89-1110 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COLLACIl /�/j{/�1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT �A� File NO• u • � ///O BLUE - MAVOR Coun i Resolutio ��fr1 y Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Gaunc 1 f the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Agreement No. 6579 etween ihe Gity nd the Minnesate Dep�rtment of Tr�nsport�tiv � rtaining to the E ST 7TH STREET RETAINING WdLL over �ridge N . 386, Gity Praject a_ 8-1138, �nd the proper City officials are a th rized and directe ta execute the Agreements on behelf af the Ci y f S�int Paul, a copy af s�id Agreement to be maint�ined an file in th 0 fice af the Departm nt af Finance and Management Senrices. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays - Dimond Public Works AW/5-24-89 �� (n F vor r6es�ia � Rettroan B . �be1be� Agai st YDonald E Nygaard, Direc o .-seee�n Wilson �N 2 01 9 Form A p o ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified •s d by Council Secretary BY By A►pprove y avo . Date _ JUN z 0 � _ Approv by May r fo ubmis 'on to Co cil , , By _ BY P�13LIS� J U i - 119 9 C•,� 8�� I//O 8. 6/20/89 FINAL ORDER: Improvi g he alleys in Block 26, Laid over in Chas. Weide's Subd. 0 6 ocks 25 and 26 of committee to Arlington Hills Addit'on by grading alley t the 6/21. easterly North-South 11 y and grading and paving the westerly N rt -South alley from ims Avenue to the north 1 'ne of Lot 24 in said lock 26. Also construct a se er in the alley fo storm water purposes. A so for slope construction in the a ov said alley gradin and paving. (Project boun ed by Edgerton, Sims, Payne and York) . 9. RESOLUTION 89-862: en ing the 1989 budge by Approved 3-0 adding $196,888 to t inancing and Spendi g with . Plans for Public Wor s rformance improvem nt amendment. � - activities. (Referre t Committee 5/18/89) 10. ORDINANCE 89-896: A o inance amending Ch pter 71 of the Legislativ C e pertaining to ho se , numbering and requiring building permits wi hin Approved 3-0 one year after a wai er is granted. (Refer ed to Committee 5/23/89 . 11. RESOLUTION 89-907: pp oval for use of MnD T Approved 3-0 payment for easement t ken on KELLOGG MALL for Kellogg Mall Park co st uction. 12. RESOLUTION: to autho iz City officials to ' execute an Agreement wi h Minnesota Depart nt of Transportation fo c st participation fo Approved 3-0 EAST 7TH STREET RETA NI G WAIL over Bridge o. 90386 between Payne ve ue and Mounds Blvd. 13. RESOLUTION 89-323: la to phase out cert in Laid over in water systems. (Lai o er in Committee committee 5/31/89) . until 6/21. 14. DISCUSSION: Street nd Alley Assessment Laid over in Notices. committee until 6/21. 15. RESOLUTION 89-1013: Au horizing proper Ci y Approved 3-0 officials to execute an agreement with Min esota - Pollution Control Ag nc pertaining to , stormwater into the is issippi River and amending the 1989 bu ge by adding $150,00 to the Financing & Spen in Plans for Public orks Sewer Service Enterp is Fund. (Referred t Committee 6/6/89) . .....�_.;.� ... . ......_��..:�.... � �,......,...-.. ..;.,.��,....w..x-�.:..•-o...-,..,. ,.y.x�u. - � Members: "��'�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � � Janice Rettman �����„���� „n��up, OFFIGI� OF TH� CiTY COUNOIL Tom Dimond ����� � Date: June 7, 1989 RfCE(VE�3 Committee Report �ur� o�1989 To: Saint Paul City Council c�rY c�.ER�c From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee , , Roger J. Goswitz, Chair ' 1. Approval of minutes of �May 31, 1989. , � Hearing Date �� 2. 6/13/89 VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority, Twin Approved 3-0 .� City Testing and Michael E. Ryan for the vacation of MYRTLE STREET between Cromwell Avenue and Pelham Blvd. Purpose is to expand Twin City Testing facility. 3. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved 3-0 � and taking a permanent utility easement under with and across Lot 28, Block 4, Rice Street Villas stipulations ,for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA SEWER PROJECT. ' Easement required by the MWCC. 4. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: . Condemning Approved 3-0 and taking temporary easements in conjunction with the reconstruction of the MARYLAND/JESSIE intersection. 5. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking permanent � Approved 3-0 utility easements and temporary construction easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER STORM SEWER PROJECT. 6. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and Approved 3-0 taking permanent utility easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER SEWER PROJECT. (Amended order to be required) . � 7. ACQUISITION: of property for the SYLVAN/ACKER Approved 3-0 pond from Glacier Park Company. with . amendment. CITY HALL SEVENT'H FLUUR - SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �.�e . � � � S�I-///� .�. __ � 1,���.���� n�n' � ,� �� - ~ MAY 1989 �. - � �� .;� `; � _ , _�g j ��: �� << ���`�,;`. AGREEMENT ST TE OF MINNESOTA � AGREEMENT N0. SERVICES DEPARTME T F TRANSPORTATIO SECTION COOPE TI CONSTRUCTION AG EMENT 65796 „ S.P. 6 28-54 T.H. 5=104 ', State unds I ,� Agreement between AMOUNT ENCUMBERED The State of Minnesota � Department of Transportatio , nd $566,955.44 The Cit of St. Paul Re: State cost retaining w 11 construction on Bridge No. 90386, T H. 5 AMOUNT (E. 7th St. ) over the ur ington RECEIVABLE Northern R.R. tracks, n t. Paul (None) THIS AGREEMENT is made and nt red into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Tr nsportation, he einafter referred to as the "State" and the C ty of St. Paul, Mi nesota, acting by and through its City Counci , ereinafter refe red to as the "City" . • � — C�- •�,�, q -1- . � � - ���-i�i° : 65796 WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the City is about to w rd a contract fo retaining wall construction and other associ t d construction t be performed upon, along and adjacent to T u k Highway No. 5 (East 7th Street) from Engineer Station 28+42.5 t Engineer Statio 32+05 within the corporate City limits in c ordance with Cit -prepared plans, specifications and special pr v'sions therefor d signated by the City as City Project No. B-11 8 nd by the State as State Project No. 6228-54 (T.H. 5=104) ; and WHEREAS the City has requeste rticipation by he State in the costs of the retaining wall c ns ruction; and WHEREAS the State is willing o articipate in t e costs of the retaining wall construction s ereinafter set orth; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statute sec io 161.20 authori es the Commissioner of Transportatio t make arrangeme ts with and cooperate with any government 1 uthority for th purposes of constructing, maintaining and im roving the trun highway system. IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AG E AS FOLLOWS: . • . . _ �:�-///o .. 65796 ARTICLE I - CONSTRUCTION BY TH CITY Section A. Contract Award d Construction The City shall duly receive i s and award a c nstruction contract to the lowest respo s ble bidder, subj ct to concurrence by the State in that award, n accordance with tate-approved City plans, specifications a d special provisio s therefor designated by the City as Ci y roject No. B-11 8 and by the State as State Project No. 6 28 54 (T.H. 5=104) The contract construction shall be perfo ed in accordance w th the - State-approved City plans, s ec ' fications and s ecial provisions which are on file in the off ce of the City's E gineer and in the office of the Commissioner o T ansportation at St. Paul, Minnesota, and are made a pa t ereof by refere ce with the same force and effect as though f 1 set forth here'n. Section B. Documents to be F r ished to the Sta e The City shall, within 7 days o the opening of ids for the . construction contract, prompt y submit to the St te's Municipal Agreements Engineer a certifi d opy of the low id and an abstract of all bids together w' h the City's re uest for concurrence by the State in t e ward of the con truction contract. The City shall not aw rd the construc ion contract . . : �� ���° 65796 until the State advises the Ci y in writing of its concurrence therein. Section C. Cancellation of A eement Each party to this agreemen serves the righ to withdraw from and cancel this agreement w t 'n 30 days after the opening of bids in the event either pa t determines any r all bids unsatisfactory; the withdra a from or cancell tion of the agreement shall be accompli h by either part serving a written notice thereof upon the oth r. Section D. Direction Su e v'sion and Ins ect'on of Construction The contract construction s a 1 be under the d'rection of the City, and shall be under th upervision of a egistered professional engineer; howe e , the State cost participation construction covered under h s agreement shal be open to inspection by the State's D's rict Engineer at Oakdale or his authorized representatives . n addition, the ity shall give the District Engineer five days n tice of its int ntion to start the contract construction. The responsibility for the o trol of materia s for the State cost participation constru i n covered under this agreement shall be on the City and i s ontractor and s all be carried out -4- . � ' � � �G�,�,�..���d 65796 in accordance with Specific ti ns No. 1601 thr ugh and including No. 1609 as set forth in th S ate's 1983 edit on of the "Standard Specifications fo C nstruction" . Section E. Com letion of C s ruction The City shall cause the con r ct construction o be started and completed in accordance with t e time schedule et forth in the construction contract specia rovisions . The completion date for the contract constructio ay be extended b an exchange of letters between the appropri t City official a d the State's District Engineer for unavoi a e delays encoun ered in the performance thereof. Section F. Additional Const uc ion Plan Chan s Etc. The State shall not particip te in the cost of ny contract construction that is in addi io to the State c st participation construction covered under t is agreement unles the necessary State funds have been requis 'ti ned prior to th performance of the additional construction d the terms and c nditions in the following paragraph have bee m t. Any and all changes in the pl n , specifications and/or special provisions for the State cost p rticipation cons ruction covered under this agreement and all C ange Orders" and or "Supplemental 5- . � . . . . ���--�ii° . - 65796 � Agreements" entered into by the Ci y and its contr ctor for State cost participation construction c ered under this agreement must be approved in writing by the S a e's District Eng'neer before payment is made by the State t er for. Section G. Com liance with La s Ordinances and e ulations The City shall, in connection i h the award and dministration of the construction contract d the performance f the contract construction, comply and caus i s contractor to comply with all Federal, State and Local laws in luding Minnesot Statute section 16B. 101 ( 1988) , together with a 1 ordinances and regulations applicable to, the award and a nistration of th construction contract and the contract co st uction. II Section H. Ri ht-of-Wa Ea e nts and Permits The City shall, without cost o expense to the tate, obtain all rights-of-way, easements, c s ruction permits nd/or any other permits and sanctions that ay be required in onnection with the contract construction, and ha 1 promptly furn sh the State with certified copies of the doc ts for all of t ose rights-of-way, easements, construction pe i s and/or other p rmits and sanctions . -6- . � � ��:i�i� 65796 ARTICLE II - BASIS OF PAYMENT B THE STATE Section A. Construction Cost . The State shall pay to the Ci y, as the State's hare of the costs of the contract constru ti n, the costs of the "STATE COST PARTICIPATION CONSTRUCTION" d sc ibed below. Payment by the State shall be ba ed on the final quantities of State cost participation cons ru tion work items performed or the final payment quantity in the a e of plan quant'ty items multiplied by the appropriate n t prices contai d in the construction contract and/or c n truction contrac "Change Orders" or "Supplemental Agree e ts" approved by he State 's District Engineer. A SCHEDULE "I" , which lists al f the anticipate State cost participation construction and c struction engin ering items covered under this agreement, s ttached hereto nd made a part hereof by reference. It is hereby understood and ag ee that any and a 1 liquidated damages assessed the City's co tr ctor in connect'on with the . construction contract shall re ul in a credit sh red by the City and the State in the same prop t on as their tot 1 construction cost share covered under this r ement is to the otal contract construction cost without any d d ction for liquid ted damages. 7 . • . . , ���-�ii� s5�96 STATE COST PARTICIPATION CON R CTION All of the following constru ti n to be perform d upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No 5 (East 7th Stree ) from Engineer Station 28+42 .5 to Engineer ta ion 32+05 under City Project No. B-1138, designated by the St te as State Projec No. 6228-54 (T.H. 5=104) . Said construc io plan and any endments to the plan are made a part hereof y eference with t e same force and effect as though fully set f r herein. Said onstruction shall include the State 's proporti n te share of item costs for mobilization, field office a d traffic control. 100 PERCENT shall be the Sta e s rate of cost rticipation in all of the construction as s o in the afores id construction plan or in the plan as subs u ntly amended pu suant to Article I, Section F. , with the exc pt on of the items salvage granite curb and electric lighting ys em. Said const uction includes but is not limited to those co struction items as described and tabulated on Sheets 2 and 3 of the attached "S HEDULE I" . 1$ ?,000 shall be the State' st participatio in the electric lighting system, .as describ d and tabulated on Sheet No. 4 of the attached "SCHEDULE I" . -8- . � • � ���i':/��d 65796 Section B. Construction En ine r' Costs In addition, payment by the Sta e shall also inclu e an amount equal to 8 percent of the total c st of the State articipation construction covered under this a reement. ARTICLE III - PAYMENT BY THE S T Section A. Estimate and Advam m �t of the State' Cost Share It is estimated, for accountin p rposes, that th State 's share of the costs of the contract c ns ruction which i cludes the - State 's share of the prorated te costs plus the 8 percent construction engineering cost ha e and a $40,000 00 contingency amount is the sum of $566,955 . 4 s shown in the ttached SCHEDULE "I" . The attached SC E LE "I" form lis s all of the anticipated State cost partici a 'on construction work items and was prepared using plan quanti i s and estunated nit prices. The State shall, when it has r c ived and reviewe the construction contract bid doc e ts described in ticle I, Section B. hereof, then decide w ether it will co cur in the City`s award of the constructi n contract and, if so, prepare a revised SCHEDULE "I" based on h construction co tract unit . . . . . . _ � _ ����`�//� .. 65796 prices. The contingency amou t is provided to c ver overruns of the plans estimated quantiti s f State cost pa ticipation construction work items and/ r 'tems of State-a proved additional construction including const c ion engineering costs. The State shall advance to t e ity an amount e al to the State's total estimated cost sh re, less contin ency amount, as shown in the revised SCHEDUL " " forthwith aft r the following � conditions have been met: 1. Encumbrance by the State o an amount equal to the State's total estimated cost share, i c uding contingenc amount, as shown in the revised SCHEDULE " " . 2 . Execution of this agreem nt and the State's transmittal of same to the City along with a co y of the revise SCHEDULE "I" and a letter advising the Cit o the State's co currence in the award of the construction con ra t. 3. Receipt by the State of w itten request f om the City for the advancement of funds . Th r quest shall inc ude certification by the City that t e construction ntract has been executed by all necessary part'e . In the event it appears at any t' e that the amou t to be paid by the State to the City for the t te cost particip tion 1 - � � � � ����iii° 65796 construction covered under th' greement is abo t to exceed the current amount of encumbered ta e funds, the Ci y shall notify the State's District Engineer in writing prior t the performance of the additional State cost a icipation const uction. Notification shall include an e tunate in the am unt of additional funds necessary to c mplete the State cost participation construction i 1 ding• constructi n engineering costs and the reason(sj why he current amount ncumbered will be exceeded. The State shall a pr ve the addition 1 State cost participation construction a d ubmit a request for encumbrance of the necessary additional u s to the Minnes ta Department of Finance. That action will a e the effect of ending this agreement so as to include e State's share o the costs of the additional construction. Should the City cause the p rf rmance of contr ct construction which would otherwise quali y for State cost p rticipation but for which the State has not p eviously encumbe ed funds to cover its participation therein, h City agrees th t any such contract construction is done at it o risk. The Cit shall notify the State's District Engineer n riting of such dditional State cost participation constru t' n. Notificatio shall include an estimate in the amount of d itional funds ne essary to cover all of the additional State co t participation co struction including -11- . . . . ����id _ . _ . 65796 I construction engineering cos s nd the reason(s) why the current amount encumbered was exceed d. The State may pprove the additional State cost partic pa ion constructio and, if so, then submit the City's claim for om ensation theref r along with a request for encumbrance of t e ecessary additi nal funds to the Commissioner of Finance for pp oval pursuant t Minnesota Statute section 16A. 15, but o uara�ntee is mad that the claim will be approved. Upon the o issioner of Fin nce's certification of the claim f r ompensation and the request for encumbrance of the necessary a itional funds t erefor, that action will have the effect f � ending this ag eement so as to include the State's share of t costs of the a ditional construction. In the event the State dete i es that the subm ttal of a claim for compensation is warrante nd it is deemed egally necessary to supplement this agreement nd if the claim 's approved and a supplement to this agreement i connection with the claim is prepared and processed, the i st $3,000.00 of he claim will not be eligible for payment. � -12- . . � � - � • C�=�'///� 65796 Section B. Records Ree in and I oicin b the C t The City shall keep such record d accounts that enable the City, before final payment is m d by the State, t provide the State with the following: 1. Quantities of State cost r icipation constr ction work items performed and, if applic 1 , other State c st participation contract items w ic have been paid for by the City and included in the requested a ent. These qua tities are to be entered on the Modified SCH DU E "I" form prov ded by the State. 2 . Copies of the City contra t r's invoice(s) c vering the State cost participation contr c items. 3 . Copies of the appropriate e dorsed and cance led City warrant(s) or check(s) paying h contractor's i oice(s) . 4 . Copies of any and all co tr ct change order and/or supplemental agreements cover ng the State cost articipation contract items . 5. Certification form (prov d by the State) igned by the City's Engineer in charge of h contract constr ction attesting to the following: 13- . . . . . . ���' //�° l�� 65796 a. The satisfactory per�ormanc nd completion, ' accordance with the State-approved City pl ns specifications and special provisions made a part hereof b r ference, of the contract construction represented in the C' y's invoice. b. The acceptance and approva f all materials urnished for the invoice construction relat' e to the complian e of those materials to the State's curre t Standard Specif cations for Construction" . c . Full payment by the City o its contractor f r the contract construction represented in t ity's invoice. 6 . When requested by the St te copies, certif ed by the City's Engineer, of material samplin ports and of ma erial testing results for the materials fur i hed for the cont act construction represented in the City's in i e. 7. A formal invoice (origi al and signed) in he amount of the total cost of the State part c' ation construct on covered under this agreement. As provided by Minnesota St tu e section 16B.0 Subd. 4, the books, records, documents, nd accounting proc dures and practices of the City relev n to this agreeme t are subject to -14- . . . . . ��J���� 65796 examination by the contracting ep rtment or agenc , and either ' the legislative auditor or the t e auditor as ap ropriate. Section C. Final Pa ent b t tate Final payment by the State to he City, of the to al cost of the State participation constructi n overed under th s agreement less the total amount of previ us pa�yments made b the State, shall be made ( 1) upon the sat s actory completio of all of the State cost participation const u tiot� covered un r this agreement, acceptance thereof y the State and i voicing the State by the City in accordan e. ith a written p ocedure furnished the City by the Sta e nd (2) upon the completion of all of the contract construct o . If the total ost of the State participation construction co e ed under this ag eement is less than the total amount of pre io s payments made by the State, � then, and in that event, the ba ance of the pre ious payments shall be promptly returned t e State without interest. Pursuant to Minnesota Statut ection 15.415, t e City waives claim for any amounts less a $2 .00 over the amount of State funds previously received b t e City, and the State waives claim for the return of any amoun s ess than $2.00 f those funds previously paid by the Stat . -15- . �� �rf� 65796 ARTICLE IV - GENERAL PROVISION Section A. Maintenance b the C' - After the satisfactory complet o of the contract construction, the City shall provide for the p oper maintenance, without cost or expense to the State, of t ighting system i stalled within the corporate City limits und r he construction contract, including the power costs for th operation of s id lighting system. After the satisfactory comple io of the contrac construction, the City shall provide for th oper maintenanc , without cost or expense to the State, of a 1 of the storm sew r facilities constructed within the corpor t City limits und r the construction contract. Furt r neither party this agreement shall drain any additional d ai age into the st rm sewer facilities that was not incl de in the drainag for which the storm sewer facilities were es 'gned without fi st obtaining permission to do so from the o er party. The rainage areas served by the storm sewer fa i ities constructe under the construction contract are sh in a drainage a ea map, EXHIBIT "Drainage Area" , which is on f le in the office of the State's District Hydraulics Enginee a Oakdale and is ade a part hereof by reference with the same or e and effect as though fully set forth herein. -16- . ����-���o .. �,� . . . .. . . . 65796 After the satisfactory comp et on of the contr ct construction, the City shall provide for he proper maintena ce, without cost or expense to the State, of al of the concret walk constructed along Trunk Highway No. 5 ( as 7th Street) wi hin the corporate City limits under the const uc ion contract. aintenance shall include, but not be limited to snow and debri removal and any other activities necessary o erpet�uate the c ncrete walk in a safe and usable condition. Section B. Claims The City shall defend, inde i y, save and hol harmless the State and all of its agents n employees of a from any and all claims, demands, actions or a ses of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of r by reason of the contract construction, associated co t uction engineeri g and/or maintenance performed by the C ty hereunder, an shall defend at its own sole cost and expens ny action or pro eeding commenced for the purpose of asserting a y claim of whats ever character arising as a result of the c n ract constructio , associated construction engineering and o maintenance per ormed by the City hereunder. Any and all employees of the C'ty and all other persons employed by the City in the performan e of any contract onstruction, 17- . . � - � - �,��'�ii� 65796 construction engineering and/ r maintenance req ired or provided for hereunder by the City sh 11 not be consider d employees of the State and that any and a 1 laims that may r might arise under the Worker's Compensat on Act of the Stat of Minnesota on behalf of the employees whil s engaged and an and all claims made by any third parties as a onsequence of a y act or omission on the part of the employees w ' le so engaged o any of the contract construction, const u ion engineering and/or maintenance to �be rendered h r in by' the City s all in no way be the obligation or responsibi i y of the State. Section C. Nondiscriminati The provisions of Minnesota St tute section 18 .59 and of any applicable ordinance relati g o civil rights nd discrimination shall be considered part of th s agreement as f fully set forth j herein. � Section D. A reement A ro a Before this agreement shall b ome binding and effective, it shall be approved by resolu i n of the City Co ncil of the City and shall also receive the p roval of state fficers as the law may provide in addition to h Commissioner o Transportation or his authorized representat' e -18- . � � - (,��-�c�-i��a ..- . - •� 55796 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have du y executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused t e' respective sea s to be hereunto affixed. ITY OF ST. PAUL Recommended for approval: Signatures and ity Seal) BY Y�_ _ ..d.�. Director of Public Works :�a ol Y Approved as to form: Da�te By Assistant City Attorney By� Director of Finance and Date Managemen Services Date DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF MINNES TA Recommended for approval: By Deputy ommissioner By of Tra sportation Director - Agreement Services Section Date (Date o Agreement) By District Engineer Approved: • By Department of Administration Deputy Division Director Technical Services Division BY (Autho ized Signature) Approved as to form and executio : Date By � Special Assistant Attorney Gen ra -19- O � � � � � O1 �\ '-, `""� o � M � � U H -- � E � � c0 �. ci a ,� � ' ��' � c� � � � ' C � �'�',. .I A N C�: �' _- . _-1 � �� ��0� � l.� ���V C LG.%J-J.l���.i rti U � H � a a - N H N _ � .� z w °� � � ° 5� � a z° Q +� �iz c�i� � `.UH., o °o � � °o � � cn Hp� •-i o � ri ui o ►n w >+ � O •� r.� c�rf � rn o rn � a� � a �c � � H y � � V] d' � lt1 � u'1 ,�., � I-�i � V N V � W Q +�+ W O a �+ Q O N A N .� +� +� N H .0 � b n 'tqy� � A W •� N U � .� ui u� w3x � � N E � � . � �c U .-� O oD � � •�-I c�1 W O O U � -1-� N N I H M f.�� � � � u'i +� O cd O O v, z • .c � .N v, x o • a� z �' .►� a� F " z° �v � °+�' � �3 � r, •�+ a� co � o .N eM � U � .� c� � � � FG � �n �n 3 cd cn +� H � a� Co � +�► O E ,+�� N iG +i a0 �+ c � � U N W v�i � EUE-�� o a� •.� +� w ��, a � a+'i .,�� o '�' .1 cn cn a c� r+ .` . �o � � � o0000000000 0000000000000000 � �n 00000a� 00000 oo ►n0000a000000000 � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f� 000 u"f000D000 �00 • OCO� UIr-i0� �0 �0 �0 V' ONaDW00 u1 O �DO [� I� OOOOOMO C� OD � ('�100� .-i �' C") V' �DO� [� NOO �D � � N [� O N �i' OCn �0 �00 r-1 �--� C [� tf'f �Od' NtI7 Nl''1O� Ot11 �_ O Q� N N �f'1 O �-1 �['1 N .--1 00 C' O� t11 l� .-1 [� O N t� - U N �-I N N .-i ri tl� l'� N .-1 �-1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q O O O O O O � U O O O O O O O O O O O O O ttl O O O O V' � O O O O O O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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O � C 1t'1 � � � � � � � N � � .�..� � .L •,..� � a � o y w AN o � •.� •.�-� � � H � N •.� u'► O U ••�1 ��"., •'U-1 i •-+ -� a o a..� c�.i � n�io � o a to H •rl H •� r�-1 '� }� �1-1 � •� � Uw tn cA �3 EwwE U N .--I .-1 .--1 .-1 � ,�7.� 117 t1'1 117 �D (/� ' pUc� N f'�1 d' �D N •' U�j � , NNNO „ � • WMITE - CITV CLERK P1NK - FINANCE GITY OF A NT PAUL C uncil n / CANARy -�DEPARTMENT �7 .� //// BLUE - MAVOR F'le NO. Council � solution ���; Presented By � Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate WHEREAS, Higher Education Inst tu ions have had an im ortant influence on the development of the City of Sa nt Paul dating back to 1854 when Macalester College was first establi he in the community; nd WHEREAS, there are currently 1 h gher education ins itutions operating within the City of Saint Paul, maki S int Paul a higher ducational center equaled by only one or two other loc ti ns in the country; and WHEREAS, these very important in itutions of higher education provide tremendous economic, cultural, educ ti al, and social con ributions and benefits to the City of Saint Paul; an WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Area ha ber of Commerce, th ough its Higher Education Task Force and its curren H gher Education Lead rship Group, has begun forming important relationshi s etween Saint Paul' s business community and the City' s institutions of high r ducation; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pa 1 eeks to more forma ly establish its relationship with its institutions f igher education to undertake mutually beneficial joint ventures which wo d eet both the needs of the City and the colleges; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of S in Paul does hereby e tablish the new City-College Partnership Initiativ w ich is designed to evelop a closer and more fruitful relationship between th City and its insti utions of higher education to utilize the valuable du ational resources a d talents existing within those institutions in joint ve tures aimed at impr ving economic, educational, cultural and social c nd tions within the Ci y of Saint Paul and to develop an "Urban Issues Agenda f r higher education 'n Saint Paul; and be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depa ment of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman B �be1�� _ Agains Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C II�ICSl B�LUERV -�MAVORTMENT GITY OF INT PAUL Fle NO. �� �`J� Council �esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate - FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cit ' s new City-College P rtnership Initiative will be undertaken in coo er tion with the impo tant efforts already underway within the Saint P 1 rea Chamber of Co erce' s Higher Education Leadership Group; and be ' we FURTHER RESOLVED, that memb the Saint Paul Ci y Council be selected to serve on the Chamber of Co erce' s Higher Educ tion Leadership Group to provide the needed liaison as he City implements the new City-College Partnership Initiative, a that an annual re ort be made to the City Council regarding the status a d rogress of projects undertaken as part of the City-College Partnership Ini ia ive; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Ci y ouncil would like t explore as one of the first joint pro�ects of the new Ci y-College Partnersh p Initiative a child health and development educat on 1 campaign to begin in the early spring of 1990 to coincide with the City' s "Y ar of the Child" ac ivities. Pa e Two COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depar ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond � In Favo coswitz Q Rettman B scheibel _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson � ''^ AW — U � Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Yas Cou .il S t BY sy� A►pproved b v r: Dat � Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council gy BY /� �' PUBl1S�E�1 AU � 1 89 � � . . . c� -�i�� PARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED� � sob � �s off� 6-$-$ REEN SHEET Na 3��� ATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE MT�AENT DIpECTOR �CRY COUNpI AI]Il CYl — NUMOER FOR C ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING B DQET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MQT.SERVICES DIR. M YOR(OR ABSIST � TOTAL A►OF SIQNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL L TI NS FOR SIQNATURE) ACTION REGUESTED: Establish the New-City College Partners p 'tiative in cooper tion with the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Conmerce's Iiigher Educat o 1 Leadership, and s lect a member of the Saint Paul City Councii to serve as the ia on between these tw groups. RECOMMENDATIONB:APP►we W a Rslect(f� COUNCIL REPORT ION ANALY3T PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMIS810N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIB f�MMITTEE _ COMMENTS: _3TAFF — _DISTRICT OOURT — SUPPORTS WHlpi COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PF�BLEM.18SUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whet,When.Where,Why); -- There are 12 higher education instituti perating within th City of St. Paul. The new City-College Partnership will prov de a more formal estab ishment between the city and the institutions of higher educati� - expanding on the e forts already made by the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Conmerce. J in ventures to develo an "Urban Issues �genda," such as child health care and educatio 1 ign will be und rtaken. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: The City of Saint Paul will benefit in ural, economic, ed cation, and social terms fran the resources available from the ns 'tutions of higher ucation. The students of these schools will have the opport 't to gain valuable rience fram these various projects. asnov�rrr�s iF nP�oveo: R�CEIVED None �„ ;.�� �����'� 'F�''�, JUN 0 91989 � �: . �.�.� C1TY CLERK �►� = � �98g OUNCf L DISAOVANTI�E8 IF NOT APPROVED: SCHEIBF(. The expansion of the possible benefi r both the city of aint Paul and the institutions of higher education wo lost. Council Research Center J UN 11 iagg TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION ; C08T/REVENUE BUDO D(GRCLE ONE� YES NO FUNp�Np gp�pCE ACTIVITY NUMBER flNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) . Members: �'��'����� Bill Wilson, chair GITY O AINT PAUL Tom Dimond e1�����ro Kiki Sonnen OFFICE O T E CITY COIINCIL• Date: July 26, 1 89 Co ittee Report R�CEIVED WILLIAM L. WILSON MARK VOERDING Councilman JUL 2 81989 Legislative Aide To: Saint Paul Ci�y Coun il CiTY CLEF2K From : Housing and Eco o ic Developm nt Committee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Letter of the Mayor submittin P 'ng Commission re ommendations to the Metropolitan council and Zo ng mendments on Helip rt Zoning Study A SECOND COMMITTEE EP RT WILL BE PREP ED ONCE THE CITY ATTORNEY HAS CO ETED WORK ON RESOLUTION TO REFLECT COMMITTEE D LANNING COMNII SION ACTIONS 2. Resolution estabiishing a City Co lege Partnership Init� ive�to be� undertaken in coaperation wi e St. Paul Area Ch er of Commerce's Higher Education Leadership Gr up and that a mem�e of the Conncil be selected to serve on said grou th an annual repart t be made to the Council � and with a first joint project c:hild health and deve opment educational campaign to coincide with th Ci �' Yea.r uf the Child a tivities (CF 89-illl) COMMITTEE RECOMME� APPROVAL, AMENDMENT (Finally Resolved clause on p e , now reads "to begin ' the early fa11 c�f 1989", and this is AMENDED to re d " o begin in the early s ring of 1990") �,�4,` `—_..._ _._ CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINN OTA 55102 612/298-4646 - ' 8�s46 ' � . I