , 300 2, 172 , 629 SPENDING PLAN 165 Finance Special Project F nd 31157 Recycling Program - 0219 Fees-Other - 0 - 3 ,000 3 ,000 Profession 1 Services 0291 Refuse Dis os 1/ - 0 - 17 , 300 17 ,300 Collection All Other Spend ng 2 , 152 , 329 - 0 - 2 , 152 ,329 --------- --------- --------- Total Fund Spending P a 2 , 152 , 329 20 ,300 2 , 172 , 629 NET CHANGE + 20 , 300 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �A! Dimond t'n Financ Lo l'� � [n avo coswicz ' Rettman (,� B Scheibel _ A g8 n s t Y Sonnen �iRFsew �_y r,d'S Form Ap ove by City orne Adopted by Council: Date /��� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � BS, t�pproved by AAavor: Date _ APP y Mayor for Submi 'on o Council By B wH�TE - Cirr CLERK COUQCII �//� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L �Ah1ARV= DEPARTMENT �7._��7�' BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��/ Coun 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , that the proper it officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept the Grant fr m he Metropolitan Council to the City of Saint Paul, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED , that the '�Ci y Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget . Approval Recommended � � Budget D e or COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Finance and Management ervices Lo� In F vo r Goswitz Retttnen B 1 Sc6eibel o __ Agai st Y s,,,r,�;�, q � b-���f aJVL. 2 � 1 9 Form App ed by City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P�s• y Counci , ar By � `/ By A►pp o e by �Vlavor: Dat ' Ap ov y Mayor for Sub ' 6u '1 By BY �Bl1S� J U L 2 9 1989 ' �. . � �- �a �� DEPAR'fMENT/OFFlCE/OOUNqL DATE�N TE Fin. & M�t. Services%Real Estate 6i2 8 GREEN SHEET No. 3 6 0 8� CONTACT PEFi80N�PNONE `�, D1V1S1011 DEPARTMENT DIRECfOR �CITY OOUNCIL Dave Nelson ��' S317 � ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MU8T BE ON OOUNpL A3ENDA (D/1'f� BUDOET DIRECTOR �flN.6 MQT.SERVICEB DIR. MAVOR(OR AS818T � Chie f AcC TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL L ATION8 FOR 81QNATUR� ACTION REQUE8TED: Approve use of Metropolitan Council gr t o fund a paper recycling project. This would include paper recycling pick-up from al d ntown City owned buildings. r�oot�iMENW►7�ONS:kw►ovs U►)c►Rs�sc�(F� COUNCIL AEPORT OPTIOt�I/►L _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N ��'Y8T � ������ PHONE NO. I�� � _qB COMMITTEE _ J COMMENTB: _STAFF _ —a����� _ `i �r�� :# �; i�?89 ���' ,�,�"�.��. �,�W"'�,�'"p`°�E��E' RECEIVED ' ,� � ��� ." . ,� �"r'l�'€� INITIATINO PROBLEM.188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whet,When,Whsre,Why): J UN 211989 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTQR D�PIIRTMENT 0�FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ADVAHTIU�ES IF APPHOVED: EIVED DI8ADVANTAQEB IF APPROVED: JUN 2 3 1989 BUDGE7 4FFICE DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Go���r� �iesearcn Center J�1�. 0 6 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 20,300 /RE1/ENUE dUDOETED(CIRCLE ON Y8 NO ����g�up� 3802 MetY'ogolii-an C'n»nCil CT NUMBER 31157 �NeW) FlNANGAL INFOfiMATION:(DCPWN) WHITE - CITV CLERK PINM.� - FINANCE G I TY O � SA I NT PA U L Council 4 GANAFtv - DEPARTMENT .r /�i BLUE -�Mk�YOR File NO. ; Coun 'l Resolution - �. � � � Presented By � ������ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, hazardous waste was d mp d in Lilydale, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Polluti n ontrol Agency agreed to contract for the disposal of these wastes and pay on h lf of costs, and WHEREAS, this was an unforesee� c st when the 1989 budget was assembled, and , WHEREAS, the costs of the displsa is $31,392, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Polluti n ontrol Agency in now seeking reimbursement, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant o ction 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available f r propriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends ,th following changes to the 1989 budget: Curre t Changes Amended Budge Budget Financing Plan 001 General Fund 9890 Use of Fund Balance, Unreserved Undesignated 0.00 15,696.00 15,696.00 All Other Financing 123,9 7, 98.00 123,907,698.00 ----- -- ----- --------- -------------- 123,9 7, 98.00 15,696.00 123,923,394.00 Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i Co i t Serv i ces Loa� In vo ���� ca�c� �/ Sc eibel _ A ga'In s t _ Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed b Counc.il Secretar BY �?� Y Y By t�►pproved by 14avor: Date _ Ap ro by Mayor for Submis ' n t i ouncil By —