89-1265 ciTV oF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FILE N0. d�Ws� FINAL ORDER By LAID OVER TILL JULY 18, 1989 FileNo. S4948 and S8953 Voting In the Matter of sidewalk construct on and/or reconstruction at the following Ward locations: 6 58948 West side Nokomis Aven e rom E. Magnolia Avenue to E. Geranium Avenue 7 S8953 PROJECT TO BE AMENDED S OLLOWS: North side E. Seventh tr et from the E. Seventh Street bridge to North Street and the st side Maria Avenue from E. Seventh Street to approximately 12 feet o h of E. Seventh Street. (with Integral Curb) under Preliminary Order 89-989 and 89— 88 approved July 11, 1989 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has con ucted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the Ci y C arter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all person , o 'ections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, th refo e, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City f S int Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby rec d and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the c pl tion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the sa e t the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date JUL 1 81989 Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz Certified P ed by Council Secretary Long Rettman In F vor By Scheibel � � �n Aga st •s—�.-�;.�..r.�, � ayor �p� J U L 2 9 1989 ' ' RE 7/1 /8 � g' l�l03 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITI D Finance Department/Real Estate 7/11 89 GREEN SHEET NO. 3���TE CONTACT PER80N 3 PHON DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 298-5317 ,�,�� NUMBER CITY ATTORNEY �CRY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� 7�18�89 ROUi1NO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's Of ice no MAYOR(ORASSISTMIT) [� Counc 1 Rese rch TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SKiNATUFI� ACT10N REQl1E8TED: On July 11, 1989, City Council Laid Ov r or 1 week the attached sidewalk construction/ reconstruction pro�ects. Approve construction pro�ects so that or can proceed 58948 and 58953 REOOMMENDA7ION3:MPi�ove W a Relect(R) COUNCIL ITTEE/RESEAR�1 i�PORT OPTIONAL qNq�ygT PHONE NO. _PLMININ(i COMMIS810N _CIVIL 8ERVICE COMMISSION _qB COMMITTEE _ �STAFF _ COMM _DISTRICT CWRT — 8UPPORT3 WHlpi COUNpL OBJECfIVE9 Ward 2 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Wl�sn,Where,Why): ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: DI8ADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: ���t;c�� Research Center JUL 131989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUOGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWPn • � / —/ o!�'� � ' � RE 5/24/8 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEJCOUNqI DATE IN D Pub t i c blorks S i dewa 1 ks 5/3 9 GREEN SHEET No. I �g� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �NITWJ OATE INR1AUpATE DEPARTLAEM dRECfOR �qTY COUNpI Thomas P. Keefe - 292-6283 �� ar+r�Tror�r �GTYCLERK � ST 8E ON COUNpL AOENOA BV(DATE) llOtRiNG BUDOET OIRECTOR �FlN.�MfiT.SERVICES OIR. E�:` ..st be in City Clerk's Office no �R wrroncoR,�sr�rrr► OCounci 1 Research TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PA(iE3 (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Reconstruct Oid Defective and Unsafe Side ai s in Ward 7 {See attached list) File NO.s 58949 thru 58954 RECOMMENDATION3:Approw(A)a Rspct(F� COUNCIL OM ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PF10NE 1�• _PUINNINO COMMISSION _qVIL$ERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ C�MENT : _DISTRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVET INITL4TINa PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,WMn,Whers.Wh�: The problem "defective side��ralk" was crea ed because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade r,^,aterial , alternatinc7 freeze/thaw cycles , se vice life limits , chemical additives, extreme temperature variations , etc, Tnese proble s ccur on a citywide level and must be ad�ressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left un or ected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it tyould be rendered unusab e nd subject to increased eedestrian injuries fron falls and �ossible liti�ations. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: l ie corr�unity will benefit from this proj ct because it will provide safe defect free side- walks for its many citizens. The sidewalk co tracts are executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are c ea ed as a result of this activity. DISADVANTACiES If APPHOVEO: Historically� tf�e side��alk reconstruction n ve created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Si ol stated � property owners detest assessments , and despite the fact up to one-half the a se sment is City subsidized � it still remains controversial , DI3ADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVEO: This option would allow the infrastructur o sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, ul imately resulting in the expenditure of larqer dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or re lacement , as �yell as claim payouts. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 76,629.OO CpgT UE BUDGETE GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINCi SOURCE $9�'1-0658 A. P I A 89 = 384 , 0� A�ryRy NUMBER A2201 — �2�5� FlNANCIAL INfORMATION:(EXPUIM ' � C. Cia 89 = 50, oo ;