89-1273 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlIICIl n •�91.UE+RY= MAVORTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL File NO. � I �`I ' �� - . ,�,./'-+ • . ,-- ' -s Co nci l n �'f � � � Presented By ' ""— Refer ed To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, rr�any residents an community leaders of the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey Cou ty have consistently expressed con- cern with deteriorating housi onditions ; and WHERERS , it is imperati e for Ramsey County Commissioners and the City Council of Sai t aul to maintain strong property values ; and WHEREAS , it is a fact a deteriorating housing adversely impacts said market values ; a WHEREAS , deteriorating u ing conditions remain a serious threat to the livability and r perty values of Saint Paul neigh- borhoods ; and tN�-:EREAS , the City of Sai t Paul and Ramsey County have con- tinually develo;�ed housing ;o og ams to ensure "safe and decent" housina for all residents ; an V�'HEREAS , the City of a 'nt Paul , during 1989 , actively supported Sta�e legislation,' enate File 522, for a Housing Calendar Consolidation Pilo roject , otherwise known as a "Housing Court" ; and tniHEREAS , the Minnesota o e , Senate and Governor' s Office have approved a three-year pi .o Housing Court with needed appro- priations ; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz ��� B Scheibel __ Agaltlst Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �/r,r Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �'"� .�� `�,`L'`^'�-- `a 17 �89 By� A►pproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY . , ' ; ' , �' �'- I��3 . . . 7 ��_ �'� WHEREAS , a Housing Cour ill be able to consolidate the hearing and determination o atters relating to residential rental hou5ing, and ensuring co tinuity and consistency in the disposition of these cases; an WHEREAS , the Housing Cale d r Consolidation Project (Housing Court) will consolidate the h aring and determination of all proceedings, under Minnesota tatutes Chapters 504 and 566; criminal and civil proceedings re ated to violations of any State, County o r City Health, Safety, Ho sing, Building, Fire Prevention, or Housing Maintenance Code ; e cr w of rent proceedings ; landlord- tenant damage action, and ac io s for rent and rent abatement; and WHEREAS , the Housing C r will be able to restore the tagging procedure used by nf rcement officials as a viable enforcement tool ; and WHEREAS , Ramsey County d the City of Saint Paul demon- strated their willingness to or together in reviewing pertinent data prior to the adoption f the Housing Court by the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, Ramsey County a agreed to provide some staff support for this task force ; n w, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Counci o the City of Saint Paul supports the implementation of the Hou i g Consolidation Calendar Project (Housing Court) ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that he City of Saint Paul will work with Ramsey County to fight a di ional neighborhood deterioration of housing values and housing o itions ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that he Council recognizes that it is the responsibil.ity of Ramse ounty Courts to implement the judicial component of the legi la ion; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that i ' s the responsibility of the City of Saint Paul to continue to wo k with the County in the imple- mentation of the Housing Court d, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that he Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes a Pro er y Rights, Property Responsibili- ties , Property Remedies Task F ce (hereinafter referred to as 3PR) with Janice Rettman re re enting the Council of the City of Saint Paul and Ruby Hunt r presenting the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners , acting a c -chairs; and, be it 2 . . , �� : . . � �9- r� 7� � ' ' 7- , 9 �' s' FURTHER RESOLVED, that t e 3PR Task Force will consist of no more than 40 persons from t e ollowing areas: - Citizen Representatives ; - One Representative from th City Council of Saint Paul (Janice Rettman) ; - One Representative from Ra sey County Commissioners (Ruby Hunt) ; - One Representative to b a pointed by the Chief Judge of Ramsey County Distric ourt; - One Representative from h City Attorney' s Office; - One Representative from h Ramsey County Attorney' s Office ; - Representatives from var ' o s housing groups , including Saint Paul Tenants Union, innesota Multi-Housing Associa- tion, Southern Minnesota R gional Legal Services , Public Housing Agency, and Rams y Action Programs ; - Two Members appointed by t e State Legislature (one from the Senate and House , re p ctively) ; - Representatives from the S int Paul Division of Public Health; - One Representative from h Ramsey County Community Human Services ; - One Representative from h Housing Information Office; - One Representative from h Ramsey County Sheriff' s Office ; - One Representative from h Board of Realtors ; - One Representative from h Fire Safety Division � On� Representative from h Zoning Division and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that t e duties and responsibilities of the 3PR Task Force will be to r view all relevant facts and to determine methods of mitigati g neighborhood housing problems in the City of Saint Paul and R ms y County, and to make recommen- dations for legislative chan' e to State, County and City officials. The 3PR Task Forc ' w' ll have at least the following subcommittees: 3. , � : � . � ��� / � � � . . � _ �- i�'- � 3 l . Housing/Building Cod nforcement Review Committee which shall review State, ounty and City Health, Safety, Housing, Building, ir Prevention, and Housing Mainte- nance Codes , update t e same to be a more effective enforcement tool , an enhance and streamline the accessing of Housing Co rt. 2 . Community Human Ser ' c s Committee will identify State, County and City so ia service agencies to facilitate and implement a co pr hensive social service delivery system for those 1 vi g in deteriorated housing con- ditions identified t ro gh the Housing Court system. 3. City/County Homeown r ip Accessing Committee (HAC) will review and dev 1 pilot programs to enable tax- forfeited property o be accessed by renters wishing to become homeowner hroughout the City and County. Such program ideas i 1 identify successful ways that neighborhoods can s o further housing deterioration and minimize the i p t that tax-forfeited land has on surrounding prope ti s. Further, the committee will review ways to hav homeownership training program available to all who c ess these homes. 4. Absentee Landlord Co i tee will review ways to encourage absentee landlords to m intain their housing and property to comply with all Co e . and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that p licants for appointment to the 3PR Task Force shall apply pe ifically for appointment to one of the four committees listed n he above clause; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that th C uncil provide some staff support services to this Task Force; a d, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that he Council requests the Mayor to join with the Council and t e County Board by also providing some staff support services in ''th ' s Task Force ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a p intments to the 3PR Task Force be made no later than Septem e l , 1989 by the Mayor, through the open appointments process , ith the consent of the Council ; and, be it 4 WHITE - GTV CLERK � PINK � - FINANCE C I TY OF ���� A I NT PA U L Council tCANARV - DEPARTMENT �+(� 'BtiU� - MAVOR File �O. �I �, V, �� � ��� oun ' esolution ; ,: , � Presented By � �'�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED, that e to the January 1 , 1990 date for operation of the Housing Co rt the 3PR Task Force shall offer its support and assistance t t e Ramsey County District Court' s Administrator' s office duri g the implementation stage ; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that h term of this Task Force shall expire two years after the fi st meeting convened by Councilmember Rettman and Commissioner Hunt. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rery �� � Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ^� �� �� G���'I✓C!O��— •� � Certified P�s Council e BY��� � � � � � By� � '�9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv '1 y Mavor. D e _ � — - ; � By BY ' PUBtlStlm a�� - 5 198 . - � . � . . �c d-�- i��� Community and Human Services Committe COMMITTEE REPORT July 20, 1989 Page Two 6. Resolution that Janice Rettman, r pr enting the Council of the Cit Saint Paul, and Rub Hunt, repres t' g Ramsey County, convene a meeting to establish a Pro ert Rights, P pe ty Responsibilities, Property Remedies Task Force (hereinafter fe red to as "3PR") . (Referred to � Community and Human Services Comm' te on 7/13/89 - laid over at Council to 7/27/89 to allow Committee revi w. Substitute resolution recommended or approval, with amendment, on 3-0 vote. Amendment: One representat've from Fire and Safety Services, to be added on page 3, under the "Tas F rce" paragraph. -..--.-...__.. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr � v�.�--� • ' Members: � " ' '�.-'�` I . CITY OF SAINZ` PA.UL Janice Rettman, ch�ir � '� ,,,f;.,;,,�' ' Biil Wilson `�;r_�;n.i��, . •'�� OFFICE OF '1`HE CITY COUNCIL Bob L��y Date: July 20, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN �o�n�ilperson, Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council � From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair _ A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, July 19, 1989. l. Approval of Minutes of July 5, 1989 meeting. Minutes approved a 3-0 vete. 2. Library Community Response (discussion item after District Councils' review of new proposed strategic plan) . (Laid over to July 5, 1989 at Bill Wilson's request.) (Laid over to July 19, 1989.) Substitute resolution recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. Further discussion on staff needs to be addressed in August, 1989. 3. City Council Agenda 6/6/89, Item No. 2: First Reading - 89-1001 - An ordinance amending Section 409.26 of the Legislative Code allowing fines to be imposed in lieu of suspensions. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) Laid over to August 2, 1989 for draft ordinance to be composed using the seating capacity rationale in lieu of fines in the matrix on all items except Numbers 1, 2, 3, 7 and 10. 4. City Council Agenda 5/4/89, Item No. 23: Resolution - 89-775 - Authorizing proper City Officials to execute an agreement with the Juel Fairbanks Chemical Dependency Services for the purpose of staging the Annual Indian Traditional Open House and Feast. Resolution No. 89-775 was recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. Recommendation to correct the problem to be submitted••to the City Council for action item. 5. Update on Parks. In compliance with the goal that the City Council set out for the Community and Human Services Committee, an update on the League of Women Voters work on the Parks System and on the Saint Paul and Ramsey County Parks Task Force--pertinent information prior to the Committee's adoption of a strategy plan giving direction to the Division of Parks and Recreation. Will continue discussion. Reports were heard. We will continue to work on this. CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUI_, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 6��46 N;MITE - �ITV �LERK, PIN� - F,+NAN�E • COIIflCIl G CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF S NT PAUL % � OLUE -MwvOR File NO. L ��� Council solution Presented By � �� ef rred To � �'�'` � �'�"�� Committee: Date �r����✓ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, many residents and communi aders of the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County have consistently expr ss concern with deteriorating housing conditions occurring; and WHEREAS, it is imperative for Ramse C nty Commissioners and the City Council of Saint Paul to maintain strong r erty values; and WHEREAS, it is a fact that deteriorati housing adversely impacts said market values; and WHEREAS, deteriorating housing conditio s remain a serious threat to the livability and property values of Saint P ul neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and m ey County have continually developed housing programs to ensure "saf a d decent" housing for all residents; and I WHEREAS, the Citq of Saint Paul, dur ng 1989, actively supported State � legislation, Senate File 522, for a Housi g lendar Consolidation Pilot Project, otherwise known as a "Housing Co rt'; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota House, Senate an Governor's Office have approved a three-qear pilot Housing �Court with nee ed appropriationa; and WHEREAS, a Housing Court will be abl t consolidate the hearing and determina tion of ma tters rela ting to resi en ial rental housing, and ensuring continuity and consistency in the disposi io of these cases; and WHEREAS, the Housing Calendar Consol da ion Project (Housing Court) will consolidate the hearing and determination of all proceedings, under MN. Statutes, Chapters 504 and 566; crimi 1 and civil proceedings related to Page 1 of COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays equested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz - Rettman B scheibe� A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cerlified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Ailavor: Date pproved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY . , �� + . . . ���r����� violations of any State, County or Cit H alth, Safety, Housing, Building, Fire Prevention, or Housing Maintenanc C de; escrow of rent proceedings; landlord-tenant damage action, and act on for rent and rent abatement; and WHEREAS, the Housing Court will b a le to restore the tagging procedure used by enforcement officials as a via le enforcement tool; and WHEREAS, Ramsey County and the Ci y f Saint Paul demonstrated their willingness to work together in review ng pertinent data prior to the adoption of the Housing Court by the State of M nn sota. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, t t he Council of the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County support the implementat on of the Housing Consolidation Calendar Project (Housing Court) ; and RESOLVED, that the City of Saint au and Ramsey County work together to fight additional neighborhood deterio ti n of housing values and housing conditions; and RESOLVED, that it is acknowledged t t it is the responsibility of Ramsey County Courts to implement the ud cial intent of the legislation; and RESOLVED, that it is the responsi il ty of the City of Saint Paul to con tinue to work wi th the Coun ty in t i plemen ta tion of the Housing Cour t; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jani e ettman, representing the Council of the Citq of Sain t Paul, and Ruby Hun t, r resen ting Ramsey Coun ty, convene a meeting to establish a Property Right , operty Responsibilities, Property Remedies Task Force (hereinafter refe red to as "3PR"); and FURTHER RESOLVED, tha t the City f int Paul and Ramsey County will crea te a 3PR Task Force which will co si t of: - Citizen Representa tives; - Represen ta tive from City Counc 1 Sain t Paul (Janice Re ttman); - Representative from Ramsey Cou tq ommissioners (Ruby Hunt); - Representative to be appointed by the Chief Judge of Ramsey County District Court; - Representative from the City A to ey's Office; - Representative from the Ramsey Co ty Attorney's Office; - Representa tives from various h us g groups, including Saint Paul Tenants Union, Minnesota Multi Ho sing Association, Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, Publi H using Agencq, and Ramseq Action Programs. Pag 2 of 4 . . � : , . . �-����� - 2 Members appoin�ted by the S ta te e sla ture (one from the Sena te and House, respectively) ; - Representatives from the Saint P 1 ivision of Public Health; - Representative from the Ramsey C un Community Human Services; - Representa tive from the Housing f ma tion Office; - Representative from the Ramsey C un Sheriff's Office; - Representative from the Board of Re tors. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that t e uties and responsibilities of the 3PR Task Force will be to review all re v t facts and to de termine methods of mitigating neighborhood housing in t e ity of Saint Paul ar�d Ramsey County, and to make recommendations for le islative changes to the State, County, and City Officials. The 3PR Ta k orce will have at least the following subcommittees: 1. Housing/Building Code Enforcem nt eview Committee charged with reviewing State, County and Ci ' ealth, Safety, Housing, Building, Fire Prevention, or Housing Ma nt ance Code, and updating the same to be a more effective enforce en tool, and to enhance and streamline the accessing of Ho si g Court. 2. Community Human Services Commi te will identify State, County and City social service agencies t f cilitate and implement a comprehensive social service d li ery system for those living in deteriorated housing condition i entified by the Housing Court. 3. City/County Homeownership Acce si g Committee (HAC) will review and develop pilot programs to enab e x-forfeited property to be accessed by ren ters wishing to be ome homeowners throughout the City and County. Such program idea w 11 identify successful ways that neighborhoods can stop further ho sing deterioration, minimize the impact that tax-forfeited land ha on surrounding properties. Further, this committee will r vi w ways to have a homeownership training program available to 11 who access these homes. 4. Absentee Landlord Committee wi 1 eview ways to encourage absentee landlords to maintain their ho si g and property to comply with all Codes. Page 3 of 4 WW:Tfi -tITV Cl6RK � ♦ PINK - FINANCE COl1RC11 CANARV - dEPARTMENT G I TY O�� I NT PA U L Elle NO. � /� �� BLUE - MAVOR � �- , Council esolution Presented B ,y�i �----� Ref rred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this tas force shall be jointly staffed by the Ramsey County Commissioners Office, Citq Council Office, and Mayor's Administration. With the implementati the Housing Court, appointments will be made no later than September 1, 1 9, and the PR3 Task Force will be convened by County Commissioner Hunt a ty Councilmember Rettman on or before September 15, 1989. With the H s g Court timeline of January 1, 1990, or earlier, it will be the respo ib lity of the task force to work closely wi th the Houaing Cour t in i ts pl men ta tion s tra tegq. Appoin tmen ts will be made through the open appointm ts process by the Mayor's Adminis tra tion wi th the Ci ty Council's p oval. � Page 4 f 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g tn Favor coswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY gl, Approved by 4lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coancil gy By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO11flC1I �//� C.'1NARV� pEPARTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL /q.�� (9jLUE - MAYOR „ File NO. �� Council lution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Chapter 293 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Noise Regulations" p ovides authority for the City Council to grant a variance rom the restrictions set forth therein based on a finding o an unreasonable hardship upon the variance applicant and co;niu ' ty; and WHEREAS , Riverfest Educa�- on 1 I'�,irs , lnc . is under contract with the City to promote and o duc�t an event called "Riverfest" to be held at Harriet Island on July 28 through August 6 , 1989 ; and WHEREAS , Riveriest Educ ti nal Fairs , Inc . applied for a variance and the City C n il conducted a public hearing on said application on July 6 , 19 9 ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , that tne City o cil finds that an unreasonable ha-rdship would fall upon bo the applicant and community in facilitating the successful st gi g of Riverfest unless a variance is granted, but subject to he following conditions and limi- tations : ( 1 ) The entire event sh 11 cease operation no later than 11 : 30 P.M. on each day thereof (2) Shows on the area i e tified as the Main S�age shall finish no later than 11 :p0 P.M. d ring the event. (3) Shows on the areas i entified as the Variety Stage and Kid' s Stage shall finis o later than 9 : 00 P.M.. Sunday through Thursday, and 9 : 30 Fr ' da and Saturday during the event. (4) Shows at the area id ntified as River Stage shall finish no later than 11 : 00 P.M. e ch day of the event. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor 2� Goswitz Rettman , s�6e;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form A v by Ci t rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � / � �d^$ gy. 6lpproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By BY . ��-i��� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCFJOOUNqL public DATE INITIATED _ h �_ o- GREEN SHEET No. ?N�6 CONTACT PERSON d P E D ARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNGL Peter T. Kishel 292-7718 �� C AITORNEY �/ �cmrcxe�c MUST BE ON COUNpLIK�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUifl�Ki B DQET DIRECTOfi �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICEB DIR. Juiy 13, 1989 voR�op�ssisr�wr, ❑ TOTAL A►OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP A�L L TI NS FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: City Council resolution ratifying a var an e to Chapter 293 (Saint Paul Noise Ordinance) RECOMMENDATIONB:A�►ovs py a Rs�x.K(Fp CO!lNqL REPORT OPTiONAL ANALYBT PNOME NO. _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CML BERVICE COMMISSION _pB OOMMIT7EE _ COMMENTB: _8TAFF — _DISTRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHIfYi COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whero,Why): The sound level variance will allow sou d evels in excess of those in Chapter 293 (Saint Paul Noise Ordinance) for Riverf st to be held July 28 - August 6, 1989 at Harriet Island in Saint Paul. The varia ce provides that at all times through the duration of said event, that it conform t the conditions and limitations set forth in the attached resolution. A public he ri g was held on July 6, 1989. ADVANTAQEB IF APPROVED: Riverfest will be able to provide enter ai ment that produces sound levels exceeding the limits set in Chapter 293 (Saint Pa 1 oise Ordinance) . 1 asnowwr�oes iF�rPaoveo: Sound levels at the mix of 110 dba wil be more than twice as loud as the 100 dba allowed for the 1987 and 1988 Riverfes e nts. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Riverfest would be unable to provide e te ainment such as live music that would meet the sound level limits as set in ha ter 293 (Saint Paul Noise Ordinance) . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 3,OOO.00 COST/pEVENUE BUD�iETED(CIRCLE ONL� � NO ��,�p�NQ�q� Noise Enforcement ACTIVITY NUMBER 33262 FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� I 7 1 �, `' NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PUFiCHASINCi OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). r ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS (assum�suthorized COUNGI RESOWTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepaRment Director 2. Initlating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AssistaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gtity Council 6. Finance AxouMing 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER (Budget COUNGL RESOWTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attomey 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAs�istant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Axountant, Fin&Mgmt Sres. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepartmeM 2. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and PBperc��P each of these pages• ACTION REQUESTED Deacribe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete aente�. Begin each item in your liat with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public �� a private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE� Indicate whlch Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSIN(3, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE(2UESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or condRions that created a need br your project or request. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speci�ic wa in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benet'it from this pro�icUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?WhenT For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequenc�s if the promi$ed action is not approved? InabiBty to deliver service7 Continued high trafNc, noise, accident rate7 Loss of revenue7 FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two queations: How much is it going to cosYt Who is goi�g to pay? ; � . � . C��-/��� ( 5) All radio station t ds shall be limited to a sound pressure level of 80 dBA ef re 10:00 P.M. and 70 dBA after 10 : 00 P.M. as measured 50 fee rom the stand. (6) All carnival ride us ' c , sirens , bells and all other public address systems (exc pt for radio station stands ) shall be turned off by 10: 00 P.M. S nday through Thursday, and 10 : 30 P.M. Friday and Saturday duri g the event. (7) The following soun evel limits (dBA Fast Response) shall be maintained: A. Main Stage : Sound Mix shall e located 125 feet from the front of the Ma n Stage with a 110 dBA sound level limit b tween the hours of 7 : 00 P.M. and 11 : 00 .M and 100 dBA between 12 : 00 noon and 7 :00 P. . B. Variety, River and id ' Stages : If the sound mix i located 25 feet from the front of the e stages , there shall be a 98 dBA; if the ound mix is located 50 feet from the fro t of these stages , there shall be a 95 d A; and if the sound mix is located 100 fee rom the front of these stages , there shall be a 92 dBA. All measurements in t is paragraph shall be taken at the sound mi and at a minimum of 3 feet above the a di nce . If a sound mix is not provided, me su ements shall be taken at the distances shown ( 8) An acoustical curt i shall be suspended from the rear of the Main Stag� roo xtending down i:o the Mairi Stage floor and covering the enti e width of said stage , excluding the speaker wings . (9) A sound abatement w l constructed of 5/8" sheetrock, laminated, between two she 'ts of plywood, shall be erected behind each speaker wing a d shall extend 3 feet beyond the outermost speakers and 3 feet ab ve the highest speakers . t-J JVMlTE - CI7V CLERK PINK �- FINANCE COUIICII //7�h/ C`'NARV - D€PARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL ��1' /p[ /� BLUE �- MAVOR . File NO• Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ( 10) Riverfest Educati n 1 Fairs , Inc . shall maintain continuous sound level moni o ing to insure that sound levels comply with the decibel limit 'n the variance. ( 11 ) Riverfest Educatio al Fairs , Inc. shall work closely and cooperate fully with the i ision of Public Health. ( 12) The Division of P bl c Health shall have full access to all locations needed to en u e compliance with this variance. and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that he Division of Public Health shall serve a copy of this resol t ' on on Mr. Randy Levy, an officer for Riverfest Educational Fai s , Inc . 3. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ` ��e--- _� In Favor Goswitz � �� Rettman � Scheibe�—� A gai n s t BY Sonnen �e- � i � For pproved y Ci orne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e � ncil retas� � � —!a_� r � Bl. ' -� � „ �� ; ,, Approve y Ulavor: Date � � �$� Approved by Mayor for Submission to C ncil By BY ; � PUB11Sl� J U L 2 � 198�: �'�- /� �� � s°��'°� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �° �:� �; �� OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY ;r iiii�i�ii u �;= ��.. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY `"RUn�,n_°„�°'�� 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121- MAYOR RECEIVED JUL 141989 cir� c�t�� M E M O R A N D U M DATE : July 13 , 1989 TO: Albert Olson City Clerk FROM : Edward P. Starr City Attorney I have received your letter of J 1 10 , 1989 requesting a resolu- tion implementing the action f the City Council granting a variance from the noise source t Riverfest Educational Fairs , Inc . Paul McCloskey of our office h s een assigned to prepare this matter by July 21 . Workload, va at ' on schedules or other problems may result in this deadline no b ing met , but if not , I have asked the assirned attorney to c m nicate with you in writing as to his or her progress with your re uest . If our proposed deadline does n t eet your needs , please advise me or Jane McPeak and we will r to accommodate circumstances which require special considerat ' on EPS/mkc <. � - w WNITE - C�TV CIERK � /� �� PINK - FIN/1NCE CO�IIICII CANAi7Y - DEPARTMENT GITY OF S INT PALTL e�uE -M.,�oR File NO. � _ Counci lution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of t �e Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Noise Regulations" p ovides authority for the City Council to grant a variance rom the restrictions set forth therein based on a finding o an unreasonable hardship upon the variance applicant and co u ' ty; and WHEREAS , Riverfest Educat'on 1 Fairs , Inc. is under contract with the City to promote and o duct an event called "Riverfest" to be held at Harriet Island on July 28 through August 6, 1989; and WHEREAS , Riverfest Educ ti nal Fairs , Inc. applied for a variance and the City Co n il conducted a public hearing on said application on July 6 , 19 9; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, that the City ou cil finds that an unreasonable hardship would fall upon bot he applicant and community in facilitating the successful st gi g of Riverfest unless a variance is granted, but subject to e following conditions and limi- tations : ( 1 ) The entire event sha 1 cease operation no later than 11 : 30 P.M. on each day thereof. (2) Shows on the area i en ified as the Main Stage shall finish no later than 11 :p0 P.M. d ring the event. (3) Shows on the areas id ntified as the Variety Stage and Kid' s Stage shall finish n later than 9:00 P.M.. Sunday through Thursday, and 9: 30 Fri a and Saturday during the event. (4) Shows at the area ' d ntified as River Stage shall finish no later than 11 : 00 P.M. e h day of the event. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �►� In Favor Goswitz �.�.J Rettman , Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form A v by Ci t rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY c / � �—g By /Approved by A4avor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to ouncil � (5) All radio station stands shall be limited to a sound pressur�e level of 80 dBA before 10 :00 P.M. and 70 dBA after 10:00 P.M. as measured 50 feet from the stand. (6) All carnival ride music , sirens , bells and all other public address systems (except for radio station stands) shall be turned off by 10:00 P.M. Sunday through Thursday, and 10: 30 P.M. Friday and Saturday during the event. (7) The following sound level limits (dBA Fast Response) shall be maintained: A. Main Stage: Sound Mix shall be located 125 feet from the front of the Main Stage with a 110 dBA sound level limit between the hours of 7 :00 P.M. and 11 :00 P.M. and 100 dBA between 12: 00 noon and 7 :00 P.M. • B. Variety, River and Kids ' Stages : If the sound mix is located 25 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 98 dBA; if the sound mix is located 50 feet from the front of these stages, there shall be a 95 dBA; and if the sound mix is located 100 feet from the front of these stages , there shall be a 92 dBA. Al1 measurements in this paragraph shall be taken at the sound mix and at a minimum of 3 feet above the audience. If a sound mix is not provided, measurements shall be taken at the distances shown. (8) An acoustical curtain shall be suspended from the rear of the Main Stage roof extending down to the Main Stage floor and covering the entire width of said stage, excluding the speaker wings . (9) A sound abatement wall constructed of 5/8" sheetrock, laminated, between two sheets of plywood, shall be erected behind each speaker wing and sha�"1. extend 3 feet beyond the outermost speakers and 3 feet above the highest speakers. 2. � °.:��c��