D00718CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No.: �� I Date: 1 � y - ADMINISTRATIVE • ORDER GS #: 34458 RITnCFT RFViSiON ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the author'rty granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the DepartmeM of Public Works m amend tFie 19 9g hudget of the public Works En¢ineerin� Fund fund,lhe Direcror of the Dep�rtmerrt of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in ihe following manner: Curtent Mended �dget q�� &xkjet 1 205 - 12180 - Q358 2 205 - 12180 - 0359 3 205 - 12180 - 0857 Survey Supplies Other-Spec Mad & Supplies Data Piocessing Hazdwaze Totals $1,165.00 $2,804.00 $5,710.59 $9,679.54 ($196.00) ($2,804.00) $3,000.00 $0.00 $969,00 $0.00 $8,710,59 $4,679.59 Construction would like to re�lace an older NTacintosh computer and there is sufficient materials budget to cover Purchases through the end of the year. Spending authonty needs to be transferrnd from material to capital ontlay budget in order to make tkus puirhase. � � �7�vvyxf�c<a.9�'�' i�/a rjs � Prepared by' PcA�n"ry Manaper Raq�asteE� eMplrector ••••/` �-Q-��- ���--�_* Q Approved��� �l— a ( —7 s �a )EPAFtTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIpTED PublicWorks �on3i9s GREEN SHEET �� � O. 34458 CONTACTPERSONBPHONE 1J w�T ATE INII IYdnHd2k-�-�� �Cn�.(� ASSIGN Qq DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR � CRYCOUNCIL _ �� �CIIYATfORNEY O CRYCLEflK MUSTBEONCOUNCLLAGENDABY(DAl'� RW71NG ❑5 BUDGETOFFICE �j FINANCEACCOUNTING � �MAYOR(ORASSISTAt� O1 DanH�lc 8(�.µ _ 80F SICNATURE PAGES � (GLIP ALL LOCA710tL5 FOH SIGNANii� �z �__ � oEraan.tEriracxour F �s ACTION flEWESiED Appmval of attached A�lm;n;c�,a�ive Order transferring spending from materials budget to capital ouday budget in the Construction/In�uection xtiviry of rhe PW Engineering Fund RECOMMENDA710NSApprwe (A) w Rejet! (R) PLANNMGWMMISSION CNILSERVICECOMMISSION CIB CAMMfTTEE _ _ A STAFF _ DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? budget PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfiY (WHQ WHAT, WHEN, PEFiSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS YUST ANSWEFi TNE FOLLOWING WIESTIONS: 7. Has this persan/firm ever worked under a conbact tor tlris departmeni? VES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a dry employee? YES NO 3. Daes ihis perwNfirtn possess a sltill no[ normaily possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separata sheet and attach to graen sheei wHn: Construcuon division would like to purchase a computer to reglace a soon to be obsolete Macintosh. There is suf5cient material budget to cover purchases through the end of the year. This Administrative order transfers $3,000 from the material budget to the capital outlay budget to cover [he purchase of this computer. Transfer of monies is needed so that capitalization regaladons wIll be adhered to and sufficient budget exists in proper category. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None � N01! � 3 1995 CIT1' CLER� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Purchase of replacement computer woald not take place. S�u�plus material budget would remain in this acfivity. � N�t$0 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) (YES� NO SoURCE PW Engin�ring Fund ACTIVITY NUpkBER 205-12180 FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) acrion does not require any additional revenues from the engineering fund. � VU