89-1269 � `�/ �/ City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. 07" �oC�9 ,,� �, ��.....�.��..�,-� Resolution Ratifying and Confi mi g By ,��"�"�rr�'�"`"""`t",' ' .��1,y,'�'/�"',�,..,�"'<. Condemnation and Awards of D ma es ' Igg49 and Assessment Therefor File No. Votin� In the matter of tak3.ng a pexcaanant au �t o�r lund dsa�ribed ae part Southeaet�rl�+ ��&d� crf Sevanth Str�at t 1, Bla�k 12, ErunactA's� Addition for th� purpose flf i�pravi a,d maix�taiaing the �eventh St�+s�t Brid�e. b�tve:n I�ou�ds Bo v d a�d �ayns A�anua. under Administrative Order approvecL "� Preliminary Order $�"��4 approved +�pril 11, 1989 FinalOrder �g"��7 approvecL �Y 16, 19$9 A public hearing having been had upon t e t ing and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages the for, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now t eref re be it RESOLVED, That the taking and condem ati of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and ma a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set or in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said as ss nt of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitte t the District Court for confirmation. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �� 181989 Yeasp�ttd Nays Q,p���s Certifie a by Co il Secre ry �� � ���� �In F vor B li�e�eibal �� � Agai st � r �� Mayor PUB �JUL 2 9 1989 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. ��� ���� Report of Director of Financ BY ` on Condemnation of Lands 1#�� File No. ���3��� In the matter of taki�s� a pe��aqt +► �et t� Im�nd lt�t�e+crlh�d sa �a�rt �a¢lxea�t�t+��rl� ����, e�t Se�►�►�� Strwst � 1� B�.ca�ic 12, I����t��s A�ddtti�as fa� t�e p�t�a+�ee� a� i�p►Ya�ri,a s er�ir�esiai� !ha ��^�►s�th Stx+rst #ridg�r, b,��we�e� d� Ii�►�t a � Pa�� J►r�rx��. under Administrative Order ��` approve� �� Preliminary Order ��'"`�� approved "�`�'��`�' l�'' I��� FinalOrder �$"'�'S7 approved �`� ��+ 1��� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAU : The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value f e land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the award of amages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable� that he has also fixed a d ermined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, nd hat attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing e ndersigned's finding on said matters. Director of Finance t'�'; City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �s��� `1 Notice of Hearing in Condem ati n By -- --— Proceedings ���� File No. �oR:1�� In the matter of����� � � pu�ara+�w�a�, s� i� +da �,+��d d��e�r#bs� aa �st Saut�+�us�w�l,� ��`�,� ad 3�►wx��th 3trs+�t � 1, �t�oiak 12, 1s�u�ao�a'• ll�d�litf�a�s t�at t��r Fr�'r�e►�a +�� �a�t�a�r1 �3ntalsi� tb+� �swe�t� St�►��rt� �r�d�,r, �►�t�+��a !�� tr � � �"�ynt &irr��r. under Administrative Order """ approved ""' Preliminary Order �`�"`��'� approved +�1���= ��• ���� FinalOrder ��'"��� approved ��' ��r I�-�� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearin wi be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of t. aul, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to t e o ner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvements, and the persons to o such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the pro rty from the making of said improvement. Objection, to the taking of such lands or se ents therein, or the awards of damages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein f d r said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated Director of Finance .. . . ����9 DEPARTMENS�OFFICE/COUN L DATE IN ATE Finance Department/Real Estate 5/ 1/ GREEN SHEET No. 3���� CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 298-5317 �cm ArroRN�, 0 c��v cx��c MUBT BE ON OOUNCIL AQENDA BY(DA �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVI(�S OIR. Must be in City Cler�k.'������ce no �MAVOR(ORASSISTMII] � ('n�inril R TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP LL CATION8 FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: 1. Setting hearing date for an easeme t cquisition. 2. Approval of taking an easement to mp ove and maintain the Seventh Street Bridge Map attached File No.18549 RECOMMENDA110NH:Approve W a Rysa(i� COUN L MITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL qNp�Y PHONE NO. _PIANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _qB OOMMITTEE _ COMM _�HTAFF — _o�srRicr couRr — SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OB,IECTIVE7 INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Wlw,What,When.Whsrs,Wh�: In order to reconstruct the E. Seventh St eet Bridge over the Burlington Northern Right-of-w y, the Public Works Department needs to b il a retaining wall. This easement is needed to build and maintain that retaining wall.. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: Retaining wall can be reconstructed a intained WSADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: • The terrain of the land would make it im ractical to get to the retaining wall or maintenance without this permanent ea ement. Counc�l Res�arch Center ��i� 01 i°8�J TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) (YE� NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) 1988 Municipal State Aid Funds . ! � ��9� �a�� � � i , ��� �� � INCE & ISZT, P.A. ATT RN YS AT LAW SU E 312 8900 en Avenue South Minnea lis, innesota 55431 12) 881-8805 RICHARD T. INCE I MARVIN A. USZT ul 17, 19 8 9 ���'�V�D ' J�� j 81989 i c�ryC��.�,K City Clerk ; Room 386 ; City Hall i 18 West 4th Street St. Paul, MN. Re: Condemnation Pr ce dings File No. 18549 Dear Sir: Enclosed please find N tice of Objection to Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings. � Sincerely, INCE & LISZT, P.A. ° � �.� �.�_..� , .�°��� n A'� p ����.�� ichard T. Ince �'� RTI:mis Encl. � I I I i ,.�9- / �� � NOTICE OF OBJECTION TO HEARING IN CO D ATION PROCEEDINGS File No. 18549 Naegele Outdoor Adv r ising Inc. herewith objects to the proposed award of damage or: Taking a permanent ea ement on land described as part Southeasterly of S v th Street of Lot 1, Block 12 , Brunson's Addition f r the purpose of improving and maintaining the Se en h Street bridge, between Mounds Boulevard and Payne A nue. The basis of the o 'e tion is that said award does not give just compensation for th king. �i INCE & LISZT, P.A. i �� �' Richard T. Ince #48835 Attorney for Naegele Outdoor Advertising, Inc. 8900 Penn Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 (612) 881-8805 �cF��� J�,j` 0 �rr� 18��89 ����k � i � � ���• �� '� p � VI 11 \ 1\Vl ln ' � ' � �f � • ' � � C�� ��� 3s /� 6 � _J 's'o • a � ' �NQ �/� R D . '� '� P'�/�'i�''�E''rr G'As�'� ,� .. . .: . .. �,�„ c � o� � �� �t 78.04_ � � Z �c � 0 i e� � 1 l 2+ � � S � � _� p � ' ' o 0 0 ; J� c 3 � ,� 2 h Q , , �� �9� �o �o; -- - �9�•- - - - . � �j S° 5° �° n�j VAG io-�975 Doc t9 Z�4I o7/ 3 0 2,o i — - - /9Z.7s; - - - - - �" �� o' S� ,� � 46 0 �, � 6 i � , � 3 � - yy 'E � , � �3�� h I oo °O � � .� y° / ' '� o , � � ,0 4 � �� 7�� � '��, { ..� 2C p ,` � � ���}9: / '�O . � � A V E . ° � ,:`'� . . o . � , -.,,�� W o �� �Z z2_�9+: � ., D , N � � % S i Z I S� SO - � � ` ' ✓�` 5 • � 20 29,4) � (�o�7 �� , , � � 6/�o � ��3� �L . . � o�i ` ) Q� p I,, � ��+' • � � °�S� V � p' Q O �+ 3 i � , � 7 � �I � � I �102� �' � � k ��/ i iz � 51�• � , i � � i � 1°.i ° — - 1 � - o � � 30 2.c� �- - - r - �- - q`� �1 I �C°'o� � � � � 08 0 �u � i / � i �� �2 ,� 12 0°' �' ': i r' 7 8 o Q ' . � ~ . ' ; � o�o (to5�� (� ���� ' �,) , � �L Q � 02-03L0 _�� $C� � � � � _p l��p _ _ SO SO� 3� 020 v , � 2S � � V C to-.'_5-� 5 Doc 1 O ,� � � � .. ..,» r . � •. . ...• e . - �- - - - - - - - - - - - � i I i � � � / f�REA- D F .,� - � � pElt�rg.�E�✓`T �. E f�-5F_/"�Eiv"� .\ . . ���"���y l�;����� ����a�... ���;� F �.���:�.. ; , . : , � - Councii Fiie�No.89-1055-.By Sehe4bel,Tom Dimond-- � .. `Tn the Ma#ter of takirig a `' ar�ent eaae�ent on.�nQ des�erilred �_Fsu�t -- Sout2i+easEier'2y'of Seveatlt St of t'1, Bloclr'i�t.$i�inso�'�•Addit�ag irjr tbe purpc�se of improving and ' t ing the 3eventh Street Bridge, between!• ! Motmds Bouls�ard a:ed Psyne ue in Y+o�iag,ii��`2•,ir 7'::�ier<P'nel#�nfpai�y ; Or�r-89-69�1=approved Apa�i.11 1 F�sa#�Qrder�i-85?appt+o�u�Ad,ay i^�.::1l�9:� : The Llirector tif Finance hav s bmitted his report in the alao�►e°i�att�t�,t� the amaunt of`8araa�ges awarde fo the tei�irig b�the lau�d or�b•E�r�n ' a�roprf ated for the above imp v ent and to whofla psysabl,e;atpd al�l�}� sul�itteci his assessment of 't�,-to pmpert3* from. the rnaking of said ixaprovement,therefore be it � BE30LVED,That the said ent oi btrietita be s�nd the same is hereby approvecl. , RE3QLVED FURT'I�#�,' at �pubiic heArin� be had betare the Coc�ncil _ upon asid reprort and fi�r a' o�si the aRa�of @arnages�ri�rade by t�e .:: Direeter.ad[Einaaoe�a�>also� aed���of:benetitag;��tl��o�,u�31 C�Sbes..ia t}�e Co�rt��esae =4i�t.�Pat�3�oa�Lhe 18t��3 ot'Jt �1� .;. at tiie.h�ot-�e:�cic:��, . .tl�e-�itretor of'I�an�ce _ ;is�,� direets�to gi�re a�it#ce o#aaid as-Presctibl�d bg tlie G�e]F. - -Ftl�Nc!:°185�4$ • . ' , . 1�Ta�p3�d'b�t�Cdiu�ii.J -13, 1�9: . , . - , Appmved dune.14,.1969. : y - �4,:;19� i�v ,� t,,. ,:, r . - . ; . . , ,�. ,. . . , , . , � �y��b 9 - ' Members: (�` CITY SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair _ Janice Rettman e1�����ri�� OFFICE O TFI� CITY COUN(7IL _f� .� Tom Dimond '��" Date: July 5, 98 Co ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Cou I From :Public Works, Ut liti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswit , hair 1. Approval of min te of June 21, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearing Date 2. 7/18/89 Ratification of Aw rd of Damages: �Taking Approved a permanent eas me t on land described as part Southeaste ly of SEVENTH STREET of Lot 1 , Block 12 6 unson's Addition for , the purpose of mp oving and maintaining the SEVENTH STR ET BRIDGE between Mounds Blvd. and Payne Av nue. 3. 7/18/89 Final Order: A qu ring permanent easement Approved to construct, o er te and maintain street lighting on the No th side of KELLOGG BLVD. , to be in ta led in conjunction with the EAST KELLOG G TEWAY NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PRO RA PROJECT. . 4. 7/11/89 Final Order: I pr ving MARKET STREET from Laid over in Fifth Street to Si th Street by removing committee 2 the existing pa em nt and constructing a weeks. brick surface o a new bituminous or concrete base, on tructing tree planters and planting tr es constructing a decorative glob t pe lighting system and doing all other wo k necessary and incidental to s id improvement. CITY HALL SEVENTI F UR SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 55102 d�46 � - � � - � ,,������ 5. Final Orders: Sidewalk cons ru tion and/or reconstruction at the follo in locations: 7/11/89 S-8938 - Both s'de E. ARLINGTON AVENUE Approved from Hazelwood tr et to Germain St. , S-8939 - Both side BARCLAY STREET from E. Ivy Avenue to E. lington Avenue, S-8940 - Both side E. COTTAGE AVENUE from N. White Bear en e to Flandrau Street, S-8941 - Both ide E. HAWTHORNE AVENUE from Edgerton . o Payne Avenue, S-8942 - Both id E. HAWTNORNE AVENUE from N. White ea Avenue to Van Dyke Street, 7/11/89 S-8943 - Both id s E. IDAHO AVENUE from Approved East Shore Dri e o Duluth Street, S-8944 - Both id s NEBRASKA AVENUE .�rom Hazelwood Stre t o Germain Stre�t, S-8945 - South si e E. ORANGE from Forest Street to Cypr ss Street, S-8946 - Both id s REANEY AVENUE from N. White Bear Ave ue to Van Dyke Street, S-8947 - Both id s LA CROSSE AVENUE from N. Ruth Street to Nokomis Avenue, 7/11/89 S-8948 - West id NOKOMIS AVENUE from E. Approved Magnolia Avenu t E. Geranium Avenue, with Amendment S-8949 - East id BARCLAY STREET from Approved Conway to E. T ir Street, with stipulation . S-8950 - Both id s N. HOWARD STREET from Approved E. Seventh Str et to Stillwater Avenue, 7/11/89 S-8951 - Both id s LAKE STREET from Bush Approved Avenue to E. S ve th Street, S-8952 - North si e MANITOU AVENUE from Iroquois Avenu t Ruth Street, and West side N. RUTH S RE T from Manitou Avenue to Stillwater Ave ue S-8953 - North si e E. SEVENTH STREET from Railroad Bridg t North Street S-8954 - South si e E. THIRD STREET from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street. � J � � � ���-i��9 7/20/89 S-8955 - Both s de BORDNER PLACE from S. Laid over Cleveland to Re ur Court, until next S-8956 - Both s de S. FINN STREET from available Hampshire Avenu t Magoffin Avenue, committee S-8957 - North id LINCOLN AVENUE from S. meeting. Fairview Avenue to S. Wheeler Street, S-8958 - South id MONTREAL AVENUE from Davern Street t S Fairview Avenue, S-8959 - Both s de PALACE AVENUE from S. Fairview Avenue to S. Wheeler Street, 7/20/89 S-8960 - Both s de ROME AVENUE from S. Laid over Fairview Avenue to S. Howell Street, until next S-8961 - Both s'de ST. PAUL AVENUE from available Montreal Avenue to Edgcumbe Road, committee S-8962 - Both s'de SARGENT AVENUE from S. meeting. Snelling Avenue to S. Saratoga Street, S-8963 - Both side STANFORD AVENUE from S. Fairview to . heeler Street. 7/20/89 S-8964 - Both id DESNOYER AVENUE from Laid over Eustis Street o rfew Street, until next available committee meeting. 7/20/89 S-8965 - New s de alk construction on the Approved North side EAS K LLOGG BLVD. from Broadway Stree t approximately 233 feet east of Broadw y treet. S-8928 - North si e OTIS AVENUE from Laid over Pelham Blvd. t E stis; (480 & 486 Otis until next laid over in C mm ttee 6/21/89) . available committee meeting. 6. 7/13/89 Ratification �o A sessments: Improving Approved COTTAGE AVENUE fr m Galtier Street to Rice Street (to be no n as the COTTAGE/GALTIER PAVING AND LIG TI G PROJECT) . Work completed summ r f 1988. 7. 7/13/89 Ratification o A sessments: Construction Approved of the skyway ri ge crossing over FOURTH STREET between Si ley and Jackson Streets. To be complet b fall of 1989. 8. 7/13/89 Ratification f ssessments: For the Approved construction f sanitary sewer and service conne ti ns in BREEN STREET from Hyacinth Aven e o Hawthorne Avenue. Work completed in 98 . �� - ��9 9. RESOLUTION 89-1 46: Directing the Public Approved, Works Director o egotiate with all 3-1 parties stated o he 1987 discharge incidents to fu ly recover appropriate shares of fines le ied on the City by State or Federa r gulatory agencies and that all monies re overed for the 1987 discharge incid nt be deposited in the Sewer Service F nd with appropriate budget amendments to b m de in 1989 to recover revenue to pay or fines levied against the City. (Ref rr d to Committee 6/15/89) . 10. Ordinance 89-10 2: An ordinance granting Approved permission to B ri ngton Northern Railroad Company to cons ru t, operate and maintain an OPTICAL FIBE C MMUNICATIONS CABLE in the public righ -o -way from the Burlington Nort er tracks south of I-94's Sixth Street Ra p o the Burlington Northern office o Fifth Street between Sibley and Jack on (Referred to Committee 6/6/89) . 11. Resolution '89-1 09 Amending the 1986 CIB Approved budget by addin $ 52,000 for SHEPARD ROAD consulting desi n ees. (Referred to Committee 6/6/8 ) . 12. Resolution 89-7 0: Requesting the Mayor Laid over to direct the D pa tment of Finance and until first Management to r du e by $28,000 the 1989 committee assessment agai st properties which did meeting in not receive pro is d street cleaning August services in the Fa 1 of 1988. (Referred back to Comm�tt e /8/89) . 13. Street and Alle A sessment Notices. (Laid Laid over over in Committ e /21/89) . 14. Resolution 89-3 3: Plan to phase out Laid over certain water s st ms. (Laid over in Committee 6/21/ 9) 15. Ratification of As essment for Summary Delete the Abatement for p op rty at 2279 Summit Assessment Avenue (PIN 05- 8- 3-13-0067) . Referred (not to Committee 6/ 3/ 9) . Approved) � � � . ��y���9 16. Ordinance 89-11 2: n ordinance amending Approved Ord. No. 17443 do ed March 17, 1987 by adding parking et zones on SIXTH STREET on the south si e om Robert to Jackson Streets. (Refer ed o Committee 6/22/89) . 17. Resolution 89-1137: Authorizing the Approved Director of Public orks to issue to Macalester Coll e r to a licensed and bonded contract r permit to reconstruct sidewalk adjace t the College, subject to terms and co i ions. (Referred to Committee 6/22/ ) . 18. Final Order: Co st cting a water main in Approved WHEELOCK PARKWA f m Edgemont Street to 170 feet east o E emont Street. Also construct water se ice connections. Constructing a ani ary sewer in WHEELOCK PARKWAY from Ed em t Street to 170 feet east of Edgemon S eet. Also, construct sanitary sewer r ice connections. (Laid over indefinitel i Committee) . 19. Resolution 89-2 5: Authorizing approval Approved of Ramsey Count pl ns to construct LARPENTEUR` betw n 5-E and Edgerton, bridge construc ion over Soo Line RR and , right-of-way ac uis'tion. (Laid over indefinitely in o ittee) . 20. RESOLUTION: Lot spl 't in conjunction with Approved the above 2 ite . 21. Other Business. None .