89-1194 WHITE - CtTY CIERK COUt1C1I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L A CYANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO• • /l� - � Co� 'l Resolution ;,�� Presented By ��� �._-- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the C ncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approv s the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review p taining to the following listed property and as shown by th cerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated M y 9 , 1989, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a a t hereof by reference : DRTE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPERLED APPELLANT 05/09/89 30-89-F 1688 Dayton Ave. Vincent J. Kuznia BOARD ACTION: Granted an e tension of time until October l , 1989 to install a second exit from third floor. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Kuhl s ddition to the City of S . aul Subj alley; the Fol ; E . 1 t of Lot 6, and all of Lot Blk 3 ---------- - -------------------- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Fa or Goswitz s�che� _ Again t BY ' Sonnen �V'�son � Form pro by C't orn Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary B - � � _�D �� gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Appro d Mayor f io to uncil BY - � . . ����i�� DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 05/09/89 31-89-F 560 Como Ave. W. Leo A. Scheu BOARD ACTION: Granted an'I' e tension of time until October l , 1989 to complet he work hav ing to install the one hour fire a ed ceiling and door closures. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Denslo ' s Addition to the City o St. Paul Ex A e Lots 14 and Lot 5 Blk 3 ---------- -- ----------------- 05/09/89 29-89-F 186 Summit Ave. Ryan Schroeder BOARD ACTION: Refund Fii ng Fee PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Kalm n' Rearrangement of Lots , l , 2 , 3, & 4 of Block 59 D yt n & Irvine ' s Addi io to St. Paul Lot Blk 59 05/09/89 37-89-H 325 Dayton Ave. Wilder Juvenile Horizon Tisha M. Bolger BOARD ACTION: Granted an x ension of time until September l , 1989 to install p roved locks on doors . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Dayto nd Irvine ' s Addit ' o to St. Pau]_ S 50 t of Lot 1 Ex W 29 Ft of'' N 66 Ft Lot 2 and all o ot 7 and Lot 8 Blk 8 ----------- -------------------- ���ii�� DEPARTMENT/OFfICEIGOUNqL ' DATE IN TE �°oar'�n��yA e���e& Review 6- .0 : 9 GREEN SHEET NO. 2 5 8 7 INRIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON d PHONE 2 9 2—7 7 7 cJ PAR71dENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Jose hine P. on ' o ann ' A�N�,' Cf1Y CLERK MUBT BE ON WUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTI BUDCaET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN � TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAGE8 2 (CUP A L L CATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REOUES'TED: Resolution approving the ac io s of the Board of Appeals & Review RECOMMENOATIONS:Apprare W or Ryect(1� COUNC CO MI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL 8ERVICE COMMIS810N �� PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _BTAFF _ COMME 8:I �� �, �l ,� J _D18TRICT COURT _ BUPPORTS WHICFI COUNpI OBJECTIVE7 �y� i'�a��J l��"l�E�+� INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Whsrs,Wh�: Approving the action of the Boa f Appeals & Review of the meeting of May 9, 1989. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Waivers, Extensions and refunds r nted to the property owner by the Board will be ratified. 5 e tensions of time 1 r fund filing fee asncvnrrrnaes iF,��ov�: None asnov�rrr�oes iF rior�P��: The action taken by the Board wi 1 e returned to the Board by City Council for further action. C�L'�^Cs1 �E?S��!'Gh C@Ilt@t� J UPd 2 3 �i�-�J TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/I�VENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE QNE) YES NO X FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM9ER 3 3 2Fi� �wwan�wFORwu►nori:�exruuN� . . ���'ii9� �A� �v+ r U� �30ARG �F At�PtRL� t� REV i t4v �=� C�dar St�-eet ���. . 'a � , i� i nnesota 5� : �J i i "" 12 ) 292-7775 �i i iv����c� � eefi i r�c� ,,� May y , 1 �riy MEM8ER5 ?REStNT: Kon �= � - ssman . Cr-�a i rman Rona d AnKAn�� Wi ! � � 7ilt.on MEMBERS ABSENi: Sean C r,ev Haro ci Knutson �av ; ' .ct�u i r� F'GbE t �V l zr' i nG OTHERS P�ESENI"�: Caro yr 5nepherd, Public Health Pat is . Fire Department Hope A rams , rire Department Dick Li r�ert . Public Heaith �ish � iger . Nhil Kn� isl k i ch r Sagst.etter i-larry Stanke Mi � d e� 5tanke Marie Marcotte June �a�kson �eo A. 5cneu Vinc K znia Orviile riiier Doro r-� Verstraete Davici Verstraete Marg re _. Demco Rona �d NoeKer STAFF : �ose 1-�i e P. Bangiovanni Chairman Glassman calied th meetinq to order at 1 :45 p.m. Mdy U. 1`?t39. He weicomE t e appeilants anci explained the procedures . stating that 'wi-� t the board does is, recommends action to the Citv Counc f . Chairman Glassman ap� fog ze for a delay in starting the meeting, stating the E3oard does n t ave a quorum for this meeting. Let the records show that Bi ' i ilton called Paul McCloskey, the Boards Legal Advisor, fo a opinion regarding having no quorum. The preferable method wo ld be, to act as a Comrnittee of the Board, to render advisor o inions, let the people know that any opinion that is expresse t day, is likely to be ratified by the Baard at the next meetin i June. If any one is aggrieved by the decision of the board to ay, they would have the right to return to the next meeting an p ea his/her case the second time. Chairman Glassman inform d he Board that the Rainleader Disconnect Ordinance Sec. 41 .03 of he Saint Paul Legislative Code was amended and approved by he City Council to include the appeais process, therefore. the oa d, will be hearing Rainleader Disconnect cases. 1 1 . ,ap�T-i�V,; j �,,r ,.r,a rlll' tlt_l�.��� Ofi �.Ylt' At�t- 1 I j i . j=_jt_it+, tTIE'�?t i(1�a •�5 submirted in wr- it + n��. i"�OL. I f1�1 fllc'1=7C bY � 1 I i ! 1 i tUf: t.O �C�pr,�.•Va t'r�t? Cf!1 rlUt"'�, r,t rh� A.�r i i i 1 . 1 yb'a a� subrn i ttea i r� N!?� 1 t. i rt�a. �7°C�?�It]P[i by kona i a An�env. i�!0�(!ON CARKIED UNAN: MU�JSLY . L. LASE H�,4f�I NvS : C.A�t NCi: !�NUPEI?I'r AP�'EALEU ANt'EL�AN�I� 37-89-H 325 Javton Ave. WildPr JuvEniie Horiz��ns iraomina-Class M) Natric: ia M. Boiaer APPEARANCE : Tisha Bo1�er SUBJECT: Appeilant is requesting a variance on the re��uirement uf havinq t:o remove tne pad locks on the outside of the rESident' s bedroom doors, as per ietter dated December 19. 1y89. PROCEtUINGS: This is a residentiai treatment facilitv for emotiona� iv ciisabled adolescent mothers, who live in the home with their children . Currently there are pad- iocks on t!-�e outsic9e or" the aoors on t.t��eir rooms to secure their possessions , upan leavir�g their rooms. Ms . Boiger is requestinq a variance from Le��i s f at i �re Code. Carolvn 5hepr�erd stated tt��at a }ock that is openable from the insid� would �z acczPtabiE. The pedlock 5ituatian couicl inadver-tent. fy lock someone in the room. 7hey were aiven a variance on tne requirement ofi dead�o)t. locks or� the room. Wha�t is t�eing requested here is a reauiar 1ock. a t.urnbuckel on the inside and a key on the outside. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton t.o deny the request for a variance on padlocks , instead gave the Appellant an extension of time until September 1 , 1989 to install approved locks on the doors. Second by Ronald Ankeny. MOTION CARRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 39-89-H 949 Hague Ave June H. Jackson ( 1 unit> SUBJECT: Appel ]ant is appealing the "ORUER TO VACATE" , letter dated April 11 , 1989. APPEARANCE : June Jackson. PROCEEDINGS: Ms . Jackson stated that she cannot afford to have the house painted at this time. She has been in touch with Mr. Novak from HRA, trying to get a grant sa as to be able to get things done. 2 B��ARD ACTIGN : Biil Tiii n ade a motion for a postponement ror two (� 1 montr�s , with t.ne stiGUiatian tnat an inspector be ailowed entrv into t.he house and th Anr�eiiant is to make everv effort to o��ta i n f=ur�us to do rhe p � n . i na. i � not. . t1-�en Ms . J�Ck,SU!� + s t.o �et.u�-n to tioar'u. _ --------- -- --------------------- 25-8u-H lU2 Leecn :�t. F�red G. Schmic�t. ( 1 unit ) ArPEAkANCE : Fred G. 5chm dt �;i I�JECT: Appe i 1 ant i 5 e�� �est i r�a an extens i on ot= t. i me to de tr�e ��ecessaT-y repairs pert ining to the EXTERIOR: stcrm5 win�ows missinU. found�t. i�n is ►� oK-n and has holes . rear ���rch roof sags , rear chimney has loose r� i k5 , *rorit cnimneY � s d�teriorated, fascia boards are rottin a d falling off. iii -fitting front dc�or, ili -fitting rear d or . GENERA� : firont anci rear doors no ��ieadbolts , sash holders i5- ing on ai ? win��ows , sasl� iocks missina, no smoke dEtect rs . ! ivir�g room �eiiinq piaster is buiging , pidster on be�ir� ern is bulgin�, repair ar�d provide gas io stove, p i aster m i ss i ng o k i tc!-�cr� wa i ! , !F!!AR: vent w�ter r�eater �roperly. in5tal ] drip ? � n arater heater , repair broF;en steps . �etter dated March 3 . 19 9. PROCEEUINGS : The Appell nt stated tnat this home was condemned a year agc� because of 1 ck ofi water to the nome. Since then, a new water line was insta le throuah solid rock r"or a cost of $7 . 000. 00 which was done on January 1 , 198y. On March 3 , 1989 rhe Appellant received a le ter *hat nad 19 items to be done, This house is 120 years ld. very smali , which pr�vides reasonably priced rental ho sina. On April 14. 198g a notice ofi c�nvemnation was filed o t e property. Items that have been done are. . .Screens , faun ation repaired. rear chimney, front chimney, fascia boards, ro t door, deadbolts , smoke detectors, plaster in kitchen, drip ' le on water heater, broken steps. BUARD ACTION: Motion mad b Bill Tiiton to grant an extension of time for 30 days on the ag ing porch roof, with the condition that the City do a reins ec ion to deterrnine if the porch is structually sound, and i t e porch is structually sound than a variance will be granted -i it is not, then the variance is denied. Seconded by Rona d nkeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . FURTHER ACT10N5: Motion y on Glassman to grant a variance on the rear entry door. Se on ed by Bill Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion made by Ron Giass an to grant an extension of time for 30 days on sash holders and sa h locks on windows, repairing the ��rir� r_.r�et w 1 1 1 be upenbb e! i n 1 1 eu of �ash cords, c i i ps c�n be used. Seconded by Ronald An eny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 Mot i on made bv hon G i assmar� to carant a var i�nc�e on ti�e ce i ► i n� tiies in iivina room. SECOndery bv Ronald Ankenv. MOiiC�N CARRi�D UNAN � MuUSLY . i`1ot i on made ov i� i ! i T i i ton tnat at tne t i me the ba�.� �orc� i s reinspected �or struc�tua ! soundness . to nave the c�iiina in tne b�dr�om cr�e��ed a I so. ar�d i f the C i tv and Mr . Schmi��t car�nat. agree then ,1r . 5chrn i dt i s to r eturn to trie 8oarc ror a dec i s i��n. Sec-�nr�rd c��r Ron Ankenv. MOT I GN CARR I EG UNAN I MOUSL'f . Mot i on rna�� b�� B i i i �C � 1 ton i�c� deny tne requESt for a var i ance on tr,e st��ve connect i ar�. 5zconded by Ron Ankeny. MC�I�I OM CARR I EU ��NANiM0U5LY . Mc,�t i��r� madz bY B i I I -i i i tan t� �7eny the request ror a var i ance on ti��e water heater vent , instead granted an extension of time until May 31 . i989 to repair the vent on the water heater. Seconded by Ron Ankenv. MU-�i U�l CA�F�I ED UNAN I MUU�!1' . ---------------------------------- 33-c3y-H 783 Carroli Ave. Azaniah Bucklev ( 2 unitsi APPEARAIVCE : A. Bucklev SUBJECT. AppEllant ts requesting a variance on the requiremeni of having to replace defective hot water boilers . Letter dat.ed March 15. 1989. PROCEEUINGS: Mr . Buckiey feels that t.he furnaces are tunctionai . HE had ar� estimais to have two new ones put in and the cost was $5400. 0� not including piping and �himney which would make the cost considerably higher. Dick Lippert, from Public Health stated that he had discussed this with Mr. Votel before the meeting and Mr. Votel stated that even though they could be repaired, the furnaces probably would not meet the Minnesota State Energy Code. Mr. Votel would be wi1ling to accept adequate repair of the two furnaces , keeping in mind, that they probably can't be repaired to the quality that they need to be. The prudent thing to do would probably replace the two boilers. Mr. Lippert stated that at this time there would be no problem on giving Mr. Buckley time until the new heating season to do the necessary repairs. Bill Tilton asked Mr. Lippert what was wrong with the furnaces? Mr. Lippert stated that when Mr. Votel , the inspector was in the building there were flames blowing out of the charge doors , like a blast furnace. Mr. Votel feels, its not just minor repairs, he feeis the furnace is near being shot. Extremely hazardous . 4 BUARD ACTIQN : Motion mad b Bill Ti ? ton to arant an extension of time, ofi� r� is choice . to ep ace or repair the furnace by October l . i9�a- i f tr�e furn�ce i s r �a red tr�en �L rnust �e done bv a Certiried ConLractc�r . wh w ! I af� irm that the furnaces meet appropr iate safet_y cocies. tate Enerqy C;ode i s not a r ec�u i rement . Seconded b ' R n Ankern�. MGT I ON CARR I ED UNANIMOIJSLY . --------- -- --------------------- �6-89-H 995 McLea A e. �1cLean '�errace LTD. (24 unitsj) Partnership Brian H. Miller APPEARANCE: Brian Miller SUBJECT: Appeliant is r u stinq a variance on modification of the existinq guard rail zcond floor landing from 3� inches to tf-�e he? ght af 42 i nches . ' L tter dated Apr i ! 6, 1�389. PROCEEUINGS_ T�he Appellan s requesting a variance on the existing guard rail in th ormer Mour�ds Park � lem�ntary Schooi . wt� ich is being rehabbed i t apartments. Ronaid Noeker . from Buiidin Cocle stated that there are options that could be worked witFi. ucr� as a s�iid wall put behind tr�e presPnt guard rails on se o d floor. BUARD ACTION: Motion made b_ Bill 1- ilton that the request for a variancP on the present q a d raiis or� the second floor be granted. 5econded by Ron A ken��. MO�i I ON CAR�I ED UNAN 1 MOUSL.Y. 24-8y-F 1123 N. Ch t worth 5t. Dorothy G. Verstraete (3 units) APPEARANCE: David Verstra t SUBJECT: Appellant is re' u sting a variance on having to provide a second exit to grade le el from third floor (unit #3) . Letter dated February 23 , 1989. PROCEEDINGS: David Verstr e e, Resident Manager stated that he would like a variance on h stairway because there are three means of egrees from unit, # . The unit occupies space both from second and third floor, w i h is a two story apartment. One set of stairs exits out the b c through an enciosed porch and the other thru the interior s airway through another unit. 5 BG�AF:D ACT!c�N: Mot i on madc bti� B i 1 i -f i 1 ton to ��rar�t a var i ar�cE �n the interior stairway for as long as Verstraete' s own and occupy the building and the interior door is never lor_ked. 5ecor►ded by Ron Ankenv. MOTION CAF�RIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 26-89-F 4i W. Arlington Ave. Richdrds Properties t32 units ) Richard Sagstetter APPEARANCE : Richard Sagstetter SUBJECT: Appeilant is requesting a varian�e �n the requirement of having to cr�ange existing deadbolt from 3/4 t� 1 inch. Letter dated February 15 . 1989. PROCEEDINGS: Fat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that therz are 3/4 deadbolts and it is a security building. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Ron Glassman to grant a variance on the present deadbolt requirements to allow 3/4" deadbalts to exist. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- L7-89-F 20 E . Exchang� 5t. Central Towers , Inc. (280 unitsl Susan Landais SUBJECT: Appeilant is requesting an extension of time to complete items from a deficiency list, letter dated February 24. 1989, pertaining to providP fire separation in trash room, replace all glass in corridors with wired glass, stairway indentification, update alarm system, provide sprinklers rubbish chute. LettEr dated February 24, 1989. Appellant requested a postponement to the June 13 , 1989 meeting. ---------------------------------- 28-89-F 635 Lincoln Ave. Philip J . Kneist (5 units) APPEARANCE : Philip J . Kneisi SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the requirment of having to provide an escape window in unit #5. Letter dated March 17, 1989. PROCEEDINGS: The Appellant stated that the window in the bedroom on the third floor is only 10 feet from the nearest window. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that if the wall were opened 50%, then no variance is required. 6 BOARD ACTION : Motion ma e y Bill Tilton t� deny the request for a var i ance on t.he escape w i dow i r� un i t ##5 . Sec��r�cfF��i b�� Rnr�a i c1 Ar�keny. MUTIC��N CARRIEG NA IMOUSLY . ---------- -- --------------------- 29-89-F 186 Summi A e. Ryan 5chroeder ( 13 unit ) SUSJECT: Appeliant is r qu sting a variance on having to enclose all stairwells with mini um 1 hour fire resistive c�nstructior� . �etter �atcd Fr��?-��_a.�r w i�, i �i�,�, Resolved with Fi �-e Preven i n, Appellant is re�uesting a refunci of the filing fee. E30ARi� AC"f I c��l: M��t i c>n n1+3��1- y Ei i i 1 T i i tan to rEfur►ci thc F i i i ng Fee of $ 10. 00. Seconded y Ron Glassman. MOTIUN CARRIED UNANIMUUSLY. 3U-�i9-F 1b88 Davto ve. Vincent J . Kuznia ( 3 un i ts') At'PEARANCE : V i ncent. J . Ku n a SUBJECT: Apeliant is req e ting a variance on the requirement of having to provide a secon xit from the third floor apartment. Letter dated March 2 , 198 . PROCEEDINGS: The Appel ) an tated that the second exit is a ladder from tr�e third flo r out of a bedroom window. Pat Fish, from Fire Preve tion stated that a ladder is not acceptable for a third fl o second exit, a stairway is needed to conform to code. BOARD ACT10N Motion made b Bill Tiiton to deny the variance, instead granted the appel a t an extension of time until October 1 , 1989 to install a seco d exit from the third floor. Seconded by Ronald Ankeny. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ----------- ' - --------------------- 31-89-F 560 W. Com ve. Leo A. Scheu APPEARANCE: Leo A. Scheu SUBJECT: Appellant is re u sting a variance on the requirement of having to provide one o fire rated ceiling for basement ��nd?r-� 1 1 qu�r-• �tc�r-�e, �,1 sU r i{J i ng U.L. �pproved hydreu 1 i c ciosures for one hour ftr ' r ted doars at entrance to basement under liquor store and be w n basements under liquor store and basement of banquet hall . L tter dated March 14, 1989. 7 F'�Gc:EEU 1 Nc;S: The ApGe i ! ar�r_ stated t.hat t�e pur chas�d tt��� �u i I fJ i ng five yEars ago. This buiiding had been inspected over the years and tP�erA was never a mention o* this being in violation of code. Hope Abrams . from FiT-e Prevention stated that Lifie Safety Code requires that ali t�ooms . rurnace rooms , must be separated firom otr�Pr parts ofi the building by one ho+ar tire rated wali including the ceiiir�g and tnat they have self ciosing doors . There is an alternative to having to do this , which woulc� be to instail a sprinkler system. BOARD ACTION : Motion made by Bili Tiiton to deny the request for a variance on the one hour fiire rated ceiling and door closur�s . instead granted the Appellant an extension of time until October i . 1989 to complete the work on the one hour fire rated ceiling and door closures . 5econded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY . ----------------------------------- 32-89-F 771 Randoiph Ave. Margaret A. Uemco ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE : Marqaret A. Demco 5UBJE�-f: Appei ( ant is request. ing a variance to install a 3-levei zlectrical fire alarm system in lieu of a 3-story outside staircase. Letter dated March 20 , 1989. PRUCEEDINGS: Pat Fish. from Fire Prevention stated that this building falls in the category between rooming/boarding house and single famiiy home. Thev livz in the home together , technically there is more than fo�r persons unrelated to the owner. even though they live communally, there are no doors on the rooms , anci no separation of the units. This is like a 3 story single family home. Pat Fish. from Fire Prevention stated what the Appellant is requesting, would be a comfortable alternative. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Ron Glassman to grant variance to install a 3-level electrical fire alarm system in lieu of a 3- story outside staircase for as long as the building is used in the same manner/style as it presently is being used. Seconded by Bill Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 8 � � r �4-89-F 504 SEIbY ve. Kenesaw Condo Assoc. ( 10 uriits Tienne M. Ruppert ,Judson D. Jones APP�ARANCE : JudSon D. Jen s . Attorney SUBJECT: A�peliant is re ue tir�g a variance on item #3-Provide escape windows all bedrao s , also itzm #4-provide second exit from third floor . Letter 'da ed March lb, 1989. PRUCEEDINGS: Mr . Jones . s at d that ttie request f=or a variance on the escape window is bein w thdrawn as the owner of that apartment will re-arrange th rooms in the apartment. The second item that is b ' in appealed is the third floor exits . The problem is that two u it in the front part of the buiiding, have exits on the second lo r ,but have sieeping rooms on the third fioor , which do not ''ha e exits. The exits from the bedrooms are down a s�a i rcase ta t e nter i ur- of tt��e un i t frc�rn wher�e therY ere tw� separatP sec�on�� flo� exits. There is a guirk of the construction of the buildi'na which is , in the center of the bu i 1 ��i n� wt��i ch g��es k�.�ci�;, th .re are w i nd�ws on the th i rd f 1 oor that opEn on to atrium, wF �ic is less than a one story drop. Once on the atrium, there is a la ge window that ieads to the insid� to the main staire se of the building. Yhe building i-�as a hard wired interconnected fi e alarm system. BOARD ACTIaN: Motion made y Biii Tiiton to grant a variance on the second exit from the t i d floor, because the stairs from 2nd and 3rd floor are contain nside the two affected units. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. 0 ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ----------- - -------------------- 35-89-� 467 Ashland A e. Marie Marcotte t9 units) APPEARANCE : Marie Marcott SUBJECT: Appellant is req e ting a variance on the requirment of having to provide a second' e it from the third floor, glass doors in front. hali , and update a hrooms to accommodate change in usage of the building. Le t r dated March 16-22, 1989. PROCEEDINGS: The appellant s ated that the third floor unit has two exits, one on the insi e and one on the outside, except the one on the outside only go s down to the top of the garage. Code states that the staircase u t go to ground level . 9 . _ � � Pat F i sh. from F i re Prev�nt. i��n stated that ti-�e g � ass doars are not to code, these lead to a common haiiway. These d�or must have wired glass or solid doors for safety. BOARD ACTi{�N : Motion made by Bii1 Tiit.on to deny +�.he request for- a variance on the second exit from third fioor . Seconded by Ron AnkEny. MUTION CAF�RIED UNANIMOUSLY. FURTHER ACTION : Motion made by Biil Tilton to deny the request for a variance on the glass doors. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. M07ION CARRIEU UNANIMOUSLY. Biil Tilton moved to postpone the request on the bathrooms var- iance for 4 m�nths to have Ms . Marcotte go before the Zoning Board t<� r-esolve the issue �n the occupancy load from 9 units to 12 units. Seconded by Ron G1assman. MUTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- Chairman Glassman requested that the records show that only three rnembers were present, and that every case that was heard and voted on. was a unanimous vote. There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 3 : 4U p.m. 10