89-1261 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO11I1CII CANARV - DEPARTMENT � . , . G I TY OF A I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� ���� - ounci esolution �--� Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Acting Dir ct r of the Department of Human Rights has received a charge asking hi to investigate whether there are reasonable grounds to believ t at Respondent Amateur Bowlers Tour has discriminated, on the ba is of sex against Joe Big Bear, in violation of St. Paul Legisl ti e Code Section 183 . 07 ; and WHEREAS, the Acting Dir ct r of the Department of Human Rights has conducted such investiga io and found probable cause exists to support such allegations; an WHEREAS, the Acting Dir ct r of the Department of Human Rights has unsuccessfully attempted to resolve, conciliate and compromise , the conflict between the par ie ; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul L gi lative Code Sections 183 .20 and 183 . 24 provide that civil en or ement proceedings be instigated by the Acting Director of th D partment of Human Rights and such hearings are to be presided ve by a chairperson and law officer; and WHEREAS, a hearing has ee scheduled for July 24, 1989 ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the St. Pa 1 ity Council, that the City of St. Paul, by its Human Right D partment, is authorized to retain the services of Thomas Gmein er Attorney at Law, at the rate of $50 . 00 per hour for services as law officer relative to the complaint of Mark Robertson, Acting Di ec or, Department of Human Rights, ex rel. Joe Big Bear vs. Ama eu Bowlers Tour; and, be iic FURTHER RESOLVED, that he compensation to be paid to Thomas Gmeinder be charged to the D pa tment of Human Rights . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays v�mond HUi�1AN RIGHTS �ng [n Favor -�cg � Rettman � sche;n�� __ A ga i n s t BY —s�� .�,;�� 8 g9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date _c� ,��---" Certified P•ss � o ci� ret By �sy� , � Q Approve Mavor. Da� _� �09 Approv by o misston to C ncil t��fa�L� \��� By — Pt?gltS�¢8 J U L 2 9 l9$9 ������ DEPARTMENT/OFFI COUNp� • DATE INITIATED � O O Z HUMAN RIGHTS GREEN ET NO. •' N DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE PARTMENT DIRE 7 �7= �GTY OOUNCIL EVELYN D. YORGA - 298-6900 N�� ATTORNEY �J qTYCLERK MUST 8E ON COUNCIL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNrO B DOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. J U L Y 18 1989 1OR�OR"�'ST � �S.�u.nsJ1 Re TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL L AT N8 FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REWEBTED: Authorization to retain the services of Thom s meinder as hearing officer, at the rate of $50.00 per hour, relative to the complaint o M rk Robertson, Acting Director, Department of Human Rights, ex. rel . Joe Big Bear vs. Ama ur Bowlers Tour beginning July 24, 1989. RECOMMENDA7IONS:Approve W a 1isJsct(R) COUNCIL I E/RESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _dVll SERVICE COMMIS810N ��YST PHONE N0. _GB COMMITfEE _ COMMENTB: —STAFF — _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE9 �� INITWTIN(�PROBLEM.ISSUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.What�When,Whsro,Why): ` + �r �,x, �m,��' �� SEE ATTACHED COUNCIL RESOLUTION. Ji1� � co ` 11 �9�9 ✓qM�s S��MqN . F/eF� ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: DISADVMfTA(iES IF APPROVED: DIBADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPFiOVED: Council Research Center JUL 11 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 O.00 21^ {10 U 1" (,pgT/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) �YES� NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 001-00152—OZ1H FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPUUN)