89-1212 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COVI�CII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PAU L ✓ BLUE - MAVOR File �O• ��/� - � Coun i esolution � ---� Presented By .� �`�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #1 87 ) for a Class A Gambling Location License by Jimbee Corpo at on DBA Mike's Bar at 326 Grove Street, be and the same is here y pproved�ed�. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departenent of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favo coswitz Rettman � Scheibel __ Agai[tst BY Sonnen �elsew i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� S �� , Certified Pass b ci Sec ar By G� �� g}, � ", Y, 6lpproved 'Vlavor: Date �L — 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By �t�� `1�►L 15 1989 . ��-,a�� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIA - F'inance/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 4�� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR INm��� CITY COUNCdL I ' � Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 � CITIf ATTORNEY g CfTY CLERK MU3T BE ON COUNqL A(�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNI�i BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. 7-6-89 �►YOa coa nss��sra�n � Counci 1 R TOTAL/�OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of an application for a C as A Gambling Location License. Notification Date: 6-15-89 Hearing Date: 7-6-89 RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(A)a RsJect(R) (�JNCII REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNIWCi COMMISSION _qVil 8ERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE _ OOMMENTB: _STAFF — _DISTRIC'T COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdI OBJECTIVET INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsre,Why): Jimbee Corporation DBA Mike's Bar t 26 Grove St. requests City Council approval of its application for a Class A G mb ing Location License. This lieense will allow the liquor establishment to ea e space to a charitable organization (1Oth Street Boxing) for the sale f ulltabs and/or tipboards. All fees and applications have been submitted. A1 required divisions - Zoning, Fire, Police and License have given their appro al ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, a ch ri able organization will be able to sell pulltabs and/or tipboards t ike's Bar. DISADVANTAQES IF MPROVED: Mike's Bar received a reprimand by th St. Paul City Council on January 5, 1989, for illegal gambling on the premis s. The illegal gambling was not sponsored by the bar and no suspension of licen es was imposed on the bar owner by the City Council . OISADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPF�VED: Courcif Research Center JUN 2 0 ��89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BUDdETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIN�i SOU� ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(IXPLAIN) � . � _ � � . �,�.�g--�a�� . . UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI T TION llATE s -� �� / � l(� �� INTE,RDF.PARTMENTAi, REVIEW CHECKLIST A.�+pn rocessed/Receive by Lic Enf Aud Applicant J��m b�� l.Or Home Address � ��c ,�Q��{— /� Shor�v�e�.c> Rusiness Name �S Ctl^ Home Phone ���— °1 �a3 Business Address 30�?� Y�Ve � Type of License(s) C� Q rn b �rvlti LOCk�Zon Business Phone CIa�S ri- Public Hearing Date � License I.D. 1{ l ��7� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council ha ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t �'� llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� �I� to Applicant ��j'� T I'ederal I'i.rearms �6 N �- Public He�.iring 5 �1 lJ i Sf- 1� �;0�-r�� �- DATE INSP CT UN REVIEW VERFIED (C MP TER) CUMMENTS A roved N t roved � Bldg I & D � �n /s '�, ���. Health Divn. � ���� � � Fire Dept. � i �''I��� � Cn/L Police Dept. � SC�t �� S�lo �"� � � / � o/� License Divn. � Q�'�- ���i5f Cj R�'»/�/�rry i//D��f�°'� ! / � /� � � VI 0�f�Q City Attorney � C� i 5 ' Date Received: Site Plan � J �("f` To Council P.esearch 2 0 � Lease or Letter � f� �� Da e from Landlord � ( ' . . , , �' ,/� 158"?� � �cy 1 si;r,c F�ui Department of Fi n and Management Senices � r��.��� Licens a Permit Division �J 2 City Hall St. Paul, inn sota 55102-29&5056 APPLIC 1 N FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. Ne Renew � 0 0 � _ . Date � 19� Code No. Title of License From v �� 19�0 l ^�l 19� P� � � , � ' � ioo y,�� � ,��`�ro,,, ,-��" Applican Company Name ,� �-r � 5 c� C ��• � � arZ 100 Busineaa Name ,o0 3 a (p �� rv� � �-� Business Addresa Phon�No. 100 s51c� i 100 Mail to Addreas Phone No. �. 100 ManapeHOwnsr•Name � ( {j, /„�r/� 100 �•t � '1 'f 3 �t a D 1�-e ,, L�' 100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 AppliCatfon Fee , 50 Recefved the Sum of �oo ��1 J /�, U� .p(,J, �l/� �1 5� / 3(p � , Manager/Owner•City,State 8 Zip Code 100 To I 100 License I�spector �v By: Sfynature of Applicant Bond' Company Name Policy IJO. Expiration Date Insurance• Company Name Poliey No. Expintio�Date Minnesota State Identification No. � �4 �02- Social Security No Vehicle Information: Ssrial Number ate Numbsr Other• THIS IS A RE EI FOR APPUCATION - • THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for lic nse will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion ot the inspections by the Health, Fi e,Z ning andlor License Inspectora. $15.00 CHARGE FO A L RETURNED CHECKS �'�� � � � � �u���/ .��o�'9 � � s' �,(�/ � , � TO BE C MP ETEO BY BAR OWNER ,�/G��1�IalZ . • � Application No. Da e ceived By . CITY OF SA T PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARIT LE GAMBLING LOCATION � Directions: This form must be filled ut ith a tqpewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partn r, q each person who has interest in excess of Sx ia the corporation and or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION I S JECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) �t.� � � , 2. Located at (address) ? � �N � � n 't" �!�_�.f I t?'1 f?< .. ' � r�, . 3. Name under wb;tch pusiness is oper te � 1 K r� t.� ��1 ►) C j'h � � /�c w. i.<I-: :5•= !�d�n-�l �i(-+� 4. True Name � a,ry� a� j�� � " u,. i'� f�1 Phone .;�ql �/��,� - (Fir�t) { � � `ddl ) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth '. •-, ij Place of Birth 4-�; ���. t,'( �„)+1? ��. (Month, Day, Ye r) ' 6. Iiome Address ' ;�L' C►1 ` . {�t r . V 1 �W %'I?1�! . _ l��-- Home Phone _��f t� y1��.� 7. Have you ever been convicted of a q ling violations? Ii/�'% 8. List licenses which you currently ho at this location. q� �a,r � C �. ( (,��,,T -S ��n � i Ear 3, <� !°►'tal � � F S� � c' 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAI� IN BOOTH WILL BE LOCATED ' ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR T IAL SUBMITTID WILL RESUI.T IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. - I hereby state under oath that I have n red all of the above questions, and that the information contaiaed thereia is true d orrect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby atate further under oath that I ve received no moneq or other considerations, directlq, or indirectly, in connection wi this licenae, from anq persoa by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwiae, other t already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minaesota ) - ) ss Countq of Rams�q ) ��.�V;� ��"'"`'�� , Subscribed and sworn to before me this N+�►�G�t1 �• r�c�ti (Signature of Applica t) �� day of � 19 .� y ` � ,, � / �' ,k�� � :� L,���' � � Notary Public, Ramseq Countq, Minneaot ��� ���;� � wu�s�r oa�r � Mq Commisaion expires - - �=% " 1��� w��� �� �� ; ■ �. . - � � . - l,��y—,��z S���ifi ��=U! !►+Y: GO U� Gl � L LT3�L� ��. .TL�TC- I�O LZ��: . �i�E1�t��E P LT�A�Za1�T RECEIVED � �MAY l� �sa9 � CITY CLERK � _ � , - yZ�. _. Dear Property Uwner: L 15877 .. : Application for �a lass A Gambling Location License. This license will al ow the liquor establishmen�t to lease space to a charitable or anization (lOth Street Boxing) for the �U��S�. sale of pulltab a d/or tipboards. '�'�p���+��� Jimbee Corporat on dba Mike's Bar . , Ld����d L� 326 Grove St. � July 6, 19 9 9:00 a..�. � =•�,� , �=� �. �� - CicT Cauac� ' ers, 3r� ;�aor C�� r.a.L' - Ccu:-_ �sua � 3y L::c.�sa ��.c Di�s:on, De�ar--.�c of -�cs a� ( — �aag�eaz r.s, 3aa� 2�3 C�c; :aL' - C.tiur �usa, �a`�!C�. S�IT t s�t ��t, ; a� �as—��sa � • '�=s da.ta �g be c:.za�esi cr'�c� u t�e c��esaat �i/or �:.a�s?e�g_ oz c�e L�c_�a �� °==-'= IIitr*�:.on. r- �s sugQ'st=a �:a= pou c=?= t`�e Cic; C.�z��� � Qi-=== 'e.0 708��1 �� �TQ ST�S�a7 C.^�II���"-'=QL*. . � . � - -� . . ��r���. TO BE CO LE ED BY BAR OWNER I underscancl ancl will uphol�i che or in nce amending Chapcer �t�� ot che St. Paul Legislac.ive Code (Incoxica in Lic{uor) . I further undersc�nd �hac f�ilure t c mply may resulc in che suspension or revoca�ion of . , On Sale Liquor nd corresoonding licenses . �-C�u.r.� � l���``���-`'=/-� ! . � � acure . � � � ; Estsbiishment � � °''�' �� Oace . � Return co: Licen�e � Per�nic Oivision Room =03, Cicy fiall St. Paul , �tN 551U� Please retain the attached ordinance fo your records. 3/sb