89-1166 , OLO ciTV oF sT. aau� COUNCIL FILE N0. �' I�O� FINAL ORDER {, ` - Bk � �` \.. . . . Y ��---� ��, ' �. File No. 58912 sad S8g1�� �� VOtifl� In the Matter of s3,ds�a11[ Caatst /Ot' sacNSts'Y6ti�E st the l�i�llsMii� � Wsrd Z�eatto�ss - - � - - --- .�. .__._ _._._....�,_. � . _ . 3 S8912 South side o treal Avenue fro* St. Paul Ave. to S. Cleve a d Ave. 3 S8913 Both sides i lard Avenue from S. Cleveland Ave. to Ret r Court and Both sides i lard Court from Villard Ave. to cul—de—s c I . . ..__ a�.� s v a s v—a vv-�--w s a� �-:��� �� -� ..�.r--��w-��-���� T-_����_ r__._. . _ froat ft. ; replacereat of oId s de alk, $7.80 per ront ft. � All corner resideatial pr�perti s xill recsive a 'credit mp to the ffrat ISO fe�t of aex or recon t cted side�alic al�o�s and abe�ttisg the "long side" of the progertr. C��iKEBCIAL rates (a13 propert�r o her thsa reside�tial) 1 O�of aet�al coat estiasted t � approziwatel� � �4.04 per sq�ars - foAt of �ralk coaatructed. ' under Preliminary Order ' � approved-I �"1��� ` { � � i �i The Council of the City of Saint Paul has ond cted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the Cit Ch rter; and � WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obj ctions and recommendation pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, ther for , be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City o Sai t Paul does hereby order t at the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby di cte and authorized to proceed'with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the co plet on of said improvement, th proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the sam to e City Council in accordanc with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. �I COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Cou�►cil: Date ��� 2 7 �$9 Yeas Dine�tt$ Nays ; Go��its Certified Passed by C uncil Secretary Long Rettman � In Fa r By Scheibe2 p Sonnea Again WiI64n n�N 2 8 �Mayor Vtl I pOBItS� J U L '.$1989, . . �,-��=�i�� � ., . , 4. 6/21/89 Final Order: Reco st uction of B-624 curb Laid over in and gutter and rem ve illegally installed Connnittee to asphalt boulevard nd replace with , 7-5-89 appropriate landsc pi g on the South side Winter Street from Ca itol Blvd. to Capitol Heights at 61 Capitol Blvd. , 5. Final Order: Impr vi g the alleys in ' Approved 3-0 Block 26, Chas. We de s Subd. of Blocks 2;5 and 26 Arlington H 11 Addition by gradin�g alley to the easte ly North-South alley � and grading and pa in the westerly NortN- South alley from S'ms Avenue to the north line of Lot 24 in ai Block 26. Also � construct a sewer 'n he alley for storm ' water purposes. so for slope ; construction in t ove said alley grading and pavin . (Project bounded by � EDGERTON, SIMS, P YN AND YORK) . (Laid over in Committee / /89) . 6. Resolution 89-978 pproving amendments Laid over in to the CABLE ACCE S T. PAUL INC. By-Laws committee to as proposed by th C SP Board of Directors 7/19/89 on May 29, 1986. (R ferred to Committee 6/1/89) . 7. Resolution 89-979 A proving amendments to Laid over in the CABLE ACCESS T. PAUL INC. By-Laws as committee to proposed by the C SP Board of Directors on 7/19/89 May 9, 1989. (Re er ed to Committee 6/1/89) . 8. Resolution 89-980: uthorizing proper , Approved 3-0 City officials to ex cute an agreement with the State De ar ment of Transportation f C'ty's share of costs of sewer and bri e ork on I-94 between the LAFAYETTE BR G and THIRD STREET. (Referred to Com it e 6/1/89) . 9. � Ordinance 89-100 : An ordinance granting Laid over in permission to Bu li gton Northern Railrbad committee to Company to const uc , operate and maintain 7/5/89 an OPTICAL FIBER CO MUNICATIONS CABLE in the public right of way from the Burlington North rn tracks south of I-94's Sixth Street Ram t the Burlington Northern offices on Fifth Street between Sibley and Jacks n. (Referred to Committee 6/6/89) . - ,. �, 10. Resolution 89-1009: Amending the 1986 CIB Laid over in budget by adding �252,000 for SHEPARD ROAD � Committee to consulting design fees. (Referred to 7�5�gg Committee 6/6/89) . 11. Resolution 89-710:, Requesting the Mayor to Laid over in direct the Department of Finance and Management comnittee to to reduce by �28,000 the 1989 assessment against 7/5/89 properties which did not receive promised street cleaning services in the Fall of 1988. (Referred back to Committee 6/8/89) . 12• Street and Alley Assessment Notices. (Laid over Laid over in in Committee 6/7/89) . Committee to 7/5/89 13. Resolution 89-323: Plan to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (Laid over in Committee 6/7/89) . Corr�nittee to ' 7/5/89 14. Ratification of Assessment for Summary Abatement Laid over in for property at 2279 Summit Avenue (PIN 05-28- Committee to 23-13-0067) . Referred to Committee 6/13/89) . 7�5�gg 15. Other Business. , ' ��� ST. P�UL I Y COUNCIL Gr�., f� PUBLIC HE ING NOTICE ������ SIDEWALK NSTRUCTION � � File No. S-�9'13 i)ear Property Owner: City Cnunctl District #� Plannin Aistrict Council #15 P U R POS E To consider the cons ru tion (new) and/or rieconstruction of all or part of the public s de alk in front of youY property. The limits A N D of this pro�ect are: Reconstructio o Sidewalk on both s�des Villard Avenue from LO CATIO N South Clevela d enue to Return Court and on both sides Villard Court from Villa d Avenue to Cul-de-gac NOTE: Sidewalk rec st uction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of th p els in front of yowr property. You may call the phone nu be listed below to find out how many panels are to be replac d. ; Tuesday, June 27, 1 89 at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chambe s, Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------- Please note that th P blic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item a d evelop a recommendation to the full City Council . Please br'ng any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on ed esday, June 21 , 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:0 A. . IN FO R M AT10 N If the Council appr ve the orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs will be a se sed (after construCtion) against benefited R�ECEIVED Properties. You wi 1 nly be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. Th e imated assessments; for this pro�ect are as follows: ' � �uN o s 19a9 RESID�NTIAL rates SI GLE FAMILY TO THRi;F. FAMILY) : GITY CI.�RK S-foot side al New Co st uction (where no walk existed) $13.00/front foot Replac me t of old sidewalk 56.50/front foot PLEASE NOTE: ' Reconstruction wil b at the existing w�dth. Public Works will reconstruct some e is ing sidewalk that is 6-feet wide down to S feet in all case ere this width is �ractical. This c�maller width is to keep �e ssessment at the lmwest rate possible. In the event you and o neighbors prefer �he existing width and are willing to accept th higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request; your preference. All new sidewalks wil b constructed 5-feetiwide. Rates for reconst uc ion of sidewalks wi�ler than S feet are prorated. For example: 6-f et wide sidewalk -- $7•80/front foot; 10-foot wide sidewalk -- 513.0 /f ont foot. All corner reside ti 1 properties will 'receive a credit up to the • first 150 feet of ne or reconstructed �idewalk along and abutting the "long side" o t �e property. COMMERCIAL rates (al property other than residential) : 100 �ercent E ctual cost estimat�d to be a�proximately $4.00 i��r squ�re �t �f walk c�nstruct�al. If the Pr�perty hag are�- ways under he sidewalk that need tc, Ue eliminated, that cost will be ass ss d in addition to the sidewalk assessments. Please call 298- 25 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice or QU ESTIO N S TDD) for assesme t uestions. Also, City staff will be available to answe.r any la t inute questions on the pro3ect in Room 218 City Hall from 8: 30 - 9: 0 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent June 9, 1989, by the ea Estate Division Depart n of Finance & Manag�ment Services Room 2 8 itv Hall - Court House Saint au , MN 55102 . . . ��-�-i��� , _ . _ _ . , _� _: . � P�L�[iN 3�'QBD�R � j Council�'iie No.89-SB9—By Bob Lu � ' '. In th�Matter of sidewalk cons#tvct' n . d/or reconstructf�ti'�tt�the f lloming locations: � Voting � Ward ; 3 S89-I2—.South side Montreai Ave fro St.Paul Ave.to S,G�ievel d Ave. 3 S89-13.—Bctth sis�es Villard Ave,f m Clevels�nd Ave.to Return C urt and Both sides Villard Court from Vil yd ve.to cul-de-sac. w., •ESTTMATED CONSTRUCTION COS D RATES R,ESIDEN'�IAL rates(single famil to family) Fors,.5-#oot wide sfdewalk:New C st ction(where no watk ),;13.00 p�r#ront toot; Replacement of old � alk,�6.50 per fro[tt•toot.. ' For a 6-fotit wide sidewalk: N nstruetion, $15�°pex' f t foot; Rep�ment of old sidev�alk,$7. - lrant foot. • ' �. , All+c�o�tnerresid�tial pro�trties w 've a credit u�►ta��fatrst- feet of t�e�v�r�r�oast�c�ted sidew�ll�,a ab�ting ths�`����d ,• of the � .� � �• <..- ...,tr n .?. k 's. , IJ `c�. � • ,. . K�.. ,7 , . �f`TA�si 1'A�lB'{&�l`P� ; T.�1atY D63��, :.: 1009� oi actual cost�timated to a ximalety-i'�•�'R� fa�t of walk cunstructed. - Tl�Couc�cil of thetYt3�of$aint P 1 ving receivsd�i�e:r�pOZt"Q� Mayor upon #.tre above_ ixnprovement, and ha qonsidered a�i�° , �bY r�olves: L '�at the said report and ame is hereby ap�roved with no •aib4matives.''and tKat�the ' ted cost thaereof f; "aee bove for ` . c�anstruct�dh rates and costs by assessments. � 2. "T�at a public hearing be� ,c►u aid improvem�t on the h day of June.1989.at 9;00 o'ciock:a: � he Cmluicil Chambers ot use u inB� e ity of Saint Paul =`" ° • , 3. �'�t notice of's�id ��t: be giv� to t,he p� d in the manner provided by the t�a er, tating the time and�l�ce f hearing, the nature of the imp the total cost f.tiera+C�`.8s es imated., �'ile Nos.589-],2.S89•13. . Adopted by the Couacil D�aq 18. 989. ' Agprovect May 24 1989. : . .,,� :.� �.: dde� ��; 989) . i i i I