89-1235 WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COU1IC11 �f ���jjj / CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 G I TY SA I NT PA U L File NO• :,{..!'/� BLUE - MAVOR C�oun � Resolution ,-��� Presented By A��� ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 63 60) for a Massage Therapist License by Pamela Moench DBA Sis r osalind's Professional Massage Center at e, b a d the same is hereby approved. �49 y �dr�o ,�rR�c�„ Y COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departenent of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor r6eewitr.. Rettman �7 B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by C uncii: Date SEP 2 81989 Form Appr ed�by City y Certified Pa s Counci cr BY � �i'(���I gy A►pp by Mavor: Date l � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUR►t4l�t1 �'C T 7' 1989 ��ris�. DEPARTMENTlOFFI °OOUNqL DATE INITI ED ' Fi nance/Li cense GREEN SHEET No. 4����� CONTACT PERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqI Kri s VanHorn/298-5056 N�M� CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(iENDA 8Y(DATE) ROUTINQ BUD(iEf DIRECTOR �flN.Q MOT.SERVICE3 DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn ���� R TOTAL fi�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Application for a Massage Therapi t icense. Notification Date: 6-21-89 Hearin Date: 7-11-89 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)w Reject(F� COUNCIL CO ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYBT PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMI8SION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE — COMMEN : _3TAFF _ _OISTRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHlqi COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO PROBLEM,I88UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Pamela Moench requests Council a pr al of her application for a Massage Therapist License at 734 Grand Avenue DBA is r Rosalind's Professional Massage Center. All applications and fees have b en submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this appli at' n. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPHOVED: Council Research Center JUN 2 7 a9$9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPIAIN) . . . ` . (��--��-3 5� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT �llMIN ST TION DATE / INTERPF.PARTMEI�TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �Q,yy� t,Q(� � ����_ Home Address ,�t("� ��cQ C'��� �}� . (�.�j,L. � ,r Rusiness hame ti • � me Phone (,Q 5 3 — ���-CS / Busi.ness Address ''�� � �jr'�� Type of License(s) Mass�ll�-�.� ��_ Business Phone o� r�.�- � ' I Public Hearing Date License I.D. $ � �j C��o Q at 9:OQ a.m. in the Counci Chambers 3rd floor City Hall and Courthause State Tax I.D. 4� a s(p Q O��' llate 1�TOtice Sent; Dealer �� (� l(� to Applicant 2' � �j rederal Pirearms �� (/� � 1� Pub.lic Hearing DATE TrS EC IUN REVIEW VEKFIED ( 0 UTER) CUMMENTS A roved ot A roved � Bldg I & D � ���, ' o�, Health Divn. —' ' , g r�, � o , � � Fire Dept. � � ��ly f � � i , Police Dept. ' C�� ( �� � ok rw n�c License Divn. � ; �� i I �� City Attorney � �e l,�— , �� Date Received: Site Plan � � To Council Research �(���j Lease or Letter Date from Landlord }� � � - � CIT 0 5i. PAUL ��'��� DEPARTMENT OF FIN NC aiJ� MAi'vAGEI�NT SERVICES LICENSE ND PERMIT DIVISION Please ansWer a11 questions fully and com le ely. This application is thoroughly checked. Any falsification will be cause for deni . , Date ��� 19 �� 1. Application for �assa e �� I t (License)�Permit) 2. Na.me of applicant Glf'n��C` e n 3. If applicant is/has been a married fe a1 , list maiden name • �fYLC��G:_ �.��'�S�+n_ �. Date of birth �/( Age � Pla e f birth �0�(Y��Wf� ���� 5. Are you a citizen of the United State S Native ✓ Naturalized 6. Are you a registered voter � Wher f� Wh►� �e�f �ke 7. Home Address , O �7 �'� � ��-C ��L !�lv Home Telephone ��53 '-L�'�y5� 8. Present business address � �y l��'C'�nC� �� - �? '`Gtu� Business Telephone Zz �I�S I I 9. Including your present business/empl e t, what business/employ.nent have you followed for the past five� yeaxs. Business/emplo,�ent. Address � � �e iS� ~- ��3�! C�r� � ; S�fi �a�. � Cv��oc�, �ru rn;��f(�ec,.�-� .l� �� ��t-S� . m n � �� �� � �en ���n��l;n " JGrn�S �.�'�,� /l��� 10. Maxried V�S if answer is "yes", lis n e and address of spouse �� �e iZ. r�oenc�h o�3� �.�� � � � wi3 � mN 11. If this application is for a M assage Th rapist License, list time so occupied. ---- e s S Months. 12. Have you ever been arrested�Zf an wer is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, charges convictions and sentences. Date of arrest_ 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of axrest 19 e e Charge Conviction Sentence _ � z � a � - ��—i� 13. Give names a.�d ad�r�sses of :wo perso s, residents of St. Paul, �?innesota �.rho can give inior�a.tion conceraing you. =�� ADDRESS s�sa-�-iZ��i;�-,��, ��:� �w� �3y Gr�� 4�;�.. ���t ����i ,rnri i�rl�ss C�1�� � C'�r��c� ,�.�,�� /n�n State of i4innesota ) � JJ Count� oi Ramsey ) '/(l�<<i� m�e�1�-1-� being fi st 3uly sjrorn, 3eposes and says upon oath t::at :^e :=as read t:e foregoir.g statement b ar ng his sigaatizre and knows �r�e contents trereof, and that �re same is t:ue of his wn knowledge except as to those �natters therein stated upor. infor�.atior. and belief an as to those matters he believes �hen to be true. Subsc�ibe3 and sworn to be;:ore �e �i.�'�'�C-� _ Signat�.Lre o Applicant this � cay of .� ,.,,;,� 19 k� ,� /� �1,��-_-� '"� , t li�_ �ti R "�1ot f :llDl=r � �y Count�r, �finneseta ''� ���z._ ��� KRISTlNA L V,qM HORN r,• .\ ��►NOTARY P�BIfC_ # .1,� Coamission expires �� � . lCt �AKOTA M�NNESOTA i x�� i:ommrssion F �OUNTy � `�"^�w�," XA�res lan 2. l�92 Miv�n.,y��1� _�°�,y� � W y � . ��i-i.�..� . . . . . ��,«__�,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL • '• DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES �;� � i i' ;9 DIVISION OF PUBIIC HE/1LTH '��� SSS Ccdar Street,S�int P�ul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292•7741 Mayor ;�y 19, 1989 Ms. P�rela �berx•h 15L Parl{ St. (�1?) W.B.L., hn. �511? L�.ar :Ks. "bench: I ar.� l,appy tc� infonn you that yc�u hac p3 sed the r.r�ssage therapist k�-itten arid ��L'3Ct1C;dI e.�nur�ations. ou y naa rn� applicJation for a lic°nse at the License Ins�ector's Of i , Roan 203 Cit�- Hall, 1� W. I:ellcx�g B1��3., St. Paui, N�. 5510?. pring r..his lettex ��rith y�u wi�n lication. Yours trtil.y, ,�GC��;�7G�_ Gary J. Pec!�arin �vi.roc-anental [iealth Prngram �Linager GJPir,�.sg c: Josr�ah Caz�checli, L,iren..se Division