D00719W6ite -City Clerk �. Pink - Finance Dept Canary - Dept. Acconnting , Blne - Engi¢eer •Green - Contcactor No. yl�l.3 � I vl Date ^°°.e°�"�_'r"n'`� Nav. b Q5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, addifions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described : a .n� •�.�� �u�ul: . lmown as activiry 29226 ('ity Project No. 95-V-8085 S�ecialtv Electric Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. Add additional conduit and wire on St. Paul Ave. from Montreal to Delano. 2. Add conduit on Cleveland Ave. from Yorkshire to Viliage Lane. 3. Add 13 lights on St. Paui Ave. from Dorthea to Edgcumbe. 4. Add 2 lights on Kenneth St. from Ford to Bohland. • $1,126.15 $2,204.56 $27,911.73 $4.250.90 Total: $35,493.34 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, Through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of Q35.493.34 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, lmown as acrivity 2922s , and which amount is to be £manced from: log SU-66246 ; Page WA ; C95-2T52&0784-29226 /U'Z) i9 `L �� I 19 � 19 19 Scecialtv Electric Inc. Gon�r � g 6L� �Ie�d o� ent� of Finance ` A�istrative Assistant to the Mayor �EPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Public Works - Traffic Engineering i o/�2/95 CONfACT PERSON & PHONE Ed Hally 266-6216 ��' ASSIGN MINBERPOR MUSTBEON CAUNCILAGENDABY (DAT� pqJ}Q.�G OHOEA iOTAL # OF SICNA7URE PAGES � (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS PoR SIGNA7VR� GREEN SHE�� (� Np, 33134 iNmnuoqTE_ CITYATTORNEY uGNCLERK BUDGEf �IRECTOR � FlN. & MGT. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANf) � ;ute Contract Change Agreement No. i, Contract No. 95-V-8085, fo instali additional lighiing conduit on St. Paul Ave., Cleveland Ave. and Kenneth St, on the HowelUMontreal CSSP. a COMMITTEE STAFF _ DISiHICTCOUNCIL _ ORTS WHICH CAUNqL OBJECTiVE7 + PERSONAL SERVICE COtJiRAC7S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWlNG QUESi]ONS: CML SFRVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Nis personffirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ for this departmeni? YES NO 2. Has this persoMirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does Mis pereonffifm possess a skil( not normafly possessetl by any cuneni cTy employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separoM sheet and at[ach to green sheet INIifATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN @VHO, WHA7, WHEN. WHERE, WHV): Citizen requests and opportunity to install conduit during street reconstruction, in anticipation of future needs. � �c� �;'� � , , �, ' . ,3;�erg�:� 7"�u;�,r n,,. , y �� Will enhance visibility and safety conditions and save revenue by installing conduit while street reconsfruction is in progress. None. RECEIVE� NOV - 31995 �ITY GIERl� APPROVED: , a_ �CT �6 1��5 �°��'�9 �.:���'���.�� Loss of opportun+ty to improve visibility and safety conditions for vehicles and pedestrians. YOTALAMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ $3�J ,493.34 COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE (�.�8 MSA ACENfTY NUMBER C95-2T528-0784-29226 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWf� ✓ �