89-1144 �i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. d����1"� FINAL ORDER BY ����.�� � �. � File No: 18113-89 Voting In the Matter of Ward ; 2 operstiss asd �aiatainiag t�a it —ovaed "Tovn Sq�are" Pnblic Spaces locat�d vithia the folloxins tr ets; Cedar Strtet, Bighth Street, Minaasota Street aad Sizth Stre t. 2h• le�el of operttioa :nd =: nt naac� of the "!Tova Sq+�are Pmblic Spacss" for the period of duly 1 , 1989 thrn Jnas . 30, 1994, sball be p�rtos��d i• s aanaer s�t fort ad describe� ia a report fro■ the Deparisewt of Co��saf tr �erfiee . A copp o! the cost :ttsfb�ted t t e prograa witb distribution of :aid aervice, charg�s are enclased ri h hi• order. Tb� cos�s of operating and �aia ai ing the "?oxa S asre" Public Spaces sLall be asaassed agaiast th enefit�d psep rt� oraera of the doratoMa area ar desigaatsd i ba ?ora SQa:rt Assess�eat Policr for��late� by tbe City of 8aiat !a l. { wasq.fo) under Preliminary Order �� approved ' �'a� �J ' asaaal . ; The Council of the City of Saint Paul has c ndu ted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City ha ter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, bje tions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, there ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Councal of the City of ain Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dire ted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the com leti n of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same o t City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. ' ;�JN 2 21989 COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Coun�il: Date Yeas Djt�t�d Nays � ��- Certifie sse by Cduncil Secretary I.on� �ettnan � In Fav By Scheibel p� --�g Against Tiiilepg ayor JUN 2 3198� pUBItSl�D J U L ' �. 1989� � . � � �� � �,=-�,_;i�� ST. PAUL CI Y COUNCIL PUBLIC H AR NG NOTICE OPERATION AND MAIN EN NCE SERVICE CHARGE File No. 18113-89 City Council Distr. ict l� 2 District Planning Council � 17 PURPOSE To consider. the lev 1 of operation and maintenance AND of the Town Square ' pu lic spaces" located in the area LOCATION bounded by the foll wi g str. eets : Cedar. Street , Eighth Street , Minnesota t eet , and Sixth Street for the period of July 1 , 1 89 to June 30 , 199�. HEARING Thursday , June 22 , '98 at 9 : 00 A. M. City Council Chamb rs 3rd Floor City Hall—Cour. t House SERVICE Total estimated costs nd financing plan foc the proposed CHARGE level of Operatio nd Maintenance for Town Squsre INFOR— "Public Spaces " fo t e period fr.om July 1 , 1989 to June MATION 30 , 1990 , is as fol ow : �i Concourse/Street/ Skyway Level $6 3 , 713 Paid by Zone 0 Loft Level $2 6 , 642 Paid by all Service Charge Zones Total proposed service charge $9 0 ,355 Estimated Service C ar e rates are figur.ed in Dollars per square foot of 1 nd area. Amounts will be rounded off to the nearest dolla w th the minimum char.ge to be $ 1 . 00. SERVICE CHA GE BLOCKS * ZONE RATE ZN ZONE Zone 0 $4 . 5580442 36 , 50A Zone 1 $ . 0889454 35 , 37 , 49 , 50B , 51 , 60 , 61 , 62 7one 2 $ . 0633269 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 34 , 38 , 48 , 52 , 59 , 63 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 75 .� . � � n t � � n-t i. t t t O t 9 t /. . t O 7 0 7 n 9 C 7 G 1 Z 1 O I i . ��-����y � � � St. Paul A s ciation - �' Building O ers & Managers, Inc. 386 NORTH WABASHA ST EET, SUITE 645 p�� CAPITOL CENTRE g""�;ty- D`�IYIA ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 551 2 PHONE 291-8888 �� ��`- ��A� June 6 1989 �� � , ,, :,,'; �� C J ���� Council President James Sch i el JAMES SC��MAN 716 City Hall N'��BE� OFFICERS St. Paul, MN 55102 1989-90 ROBERTANGLESON Dear .T1Dl: President MICHAEL MURPHY VicePresident I will be out of the Cit o e 22 1989, at which time the St. DANIEL RIEHLE y � Secretary/Treasurer Paul City Council will have a public hearing o�i the 1989-90 budget DIRECTORS gor Town 3 uare Park. MICHAEL JULIUS,RPA Q ROBERT GOEMER PATRICIA WOLP,RPA With this in mind this let e should serve as'���, an understanding CLAV7 SHONKA � STEVEN NVSTEDT that the Town Square Operat n Advisory Committee of the St. Paul WILLIAMBUTH Association of Building Own r and Managers (BOMA) did meet for Executive Director purposes of reviewing the o e tion and maintenance budget for the loft which is that portion h t is assessed to; the property owners in downtown St. Paul. In o r review, there we�e a couple of items that were adjusted resultin the final certified operating bud- get for the loft amounting o 280, 381 . St. Paul BOMA signed off on a letter of understandin garding the assessment which I as- sume will be presented to y u n or before the public hearing. For your information, the t t 1 operating budget for the loft in- creased $6 ,000 over 1988. I would like to take this o p tunity to recognize the work of both Curt Burroughs, Park M na er, and Steve P�►uling, Operations Manager for BCE Development P perties, Inc. , for the time and effort needed to prepare th s udget. During the past few years, most notably after BCE Deve o ent Properties, Inc. assumed owner- ship of the complex and aft r he appointment of Curt Burroughs as Park Manager, the job of th wn Square Operating Advisory Com- mittee has been greatly red ce . Their professional approach to the budgeting as well as th o erations is verp appreciated. In closing, I would like to re ffirm that we still have concerns relating to the assessment or operating expenses for one of the City's parks. In the event th t the carousel is placed in Town Square Park, we would assum t at operating expenses could be paid from revenues derived from he carousel. We look forward to fur- thering this idea at a late te. Since ly, � ^ ���� illiam A. Buth Executive Director WAB/kd FEDERATED WITH BUILDING OWNE A D MANAGERS ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL � � � � � ������ , , . _ .. , �nA� _ _ .i �`."i,�. . . .._ 't<f4 i iV3"��/� .. . � . �./. . � . - � ' . � . — �Gounef2 F#1a�Io..89-9a0—By Jsm eibeT— , �n the Matter of o}�erating an taining the City-owned"T Square" Public Spaces located within f oaring streets; Cedar St.; Eighth St., , Minnesota St. and Sixth St. in Vo ng ard 2. � The level of operation and mai ten ce of the'`Town Square P blie Spaces" ' for the period of July 1, 1989 thru un 3D, 1990,shall be performe in a marmer set forth and described in a report ro the D�partment of Cornmu ity Seririces. .. A copy of the cost attributed t tlie rogram with disti`ibution o said service ' charges are enclosed with this ord r. . . The costs of operating and m int ning the "Town Square" ublic Spaces , shall be assessed against the benef ted ropertq owners of the dow town area as designated in the Town Square see sment Poiicy formulated b tkre City of � Saint Paul. . , The Council of the City of Sain Pa 1 having received t�e report of�he-Mayar . upon the above improvement, d aving considered said re ort, hereby resolves: 1.� That the said regort a t e same is hereby ap�ro ed with no ' a�ernatides, and that the sti ated annual cost thereof is 954,09�4,U0. , 2. That a public hearing be ad n said imp�rov,ement on•the ..ida %�ef = June 1989 at 9:Q0 o'clock m. n the Council Chambers of he � g � and Court House ui �ng n t City of Saint PauL 3. That notice of said publie he ing be given to the perso s and�`in the mannes}��vided:by the C arC ; statirtg ttie;tim[e and pla of hearing, the nature of ti�e improve ent nd tl�e.total r,ost.thereof as esti�xed.. File No. 18113-89 ... _ _, Adopted by the Council May 2 , 19 9. ='�� Approved IVIay 26, 1989. , ' _ . . (J e IU, 1989) i ��-ii��/ . _ r ___. _ _ _ . , P g.�� - ,. . '_'' - �:. ' w�a�:al��•..�".�$3►a �y �- . . � . . ���C, *���'iia mi th�►�w�h�bid.�'T &�ate►t q17�ttfia' th io �s�etr'�Ced�tr'St Ei�:$t� �ota" ��,f�'l�t:'ih'V"et g ard ' � •� , ,.. ` '3Le Iev!'�€ o oa aad t ��C„3, , ;. = ., � oa►A s�'ui� ��c�,a� . �' ��.��hri1. uxfe '1l9D;s�st�#lM�perlorsiei a�auuet. set����::��, f, � . �P�t+.�rE�c►mm y�„ A�y'.�y y�/� s�st`�i(bLix�tyt, d tu ta�t6�'s�luti�o eeid sestRic� ; � ��RR�f���UliC'� �p ' . . .. ' � '. � ' �e �� ���1- the'"T4'w�t�q�tare" blic 8p � �dI be�ase��� 1�� rt o w� Y o�`the doav� awn emea� designated`izi�fhe�oovn "uare ent Pol��rm�lated _�Se`C'#ty��O� S�int Paul. . Tlie Courscil of tY�Ci�r af Saint a .�►viug r�cei�ed the report f the ll�ayor upon. t�e �ntaove im��iei}#,: d_ .vit�8 considered said: rE*� hereby rn.solves: - _ i. �at t�h�.�1, � ; . rt an th same is hl6�ebp appro� � _� alternatives.and�t the t�Si annual c�t` r,eof ts �� �.; 2. Tl�et;a gublic� }� d a `_�� � -. �.Q�9��0}: . June 1969 . �P�"O�'emenf on �he nd da `` e �.at 9:04 o'c . the Couac'3T Cha�nbers at �q-use uildin�i t Citg oi Saint Paul. ' :"� ' 3. That notic�`�,t�g3d publie , g be gfven to the pers and'�i the! ' manner proVided:b�►'the .. , � , the t�e and p ��aiing, , th ,..� �,,..-� � ._., , _ . e nature ot the fm rovetn '�` total cost thereof as t#�ted. File No. 18113-� ` x 'AdopteSl,b�►tbue Cotitneii May 2S 198 . ' _ � � APProveti�[ay g6,3989, ., .. ' (J �- , 18�j;: ir� _ + �:;,�< . >> .;;, ,,