89-1251 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��-I/��i BLUE - MAVOR ou 'l Resolution �� � Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED: That application (ID 97 59) for renewal of a Class B Gambling License by the North nd American Legion Post #474 at 72 W. Ivy, be and the same is he eb approved/denied with the following stipulation: 1) Gambling Manager co ensation must not exceed $50.00 per week. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departenent of: Yeas Nays �- Dimond ' �� � In avo Goswitz Rettman � �� Aga nst BY Sonnen ..---.;+�. � 1 3 Form App ved by Cit Att ey Adopted by Council: Date ' • � Certified P•s e Council cretar BY � � g5, ����� Approv b Mav : D d�� f ' �� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy �;zQ�-�. � �. By PUBItSl� J U L � 2 1 9 ��l�i'/�� DEPARTMENTIOFFICEIOOUNqL DATE I ITIA D �=inance/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 4,,,�„�TE CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Ch ri s ti ne Rozek/298-5056 � UI CITIf ATTORNEY m c;RV c��c MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. 7-6-89 ❑MAYOR(OR ASSIBTANn ���1 R TOTAL M OF SICiNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� AC710N REGUEBTED: Approval of an application for en wa1 of a State Class B Gambling License. 'I-13 85 Hearin Date: �-Fr=�'9 F�OOMMENDA710NS:Approve W a Re�sct(R) C011N MITTCE/RESEARCH F�PORT OPTIONAL ANALY PFIONE NO. _PLANNINCi COMMI8SION —qVIL BERVICE COMMI8810N _pB COAAMIT�EE _ COMM NTS: _8TI1FF — —DIBTRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH(�OUNdL OBJECTIVE7 INITWTINO PROBLEM.IS8UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet.When.Where,Whyg Robert Johnson on behalf of the No th End American Legion Post #474 requests City Council approval of his ap li ation for renewal of a State Class B Gambling License at 72 W. Ivy. Proceeds fr m the pulltab sales will be used for various veterans programs and charitabl w rks. All fees and applications have been ubmitted. The License Divisi n' recommendation is for denial due to failure t�o make 20% payments to the Cit Y uth Fund from July, 1986 to P1ay, 1987. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, t e orth End American Legion Post #474 will operate a pulltab booth at 72 W. Ivy. D18ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Council Research Cente� J�!N 2 91989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CI�E ONE) YES NO . FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(EXPIAIN) . . ���as� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT ADM NI TRATION llATE � � / S ��S � INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW C:HECKLZST Appn ro es ed/Recei ed Lic Enf Aud Applicant �,1���-h �n� �vn e►� i � n P�I o�'l�iome Address v2�� 1—�0 n� _ Rusiness Name Home Phone �{ �� 5S �I� Business Address �c� � �..� U Type of License(s) f�P���YCJ � ����SS a Business Phone l�1 Gh� ����1[; Lt ,�C� . Public Hearing Date � License I.D. # ��] �J-��1 at 9:OQ a.m. in the Counci C ambe s, 3rd floor City Ha11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 41 N I� llate Notice Sent; / Dealer �� � J� to Applicant '�a(�� Pederal I'irearms �� � I�' Public HE:aring DATE I SP CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTF.R) CUMMENTS A roved N t A roved Bldg I & D �I� Health Divn. � � �� Fire Dept. I ' Nl�r- � Yolice Dept. ! � � l� g� 5 Ia �-{ � �5 ��f��-�u� � License Divn. �Com►r►en� dP►'t.lei-� � � � City Attorney � Date Received• Site Plan � � p To Council P.esearch � �� O Lease or Letter D te from Landlord .� � . . . . . . �73�9 � ' ity of Saint Paul • ' Department of in nce a�d Management Services ��i/�5/ Lic ns and Permit Dirision 203 City Hait St. P ul, innesota 55102-298-5056 APPLI A ION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. ew Renew `,. � 0 �� . . 0 — � . . oete � ,9� Code No. Title of License � From � 19��To 19� .oVI �G�s . .� � � ^ r,; � � �oo ;'y�t y i !'% ,� `.?,:� , ,., o��. U 7 4 y� �!n� U �f'iY�J-Q/ APPlieanUComDany Name � � 100 '� ';. �.c.� � V v� r 100 Busineaa Name t � �•-1 ..,,,�\ ! `5 5 �� S � �u� j , �-; �� 5 3 t 8usiness Address Phon�No. 100 100 Maii to Address PhOne No. � ,00 �� r` �'`� �U l� ,�,�� �� ManaqerlOwner•Name c� I '°° a� -� r,�o N-� ��s�l� 100 titanaflertGwner•Home Addresa PAO�e No. 4098 Applieation Fee Received the Sum of 2�i� S i � ` [� �� I, /��%t 5��/ � 01• a� ManaqeNOwner-C�ry,State 3 Zip Code 100 To I 100 � /� � ✓l�F-�I/' � � ` ,�„Ir;,�t License Ins ector � B : c � Si ���� p y gqature of Applicant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Name Policp No. Expiration Date Minnesota State Identification No Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serlal Numbs� lats NumWr Other. THIS IS A E EIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application f r II nse will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoninfl " ordinance and eompletfon of the inapectfons by the Heal h, F e,Zoninq andlor Licenae Inspsctora. . $15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNEO CHECKS � : , � _/�^�� ��`. � j �- �'�--- --'�C- `"` �- ity of Saint Paul Page t � ' � Departmen of inance and Management Servicee • � Division f L ense and Permit Administration �G/' ���j� 47' UNIFORH I LE GAHBLING FINANCIAL REPORT n8ce Mav ' S, 1989 1. Nama of Organization 2. Addrees vhere Charitable C li is eonducted 72 W. IVy St. Paul , Mri. 55117 3. Aeport for period covering 1 19$8 ehrough Apr].1 30 19 89 4. Total number of daya played 5. Cross reeeipts for above pa lod t 1��gY5��IS 51�'F+82 6. Croes prize payouts for abo e p riod (lacluda caah short) S ��� 3�,�� 8 2 8 7. Ne[ reeeipts - line 5 minus lin 6 S �1 C�$�,� 8. Expenaes i�curred in condue ing aad operating ga.e: A. Gcoss vages paid. Atta h v rker list vith namea, addressas, grosa vag s, number of hours f 1 3 ,7 Q CL— Sorked, and amouat paid per hour. B. Rent for veeks S � �. t�cense fee Stat 5 . 00 City 341 . 00 ; Q�—?— D. Insurance : A E. Bond ; 1 nn F. Diahonored checiw aot r cov red ; � G. Accounting Expenee ; A H. fmployers F.I.C.A. ; Q I. Pulltab Tax Paid to Dap rts nt ot R�venue i �Fi J. Hinn. U.C. iax : n 1C. Federal Excise Tu 6 SC ; Q L. Stau Casbling Ta�c = L1 _^ �7t1 M. Hiscsllaaeous Facpenses. Id atifr tha amouat aad to whos paid. Pulltab Dispe s rs 1• Minn Tipboard ; 3�2a�A9 Check Stamp Z' Capital City a k ; 1-� �1— 3. Jar Bar = 795 . 00 4. Minn Tipboar ; 9. '[otal Expenses ?OTAL i �,�� Q�� _ 10. N�t Iaco�� - lin� 7 alau• ns i ?�_']$ I1. Checkbook balanee beginnin of eriod � 1 S _n d ti 12. Total of line 10 and I1 = Q�.�4�. " 13. Total coatributions (from tac ed wrksh�et) � dA,9�4 14. Checkbook balancs ead of r ort ng period - lina 12 less lina 13 ; 44,076 . Cash on Hand April 30, 1989 $2, 824.00 UNIFORM CHA Ii L: G�MBLiNG riNANCi�� RE�ORT LAWFUL PURP SE ONTRIBUTIONS - '�IORKSHEET �-�_�,�S�j . • Page 1 Line �13 - Total Lawfui Purp se ontributions. S 4g, 993 .�0 � List below all checks w itt n from gambling funds which are charitable lawful purpo c ntributions. The total dollar amounts of these checks us match the amount claimed in line �13. Use addition 1 s eets as necessary. CHECK � OATE PAYEE CHECK AI�UN PURPOSE I• 1488 5/9/88 4th Dist. A L gion 60.00 Boys State 2. 1489 5/9/88 Ric�ard Zin 849.00 egion Baseball 3. 1497 5/31/88 Steich2ns S or Shop 1079.76 Legion Baseball 4. 1498 5/31/88 N. E .Legion Po t 3 47 3000.00 ortgage & Taxes 5. 1492 5/31/88 Maternity o M ry 250. 00 School Athletics Minn State li d (, 1493 5/31/88 ���gs��x�x�z� x 100.00 Donation 7• 1494 5/31/88 N, E . 4th J ly nicnic 300.00 Chilc�rens Party 8. 1495 5/31/88 Midwest Spe . ervice 100.00 Handicapped 9. 1496 5/31/88 George Pins' i 150.00 Memorial Day Expense 10. 1497 5/31/88 Steichens S or 512 . 38 Legion Baseball as ball 11. 1507 6/24/88 R. P . Zins gr 611 . 83 Baseball EquipMent 12. 1508 6/24/88 Steichens S or ing 1119.94 Baseball Equipment 13. 1510 6/28/88 Am. Legion os # 47 3000.00 Mortgage & Taxes TOTAL C EC ANqUNT S }��,�a�g� NOTE: These expenditures will be ro ided to Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financiai re ort is complete and accurate. _ ♦ � 3 � . = = = _ _ � � � w � a � � � s C a � "' � .� � . � � .� y A • '7 _ � I ; t7 ` �i • + ♦ e � � I (� 3 � �. � • • � 0 s � � _ \ r1 w d � � r♦ V A � � S ♦ � i Z � 7� C = � � r �, • � 1 M ; f � M � i \ ! � `'� y� � 'yy� � : � � _ �y' : r � � > � a . a1 = '� � w � • `i : � �A � O � � � ' O r � 1 '] �w � � • s �•.rv .� � � � � � �•11 � � �� + O �� i w f � a � ` ^�, � �1 .�j w � Q � :1�l. '� • f� � � � i� ! � m e � t �� � `v y � s O '�/1 = �'1 � � � � s n . s � w �� � � � i � � � a� � „��/"�� C w L� � + � s � � tJ � • I r `� J t�'\ � � �, � A �� r , N + 7� � wl� `� �\ � � IN ' � �' I • `� �� � � \ i — � y � �; r� . � s �. � s I� �,1 �, 't i t v i .. � I ! �'�'` l` � � � � ����/�.�/ . Pag� 2 check # Date Pa e ' Check Amount Purpose 1511 6/28/88 Brain Sci ' c 100. 00 Research iinivMinn. 1517 7/12/88 Gerge Pins i Expense Baseb�llTeam Post Fina e Officer300. 00 Playing out of Town 1533 7/28/88 Lake Owassa R sidence100. 00 Helping Disabled Young People 1534 7/28/88 Muscular Di t Assoc. 100. 00 Help children with Disease 153� 7/28/88 U.S.O. 25 . 00 Help Entertain Servicemen 1536 7/28/88 Emergency F n 75. 00 Help Hungry Service Families 1537 7/28/88 Capital Co u ity Service 100. 00 Help Hungry Families 1538 7/28/88 R.P. Zins Baseball Mg . 263 . 88 Baseball Expenses 1539 7/28/88 Steichens S o ting 215 . 91 Baseball Equipment 1540 7/28/88 Brain Scien e 100. 00 Brain Science Program 1541 7/28/88 Legionville C mporee 200. 0.0 Young People 1542 7/28/88 Am. Legion g . Baseball Fu d 150 . 00 Support Legion Baseball 1532 7/28/88 Am Legion P s # 474 3000. 00 Mortgage & taxes 1553 8/26/88 John Grams 67 . 00 Flag Washington Jr. High School 1556 8/26/88 Our Lady of G od Council Can e Home 100 .00 Support CancerHome 1557 8/26/88 Courage Cen e 50. 00 Disabled children 1558 8/26/88 4th Dist. A e ican Kits For Eagle Legion 100 . 00 Scouts 1559 8/26/88 Harold Klas 40. 00 Naturalization Program 1560 8/26/88 Servicemen enter Help Support at Airport �00. 00 Center 1861 8/2�/r38 Brain Scie c 100.00 Research University Minnesota 1862 8/2�/88 N. E . Post # 474 220. 00 22 tickets &transportation Baseball team to Twins Brain Total this Sheet 5906.79 Science Game - �����s/ • ' Page 3 Chec}; # Date Payee Check Amount Purpose 1563 8/26/88 N.E . Post # 474 000. 00 Mortgage 1563 8/26/88 N.E. Post # 474 000. 00 Taxes & Assessments 1582 Q/23/88 Fritz Klark Playgro d 25 . 00 Chil�ren Halloween 1583 9/23/88 Sylvan Playground 25 . 00 Children Halloween 1584 9/23/88 Ruebin Thelin Acct . 200. 00 Cambridge State Hospital Xmas 1585 9/23/88 Memorial Day Assoc. 60. 00 Dues & Donations Veterans Cemetery 1586 9/23/88 Front St . Playgroun 25 . 00 Children Halloween 1587 9/23/88 George Pinski Finance Officer 120. 00 School Education Weelc Expenses 1596 9/23/88 N. E . Post # 474 500. 00 Taxes 1588 9/23/88 Brain Science 100. 00 Brain Science Program 1589 9/23/88 N.E. Post # 474 000. 00 Mortgage 1599 10/3/88 Walter Peiffer 000.00 Halloween Neighborhood Children 160410/6/88 W. W. Johnson Meat 100.00 20 Pheasant Dinners Hospitalizea Veterans 1606 10/13/88 Boy Scout Troop # 6 200. 00 Children & Youth 1607 10/13/88 Girl Scout Troop # 200. 00 Children & Youth 1621 10/28/88 Hausers Market 300. 00 10 Certificates C� 30.00 Baskets for Thanksgiving 1622 10/28/88 American Lung Assoc 25. 00 Xmas Seals 1623 10/23/88 Special Olympics 100. 00 Retarded Persons Sport Program 1624 10/28/88 Granville Literture 00. 00 Reading Material Chemically Fund Dependent Youth 1625 10/28/88 American Legion Help Veterans with Hospital Assoc. 25 . 00 Hospital Expenses 1626 10/28/88 R.O.T.C. Scholarshi 25. 00 Help support fund 1627 10/28/88 Am Legion Fund for Hospitalized Vetera s 00. 00 Misc. Items for Hospitalized Veterans needs 1628 10/28/88 Voiture # 39 Nurse Training Funa 00. 00 Help Support fund }�Total this sheet �g��4���X 7 3 . 00 , Paqe 4 ��'CJ—�°7.5 � Checic � Date Payee Check Amount Purpose 1629 10/28/88 Brain Science 100. 00 Brain Science Program 1631 10/28/88 N. �. Post # 47 500. 00 Taxes 1632 10/28/88 Salvation Army Project Span 176 . 00 Stock Foodshelves 1633 1028/88 S .A.L. Squadron # -74 125. 00 Youth Programs 1630 10/28/88 N.E. Post # 4-74 1000. 00 Mortgage 1651 11/18/88 Walter Peiffer Child Welfare C r, 1000. 00 Xmas Party for Members Children & GRand child.ren 1652 11/18/88 Sheriffs Youth ' 50. 00 Xmas for Youth Program 1653 11/18/88 ST. Joseph Home for Chil�ren 50. 00 Xmas gifts for chilc?ren 1654 11/18/88 ST. Vincent DeP ul 50. 00 Xmas gifts for needy 1655 11/18/88 Red Wing Trg. C nt r 50. 00 Xmas for youth 1656 11/18/88 Sauk Center Min . 50. 00 Xmas for youth Home School � 1657 11/18/88 Salvation Army 75. 00 Help for needy People 1658 11/18/88 ST. Bernards 50. 00 Xmas Treats for school patrol Grade School 1659 11/18/88 North En� Eleme ta y 50. 00 Xmas Treats for School Patrol School �.i69 1660 11/18/88 Como Park Schoo 300. 00 Xmas Treats for Handicapped Special Program children 1661 11/18/88 North End Area Xmas Party 200. 00 Xmas gifts for needy Neighborhood Children - 1662 11/18/88 ST. Bernards Hi h Help Support Hockey School 200. 00 Program Total this Page ��Eg�3L�� 4026. 0 . � . ��-,�s� Page 5 Ch ck Check # Date Payee Am un Purpose 1663 11/18/88 Mcdonough 50 00 Youth Programs Recreation 1664 11/18/88 Washington Jr. High School 1'00 00 Help support the Fight Drugs Program 1665 11/18/88 Brain Science 10 .00 Brain Science Fund 1666 11/18/88 Brain Science 72 .00 Special Fund Raiser for Brain Science Program 1667 11/30/88 Emergency Fun ' SErvice 50 .00 Food Fund for Needy 1670 11/18/88 N.E . Post # 4 4 5 0.00 Taxes 1678 11/30/88 Associated 7.00 New flag for Front St . Articles Mfg. Senior Hi-Rise 1668 11/18/88 N.E. Post # 4 4 1 00.00 Mortgage 1695 12/16/88 Am. Cancer Society 1 0.00 Support Cancer Research 1696 12/16/88 Special Olympics 1 0.00 Help Retarded Person Sport Program 1697 12/16/88 Twin Cities S c. for Autism 1 0.00 Help Children with Autism 1698 12/16/88 Capital Comm. 1 0.00 Help Needy People Services 1699 12/16/88 ST. Paul Coun il of Campfire 50.00 Support Children Programs 1700 12/16/88 Union Gospel Mission 00.00 Help Homeless People Total this Page 4192 . 00 � _ � ���i��� Page 6 check Check # Date Payee Amount Purpose 1701 12/16/88 St. Paul Indi n � Center 300. 00 Help Needy People 1702 12/16/88 Midway AA Chi dr ns Home 50. 00 Xmas Party For Children 1703 12/16/88 Dorothy Day Center 150:00 Help Homeless People 1704 12/16/88 Brain Science 100. 00 Hrain Science Research 1706 12/16/88 N.E. Post # 4 4 500. 00 Taxes 1717 12/29/88 Associated Ar . Mfg. Co. 174. 00 Flag & Stand for St. Marys Romanian Church 854 Woodbridge 1705 12/16/88 N.E . Post # 4 4 1000. 00 Mortgage 1726 1/16/89 4th Dist. Ame ic n Dinners for 30 Physically & Legion 120. 00 Mentally retarded Youth 1735 1/27/88 Church of The 250. 00 Help Support Athletic Fund Maternity Sch ol ?736 1/27/89 Chapel of the Fo r Chaplains Inc. 50. 00 Help Support Chapel in Honor of Four Chaplains World War Two 1737 1/27/89 United Cerebal Pa sy 50. 00 Support Cerebal Fund 1738 1/27/89 Multiple Scler si 100. 00 Support Multiple Sclerosis Program 1739 1/27/89 U.S .O. 25 . 00 U.S .O. Programs 174� 1/27/89 Brain Science 100. 00 Brain Research Program 174m 1/27/89 North End Eleme ta y Support Educational Awards School 200. 00 for Students 1743 1/27/89 N.E. Post # 474 500. 00 Taxes 1744 1/27/89 Shrine Circus 25. 00 Support Circus for Children Committee Total for this Page 3694.00 . � � � ��i�s� Page 7 Amount Check # Date Payee Check Purpose 1745 1/27/89 Legionville 660. 00 Sponsor 6 boys & 6 girls to Legionville School Patrol 1746 1/27/89 Legion Boys Sta e 540. 00 Sponsor 4 boys to Boys State 1747 1/27/89 4th Dist Am. Le i n525 . 00 Ice Fishing & Easter Egg HUnt 1748 1/27/89 S .A.L. Squadron 125 .00 Children & Youth Activities # 474 1749 1/27/89 �innesota Milit r 100. 00 Support Museum at Camp Museum Ripley, Minn. 1750 1/27/89 Minn American L g ' on Registration fee for 2 Members 270. 00 for Leadership School 1742 1/27/89 N.E . Post #� 474 1000. 00 1�4ortgage 1725 1/14/89 N.E . Post # 474 2�OCi. 00 Rmodeling of Mens & Ladies Restrooms 1775 2/24/89 Fritz Klark 25. 00 Chil�rens Easter Egg Hunt Playground 1776 2/24/89 Sylvan Playgrou d 25 . 00 Chil�rens Easter Egg Hunt 1777 2/24/89 Front St.Playgr u d 25. 00 Childrens Easter Egg Hunt 1778 2/2a�/89 Harola Klas 40. 00 Naturalization Program 1779 2/24/89 ST. Bernards High School 50. 00 Graduation Party at Hiqh School 1780 2/24/89 North End Medic l Help Support Health Services to Center 100. 00 lota income Families 1781 2/24/89 Indian Council o Help Support Disabled Scouts Scouts of Ameri a 200. 00 1782 2/24/89 Dennis P. Keffe 100.00 Stuaent visit to France Hill Murray Hig for Soccer Program School Total for this Page ��X�X 785 . 00 �X��X4�X . - �-�-��si Page 8 Amount Check # Date Payee Check Purpose Transportation 6 Boys & 6 Girls 1783 2/24/89 4th Dist Am. Le io 84. 00 Legionville School Patrol 1784 2/24/89 4th Dist Am. Le io 75. 00 100 Poppy Cards � . 75 1785 2/24/89 Riding for Life 100. 00 Chilrens Cancer Research Gary C. Fitch 1786 2/24/89 Eastside Americ n 100. 00 Help Support American Legion Post Legion Baseball 1787 2/24/89 N.E. Post # 474 500.00 Taxes 1788 2/24/89 N.E. Post # 474 1000.00 Mortgage 1799 3/11/89 4th Dist . Ameri an 4 Boys to Boys County Educate Legion Boys Cou ty 48. 00 about our Goverment 1810 3/24/89 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 200. 00 Help fight the Disease 1811 �/24/89 Hamline America Legion Post # 418 200. 00 Legion Baseball 1812 3/24/89 K.T.C.A. Channel 2 25. 00 Programs for Childrens Entertainment 1813 3/24/89 Minnesota Leader h p 50.00 Educate High School Students Seminar Inc. Leadership in the Community 1814 3/24/89 Como Park Sr. High School 200. 00 Baseball Program 1815 3/24/89 St . Bernards Sr. High School 200. 00 Baseball Program 1822 3/24/89 March of Dimes 25. 00 Help fight Birth Defects 1817 3/24/89 N.E. Post # 474 500. 00 Taxes 1819 3/24/89 Capital Communit 250. 00 Help Needy People Services Inc 1818 3/24/89 N.E. Post # 474 1000.00 Mortgage Total this Page 4557.00 . , ��-��s`� ' Page 9 AMOUnt Check # Date Payee Check Purpose For Mentally Retarded 1851 4/28/89 Trade Lake Camp 50. 00 Handicapped Programs 1852 4/28/89 St . Paul Technica 50. 00 Support ctudents to attend Institute Leadership Conference 1853 4/28/89 Minnesota Safety 50. 00 Award Youth in Council Safety Achievements 1854 �/28/89 Apple Jam Recover Support treatment Farm 25 . 00 Alcoholic Addicted Youth 1855 4/28/89 Childrens Heart F nc� 00. 00 Support for Children with Heart Conditions 1856 4/28/89 Minnesota Boys Support their Musical Choir 00. 00 Activivities 1857 4/28/89 Ramsey Co. ��-H 50. 00 Youth Camp Experience 1858 4/28/89 Courage Center 00. 00 People with Physical Disability 185° 4/28/89 S .A.L. Squadron 4 4 25 . 00 Youth Activities 1860 4/28/89 Camp Confidence 20. 00 Outdoor Learning Mentally Retarded 1861 4/28/89 4th Dist Am. Legi n 00. 00 Eagle Scout Kits for Deserving ��� 1863 4/28/89 Servicemens Cente 50. 00 Activities for Servicemen at Airport 1864 4/28/89 National Cemetery 00. 00 Memorial Day Expenses 1866 4/28/89 N.E. Post # 474 00. 00 Taxes 1867 4/28/89 Como Park High School 50.00 Graduation Party Gift 1865 4/28/89 N.E . Post # 474 1 00. 00 Mortgage Total this Page 3070. 00 � ��/0?.5-/ : ���=•o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL -`� ' DE A MENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES : :, + _ _� � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . ?♦ w� ' ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Geo�ge Latimer ___ Mayor r�ay ls, 1989 American Legion Post #474 Robert Johnson 267 Front St. Paul , MN 55117 Dear Mr. Johnson: It has been determined by ou City Attorney that organizations sponsoring pulltab sales in t. Paul from 1986 - May, 1987 are still liable for 20� payment t the City Wide Youth Fund for pulltab sales during that ti e riod. Your organization owes the City $6,587.60 in back contributions to the Youth Fund. I will b u able to recommend your gambling license for approval until t at payment is made. If you have any questions or ne a month-by-month breakdown of the monies owed, please cont ct e in the License Division. Sincerely, Christine A. Rozek Deputy License Inspector 298-5056 CAR/jl . . �����i d�:";, CITY OF SAINT PAUL :4�� , ; �: � :. DE R MENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;+� _ ,,:� DIVISION Of LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ' ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Geo�ge Latimer Mayor June 8, 1989 Robert Johnson North End American Legion os 4�474 72 W. Ivy Ave. St. Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Johnson: I am in the process of rev ew ng the application for renewal of your Class B Gambling License a 7 W. Ivy Avenue. Before your renewal can be scheduled for a Council he ring, I will need the following: 1) Per my letter of ay 18th, your organization owes $6,587.60 to the it Youth Fund for unpaid 20� contributions for the period 19 6 May, 1987. Your renewal cannot be approved without hi contribution. 2) Per City Ordinanc 4 4.10 (14) , the gambling manager can be paid only $50.00 er week. Robert Johnson has been manager for 48 weeks - hi m ximum salary should have been $2,400.00. Mr. Johnson was p id $4,500 - an overpayment of $2,100.00. I need a statemen s gned by Mr. Johnson and the CEO of the organization stat ng that the North End American Legion will immediately begin to comply with the $50.00 per week maximum payment a d at some arrangement will be made by Mr. Johnson to re ay the gambling account for the salary overpayment. Please submit the requeste i ms as soon as possible so that your renewal can be sent on to e ouncil as soon as possible. Sincerely, ; � , — �`.���.,.,��._�,�._ ,-, ,_ ��� Christine Rozek License Enforcement Audito 298-5056 cR/.i 1