89-1170 WHITE - C�TV C�.ERK � PINK - FINANCE '� COURCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PAVL � �� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• �/ • � � unc esolution ���, ���� Presented By Ref o Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #27 20 for the transfer oif an On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage and Re ta rant (A) License culrrently issued to George Costanzo DBA C ar Dale at 535 No. Dale, be and the same is hereby transferr d o Mary Fasching DBa Char Da1e at the same address. i � � I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depattment of: Yeas Nays Dimond L.o� In Fav r Goswitz ! Rettman g Scheibel � Agains Y Sonnen Wilson JUN 2 g 9 Form Approved by �ity orn Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Ya s ounci( re By , sy t#ppro by Mavor. Date ! JUN 3� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ' B BY Pt18lISl�D J U L ' 819 9 . . �. . . � Y i�'I- Y..:. �..... .... .. . 4 , � . , , . �„�� �„�� �R � ��:�1" ,�: 003 4 38 J. Carcnedi ° carrACT PE� � o��r w�cra� w„roa tow i�sr�m � Kri s VanHorn _ F � T�.�. � ��,� "� � � "'� . aam �«�' 2 Counci� Research , ,.. � 1 «n�� _ — . , _ , _ Transfer of :an On Sale 3.2 Malt Be ra and Rest�urant O License. , ,_w.., No ifi ti_ n Dat • 5-11-89 Heari aa �..... ,�o�:o�av►a.uU a�I.«f�n� s�oRr: . a�cow�ssaN c.na�ee�+�nce�res� o��� o��our �wuvsr ��o. aoa�o� �eo r+e sc►aa eonno sr� awrtaR tx��esaN as�s �ont�o.�oo�• nero To ca+r�r cc�s�m�r _ . _Fon�ooti wFO. _�t�ac�oo�• o�sr�xcr� � eurrortre v�courcw aa�cnver _ MnA71UO PR08l.SIA.Nell�r,OPl�OR'f{f111TY(MR�u.whet.When.whsia N�YY . Mary Fasching DBA Char Dale at 535 0. Dale S�. requests ouncil appr.oval of her appl,i��it�ion to t�ansfer the. On Sa1 3. Malt :and Res�aura t (A) License �currently issued �to 6eorge Costanzo. DBA Char al at 535 No. Da'te. _ . . . _ : dupll�Cl►a�ot+�oo.FiewnlY�,Adv�ierpn.�: : _ . _ A1l fees and applications fiav.e bee su itted. A11 requi ed departmen�s have r_eycie�wed and aPpr:oved this �pplica •o ; � COIM�OtIBICli(Whit.MAN1�,andTOYM�ont)c , , , If Council ap�rflval is not obta�ne , e �icense wi11 rem in in the name of George C�stanzd. � � � �,�w►,�vES: : c� � . . twt+onrronec�rs: �u.�s: 0 !�C i i @ f�IAY-��,���9 - ,�. �w�onr of saoMSO�waruono�t+ru��Pr+x�r�P,us: � • . . sr�RS(ust) voerrroN c+._-.rn -i _,r w.3.s�ti�n!►+�.. . , rtu��sw,r�.�n wa,��a) f1NANCIAL IMPACT �r�n cs�.n o.b� s�u r�►n HorES: o�ne�nNC3 eu�c�r: , a�v�ues c�w►ree .......:.........:...:....._:.... ,.......: ,....... ,_. _ ., ,. _ , , , ac��s: Seleriee/Fringe BeneNla � _ , �........:.._................................................................. _ . , , �+pPa�. ......... ............................................ ....... � _ Cormracts for Servioe............................................................. . -. , OtFier . PROFlT(LOSS). ....... ......... ...............,............ ..... . FfiNDING SOIM�CE�F3:711NY ItOSS{Name'�d M1�xitl''. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: _ DESIGN COSTS................................................................................ Af�U1SITiON CO$TS..:........................... .: -. ; , . , . , . _ CONSTRt1CTION C08T8 ..................... . . . _ . . TOTAL.................................................. :. ::. _ ,: , . ,, , , . , sol�lCe OF'FUNOMKi'(Wame.and Ari,oix�� : , _ : � : IMPACT ON BUDGET: : � ; . _ .., _ ,. . .._ :_. " AMOUNi CURR2MLY BUDfiETED................................:.......... ` t ;• ,... .. ,: . AMOUNT IN EkCESS OF C4RR�:NT 9UDGET , . ..:.. . . . , . • ` � ;...- - • _ _ ....•,. . . , �OF AYOIINT OVER SUOOET.,.......... ......... ..... - ` • • - .. . PROPL�i'TY TAXES GEN6RATED �LOS�•. �:...: : . „ ` _ NPLEIElICA710N��ENISIBIUTY: � DEPT/OFFICE �.. : . �.: . �; ...;.. .;,_.:.� . .. � -i. ..; �, ,DIV1910PT-�,:.:.."..�, -. ,_.. ._-.. FUND T.1T}E'. � . :,�.`:: . � �BUDOET ACTIVITY NUMBER&TIiLE �� . . - .. . . . ... ... .. .. � . � ... � , .ACT1Y 'MANAQEH- ' - . FIOW P�AAANCE WILL BE'IUlE4SiJREDZ: ' • _ - ' = PR06RAM OBJECTIVE3: ' • PROGRAM INDICATORS ,. , 13T YR. ZtiO YR. EVALIFATION RESPON�Bfl.ITY: _ - � . PEaSON oEPr. r�iONE Nbt REPdRT O COUNCIL OF DATE RRST OUARTERLY _. _ . _.. ,.,. .:, . .. _._ . . 8Y . � . , . . . . ��1�-//�� • UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINI T TION DATE ' °� � ti` � � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received y Lic Enf Aud Applicant Home Address 1(.p3� (;�rnc�,�c�,�„�� Rus ine s s Name �,� Home Phone (��— (�Q� Business Address � -�j � . �� Type of License(�s)�r�.,., (�j,.� �_� ,3y1 .YY��..Q� Business Phone ��a'7_ �C(3`6 �� � � Public Hearing Date �-�'') ''� License I.D. 4� ' �� �a� at 9:00 a.m, in the Co cil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �` 3�� ��D� llate Nutice Sent; S � ��O � Dealer 4� � lA _ __ _ to Applicant rederal Firearm$ 4� �l�}' Public Hearing DATE INS EC ION REVIEW VERFIED ( 0 UTER) CONIIrIENTS A proved ot A roved � Bldg I & D � + , � l� I � Health Divn. �.— ' � � !� ! ��' � � I Fire Dept. � � j `�� � � � � Police Dept. I � I �`� C>�L c. � License Divn. � �-�l i � '' ` � V City Attorney � a`�� ; O� � Date Received: Site Plan � 4s To Council Research �� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord t ' CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION �.�,���,:�•.,� .�-�'�'�. �. Current S,.nx.ge�rat��n Name: New.-Ge�p��r3�#:efr Name: ;�,,�,,,:,�� �o,�-u,r.,�,; .�����,,�,�.,� �u.,a��� � � Current DBA: New DBA: �l `"�— (�,���,I '�r �.�- Current Officers: Insurance: , D� ���C�n.�C�c;��,���.,.�z�— ��.l1Zs}'�- �.�ii.G�:a,�� J lJ �� �.1<_'J 0 � ��' BOild: � I�� l [�/CJ •��i12�'.�.���. �11L✓ .�� �J';.�iLLi�'lX:x. ��_ y U l� [ Workers Compensati n��� �� �� �� New Officers: , �.`-1�—�tit �,�.'k�i v��'�t c^�� `•�t��;.�--t� �� �_J Stockholders: .. �.� � � � � � � � � ��-���� , �plicatZOn No. Oate Receiv gY CITY OF ST. PAUL M NNESOTA ' APPIICATION F�R aN- SALE INTO I TING LIQUOR I.ICuYSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXICA IN LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUS INTOXICA7 ;VG LIQUOR LIC�,'i5E OFF SALF INTOXICATIN L QUOR LICENSE ON SALF MALT BEV G LICE`15E ON SALE '+JINE IC `ISE ir�ct�ons : This form mus� be filled out with yp writer ar by printing in ink by the sole owner, by eacn partner, by each pe so wna has interest in exc�ss oT �. in the corporation and/or association in hi h the name of the license witl be issued. THIS APPtICATION IS SU6JECT 0 EVIE'r! BY THE PUBIIC . Application for (name of license) SC_ NC� . Located at (address) s ST. . Name under wnich huszness will be operated - �7_�9 3� . True �lame rn �' C S ' ir Phone First Middle Ma den Last . Date of 3i rth - P1 ace of Bi th ���- � '( � Z- Month, ay, Year . . Are you a citizen or the United States? � Native�.�` Naturalized_ . Home Address � Home Tel ephone� (o��- l�./� . Including your present business/employment, wn t business/employment have you followed for the past f�ve years? � Bustness/E�ncloyment Address ��� ���E . t+larried? N � If answer is "yes" , li t he name and address of spouse. IQ. �Have yvu �ever be�n canv_, ic*.ed of any T lo .y, crime or violatian oT any ci�� ordinanc�, �.. � ott�er than trarfi c7 Yes-_ N !I r����� (.1" Date of arrest 19 where _ ___ Charge Conviction Sentenc� Oate af arrest 14 Where Charge Canvictian Sent�nce lI. Retail Beer Federal iax StamQ Ret i1 Liquor Federal Tax Stamp _ Wj1T be used. 12. CZosest 3.2 P1ace �,� � Ch ch �T . �GN� �- Schaoi �"r' . �G-N�� 13. Closest intoxicating liquor placfl. n le l,Ubc�OSl� _ Off Sa1e ���V►l� I4. List the names and residences of thr e ersons of Ramsey Cou,nty of good r�oral character, not related to the applicant or fina ci lly interested in the premises or business , who may be :rer2rred to as to the applica t' cnaracter. , Name Address � {�S� � C1+�2.c.�-S f�- � :�s � l��, 'T1-b n��S A�� � ` �.'� � ��. s I�'�-1 e�vE � I5. Address oT premises for which appltc ti n is made 'fJ3j N - �i�"l� S�• Zone Cl ass i fi catz on M Phone c���'/ � 3?� � 16. Bet�e�n ��i�at cross str��ts? C C�lvt � Whicf� side oT Stz�e�t �,�.' Si` I7. Are premises now occupied? � '+Jhat Business? � ��Ffh��/�Z� How Long? � �l�-� . I8. List licans2s which you currently h ld, or fonr�rly he1d, o� may have an interest in. . f�t �--i � . i9. Have any or the licenses listed by eu in No. 18 ever been Irevoked? Yes _ �a If answer 1s "yes", list ttie dates nd re�sans � ZO. ; If bu5iness is fncor�orated, give da e f incorporation� 19 .� = ; and attacn copy or�Articles of Incor or tion and minutes or ,ri st meet�ng. ��/!�D ' 21 . Li�t a11 oTficers of the c�rporation, vi q their names, offic� held, home address and � home and business telephane numbers. 22. If busine s is partnership, Tist pa ne (s) , address and telephone numoers. Name Ad re s °hone 23. Is there anyone else who will have a i terest in this business or premises? � :, 24. Are you going to operate this busine s ersonally? y�5 If not, who will operate it? Name Ho e ddress --�� Phone � ZS. � Are you going to have a manager or a si tant in this busine5s? n1 � . If answer is "yes" , give name, home address, and om tele�hone number. Name om Address Phone ANY FALSIFZCATION OF ANSWERS GIVE� OR MAT RI L SUBMITTED 'riILL RESULT IN OE`lIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. � I hereby state under oat,h that I have ans er d all of the above questions, and that the inrormatzon contained therein is true and co rect to the best or ,my knowiedge and belier. I hereby state further under oath that I av received no money ar other cansideration, directly, or indirectly, fn connection wi h he transrer af this license, from any persan by way of 1oan, gift, contribution or ath rw se, other than already disclosed in the appiication which I have herewith submitt d. State of Minnesota} 1 ) ' County of Ramsey ) ' i natu e ar pp icant Subscribed and sworn ta before me this v2J day of .���� 19� �` —���] �nn,n;..v:nn,wv�.r.�n.n.•.n,w�,•.•.��,ti,:�.n„nn,,,, 1 � s' ��, �" r— 9 Notary Puo ic, �amse ty �Minnesota � ���: 3 ': �� , �� ����;;,a ? My cortani ss i on exp i r s � f � �`'� `w . '`^'.�_� °��-;.,-f ' �J lC•::::i. it<:,i J`., , :450 r Yw�,i•:�w�,r.•^.'V�NNv 1,�nr�n, -:� ' ' v�r:v�v�>N, . ���i�a �. .' ,6;., ,, ' ' . CITY OF SAINT PAUL •' ' DEPA T OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SFRVICES r = =- � ' N� '� DIVISION OF 110EN5E AN0 PERMIT AOMINIS7RAT10N : � Raom�). C;N Nall �... Sainc P�ul.�ane�esoa 55102 GeO�e Lltitt+er . Ma�►a I) Bave you, /Y) � , completed pour f�aaacial obligation to (:t� � � ��S � ���� ���J�E 2) Was chere aay other cousideratiou o he than the original saie price of ? Vv , .. rf 3) Does �}�D �`���-�?Z-.p ve any security interest ia the business known as C(-�}� �A'L..� opert� vtiere the buisfness is Iocated? . � . 4) List a]1 persons havfag a 5 percent int rest or more ia this Liquor License. �� � �� � � State ci :iiaaesota) ) SS . Couatq of :tamsey ) �I being f st duly svora, deposes, and says npoa oatfi that E�e �as rea • che Forego statemeat b g his signature aad I�oWS the contents thereof, aad that the sa�e fs t of Eiis owa Im 1 ge ezcapt as to thotsa mattars thezeia stated upoa faformat�on aad beliei aad as co th se mattess �e belisves them to be crue. Subscribed aad swora before me I chis �_ day o]��� , , I9 '� � i KRISTINMI l.VAN HORN ^^�^ � f�— �t�Y PUQLIC--MINNESOTA � ��`- �'� DAKO!fA COUNIY Yotary PubLC, -�jCaeae9 Couaty, Minaesaza ���ission Exp�res Jan 2, ly9z � �y Commission eapires r. , ��'�'Y ; ' . � - � � � - ������ � � s���fi � ru� ��--�. cou�-cl� �tT�I�LG � �� ►��C- � OlL�� . ��C1� �� �LT l�A�Z�L`t �CEIVED . MAY 12198g CITY CLERl�. �, �. � _ � � � _ Dear Property Owner: L 27120 � Application to tra sfer an On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage & �;� � Restaurant. �UL�0�� i �!��i i�;' iV'� Mary Fashing d C ar-D'ale . � �i . ��G'�'T'1�� 535 North Dale t. ' T,— � —, June 27, 19 9:'�0 a.:.. � , .,=.� ��`IC C�t7 Couac; C " ers, 3r� �+aor Ci�7 eaL' - Cau=-_ ause 3y L`^�sa a �-�c D{TS�an. De� ' .._e:c oz =�cs a=.: i �Q _�C i�. 5�*r+ �ag�eat S { �cas, 3ac� 203 C��, '.q�L' - Cour= �usa, Sai:� _au3., aca �n8-��So . • 'i�� daca �g 6e c�aa;ee. c�.c� t t�e eenszac ��/or ti:,.ac?e�ss az c�e L=ce�sa �� °=='= IIi-r+�ion. L= is suaa�st_d �:3= vou c=?? �`�e C��; CLert' s 0�:�__ ac Z°8�L?t �� �o �.r�sa c�n:�..—�t=o�.