89-1172 �.e� � // ` /�/ W H 1 T E' a�t I T V C l ER K �i`��(� {/�t-���..,.L-.. '��� `�,..���� PfNK — FINANCE COI1flC11 � (�/) // . CANARV — DEPARTMEriT • G I TY O A I NT PAU L ��/ ,(�?�Z BLUE — MAVOR File NO. • ` — Counc l Resolution ��j j' �___� Presented By �Referred To -� Committee: Date � ���� / Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, there has bee a increasing numx►er of citizen complaints dealing with hig t affic speeds neair schools and playgrounds within the City; a d WHEREAS, the children ho attend these schools are a precious resource in our Sa'nt Paul community; and WHEREAS, there recentl w s a serious vehicular accident at a busy intersection and sch ol crosswalk near Cretin-Derham Hall and Holy Spirit schools, wh re a 16 year-old boy was severely injured; and WHEREAS, there is a ne d o have lower traffic speeds on roadways near schools and p ay rounds, and a stricter enforcement of these lower speeds; and WHEREAS, other cities, su h as Oklahoma Ci�ty and Pasadena, have 20 mph zones and other pr tective signage ',around schools and playgrounds. ! WHEREAS, the Streets a d tility Task Force of the CIB Committee sugqested that a ' sc ool and playground speed zone" policy is necessary to ensu e he safety of our students; now BE IT RESOLVED, the Sa 'nt Paul City Council requests the administration to develop a d mplement as quickly as feasible, a '�school and playground spee z ne" policy in the City of Saint Paul which would, among oth r hings, require traffic on streets abutting school property an p aygrounds to not exceed 20 mph and improve traffic pedestrian af ty at school and playground crosswalk areas. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depattment of: Yeas Nays ,�/ Dimond s �ng " [n Fav r ��� �� Rettman B s�ne;be� � �; ' _ A gai n s Y � � Sonnen �,�-'��.,1 Wilson '���� Form Approved by City Attorney . Adopted by Council:�'�� Date � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By t#pproved by Nlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY �: .. { '.:- �-� -� a,�` . � . . . . .. . . �_ . _ d p r� ' `'.'i . � � : * 't � , . . . J,,. . .,.. .r�r : I IT�I CLERK � ; �:; . � . '4 ` ."` � .��.. "t y - .r. .- ` i�.. y .,i. .�ANA�RY —•�EPAR M�7i''�� — �4'r� ����' p. � AYNT� ....PAL-�'� Council � � �.�f a� BLUfc� —.MAVOR�� . � ��� ., • ., s . � . . F11Q �NO.. � • . ��� :. . ..� � . .� � ' ..... .. .. . . . . , . . ,� .;�Q1�t�ZC �� �G'5����`tf��'l �. _ � . I I _ �. ,_. . . � :. : �_ :_ :. . , , , . � Presented.By . :,� � ` ...� �. . . . ' ' '_. 2 .., , . ... .. . . Lt�eferred•To Cammitte�;. Date , Out of Committee By - Date ., � `� WHEREAS, there has be a increasing��a er .of citizen � '� � complai�ts d��tling w�th hig t affic-speeds ne r sc�Qls and ` . `-` pla�qrot�nds within the i�t,y; a d � ,y • � WIi�REAS, the children o a�tend �hese sc oole are a � � . �recious resource in our Sa' t Paul communi�y; and T �. • ;. . , ti;� « �HEREAS, there reeertt�: w s �� serf+�us veh c.�lar .accident a� �;:� � a busy inte��ection and �sch 1 crosswa�k, ne�r � r�tin-Derham Ha11 ��� ��' and••Holy 3pirit schools, wh e a 16 year=old b was� sever��y� P� .in jured: :.and ° • ; ., . __. , � . , . , � WH�`REAS, t�e�e 'ss a ne ; o h�ve �ta�wer tr f f ie speeds on- �' _ . � _. �oadways near schools an��pl y rottnds, arid a s icte� enfor�ement v of th��e �ow� speeds: and �iEI��, other cit�es, u h as Qklahoma Ci y and Pasaden�, � � " . �''ha�ve 20 mp2�`2ones and °other r tective �s�;qriage round schoo�s }a�id E��- � playgrounds. . . , `� WIiEREAS� ;the Streets a tility Task For of the CI� °, �_ �,�� Co�uafttee suggested that a " c ool and .�laygr•o d speed z�rne" , - ; . > pol.icy i�s necessary to ensur he safety of ou students; now r �. ; `- BE ;IT RESOLVED, the S�i t Paul City Counci requests the ' >�' � � administration to deve3.'op an plement as quic ly as feas#.�le,� 'a ",sehool:`'and playground speed z n�" policy in th City of �int f Paul which wo�id, among othe hings, rec�i.re t affic on stre,��s : �' abut�inq school property and p aygrounds tcr not exceed 20� mph and ' improve traffic pedestrian s f ty at school' and playground � ' 'j croeswalk areas. �' � � � ;��, ♦ , � �' � °; COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depar ment of: Yeas Nays Dimond `' Lo� In Favo Goswitc #`�f��— , Retf�n _ scbeibet ; -�.�. `Against BY 3onnen '; � # VVilson ,_,,^ f_-, , ,A, . ,. � �� � - . . .� Form Approved by` 'ty Attarrtey i Adopted b}r�Council:. ,i Rate , Gertified Passed by Council Secretary - . BY , ,� , BY . Approved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor r Submission to Council By By ����NA�ERK � GITY O AINT PAUL Councilu r ��//� i A N A R V - D E P A R TM�Ml l� . j:f: File 1�o. �� • BLUE - MAVOR � � � Counc l Resolution � . � Presented By '� '- vKeterred To r Committee: Date � °J� �'f Out of Cvmmittee By Date WIiEREAS, there has bee a increasing •tn er of citizen complaints dealing with hig t affic speeds ne r schools and playgrounds within the ��ty; a d WHEREAS, the children o attend these sc ools are a . preCious resource in our Sa' t Paul community; and , WHEREAS, there recentl w s a serious veh' ular accident at a busy intersection and sch 1 crosswalk near retin-IIe-rham Hall and Holy Spirit schools, wh e a 16 year-old b , was severely � injured; and • WHEREAS, there is a nee o have lower traffic speeds on roadways near schools and pl y rounds,: and a st icter enforcement`- of these lower speeds; and WHEREAS, other cities, u h as Oklahoma Ci y and Pasadena, have 20 mph zones and ot�er r tective signage round schools and playgrounds. WHEREAS, the Str�ets an tility Task Forc of the CIB ._ Committee suggested that a " c ool and playgrou d speed zone" policy is necessary to ensur e safety of our students; now BE IT RESOLVED, the Sai t aul City Counci requests the • administration to develop an lement as quic ly as Eea�ible, a "school and playground speed z e" policy in th City of Saint Paul which would, among othe ings, require t affic on streets abutting school property and p ygrounds to not exceed 20 mph and improve traffic pedestrian s f y at school and playground crosswalk areas. - , . � COUNCIL MEMBERS Reqnested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond �■s In Favor �� �� ��;� Against BY Sonnen 1�V'ilaon Form Approved by Ci y Attomey : Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bp A►pproved by 1Aavor. Date Approved by Mayor f r Submission to Council By BY _ ... _..T_,.,,,.._ . . .-v . . . . :� ..c, .�. . . ..... .. . � . l.+ - . .. .�P�� r— FINA CERK _ . '�. . �„ :- ��:. �. � ..+:.� . � �.'�ANARV —DEPARTM�f4T � . ,,� .,. GI.TY O �tLI�NT PAUL �°��'nci1N0. " � - ���� BLUE —MAYOR � ' �� � � . , r� k.� Counc l esolution F� �.� _ .. . , � . _ . .. Presented By �'��� �t' �, _ _ :, �_°_`.' .. y . �� �� `��� � �� eferred To . , �� � � _, '� � Cot�mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, there ,has been an increasinq „ of citizen complaints dealing with high r ffic speeds nea °�chools and playgrounds within the City; n WHEREAS, the children wh ttend these scho ls are a precious resource in our Sain aul community; a d � WHEREAS, there recently a a serious vehic lar accident at a busy intersection and schoo osswalk near Cr tin-Derham Hall and Holy Spirit schools, wher a 16 year-old boy was severely injured; and WHEREAS, there is a need to have lower traf ic speeds on roadways near schools and pla r unds, and a str'cter enforcement of these lower speeds; and WHEREAS, other cities, s h as Oklahoma Cit and Pasadena, have . 20 mph zones and other pr t ctive signage ar und schools and playgrounds. � , WHEREAS, the Streets and ti ity Task Force f the CIB . Committee suggested that a "sc o and playground speed zone° policy' is necessary to ensure he safety of our s udents; now - BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Pa 1 City Council equests the , administration to develop and ' p ement as quickl as feasible, a "school and playground speed z e policy in the ity of Saint Paul which would, among other i gs, require tra fic on 'streets abutting school property and pl y rounds to not e eed 20 mph and improve traffic pedestrian safe y at school and pl yground crosswalk areas. , z: 9E� � _ � . . i . ali COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by�epartment f: Yeas Nays � Dimond �� In Favor �a Rettman ��;p� Against BY Sonnen Wilson orm Approved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY F By A►pproved by Mavor: Date pproved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council By By � .��. C��-s-�i�� DEPARTMEN'f/OFFlCEICOUNdI DATE INITI TED Councilmember Long June 9, 19 �REEN SHE�T NO. ji�65� OONTACT PERSON d PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII Councilmember Lon 298-4473 �� CITY ATfORNEY �cm c�aK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AC3ENDA BY(DAT� AOUTINO BUDQET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. June 27, 1989 """Y°R�°R"ss�aT ❑ TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAl3ES (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR 810NATUR� IICTION REQUESTED: Creating a "school and playground s ee zone" with reduce speed limits while students are present RECOMMENDAT1oN8:Approve(�y a Re�sct(I� COUNqL ITTEE/RESEARCH I�PORT _PLANNINO O�AMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMM18810N �YST PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ COAAMEN : _BTAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WNICFI COUNdL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNR1f(WM,What,Whsn,WMre,Why): A student was seriously hurt by a vehicu ar accident at a busy intersection near Cretin-Derham Hall and Holy Spirit Grad S hool. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: Increased safety for students. D18ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: ai DISADVMITIUiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Continued high speeds near schools and p ay rounds while stude ts are present with the possibility of more accidents Council Rese�rch Center JU� � 0 'i�89 cost unknown -- aw it ng TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = staff recommendati n CpgT/REVENUE BUDdETED( IRCLE ONH) YES NO FUNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLNI� „�., ,. ;� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINO OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequeM types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdgtsJ budget exists) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attomey 3. Gty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Maycx/Aasistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gty Council 6. Fnance Accounting 6. Chief Axountant, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNqL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager � 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department AccountaM 3: �Anoq�ant 3. Department Director 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciy Attomey 3. MayoNAsaistant 4. dty qerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the�of pag�on which signatures are required and reli each of these a�s. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the proJect/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- , cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the ies�e in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Indicate which Council obJective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the skuation or cor�itbns that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ cherter w whether there are specific wa in which the City of Saint Paul and Rs citizens will benefit from this pro�actfon. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past prxesses migM - � this projecUrequest produce if(t is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promiaed action is not approved?Inability to deliver aervice?Continued high traffic, noise, accfdent rate? Loss of revenue? FINANGAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the informatbn you provide here to the isaue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to payT