89-1104 `NHITE - C�TV CLEAK � PINK - FINANCE COUACII G BLUERV - MAVORTMENT G I TY O A I NT PAU L File NO. (, • �//0� �_ ounc 'l Resolution � r; Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out o Committee By Date WHEREAS, Archie M. Brand, C mo Zoo's first trainer of Sea Lions, presented the "Sparky Show" from Me orial Day through abor Day continuously, each summer, from 95 until his retirem nt in 1979; and WHEREAS, Archie M. Brand, t ge her with his wife ili Brand, and Sparky the Seal , generated inte st in Como Zoo for millions of zoo visitors through his Sparky sho ; nd WHEREAS, the popularity of Ar ie M. Brand's "Spa ky Show" helped determine that an Aquatic Animal B ilding, with an att ched arena for the Sparky Show, be the second new xhibit to be built in he Como Zoo Redesign Project; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Sparky re a, completed in 198 , be dedicated to Archie M. Brand for his contrib ti ns to St. Paul 's C mo Zoo. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays Dimond . Communit Services L.o�a [n Fa or Goswitz Rettman O � Scheibel A gai n t �Soaa� Wilson �JUN 1 319 ' Fo� pprov b Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date �. Certified Ya y uncil Se ar � By t�pprov Mavor: Date �� � Approve y Ma f ission to Council � '.-� - ��y �`_". By ' � B � PUfl�tSti�D J U N 2 19 8� Cc�-���� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIA D community services 6/7/ 9 GREEN SHE T NO. ������ CONTACT PERSON A PHONE INtitAU TE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNpI C 1 a i re Mar t i n 7 5 9 9 ��F qTY AITORNEV �CITY CLERK MUBT 8E ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO DOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.BERVICEB OtR. 6/18/8 9 MAYOR(OR ASSIST � TOTAL N OF 81ONATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL L TION8 FOR SK�INATUR� ACf10N RE�UESTED: Dedicate Sparky Arena at Como 0o to Archie Brand original Sparky trainer i�OOMMENDATIONS:Approw W or RsMct(Fry COUNqL FE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTI _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SEFIVICE�MMISSION ��YBT PHONE NO. _qB OOMMIITEE _ _�,� _ °�"""E�S REC�IVED _DISTRICT CW1RT _ SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECIIVE? J U N 0 81989 INITIATINO PF�BLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNfTY(1Nho,What,Wtan,Whsro,Why): �� Opportunity to recognize Archi B and for his con ributions to Como Zoo. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Como Zoo supporters are assure eir efforts are appreciated. WBADVMITIIOEB IF APPROVED: N/A DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPF�VED: -" Lost opportunity to honor a st o g supporter of ,�Io�esearch Center, JUN 131°89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = CQST/REVENUE BUDOETED qRq.B ONE) YES NO FUNpiNp gpUpCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATtON:(EXPLAII� ' � : CIT O SAINT PAUL INTERDEPAR M TAL MEMORANDUM RECEIVED �u� 121989 CITY CLEKK June 12, 1989 TO: Councilmember Jan c Rettman ' FROM: Claire Martin, Pa k and Recreation SU&TECT: Council Resolutio dicating Sparky Arena to Archie Brand The Como Zoological Society h asked that the Sparky Arena be dedicated to Archie Bran ince the Sparky how introduced so many people to Como Zoo. ey would like t make an announcement concerning thi the "Zoobilee" which will be held in conjunction with Pa k and Recreation' Rendezvous on Wednesday, June 21. Attached is a copy of a Cou c' 1 Resolution tak'ng the action to dedicate the Sparky Aren Archie Brand w ich I would like you to introduce. The R solution is curr ntly at Council Research and should b on the Council genda before June 18. Thank you for your assistan e. .M. cc: L�nn Wolfe Jim Murphy DEPARTMEIJTlOFFlCEJCOUNpI DATE INITIATE Community Services 6/7/89 GREEN S�HEE NO. _,��A� OONTACT PERSON d PHONE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Claire Martin 7599 ��� ,►rror�ev �cmcx��uc MU3T BE ON COUNpL A(iENOA BY(DAT� ROU71N(i D(�ET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES OIR. 6/18/8 9 � �MAYOR(OR A3818T � TOTAL N OF SI�iNATURE PAQE8 (CLIP ALL L A IONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RECUESTED: Dedicate Sparky Arena at Como Z o o Archie Brand, original Sparky trainer RECOMMENDATIONS:�PP��+W a�(p) COUNCIL M E/RESEAF�CH REPORT OPT _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��YST PHONE NO. _p8 COMMITTEE _ -�� - °°"'""E"�: RECEIVED -���� - SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE? J U N 0 81989 INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.WMt�WMn.WMro,Wh»: C��' Opportunity to recognize Archie B nd for his cont ibutions to Como Zoo. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Como Zoo supporters are assured t eir efforts are ppreciated. DI3ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: N/A DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED: - Lost opportunity to honor a st on supporter of C mo Zoo. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : WST/REVENUE BUDOETED ON� YES NO FlJNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FlNANCIAL IN�RMATION:(EXPIAIf� wMITE �C�7r �EqK �INK � FINANCE COUI�CIl CANAi7V - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL -/lD BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Archie M. Brand, Co 0 oo's first trainer f Sea Lions, presented the "Sparky Show" from em rial Day through La or Day continuously, each summer, from 1 56 until his retiremen in 1979; and WHEREAS, Archie M. Brand, to et er with his wife Ai i Brand, and Sparky the Seal , generated intere t n Como Zoo for mill 'ons of zoo visitors through his Sparky shows a d WHEREAS, the popularity of A ch e M. Brand's "Spark Show" helped determine that an Aquatic Animal ui ding, with an attached arena for the Sparky Show, be the second new ex ib t to be built in th Como Zoo Redesign Project; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Sparky Ar na completed in 1982, be dedicated to Archie M. Brand for his contribut on to St. Paul 's Co o Zoo. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays ( Requested by Depar ent of: Dimond � Community ervices �os [n Favo co�� � xemneo • ��;be� Against Sonnen Wilson For pprov by C t Att ney Adopted by Council: Date �, Certified Passed by Council Secretary . By Approved by Mavor: Oate Approve y Ma f ission to Council By B __ "