89-1111 wHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK � fINAN�E COUI�Cil Q BAUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF • AINT PAIIL File NO. ��a���� -- Counci esolution . _ , (is P--�ented By - • ' �d Referred To Committee: Date � /8 Out of Committee y Date WHEREAS, Higher Educati n nstitutions hav had a important influence on the development of the City of Sai t Paul dating back to 1854 when Macalester Co lege was first stablished in the community; and WHEREAS, there are curr n y 12 higher edu ation institu- tions operating within the C t of Saint Paul, aking Saint Paul a higher educational center led by only one or two other locations in the country; an WHEREAS, these very imp r nt institutions of higher edu- cation provide tremendous ec n ic, cultural, e ucational, and social contributions and ben f' s to the City o Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul A a Chamber of Co merce, through its Higher Education Task Fo c and its current Higher Education Leadership Group. has begun f ing important relationships between Saint Paul 's busines mmunity and the City's institu- � tions of higher education; a d WHEREAS, the City of Sa n Paul seeks to re formally establish its relationship w t its institutio s of higher education to undertake mutua 1 beneficial join ventures which would meet both the needs of t e City and the olleges; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City o Saint Paul doe hereby establish the new City-College Partner h'p Initiative which is designed to ��� ,S � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by ar ment of: (olg9 Yeas Nays 7��i Dimond Lo�g In Favo Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date �ified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary By — Bl' Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council By By WHIT - C�TY CLEFiK PIN✓ - FINAN�E COIII�CIl Q � • ce ARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. 0 ����/� � UE - M.�.YOR Council Resolution �� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- develop a closer and more fruitful relationship between the City and its institutions of higher education to utilize the valuable educational resources and talents existing within those institu- tions in joint ventures aimed at improving economic, educational, cultural and social conditions within the City of Saint Paul and to develop an "Urban Issues Agenda"for higher education in Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City's new City-College Partner- ship Inititative will be undertaken in cooperation with the important efforts already underway within the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce's Higher Education Leadership Group; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a member of the Saint Paul City Council be selected to serve on the Chamber of Commerce's Higher Education Leadership Group to provide the needed liaison as the City implements the new City-College Partnership Inititative, and � that an annual report be made to the City Council regarding the status and progress of projects undertaken as part of the City- College Partnership Initiative; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Council would like to ex- plore as one of the first joint projects of the new City-College Partnership Initiative a child health and development educational campaign to begin in the early �l of �-9$3- to coincide with the City's "Year of the Child" acivities. �g9� �'u'� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.one In Favor Go�virz Rett�:l:�n B sch.: ,,i Against Y Son�. � Wils�• Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: L'ate '�:!ified Passed by Coi:: ''. Secretary By Approve� '�y Mavor. Date —. ___ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council :3y _ _ _ BY � ��/I�/ : . DEPARTMENTlOFF10EICAUNC�I DATE INRIA ED GREEN SHE T NO. .} C� �} Bob Lon �S office 6—�—� INITIAU ATE I�ITIAUDATE CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN CITY AT70RNEY �CITY CLERK Ma Ann Hecht 2 $—�F NUMBER R �ST BE ON CAUNGL AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINQ BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.S MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASS�STAN � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL LO ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Establish the New-City College Partne sh' Initiative in coo eration with the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Co�xnerce's Higher Edu at' nal Leadership, an select a member of the Saint Paul City Council to serve as t e 'ason between these two groups. RECOMMENDATtONS:Approve(A)w Reject(R) COUNCIL OM ITTEEJRESEARCH REPORT OP ONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION —CiVtL SERVICE COMMISSION _CiB COMMITTEE — COMMENT : _STAFF — _DISTRICT CAURT —. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WAO,What,When,Where,Why): There are 12 higher education institu io s operating within he City of St. Paul. The new City-College Partnership will pr vi e a more formal est blishment between the city and the institutions of higher educat on by e�anding on th efforts already made by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Co�nerce. Jo t ventures to dev lop an "Urban Issues Agenda," such as child health care and educati na campaign will be dertaken. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � The City of Saint Paul will benefit ' tural, economic, ducation, and social terms from the resources available from th i titutions of highe education. The students of these schools will have the oppor 'ty to gain valuable experience from these various projects. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �'SGC�1V�� None r�.- -y�, . ` .� �, ,� �uN o g 1989 - . . �1Tlf CLERK �vi� � '� '?�J = � t:. COUNCIL DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: • � SCHEIBEL The expansion of the possible benef'ts or both the city o Saint Paul and the institutions of hzgher education wo d e lost. G��!:�cl� {;Asearc� Center �.fLl�a 11 i:;o� �TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDG ED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � WHITE �- C�TV CLERK PINK " - FINANCE , ' G I TY OF S I NT PAIT L ouncil x/f�/��/� B�l.'UERV - h�1VORTMENT Ile NO. v • II/� � Council esolution - � Presented By �Referred To ✓ Y Committee: ate /� `"�� -�� Out of Committee By Date EREAS, Higher Educatio nstitutions hav had a important influen e on the development f the City of Sai t Paul dating back to 54 when Macalester o lege was first stablished in the commuri�:,ty; and WHEREAS,`'�there are curr nt y 12 higher edu ation institu- tions operatinc�within the C'ty of Saint Paul, aking Saint Paul a higher educati al center qu led by only one or two other locations in the c untry; an WHEREAS, these v ey imp r nt institutions of higher edu- cation provide tremend s ec n ic, cultural, e ucational, and social contributions and en f' s to the City o Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau A ea Chamber of Co merce, through its Higher Education Task Fo and its current Higher Education Leadership Group has begun f ing important r lationships between Saint Paul 's busines unity and th City's institu- tions of higher education; d WHEREAS, the City of S in Pau seeks to ore formally establish its relationship it its stitutio s of higher education to undertake mutu 11 benefi ial joi t ventures which would meet both the needs o t e City a d the olleges; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cit o Saint Paul doe hereby establish the new City-College Partne s 'p Initiative��wh ch is designed to .. , COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De rtmertt of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Fa or Goswitz Rettman B scheine� A gai n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— gy, Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by May r for Submission to Council By BY WHITE "- CITV CLERK �- � � � - � PINK - FINANCE � � '� � C s *T OLflCll ///// CAN�RY -DEPARTMENT �� Y.� �F..•.A1 ._l�'NT ...PA l3 L - lle NO.-� �L(• • � 1.L. �E -�►�YQR .._ . ., ,. ..�.. .. � �" �... .; . . . . . ..�` .. , '. '.., w�y,J",1.: .., ` . - i .:�"� :� • . . CO��CZ �SO���Z4�Z : , . - .x. . _ i .. `. .,. Presented Bp + � �"� � �--��►' —�� ` --�Refercc�d`To Commi ttee: Date _ - _ . x Out of�art�rt�i.ttee By D�te ` , . . , _ . . ... � : _ � _ .�.�: _ � �3 ,�: . ` Hiqher Educati n nstiti�tion� �hav ' had a important ' influen e on�the development of the Cfty of�,Ssi t Paul dating back to 54 t�then Macalester Cb lege wa's first� stablished in . . : : � t�e comn�t�tn ty:; and _ � . , = WHEREAS, there are: curr n y 12 .ht�qher edu ation institu- tions operatii� wi�hin t�e C t of Sai.nt Pau1, aking Saint Paul _ a �high�� ed�aati 1 center �3ed by only one or two other � '� - ioca��.ons in the � 'unt • � , �Y� an � P ��.;.� j _ NHEREAS, these v imp r ant insti�ntions of�3�igk� r �du-; ` ;���. catior�: provide ��emend s e�c n mic, cult�ral, ur��nt�,a��', ��d�.� " ' soci�i;- cont�ibu�'ions and e f ts to the City f 'Saint'-Paul i and . - �� . . e _ � WHEREAS, tne Sa3;rit Pau A ea Chamber of C erce, through �� �itB Higher' Education Task F :and it� curr�n Higher Educati�►n � - Lead�rehip �roup has,begun o '�ng' importas�t�.r lationships " �� ?�etw�en� Sain't Paul's 'busine s unity and th City!s in�titu- ° . , � _ ,;, ` ¢;' �ons df higher educa�ion: nd � ; � . , : . :� _ WHEREAS, the City of S in - au �eeks to ore�=�ormally ., ° esta�lish its relationship it 'ts stitutio s of `higher '�' { , ; '� , education to undertake mutu 11 benef� ial joi t ven�ures �which - �'' ', � would -m�et both` the: n�eds o City a d the olleg��; now, r'� ` ' ' �� therefore, be it � ... , � r,. : ,� . RESOLVED, That the Cit f Saint Paul o� hereby estabii'�sh th� new Ctty-College Partne ' ip Initiative w� ch is. desiqned to :;� .. �- -� ' � � � . . - . � . . . 'K� �#" ''"COUNCII, MEMB�SRS , - :�. l�ques3ed by De ctmetn of: . � _ ! Yeas =. NaYs , , _ .� IKmond ` � • �.oas _�:� "In F or . coswitz �' - �� Agai t BY . °sonnen � `:�Vileon _ :, Form Ap�ov�d-b City Attorney . �� ' Adopted by Cou�cil: Uate ' � Certified Passed by Council Secretary ' � B3' . '' By , � ,IKpproved by Mavor: Date Approve� bY Ma r ft�e Submission�to Council � �i;` r� �� �Y By .� , .. ° �� . � ;M��. . ''�' _ � , "�,: wHiT��'_ C�7r St,ERrc Olit1C11 � _ P E , FI �oA � � " GI�Y bF S f.NT PAUL ile NO.� �"���! . V — DEPARTMENT � + �� � ' � ; �, Counci esolution :� - Presented By -; ';, ,�° �"�� _ � . �� Referred Tor'��-� �� � Committee: Date f� A � Out of Committee By ,� � Date WHEREAS, Higher Educati n nstitutions hav had a important influence on the development of the City of Sai t Paul dating back to 1854 when Macalester Co lege was first stablished in the community; and WHEREAS, there are curr n y 12 hiqher edu ation institu- tions operating within the C t of Saint Paul, aking Saint Paul a hiqher educational center led by only one or two other locations in the country; an � WHEREAS, these very imp r ant institutions of higher edu- cation provide tremendous ec n mic, cultural, ucational, and.. social contributions and ben f ts to the City f Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau A ea Chamber of C erce, through its Hiqher Education Task F c and its curren Higher Education Leadership Group- has begun ing important r lationships between Saint Paul's busine s ommunity and th City's institu- tions of higher education; nd WHEREAS, the City of S in Paul seeks to ore formally - establish its relationship it its institutio s of higher education to undertake mutu 11 beneficial joi t ventures which would meet both the needs o t e City and the olleges; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the Cit f Saint Paul doe hereby establish the new City-Colleqe Partne s ip Initiative wh ch is designed to COUNCIL MEMBERS R�equested by De rtment of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ns [n Fa or coswTitz . Rettmao ��,p� _ Again t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ' Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by May r for Submission to Council ,�`By $y NNIyC — C�TV CLERK , � T -r �AUL �OU�CIl Q�—�//� p�y,K — FINANCE �7TY OF S 1 Filei NO.�i o�AYARV — DEPARTMENT 1 1 ?�UE — MAYOR �, Council e olution ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Da�e Da e Out of Committee By 2 ' onshi b Itween the City develop a closer and more fruit u relati P � and its institutions of higher d cation to utiliz�e the valuable educational resources and tale ts existing withinithose institu- tions in joint ventures aimed t mproving economi�c, educational, cultural and social conditions wi hin the City oflSaint Paul and to develop an "Urban Issues Ag nd "for higher edu�ation in Saint Paul; and be it , FURTHER RESOLVED, That th ity' s new City-C llege Partner- ship Inititative will be under a enWi�hin�theaSa�ntWPaultArea important efforts already und w y Chamber of Commerce' s Higher u ation Leadershi Group; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a me ber �a�er of1C�mmerceCstHigher Council be selected to serve n videhthe neededlliaison as the Education Leadership Group to p City implements the new City- o lege Partnership Inititative, and that an annual report be made t the City Counci� regarding the status and progress of projec s undertaken as pairt of the City- College Partnership Initiati ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That he City Council wo ld like tColle e plore as one of the first jo nt projects of the nmentleducational Partnership Initiative a chi d alltofa1989eto1 oincide with the campaign to begin in the ear y City' s "Year of the Child" a i ities. — COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by DepaJrtment of: Yeas Nays Dimund In Fa t Long Goswitz B Rettman __ A ga i n t Y Scheibel - Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by� City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date By Certified Passed by Council Secretary B� ppproved by May�br for Submission to Council /�pproved by Mavor: Date — i By _--r-- By ._------_ -- — I