89-1181 Wh11TE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU�ICll �/ �i BLUERV - MAVORTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L File NO. ✓ •' r//v f Cou 'l Resolution �, 13 .,� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � �`�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, C.F. 86-110 dated Febr ar 8, 1986 approved a Memorandum of Understanding which pertained to the salaries an fringe benefits of unclassified Assistant City Attorneys in confidential and/o s pervisory positions; and WHEREAS, C.F. 85-91 dated Janu y 6, 1985 approved a ;Memorandum of Understanding which pertained to the salarie a fringe benefits o� certain Unclassified Confidential Supervisory emplo ee ; and WHEREAS, C.F. 272558 dated Mar h , 1979 approved a Memorandum of Understanding which pertained to the salarie a d fringe benefits o� certain unclassified titles in the Mayor' s office; and WHEREAS, C.F. 84-1736 dated Ja ua y 5, 1985 approvedla Memorandum of Understanding which pertained to salaries an f inge benefits of Classified Confidential Supervisory employees; and WHEREAS, Under C.F. 87-1506 d te October 24, 1987, �.F. 86-110, C.F. 85-91 , C.F. 272558 and C.F. 84-1736 er rescinded as to th� provisions of such resolutions relating to wage increases in an particular year; au�d WHEREAS, Under C.F. 89-229 da ed April 29, 1989 a Wa�e and Benefit Policy was approved allowing current emp oy es the option of not being covered by such Wage and Benefit Policy; now, ther fo e be it RESOLVED, That the current em lo ees who have elected the option of not being covered by the Wage and Benef't olicy shall receive salary and fringe benefit adjustments equal to the adju t nts granted to employees represented by the Saint Paul Supervisors Organ' at'on in accordance with the collective bargaining agreements between the City f int Paul and the S�int Paul Supervisors Organization. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond OFFIG'E OF PERSONNEL AND LABOR RE?�.?,TIOItiS Lo� I Favor Goswitz ��� a A J Scheibel ai n s t BY Sonnen � Wilson �+ AU17 � 7 � Form prove y Ci y orne � Adopted by Council: Date ���� j� � �� � .� . �>-�' Certified Ya.s d uncil . e B ��- - , � : . � � — � Y By �p� ; � A►pprove Mavor. Date � $ �i0 Appr $d by Mayor for Sub i si !n to C�ouncil PUBIISl�D �� 2 6 1989 - . - ��� ii�i :!EPARTMEN"i/OFFICE/I�UNqL DA INITI D a /I 1 Personnei & Labor Relations 0 -0 -89 GREEN SWEET N0. 7 `+ f OONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �NITWJ DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPAR'TMENT OIRECTOR Q GTY OOUNqL James C. Lombardi 292-7301 N� � �CITYATfORNEY �qTYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(DATE) TING �BUDQEf DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.BERVICE3 DIR. p �MAYOR(OR A8818TANn � TOTAL M OF 316NATURE PAGSES � (CL A LOCATIONS FOR SIGINATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a RsJsct(R) NCI COMMITTEE/FIESEARCN RE OPYIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N Yg PMONE NO _p8 COMMITTEE _ -STAFF _ ME . _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,13SUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Whsro,W ): This resolution grants the wage an b nefit provisions of the contracts between the City and the Saint Paul Supervisors Org ni ation to the non-represented managers who elected not to be covered by the new Manag rs Wage and Benefit Pplicy. . ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: , d d f r non-re resented mana ers who elected This establishes the policy which as inten e o p S not to be covered by the recently ap roved Managers' Wag� and Benefit Policy. Seven employees have taken this option. � DISADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: i A wage and benefit policy will be in place for all non-�?epresented managers. This will allow appropriate and timely wage an benefit administration for this group. DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: i No wage and benefit policy will xi t for these seven c�on-represented managers. With no existing approved policy, the ad in stration of their �iage and benefit provisions may be affected. ; TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = none �pgT/REVENUE sllDGETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �wwaw iNr•oRNU►nore(ExPwN� No additional cost at this time uture costs will be� determined by the negotiated contracts with the Saint Paul S pe visors Organization. . . ��-���� 4. Discussion of Police and Fi nsion Consolidation. No action required 5. Resolution 89-1138 - direct ng the Port Authority Laid over to use funds from its net i co e to refund to St. Paul taxpayers $1,639,504 c 11 cted in 1989. (Referred from Council June 22 6. Resolution 89-1218A - amen in the 1989 budget by Laid over to 8/P1 adding $15,733 to the Fina ci g & Spending Plans for Special Projects-Polic , niform Crime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Coun il July 11); and Resolution 89-1218B - auth ri ing a Federal Uniform Laid over to 8/21 Crime Reporting agreement i the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred ro Council July 11) 7. Ordinance 89-895 - amendi g hapter 33 of the Admin- Laid over to 8/21 istrative Code pertaining to reimbursement for car expense by providing a mo th y increase for elected officials. (Referred fro C uncil June 15� 8. Ordinance 89-1040 - amen in Section 13 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to pr ce ures for the acquisition and improvement of prope ty (Referred from Council June 13) 9. Ordinance 89-1041 - ame in Section 14 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to s eci 1 assessments. (Referred from Council un 13) 10. Ordinance 89-897 - amen in Chapters 369 and 370 Denied of the Legislative Code pe taining to buildin� (presenter is requested trades business license a d certificates of ; to withdraw resolution) competency. (Referred r Council May 23, l�id over July 10) PERSONNEL 11. Resolution 89-860 - am nd ng the Salary Plan ;and Approved substitute Rates of Compensation es lution regarding Uriclas- resolution � sified Positions. (R fe ed from Council May 18, laid over July 10) 12. Resolution 89-1181 - ra ting wage and benefit Approve provisions of contrac s etween the City and the Supervisors Organizat on to non-represented managers who elected not to b c ered by the new Manager's Wage and Benefit Pol 'cy. (Referred from Cowncil July 6) 13. Resolution 89-1238 - am nding Section 28.B of the Approved Civil Service Rules on erning compensation. (Referred from Counc'1 uly 13) . _ . .. . . .. .... . .._. .. ..--. . ... ..... � ... .. ..,.. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. ---. ..__� ._ . .�._...._....._t.,. - _ �.- v�:',�,�:�. -��. . -- r �,r._� ��n��v GITY OF SAINT PAUL : :._ " ° ,� ' iiie°ii�lni;! - �1� OFFICF OF TAE CITY COIINCIL _ _ Committee Report Finance. Management. & Personnel Committee JULY 31, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of July 10, 1989, meeting. Approved FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved transferring $32,062 from Contingent Reserve to Police Administration for full-time position to oversee license renewal and application process. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2b. Resolution 89-1004 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $112,000 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Utility Needs. (Referred from Council June 6, laid over July 10 for amend- ment) 2c. Resolution 89-1024 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $23,500 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Division of Libraries Maintenance Services. (Referred from Council June 8, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2d. Resolution 89-862 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved substitute adding $196,888 to the Financing & Spending Plans resolution � for Public Works performance improvements activities. (Referred from Council June 20, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2e. Resolution 89-1153 - amending the 1989 budget by Withdrawn : addding $17,068 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire and Safety Services Administration. (Referred from Council June 27, withdrawn by Administration) 3. Resolution 89-1272 - declaring intent to reopen Approved substitute negotiations in an attempt to resolve firefighters resolution issue. CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 f�46 ,,. .....,.�-.,..�.w�...�:.. ..�c� .�....ro-. . ,::::...:,. ,�..-,.-.....f, . , �.�...,-. .. -r....-.�, ._-,,:�+++w++.:s- _. - .,.,�,,.._�. , . . +..,:e!�'�m+r��. , �-�+�»..�.,,,v.....�,...,. . _ .. . . . �....... „-. ...:._..,...-. ...�,....�..�.�....r;, � .