89-1101 WHITE - C�TV CLERK C �1�1C11 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F A NT PA IT L /lD� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �. BLUE - MAVOR Fl e NO• - � Council solution 3� . � Presented By � Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate RESOLVED: That application (ID 16 37) for an Off Sale 3.2 Malt, A-2 Grocery (A) and C ga ette License by Yeb o Semere DBA St. Paul Campus Groce y t 2095 Como Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De rtenent of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Fa or Goswitz Rettman �bQ1�� Again t BY �� Wilson � 1 5 Form Approv d b City Attorn Adopted by CounciL• Date � ' Certified Passe ou ci Secr ry By � �5 � By Approv by Mavor: Date � N � Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council By I1BltS�'D J UN 2 4 19 _, ��`�°i DEPARTMENT CEICOUNGL DATE I A � �� 7 Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SH ET No. J CONTACT PERSON 8 PFIONE INfTI U DATE INITIAUOATE— �DEPARTMENT aRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kri s VanHorn/298-5056 Nu F �CIT`f AITORNEY �arv c�ac MU8T BE ON COUNpL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTI �BUD(3ET DIRECiOR �FlN.�MOT.SEFiVICEB DIR. 6�15-89 ❑MAYOR(OFi AS813TAN •1 R TOTAL#i OF SIGNATURE PA�iEB (CLIP L CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACT10N REQUESTED: Application for an Off Sale 3 2 alt Beverage, A-2 rocery (A) and Cigarette Licenses. Notification Date: 5-17-89 Hearin Da 6-15- RECOMMENDATON3:Approvs(lU a R�ject(R) CpUNC MITTEE/RESEAHCH REPORT IONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE�AAMISSWN ANALY PHONE NO. _GB COMMITTEE _ WMME . _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 INfT1ATiNO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,WMn,Where,Wh»: Yebio Semere DBA St. Pau1 Cam s rocery, 2095 Como venue, requests Council approval of his appli ti n for an Off Sale .2 Malt Beverage, A-2 Grocery (A) and Cigarette ic nse. All applications and fees have been received. A11 required d pa tments have review d and approved this application. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAf3ES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CI ON� YES NO Courci! Research Cent r FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(IXPLAII� IVI!'1Y �� I.J�� �,: �. + NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SMEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the Nve m�t frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION {Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Dfrector 3. Gty Attorney 3. qty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistetM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gtity Council 6. Flnance Accounting 6. Chief AccountaM, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget �UNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Diractor 2. Department Accountant 2. .Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayoNHssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepaRment 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the�of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip each of theee pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,wbichever is most appropriate for the Issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the iasue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMiTTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO PROBIEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciflc ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benent from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequenc�s if the promiaed action is not approved�Inability to deliver aervice?Continued high traffia, nase, accident rete?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are�Jdressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ~. ', . ���y-��a� UiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIN T TION llATE ��� / `J !� J�'1 INT�,RDF.PARTMEfiTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut ,�y�.��jr� _ Home Address l '�'"�j �-t. �y,-{'� h _��" Rusiness Ivame Home Phone — g S� Business Address p1 Type of Lic.ense s) O,� �� '�'n�-� Business Phone � 5 - '1 �. �C.�,.� Public Hearing Date License I.D. 4f 3 at 9:00 a.m, in the C ncil Chambers 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 6 a�(0 6�cl$� llate Notice Sent; ,�.}. Dealer 4� to Applicant 5 `tt" �� Pederal I'irea �� � �� Public Hearing DATE INS EC IUN REVIEW VERFIED ( 0 UTER) CUMMENTS A roved ot A roved � Bldg I & D `S � G � � ok Health Divn. � ` ' � � � o�, � Fire Dept. � 5 � I � _I � � � i I � Police Dept. i � � �`� �� � ''� License Divn. � � I � , 1 U � City F�ttorney � �� � (� � �� Date Received: Site Plan � ��1 To Council P. search .`� ( t�l � �;� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord al�� ' ' ,� . �?,����a� ,. 0!' ST. PAVL . D�ARTI�II? �+' F AAD MA11pC�1►Q�! yq LICF.�S$ DIPISIOIi �se statement fozms are issved in i te. Plea�� ansMer all questio�aa l�l�jr and caa�letely. This spplicstion is thor c�cked. Any tal ification Nill be cxyse for denial. . � — � � �9 �9 �. Application t� c���•�� cp��t� 2. Pame ot appiicsnt �/ EB 0 E(�.� 3• It applicsnt is/has been a me�s�ried fe e, liat maidea n =�//rj 4. Date of birth �— (S - �'� .3 Plaee of birth S M i4P/k 5. Are you s citizen ot tbe United S te � Ratiire Aaturallzed �_ 6. Are you a ngiatered voter (7 Where 7. 8ose a�adress 1'2 4 /tl �0' SIS Aooe telepboe�s �b-�P J-�' R. Preserrt busine�s addreas o20�S_ � kVr. Sl' P Hnsi s t.�].�phon� 6a6-64�64 _�_ 9. I�clnding your prese�t bnsineas/ , vbat bnsiness laysenti har�e Pollowed !or the � past riv�e years. ' Busineas/F�playme� ��� � U C� ��1S GO/�7o �. S4' �'�u�(mti,SS'/A�' i SvP U So�C Op/� ,Q � G//L� �`T/°�Q �'i%f�SS/�� � J�RA�FT/'� 9 7�/c l.�E ,P.D w Bc SS/i c 10. Married ��S It answer is "yes", li t and address o? e $�4 B d k (�ANL �2-4? ST �4�lITK N �` .�(S ST ��1 C. J�1N �S/ O 21. ?iave yau ever been arrested tor an tt sse tl�at l�as reaul in a eanictio�l�� It answer is yes", list dstes o! s, rhere, cbarges, co�►ictiops and senteaces. . _ . . . . � - .. . . ..� . . ... . ; . . , " . . Dt'te Ot i='I'e3t �/�_19__ � _ . : . , ' . ,r, Q�AF.CE _ .. .. _. CONVIC.'i'ION g�C.B . Date �f arrest 19 e e - � CHARGr CONVICTZOT7 S��� � . -� , � �,���_���� - 12. Liat the naeoes and addressea (if ed, name ot spoase also) o! all persoaax corporstions, psrtnerahipa, assoc at ons or arganiaatio Mtrich in any a�pr bave: ' a. A mortgage interesL in the 7.i ed praniae, 0 • b. A s�curity iat�rest in tbe li ed preoises, licen , oa� lnraishings of the licensed preais�, c. A promissory note for lunds d !or tbe aperaticn of the licensed pramise or the pnrchase of"the lice , 6�S � d. Financially contributed to t chase oP t e prem se or tbe license it- sel! e. Ar�y other interest either di ec or indirect, eithe financisl or otherxise i in the licensed premise or t e icenae itself, � Attach a copy hereto of atfq and all d nts relerred to in this atfidavit. 1?. Give names and addrasses oP two ons, resldeats of . Psul, Minnesats, v6o can give intormation coacerning o . AAI+� 3 � o �USrtkVO 4a� GPrFO p 57 P,9UL /�iN SS�O� Q E E�+�c�e-k K%�r�v c j a � �o � 6z z sT�r��`s o� 14. Address of presafses for �+h3ch L ce se or Permit is me�cl ST.P C�4/�'�Ou1 !�s/Lc�CEiG y � Addresa S 0/�70 hU• P G S%D Zo clsasitication 15. BetNeen r+hat croaa streets d N �ihic aide of street� 16. Aa�e under vhicb this business be conducted f�/rJ�°d.S C67Ly 17. Bns i r�es s telephoAe nwnber �o S o`� ) ��i lQ. Attach to thia applicstion, a t 'led description of the design, location, aaa square Pootage of the premises to licenaed . 19. ?re premises nov occupied �E What businesa 0 C��. �D�� H� long 1�Gau ---O. ��OQ( �in�� ` �. ��c - • �� O _- -. , ������ 20. Liat license which you currently h 1 or fo�erly held, me�y hsve at� intere .. in D 21. Have say of the licenaes liated yo in Ao. 20 ever bee =rvoloed. Yea No - . If ausrer is "yes", 1 t ates and rea�ons: - !►' 22. Do you have an intereat o! ar�r t a�y o�her business or busincss premiaea. I.• ansr►er is "yes", liat business b iness addreas snd ho�e number. - . N 23. If business is incorporated, give da of incorporation � 19� and attach copy �P Articles of In o oration and minutes of irst meeting. 24. List aIl ofFicers of the corporst on giving t2ieir asm�es, office held, hame sddress, and home and buainesa te ep one a�bera: �_ 25. If business is partnership, list. r(s) addres� and nnmbers: �� /"��� dreaa Te1.11o. - . �� 26. Ia there a�►one else who xill ha e iatereat 3n this iness o� pra�misesY If answer ia "yes", give name, h dreaa telapbooe s and in vbst manner is tbeir interest: /1/�dnl(° � 27. Are you going to operate this bu i sa personal]y � aot, �p tri11 �perat� it: . �� Home address �� Te1.80. - -. � . *. ��i��� � w �. .. Are you going to have a Nlana�er or as istaat ia this busi as? It anawer is "yes", give r�aaie and ha�ne address d hame teltpho�e r: N� • .._ . __.. .. _._..... _ .� . .....__ _ _.�_ _ . ,. _ . . Name H address Te1.No. _. .... _... ._ _ .. _._ _. � _, . . . _ __ ... . __ . � . ._ 29. Has ar�yone yvu have name� in quest on 22 through 25 eve been arrested? Zt anstirer fa "yes", list name of pers , dates of srrest, s�h re, ctiarges, comic- tions aad serrtence � � �w 3 0. I �(� l31� .SC.%���-� understaad th s premise msy be in- spected by the police, fire, healt d other city offici ls at a� and all times when the business is in oper ti . State oF Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey be irst du�y srorn, d oses and says upon oa that he has read the Poregoing st nt bearing his si ture sad lmars the c nts thereof, and that the same is of his own l�awled except as to those ma rs therein stated upon informatio a belief and as to t ose matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and svorn t loae me ,, gnature o Applicant t s day lQ . i * tary Public, Ramsey ty, Mfnne,a � .��w',��,�.,� �'�'�,�'• 5��� :��yF,� �. .��:.._ � " --Mf�rr9► !�r co�aission expins �►�ny� ;�;�,;,' � 'e�►�a Aaa�.�,�p,. »iN�NN�N . . _ ���iia� 5���fi ��U L �`Y CO U G i i t � �LTB�l� � �. ±�T� i� Ol C�: . �I�,�(��L• P LT l�A�Z �T ��CEIVED - �wAY 1��9a9 CITY CLERK .__. �. � _ � � .. � District 12 16837 .. : Application f r n Off Sale (3.2) Ma t, A-2 Grocery-A and � a Cigarette 1 ce se. P�1 .'�_ 0 S� ������,'�1��fi Yebio Semere db St. Paul Campus Gr cery • � ����T'1 Cj�(' 2095 Como Av . � June 1 , 989 :�0 a.:.. � -.+' '��=�C Cic7 Co =1 C�oer3, 3r� f?oar :.�7 raL= - C�-_ =ausa 3y I.�c�s ' ?�-�.c �i�r�+os, e�ar—._e:c a= =�cs a=.: i � u.sag�es S rrzcs.s, 3aa� 2�3 C� � c3.L - C�uz: �usa, �Q __C i".. S�� Sai:.c ° , { a ca �08-��75c � • Tb,� d�ca �ag be c�aage�. ' c� c�t the ccnsaac d/or 1:.ec:j e��_ az c�e �, e� rr D��� - e� r� IS SLtg?°St�C i..�,.2� 4CLL C=�� �.r'e C�CT C_ 5� a'....C�' . � �ZT .� o- C�a:ti' s OL:_�= ac Z°8-�LL T' lou •.�sa c�n:: a�-o�e. = , �