89-1259 i �' • ' � -' �� ���� � � � �� _ _ _ _ � - _ __ � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICII n CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF A NT PAU L � /� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � /-•�' � ou cil solution �� � � �1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of H al h desires to contract with eligible community health boards for certain pr gr ms which provide health services to urban Native Americans in Saint Paul; nd WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Healt i the appropriate community health board for the purposes of this contract; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Depart en of Health has requested that in disbursing monies to the Saint Paul Bo rd of Health that the Board designate a fiscal agent to receive such monies; a d WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Healt h s requested that the City of Saint Paul serve as the fiscal agent for the Sa'nt Paul Board of Health; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Board of ea th supports the grant application of the Saint Paul Division of Public Heal h nd subsequent contract with the Minnesota Department of Health for Ame ic n Indian Health Services in Ramsey County and authorizes proper City offi ia s to contract on its behalf with the Minnesota Department of Health. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � ""��'"� Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g [n Favor Gosw;tz s�ne nei _ Against BY � . Sonnen Wilson Form rove y City At ney Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY— By Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approve Ma or Sub 'ssion to Co ci14 �� By - — WMITE - CITV CLERK � - � ' PINK - FINANCE � � � CO11flC11 � CANARV - OEGARTMENT GITY OF . AINT PALTL 1 � �� / .,/- BI.UE - MAVOR ., FIIB NO. � �'�{� ` • - � ounci esolution ,1�.�.� �t. �-.�� Presented By �'�� ""'`� . Referred To Committee: Date :�� �V Out of Committee By Date _ � �#ii�8, t�s �ott B�nrtiwt o� tl� dNis+r �a �r+�t �dt�t �li�rls � eo�itT lwltb ioszds for e�statw sr3aY � lwlth �3afs t� � �� �.i� � �� .1? �j �t � �+1RtZ �Oil�i Of L'�I! ��tfiC� l9Y�� �ZLti � fit tLR �st'eiM of lhi�r e�radt; �tiaiS. .t6� St�t� e� Y1��ts t o� ltli�.ti h�s s�wt�t that !a di�irs�t� �o�s t+r tbs Sa3st lan�. o�f lriltti �t �bt �a�i d�rts a flaeal a�t to s�itr�s saeh noai�s; t�'RZiB, t3M Sa#at Yaal Hoa�cd oi r�wt.�l ttist tiw Cit�r of �a#s�t tarl s�rs as t�s #i�eai apm�t fes larl Dosrd of Y�a2.ti�; aw> t�fos�s, L� � �iSO�.YID that t.bs S�i�t laiel �a�as+d o# �L aMp�ostr tt�s �sast ap�liaost� ot tie iai�at t�I �i�r�o of t�3c � ao�s►tsa�rt �rttL tL� l�a B�nttaest ot �alt� �s Ia�3� S�a�.t5 8�s+rt�r�as �a �t Co��r a�d �atl�os#s�s pso�s Cit� of ta �m�atra�t .a iEs WrsJ.f �rith t�s l�otat �psst�r�►t ef H�+tltb, . r COUNCIL MEMBERS �� � r"� �•:.� ' -•- equested by Department of: Yeas Nays ,-� ,' .f� : Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz , ' � ��"' Rettman � ?��' . scheibel Against BY 4 �'°�` -`�•e- - Sonnen W�Ison orm �pprttsved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i s . P�` _ .. ' '`'� ,�' --� •� '� .�` �% ._... � .. Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ` T ' ' — By� � Approved by Mavor: Date A proved by Mayor-;for Submission to Council By By ,'�' , �.• �� �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFK�/COUNqL DATE INITIA7ED COMNNNITY SERVICES 7-3-89 REEN SHEET No. ���� CONTACT PERSON 3 PF�NE DEP ENT DIRECiOR �CITY OOUNqL KATHERINE CAIRNS �� CITY TTpRNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNqL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROU71N0 BU ET DIRECfOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERNICES DIR. JULY 13, 19 8 9 MAY R(OR AS813T � TOTAL M OF 81�3NATURE PAGEB (CLIP ALL LOCA 10 FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Resolution authorizes the Saint Paul Divisio o Public Health to apply for up to $36,372 of funding from the Minnesota Department of ea th for health services to Native Americans in Ramsey County. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approvs(N a►�(� COUNCIL COMM EE/ EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMIS810N _GVII 8ERVICE COMMIS810N ��YBT PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ WMMENT8: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORT3 WNICH OOUNpL OBJECTIVE? INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPaR7LNITY(Who,WhM,When,Where,Wh»: The State Health Department has up to $36,37 i unexpended funds in 1989 for health services to Native Americans in Ramsey Count . The Saint Paul Division of Public Health wants to apply for these funds if authorized by the Saint Paul Board of Health. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: - Up to $36,372 will be available for a sub nt act with the Saint Paul Urban Indian Healtk� Board and to cover some expenses i u ed by the Division of Public Health in assisting the clinic through its chang i directors and medical care providers. - If the grant is approved by the State, th e Board of Health would need to approve the subsequent contracts. OISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: NONE DIBADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: Funds available from the State Health Depar me t would not be available for Saint Paul's use Cour�cil Research Center JUL a rl i��9 - o - TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a C T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE A ITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORMA710N:(EXPWN) R B S O U T I O N � / ` foZ �g ST. PAUL BO RD OF HEALTH WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of H al h desires to contract with eligible community health boards for certain pr gr ms which provide health services to urban Native Americans in Saint Paul; nd WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Healt i the appropriate community health board for the purposes of this contrac ; nd WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Depart en of Health has requested that in disbursing monies to the Saint Paul Bo rd of Health that the Board designate a fiscal agent to receive such monies; a d WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Healt h s requested that the City of Saint Paul serve as the fiscal agent for the Sa nt Paul Board of Health; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Board of ea th supports the grant application of the Saint Paul Division of Public Heal h d subsequent contract with the Minnesota Department of Health for Ame ic Indian Health Services in Ramsey County and authorizes proper City offi ia s to contract on its behalf with the Minnesota Department of Health. St. Paul Board of Health Members Yeas Nays Dimond Long Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Sonnen Wilson ADOPTED �JUL 2 s f989 SAINT PAUL BOARD OF HEALTH , , By ���� ity Council President