By .+-es�i►-�—
r..- `� ' D��L� V
File No. ;
Votiny In the Matter o��� �ts�st �n s�o�trwattw �t tY! f�1�+11rfa�
1 58924 Both sides , C arles Avenue from N. Milton St.
to N. Chat w rth St.
__ YSSIDSl�TIaL ���es (�rACL� re r�xrs Taazz.z7 _ __ ___ _
For a 5—foot wide aidewalk; Ne C astruction (where no Na2k existed) ,
$I3.00 per front foot; reglacea n of old side�alk, $6.50 per front
ft. For a 6—foot wide sidewa k : Hew const�uction , $15. b0 per
froat ft. ; seplaceseat of old s de alk� �7.80 per froat ft.
All coraer residential properti s �ill receive a credit ap ta the
first 150 feet of nev or recoa t ted sidevslk along and abutting the
"loag side" of the propert�.
COMMBxCIAL rstes (all property o er than re�idential)
1QOx of actual cost esti�atea t e approzioately $4.00 per squar@
foot of valk coastrncted.
under Preliminary Order �/� approved �°?���
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has c nd cted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Ch ter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obje tions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, ther ore be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sai t Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dir cte and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the com leti n of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same o t e City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
JUL -6 1989
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas� Nays
���s Certified P se Council Secretary
�et�a In Favo B
�n � Against
V�� Mayor
JUL - 719�9`
� qBL1Sl� J U L 15 t�9 .
� � �.�=/a?v7 � ..
6/27/89 S-8917 - East id ARUNDEL STREET from Approved 3-0
Holly Avenue t A hland Avenue; ,
S-8918 - Both id s MARSHALL AVENUE from
Kent Street to N. Dale Street;
S-8919 - North 'si e THOMAS AVENUE from
Virginia St; t N. Western Street;
S-8920 - East id N. VICTORIA STREET from
St. Anthony to W. entral Avenue; South
side W. CENTRA A ENUE from Victoria to N.
Avon Street; W st side N. AVON STREET from
St. Anthony Av nu to W. Central Avenue;
North si.de ST. N ONY AVENUE to W.
Central Avenue; No th side ST. ANTHONY
from N. Avon t ' N. Victoria (with integral .
curb) (Maxfield E1 mentary School site) .
7/6/89 S-8921 - Both s'de ELEANOR AVENUE from S. Approved 3-0
Chatsworth Stre t o 160 feet west of
Rogers Street;
S-8922 - Both s'de E. GEORGE STREET from
S. Robert Stree t Livingston Avenue;
South side E. G OR E STREET from
Livingston Aven e o Gorman Avenue;
S-8923 - South id E. WYOMING STREET from
Woodbury Street to Brown Street at 314 W.
� Wyoming Street;
5�8424 - �8oth s de CHARLES AYEN11f from N.
Mi 1 te� Street t N C�atswor'�fi ��tr�eet.
7/6/89 S-8925 - Both s de GLENDALE STREET from Approved 3-0
Beverly Road to St Anthony Avenue;
S-8926 - Both s de LAUREL AVENUE from N.
Pascal Street t N Saratoga Street;
S-8927 - East s de S. MISSISSIPPI RIVER
BLVD. from Good ic to Princeton; North
side PRINCETON VE UE from Woodlawn to
Mississippi Riv r lvd. ;
S-8928 - North id OTIS AVENUE from Approved 3-
Pelham Blvd. to 'Eu tis; S-8929 - South 0, delete
side PRISCILLA TR ET from Raymond Avenue 480 & 486
to Gibbs Avenue Otis.
S-8930 - Both s de LAFOND AVENUE from N. Approved 3-
Hamline to N. Albe t Street.
3. 6/27/89 Final Order: R co struction of B-624 Laid over in
concrete curb a tter on the West side Committee to
of LEECH STREET fr Capitol Blvd. to 7-5-89
Capitol Neights t 10 Capitol Blvd.
J . ��,�a�
�. � Members:
CITY OF SAINT PA UL Roger J. Goswitz, chair
� ����������� _ ' Janice Rettman
Tom Dimond
�� �� Date: June 21, 1989
� �������
Committee Report
�uN 211989
To: Saint Paul City Council ciTY ���RK
From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation
Roger J. Goswitz, Chair
1• Approval of minutes of June 7, 1989. Approved 3-0
Hearinq Date
2. 6/27/89 Final Orders: Sidewalk construction and/or
reconstruction at the following locations:
S-8911 - Both sides E. MINNEHAHA AVENUE Approved 3-0
from Cypress to Earl Street;
, S-8912 - South side MONTREAL AVENUE from
St. Paul Avenue to S. Cleveland Avenue;
S-8913 - Both sides VILLARD AVENUE from S.
Cleveland to Return Court; Both sides
VILLARD COURT from Villard Avenue to cul- '
6/21/$9 S-8914 - South side FRONT AVENUE from N. Approved 3-0
Western Avenue to Arundel Street;
S-8915 - Both sides W. LAWSON AVENUE from
Rice St. to Park St. ;
S-8916 - East side WESTMINSTER STREET from
E. Hyacinth Avenue to E. Cottage Avenue;
, i.
10. Resolution 89- 00 : Amending the 1986 CIB Laid over in
budget by addi g 252,000 for SHEPARD ROAD � Committee to
consulting des gn fees. (Referred to 7�5�gg
Committee 6/6/ 9)
11. Resolution 89-770:, eq esting the Mayor to Laid over in
direct the Departmen o Finance and Management committee to
to reduce by a28,000 th 1989 assessment against 7/5/gg
properties which did no receive promised street
cleaning services in th Fall of 1988.
(Referred back to Co mi tee 6/8/89) .
12• Street and Al1ey Ass ss ent Notices. (Laid over Laid over in
in Committee 6/1/89) , Committee to
13. Resolution 89-323: la to phase out certain Laid over in
water systems. (Lai ov r in Committee 6/7/89) . Committee to
14. Ratification of Asses me t for Summary Abatement Laid over in
for property at 2279 um it Avenue (PIN 05-28- Conanittee to
23-13-0067) . Referre t Committee 6/13/89) . 7/5/89
15. Other Business.
a ,
4. 6/27/89 Final Order: Reconstruction of B-624 curb Laid` over in
and gutter and remove illegally installed Committee to
asphalt boulevard and replace with , 7-5-89
appropriate landscaping on the South side
Winter Street from Capitol Blvd. to '
Capitol Heights at 610 Capitol Blvd. -
5. Fina1 Order: Improving the alleys in ° Approved 3-0
Block 26, Chas. Weide's Subd. of Blocks 25 `
and 26 Arlington Hills Addition by grading
alley to the easterly North-South alley
and grading and paving the westerly North-
South alley from Sims Avenue to the north
line of Lot 24 in said Block 26. Also
construct a sewer in the alley for storm
water purposes. Also for slope
construction in the above said alley
grading and paving. (Project bounded by
over in Committee 6/7/89).
6. Resolution 89-978: Approving amendments Laid over in
to the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws committee to
as proposed by the CASP Board of Directors 7/19/89
on May 29, 1986. (Referred to Committee
6/1/89) .
7. Resolution 89-979: Approving amendments to Laid over in
the CABLE ACCESS ST. PAUL INC. By-Laws as committee to
proposed by the CASP Board of Directors on 7/19/89
May 9, 1989. (Referred to Committee
6/1/89) .
8. Resolution 89-980: Authorizing proper Approved 3-0
City officials to execute an agreement
with the State Department of
Transportation for City's share of costs
of sewer and bridge work on I-94 between
(Referred to Committee 6/1/89) .
9. � Ordinance 89-1002: An ordinance granting Laid over in
permission to Burlington Northern Railroad committee to
Company to construct, operate and maintain 7/5/89
the public right-of-way from the
Burlington Northern tracks south of I-94's
Sixth Street Ramp to the Burlington
Northern offices on Fifth Street between
Sibley and Jackson. (Referred to Committee
6/6/89) .
File No. S-89-24
Dear Property Owner: City Council District ��1
Plannin District Councilll7
P U R POS E To consider th� c nstruction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the p li sidewalk in front of your property. The limits
AN D of this proje t a e:
LO CATIO N Reconstruc, io of sidewalk on both sides Charles Avenue
from North'Mi ton Street to North Chatsworth Street
NOTE: Sidewa 'k econstruction may consist of replacing from one panel
to all 'of the panels in front of your property. You may call
the ph ne numbers listed below to find out how many panels are
to be ,ep aced.
Thursday, Jul 6 19 9, at 9:00 A.M.
H EA RIN G City Council_ ha bers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House
------- ------------------------------- -
RECEIVED Please note t at the Public Works Committee of the City Council will
discuss this te and develop a recommendation to the full City
1 6,�np9 Council. Ple se bring any unresolved concerns that you may have
J UN �o to this meeti g n Wednesday, June 21, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall -
CITY CI.ERK �ourt xouse a 9 00 A.M.
IN FO R M ATIO N If the Counci a proves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion of
the costs wil '� b assessed (after construction) against benefited
properties. ou ill only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. e estimated assessments for this project are as
5-foot si ewalk
N w onstruction
( he e no walk existed) $13.00/front foot
R 'pl cement of old sidewalk S6.50/front foot
Reconstructio ' w 11 be at the existing width. Public Works will
reconstruct s me existing sidewalk that is 6-feet wide down to
5 feet in all '�Ica es where this width is practical. This �maller
width is to k ep the assessment at the lowest rate possible. In
the event you ',an your neighbors prefer the existing width and are
willing to ac 'ep the higher assessment rate, please contact the
Sidewalk Divi io at 298-4255 to request your preference. All
new sidewalks wi 1 be constructed 5-feet wide.
Rates for rec ns ruction of sidewalks wider than S feet are prorated.
For example: '6- eet wide sidewalk -- 57.80/front foot; 10-foot wide
sidewalk -- $ '3. 0/front foot.
All corner re 'id tial properties will receive a credit up to the
• first 150 fee o new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long sid "' f the property.
COMMERCIAL ra es (all property other than residential) :
100 perc nt of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00
per squa e oot of walk constructed. If the property has area-
ways und r he sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost
will be ss ssed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 2 8- 255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice or
Q U ESTIO N S TDD) for asse me t questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any 'la. t minute questions on the project in Room 218 City
Hall from 8: 3 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent June 16, 1989, by t 'e eal Estate Division
Depa tm nt of Finance & Management Services
Room '21 Citv Hall - Court House
Sain P ul, MN 55102
` � � � � ��9-��0�
P$ _ 'A$Y dRD'�R ., i �_ " . � ."
� Coun�l;_Fi1e,Na 89-Q�1—By illi L. Wiison— ,
Ia the I�atter of sidewalk. t tioa anc}/or reconstrucZio,�at the folloa�ing
Votiag ,
Ward . . . ,
1 589-24—Both sides Charl A . from N. Milton St. to N. Chttsworth'St. '
RESIDEN3'I?,L rates(sing i ilg to 3 family)
For a 5-#oot wide sidewalk:Ne Construction(where no walk existed)$13.00
per front foot; Replacemen o# ld side�elk:�8.5t1 p�r front foot.
For a 6-foot wide sidew lk: New Construction $15.60 per front foot;
Replacememt of.old sidewa k.$ 80 per fFont fo�t.
All corner residential prop ie will receive a credit up to the first 15Q feet of
new or reconstructed side al albng'and abutting the "2ong side" of the
COMMERCTAL ra�es(all p ope y other than residential) _
100% of,actual.cost estima ed t be approximately�4.00 per square foot of �
walk constructed. • _
The Council of.the City of S int aul h�ving received the report of th�Niayor •
upon the above improvemen , d having`considered said report, hereby
resolves: . .
1. Tliat the said report an the same: is hereby �pproved wi�h no
alternat�ves, and that the estimated �cost thereof is 'see abave for
esti�nated cbnstruction t and rates financed by assessments. .
2. That a public hearing b ha on said imp�ovQme�t on th��tl�dav�c I �, -
• 19� at 5:00 o'cloc a. . i the Gouncil Char�►bers of City.�iall and
ourt q�zse Build�ng' th City�f Saint Paul.
3. That notice of said pu lic earing be given to the persons arid in the
manner provided by th Ch rter,steting the time and.place of.8eazing,
the nature of the impro em t and the total Gost thereof as estinmated..
File No. 589-24 � .
Adopted by the Council 25 1989.
� APProved May 26, 1989.
(J e 3, 1989)