89-1176 WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COVnCII // BLUERV - MAVPORTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL . File NO. '�i����� ounc 'l Resolution �� Presented By Refe ed To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (I # 3842) for renewal o� a State Class A Gambling License by Ma y Mother of Mercy and Good Hope Shelter at 1494 N. Dale Str et be and the same is hereby approved/ � � � r COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fa r ` Goswitz �e�j � _ Agains BY � - - Sonnen Wilson 1r� a1�iN L � Form Appro d.by Cit At ey Adopted by Council: Date '� Certified Pass by Council Sec a BY I By - Appro Mavor: Date � 0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P�JBIiS�D J U L - � � 8 � , . . ��,�� DEPARTMENTIOFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITIA o 17 9 3 Fi nance/Li cense GREEN SHE T No. CONTACT PER80N 8 PFIONE INITUW ATE INITIALfDATE DEPIWTMENT aREGTOR �CITY COUNqI Ch ri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 � arr ArroAN�r �GTY CLERK MU8T BE ON OWNqL AOENDA BY(DAl'� ROUTNrO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. 6-30-89 M"Y�c�'"�T �7�ouA�ia R TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAQES (CLIP AL LO TIONS FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED:App�„OVd� of an appl i cati on for re wal of a State C1 a s A Gambl i ng Li cense. ,� 9 Heari ng Date: 6-3�89 RECOMMENDATIONB:Aqxov�(y a ReJect(R) COUNCIL ITT�I RLPORT OPTI NAL _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PNUNE NO. _dB OOMMITTEE _ COMME _STAFF _ —D18TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISBUE,�PORTUNITY(Who,Whst,Whsn,Whsrs,Wh�: Ann Smith on behalf of Mary Mo he of Mercyr and Good ope Shelter requests City Council approval of her a pl cation for renewal f a State Class A Gambling License at 1494 N. Da e treet. Pr�ds fr m the bingo session are used to provide the basic ec ssities of food, cl thing and shelter to shelter residents.and their un orn children. Bing sessions are��held Wednesday afternoons between 1 00 PM and 5:00 PM. A1 fees and applications have been submitted. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, r Mother of Mercy an Good Hope Shelter will sponsor a bingo session a 1 94 N. Dale St. DISADVANTAOES IF APPF�VED: D18ADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED: �our��i1 �esearch Center � MAY 3 0 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BUOOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . , , A ' NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIIABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent rypea of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdgtsJ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Inftiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssietant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Axounting 6. Chief acx�untant, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. DepaRmeM Director 3. Mayor/Assisisnt 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Axountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Ciry Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PAGES Indicate the#of psges on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these p�a es. ACTION REGIUESTED Deecribe what the projecf/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each ltem in your Ifst with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council obJective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSlNG, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatlon or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this fs simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ cheRer or whether there are specific wa in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this pro�icUaction. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVEO What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this proJecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noiae, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative�nsequenc�s if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate7 Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you muat answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay7 . . . . ��-//7� TitVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI ION llATE � �/�� / 5 a �Y � INTERDF.PARTMF.fiTAL REVIEW GHECKLZST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud c- rf� Applicant �,t �/�n _��`Y\ ,'f'V� _ Home Address �a2� � ��• � / �-,�,,, �� Rus ine s s Name .�C�� � ,� Home Phone � N y– 1� 1 .J� Business Address � ��� Q , � � Type of Lic.ense(5) l: Iq$ S A' Business Phone C (��� L ' r C �— Public Hearing Date (� � �, License I.D. 4{ ��� ��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council hambers, 3rd floor City Hali and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 41 ���' llate N�tice Sent; Dealer �� ��� to Applicant Pederal I'irearms �� I..��f� Public Hearing DATE I1�SP 'CT UN REVIEW VERFIED (C MP TER) I CUMMENTS A roved t roved � � Bldg I & D � ' N�/k , � Health Divn. ' , ti��� � � � Fire Dept. � � �-� I� � � S�nt � � � Yolice Dept. I � ����� e License Divn. � �30 � ! a�.� City Attorney � � �3��`1 ' alC_. ! � Date Received: Site Plan � � � To Council P.e�earch �j � � Lease or Letter ����� D te from Landlord . . . . ,��-,��� r � � ` � Charitable Gambling Controi Board For Boerd Use Oniy �: , Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bidg. 1821 University Ave. Paid Amt: - _' St. Paul, MN 551043383 Check No. ' :....;' (612)642-0555 Date: GAMBLING LICENSE E WAL APPLICATION �. LICENSE NUMBER: A-Q1Q9Z-861 /EFF. DATE: atl $1 S3 /AMOUNT OF FEE: . � 1.Applicant-Legal Name of Organization 2.Street Address AARY �10T;�f2 �f �ER�Y .�MO SOOD NOPE iHEITER 11ii 3 Oakdaie 3.Ciry, State,Zip 4. County 5. Business Phone Yest St .-a��'. �iN �•5,:: 93kuta �i: a51-S63! 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 7. Business Phone v??� . .... i�U' � �� aan_ ;a;� 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone • j�:6ti . . %.i� �.-3A9; 10. Name of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12. Business Phone +�nr! ':at ;� tP::�':. :'S ,i:. o4�-3i:, 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambling Will Take Place 14. Counry 15. No.of Active Members ideat ;:,!; . � ���i :�,3ms�� ! 33 16. Lessor Name ' 17. Monthly Rent: ., , , . � . �a; . ai^5 18. If Bingo will be conducted with this ticense, please specify days an tim s of Bingo. ,I � Days / Times Days Times Days Times W,C�^( . !T �-.- ! i'.:/ - .���`?�I(' 19. Has license ever been: ❑ Revoked Date: Su pended Date: 1�J Denied Date: 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? $�Yes ❑ No(if"No,"attac�copy) 21. Has current lease been filed with the board? ?�Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attac�h copy) 22. Has current sketch been filed with the board? 4'� Yes ❑ No(If"No,"atta�h copy) GAMBLING ITE AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, local law enforcement officers or agents of th Bo rd are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,at any time,gambling is being conducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for ny nauthorized game or practice. ; BANK REC RD AUTHORIZATION By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect th ban records ot the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. 0 TH I hereby declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the B ard; 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and complete; 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed; 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and Iawful operation of all ctivi es to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota re pect ng gambling and rules of the baard and agree,if licens�d,to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments thereto. , 23.Official Legal Name of Or anization,- ,� , Sj�nature(Chie Ex t�e Officer) Date Ti �)R�'�� , �r1�rNc�t' ;.� ,�C�,��y v�� .�' , U�'r _�Ht�t7�n �,��. ;` ' ��. ; �p.._._ `j/,<; l,t�t.:,Jr .v, ACI�tOWL � MENT O NO ICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BIODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By ackn wle ing receipt, I admit having bee�served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if appr ed y the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted below), unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed w ich pecifically disallows such activit�and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the below not date. 24.City/Counry Name(Local Governing Body) Township: If site is located witHin a township,please complete items 24 '�fv`(,•� / ;'� ci.C,c,� � and 25: Signature of Pe Receiving Application: 25. Signature of Person Receiving Application , -, ; � � i , l,J 1 ri_.�_.,;,�'..c�� y"'� /`_.�� (. ' rtle ,__ Date Received(this-date begins 30 gy d) Title: {.�.,i.�'�� u -•�' ,- -�' � � ��; �� Name of Person Delivering Application to Local Governing Body: Township Name CG-00022-01 (5/8� hite Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Goveming Body - /3���. ' Cit of 'aint Paul Department of Fina e nd Management Services Llcense nd ermit Division �f/�7� 03 ity Hait St. Paui, Mi �e ta 55102-298-5056 APPUCAT O FOR LICENSE ' CASH CHECK CLASSi�lO. N w Renew a � , a Date � � t90 � Code No. T,itle of License From � 19�� � 19� �r �s � � ��� 00 /� � ��l 1��� T, ;t✓:� ` L /-I P:/ (' (,I :l, . � �r✓ �) .i � ._ -.�/ .i. `. ,LI �^r�. e7 I� i 1 U C. � KGG(Jc:.�� Applitantl�omPeny Name .I. � L� ^� vrLa r`t'�L � oo h c,`a �s o�- ,.�1 ; �,, T,� ! j--;- -; � I 00 Bualneas Name , � 100 � `i� �{ I`-'• �Cl � �� � l � �,r— Business Addreaa Phon�No. ,00 :�"�j. � ,1�ft:r < <, `1 ,� :�::;� 100 Mail to Address � Pho�e No. � � �L( � �oo , 11;"�1 S r�'�; � ��� i ManaparlOwner•Name � T� j 100 %;��J' " �i � �..� � GJd ✓< < t 100 AlanaganGw�er•Flome Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fes 2 5p r � �l Received thB Sum O} � 1 ��) J�� �G!C��, ��r ✓? J� �/ � �� Managx/Owner•�City,State&2ip Code 100 Tot I 100 / /, /.0 ��`/ �_ ,l� i ��f.�a. � �iyrc-� L'tC8n38 InSpeCtOr �� By: � ! � Siqnature ol AppliWnt Bond• Company Name Poliey No. Expiratfo�Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration�ate Mlnnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. I Vehicle Information: SKi�I Number at�Numb�� Other. THIS IS A RE EI T FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A UCENSE TO OPERATE Your application for li ens will either be granted or rejec�ed subiect to the provisions of the zonU� ordinance and eompletlon of the inapeetions by the Health, ire, oning andlor Ucenss Inspset ra. , I �15.00 CHARGE F R LL RETURNED CHECKS i , ��`,�� � C',�`I���rc� � -, ,, s_ �_�y �Q �, / - • City of Sa nt Paul ;�,,��iJ �D Finance and Management Ser ic sjLicense & Pet�nit Division ���v '�//," INFORMATION RE UIRED WZTH APPLICaTION FOR P RM T TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLIVG GA.KE IV SAINT PAUL (To be used with the following: N w A � C application, renew A & C Liceases, and new and renew B in Private C1 bs ) 1. Full and complete name of organizatio wh ch is applying for license � IQ 7DTfi��`fp af ����C 9� C� /7����"Sf/EL TFip,,.z'X1C. 2. Address where games will be held � �ovr�i �A�Le ' ST ��� ��l/7 um r Street ' City , Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applicat on ho will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games %)y! V 2YOYl �C �4 M r Tf� Date ,of Birth 7 7 y3 � (a) Length of time manager has been m mb r of applicant organization �p �vZ )/eiq-�'S 4. Address of Manager �a��'S �es LR r��� e /���. �?' �/'�uL �`3J/� Number treet Ci�y Zip S. Day, dates, and hours [his applicatio i for � �Y' GcJe1�NC'S�i� � � � �J ��' 6. Is the applicant or organizatibn orga iz d under the laws of� the State of MN? � 7. Date of incorporation D(1 C'!J[ � v` ��� 8. Date when registered with the State o M nnesota ����°_�t�7ei^ � �9�/ 9. How Iong has organization been in ex te ce? Sf}'/�(e � 10. How long has organization been in ex'st ce in St. Paul? .�f�h?e 11. What is the purpose of the organizat on. ' Sih Ce ' /' HT �+IO/�te�^► in CRr �.,� Tlteir pre Knncy � �er►r. wkt,�e pY��� �K e wc�arcona� roqr ,,,� � c�KnseE.�r. op�or� �n�`h'a� t,Jhic� r�ur fes � s'�i�•� ' e• eHC V � � 12. Officers of applicant organization: ', Name - I e rs� v` Name �'e' C� J�S Address �� v v C n - sr u Address���r ��� v� �• ���Ye'��'¢r T itle/j�J'�PS/'deyt T DOB � y Title �I GC -�f�esi�qT DOB y �� Name C Y L �D Wl JJ�-c Name ��!�Y� �Yt�2.L Address o7 0 ��1 0 S7'• - S!•�� L Address l l � Semi noL�e (`�l}�. ` .�T.��C�— Title �eCY�,Tf�tY�J DOB � rj V'� TitleTe,�sy�rev' DOB �O g 13. Give names of officers, or any othe pe sons who paid for services to the organization. Name �' Name Address Address Title Title (Attach separa e heet for additional 'names.) ' � ��—//�� 14. Attached hereto is a Iist of names nd addresses of all members of the organization. 1� � S a- 15. In whose custody will organization' r cords be kept? �a��l �A�y S H�"�� �c� jes T� Name A'nyl J . Sl(�'liT� Address � W�.ST �l�CT'i� e �cJ�. p , 16. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name 1-t . S�►T 1'�. Name -S ec Address �d�"� („�e.zT �r�� -e, Address /3,�- Gr,�,+aC Avt. S%P�t � � Member of Member of ,E�rrc�r�•v� DOB J/�3 Organization? � d ��'"DOB S o Organfzation?,�;r��N —r- Name .STtufk L�IKc� Name Address v �r dAn �T. �' /11 . Address Member of Member of DOB Q Organization? DOB Organization? 17. a) Does your organization pay or in en to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes ✓ no b) If you do pay accounting fees, t wh m will such fees be paid? Name ��►4�i/} �O�YIS�►'l Address 37oZ L�'R�ST' S�o�lile� �P'�'�Sl?%07 DOB .,S' j Member of ga ization? .8o�eepeN I -for ���rs ��T�� c) How are the accounting fees char ed out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) ''�070 � er �eSS�'ovL - sAr�t� !� �i� a C�orl(er s 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly nd rstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operat on of Charitable Gambl�ng games? s 19. Attached�ereto on the form furnishe b the city of Saint �aul is a Financial Report which it�emizes all receipts, expens s, and disbursements o�f the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organizations w o ave received funds �or the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepared a d verified by �h� �• �NI��7��L /a��' ��s-- �,C�Y�� � sT P �.� ,�� ����,� � Address ! who is r� aA� ��ril�fV' � � o �AN�4 er of the applicant organization. Name ' 20. Operator of premises where games wil b held: Name ,$ p J i c. t,.JV�Q V' ' j Gn 1!d\ �er Ka�,'c t'l �/�}NR e.N Business Address Z�E L {��-L �l q c�r�-I� �A�Le ST S(.��Qk�- �'j/ Home Address ��7 �1q1411q ST�1 �`ti 1�� , • , , ����-//�� 21. Amount of rent paid by applicant o a zation for rent of the hall: . � V�4"� v' Sessi'D rt, 22. The proceeds of the games will be sb rsed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the followi p rposes aad uses: di' 7'�e 17f}sic I7ece,s.s- TI-' �pa� C�or�Cih �s�ieLT'cr To i7-s eSia�P�Ts � 7''�t�4T' v-f Tfteir u b�rn «ti�.�Q Creh T e� ST, ��uL Gy- �u � /�7�1eTi� T/O r�s 23. Has the premises where the games ar t be held been certi�ied for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? 24. Has your organfzation filed federal fo 990-T? eS If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If a sw r is no, xplain why: i Any changes desired by the applicaat ass ci tion may be made on�y with the consent of the City Council. � � � , , `���� � �.Z✓ O�ganization Name Date � � B ��..••• � �� . O q: Mana er in charge of game Organi2ation President r CEO � 7 ^ _ = 2 � � � ~ ti 5 � � O 31 � 9 i 7 � •• � R ,..r rj � S ti a r+ I't � A 11 . '3 1 "f ♦ r... ., f 7 T 7 :3 � a ' . i ^ n 3 •<' a ��`>� � t _ �e 3 `� = 3 3 i i,,.. I- � T �e •r — • � -^ 3 a C 9 `."'� �• .e ,� "' � � .r �+ = n .' a � �j��• � 1 � ? � 7 � � 'J 3 � , � n Z� � � � 3 � •0 = � � •► '' S A ' �2 3 v 9 I = � = I r► ^t xg 7f d � i � a +L �� � 3 "y' � � � w � � y� pO •� 7R A � "` � _ .9 � x D � ' � = o � � � .. .. .. 1 n • o � (� ( .1 t � � � r . 0 � � w � �• � w � � j ( � � A '7 i 3 I � Z Z I 9' r � r: A �G�� � N � o � � I'r '' I� r. a n r� 9 � 1 . I � � ' i 7 I� - 1 — ^ ( y n � � , n� � 7 ( �, �,f �• >, P 9 - ; � !!, �' '� � 3 3 q � -w r* � T II � I ( 9 � 3 � A i � l � 1 < d �:o I � � r r. :f � .�.t � a � � � a — 3. � � � t � � a �s, + 7 .� ( 7 G1. ? 3 . � I � r p .• � I 7 . , , Cit� ! t lan.1 �/' ���//n/ , , ' , D�pacWnt oi ! • Mana�s�at S�stic�s ��� , ,.,._ : Divisioa o! Lie F��it A�d�iai�CSatias Y ' D�i1011[ �ISAELE lI�AIICLL RROQ v . . Dl.e. � � a a• •'.`;'' ' 1. NaM ot orpatsatios D D� C � (7 0 � C� t �7C�TE�Q,S1t�C, . �"•• 2. Ydsp� vh�s� Chasit�L Ga�blin� L �'1 ar rk � L�e si. ,Yh � .,'. 3. vpost tos p�iod eo��rio� 1�� thtvu�Y �'t��ll� 'T' . �. rotal m�bat of day. pL�d , • �.� S. Cso�� r�e�ipb"lor abo►� p�riod = O���p�yo(�'� �'"'�� � ��� : b. �.. ��. P.,a„u to= .��.. � � wh .�� �da y. R3�. o--� ' 7. Wt sreai�ea - lis� S � liu� 6 = ��,� ���"� e. mcp�atu Saeusr�d in eosdaetia� aod s tlo� jo�i • ��` • A. Cco�� wasa� paid. Attuh rork�s lia vit6 �.� nw�. addr��• and �ros� �ap�. _ (� . . D. R�nt toe 7� vwiu = � � , (�"c7 '.�;.;: . C. Lla�a�� tu : I � o-Q d"'t7 ' �:;<^ ' :..';'� D. Insurane� _ ��(� . �--C7 ::x. . s. a� • = 0-t) c}-c� l. Di�honorM ch�cb noe r�eov�r�d = � g v , �� �;:�' �'.r� C. Aeeonntia� Tsp�ns� _ . B. �aplq�rs t.I.C.�. ; �-�. � . ;:%�i I. lulllab !as Paid to DepasLMSt o : � , 7 �`�' J. lLiaa. II.C. Ta: ; �p , �`i �� �� �. �.�.=u �,. r� s s� : `�/a,�3 � ::� � '�'>} L. stat� CaMlia� Sas � .'7'�� 7 / . 0-� :.>: `;'f M. Miae�llan�ou� ���. Id�attt ao�e :• •.. aad to vho� paid. , ',i;, i ' ''' 1. �u.l�. ?X�6S � �I . � �/ ::.�. � , ' �� t. �ri z cs Q�tlers�eer= a , 3 c� .���'` FARr�45 : :: ' .���;�:: 3. L3�nK �ees � 3'7. 9 .; � � .���:� �. _ ' . � �.��;� 9. ���. �.�... �,t. : � 70 9. 7 . ;:: � 1C. tt.e. Lnco.. _ lia. 7 .im. lia. 9 : ? 9. a / 11. Claekbook balaaa� be�ianin� ot p�ri i �, �aC /• �V '' �:t.. 12. ?otai ot lin� 10 and 11 = v ��V�. � o� . .., . �� � .; �::: ��. zo�� �����. f�. �. �� : 3 � ya 9. o-o 14. Ch�ckboolc bal�ne� �nd ot r�pottiu� ' u Q � �. �Z �... �,�. �3 � : �- rg. a .. ..;. :` :;k;. ls. sp�esr, n.. ..a. ot ..oaae oa lsa. t . •. •••;•• , / . �:,: .7•;; ��l0 8� �"� /!7 s�/rL ro�;a�e r/�'e �7/,Ics,c : o��eoo�, �v•..;: ' :;�•.��. .. �'�.'.b`S . . ;.: orhiH qr-S�jrLTer 7'o i y's P i hTs � TI��4T a�'�frelv H+6ar►1 C�i 'l�CneN). �� i d� ST, �quL `/� Co 7Y��i Or� �Dr �/�Ru�' C, o�cr/� {�� .�`,• • . .:;;; �. . ••:v.: • • , . '•:��� � .. • • . 'S c:� . • .. ... . . ' uniFaRM CHARITA lE GAMBIING FINANCIAL �EppRT • � . � LAWFUI PURPOSE ON IBUTIONS - WORKSHEET C��i�`��7�0 , Line #13 - Total Lawfui Purpose o ributions. S �'. List below all checks rrritt n gambling funds r�hich are charitabie larrful purpose c nt butions. The total dollar amounts of these checks mus ch the amount claimed in iine �i13. Use additional s as necessary. CHECK +� DATE ' PAYEE CHECK AMOU PURPOSE �. j y�/ ��,��� y7�?�� ..d 33�s oo � z. �y.�.�' �/a9/� � ' a�sr � � �°v`�°� �� _ . � �� 3. i��� �/��/�� ��� � ��s�.,� � �os-. 0� �o9�6c���` �- a. �y�y y��a/�� ��� . � �T� 5. lSD� �D�3j�� yyj��� o?���-a�o �� , , l���jv �� 6. /�a� ��e3�� �G�'-�-�-'� 3�//3-aa 7. /�"�d /'o?�,��d=� ��'�Q • :�7�5��`",a-v ' a. �.s'7a ��,���� y�� , a�ss. � � 9. /.�`�'� �a�/�f '�Qitc.� y'7�1o,�n . �o. ���,3 3/.�//�'.� �lQ� /.5`-ss.oa '' ��. �� �� y/����9 ,�� .��s�. � , fi�� �'����� � �2. �� i� �/�/�y �� l�� °� � �. �� 13. . _ TOTAL CNECK NT a �W,��%y oJ i NOTE: These expenditures will be provi ed to Councfl Mkmbers �t your Council hearing. � Be sur� that your finaneiai repo s complet� and accurate. . . � i i � � � � • � '� � �� � .. � � s � + ; � � ` I : i : � � �s � ; I ! : : � � • 3 = i = is v '� � w � � �i � � � � � � � � � a � � i - � N � + .. • � + ; ;! w s w ~ � � � � � ; � ' �3 • A � • I � j '�j A • .. � � ! . • � � � � � • �r�rv � �� s s w 7 • a � �; i � `� w � ' i r w • f�� � � � 1 t i � + • e , � • �_ ' � � � � � � � 7r � � w 3 ( � • � A s' � a, � �s 1 ' � • �_ ` — , : � . . :i „ ' � ; � , � . � •' f ( . r �i�irv� �nAK11ACf E BIIIVG FINANCIAL RfPaRT , ° � LAWFUI PURPUSE C N IBUTIONS - I�IQRKSNEET �c'�—//7�0 � Line �13 - Total Lawfui Purpose C nt ibutions. s ". List beioN all checfcs writte f qambling funds which are charitabie iarrful purpose co t butions. The totat dollar � amounts of these checks must m� ch the amount claia�d in line +�13. Use additional sh as necessary. CHECK �i DATE ' PAYEE CHECK AMOU PURPaSE i. /5�/� /�/.�%� G`-��� /�'9"e�o . � 2. ��3� �/a 9/�� L�� �'�� .�?a�• e� /� �lo �� � 3. � �/�o% ��31��� �'L� � "� /.5"� , a►o .� ��.�e �� G��� . � a. /y�� 9/�0� G� � �'� /s��� I 5. /�D 5 /0/3/�� �� � ''�• �6�� ��.�/ /p. � U 6. j��. 7 //�30���' � . � •�. / I `� � �y� .� �. ���� i�/��1�� G'�� � �- . �- �. i�7. f-o 8. /''`rl0 ///��� L�c,� � . .�- ��� � 9. /s 9/ �2���/�q �`:� � . io. . ' ii. � � 12. • �! 13. . I TOTAL CNECK NT 3 /�•�s.�� NOTE: These expenditures will be prov d to Council Members�t your Councll hearing. � Be sure Lhat your financial rep rt is complet� and acc rate. . . . . . . . , � s i i ; � f = •I� .'. ; � s w �� � � .. .. w ` I i i : � � �s � I � •�i � e - : � : r .' � • O � = r 3 • � O! 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