89-1138 . • .� �-�' � � �� _ � ��.__. -�� ,-r.��_.� � ,�d ,, �..��. �..-�, � � , WNITE - CITV CLERK CQUI1C11 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF � AINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT �//3� BLUE - MAVOR F�le NO. - ouncil esolution �' %��- �'� � � . , , � ,___ ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � � �-�y Out of Committee By late WHEREAS, this year the Port Authority pr oses to pay off the general obligation bond retirement funds paya le in 1989 by levying �1,639,504 against St. Paul property taxes and by transf rr ng $200,000 to gene�al obligation bond retirement from the Port Authori y perating fund; and ! . WHEREAS, St. Paul residents are faced wi h a possible 7� incXease in property taxes due to the veto of the tax bill an a proposed 25� inc�'ease in sewer rates in 1990; ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that he Council of the Cityiof St. Paul directs the St. Paul Port Authority to use fu ds from its net incomei to refund to St. Paul taxpayers the $1,639,504 whi h s being collected firom the taxpayers in 1989; and � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cit Co ncil directs the Pdrt Authority to notify the Ramsey County Auditor on b fore the lst of Oc�,ober, 1989, that the Port Authority will use funds av il le in its own treasury from earnings or other income to pay the principal an interest on its ge�eral obligation bonds and that there will be no levy on the taxpayers of Sti Paul in 1990; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Cit C uncil recommends th�.t the Port Authority amend Basic Resolution 876's require en that the fund balai�ce in the Accumulated Net Revenue Fund must ex ee three times the ma�imum debt service payment on special revenue bonds for pr jects being paid fo� by the Port Authority, so that more of these fund balances an be used to reduce thx levies for general obligatianbonds in the future. � COUNCIL MEMBERS �,, Requested by Depart�nent of: Yeas Nays �,.� i Dimond ` I �� '�•i—,f��`F [n Favo ! Goswitz , � �f. i Rettman s�ne�be� � , :/�° ' � _ Against gy � Sonnen ,__,�tt.,,' .` Wilson � ! I i � ! } �°` Form Approved by C�ity Attorney Adopted by Councit: Date i Certified Passed by Council Secretary By— i By il t#pproved by Nlavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor �or Submission to Council By - By , W I �c�=r«� .�ENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � ��O Councilmember Kiki Sonnen 6/14/8 GREEN SHEETI NO. CONTACT PER30N&PHONE PARTMENT DIRECTOR INITIAU DATE O��NqL INITIAUDATE Kiki Sonnen or Moll 298- Nu�� AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL/U3ENDA BY(DA7� ROUTINO DOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.8ERVICES DIR. YOR(OR ASSISTA � TOTAL�OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL L AT NS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION REWESTED: Return $1.6 million in Port Authority pro rt ta�c levy to St. P ul taxpayers. RECOMMENDAT10N3:Approve(Iq or Rejsct(R) COUNCIL M EE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTION ANALY8T PHONE NO. _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _CIVIL SERViCE COMMIBSION _pB OOMMITTEE _ COMMENTB: _STAFF — _DI8TRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM�18SUE.OPPORTUNfTY(Who.WM1,WMn�Whsro.Wh�: - Increasing property taxes, assessments, se ice charges are d iving property owners out of St. Paul. ADVANTAQE3 IF APPFbVED: - Decreases property tax burden on St. P ul residents and busi esses. - Holds Port Authority more accountsble or their spending. DISADVMITAOEB IF APPROVED: - Requires Port Authority to readjust t ei budget. DISADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: - Does nothing to address tax burden o S . Paul residents an businesses. Cour;c�► I�esearch Center, JUN 1� i9� TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REVENUE StlDOET (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAI INFORMATION:(EXPWI�