89-1200 �y� City of St.Paul COLJNC FILE N . ' �� PRELIMINARY ORDER By Fil No. 18670 Voting Ward In the Matter of 5 Acqui�ing , for public pu�pos s , that pa�t of Block 13 , Found�y Addition , fo� the Weste�n/At at r Ponding P�oject , descFibed as follows : Commencing on East lin f said Block 13 , 5 feet North from the Southeast co n � of said Block thence North along said East line o said Block 433 . 95 feet to Northeas� cosne� of sai�d lock thence West on No��h line of said Block 556 . 03 e t mo�e—oa�—less to a point 70 feet East fa�om No�thwest coa�ner of said Block, thence Southeaste�ly along a st aight line to a point on the dividing line be�ween L ts 13 and 14 dis�ant 42 feet South f rom the No� t ' ine of said block , thence Southeaste�ly along a st aight line to a point on the di.viding line be�ween o s 12 and 13 , distant 78 feet South f �om the No �t line of said Block , thence Southeasterly along a s � ight line to the dividing li.ne between Lots 25 and 26 of said Block at a point 21 feet East f �om West line f said Lots 25 and 26 , thence continuing Southeaste�ly long same course 56 feet to a point in Lo� 26 , then e Southeaste�ly along a curved line being tangent to s i. last desc�ibed course 56 feet in length and having '�a �adius of 341 feet with its cente� Noa�heast of th 1 nd he�ein conveyed to a place of beginning. 2. That a public hearing be had on said impr vem nt on the 15th day of Au ust 1989 at n'ne �,���o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in th Cit of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given t th persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the i pro ement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date JUL 6 �9 Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz �} Certified ssed by Council Secretary Long '� Rettman yJ In Fav B Scheibel � Sonnen Against � � _ 7 � Mayor PUBLtSt� J U L 15 1989