89-1134 WHITE - CITV CIERK I PINK - FINANCE COUflCll CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF S I�NT PAUL — /.,� BLUE - MAVOR - Flle NO. City Attny/JTH • • � � Counci esoluti n �� .� I 5 Presented By Referred To Com ' e: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUT 0 IZING SUB MISSION OF THE AMENDED ENERG P RK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN TO RAMSE C UNTY AND ISD ��625 BOAP.DS FOR REVIEW WHEREAS, the Port Autho it and Department of Planning and Economic Development have su mi ted an Amended Energy Park Tax Increment Financing Plan (th " lan") for consideration by the City Council ; and ; EREAS Cit olic re u' e its submissioi`�. to the CIB � , Y P Y Committee and statute requir s consultation with the Ramsey County Board and ISD ��625 Bo r t�efore consideration of the Plan upon public hearing by h City Council ; now therefore, be it RESOLVED that staff is i ected to subriit the Plan to the Ramsey County Board and ISD ;�6 5 Board in accordance with provi5io�� n�: Minnesota Stat te Section 469 . 175 Subd. 2, and to the �". T ::' . Committee in cc rdance with the Capital Allocations Polic;�; '�or_ -_eview and repor t the City Council . P�':�';';:'�'.", FURTHER that he City Clerk is directed to fix a date fc�r- �- �_��ic hearing upo t e Plan and to publish the required notice all in accordance wi h ection 469 .175 Subd. 3 . I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Dep�rtment of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� � In Fa or � Rettman v B �hQ1�� A gai n t Y �-sewuee i Wilson �N 2 2 Form Approved by City At rney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified P�_ -ed y Coun il S c ta By � By Appr by Mavor. D e Z ' 19 9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By AtfBUS�D JU� - 1 g6 _ ��,�.�� DEPARTAAENTlOFFICEIOOUNCIL DATE INRIATED PED 6/14/89 GREEN SHEET No. 6 8 7 OONTACT PERSOM 6 PHONE INITb1U DATE INITIAUDATE Warren Hanson 228-3325 ,� o �an�ear ar�croA p cm�oouNa� N��R ATTORNEY ��ITY C�RK MUBT BE ON OOUNCIL AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINQ B DQET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 M(iT.SERVICES DIR. June 22, 1989 voR�oa�ssisr � TOTAL#►OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL L ATI NS FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REWESTED: Authorization of submission of the amend d nergy Park Tax Incr ment Financing Plan to Ramsey County and ISD #625 Boards for re iew and setting a ublic hearing date. (July 25, 1989) RECOMMENDATIONS:Appraw(N a►Aale�IR1 COUNCIL E/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONA _PLANNINCi COMMI8810N _qVIL SERVICE COMMIBSION ��YST PFI�IE NO. _qB�MMITfEE _ —STAFF _ COMMEN'T8: _DIBTRIC'T WURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 INI'f1AT1N0 PROBLEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsro,Why): The Porti Authority and the Wilder Foun at on reached a settle ent agreement concerning ✓ Bandana Square in late Apr�il , which pre +en ed Wilder from comp etely abandoning its investment in the Energy Park Tax I cr rr�nt District. The finance plan must be amended to incorporate these negotiatio s s well as to update current financing needs. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPHOVED: The Ramsey County and ISD #625 Boards st be allowed 30 days to review any amendments to the tax increment financing plan.pri r o any possible act'on by the City Council . If the attached resolution is approved, th's 30-day period ca begin and a public hearing be scheduled for July 25 for C n '1 action. D18ADVANTAQE8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ✓ The Port Authority/Wilder Settlement re ment becomes null nd void if City action does not occur before August 1. I the amended plan is not released for review now, this timeTine cannot be m . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = —�— COST/REVENUE SUDQETED( RCLE QN� YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � . : G��/r�y Members: Biil Wiison, chair GITY OF INT PAUL Tom Dimond ��j"�i"'� Kiki Sonnen OFFICE OF CITY COIINCIL Date: June 14, 198 WILLIAM L. WILSON COCT� it ee Report ��CCIVED MARK VOERDING Councilman Legislative Aide JUN 1 � 1989 To: Saint Paul City Counc I C!�'Y CLE�K From : Housing and Econ ic Development Committee Bili Wilson, Chair _ 1. Approval of Minutes MINUTES of the MAY 24 989 I o , 1 , c ittee meeting were APPROVED. 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 6 o the Legislative Code enacting zoning text changes pertaining to S ec al Condition Use Pe�mits (C.F. 89-742) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L. ' 3. Resolution stating intent to co sider amend�ents to Chapter 61 of the Zoning Code to provide all s tb cks for buildings dr other structures constructed adjacent to par a or parks be the sa�me as presently _ mandated in residentially z e districts and requejsting the Planning Commission to consider said arn dments and submit Cheir recommendations and findings to the Mayor a d ity Council (C.F. 89-774) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL 4. Resolution approving action by the Board of Appeal$ and Review taken February 14, 1989, for prop rt located at 436 Shepard Road, John Kerwin/Nicollet Restoration a pellant (C.F. 89-8b4) COtR�IITTEE REFERRED BACK TO 0 CIL WITHOUT A RECOMMENDATION. (split vote) 5. Resolution reconstituting t e nergy Park Development District (including the Twin City Te ti g Area). Advisory Board to consist of members as listed and requ st' g the Mayor to submit appointments to positions (C.F. 89-843) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA OF SUBSTITiTTE RESOLUTION. (attached) .T-�----�- ,,...�, - �.�..,,...,�_-,,,,,..__. . Discussion of timeline for En rgy Park modifications �„y�""' COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VA OF RESOLUTION PRESLNTED AT MEETING. (attached) RECOMMENDED PUBLIC HEARING DA E IS SET FOR JULY 25, 1989. CITY HALL SEV�NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, v1INNESOTA 55102 6l2/298• - - . 8�46 � � .