89-1150 WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL �ouncil CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. L/�� BIUE - MAVOR - ou il es ution `��� � ,� �3'7,; Presented By � � �� � Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #1 14)for a Gambling Location Class A ticense by Ronco Corp. A on's Bar at 879 Rice Street, be and the same is hereby pp ved�' � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depact7nent of: Yeas Nays �, Dimond �� S In Fav r - - � Rettman l� B Scheibel A gai n s y —6ea� Wilson �N 2 2 �9 Form Appr ved by City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P . •e Cou cil , r BY � �V�� gy, Approu��d y 1�lavor: Date J N 2 3 p� Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council gy `.'�� BY PUBLiS1ED J U L 1 98 � . � . ' ��-��.� DEPARTMENTIOFFlCEICOUNpL DATE INf11ATED � �^ /� Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SHEE No. � `t INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON�PHONE ARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY OOUNqI Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 N�� nr nrroRN�r �cirv c��c MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) FIOUTMW DOET DIRECTOR �FIN.�MCiT.BERVICEB DIR. 6-22-8g YOR(ORAS818T p Council Research TOTAL#�OF 810NATURE PA6ES (CLIP ALL L AT NS FOR SIGiNATUR� AC110N REQUESTED: Approval of an application for a C1 ss Gambling Location License. Notification Date: 6-6-89 Hearing Date. 6-2 -89 REOOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or RNsct(R) COUNCIL M E/RESEARCH REPORT O _PLANNIN��MMI8810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �Y� E N0. _p8 COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(1Nho,Whet,Wh�n,Whsre,Wh�: Ronco Corp. DBA Ron's Bar at 879 Ri e treet requests Cit Council approval of its application for a Class A G bl 'ng Location Licens . This license will allow the liquor establishment to ea space to a charit ble organization (St. Bernard's Child Care Center) or the sale of pulltab and/or tipboards. N11 fees and applications have bee s bmitted. All requi ed divisions - Zoning, Fire, Police and License have give t eir approval . ADVANTADES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, a ch ri able organization ill be able to sell pulltabs and/or tipboards t on's Bar. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPFiOVED: oc;�:cFl Research Center J U�I �'7 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; COST/RHVENUE BUDGETE (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER Fiwwan�wwaNUmoN:�ocPUUN� _ . .. ����� DIVISION OF I.ICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINIST TI N DATE � vl 0 0 / / � � � / INT�,RDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn roc ssed/Rece' ed by Lic Enf Aud Applicant j�()�('��� �U�� _ Home Acldress v�--� Rusiness Name �Ui'lS (��^ Home Phone Business Address g�� /Cl(.� a� Type of License(s) C ��SS n �f� � ' �3�� C.�1 G�vr�.(o( � Business Phone cn � o� Public Hearing Date tQ�a7- 0� License I.D. 4{ !V�� � at 9:0 0 a.m, in the Council Cham ers, �. / //r� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� q � �(D`7�av llate Nutice Sent; /� _p Dealer 4� � �'� to Applicant �o�� O 'r'� ' Pederal I'3_rearms 46 ��A Public Nearing `J—���� � h���� DATE TI�SPE TI N RE`JIEW VEKFIED (CO U FR) CUMMENTS A proved No A roved � Bldg I & D � ���1� ; o�. Health Divn. �� � N ' � Fire Dept. � � O I � `� y� � � � ,� g �� n Police Dept. _ I 6��Z � O � ; License Divn. � : � �` �lL City Attorney � ��� � �� \ Date Recei ed: Site Plan � °� � U � To Council P.eSearch � � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � � . • • ' Cit of int Paul /��"'��� Department of Finan e d Management Services �� License a d ermit Division f� l !� 3 C y Hali � St. Paul, Mi eso a 55102•298-5056 - APPLICATI N FOR LICENSE _ CASH CHECK CIASS NO. N Renew � a � Date °?� 19� Code No. Title of License From 19�0 / ��` 19--� ���� ' 3 . � � �� � v � � AppticantlCompany Name / � ��G rL �-i?_� �� 00 Buslness Name ,/�,� ,�. ' g 3�� � �.�9 �.��. �-, � . 8usiness Address Pho�No. 00 00 Mail t��e s � Phone No. 00 ,��� �, ,�-f.� � �-,ti.- ManaperlOwner•Name 77��— � �= °° a�-�� ,� ��.� �- �j . �� 100 ►��anaqenGwner•Home Addresa Phone Na• 4098 Applicatfon Fee `' 2, 50 � ; � /� ReCefved the Sum of �� �LZ��./ � �� ManaqerlOwner•,City,State 3 Zip Code 100 Tot I 100 �' � ,J -' -- � , , _- LiCen58ln5peCtOr By: $ignature pplicant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expintion Oate Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiratio��ats Minnesota State Identification No Social Security No. ' Vehicie Information: P at�Numbe� Serial Number Other: THIS IS A RE EI T FOR APPUCATION ' • THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application lor It �ens will either be granted or rejecked subjeCt to the provisions of the 2oninq ordlnance and complatio�of the inspections by the Health, ire, o�in� andlor License InspectQrs. $15.00 CHARGE F R L RETURNED CNECKS , �� -� � /6/!1� ���9 � �. s ,� ' ` TO BE COM LE ED BY BAR OWNER �F���� Application No. Date Re eived By . CITY OF S IN PAUL, MINNESOTA CIiARITABL G LING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled ou w th•a typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, .b each person who has interest in excess of Sz in the corporation and/o a sociation in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUB ECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC , ` �• 1. Application for (name of license) . 2. Located at (address) �� � 1 3. Name under which business is opera ed �p /7 �' �f} /? 4. True Name O L ��O�Z C'!� Phone — (First) (Middle (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth O — — Place of Birth S y"'. p,4u � J �2,Glr /Z/+� (Month, Day, Ye ) 6. Home Address �j . /U� Home Phone �_ 3 ,S� 7. Have you ever been convicted of a ling violations? �� 8. List licenses which you currently ho d at this location. - � � /V � -- G � c-- 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAMB IN BOOTH WILL BE LOCAxED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR T IAL SUBMITTID WILL'RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have ans ered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true an correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I herebq state further under oath tha I ave received no monky or other considerations, directly, or indirectly, in connectio w th this license, froin any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, othe t an already disclosed' in the application which I have herewith submitted. � State of Minnesota ) . ) ss County of Ramseq ) Subscribed and sworn to before me th "l� � � ^ `� (Sigaature o plicant) d � daq of 19 �/1.MM���,��r.,„�r n,,��A.^l�/L^�;�;__ .. Notarq blic, Ramseq County, Minnes ta � � '�� `- �, �. ; � . _. _. „ . �, My Commisaion expires � ,- _. _,�_ _ .... .. ...:. ?, t::; �� v��..�....... ... ... _...........,:, , . . ,_ . ._ ���--ii� TO BE COMPL TE BY BAR OWNER I underscancl ancl will uphol�i che ordi an e amending Chapcer �t�� of che St. Paul Legislative Code (Incoxicaci g iquor) . I further underscand chac failure co co ly may resulc in che a�,spension or revocation oti . ; On Sale Liquor a d orresponding licenses. ' ��� � ���, � � � � Signacure �.�' uo�e� ,��. b . o s g�e Estsblishment Dace Recurn �a: ' License v Per�nic Division Room =U3. Cicy Ha11 Sc. Paul , y1N 551U2 Please retain the attached ordinanc f r your records. . 3/36 - ��(�'�L�-'� s���fi ��v�: � � �o u��cl� �LT��l� � �. � C- �OlL��: _ �I�,E�+�� L� LT l�A�Z�L"t RECEIVED I MAY 0 91�89 � CITY CL�RK ...._r. y�_ � _ � � � Dear Property Owner: L-16261 . � Application for a la s B Gambling Location license. This license would allo t e liquor establishmen.t to lease space � 1 to a charitable o a 'zation (St. Bernard's Rec. Center) �u�d S r. for the sale of p 11 bs and/or tipboards. ,rl�Fl,I �,''�1�� Ricom Inc (Henry T oje�, Pres.) dba Hor'seshoe Bar . , r �1 'T'{ ��t 574 Rice Street � I L��G__�L`{ —, June 22, 198 9:�J�0 a.�.. � �'�� �f`�C C�:.7 Cauac� C " e,, 3r� i?ocr C:.^r'7' �aL' - Cau:-_ :ousa 3y rw^�sa �-�c �±TSion, De�ar—.._e_c ac =�ca �.: I �0,�'C," S�*r► �ag�eat S as, 3aa� 2�3 C�c� �.L� - C�ur_ �usa, � Sai=t ?�il., ; aca ,� ��8-��56 � . �� • '�.� aaca �g be c�angs2 a-yc� u t�e canszac �d,/er �:.o�:?e��s oz c�e L:c_�sz �c °e='= Difi��ce. r- is su�Q�stea ��ac pou c=?? t`�e Ci�; C=e=t' s OL=-== zC �a8��r = ;ro •.a-��a c�n:;—�c:o�.