89-1238 WHI7E ' - CITV CLERK �PINK - FINANCE COUnC1I /�J1 A% CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PALTL dL /^3 BLUE - MAVOR . F�Ie NO. � unc l esolution �� � � 11 Presented By '� � ���-� - eferred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Re olution amending the Civil Service Rules con er ing compensation. RESOLVED, that the Civil Servic R les be amended in Section 28.B, At the Time /� � of Appointment, by inserting immedia el after Section 28.B, Subsection �1, the following: �j '��. An employee who is reinsta in or transferrin from the Cit to the School District or vice versa and wh holds a title common to both 'urisdictions, but for which different r de and/or salar levels exist, shall be aid when reinstated or transfe re at the salar rade established for the em lo ee's title b the u is iction to which he/she is reinstatin or transferrin , and shall be ' 1 ced in the rade at the salar ste held rior to reinstatin or tr ns errin . ��, �3. An em lo ee who is romoti rom the Cit to the School District or vice versa and is promoting to t tle common to both jurisdictions, but for which different rade and/ r lar levels exist, shall have his/her salar increase calculated as fol ow : a. If the receivin i iction a s the title to which the em lo ee is bein romoted t hi her rade than or with hi her salaries for the same rade s he sendin 'urisdiction, then the em lo ee shall be laced at he earliest ste in the rade used b the receivin 'urisdict'on which is e ual to or reater than 1.05, but not reater than 1. 0 imes the em lo ee's salar in the osition held rior to romo io . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date _ App by Mayor for S is ion to Council By , � . . �G�-i.�3�' , , . . , DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNdL ' DATE INfTIATED � � �� Office of Personnel & Labor Relati ns GREEN SHEET NO. CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �N�V�TE INITIAUDATE � EPARTMENT DIRECTOR F�CITY OOUNGL Mark Rober t son NuM�� � �7y pnpRNEY �Cd7'Y CLERK MU8T BE�1 CWINGL AQENDA BY(OAT� ROUTINO � UDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR ABSISTAN � (;i v i 1 S e rv� �OII TOTAL#OF 81GNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL A IONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTED: Approval of an administrative resolution en ing the Civil Service Rules, Section 28.B, Subsection 11 , adding Subsections 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. REWMMENDATION3:Approve(y or Flsject(R) COUNCIL MI EIRESEARCH REPORT OPTiONAL _PLANNIN�COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALY3T PHONE NO. EI y E� _CIB COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: -gTA� _ ._.. _� � JUN w7 198� —o������� — ,� ;� 1°89 SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNGL OBJECTIVE? �I T r� ����^a���� `� INITIATINO PROBLEM.188UE�OPPOR7UNIiY(Who.Whet.Whsn�Where�Why): if`�'�..;,;;�. 6.t�`t'�i e.�'. For a number of job classifications, �art'cu arly in the clerical and technical units, the pay rates and/or pay grades differ b we n the City contracts and the School District contracts. As a result, there can be am ig 'ty and uncertainty about appropriate step and rate placement when a transfer or pr o ion occurs across jurisdictional lines. The intent of the resolution is to provi e clear rule, allowing the receiving jurisdiction's pay rates for a particula c assification to govern placement at the time of transfer or promotion. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: This rule��will facilitate transfers acro s urisdictional lines by providing clarity about appropriate pay rates whenever the ra es for the pertinent classification differ. D18ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: None apparent. DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED: Continuing uncertainty and ambiguity. Co�;^�E; �esearch Center JUi�.O G i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) WNITE ��- CITV CLERK COUt1C11 <PIMK - FINANCE CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF� AINT PAUL BIUE - MAVOR File �O• ��� /a3 Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2— b. If the receivin 'u is iction a s the title to which the em lo ee is bein romoted a a lower rade than, or with lower salaries for the same grade as t e ending jurisdiction, then the new rate of a for the romoted em lo ee shall be established at that ste in the new title that woul h ve resulted if the em lo ee had been em lo ed in his/her osition in the receivin urisdiction rior to the promotion. ��� , k4. An em lo ee who is reducin t a lower ranked class from the Cit to the School District or vice ve sa shall be aid at the same ste as currentl held, or at the step held n he lower ranked class rior to romotion if that is a hi her ste than th ste currentl held, but in the rade of the osition to which the em 1 e is reducin . The rate shall be the rate in force for that rade and s e in the 'urisdiction to which the em lo ee is being reduced. 1`{,.1'S. These procedures in Subsec io s 12, 13, and 14 of this Section, shall not not be used to create an a rate which is less than the minimum or more than the maximum rates in n established rade in either urisdiction. No em lo ee shall be aid t lon evit ste for which he/she has not ualified throu h School D st ict and/or Cit service. ��, � Eli ibles shall be ermitt d o waive a ointment without enalt if the eli ible is certified to e th r the School District or the Cit under the conditions reflected in th s ection. Such waiver shall be in addition to the existin waiver rovis on contained in the Rules. No action taken by the Civil Ser ic Commission — 8/17/89. �� oan Jeff , cret COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond FICE OF PERSO ABOR RELATIONS �� [n Favor c�osw;tz - Rettman ��GyL Scheibel � Against Sonnen Wilson - Form pro d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passe y uncil . ret ry BY sy t� ro b Mavor: D te S _ Approve Mayor for Sub ' o• uncil By PUBIIS�D �� 2 6 1989 4 . . . � - - - . �cP9-1a3�' � No impact on any City employees who eith r romote or transfer within the City. No impact on any School District employe s ho either promote or transfer within the District. The following examples illustrate how th p oposed Resolution will impact School District or City employees who either tr ns er or promote between the School District and City. (1989 salaries) Example 1. No change. A City Clerk-Typ st I promotes to the title of School District Clerk-Typist II. Employees wil r ceive what they would have received if they had been School District employe s t the time of promotion. It will be a pay increase of at least 5� - or the sam a ount without the Council resolution. Clerk-Typist I City Grad 1 - Step E _ $685.26 Clerk-Typist II School District Grad 1 - Step B = $720.06 (5.1� increase) Example Z. A City Clerk-Typist III prom te to the title of Secretary in the School District. Employees will receive'wh t they would have received if they had been School District employees at th' t me of promotion. It will be a pay increase but in an amount less than the 57 minimu . Clerk-Typist III City Grad 2 - Step E _ $955.22 Secretary School District Grad 2 - Step C = $998.24 (4.5� increase) Example 3. A School District Clerk-Typi t II promotes to the title of Secretary in the City. Employees are gu ra teed a minimum increase of 57. The amount is typically, and in this case is m re than a 57 increase. Clerk-Typist III School District Grade 22 - Step E _ $ 928.69 ($1002.98 minimum needed) Secretary City Grade 31 - Step C = $1027.61 (7.57 increase) Example 4. A City Computer Operator tra sf rs to the School District in the same title. The result would be an incr as in pay. City Grade 26 - Step F = $1 50 23 School District Grade 26 - Step F = $1 76 13 A transfer from the School District to t e ity in this title would result in a decrease in pay. Example 5. A City Storekeeper I transfe s o the School District in the same title. The result would be a slight dec ea e in pay. City Grade 28 - Step D = $99 .4 School District Grade 27 - Step D = $99 .8 A transfer to the City from the School D st ict in this title would result in a slight pay increase. . . , _ _ �� ,,��p' _ BIWEEKLY SALARY SCHEDU ES - EFFECTIVE 12/31/88 (Randomly Sel ct d Examples) CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Start 5-Yr.S e Start 5-Yr.Step CLERICAL Clerk Typist I $ 596.04 $ 712.8 $ 601.99 $ 710.91 Clerk-Typist II 691.48 850.2 695.02 848.04 Clerk III 780.57 966.9 741.53 918.48 Storekeeper I 868.33 1082.8 864.72 1085.42 Secretary 939.83 1178.7 911.08 1145.68 TECHNICAL Dental Assistant 766.63 938.0 702.03 850.11 EDP Programmer Analyst 1172.42 1458.0 1201.32 1494.01 EDP Lead Programmer 1301.76 1623.5 1333.87 1663.61 PROFESSIONAL Librarian I 986.83 1297.49 964.73 1269.77 Architect I 1078.18 1417.56 1086.58 1428.61 Research Analyst III 1178.47 1549.21' 1187.65 1561.28 EDP Systems Analyst II 1251,00 1644.13''' 1260.75 1656.94 Value Analyst III 1492.79 1962.01 1504.41 1977.30 . ��- ���� 4. Discussion of Police and Fire P si n Consolidation. No action required 5. Resolution 89-1138 - directing e ort Authority Laid over to use funds from its net incom t refund to St. Paul taxpayers $1,639,504 colle ed in 1989. (Referred from Council June 22) 6. Resolution 89-1218A - amending e 989 budget by Laid over to 8/P1 adding $15,733 to the Financing S ending Plans for Special Projects-Police, Uni o Crime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Council J y 1); and Resolution 89-1218B - authorizin a Federal Uniform Laid over to 8/21 Crime Reporting agreement with t e ureau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred from C nc'1 July 11) 7. Ordinance 89-895 - amending Chap er 33 of the Admin- Laid over to 8/21 istrative Code pertaining to rei bu sement for car expense by providing a monthly i cr ase for elected officials. (Referred from Counc'1 une 15) 8. Ordinance 89-1040 - amending Sec io 13 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to procedures fo the acquisition and improvement of property (Re rr d from Council June 13) 9. Ordinance 89-1041 - amending Sec io 14 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to special as es ments. (Referred from Council June 13) 10. Ordinance 89-897 - amending Chap er 369 and 370 Denied of the Legislative Code pertaini g o building (presenter is requested trades business licenses and cer if'cates of to withdraw resolution) competency. (Referred from Coun il May 23, laid over July 10) PERSONNEL 11. Resolution 89-860 - amending the' Sa ary Plan and Approved substitute Rates of Compensation Resolution re arding Unclas- resolution � sified Positions. (Referred fro C uncil May 18, laid over July 10) 12. Resolution 89-1181 - granting wa e nd benefit Approved provisions of contracts between he City and the Supervisors Organization to non- ep esented managers who elected not to be covered by' th new Manager's Wage and Benefit Policy. (Refer ed from Council July 6) 13. Resolution 89-1238 - amending Se ti n 28.6 of the Approved Civil Service Rules concerning c mp nsation. (Referred from Council July 13) .. . . ..... .... . _ .. .. . .. .. . ._ .... . _ � . :..... - . . . .. _ _ . . .. . . .. . . �. ..u.w.,...� . . . _ . _ . .� .v.. +°f�,:.'.�X' ' _�>;. _ - ' :�;;��u K�� ` GITY OF SAINT PAUL .. :. " "" ""�-s'" � �iuA�t�n ; �"'"'.���`x "1e ��'": OFFIC� OF TAE CITY COIINCIL . — �U���-���� Committee Report Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee JULY 31, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of July 10, 1989, meeting. Approved FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved transferring $32,062 from Contingent Reserve to Police Administration for full-time position to oversee license renewal and application process. (Referred from Council March Z, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2b. Resolution 89-1004 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding �112,000 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Utility Needs. (Referred from Council June 6, laid over July 10 for amend- ment) 2c. Resolution 89-1024 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $23,500 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Division of Libraries Maintenance Services. (Referred from Council June 8, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2d. Resolution 89-862 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved substitute adding $196,888 to the Financing & Spending Plans resolution � for Public Works performance improvements activities. (Referred from Council June 20, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2e. Resolution 89-1153 - amending the 1989 budget by Withdrawn addding $17,068 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire and Safety Services Administration. (Referred from Council June 27, withdrawn by Administration) 3. Resolution. 89-1272 - declaring intent to reopen Approved substitute negotiations in an attempt to resolve firefighters resolution issue. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a�ae .:.�,..�. ,-,..�.,�.,._ .�-„:_.,.-s.,,,-...--<....a- .,.,..,�..._>_..,�. ._.-.?�s.�a-a.,�x._.. .�.-..�..,..,,.m.,,,.,,,.�_, ..,..._._... �.-?.�n.in-Y- . -- . ._ . . �„ ......._,�..-.,.,..v.wie�r��....a.o......�w.�..r.,.�� �:.. ......-.�.---.,.-.