89-1204 `7' � r City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. t � � RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESS E T AND By a��� . FIXING TIME OF HEARING THE E N File No.S87(50) thru (53) , (55) , (57) , (58) , and (60) Voting Assessment No. 3474 thru 3481 W�d In the matter of the asaessment of benefits, c t a d expensea for sidewalk reconstruc io at the following locations: 6 S87-50 Both sides McAfee S . from �he south line of vacated Ivy Ave. ( 3474 ) to Arlington Ave. E;. t 1320 , 1324 , 1330, 1336 , 1360, 1366 , 1390 , 1359 , 1355 , 134 , 1345 , 1327 , 1321 McAfee Street and Lot 8 , Block 3 , Ma me s Add. 6 S87—S1 Both sides Mechani A enue from Hazel St�eet to Van Dyke Street ( 3475) at 1857 , 1863 , 188 , 1894 , 1884 , 1880 , 1876 , 1864 , & 1840 Mechanic Avenue. 3 S87-52 North side Norfolk A enue from Dave�n Street to S. Wheeler St. ( 3476 ) and West side Dave n Street from Norfolk Avenue to GFaham Ave. at 1401 and 1427 D v pn Stzeet. 2 S87-53 Both sides W. Pag S reet from Smith Avenue south to the west (3477 ) 150 feet more—or— es at 711 Smith Avenue S. 6 S87-55 South side E. Ros A enue from F�ank Stseet to Duluth Street (3478) at 1122 , 1128 , 11 8 nd 1156 Rose Avenue. Also the South side Rose Avenue fFOm r nk St�eet to the west at 1116 Rose Avenue. 7 587-57 Southeast side E. S xth Street fa�om Hope Street to the east ( 3479 ) abutting the Chur h of the Sac�ed Heart Pa�king Lot. 4 S87-58 Both sides Taylor A enue from N. Pascal StFeet to Simpson St. ( 3480) at 1481 and 1472 , Ta lor Avenue. 7 S87-60 North side Wilso A enue fzom Pede�son Street to the east ( 3481 ) abutting the Sun Ra Bsanch Lib�ary ( 2105 Wilson Avenue) JUL '6 1989 COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yea�/Dimond Nays Goswitz � Certified se by Council Se etary Long Rettman I Fa r B Scheibel Sonnen � gain t i._ ,:_m�� � Mayor �L - 7 �989 �lBt1S� J U l. 15198