89-1213 WHITE - C�TV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE /• CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PA U L COII[1C1 (�) BI.UE - MAVOR File NO.�/ '/�� � Coun�i esolution �� ,� �s;; Presented By � � - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #1 30 ) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor (A), On Sale Sunday Liquor, es aurant (D) and Catering (A) License by Leeann Chin's Inc. & L. C. Holding Co. Inc. DBA Leeann Chin's Chinese Cuisine (Leeann Chin, P es ) at 214 E. 4th Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to L ea n Chin, Inc. DBA Leeann Chin Chinese Cuisine (Leeann Chin, Pres. ) an m jor stockholder Rosen Meyer & Simons Law Firm & Capital Dimensio s enture Fund, Inc. holding more than 5% in stock options at the sa e address. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departenent of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor t-6esw+ta � Rettman s�ne�be� Against BY Sonnen ��Witleen J�L s po9 Form Appr ved by Cit tto ey Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Pa s b Council re r By G '� , �� By A► prove INavor: Date ��� '? Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY Pt�ltSt�D ,;U L 15 1989 � �R � (,��-i.�,� DEPARTMENT/OFFI�UNdL DATE INITIA D Fi nance/l.i cense GREEN SHEET No. 4���� CONTACT PERS�1&PHONE DEPARTMENT DIHECTOR �CITY�UNGL K►^1 S VanHorn/298-5056 �M� CITy ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON f�UNqL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROU71N0 BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MQT.SERVICES DIR. 7-6-89 MAYOR(ORA3SISTANn Q COUYIC�� Research TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Application to transfer an On Sale Li uor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (D) and Catering License. Notification Date: 6-15-89 Hearing Date: 7-6-89 RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(/Q a Rejsct(F� COUNCIL M TEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _pVll SERVI�COMMISSION �ALY8T PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ -STAFF _ COMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT - SUPPORTS WHICM OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITIATiNO PR08LEM,ISSUE,OPPORlUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): Leeann Chin, Inc. DBA Leeann Chin' C inese Cuisine (Leeann Chin, Pres. ) at 214 E. 4th Street request Counc'1 pproval of the transfer of the On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Res au ant (D) and Catering License currently issued to Leeann Chin's Inc. & L.0 H lding Co. (Leeann Chin, Pres. ) at the same address. Rosery Meyer & Simon L w Firm & Capital Dimensions Venture Fund Inc. hold a 5% interest or more in st ck options. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: • DISADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ���:.�c�; i�esearch Center JUi-d 1 G i��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � } " � �� � � � ��-,�� DiVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT ADMINI T TION llATE �I ►t � � / � ZI � INT�,RDF.PARTI�fEfiTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic En� Aud � �< il Sr S ' � t Applicant � � ��� � y��,�G,. Home Address � pc..J _ yt.�c.�, G�.cl�,� � . t Rusiness Name � Home Phone ��-1_��3 � �(� Su�/ n Business Address ` �,. `7'� � Type of Lic.ense(s)�1(191(� �V� �G�[y� Business Phone _l��j - j�w �� , �►� �- Public Hearing Date � License I.D. 4� ����p, at 9:00 a.m, in the Cotnc 1 Chambers, " � 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �P o�.�� ���,J1,� llate N�tice Sent; Dealer 4� �'P� to Applicant Pedera2 I'irearms �� � �a Public Hearing DATE INSP CT UN REVZEW VERFIED (C MP TER) CUMMENTS A proved N t roved � Bldg I & D � I ,a� � � � Health Divn. �� ' �� ' v� -- fi � ` Fire Dept. � � I � � � I � I I ( Yolice Dept. �I I� I o (`� Y1,� S1s�-cor�, License Divn. pl , `Z ; �� City Attorney �/� � � ( � Date Received: Site Plan t �, / To Council P.esearch �SJ I j ��l �?�y Lease �r Letter Date from Landlord ; * �, CURRENT INFORMATION ' , � NEW INFOKMATION , . ` . �� �..� . � /i .. 1 ,. . � 1 '. I V . � .. J 't . .. ., • • �.. y t � i Current Cbrpora�ion Name: ' I�ew CdrpBration� Mlame: �`-�Q.O�� �-�"'�`^`'""' r i .. , .�'`�"^-' �""`"_ 1�.�-�. I�.ol�, � •,��.. Current DBA: � New DBA: ��a�r�m_, ��,'y '��,�.�.-� �n�..�� C.-�� �.�,p�,�s� C.�-�� Current 0$f:ieers: Insurance: �.s�s��o�.,�.� �'.��,�i ,t� � l,�s� �; � Lc�c- C��C� "l�S O a-�i U Bo��a: �I 31�� L�..�-�.�.c:� '—�.�i� ti C.¢�.Q..�� � . 5`5— 11� O � �� �i U C�� Workers Compensation: usr- L � '�� v� t� � ��5 New Officers: 1�,..J ��fL�--a-� • � Stockholders: C.� (UO°'v .. . . . ���,��3,� . � z ; ��.�i � -• r-J�.. Application No. Oate Re eiv d By CITY OF ST. PA , HINNESOTA aPPI.ICATION �OR ON SALc IPJ XICATiNG I.IQUOR I.ICc�Sc SUNDAY ON SAIE INT XI TING LIQUOR LiCENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTO IC IvG LIQUOR LICcvSc OFF SALF INTOXI TI G �iQUOR LICE`!Sc ON SALE MAIT 8E' RAGE LICc�SE ON SALE ' IN �ICENSE Oirections : ihis `orm must be filled out � ith type�Nriter or by �rinting in ink by :he sole owner, by each oartner, by ea p rson wno has interest in excess or 51 in �ne corporation and/or associatio in which the name oT the lic�ns2 will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJ C TO RE'/IE'rl 6Y THE PU6LIC 1. �pplication for (name of license} On s le intoxicatin li uor license 2. Located at (address ) 105 Union De ot P ac 214 East 4th Street St. Paul �IIV 55101 3. �Vame under wnictt business will be oper e Leeann Chin Chinese Cuisine 4. True Name Leeann ZNai-Hin Lee Chin Phone(612)941-151,i First Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Birth ?/13/33 Pla o" 8irth �ton, China Month, Oay, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States . YeS Native Vaiuralized � �5403 7. Nome address 130 Groveland Terrace, e polis, �M1 ,yome Telephone �612)377-4858 8. Including your present business/employ n , what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address President - Leeann Chin , Inc. 9913 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, �IlV 55344 Restaurant - Leeann Chin , Inc. 9809 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, �M1 55344 9. �Harried? Yes If answer is "yes" , 11st �he name and address oT spouse. Tony K. Chin, ?30 Groveland Terrace, � ' eapolis, �I 55403 .. . : ��_,�,3 10. ;�ave �ou e�rer �ee� convic��� oT any �el ny crime or violation or any city ordinance, other tnan �`.:'3Tfi c? Yes �Jo Oate or ar�-est 19 '.Jhere Charge Convictian Sentence Oat� or arrest I9 '�lhera � Charge Canvic�ian Sentence :'_. ��etaiT 3eer reneral iax Stamp N A �e ai Liquor Feceral iax Stamp N/A �Ni11 be us2d. 12. Closest 3.Z PTace Ch rc School i3. Closest intoxicating lfquor olac�. On aI Off Sale i�. List the names and residenc�s of tt�ree er ons of Ramsey County or good moral charac�er, not reiated to the applicant or financi 11 interested in the pr�nises or business , �Nno ray he reTerred �o as �o �:�e 3�D� 1C3ttt' c aracter. �Vame .�ddr�ss �9arlene Johnson 24 S. St. aJ.bans, St. Paul, �IIV 55105 George Latimer 754 Linwood Ave. , St. Paul, �IlV 55105 Susan Sands 369 Osceola Ave. , St. Paul, �Mt 55105 105 Union Depot Place I�. �ddress or aremi ses ;or whzcn appl icat� n 's made ,'��,_F.as 4 h S r .e . S . Pa �l_ �qV �5101 Zone C1ass��zcation B-S �hane (612)224-8814 16. Betwe�n �«nat cross s�reets? Siblev Z couta '+Jhich side of Street �forth Ii. �re premises now occupied? Yes '�Ihat Bustne5s? Restaurant �low Long? 3 Z vears :3. l.ist lfcenses �N�ica yau clrrently nold o �orneriy ne�d, �r :nay have 3n �nL�rost in. On sale intoxicating liquor licenses fo two restaurants, International Centre, 900 Second Ave. So. , `ti.nneapolis, �II�1 55 02, and Bonaventure ��all, 1571 Plymouth Road, yiruietonka, b9N 55�45 .�. .�ave any of the 1 ic_nses i isted �y !ou 1n .Vo. I8 ever 5een ra��oked? Yes Vo � I� snswer is °�es" , ; ;sz :!�e �ates anQ re SOnS , ,� �•. � � Leeann Chin , Inc. 2/ZO/30 ' . � ' ' . ,�ic�'�j^/01/3 ?0. I� business is incorporated, give date of ir:corporacion i9 aad actach cooy o= �rLicles oi Incorro at' n and minuces or �irst 3eec�ag. ?1. List all o=ficers� o= che corporacion. iv� g cheir zames, otfi.ce held, lome address and zome and 'ousiness talephone numbers. W 130 Groveland Terrace �finnea olis �MI 55403 � 612 77-4858 home 612 94 '-1 13 business 22. If business is ?artnershi�, list partn r( ) , address and telephone numbers. vame ��A addr ss Phone 23. Is there anyone else wno will have an nt est in this busiaess or ?remises? YeS. Union Depot Place Limited Partnership, a � " ota li.mited partnership, is the Landlord of ?1 st 4th St et St. Paul �linnesota in which Leeann Chin _, Inc. has leased space for operation of he restaurant for which this on sale liauor c � a � 2SS. 24. �re you going to operate chis business pe onally? Yes If not, vilo will operate it? :Iame Fiom A ress °hone 25. 3re you going to aave a manager or ass'st t in t:�is business? Yes If answer is "yes", give name, home address, aad 'no e lephone number. vame �ren Brouwer gam a ress 13150 Harriet �387 p;�one �612)894-0288 Burnsville, ��1 55337 ��iSC F.�I.ISFICaTION OF �►YS�v'ERS GIVEN OR uATER L'3MITTID '�JILL RESULT I*T DE:VI�I. OF THZS �PPLIC�,TION. L hereby stace under oath that I have answe ed 11 oi che above questions, and tnat the inrormacian contained thereirt is true aad c rr t co che best of my !tnowledge and 'oe�ie*. I aereby state turther under oach chat I have re ived no money or other considerat�on, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the trans er i chis license, �rom any person by :�ay oi 1oan, gift, contribucion or otherwise, other than al ady discZosed in che aoplication :rc►ic:� I have here•aith submicted. S[ace o= :4innesota) • enne i ' co�cy oe .�5�-� (5 ignature oi appiicanc) Sucscribed and sworn to beiore se this 15th day oi Januarv 19 88 / �,�"2X..�c.!-. `%yi. `�%GZ,����-L-C.e:'�./ :locary P/�lic�, �a�sey--��uat�r-,-�anesota- He e in County, Minnesota :�y Commi�sion a:cpizes �G'�'7- �� � i;::w:� SNIRLEY M. NASSAUER ,_ ti� � yKs�1 .'r NOTARY PUBLIC�MINNESOTA �, ���,� HENNEPIN COUNTY : ��'-'�/ My Commission F�cpiras Oct 27,7989 � •--�v.r : � � . . : . �d=9---�a c3 Application No. Date Re ei ed By CITY OF SA NT PAiTL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON S E NTO%ICATING LIQUOR LICENSE .- SUNDAY ON SALE IN OX CATING LIQUOR LICENSE � PRIVATE CLUB INT XI ATING LIQUOR LICENSE -, . OFF SALE INTOX CA ING LIQUOR LICENSE � ON SALE MA T EVERAGE LICEN�E � ON SAL W NE LICENSE - �, Directions: This form must be filled out w th typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by eac p rson who has interest in excess of 57 in the corporation and/or association' in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS S BJ CT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1) Application for (type of license) On s e 'ntoxicating liquor license and Sunday on sale into ca ing iquor icense. 2) Located at (address) Union De ot Place 214 E. 4th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 3) Name under which business will be opera ed Leeann Chin, Inc. corp./s����� DBA 4) True Name Rosen, Meyer & Simons Phone �612) 227-7731 (First) (Middle) ( aiden) (Last) SEE ATTACHMENT FOR NAMES, ADDRESSES, D ES OF BIRTH AND TITLES OF PARTNERS. Anyone having a 57 interest or more mus f 11 out a separate application. 5) Date of Birth N�A P1 ce of Birth N/A (Month, Day, Year) 6) Are you a citizen of the United States? �A Native Naturalized 7) Home Address N/A Home Telephone N/A 8) Including your present business/employm nt what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address Law Firm 1016 Meritor Tower, 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 9) Married? N/A If answer is "y s" Iist name and address of spouse. � � . � � : � 1,�������3 10) Have you ever been convicted of any fe on , crime, or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? Yes o X Date of arrest , 1 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest , 1 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 11) Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp etail Federal Tax Stamp X wili be used. See application of 1 ce see Leeann Chin, Inc. , f/k/a L.C. Holding Company, 12) Closest 3.2 Place hu ch School Inc. 13) Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sa e Off Sale See application of licensee Leeann Ch n, I . , • , olding Company, nc. 14) List the names and residences of three pe sons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financ al y interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant s haracter. Name Address Jerone Pearl 1720 Rome Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55116 Beatrice Frankel 1720 Rome Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55116 Roland Faric 42 Pheasant Lane, North Oaks, 1�IN 55127 15) Address of premises for which applicat on is made Union Depot Place, 214 E. 4th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Zone Classification See application of Le ann Chin, Inc. , f/k/a Phone L.C. Holding Compa y, Inc. 16) Between what cross streets? • � Which side of street? Inc. , f/k/a L.C. Holding Company, nc. 17) Are premises now occupied? Yes t Business? Leeann Chin Chinese Cuisine and The Depot Caf e . How long? See original application o 1 censee and supplemental application for additiona: area. 18) List Iicenses which you currently hold ' o formerly held, or may have an interest in. None by law firm, see licensee's appli at on for Iicenses held by licensee. 19) Have any qf the licenses listed by you in o. 18 ever been revoked? Yes N�A No If answer is "yes", list the daGes and re ons - � � � : . (,Fd�--�ai3 20) If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation , 19 and attach copy of Articles of Incorpo at on and minutes of first meeting. See licensee's original application. 21) List all officers of the corporation, iv ng their names, office held, home address, and home and business telephone numbers. See licensee`s original application. 22) If business is partnership, list partn r( ) , address, telephone number, and date of birth. Name N�A Address Phone DOB Name Address Phone DOE 23) Are you going to operate this business pe sonally? No If not, who will operate it? Name Leeann Chin Home Ad ress 130 Groveland Terrace (612) 377-4858 Minneapo_ 1is, MN Phone 55403 24) Are you going to have a manager or ass st nt in this business? Yes If answer is "yes", give name, home address, home p on and date of birth. See original application of licensee. Name Address Phone DOB ANY FALSIFICATION OF AN WERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT I D NIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have ns ered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is t ue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under at that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, c nt ibution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I h ve herewith submitted. State of Minnesota ) ) County of Ramsey ) � Subscribed and sworn to before me this � Ma y l� 1989 Signature of Applicant / Date ' � day of MaY , 19 89 WILLIAM P. SIMONS, PARTNER FOR ROSEN, MEYER & SIMONS ��_� _ � . ��,.,_ ��� 1016 Meritor Tower 444 Cedar Street Notary Public,�,�`;,��� County, MN St. Paul, MN 55101 Telephone: (612) 227-7731 My commission expires �,,,� �^ ■ �""�� K ISTINA L.VAN HORN � Rev. 2/88 ' �3�Ir1�NOT Y PUBLiC—MINNESOTA � '��- ''.4KnTA COUNTY • � .n, '-v��� �:_:.:;�, rzoirzs 1an _ .,. ' ;JJ1/�JY'�'�� ^J� :�J�-.;v'��VVVJVW'd'�".�Yr.' , � - � . : . (����a� T CHMENT As a supplement to the infor a ion requested in the application, we hereby supply the followi g information relating to individual partners as requested by you i your letter of April 10, 1989: DATE NAME ADD E S OF BIRTH TITLE William S. Rosen 6437 Mar a ets Ln. 3-30-30 Partner Edina, M 55435 David D. Meyer 8042 Gal a 8-21-40 Partner Woodbury' N 55125 William P. Simons 355 Laur 1 Ave. St. Paul, 10-15-48 Partner 55101 . . (��-�i3 ; Application No. Date Rec iv d By CITY OF SAI T AUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SAL I TOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNDAY ON SALE INT XI ATING LIQUOR LICENSE PRIVATE CLUB INTO IC TING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXI AT NG LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MAL B VERAGE LICENSE ; ON SALE WI LICENSE `" Directions: This form must be filled out wi h ypewriter or by printing in ink by�-the sole owner, by each partner, by each pe son who has interest in excess of SZ: in the corporation and/or association n hich the name of the license will be=issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SU JE T TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC ��" On al Intoxicating Liquor License 1) Application for (type of license) Sun a On Sale Intoxicatin Li uor License 2) Located at (address) Fourth tr et St. Paul MN 3) Name under which business will be operat d Leeann Chin Inc. corp./sole prop./partnership DBA 4) True Name Capital Dimensions Venture F d Inc. Phone �612) 854-3007 (First) (Middle) (M iden) (Last) SEE ATTACHED FOR NAME, ADDRE S F SHAREHOLDERS Anyone having a 57 interest or more must fi 1 out a separate application. S) Date of Birth NA la e of Birth NA (Month, Day, Year) 6) Are you a citizen of the United States? N Native Naturalized 7) Home Address T�o Appletree Square, Ste 44 Mpls, MN Home Telephone (612) 854-3007 8) Including your present business/employme t, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address Venture capital company Two Appletree Square, Suite 244, Minneapolis, MN 55425-1637 9) Married? NA If answer is "ye ", list name and address of spouse. � . - : ��'�-ia�3 10) Have you ever been convicted of any fe on , crime, or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? Yes x the corporation has not Date of arrest , 1 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 11) Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp R tail Federal Tax Stamp xx will be used. 12) Closest 3.2 Place See application of ��, �n Chin, Inc. , f/k/a/ �C-�I Cqmpany, Inc. � c o0 13) Closest intoxicating liquor place. On al See application of�i��e�a�eChin, Inc. f/k/a/ , • 14) List the names and residences of three er ons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financi 11 interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant' c aracter. Name Address Gordon Hanson 958 Lydia Dr. , Roseville, MN 55113 Gail Bergsven 1860 Jefferson Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105 Phil Florine 2311 Circle Dr. , White Bear Lake, MN 55110 15) Address of premises for which applicati n s made 214 East Fourth Street, st. Paul, MN Zone Classification See Licensee's ar gi al application phone 16) Between what cross streets? Which side of street? 17) Are premises now occupied? YeS Wh t Business? Leeann Chin Chinese Cuisine How long? See original application and su plemental applicaion for area 18) List licenses which you currently hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest in. None by Capital Dimensions Venture F d � Inc. ; see application for license held by Licensee 19) Have any of the Iicenses listed by you . 18 ever been revoked? Yes Np' No If answer is "yes", list the dates and as ns � . , �c�q-,ai3 See Licensee's original application 20) If business is incorporated, give date f 'ncorporation , 19 and attach copy of Articles of Incorpor ti n and minutes of first meeting. 21) List all officers of the corporation, g vi g their names, office held, home address, and home and business telephone numbers. See Licensee's original application 22) If business is partnership, list partne (s , address, telephone number, and date of birth. Name NA Address Phone DOB Name Address Phone DOB 23) Are you going to operate this business er onally? No If not, who will operate 130 Groveland Terrace it? Name Leeann Chin Home dd ess Minneapolis, MN 55403phone (612) 377-4858 24) Are you going to have a manager or assi ta t in this business? YeS If answer is "yes", give name, home address, home ph ne and date of birth. Name See original applicati��dr°ss ice se Phone DOB ANY FALSIFICATION OF S RS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DE IAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have a sw red all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is tr e nd correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under o th that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, co tr bution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I ha e erewith submitted. State of Minnesota ) ) County of Ramsey ) � � / �Subscribed and sworn to before me this �. ��� ,�L �.-�� „J Signature of Applicant / Date Tl� day of � , 19 � Dean R. Pickerell, President Capital Dimensions Venture Fund, Inc. �./t� . ���C..��-- —� Notary Public, �_ � tCounty, MN ' My commission expires ec, j' /� „ s � �'� BRENDA 4 LEONARO . NOTARI►Pl16lIC--#�INPIESOTA Rev. 2/8 8 HENNEPIN COUNTY My Comm�ss�on Ezpres Dec.1I, 1993 r �