89-1089 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUISCII CANARV7,OEPA�7TMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL ��8� B(.UE - MAVOR File NO• - Counci e olution ;��--� �I _ �,,: � , _ �_� . . _ Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public H al h of the Depart ent of Community Services of the City of Saint Pau h s determined th t the structures identified in this Resolution con ti ute a nuisance � n accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legi la ive Code; and WHEREAS, the owners, interested p rt es and responsi le parties have been served in the manner as set forth in the Ordinance, ith an Order to either repair the structures or have the d molished; and WHEREAS, the public is required t b put on notice f the pending action by the Division of Public Health; o , therefore, be it RESOLVED, the Council of the City f Saint Paul here directs the Division of Public Health to file with the i y Clerk, a copy f the Orders it has issued regarding the following des r bed structures a d properties which have been determined to constitute a nuisance: Abstr c Property 1463 Burns Avenue All of Lot 4 and E. 60 ft of S 150 f of Lot 3 & Ex S 150 ft; E 120 Ft of sd Lot 3, Block 34, Auditor' s Subd' v' sion No. 62 St. aul , Minn. 1644 Upper Afton Road Subj to rd; ex NEly 250 ft of Lot 4 SWly of rd & ex Ely 250 ft SWly of rd of SEly 48 .8 ft meas on SWly L of d & ex NEly 173 ft of NWly 80 ft of SEly 128 .8 ft meas on NEly L of Lot 11; t e fol ; part lyin Nly & Ely of Nly boundary line of tract deeded to R m ey County in Doc No 2050249 of Lots 14 & Lot 11 , Auditor' s Subdivision No 5 St. Paul , Minn. Torr ns Property 1493 Rice Street Lots 3 and 4, Block 16, Rice Stree illas and, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departm nt of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz r� Rettman �be1�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro d by C't Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By " _ � � i $ By A►pproved by 1+lavor: Date _ Approv d ay r missi to Council By BY wH17E - cirv CLERK pU[1C11 ,/'� /�/� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF I NT PA U L 1 CJ / �'�J' �LUERV - MAVORTMENT 11e NO. G " D" � � Cozcn -il esolution ._ ---�,-�- _ Presented By - �`�' - ^�''` � � '�,'. . , y, Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Sai t Paul authorizes and directs the City Clerk to file a c py of this Resolut ' on with the Ramsey County Recorder. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depar ment of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favo Goswitz Rettman � B �be1�� _ Against Y — �� wi�son JUN 15 Form Appro ed by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C+ -� i Certified Pa.s y Council r ry By 5 1�� ��"( gy, Appro by Mavor: Dat JUN 16 189 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBItSlIED JUN 2 4 1 89 (I,�-�Q-�'o�r DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATE Community services 5/25/8 GREEN SHEE NO. 2 61 7 INITWJ DA INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER80N 3 PHONE ART1iAENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Steven R. Roy 292-7716 N�M�� pnppNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON OOUNGL AOENDA BY(DATE� ROUTING UOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.9 MOT.SERVICES DIR. � YOR(OR A8813T � TOTAL�OF SIaNATURE PAQES 2 (CLIP ALL L CA ONS FOR SI�IATUREj AC110N REf�UEBTED: Approve the attached resolution. MAY 2 5 1989 RECOMMENOA710N8:MP�(A)a►�1��) � RCH REPORT OPT _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _GVII SERVICE COAAMIBSION �Y3T PHONE NO. _q8 COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ �M��� U N � _D18TRICT COURT _ 8UPPORTS WHiCH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? YOR'S OFFICE INC►IATINO PROBLEM,IS8UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn.Where,Why): These buildings are "nuisances" acc r ing to Chapter 4 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners have b e given an order o repair or tear down their building. ADVANTAfiE8 IF APPROVED: The public will be placed on notice o the order detai ing the deficiencies by the City to repair or tear down h e buildings. In addition, this notice is required to be filed in a co dance with Chap er 45.11 (Subd. 2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. DISADVMITAOEB IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOEB If 1�T APPROVED: The public will not be placed on no ic of the order b the City to tear down or repair these buildings. We il be in complian e with the requirements of Chapter 45 .11 (Subd. 2 of the Saint P ul Legislative Code. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = T/REVENUE BUD�TED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE A IVITY NUMBER �'� FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) J l�f'� Q 2 �`v�C7 J NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINC3 ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the fhre moat frequent types of documeMs: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.(irants) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepartmeM Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. Ciry Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant . 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting - 6. Chief AccountaM, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayodAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. Gty Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attomey 3. MayodAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAGES Ind�ate the#of pages on which signatures are required and p perc�IP each of these pages. ACTION RECfUESTED D�cribe what the proJect/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentenc�s. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been preaented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICkI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council obJective(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situetion or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED _Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific wa in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneNt from this pro�ict/action. DISADVANTAC3ES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if k is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approvedT InabiNty to deliver aeMce7 Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FlNANqAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? N �� � . u. � � v► � r, w N � � � N W ,� � � � O � z c, � V W r-1 •,� � � � � a Z .�,�1 � � U f/� � �U�j • W � •,� N U1 Q � m C O .� � U � � v � . •�+ x L � � V O 1� N � w .n� 0 +� ' � � � � � o ,� - s. � a ao � o�p H N C r-� . O � J a _ � � J • t�if L ]LF- = � a E � O � � U Z U O J � �"� tG N z � o �� o�o � c° o'�,. C�C��'r1 -• � :_ � ��' ��t-- i�� � ` ��EC R -� . �� �� orv . 1 O V r . ��� .. , � 2 1989 �._.. � ,, .; � Oc� 1: I! zs ;�� '�� � � �; � O ��� � , , r, � � � . � � C�� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) s. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I� . . . _Albert.B: ls n . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . , ,,City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, M nn sota, do hereby ce tify that I have compared the attached co y of Council File ,0.89;1089 . . . . . . . . . . , . as adopted by the Cit C uncil...June.15: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1989. . . . and approved by the M o . . . . . . .June.16: . . .. . . . . . . . . . .1989. . . . with the original the of on file in my office. I further certify t t said copy is a t ue and correct copy of said original and t e hole thereof. WIT:JESS my hand a r� seal of the Cit of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . . 19. . . . . day of , . ,Sept mber . . . . , ,A.D. 19.89 . - • ��'1����. .,; G�'� � . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,�`'���....d<A;'� ��, ` City lerk. � ,;,� �� .� a���•,�,. ,. - �`q �� o�R �'V�o �I�� �`_���' �� ° 'y` � + ,.1 i ' •6';Yf F,v : : f r � � :�� tf.*�,i�� �A{ 'i j ��..���r�►(`'.r �' fi �m S3 �� . , _ * -�'� A � �r :. ,�w'!� � :: +P�/���fA��'�% s,✓Mx.^'.. ■��/y,�.'p�, K�ILiiH�.J����t,ti\ � � v � �� ���4�;� ^ ' � a � �� y �.� r �a. � wH�TE - Cirr �LERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F I NT PA U L ouncil 1��9 C_ANAR`�-. DEPARTMENT t BLJE - MAY0�4 1ie NO. � ' • • � Council e olut�on c_�-= __ �I _ ,.: � - Presented By % •��'�� ��'`� �.�- __ Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate L7 � WHEREAS, the Division of Public Hea t of the Departme t of Community � Services of the City of Saint Paul a determined that the structures rlidentified in this Resolution const t e a nuisance in accordance with l,7 Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legisl t ' e Code; and ;�2 WHEREAS, the owners, interested par ie and responsibl parties have been served in the manner as set forth i t e Ordinance, wi h an Order to either repair the structures or have them e lished; and WHEREAS, the public is required to e ut on notice of the pending action by the Division of Public Health; n w, therefore, be i RESOLVED, the Council of the City o S int Paul hereby directs the Division of Public Health to file with the C ty Clerk, a copy o the Orders it has issued regarding the following desc ib d structures an properties which have been determined to constitute n isance: Abstra t roperty 1463 Burns Avenue All of Lot 4 and E. 60 ft of S 150 t f Lot 3 & Ex S 50 ft; E 120 Ft of sd Lot 3 , Block 34, Auditor' s Subdi is ' on No. 62 St. P ul , Minn. 1644 Upper Afton Road Subj to rd; ex NEly 250 ft of Lot 1 S ly of rd & ex N ly 250 ft SWly of rd of SEly 48 . 8 ft meas on SWly L of r & ex NEly 173 ft f NWly 80 ft of SEly 128 .8 ft meas on NEly L of Lot 11; he fol ; part lying Nly & Ely of Nly boundary line of tract deeded to Ra se County in Doc o 2050249 of Lots 14 & Lot 11 , Auditor' s 5ubdivision No. 55 St. Paul , Minn. Torren roperty 1493 Rice Street Lots 3 and 4, Block 16, Rice Street Vi las and, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departmen of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman �^ Scheibel A gai n s t BY � Sonnen Wilson Form Approv�d by C't ttorney Adopted by Council: Date � / Certified Yassed by Council Secretary � BY �_ \ � � � � gy. t�pproved by 14avor: Date _ Appcov d ay r missi to Council By By 1 WMITE - C�TV CIERK V�NI( � FINANCE C UnCII r� 9LU�RY=M^EPaR�TMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL Fle NO. ������ 7 - � ' � -� Council esolution �� � _ � F %�� " Ir�!'. � c. ' /� _ Presented By � -->�-��•- = �/��; , . ; - L� Referred To / Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate O L7 � � FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Sai t Paul authorizes and r� directs the City Clerk to file a c py of this Resolut ' on with the Ramsey ` County Recorder. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De rttnent of: Yeas Nays / Dimond (Q ��a in Fa or Goswitz Rettman s�be;nei � A gai n t BY -�son+x.w Wilson JU� 1 5 g Form Appro ed b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ,� Certified Pa.s d y Council r ry B Y � 5 �3+ " � gy. A►ppro by �Navor: Dat �UN � 6 ��(1 Approved by May r for Submission to Conncil g BY PU�Ii� J U N 2 4 19 9 � :� �-���� CITY F AINT PAUL INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM May 25 , 1989 TO: Albert Olson City Clerk Room 386 City Hall FROM: Steven R. Roy `-�� � Environmental Heal h rogram Manager Public Health Bldg. - 555 Cedar St. SUBJECT: NUISANCE BUILDING ES LUTION Attached please find a City ou cil Resolution hich includes a listing of structures and pr pe ties that the D vision of Public Health has declared to be pu li nuisances and re subject to demolition or repair orders . We are enclosing c pies of the Orders that have been issued to the owners of t e properties that are now becoming subject to e lition orders. Pursuant to Chapter 45 of th aint Paul Legisl tive Code, you are requested to keep the Or e s issued by the ivision of Public Health on file in your offic nd you are furth r authorized and directed to file a copy of t i Resolution with the Ramsey County Recorder. SRR/kjl � � ���`��� .�.•=o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� ' DEPARTMENT F COMMUNITY SERVICES • . '.'�"���� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH � �.•• � 555 C ar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer Mayor BUILDING NC3TICE May 9, 1989 Robert & Ramona Bolin Robert & na Bolin 1493 Rice Street 615 Case A enue, Apt. 6 St. Paul, NAi 55117 St. Paul, 55101 Re: 1493 Rice Street, Saint Paul, sota Lots 3 and Lot 4, Block 16, Ri treet Villas Dear Mr. & Ms. Bolin: The Division of Public Health has d te 'ned that the abov -noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapte 4 of the Saint Paul islative Code def ines as: "any building or portion of a ' ding which has with an incomplete exterior shell for longer t ee (3) years or y building or portion thereof which has occupied for long r than one (1) year and which meets one or more o t e following criter'a; (a) unsecured, or (b) board , r lc) having �lti le exterior Hausing Code violations, or (d) pla as "Unfit for Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the Sa nt Paul Legislativ Code." The ordinance further states that an doned building is nuisance and it may be ordered torn down by the City N0�1'E: If you do not want to have the Ci begin action to ve the building torn dawn, then the attached list of 'ciencies must be ired or you mast tear the building dawn on or before 9, 1989. Any repair or demolition m�ust be c e in accordance wi all applicable laws. If the w�ork is not comQleted or if y ve not torn the 'lding davn by the above date, the Division of Public H 1 will refer this tter to the City Council to receive authority to raze he building and charg all costs incurred in wrecking the building against the ea estate as a spec' 1 assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes T e City Council will schedule a public hearing to consider if the bui.lding s d be torn dawn. If 'public hearing becomes necessary, you will be notifi f the t�me and clate of the hearing a�l . . ���``��' Ab�andoned Building l�tice 1493 Rice Street May 9, 1989 Page -2- you will be allawed to present evi to the City Counc'1. A copy of this order will be kept on file in City Clerk's Offi and a resolution declaring this property a nuisance shall Le on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office liar�ce with the tached list of deficiencies will remove your buil fran the list of oried buildings but it does not mean that buildi.ng ca�lies ith all applicable housing and buildi.ng s. The date for compliance with these rs shall not be ex nded unless you receive written approval from the D vi ion of Public Heal . If you wish to have the City tear your house, you may req�est a consent form be sent to you fro�n o fice to sign and re urn to us. Hawever, please be aware that all s and interested ies must sign the form before the City can tear e 'lding davn wi a City (buncil order. Also be aware that the cost f e d�nolition if rforn�ed by the City, would become a special asses n against the prope y. If you have any questions about thi o er, please contact the Vacant Building Section at 298-4153. Sincerely, ��'�-�.^ �c Steven R. Roy Environmental Health Program Manager SRR/kjl Attachment cc: Warren Frost, PID � � ���Q"`°� DEF C ENCY LIST FOR 149 R CE STREET Y 9, 1989 All repairs and new installa i ns must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Per it must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an elect i al system requir upgrading of the service size to current Na ional Electric 1 Code (N.E.C. ) requirements. Some plumbing p irs may necessit te updating of the fixtures and/or piping inv lv d. A permit is required for any repair or new installation ermits may be btained from the Building Inspection and Desi n Division, Room 445 City Hall . EXTERIOR South Side 1 . Open foundation area s t west corner of uilding. Properly remove, foundation and ill in area. 2 . There are cracks in fo nd tion and mortar missing. Properly repair and replace mort r. 3. Rear addition to main ho s has large sheet of plywood nailed up to cover side. Remov ywood and repai exterior wall . 4 . There is exposed, deter'or ting wood along sill plate. Remove and replace all expos d deteriorating ood and properly reside. 5 . Cement steps to entry d or are broken. Rep ir or replace. 6 . Entry door is boarded. p ir or replace en ry door and frame and remove board. 7 . Entry door threshold ar a as exposed rott ng wood. Replace. 8 . Both windows are boarde . epair or replac both windows and frames and remove board . East Side 9. Thirty amp service drop t house. Update lectrical service to house. 10. Siding is cracked, missi g has holes along base (foundation) and in other spots. Rep ir or replace sidi g. 11. Entry door is boarded. R mo e board and rep ir or replace door and door frame. 12 . The door threshold area ha e_xposed rottin wood. Replace. ' � C��'�/0� Deficiency List 1493 Rice Street May 9, 1989 Page 2 of 3 North Side 13. There are four (4) boar e windows. Remove boards and repair ore replace windows and f ames. 14. There is buffalo board ai ed along north ide of house being used for siding. Remov he improper si ing and repair or properly replace with o er exterior sid' ng. 15 . Siding has holes, crack d nd worn in spots. Repair or replace all damaged siding. 16. Old oil tank. Remove a d roperly dispose of. 17 . There are large sheets f inetal , wood and ther debris laying next to building coveri g oundation area. Remove and properly dispose of all refuse. 18 . Rear room is pulling aw y rom main struct re. Properly repair and secure room. West Side 19. Window is boarded. Re v board and repa ' r or replace window and frame. GENERAL 20 . Chimney on east end of b ilding is missin bricks and mortar. Repair or replace chi ne . 21 . Rear addition has ol eteriorating sh ngles with exposed rotting wood. Repair r eplace roof. Basic Facilities 22. Building lacks proper w er service. Pro ide. Rear Shed 23 . There are open hole t rough sides an around foundation. Repair all damage and r place all rotti g wood. 24. Shed lacks proper fo nd tion or suppor . Provide. Exterior 25. Exterior storage of w o , metal , 55 gall n drum and gas stove. Properly remove and is ose of. Deficienc List on Order o acate Notice At ached , � � �G�'�0� � Def iciency List 1493 Rice Street May 9, 1989 Page 3 of 3 Please be advised that this ef 'ciency list may not be complete. In order to apply for buildi g permits, the ow er must obtain a Certificate of Code Compli n e or Certific te of Occupancy inspection and provide a $2,0 0 00 performance ond. If you are unable to finance t correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with t i order, there a e state and local rehabilitation programs for wh ch you may qua ify. Information about these programs is avail b e from the Depa tment of Planning and Economic Development, Reh bi itation Section t t612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan office . .. � � � ..i��-��v`,-r , �'�� � ����•��•,. � ITY OF SAINT PAUL �e ';= DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �= ii'ii'n : . '' e IVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ���-„� .... ��a" SSS Ce ar Street,Saint P�ul,Minnesou 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor �O�p . Ci' O � � ! June 26,1987 • Peter Fooshe, Jr. & obert Bolin Grace Murphy 493 Rice Street 720 Amhoist Tower t • Paul , Mn. 5 11? � St . Paul , Mn. 55102 Dear Property Owner : . This letter is to inform you that si ce the improvem nts needed to bring your property at 1493 Rice Street i to compliance w th the Saint Paul Housing Code have not been comple ed it will be nec ssary for us to placard the property as ^Unfit fo H man Habitation^ on June 29, 1987, -and order it vacated by no at r than June 29, 1987. If you are unable to finance the or ection or rehab litation of the premises to comply with this orde , here are State nd local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualif . You may contact the Board of Appeals for appeals informat•ion at 298-41 3. If you intend o appeal this notice, you must file the appeal within 1 d ys of the date f this notice - Yo s tru ohn Betz, Supervisor of Housing Code JB/msg cc : Permit Counter - 445 City Ha 1 Housing Information Office, 5 4th St . Marland Mork - Welfare Dept, 1� E Kellogg Steve Roy - Building Departm nt, 445 City Hall . - . � � - � ���� �•""•� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �4� i' . E; ,,,�,,,,, ;E � DEPARTME T OF COMMUNITY SERVICES §s� ui �uu '� : y"4� E DIVISION Of PUBLIC HEALTH 1�•���'.�Y� --_ 55 Ced�r Street,Saint Paul,Minnesoq 55101 George latimer - N01' CE OF CONDEMNATION (6�2)292•7741 Mayor AS UNFI OR HUMAN HABITA ION June 26,1987 • Peter Fooshe, Jr. � Robert Bolin Grace Murphy 1493 Rice Str et 720 Amhoist Tower St . Paul , Mn. 55117 � St• Paul , Mn. 55102 Dear Property Owner: The Division of Public Health, e tion of Housing ode Enforcement of the City of Saint Paul, Minneso a as found that t e dwelling and premises at 1493 Rice Street is ^Unfit f r uman Habitation due to the need of repairs and/or defects in the d ai age, plumbing, ighting, or construction of said dwelling and premises, nd or for other ca ses affecting public healtM- If you are unable to finance t�he c rrection or reh bilitation of the premises to comply with this ord r there are stat and local rehabilitation programs for which you may quali y You may conta t the Board of Appeals at 298-4163. If you intend to a p al this notice, you must file the appeal within 10 days of the dat f this notice . All repairs and new installation ` st be made in a cordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where hanges and/or additions to an electrical system require pg ading of the se vice size to current National Electrical Code require en s• Some plumbi g repairs may necessitatE updating of the� fixtures and/or ip ng involved. A permit is required for any repairs or new installation Permits may b obtained from the Division of Building Code Enforce e t, Room 445 Cit Hall . The following repairs and/or impr v ments are required before this dwelling may be reoccupied: ' ' 1 . No bathtub or shower. 2. No handsink provided for toil t . 3. No hot water heating faciliti s re provided for home . 4 . There are no properly install d eating faciliti s in home . (wood burner can be used as a a cessory: system nly) 5 . Home lacks properly installed sm ke detector, in accordance with the St . Paul Fire Code. 6 . There is excessive storage of ga bage 8 rubbish. The dwelling must be vacated by Ju e 29, 1987. ' THIS DWELLING SHALL NOT AGAIN BE U E FOR HUMAN HABITATION UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL IS SECURED FROM THE DIVIS 0 OF PUBLIC HEALT , SECTION OF HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT. . ; r -2 1493 Ric Street (,�`' �1��9 � �� . � �- ,�`� ;':� :r,:-.;° -.�_..�.� _ �,,�.,,�� �. t`., .: /`���,�a /^' ''',j,� ! � J o h n B e t z =��aTik=s�l'r=-��-�'#�f n s o n � � •� • - � • Supervisor of Housing Inspect ' on Environmental ealth Director JB/FAS/msg Encl - � _ � - ' � ��d��a�' :�•""°`�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. ;� . �� •� DEPARTMENT F COMMUNITY SERVICES �� �il'ii'{� '� `4:, � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HE/1LTH ih�Y=� SSS er Street,Saint Paul,Minnesob 55101 George latimer (6�2)�9Z.77q� Mayo� June 26,198? . Peter Fooshe, Jr. 8 obert Bolin Grace Murphy 493 Rice St�eet 720 Amhoist Tower t . Paul , Mn. 5 117 St. Paul , Mn. 55102 Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is a copy of an ^Order o acate^ which ha been posted on the premises at 1493 Rice Street ,in ac ordance with th provisions of Section 34 .19 as amended, Subsection 5, f he Housing Code (Chapter 34, Legislative Code, City of Saint Paul , as ame de ) . Your attention is called to the ol owing provision of Section 34 . 19, Subsection 5, entitled, ^ ac tion of Condemn d and Placarded Dwelling or Multiple Dwellings^: ^Any dwelling or multiple dw 11 ng which has be n condemned and placarded as nf t for human habita- tion by the enforcement officQ shall be vacat d within a reasonable time as e uired by the en orce- ment officer, and� it shall b' nlawful fo� any owner or operator to let to n person for hum n habitation said dwelling, mult ple dwelling or dwelling unit; and no person s all occupy any dwelling or multiple dwellin nit which has been condemned and placarded by t e enforcement officer � after the date set forth in h placard of condemnation.^ If you have any questions, you ma ontact the Division of Public Health, Section of Housing Code Enforceme t at 292-7771 or 292-7772. Yours trul , hn Betz Supervisor of Housing Code JB/msg � • - - , � CI F ST. PAUL /I�� . , . • DEPARTMENT F ITY SF�VI CES �'" ����� DIVISI PI��IC HFALTH � HOUSI C E ENFORCEMENT OR V � DA June 26, 1987 WHEREAS: THE DIVISION OF PL�L�C HEAL , HOUSING CODE ENFOR FJ�IENT, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M I NNESOTA, HAS FOU(m THAT THE DWELLI PREJ��II SES LOCATID AT " 1493 ic Street IS UNFIT FOR HIMAN HABITATION AND ER S TO LIFE Atm H TH BY REASONS OF DEFECTS IN THE DRAINAGE, PLt�ING, LICiiTING NSTRtJCTION OF SAID DVVELLING Alm PREI�IISES, � A(m/OR OTHER CAUSES AFFECTING Pt�LIC TH, WHICN REt�I.IIRE E PREMISES TO BE VACATE�, NOW, THE�EFORE: THE DIVISION OF PI�LI TH, HOUSING CCD ENFORCEMENT, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, ACTING UImE�t E UTFi0RI7Y Cp(�(Fp�R gy C}�qpTER �{, SECTION ���, SI�S ECTI ON 1 ?1-�GUG�i IO OF TH I SLATI VE CODE OF E C I TY OF SAI NT PAI� ADOPTED DECEI�ER Z3. ]�],, AS , EREBY ORDERS THAT E DWELLI NG AI� PRETII SES KNOWN AS 1493 Rice Street BE VAG4TED ON OR BEFOR J u n e 2 , 9 8 7 A(m SHALL NOT AGAIN BE OCCUPIED� UNTI A WRITTEN STATFMENT S SECURED FROM THE DEPART— MENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SHOWING T THE DWELLING OR IT OCCUPATION HAS BEEN MADE • TO CCIMPLY WITH APPLICABLF PROVISIONS OF THE HOUSING CODE ALL OTHER APPLICABLE DCISTING LAWS. ' SECTION ��� �LEGISIATIVE CODE, CI SAINT PAUL AS m) PROVIDES THAT EVERY PERSON, FIRM OR COr�PORATION WHO VI ANIt•PROVISION OF IS ORDINANCE SHAL1 BE GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, AIm UPON I ION THEREOF BE PUNISHm BY A FINE NOT TO.DCCEID $SCXI,� OR BY IMPRISO F NOT NIORE T�IAN � DAYS� EVERY DAY HERE4FTER IN WHICN THE ABOVE REFr�tENCED UN L CO[mITION OR OCCUP CY CONTINUES TO DCIST SHALL BE DEFMED A SEPARATE OF�ENSE. N BETZ • SUPERVISOR i-�l1SING I�ISPECTION 1HIS ORDER SHALL i�T BE � WITI�Uf AUTHO IZATION FR�I T}� - DIVIS ON Pl1BLIC HEALTH � (,���0�9 ��*••. � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL F4•• � �: ; DEPARTMENT O COMMUNITY SERVICES �`s �i` � � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �` '••� S55 Ced r Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 ' (612)292-7711 Geo�ge Latimer Mayor ABANDO BUILDING NO'I'ICE April 25, 1989 � American Savings & Loan Assoc. Ftiiture Rea ty 509 W. Weber Avenue, Second Floor 5100 Indus rial Blvd � Stockton, CA 95203 Edina, NIl�1 55435 Re: 1463 Burns Avenue, Saint Paul nnesota All of Lot 4 & E 60 ft of S 1 0 t of Lot3 & Ex S 150 ft; E 120 ft of sd Lo 3, Block 34 Auditor's S�.ibdivision No. 62 t. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has e rniined that the e-noted building is an abandoned building, which Cha r 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as: - "any building or portion of a uilding which has with an incomplete exterior shell f r onger than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof wh ch has stood unoc ied for longer than one (1) year and which meet 'o e or more of the f llowing criteria; - (a) unsecured, or (b) boar ed or (c) having �1 iple exterior Housing Code violations, or td) pla r ed as "Unfit �or Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of e int Paul Legislat' e Code." _ The ordinance further states that oned building ' a nuisance and it � may be ordered torn down by the Ci y. NOTE: If you do not want to have ity begin action have the b�uilding ' torn dawn, then the attached list f eficiencies must repaired or you must tear the building do�m on or befor J 9, 1989. . Any repair or demolition must be c eted in accordance ith all applicable laws. If the work is not car�leted or if yo have not torn the building down by the above date, the Division of Public H lth will refer thi matter to the City Council to receive authority to ra e he building and c rge all costs incurred in wrecking the building against e eal estate as a ial assessment to be collected in the same manner as ta es The City Council ill schedule a public hearing to consider if the buildin s ould be torn down. If a public hearing becomes necessary, you will be not fi of the time and te of the hea.ring , , • . ' C��`Pd�i Abandoned Building Notice 1463 Burns Avenue � April 25, 1989 Page -2- � and you will be allawed to present v' ence to the City uncil. A copy of this order will be kept on file in City Clerk's Offic and a resolution declaring this property a nuisance shall be on file in - the Ramsey County Recorder's Offic . liance with the ttached list of deficiencies will remove your buil in from the list of ndoned buildings but it does not mean tha building co�lies with all applicable housing and building c es The date for cocnpliance with these or ers shall not be ex unless you receive written approval from the iv'sion of Public Heal . . If you wish to have the City tear your house, you ma request a - consent foYm be sent to you fro�n o ffice to sign and r turn to us. However, please be aware that all rs and interested rties riaast sign the .form before the City can tear he buildings down with ut a City Council order. Also be aware that th cost of the demoli ion if performed by the City, w�ould become a specia a sessment against th property. If you have any questions about th s rder, please contac the Vacant Building Section at 298-4153. Sincerely, ��� � _ Steven R. Roy E�vironmental Health Program Mana r SRR/kjl � , � ' Attachment cc: Warren Frost, PED . CC��0�9 DEFI I CY LIST 1463 S AVIIWE APRI 2 , 1989 All repairs and new installations m�s made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits cYaist be o i where changes a d/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) requirements. plLmibing repair may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping in olved. A permit i requ.ired for any repair or new installation. Permits y obtained from th Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 4 5, City Hall. FIR FROiVT ROOM 1. Ceiling light fixture is mi si with bare exposed electrical wires. Replace light fixture or prope 'ly lose off electri-cz wires. 2. East wall has damaged and ' s' g wall board. Re ir and replace all damaged missing wall boards. 3. Carpet is scattered with bro en glass and wall boa (sheet rock) debris. Remove all debris from carpet nd properly clean. 4. Paint geeling throughout r ( alls and ceiling) . Remove all loose paint and properly repaint. 5. Gravity feed furnace open fl r vent between living room and kitchen. Provide properly installed gr te KITCEiIIV 6. Kitchen sink_has illegal S-t p. Provide proper pl ing for kitchen sink (P-trap) . _ 7. Ceiling gaint peeling. Scra 1 loose and peelin paint and repaint. 8. Electrical wires exposed and ut ets laying on the loor. Properly secure all electrical wires and outlets we t wall) . 9. West wall d,�tt�aged and wall yd missing. Regair w 11 in a w�orlananlike manner. 10. North wall board damaged (hol s ched through) . R pair or replace in a w�orlananlike manner. 11. Floor covered with broken gla s d wall board. C1 n up all debris and maintain floor free of rubbish. 12. F�irnace thernqstat ripped fr w 1 and laying on th floor. Properly repair and secure to wall. . ���io� Deficiency List 1463 Burns Avenue April 25, 1989 Page 2 of 4 BATE]�200M 13. Handsink has been ripped fr 11 and pltm�bing ti kup cut. Reg�ir handsink and properly hook� pliunbing. 14. Ceiling and wall paint is 1 ng. Scrape all loo e and peeling gaint and properly repaint. 15. Bathroom lacks electrical o tl t. Provide properl installed Ground Fault Intercepter Outlet for bathroom. lb. Toilet is not functional. e ir or replace toil . 17. There is carpet on the bat floor. R�c�ove ca ting and provide flooring that is substantially inrpervi us to water and easil cleaned. F,AST ROOM OFF KITCf�N 18. Exposed electrical wires an o n electrical box st wall. Properly close off. 19. Sheet rock damaged and miss ng (east wall, closet area, etc.) . Repair or replace all missing sheet r k. 20. Ceiling electrical fixture 's 'ssing with expos electrical wires. Provide properly installed lig t ixture or properly close off. 21. Cover plate missing for el tr'cal on west wall. Provide cover plate. 22. Exit door into porch has 1' g paint. Properly scrape all loose paint and repaint. � 23. Exit door lacks properly i s lled deadbolt lock. Provide. REAR PORCH 24. Exit door off porch (north s been broken out o frame. Repair or replace door and frame. 25 Roof boards for porch are e riorating. Repair r replace. 26. There is illegal electrica w ring in porch. R ve all im�roper wiring and rewire in accordance with .E C. S FIi00R 27. Exposed electrical wires w st wall. Properly cl off. 28. Missing paneling twest wal , st wall) . Provid . . . ��io�9 Def iciency List 1463 Burns Avenue April 25, 1989 Page 3 of 4 29. Broken and damaged wall boa d. Repair or replace. 30. Ceiling light fixture is ' r rly installed. R pair or replace in accordance with N.E.C. 31. Floor molding is missing ( es , east ends) . Prov de floor rcblding. 32. Handrail for steps to seco loor does not exte properly to the top of the steps. Repair or replace. 33. Open stair well area needs ety railing. Prov' e. 34. Steps are loose. Properl s e or replace to uilding code. BASII�r 35. Steps to basement from po' h are im�roperly ins lled. Repair or replace to current building codes. 36. Basement floor is covered wi h ice (3 to 4 inch s in spots) . Properly repair cause of water build n basesc�ent and r ve ice water. 37. There is open venting in nt. Properly cl se off. 38. There are open gas pipes in s�nent. Properly close off or hookup. 39. Electrical box is substa da d. Properly update electrical service in accordance_with City of St. Pau1 E1 trical Codes and t e N.E.C. 40. E�rnace has been turned ff and needs regair. epair or replace furnace. , 41. No hot water heater. P v' e properly install hot water heater. E IOR SOUI'H SIDE 42. Entry door has been bro en Repair or replac door and frame. 43. There are broken and r windows. Repair or replace all damaged windows, frames and storms. R�no 1 boards. FA..ST SIDE 44. There are broken and r ed windows. R�nove all boards and repair or replace all windows, frames, torms• . . ���� /e� Deficiency List 1463 Burns Avenue April 25, 1989 Page 4 of 4 NORTH SIDE 45. There are broken and board inda�rs. Remove all boards and repair or replace all windows, frames, and s . 46. Steps to rear porch are de r' rated and lack han rails. Repair or replace steps and provide handrails. 47. Exterior basement entry ar boarded. Repair nd secure entry area and remove boards. WEST SIDE 48. There are boarded and brok 'ndows. Remove all boards and repair or replace all windows, frames, and s . 49. Large crack between house tion and porch fo dation. Repair. BASIC FA ILITIES 50. Building lacks water servi . Provide water servi ce and proper pliunbing hookup. 51. Building lacks gas service. ovide gas service building and proper hookup. 52. Building lacks electrical s rv'ce. Provide elect ical service to building and proper hookup. � ��1/��'� �•""°- ITY OF SAINT PAUL '~� �• DEPARTMENT O COMMUNITY SERVICES e � ;� I�ii ; IVISION OF PUBLIC MEALTH ��"�.� 555 Ced r Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer Mayor DANGF�tOUS NCnICE March 31, 1989 Edith E. Ehgstrom ed Anderson 2191 Mailand Road 191 Mailand Road St. Paul, 1�A1 55119 . Paul, NII�T 55119 Re: 1644 U�er Afton Road Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has de ned that the above- oted house is a � dangerous stru�cture, which Chapter 45 of the St. Paul Legisl tive Cflde defines . as: "any structure which is potent 1 y dangerous to per ns or property includirig b�zt not limited to: (a) a structure which is in ge of partial or ete collapse; or (b) a structure which has any rior parts such as himneys, eaves, porches, siding, railings, or trim which are loos or in danger of falling; or tc) a structure which has any s such as porohes, tairs, ram�s, rails, balconies, or roofs wh ch are accessible which are either collapsed, in danger of co la ing, or unable to rt a person." The Ordinance further states that a rous structure is a nuisance and it may be ordered torn dawn by the City. NOTE: If yau �o not want to have the it begin action to ha e the b�ilding torn dvwn yau are hereby notified tha attached list of eficiencies must be repaired or you must have the buil ' torn dawn on or ore April 4, 1989. Any repair or demplition must be co� e in accordance wit all applicable laws. If the w�rk is not com�leted or if yo ve not had the ho torn dawn by the above date, the Division of Public 1 will refer this ma ter to the City Council to receive authority to raze e house and charge al costs incurred against the real estate as a special ss ssment to be collec in the same manner as taxes. The City Council wi 1 hedule a public h ring to consider if the house shauld be torn dohm. If a lic hearing s necessary, you will be notified of the time and date of the hearing and you will be allaaed to present eviderice to the City Council. A copy of this order ill be kept on � ����-� Dangerous Stru�cture Notice 1644 Upper Afton Road March 31, 1989 Page -2- file in the City Clerk's office and a e lution declaring t is property t,o be a nuisance shall be on file in y Caunty Reco er's office. C«rQliance with the attached list of f' iencies will r�nov your building fr«n the list of dangerous s ures, but it does t mean that the building coirr�lies with all appli 1 housing and buildi g codes. T'he date for oompliance with these o rs shall riot be exte ed unless you receive written approval from the Div' i of Public Health. If you wish to have the City tear y house, you may r st a consent form be sent to you from our f' e to sign and ret to us. Hawever, please be aware that all s interested part es must sign the fornn before the City can tear the ' ding daun without City Council order. Also be aware t1�at the cost o desnolition if per orn�d by the City, would become a speci.al asses ainst the property If you have any questions about this , please contact Vacant - Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, ��� �' Steven R. Roy Efivironmental Health Program Manager SRR:kjl �closure cc: Warren Frost Planning and Econo�nic Developnen � ���-�vv� D FI IIIVCY LIST FOR 164 II� AE'PON ROAD 31, 1989 All repairs and new installations be made in acx� with the appropri.ate codes. Permits must be ob ined where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgra ' of the service siz to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.> requir ts SocY�e plim�bing repa rs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or pi in involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation. Pernut be obtained from e Building Inspection and Design Division, R 5, City Hall. EXTF�tIOR: 1. Nbst of the roof has collaps burned away, wha r�nains is severely fire damaged. Repair. . 2. Nbst of the ceilings on the ir floor are burned way. What r�nains is severely fire damaged. Repa' . 3. Windows are vandalized and/o f' e damaged. Repair r replace. 4. Cllimney has missing mortar. ' . INTERIOR• l. Nbst walls are fire damaged, ions are burned awa . Repair. 2. Fire debris on floors. Remove 3. Bas�ent stairway severely fi ged. Repair. Please be advised that this defici 1 st may not be compl te. In order to apply for building permits, the awner obtain and Certif'cate of Code C�rpliance or Certificate of ion and provid a $2,000.00 perforniance bond. If you are unable to finance the corr n or rehabilitatio of the pr�nises to comply with this order, there are ta and local rehabil tation programs for which you may qualify. Inforn�atio ut these programs s available from the Department of Planning and Eco velopnent, Rehabil'tation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a 1 o icer.