99-1095ORIGINA Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CouncilFile# °l9- �cqs GreenSheet# 102128 Referzed To: � Committee: Date } WHEREAS, River Print Saint Pauf/Ramsey CounTy has determined that curzent equipmerrt is z outdated technologically and incurs high maintenance costs; and s WHEREAS, replacement of said equipment would result in increased service capacity, digitally a connected printing, better copy qualiiy and reduced operating costs; and s s � 8 s m �i is is n 18 19 za zi z2 23 za zs zs z� 28 28 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, River Print propases to use $7,790 in current equipment encumbrances and $291,710 of retained eamings for the replacement of equipment totaling $299,500; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, that approval is hereby hereby granted for use of retained eamings for the purchase of replacement equipment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor, pursuant to Sec. 10.07.01 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget. Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN: Department of Planning & Economic Development Division River Print GL 127 00000 9910 $0.00 $291,710.00 $291,710.00 SPENDING PLAN: Department of Planning & Economic Development Division River Print GL 127 16002 0839 $73,114.44 $291,710.00 $364,824.44 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 7999 budget. � �9 v q9- 104.5 GREEN 266-6668 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oe.R.�ro.earaR �.,,� � �J � C � MYqtI�YM111111 _ (CLIP ALL LO tc�rs��� �� No1Q2?23 � ancara FOR SIGNATURE7 Approval of resolution for use of retained earnings to purchase replacement equipment for Print Shop. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITlEE CMl SERVICE COMMISSION Fias fhis P� e✓erxarketl urukr a ca�had torthis tlepaMient? YES NO Fles Mis P��rm e�d heM a Cdy employee7 res t+o Ooes ttiie 0� P� a sk'p not rormalNP�� bY �Y wnmt crtY �pbyre? YES NO k Mis paeoN6m 0 taipeted vetMa(t YES NO Yain all vec ar�ve�s on seoarate sheet antl attach fo arePn sFwg Esisting equipment is ten or more years old and costly to maintain. IFAPPROVED New technology and cost savings. ������ � 1 , ...; ns_��.:ai���.� � 54DVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ' ' The print shop will not be able to provide digital services to its customers and would incur hieher costs_ ahrourrr oF rwwsncnorr f 291, 710 cosrrt�v�ue suoc�o �cwc� or� fl rEa No F127 wcrnmNU�ot GL-12R-00000-9910 c � w � �Tf�2/A ti �/ @ ' m 5e!i „i1 t�!'Q�3,�„e.!'.� 4.�.;�i� kd�v.. � � °l°1-1ogS The following pieces of equipment are necessary to meet the demand from our customers to provide high-speed digital seroice through our computer network and to have full bindery capabilities. The goal of river print is to fine tune the print shop into a more user-friendly digitally connected printing facility which maximizes cost savings for our customers. To meet these Goals, River Print proposed to purchase replacement equipment by using a portion of our retained eamings which currently stand at $709,047. Bids will be obtained in order to achieve the best pricing. The criteria used to judge the bids will be purchase price, cost of maintenance�cost of supplies, compatability with city/county computer networks, and ease of use. ITEM 1: REPLACE XEROX 5090 - 11 YEARS OLD - ANALOG COPIER - CANNOT REPLICATE QUALITY OF LASER JET ORIGINALS PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: XEROX NP-135 $156,000 - SPEED OF 135 COPIES PER MINUTE - CAN BE CONNECTED TO E-MAIL SYSTEM - CAPACITY TO STORE JOBS IN MEMORY, ADD PAGES, ART AND PHOTOS - DIGI7AL ITEM 2: REPLACE 1982 BORG COLLATOR AND DUPLO DC8 - TOO SMALL FOR JOB REQUESTS - DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS OR FORMATS OF TODAY'S JOBS - OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY WITH HIGH MAINTENANCE COSTS PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: DUPLO OR STANDARD TWIN TOWER W/COLLATOR/STITCHER/BOOKLET MAKER $88,500 - HANDLES ALL SIZES OF PAPER STOCK - MAKES BOOKLETS @ 3,000 + PER HOUR - CAN RUN TWO JOBS SIMULTANEOUSLY PULVER�PRNSHOP7.WPD Oc[a6er6,1999 1 qq-►o95 — COLLATES SPECIALTY PAPERS — 25+ YEARS LlFE EXPECTENCY — LOW MAINTENANCE ITEM 3: REPLACE KODAK 2035 — 11 YEARS OLD — ANALOG COPIER — HIGH MAINTENANCE/EXCESSIVE DOWN TIME — EXPENSIVE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT — POOR QUALITY PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: KONICA OR CANNON TANDEM CONNECTED DIGITAL COPIER $55,OOQ — EASE OF USE — FAST FOR PRINT OfV DEMAND — CAN RUN 2 JOBS SIMULTANEOUSLY — ABLE TO DOWN SIZE WORKLOAD AND SHIFT HIGHER VOLUME TO DOCUTECH (ITEM 1) — MAINTENANCE COST AND SUPPLIES IN ONE CONTRACT — DIGITAL AND CAN BE CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PURCHASED: XEROX NP-135 DUP�O OR STANDARD TWlN TOWER DIGITAL COPIER Total Purchases Current Encumbrance Amount needed from retained earnings PULVER�PRNSHOP9.WPD October6,1999 2 $156,000 88,500 55.000 $299,500 7 790 291 710 ORIGINA Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CouncilFile# °l9- �cqs GreenSheet# 102128 Referzed To: � Committee: Date } WHEREAS, River Print Saint Pauf/Ramsey CounTy has determined that curzent equipmerrt is z outdated technologically and incurs high maintenance costs; and s WHEREAS, replacement of said equipment would result in increased service capacity, digitally a connected printing, better copy qualiiy and reduced operating costs; and s s � 8 s m �i is is n 18 19 za zi z2 23 za zs zs z� 28 28 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, River Print propases to use $7,790 in current equipment encumbrances and $291,710 of retained eamings for the replacement of equipment totaling $299,500; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, that approval is hereby hereby granted for use of retained eamings for the purchase of replacement equipment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor, pursuant to Sec. 10.07.01 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget. Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN: Department of Planning & Economic Development Division River Print GL 127 00000 9910 $0.00 $291,710.00 $291,710.00 SPENDING PLAN: Department of Planning & Economic Development Division River Print GL 127 16002 0839 $73,114.44 $291,710.00 $364,824.44 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 7999 budget. � �9 v q9- 104.5 GREEN 266-6668 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oe.R.�ro.earaR �.,,� � �J � C � MYqtI�YM111111 _ (CLIP ALL LO tc�rs��� �� No1Q2?23 � ancara FOR SIGNATURE7 Approval of resolution for use of retained earnings to purchase replacement equipment for Print Shop. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITlEE CMl SERVICE COMMISSION Fias fhis P� e✓erxarketl urukr a ca�had torthis tlepaMient? YES NO Fles Mis P��rm e�d heM a Cdy employee7 res t+o Ooes ttiie 0� P� a sk'p not rormalNP�� bY �Y wnmt crtY �pbyre? YES NO k Mis paeoN6m 0 taipeted vetMa(t YES NO Yain all vec ar�ve�s on seoarate sheet antl attach fo arePn sFwg Esisting equipment is ten or more years old and costly to maintain. IFAPPROVED New technology and cost savings. ������ � 1 , ...; ns_��.:ai���.� � 54DVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ' ' The print shop will not be able to provide digital services to its customers and would incur hieher costs_ ahrourrr oF rwwsncnorr f 291, 710 cosrrt�v�ue suoc�o �cwc� or� fl rEa No F127 wcrnmNU�ot GL-12R-00000-9910 c � w � �Tf�2/A ti �/ @ ' m 5e!i „i1 t�!'Q�3,�„e.!'.� 4.�.;�i� kd�v.. � � °l°1-1ogS The following pieces of equipment are necessary to meet the demand from our customers to provide high-speed digital seroice through our computer network and to have full bindery capabilities. The goal of river print is to fine tune the print shop into a more user-friendly digitally connected printing facility which maximizes cost savings for our customers. To meet these Goals, River Print proposed to purchase replacement equipment by using a portion of our retained eamings which currently stand at $709,047. Bids will be obtained in order to achieve the best pricing. The criteria used to judge the bids will be purchase price, cost of maintenance�cost of supplies, compatability with city/county computer networks, and ease of use. ITEM 1: REPLACE XEROX 5090 - 11 YEARS OLD - ANALOG COPIER - CANNOT REPLICATE QUALITY OF LASER JET ORIGINALS PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: XEROX NP-135 $156,000 - SPEED OF 135 COPIES PER MINUTE - CAN BE CONNECTED TO E-MAIL SYSTEM - CAPACITY TO STORE JOBS IN MEMORY, ADD PAGES, ART AND PHOTOS - DIGI7AL ITEM 2: REPLACE 1982 BORG COLLATOR AND DUPLO DC8 - TOO SMALL FOR JOB REQUESTS - DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS OR FORMATS OF TODAY'S JOBS - OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY WITH HIGH MAINTENANCE COSTS PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: DUPLO OR STANDARD TWIN TOWER W/COLLATOR/STITCHER/BOOKLET MAKER $88,500 - HANDLES ALL SIZES OF PAPER STOCK - MAKES BOOKLETS @ 3,000 + PER HOUR - CAN RUN TWO JOBS SIMULTANEOUSLY PULVER�PRNSHOP7.WPD Oc[a6er6,1999 1 qq-►o95 — COLLATES SPECIALTY PAPERS — 25+ YEARS LlFE EXPECTENCY — LOW MAINTENANCE ITEM 3: REPLACE KODAK 2035 — 11 YEARS OLD — ANALOG COPIER — HIGH MAINTENANCE/EXCESSIVE DOWN TIME — EXPENSIVE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT — POOR QUALITY PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: KONICA OR CANNON TANDEM CONNECTED DIGITAL COPIER $55,OOQ — EASE OF USE — FAST FOR PRINT OfV DEMAND — CAN RUN 2 JOBS SIMULTANEOUSLY — ABLE TO DOWN SIZE WORKLOAD AND SHIFT HIGHER VOLUME TO DOCUTECH (ITEM 1) — MAINTENANCE COST AND SUPPLIES IN ONE CONTRACT — DIGITAL AND CAN BE CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PURCHASED: XEROX NP-135 DUP�O OR STANDARD TWlN TOWER DIGITAL COPIER Total Purchases Current Encumbrance Amount needed from retained earnings PULVER�PRNSHOP9.WPD October6,1999 2 $156,000 88,500 55.000 $299,500 7 790 291 710 ORIGINA Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CouncilFile# °l9- �cqs GreenSheet# 102128 Referzed To: � Committee: Date } WHEREAS, River Print Saint Pauf/Ramsey CounTy has determined that curzent equipmerrt is z outdated technologically and incurs high maintenance costs; and s WHEREAS, replacement of said equipment would result in increased service capacity, digitally a connected printing, better copy qualiiy and reduced operating costs; and s s � 8 s m �i is is n 18 19 za zi z2 23 za zs zs z� 28 28 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, River Print propases to use $7,790 in current equipment encumbrances and $291,710 of retained eamings for the replacement of equipment totaling $299,500; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, that approval is hereby hereby granted for use of retained eamings for the purchase of replacement equipment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor, pursuant to Sec. 10.07.01 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget. Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN: Department of Planning & Economic Development Division River Print GL 127 00000 9910 $0.00 $291,710.00 $291,710.00 SPENDING PLAN: Department of Planning & Economic Development Division River Print GL 127 16002 0839 $73,114.44 $291,710.00 $364,824.44 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 7999 budget. � �9 v q9- 104.5 GREEN 266-6668 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oe.R.�ro.earaR �.,,� � �J � C � MYqtI�YM111111 _ (CLIP ALL LO tc�rs��� �� No1Q2?23 � ancara FOR SIGNATURE7 Approval of resolution for use of retained earnings to purchase replacement equipment for Print Shop. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITlEE CMl SERVICE COMMISSION Fias fhis P� e✓erxarketl urukr a ca�had torthis tlepaMient? YES NO Fles Mis P��rm e�d heM a Cdy employee7 res t+o Ooes ttiie 0� P� a sk'p not rormalNP�� bY �Y wnmt crtY �pbyre? YES NO k Mis paeoN6m 0 taipeted vetMa(t YES NO Yain all vec ar�ve�s on seoarate sheet antl attach fo arePn sFwg Esisting equipment is ten or more years old and costly to maintain. IFAPPROVED New technology and cost savings. ������ � 1 , ...; ns_��.:ai���.� � 54DVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ' ' The print shop will not be able to provide digital services to its customers and would incur hieher costs_ ahrourrr oF rwwsncnorr f 291, 710 cosrrt�v�ue suoc�o �cwc� or� fl rEa No F127 wcrnmNU�ot GL-12R-00000-9910 c � w � �Tf�2/A ti �/ @ ' m 5e!i „i1 t�!'Q�3,�„e.!'.� 4.�.;�i� kd�v.. � � °l°1-1ogS The following pieces of equipment are necessary to meet the demand from our customers to provide high-speed digital seroice through our computer network and to have full bindery capabilities. The goal of river print is to fine tune the print shop into a more user-friendly digitally connected printing facility which maximizes cost savings for our customers. To meet these Goals, River Print proposed to purchase replacement equipment by using a portion of our retained eamings which currently stand at $709,047. Bids will be obtained in order to achieve the best pricing. The criteria used to judge the bids will be purchase price, cost of maintenance�cost of supplies, compatability with city/county computer networks, and ease of use. ITEM 1: REPLACE XEROX 5090 - 11 YEARS OLD - ANALOG COPIER - CANNOT REPLICATE QUALITY OF LASER JET ORIGINALS PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: XEROX NP-135 $156,000 - SPEED OF 135 COPIES PER MINUTE - CAN BE CONNECTED TO E-MAIL SYSTEM - CAPACITY TO STORE JOBS IN MEMORY, ADD PAGES, ART AND PHOTOS - DIGI7AL ITEM 2: REPLACE 1982 BORG COLLATOR AND DUPLO DC8 - TOO SMALL FOR JOB REQUESTS - DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS OR FORMATS OF TODAY'S JOBS - OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY WITH HIGH MAINTENANCE COSTS PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: DUPLO OR STANDARD TWIN TOWER W/COLLATOR/STITCHER/BOOKLET MAKER $88,500 - HANDLES ALL SIZES OF PAPER STOCK - MAKES BOOKLETS @ 3,000 + PER HOUR - CAN RUN TWO JOBS SIMULTANEOUSLY PULVER�PRNSHOP7.WPD Oc[a6er6,1999 1 qq-►o95 — COLLATES SPECIALTY PAPERS — 25+ YEARS LlFE EXPECTENCY — LOW MAINTENANCE ITEM 3: REPLACE KODAK 2035 — 11 YEARS OLD — ANALOG COPIER — HIGH MAINTENANCE/EXCESSIVE DOWN TIME — EXPENSIVE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT — POOR QUALITY PROPOSED REPLACEMENT: KONICA OR CANNON TANDEM CONNECTED DIGITAL COPIER $55,OOQ — EASE OF USE — FAST FOR PRINT OfV DEMAND — CAN RUN 2 JOBS SIMULTANEOUSLY — ABLE TO DOWN SIZE WORKLOAD AND SHIFT HIGHER VOLUME TO DOCUTECH (ITEM 1) — MAINTENANCE COST AND SUPPLIES IN ONE CONTRACT — DIGITAL AND CAN BE CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PURCHASED: XEROX NP-135 DUP�O OR STANDARD TWlN TOWER DIGITAL COPIER Total Purchases Current Encumbrance Amount needed from retained earnings PULVER�PRNSHOP9.WPD October6,1999 2 $156,000 88,500 55.000 $299,500 7 790 291 710