89-1272 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O� SA I NT PA U L Council /��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. •J �oun ' Resolution Presented y '� eferred To ��'�--�'d�=�--' Committee: Date ��1� �7 Out f Committee By Date HEREAS , the most recen ire fighter examination given by the City o Saint Paul has been a tacked by the Minnesota Department of Huma Rights as being dis r 'minatory to women; and WHERE S , in conjuncti n with these charges the Minnesota Department f Human Rights i Rugust 1985 sought and received an order of he court prev n ing the City from hiring any fire fighters unti the trial n the charges has been completed, and a determina ' on and reme y stablished; and WHEREAS , as resulti o this hiring "freeze" the Fire Department is incurr �ng seri us problems in regard to availability of personnel for the arame ic program, availability of personnel for appointment to r gula ire fighting duties and serious financial problems bec use o overtime required to meet the problem of the hiring fre e a d WHEREAS , it is clearl n the best interest of the City of Saint Paul and the cit s of the City of Saint Paul to resolve this situation thr u discussion and settlement, if possible ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the Coun il of he City of Saint Paul declares its intent to reopen negoti t ons ith the Minnesota Department of Human Rights in an att m t to resolve this issue through settlement; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, tha he Counc ' 1 hereby requests the office of the City Attorne review 1 issues closely with the intent to identify an roposals wh' ch might serve as a basis for settlement discu si n and to r pen settlement dis- cussions with the Minnesota ep rtment of Hum Rights. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department f: Dimond ��g In Favo Gnswitz Rettman B Scheibel A ga i n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form pproved y Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By� Approved by (Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY � � � ,, �. ��,.; , . WHI7E� -GI TY CLERK `� ' . �.�.� r_`�" ' - ' .". �.f �:, . �• . ' . - PINK - FINANCE -.. �. . . � ..� �' ��{y� CANARV - DEPARTMENT COI�CII �- BLUE - MAVOp� . .- G.ITY O AINT�� .Pt1:UL File NO. � �'� { � � `� ; �Coun 'l �Zesolution �-�`' .�,�f .��' !� Presented By � r ' � � '�� ; Referred To ,�' Committee: Date ' ' ` � Out of Committee By Date � 1�R811S, �,t�e �qst recsn f r� fi�ttfr e�caa�ic�atior� giwani bp tt�e City of Saint Paul da►s bee:� a ed bY Ehe ldir�esota t)eparto�nt of Hv�an Ri�ts as being df �f r�atory to xoaen; ac�d �RA3, in co��ca�ctf Sth tlase cAargas the Miru�se�ta i3epartvent of �n Rigbts fn Aug�at I9s5 so�ht and raceived an orcler af the c�urt p t ng �tte City fra� hicing ar�y fir� fi�ters nntil th+� tr3a1 the charses ha� besn et�lat,ecf, and a det�rr�f�a►t�o�a a�d tab2�stu�d: a�d �. 1ft18REJ1.'�� i� i r�s�IC , this biri�q "f l"ee![f"' �A! F�7�`� Departws�t ia ix�ezurri,r�'�r� rt�laas i� re9ard to afai 2a�i 11 ty of per�ex�nel foc C�de �±±ara,aed rogr�, arai2ability oi peraeKUtiel for aypc�int�nt tar �2,ar f rt fi�ting duEies and seriamr ff�iai grable�s beci�;use f o�rertise raq�l.red t� wset the ' prcrblss of th� h�iri� fr��e; �R�REJ►S. it is c�sarl� i � best intere�t of tt�s City +af 8aiat Paul and the aiti �f t.t�s City 4f Saint Panl tc� resolve this situtation t di�sieyn a�r�i sett��ett. if . � possible; ncr�, tt�e�etarl. l� i �� �LY�D, that ttte Co�nci °#!�e City of 5aint � daclares i ts int�t tc� ra+op� �qe>Cis i `i�it.� tAt Mir�te�at�.a aspert,�ent . of Hu� R#�ta in a�n att � to �areso3ve this issw t�rc�uQh asttlewa�nt; and, b� 3t y� � FURTHSR ASSOLVSD. thst I heret�y rlq�ests tKe office ot the City Attorney a r�ria�r 1 3ssues eltissty with `the intent to 3dent#fy aa�r 2s �i eh si�t �er�r� as a basis for s�ttlswent discuss ar�i to settlemsnt dis- :-� , �31ass �ith the I�titu�s+�ta De r � af i�ua�n Ri�hta. � , �.� ��,- . , �, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department'of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman ��� Against BY Sonnen �'Vilson Form Approved by City Attorney �, Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Sectetary BY sy- � A►pproved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for'$ubmission to Council J By BY