89-1253 WHITE - CITV CLERK P�INK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. .�� '/� - - Counci esolution ��``� ; �� �. Presented By ' �`��`�� Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Minnesota Statu e 81 .932 and Section 12. 11 . 3 of the St. Paul City Charter pro ec employees of the City of Saint Paul from retaliation for the la ful good faith disclosure of information which such employ e elieves is a violation of law; and WHEREAS , there currently ex' sts no mechanism by t,vhich an employee can be disciplined f r uch an act of retaliation; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED t at Section 16B of the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Pa 1 e and the same is hereby amended by adding a new su�-section 1 B. 2 to read as follows : 16B CAUS� iOR DISCHARG R DUCTION OR SUSPENSION 22. Any violation of Mi n. Stat. 181 .932 which prohibits any discharge , discipline , th ea ening, acts of discrimination, or penalization of an employe r garding his or her compensation, terms , conditions , location o p ivileges of employment because : (a) the e;n;�loyee , or a er on acting on behalf of an employee, in good faith, ie�orted a vio at ' on or suspected violation of any federal , state , or local law, ru e or regulation to an employer, governmental body, or law enf rc ment official : (b) the employee is req es ed by a public body or office to participate in an investig ti n, hearing or inquiry; or (c) the employee refuse a order to perform an action he or she has an objective basis in fa t to believe violates any federal , state , or local law, rule or eg lation, after the employee informs the employer that is his or h r asis for refusal . No action taken b Civil Service o issi COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � [n Favor �� Rettman �: � _ Against BY Sonnen .i�'ilsee �� '�' � ���(� ' Form Approved by C}ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �` Certified Ya Counc' cr tar By _�� � �� gy _ Appr by Mavor: Date ' �� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy `��--�'__ BY - �- r� � 1989 PU�L� ��`� :� � � � � , - � _ f ���.�.s-.� . eit��11yi0, CITY O AINT PAUL OFFICE O T E CITY COUNCIL � � Members: Friday, J ly 7, 1989 Kiki Sonnen,Chair K(KI SONNEN � Roger Goswitz c°��`�"r RECEIVED Bob�ony MOLLY O'ROU RKE S�aff: �.egistativeAide JUL l l�gv9 Donna Sanders,Secretary Jane McPeak,Attorney Co m m i tte e R e p o rt CITY C�tK� Janneke van der Ros, Policy Analyst Rules and Policy C mittee � � 1. Approval of minutes of the June , 1 89 meeting. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. ORDINANCE #89-557 - an Ord' e amending the Civil Service Rules by adding a section authorizing discipline in ins ances where a supervisor discharges, disciplines, threatens, otherwise discriminates ag ' st, or penalizes an employee who in good faith; reports a suspected violatio of State law or rule; upon request participates in � a public body's investigation, hea g r inquiry; or refuses an order to perform an action the employee objectively b lie es violates any state or federal law or regulation a.nd the employee info e employer that the order is being refused for that reason. (Referred to R & P o 'ttee 4/4/89, Heard in Committee 5/5/89 and 6/2/89). ORDINANCE WITHDRAWN B C UNCILMEMBER LONG WITH COMMITTEE RECOMMENDIN PROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION (A NEW ORD E, INTRODUCED IN COMMITTEE BY COUNCII.MEMBER LONG, TO TO CTTY CLERK FOR INTRODUCITON TO FULL COUNCIL AND RE TO R & P COMMITTEE) 3. Regulation of the non-work relate us of city property by City Councilmembers, Council Investigation & Research en er, and Council Cable. (Heard in Committee 6/2 and laid over until7/7/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED O MONTH LAYOVER TO AUGUST 4, 1989 4. Administrative Procedures for City o ncil Interns COMMITTEE DIRECTED GERR THMAN TO DRAFT A RESOLUTTON STATTNG CITY C CIL INTERN POLICY 5. Compensatory Time for Unclassifie E ployees COMMITTEE DIRECTED GERR S THMAN TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION STATING COMPE S '�,QRY TIME POLICY FOR CITY COUNCIL AND CTTY COUNCIL EARCH UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SA T PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 s a _.._.�:t::..-x.k:�.a=>. - s;..�;.,:�, .,......,�.:..w;.:>:x—...Y...,,.. .. -..-...3.•n..4. ,g,.�.�5•.�cd .:. �. � . � . , � - _..._.. .... .....__.._.__..._...,_..... - t , � } Rules & Policy Committee Report July 7, 1989 Page 2 6. Claxification of Rules and Procedures for Introducing Items for Committee Agendas . COMMITTEE CHAIIZ WILL SEND LETTER TO ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES REMINDING TI�M OF 'I�� RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR INTRODUCING ITEMS FOR COMMITTEE AGENDAS 7. Green Sheet Enforcement COMMITTEE CHAIR WILL SEND REMINDER TO COUNCII,MEMBERS OF T� IMPORTANCE OF THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE GREEN SHEET 8. Formal Amendment Procedure at Council Level COMMITTEE CHAIR WILL SEND COUNCII. PRESIDENT SCHEIBEL A LETTER URGING HIM TO ENFORCE THE WRITTEN RULE STATING THAT AMENDMENTS SHALL BE IN WRITING 9. Disposal of Surplus Data Processing Equipment COMMTI�'EE DIRECTED GERRY STRAT�-IMAN TO SEND A LETTER TO - THE MAYOR REQUESTING THE MAYOR TO DETERMINE WHETHER THERE IS AN APPROPRIATE USE FOR THIS EQUIPMENT IN CITY DEPARTMENTS OR OFFICES, AND IF THERE IS NOT, ASKING IF THE MAYOR WOULD RECOMMEND THAT SURPLUS PROPERTY GO TO NON- PROFITS 10. Process & Procedures for Scheduling Evening Cifiy Council Meetings COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH LAYOVER TO AUGUST 4, 1989 11. Process for Assigning Elder Council Projects COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 12. Communication of Mary Jane Rachner regarding ideas about adding two at-large councilmembers and going to part-time councilmembers. COMMITTEE DID NOT HEAR MS. RACHNER, SINCE SHE CALLED TO SAY SHE COULD NOT ATTEND DUE TO ILLNESS DS/ ENC � , _...R� ._. _. .,�.:.,. . .... _,�... ... . . ..:..v�..�.«�..�.:�. W.x,.z.� .,..,.�..�:.;_.. - - ` • + � . . V/ V / r iw� � r '' GITY O AINT PAUL u[1'C i'.;! 1 °ia�°''91' OFFICE O T E CITY COIINCIL Rul s nd Policy Co m ee Report Members: Staff: Kiki Sonnen, Chair `� � Octo er 6, 1989 Meetin Secretary g Donna Sanders, Roger Goswitz � Jane McPeak, Attorney Bob Long Janneke van der Ros, Policy Analyst R~c.�1�/tl� 1. Approval of minutes of the Septe be 1, 1989 meeting. �C'T17�9g9 COMMITTEE APPROVED CITY Cl.ER� 2. RESOLUTION #89-1713 Adoptin p licies for the Legislative Advisory Committee (referred to Rules and Policy Co 't ee 09/26/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE PROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION 3. RESOLUI'ION #89-1741 - Urgin Po t Authority and Housing and Redevelopment Authority Commissioners to adopt e City's Early Notification Policy and Procedures. (Referred to Rules an P licy Committee 09/28/89) (Jerry Jenkins, Ken Johnson, Jim Bellus) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE PROVAL 4. RESOLUTION #89-1253 - Amen 'ng Section 16B of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Cause for Discharge ed ction or Suspension and protecting employees from retaliation when r o 'ng violations of law, etc. (Referred to R & P Committee 7/18/89 and Laid r ' Committee 9/1/89 (Bruce Anderson� COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ROVAL �,;>��� /,�',�� �- �,���,fu•-� = 5. ORDINANCE #89-1324 - which a or s protection to employees who report a suspected violation of law, particip e i investigation, or refuses to perform an action that employee believes viola s w, rule, etc. (Referred to R & P Committee 7/27/89 and Laid Over 'n ommittee 9/1/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ROVAL OF SUBSTTTUTE ORDINANCE 6. Disposal of Surplus Data Processin E uipment to enable donation of old computers to community groups. (L d Camp, Gerry Strathman) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION TO BE DRAFTED AND SENT T E FULL COUNCIL 7. City attorneys' time in council co 'tt e meetings; finding more efficient ways to obtain legal advice in council co tte s. (Gerry Strathman) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ROVAL OF STAFF RECOMMENDATTONS ON A ON - ONTH TRIAL BASIS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE COMMI CHAIR CITY HALL SEVE T FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 •e