89-1143 �� \.
City of St.Paul COUTiCIL FILE NO. ���7`3
Resolution Approving Assessment By �� �4 -���
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon
and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Aw rd File No. 18534E
of Damages
Voting In the matter of
Condem.ning and taking pesmanen ti�.ity easements fo� the TROUT
� BROOK OUTLET—PHASE A Stosm Sewe_ S stem on, undes and acsoss pasts
of the fol�owing descsibed psope ty •
B�.ocks 36 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 81 , 84 n 85 , Kittsons Addition to Saint
Pau�, B�ock 88 , Bsunsons Additi n to Saint Pau� , B�ock 42 , Lyman
Dayton ' s Addition to Saint Pa 3 the Southwest Quastes of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 32 T wnship 29 Nosth, Range 22 West ,
Vacated Bsown Stseet , KitCson S seet , Fi�st St�eet and He�best
St�eet , as shown on Dsawing No 120 , Pages 1 and 2, Bin 11 , on fi�e
in the Depar. tment of Finance a d Management Sesvices , Division of
Va�uations and Assessments atta he heseto and inco�po�ated he�ein
by sefesence.
A�.so condemning and taking tempo • a y constsuction easements as shown
on said D�awing No. 1203 , Pag s 1 and 2 , Bin 11 on Fi�e in the
Depastment of Finance and Manage e t Sesvices , Division of Valuations
and Assessments. Said tempoxas c nst�uction easements to expi�e on
Decembes 31 , 1991 , o� upon co p etion of the ptoject whicheve�
occuss fisst.
under Administrative Order -- approve� -- ,
88-1994 De�ember 15, 1988
Preliminary Order approved
FinalOrder 89-167 approved January 31, 1989
The Director of Finance having submitted his epo t in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded
For the taking of the land or easements therein ap opr ated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and
also having submitted his assessment of benefits to pro erty from the making of said improvement, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benef s b and the same is h�reby approved.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing e d before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation
of the award of damages made by the Director of F' an and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council
Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. � ul the ��,} day of
o'clock A.lv�., and that the Director of Finance be and
he is dlrected to give notice of said hearing as presc bed by the Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date f`�U� 2 L R�e79
Yeas Dimond Nays
�� Certified assed by Council Sec tar
Long JL
Rettman In Favor B
Scheibel t�
G�n� Against
Wilson JUN 2 3 �$�Yor
Pu�us� .�u� - 11989