89-1092 �� City of St.Paul COUN IL FILE NO. a �—��/°� RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSES M NT AND � FIXING TIME OF HEARING TH RE N File N . S87-98, S87103. S87-104. S87— 05, S87106, S87-108, S87-109 Voting Assess ent No. 3507, �508, 3510, �511,� Ward In the matter of the sssea+nent of benefits, t nd expenses for and 3512 � sidewalk reconetruction at th f llowing locations: 5 S87-98 West side Cohans y St. from W. Nebraska Ave. to W. Arlington ( 3507 ) Avenue at 1455 , an 1467 Cohansey Street. 6 S87-103 Both sides E. J ss mine Ave. from Payne Ave. to Greenbrier St. ( 3508) 5 587-104 East side Kent t. from W. Arlingt n Ave. to the south at 558 Arlington Avenu W (Long side ) S S87-105 Both sides Kent St from W. Arling on Ave. to W. Nebraska Ave. ( 3510) at 1455 , 1461 , nd 1469 Kent Stree . 5 S87-106 Both sides Kack bi St. from Arlin ton Ave. W to the south at ( 3511 ) 514 Arlington A en e W. 5 S87-108 East side Schle ti St . from W. Ari ngton Ave. to the north at 527 Arlington A en e W. (Long sid ) 5 S87-109 West side N. We te n Ave . from W. ebraska Ave. to the north a. ( 3512 ) 1527 N. Western Av nue . RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearin be had on said assessment on 20th day of July, 1989 at the hour of nine o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City St Paul; that the Director of F nance give notice of said meetings,as required by the Charter, stating in said notice th t' e and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par 'cul r owner to whom the notic is directed. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Cou cil: Date `�U� � 5 � YeasDimond Nays Goswitz � Certified s d ouncil ecretary Long Rettman In Fa or Scheibel � � Again t Wilson �UN 1 6 1989 Mayor PU8l1SHF9 J UN 2 4 1989