89-1215 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council CANARY - OEPARTMEN7 I BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' . unc l Resolution �� Presented By � �G Refe Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper Ci y fficials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement ra ting $2,000.00 to RONDO AVENUE INCORPORATED for the purpose of s ag ng the Rondo Days festival ; to be held August 5-6, 1989 and conducted in ac ordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a copy of ai Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finan e nd Management Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond -� Community Services ��g _,�_ In Favo /, ��.:.,..��:: . .,� �' �1���f.� Rettman Scheibel � Against Sonnen —i�ils� �,�M d'VL � � � Form Ap roved y Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � , Certified Pa• b ouncil et gy, t# ove y Mavor: Date , � _ Appr by Mayor for Su 's bn to Council Y B pUg JUL 2219 . . lFs�-�.�," DEPARTMENTIOFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INI11A D COMMUNITY SERVICES 6-a� a GREEN SHEET No. 2 Q 8 9 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE OONTACT PER30N 3 PHONE pFpARTM1ENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNqL Bill Peterson 292-7415 � qTYA1TORNEY qTYCLERK MU8T BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROU7ING BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.Q MOT.SERVI 8 DIR. 7-2 0-8 9 MaroR�oR ass� �J 'pQ�5 'F� , TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 5 (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIGiNATUR� G ACTION REUUESTED: Signatures from Director Dept. of C unity Services, Assistant City Attorney, City Council, Director De t of Finance & Management Services. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(A)a F�Ject(i� (�(►IrCll MM EE/RESEARCN REPORT OPTIOMAL _PUWNINO COAAMI8810N _qVll SERVICE COMMIS810N ��YST PFIONE NO. _pB COMMITTEE _ �BTAFF _ COMMENTS: °�^ , —DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECi1VE? J�1N � :� i°89 Recreation INRIATING PR08LEM�18SUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.What.When.Whsn.WhY). d��``v vY'�ir;;;;� Rondo Avenue Incorporated has appli d for $2,000. 00 grant from the Community Festival Fund for the Rondo Days Fe t val. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Festival will be held. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. ois�wva�rnoes iF roor��o: Festival possibly not held. Courc�i Resear�ch Center J UN 3 p i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i O O COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON�� NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE 3 2 5 - S e c i a 1 S e rv i c e s p�rym/NUMBER 2 314 3 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPUUN) . - . ���_,ai.� ` �� ��.�' ���- AGR EMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and ente ed into this day of , 1989 by and between the CITY OF SAINT P UL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and RONDO AVENUE INCORPORATED (hereinafter referred to as "R.A.I."). WHEREAS, on January 6, 1987 t e t. Paul City Council established a Community Festival L an Fund and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Park a d Recreation, for the purpose of assisting neighborho d estivals with expenses, startup costs and insurance coverage; nd WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Co nc 1 has approved rules and regulations to ensure the fair and qu table distribution of the funds; and WHEREAS, R.A.I. has applied f r grant in accordance with these rules and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, the parties ag ee as follows: 1. That the City shall grant to .A I. the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for the purpose o h lping to fund the Rondo Days festival , to be held August 5-6, 1989 a m re particularly outlined in R.A.I. 's application attached hereto a E hibit A and made a part of this Agreement. 2. That R.A.I. will prepare and ub it to the City a report outlining all expenses and revenues derived fr m the Festival and specifically detailing how the grant money was spent wi hin 90 days after the completion of the festival noted above. R.A.I. fu ther will permit the Division of Parks and Recreation staff full acc ss to its books and records concerning the festival . 3. That R.A.I. shall submit to t e ity a copy of the R.A.I. 's liability insurance policy naming the C ty as an additional insured, said policy shall be forwarded to City by Ju 30, 1989. 1 ��_,a�3 t.J� I 4. That R.A.I. understands this a re ment is not binding until the City Council approves of it by reso ut'on. rove s to form: For the City: By . , Assistant City Kathleen Stack, Director At n S"���° Dep tment of Communi ty ervi c s � By � Eugene hiller, Dire t r RONDO AVE CO R 'TED: Department of Finance and Management By ' � �� Services Y 2 -�..__. ,,,, �::._�.... ., . :_: :.:.__.� .;: ._,.�,_.. s ;.:_ ..,..��_ _ . _ _ . ._..___. . ..- --��,�-�..:-_ ..,_rG.