99-1091Council File # qq � ��t RESOLUTION CITY OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # �(� t��{ � $' �S Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, Scenic Minnesota, in Zoning File 98-154 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislarive Code § 66.408 made application to the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission (Commission) to appeal the decision of the Saint Paul Zoning Administrator to a11ow repairs to storm damaged advertising signs located at 1820 Grand Avenue and at the southeast corner of Ford Parkway and South Cleveland Avenue; and 8 WHEREAS, on August 6, 1998, the Commission's Zoning Committee conducted a 9 public hearing where all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard and submitted 10 its recommendation to deny the appeal to the Commission; and 11 12 WHEREAS, in its Resolution No. 98-45, dated August 14, 1998, the Commission 13 decided to deny the appeal based upon the findings in Resolution 98-45 which is attached hereto 14 and incorporated herein by reference; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, Scenic Minnesota, in Zoning File 98-247 and pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislafive Code § 64.206, filed an appeal from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council (Council) for the purposes of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WIIEREAS, on October 7, 1998 and acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208 with noUce to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Council where al] interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby; RESOLVE, to affirm the decision of the Commission. The Council finds no error in any fact, procedure or finding made by the Plax�ning Commission and that Zoning Code § 66301 applies to these non-conforming advertising signs ; and be it 1 a.g, -�� g,� 2 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall maii a copy of this resolution to Brian 3 Bates, Esq. on behalf of the appellant, Marvin Liszt, Esq, on behaif of the sign company, the 4 Zoning Administrator and the Plauuing Commission. Requested by Department of: By: Apps Byc By: Form Appro ed by City Attoxney s ����� ��/t7/y5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ���Q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy °l.�i, - �O �t-L ....�.�� . GREEN SHEET No104�78 Peter Warner iT 8E ON CIXRJCIL AGH�IIN BY (Q4Tq rta���vl� OR06t TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES i� , -�_�� =� •�e ❑ an�naeEr ❑ anctsx ❑ wuxcu�mn+r.�soa ❑ wwio��a ❑Yratlatuasrwrtl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Memoralizing the decision of the City Council on October 7, 1998 denying the appeal of Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and Rogers Chambers to a decision of the Planning Commission regarding storm-damaged billboards at 1820 �rand Avenue and at Highland Village Shopping Center. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfITEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IcY:. �e� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Has mie aeiswJfiim eexr Mwicea unaer a conhact for tnie �pamnemv vES r�o Fias thia perem/firm ever been a dly empbyee? YES MO poe6 this pe�aonlfi�m poscess a sidll rqt normallYPossessetl bY airy cunmt city employeeT YES NO Is this pereoNfirm a tarpetetl Mendoi? YES NO COSTIREVENUE BUDfiETED (qRLYE ON� VES NO SOURCE ACTNIiY NUMBER (EfPWN) 0.� - toq� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: October 28, 1999 TO: Nancy Anderson FROM: Peter Warner RE: Resolution memorializing decision of City Council from 10-7-98 in the matter of Scenic Minnesota, et a1. appeal of Planning Commission Resolution 98-45. It came to my attention that the appeal of Scenic Minnesota of a decision of the Planning Commission dated August 14,1998 had notbeen reducedto aresolutionmemorializing the decision of the City Council as required under Saint Paul City Charter § 6.03.01. Accordingly please fmd attached, for placement at your earliest convenience on the CounciPs Consent Agenda, a signed original resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council to deny Scenic Minnesota's appeal. ��`"iaa .,"��a�c."�°?'�w�?1t� C�T � � ��99 � l�_2�--a�q `t`1-lo g� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-45 �te August 14, 1998 �VHEREAS, SCENIC MINNESOTA, file � 98-154, has filed an appeal, under the provisions of Section 66300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising sians damaged in a storm on May 30, 1993; and located at 1820 Grand Avenue, the Hi�hland Villa�e Shoppin� Center, which is on the south side of Ford Pazkway between Kenneth Street and Cleveland Avenue, and at 1142, 1184, and 1209 W. Seventh Street (legal descriptions on file); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on Au�ust 6, 1448, held a public heazing at which alt persons present ���ere given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said application in accordance �vith the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Plannin; Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zonin� Committee at the public heazin� as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follo�ving findings of fact: A major wind storm hit the T�vin Cities on May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of damaee to homes, trees, and power lines, and also to some billboards. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of dama�ed billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller Media, Inc. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller Media that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged billboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the middle billboazd structure at Hi�hland Vi(la�e had not teceived structural d'ama�e; just the si�ns and poster panels, w�hich provided the backing for the siQns, had blow�n down. Replacin� poster panels does not, as a matter of standard City practice dating back many yeazs, require a building peanit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to replace the poster panels on those tW0 SIaIIS. Ms. Lane's letter said that the other four billboazd locations--one at Highland Village Shopping Center and three on W. Seventh Street--were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information abou[ the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sign. One of the tests in the Zoning Code for the repair of nonconformin� siQns that have been damaaed is that the renovation costs aze less than 51 moved by Field seconded by in favor 10 (Field abstained) against � �j percent of the replacement cost. 2. A(1 of the billboazds in question are owned by Eiler Media, Inc. (formerly Naegele and then Universal), �vhich is a national billboard company. All of the biltboazds aze in B-2 (Community Business) zoning districts, where advertising signs aze permitted if they meet certain size and spacing requirements unless an overlay special sign district imposes stricter regulations. None of the billboards in question are conformina, they are all legal nonconformina signs for one reason or another. The Grand Avenue and Highland Village signs are in Special Sign DisTricts adopted in the 1980s w•here billboards aze prohibited. The W. Seventh Street billboards aze in an interim Special Sign District approved by the City Council earIier this yeaz, �vhere new construction and modification of biliboards aze prohibited until new advertising sign regulations are adopted by the City Council. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16, 1998, appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allo�v replacement of the poster panels at t�vo locations (1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboards on the Highland Vitlage Shopping Center), and her request for cost estimates from Eller in relation to the 51 percent test as a basis for future decisions about cvhether the other billboazds will be peanitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific arguments. 4. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising si�ns, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66.302), which is specifically about adverfising signs. The city staff from LIEP, PED, and tEie City Attorney's Office have conferred and a�ree that nonconforming billboards aze regulated by both sections and by applicable special sign districts; in the event of any appazent inconsistency, whichever contains the most specific provisions controls. However, the Zonin� Administrator's letter contained only a request for information, not a decision about how the renovation cost information `vould be used. Therefore, since no decision has been made, an appeal of this issue is premature. 5. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test �rere to apply, it shoutd apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. Based on the definitions for "sign" and "sign structure" in the code (66.121), this appeal has some merit. But different terms are used in the para�raph on exemptions from getting building permits (66.40�), which refers to "display surface" and "poster replacement". The Iatter terms aze not defined in the code and, being subject to interpretation, are a responsibility of the Zonin� Administrator. The Cit�• Council is expected to amendment advertising sign re�ulations later this yeaz and tivill receive comments from the Plannin� Commission before doing so. Code amendments ���ould be a better way to clazify how sign faces shoutd be considered than tryin� to reach a decision through an appeals process. 6. Scenic Minnesota s third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or replacement of sien faces should rzquire a sign {building) permit. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels), LIEP treated Eller Media the same as they have treated all billboard companies. For many years the Zoning Administrator has interpreted 66.40� to �� `� °l - to �l\ allow poster panei replacement without a sign permit. Poster panels come in kits of interlockin� strips of galvanized sheet metal, �vhich aze assembled on site and typically cost less than 20 percent of the construction cost of a billboard. For the set of billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboazds on Highland V illage Shopping Center, LIEP inspectors determined that no structural damage had occurred. Ms. Lane's letter of June 10, 1998, is clearly consistent with established practice; any other decision would have been discriminatory. 7. The fifth specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that the W. Seventh biliboazds cannot be replaced or renovated at this time because of the interim Special Sign District for the �V. Seventh neighborhood. In February 1998, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by wTiting a letter. In early July, the City Councii held a public heazin� and approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that applied. The �Vest Seventh Federation appiied on April 6, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. As with the 51 percent test, the Zoning Administrator has not rendered a decision about whether or not the W. Seventh billboards can be renovated, and an appeai is premature. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow the replacement of the sign faces �vithout sign permits for the billboards at 1820 Grand Avenue and for the middle set of billboards at Highland Villa�e Shoppin� Center is hereby denied; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission renders no decision on this appeal as regards the eastem set of billboards at Highland Village Shopping Center or the billboazds on W. Seventh Street; since LIEP has only asked for information from Eller Media on these storm-damaged billboards and has not yet made decisions on whether they can be renovated, appeals about them are premature. �i DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pamela Wheelock, Di�ector CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayar September 16, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Research O�ce 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 H'est Fourth Street Saint Paut, MN i57D2 �.\��+t Ktsd�•'�+or� pQ � C.� ��� i �� Telephome: 612d 66-6� 65 Facsim77e- 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 7, 1998 for the following zoning case: Applicants: File Nuxnber: Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and Rogers Chambers 98-247 Purpose: Appeal of Planning Commission decision regarding storm-damaged biliboards: Planning Commission upheld action of LIEP to allow replacement of sign face panels where the sign support structure was undamaged on billboards in the Grand Avenue and Highland Special Sign Districts Locations: 1820 Crrand Avenue (southwest corner of Grand and Fairview) and at Highland V illage Shopping Center (southwest comer of Ford Pkwy. and Cleveland) My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council on September 23, 1998 and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Wr' ' LarrySo rholm ___ _ Principal Planner - Zoning cc: Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Harris Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota , �.�. � NOTICE OF POBLIC HEARING .� . -c�. ' The Saint Paul City Covncil a'i11 cunduct a public hearing on Wednesday, October 7. 1998 at 5:30 p.m: in the City Council Chambers, Thicd Floor City Hall-Coart House. to consider the appeai of Scenic Minnesota, Higkiland Area Community Conncil. and Rogers Chambers to a decision of the Planning Cocnmissiun regarding storm-damaged bil(boards at IS20 Grand Avenue (southwest corner of Grand and Fairview Avenues) and�at Highland�ViHage Shopping Center (souihwest corner of Ford Pazkway and Cleveland Avenuel. . � _ , Dafeda.Septemherl7, 1998 NANCYANDERSON " . . Assistant City Cbtutcff SecreCary � � - (9eptetttber 19. 1998) _.. � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 30, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 PameZa WheeZocl� Director � 9_� b � 1 25 West Fourth Sveet Telephone: 612-266-6565 Saint Paul, IvN 55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 RE: Zoning File # 98-247: SCENIC MINNESOTA, HIGHLAND AREA COMMUNITY COLJNCIL, and ROGERS CHAMBERS (co-appellants) City Council Hearing: October 7, 1998 at 530 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision that allowed the replacement of sign face panels � on two storm-damaged billboards located in special sign districts where the construction, replacement, or renovation of billboards is prohibited. The Planning Commission denied an appeal filed by Scenic Minnesota and the Highland Area Community Council of an administrative decision made by LIEP. The Zoning Administrator in LIEP determined that sign face panels that had blown off could be replaced on billboazds where the sign structures that support the sign faces were undamaged. LOCATIONS: The billboards in question are at 1820 Grand Avenue (southwest comer of Fairview on top of the Subway Sandwich shop) and at 2012 Ford Parkway (the middle billboard on top of the Highland Village Shopping Center.) Both billboard structures are V-shaped with rivo billboard faces. � PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Deny appeal by Scenic Minnesota and the Highland area community council, 10-0 (with 1 abstention) ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATTON: Deny appeal, 3-1 (with 1 abstention) STAFF RECQMMENDATION: Deny appeai but revise code to require building permits for sign face panel replacement in the future SUPPORT FOR APPEAL BY SCENIC MN: Co-appellants, plus one letter of support. OPPOSITION TO APPEAL BY SCENIC MN: Two representatives of the billboard industry and the owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center. Dear Ms. Anderson: SCENIC MINNESOTA, the HIGHLAND AREA COMMIJNITY COLINCIL, and ROGERS CHAMBERS have appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Plannina Commission to deny a previous �l ` Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Secretary September 30, 1998 Page 2 appeal led by Scenic Minnesota of the Zoning Administrator's decision that sign face panels b(own down by storms could be replaced on those billboards where the sign structure was not damaged, even on billboards located in special sign districts where the construction, replacement, or renovation of billboards is prohibited. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the matter on August 6, 1998. Representatives of Scenic Minnesota and the Highland Area Community Council spoke in support of the appeal. Two representatives of Eller Media Company and the owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center spoke in opposition, that is, in support of the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of the code. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 3 to 1 with 1 abstention to recommend denial of the appeal. The Planning Commission considered the case on August 14, 1998; they supported the Zoning Committee's recommendation and denied the appeal by a vote of 10 to 0 with 1 abstention. The appeal to the Planning Commission initially involved six billboards, but the Planning Commission found that in four cases the Zoning Administrator had not yet rendered a decision on whether the billboards could be repaired, but had only requested information from Eller Media Company about the extend of dama�e and estimated repair costs. Thus, the Planning Commission made decisions about only rivo billboards; they upheld the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of the Zoning Code and denied the appeal. The present appeal to the City Council is about the two billboards, one on Grand Avenue and the other at Highland Village Shopping Center, on which the Zoning Adminish�ator authorized the installation of new sign face panels. These two billboards were put saon put back into service within weeks after the storms. In several other cases around the city, storm-damaged billboards remain out of service while information gathering and decisions aze made. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 7, 1998. Please call ma (266-6575) if you have questions and please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the sites presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, L�holm PrincipalPlanner- Zoning Attachments cc: City Council members Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota Gayle Summers, HACC Rogers Chambers \�PED\SY52�SHAAED�SODERHOL�ZONRVU198?47CC2.L1R Peter Warner, Asst. City Attomey Wendy Lane, LIEP Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cronin, outdoor advertising consultant � � � ' � q q _ togl ATTACffiVIENTS • A. B. C. D. Appeal form and letter of explanation �.��� Planning Commission Resolution and Planning Commission minutes for 8/14/98 � Zoning Committee minutes for 8/6/98 �,�� 1`� ` ���' Staff Report of 7/25f98 with many attachments sent to the Zoning Committee �� E. Location and zoning maps P. �Z -� �� �J • UPED\SYS2\SHAREDVSODERHOL�ZONIlVG\98247CC2.LIR � �lq - lo`l\ � APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departme�:t af Planning and Econamic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annec 25 YT'est FourUr Stree� Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 �or�€ng �ae use Fiie rto �� �`7' � - Fs� � �`?� �££1�3t1Y9 -#?2�i£liig �_ � - - __..��'' �"� . 't�_��- r _ - APPELLANT Name SCtn�c. ��C`�''li7in�.nrn,eet,q<<t.. Address f�« �"`5 I�b � �r/��''+-�( �`'`�- �ni f � �S1°i City St._ Zip Daytime phone �°� ° �� 6 � �».+�'�+�5 11j�iY- 5 5i. ('a*-c ��°� � (Pr?v- 3`i� � PROPERTY LOCATtON Zoning File Name Address/Location TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby mad�e for an appeaf to the: ❑ Board of Zoning Appeals �'City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appea4 a ecisio made by the �n�� ���n^�55�� on ����'-/ � , 19_ File number: 7 ^ 5 (date of decision) � GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding rnade by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Pianning Commission. ��inint�C.C'�- �ll�_ h���-�eS iN i '�z-►Jov.}Tia�S 8� �SL �.� v�—�A�nn�Le�Q �rc�3�,�.ns . < , �i�s SeL���n. j��s�e-��o•�S ��n.�pvar c� �r��r�,An.,�s k,��at 13 fl/�c rt�T fl ��Li�i�i�' v5�_ , �1�.LGv,��s.�s in f�rEttyt�� � Or� �/}� N�. I���lL+nrTC.� � �� Attach additiona/ sheet rf necessary) ,!7 . Appiicant's signature s c�« /77 n ,7�� �: / . e . _ r u� � �by �� g�City agent ! .1�'�n'�� �/ � O//icers: Ezecutice Otrettor 6rian 6afes John Mannillo 1985 Grand Avenue Jeanne Weigum Saint Paul, MIY 55105� Michael Paymar SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA 612 690-9671 ftuby tlunt September 1, 1998 Mr. Larry Soderholm Planning and Economic Development City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . Re: Damaged Billboards Appeal. Mr. Soderholm: I ask that this writing and attached letter be made part of the appeal lodged on August 24, 1998 by Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and J. Rogers Chambers. ScoRe I understand the action being appealed is Zimited to that portion oP LIEP Zoning Manager Wendy Lane's June 10, 1998, letter in which she allowed the renovation and replacement of the two- � paneled, middle, rooftop billboard on the building on the south- east corner of Cleveland and Ford Parkway and the two-paneled, � rooftop billboard at 1820 Grand Avenue. Background An appeal of Zoning Manager Lane`s letter of June 10, 1998, was filed at a cost of $150.00 on June 16, 1998. The appeal was heard by the Zoning Committee of the Planninq Coaunission on August 6, 1998. That committee voted four to one, with Chair Field abstaining�, to deny the appeal. Denial of the appeal was formalized by the Planning Commission on Auqust 24, 2998. Commissioner Field moved denial and, except for his abstention, the � Litton Field derives income from a billboard on downtown � Saint Paul property in which he has an interest. � aq-�o�� � motion passed unanimously. On August 24, 1998, appellants filed this appeal in this matter, again at a cost of $150.00. Appellants hereby appeal the Planning Commission's denial of appellants' earlier appeal. Appellants' Position The crux of the issue before trie City Council on appeal is the proper interpretation o£ the City Zoning Code. The industry has argued the controlling Zoning Code provision is §66.301, which pertains generally to "signs." Appellants argue the controlling provision is §66.302, which pertains more specifically to "advertising signs." When interpreting the Zoning Code its lanquage is to be construed according to the rules of construction contained in � §60.102. The first rule of construction in that section requires "the particular shall control the general." Further, the use of the word "shall is mandatory." We conclude it is mandatory that the particular control the general. We further conclude §66.302, which pertains particularly to advertising signs, must control §66.301, which pertains more generally to advertising, as well as business, signs. It is uncontested the subject billboards are nonconforming; were damaged in a windstorm; were replaced and/or renovated; and are located in special sign districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. Section 66.302 allows the replacement and/or renovation of any � 2 � 7 nonconforming advertising siqn only if the advertising sign is � located in a zoning district in which advertising signs are a permitted use. We conclude that nonconforming advertising signs in the Grand Avenue Special District Sign Plan area and the xighland Village Special District Sign Plan area cannot be replaced or renovated. We further conclude replacing and/or renovating, or allowing the replacement and/or renovation of, the subject billboards violates the Saint Paul Zoning Code. The subject billboards are illegal and must be removed in their entirety immediately. Any other action would sanction a violation of the Zoning Code. PED's Position In its Zoning Committee Staf£ Report, PED, after consultation . with the City Attorney's office, made the following determinations: 1) The subject advertisinq signs are nonconforming; 2) Section 66.302 controls; � 3) Advertising signs are not a permitted use on Grand Avenue and in Highland Village; 4) Renovation is "to restore to an earlier condition, to improve by repairing." (PED did not discuss the term "replace.") PED concluded, and recommended, the subject billboards could not be renovated, that is, returned to their earlier condition; the 51% damage test contained in §66.301 is not the,appropriate test for damaged billboards; anything beyond minor repairs must meet the standards of §66.302; and the City should require a sign permit for the replacement o£ poster panels. See PED Zoning Committee Report. 3 C J "5 49 �►d q1 � LIEP's Departmental Practice It has been suggested that LIEP acted appropriately when LIEP did not require the issuance of a permit for, and thus allowed, the renovation of the subject billboards. The argument goes that since LIEP had a longstanding practice of not requiring the issuance of permits for sign face replacement LIEP was right not to have done so here. There are several £laws in this reasoning. First, we challenge whether this "long-standing practice" is a fact or merely a convenient explanation for allowing the subject billboards to be renovated or replaced in violation of the Zoning Code. We have seen no written internal policy on this point. We are unaware of any instances where sign companies have applied for permits for the replacement of sign faces and have been told in � writing a permit was unnecessary. On the contrary, we are aware of at least one recent instance where a permit application was submitted, and a permit issued, for the replacement of a sign face � (2/26/98 issuance of a permit to Universal Outdoor to replace a rooftop sign face on University near Prior). Even if a"long-standing practice" can be estalalished, we disagree the subject billboards can be renovated and/or replaced. The logic that departmental practice should override provisions of the Zoning Code leads to several distinct, and equally untenable, results. The Zoning Administrator is required by the Zoning Code to enforce trie provisions of the Zoning Code. See §66.401. This provision becomes a nullity if the Zoning Administrator does not, in fact, enforce all provisions of the Zoning Code. If the Zoning � 4 ✓ � Code is not enforced in this instance it follows the Zoning Code � can never be enforced. In all similar future circumstances sign companies will, no doubt, argue that the City must treat them as Universal sign company is now treated. Logically, this leads to the effective rewriting of the Zoning Code by City staff. City staff has no such authority. Regardless, LIEP did not make reference to any "long-standing�' internal policy when it wrote Universal Outdoor allowing replacement of the subject billboards. LIEP referred to a specific provision of the Zoning Code. In her June 10, 1998, letter, Ms. Lane stated: "The replacement of poster panels is permitted without a permit pursuant to Section 66.405(1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." Section 66.405(1) reads: The changing of the display surface on a painted or printed � sign only. However this exception shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on-site changes involving sign painting elsewhere than directly on a building. Ms. Lane used a Zoning Code provision, allowing the replacement of an advertising poster, to allow the replacement of � advertising poster panels. This is not a casual mistake. To confuse posters and poster panels is to confuse paint and the painting surface, a sign and a sign face, a bulletin and a bulletin board, or chalk and a blackboard. Ms. Lane went to extraordinary lengths to accommodate Universal outdoor. A Word On Property Riahts The Zoning Code specifically disallows vestinq oP property rights with any billboard company or any billboard property owner. Neither the billboard company, nor the property owner, has any � 5 lri `C9 -�05\ � right to the continuation of any billboard use under the Zoning Code. See § 66.411. On the other hand, area residents do have vested property rights. The residential property owners have a right to quiet enjoyment of their properties. The replacement of the subject billboards has interfered with area residential property rights. See Chambers letter attached. Relief Appellants ask the City Council to declare the two subject billboards nuisances per se pursuant to Zoning Code §66.413 and order their immediate removal. Further, appellants ask the City Council to order the return of $300.00 in filing fees to appellants.' � L �r-- - �-���.� Brian Bates for: Scenic Minnesota Highland Area Community Council J. Rogers Chambers � Appellants are aware that the issue of reimbursement of filing fees has recently been before the Council. The Council riqhtly declined to allow special rules for neighborhood or non- profit groups. However, appellants now suggest the return of the filing fees (no attorney fees) in any case where the appellant prevails or substantially prevails on appeal. In this case, appellants' filing fees were necessitated by LIEP's error in judgment and the Planninq Commission's failure to correct the error. Appellants suggest it is unfair that private moneys be expended to en£orce the Zoning Code where public � employees and officials have failed to do so. 6 � � August 5, 1998 St. Paul Zoning Committee 25 West 4"' Street 1100 City Hall Annex St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 ATTN: Mr. larry Soderholm Va Fax#651/228-3314 , Dear Mr. Soderholm: This letter is in support o# Scenic Minnesota's appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding the rebuilding of biAboards at the southwest corrier of Grand and Fairview (1820 Grand Ave.} after they were damaged in the recent wind storms. From the back of our home at 1834 Summit Avenue we can see the billboards and consider them unsightly_ They are a very unpleasant aspect of fhe view from the house, and they block a piece of sky we have a right to see. As property owners in the neighborhoai, we were led to believe that if ever these biilboards were destroyed by natural causes, they would not be replaced. After the damage to them in May, we thought that we would not see the biliboards any longer. We were very surprised, and much disappointed, to see them rebuilt. We urge the Zoning Committee to grant Scenic Minnesota's appeal and reverse the Administrator's decision aliowing the rebuilding of the biliboards. This form of advertising is a bfight on the urban landscape and our neighbor wiil oniy be improved by their removal. We hope that you wi;l agree with our viewpoint, grant the appeai, and adhere to the zoning code resfrictions as they current{y stand, disaliowing the billboards. We do not need this type of adve �" in our neighborhood. i Sincerel � ��7 /n �� J-Rogers Chambers Shawn �. Chambers 1834 Summit Avenue , , 'h` ��+1ri � i � � `�q - �o �� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-_ date Au 14 1998 WHEREAS, SCENIC MIi� file � 98-154, has filed an appeal, under the provisions of Section 66300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the Zoning Administrator's decision re�azding advertising si�ns damaged in a storm on May 30, 1998; and loca[ed at 1820 Grand Avenue, the Highland Village Shopping Center, which is on the south side of Ford Pazkway between Kenneth Street and Cleveland Avenue, and at 1142, 1184, and 1209 �V. Seventh Street (legal descriptions on file); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on August 6, 1998, held a public heazin� at which all persons present w�ere given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following � findings of fact: 1. A major �vind storm hit the Twin Cities on May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of dama�e to homes, trees, and power lines, and also to some billboards. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of damaged billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller Media, Inc. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller Media that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged billboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the middle billboazd structure at Highland Village had not received structural damage; just the signs and poster panels, which provided the backing for the signs, had blown down. Replacing poster panels does not, as a matter of standard City practice dating back many years, require a building permit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to replace the poster panels on those two signs. Ms. Lane's letter said that the other four billboazd locations--one at Highland Village Shopping Center and three on W. Seventh Street--were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information about the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sign. One of the tests in the Zoning Code for the repair of nonconformin� signs that have been dama�ed is that the renovation costs aze less than 51 moved by Field � seconded by in favor 10 (Field abstained) against �i percent of the replacement cost. 2. All of the billboazds in question are owned by Eller Media, Inc. (formerly Naegele and then Universal), which is a national biilboazd company. All of the biilboazds aze in B-2 (Community Business) zoning districts, where advertising signs aze permitted if they meet certain size and spacing requirements unless an overlay speciat sign district imposes stricter regulations. None of the billboazds in question are conformin�; they aze all legal nonconforming signs for one reason or another. The Grand Avenue and Highland Village signs are in Special Sign Districts adopted in the 1980s where billboards are prohibited. The W. Seventh Street bi116oards aze in an interim Special Sign District approved by the City Council earlier this yeaz, where new construction and modification of billboards aze prohibited until new advertising sign regulations aze adopted by the City Council. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16, 1998, appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allow replacement of the poster panels at two locations (1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboazds on the Highland Village Shoppin� Center), and her request for cost estimates from Eller in relation to the 51 percent test as a basis for future decisions about whether the other billboazds will be permitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific arguments. � 4. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising signs, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66302), which � is specifically about advertising signs. The city staff from LIEP, PED, and the City Attomey's Office have conferred and agree that nonconforming billboards aze regulated by both sections and by applicable special sign districts; in the event of any appazent inconsistency, whichever contains the most specific provisipns controls. However, the Zoning Administrator's letter contained only a request for information, not a decision about how the renovation cost information would be used. Therefore, since no decision has been made, an appeal of this issue is premature. 5. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test were to apply, it should apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. Based on the definitions for "si�n" and "sign structure" in the code (66.121), this appeal has some merit. But different terms aze used in the paragraph on exemptions from getting building permits (66.405), which refers to "display surface" and "poster replacemenP'. The latter terms are not defined in the code and, being subject to interpretation, aze a responsibility of the Zoning Administrator. The City Council is expected to amendment advertising sign reQulaTions later this year and will receive comments from the Planniug Commission before doing so. Code amendments would be a better way to clarify how sign faces should be considered than trying to reach a decision through an appeals process. 6. Scenic Minnesota's third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or reptacement of sign faces should requirQ a sign (building) permit. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels), LIEP treated Eller Media the same as tYiey have treated all � billboard companies. For many years the Zoning AdminisYrator has interpreted 66.405 to IG �9 - Loq � � allow poster panel replacement without a sign permit. Poster panels come in kits of interlocking strips of galvanized sheet metal, w�hich are assembled on site and typically cost less than 20 percent of the construction cost of a billboazd. For the set of billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards on Highland Village Shopping Center, LIEP inspectors determined that no structural damage had occurred. Ms. Lane's letter of June 10, 1998, is cleazly consistent with established practice; any other decision would have been discriminatory. 7. The fifth specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that the W. Seventh billboards cannot be replaced or renovated at this time because of the interim Special Sign District for the W. Seventh neighborhood. In February 1998, the City Councii adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by writing a letter. In early July, the � City Council held a public hearing and approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that applied. The West Seventh Federation applied on April 6, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. As with the 51 percent test, the Zoning Administrator has nbt rendered a decision about whether or not the W. Seventh billboards can be renovated, and an appeal is premature. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow the replacement of the sign faces without sign permits for the billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and for the middle set of billboazds at Highland Village Shopping Center is hereby denied; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission renders no decision on this appeal as regards the eastem set of billboards at Highland Village Shopping Center or the billboazds on W. Seventh Street; since LIEP has only asked for information from Eller Media on these storm-damaged billboards and has not yet made decisions on whether they can be renovated, appeals about them are premature. . N Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center ���� ,{� 15 Kellogg Boulevard West d �(�� '' � . w��h �� � A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, August 14, 1998, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Engh, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and Messrs. Field, Johnson, Kramer, Mazdell, Mazgulies, and Nowlin. Mmes. *Duarte, *Faricy and *Geisser and Messrs. *Chavez, Gervais, *Gordon, Kong, McDonell, Sharpe, and Vaught. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Acting Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Domma Drummond, Martha Faust, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton announced that all the applications for Liveable Communities Demonstration are in and Saint Paul has rivo: 1) Lowertown: Urban Livability and Technology; and 2} Main street on Payne: Renewed Urban Village II. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm announced that Ken Ford is on vacation. Mr. Soderholm also announced that the Mayor's Office is taking applications for Planning Commission members. The contact person is Deborah Wiley in the City Clerk's Office at 266- 8695. There has been a request for a small area plan for the Irvine Avenue area from the CapitalRiver Council (downtown). It will be put on PED's work program for 1999 unless there is a development crisis which necessitates immediate action. There has also been a request from the Summit Avenue Residential Preservation Association (SARPA) for updating the Summit Avenue plan done in 1986. He announced a seminar coming up on housing. It is scheduled for Friday, September 18, 1998. "Building Inclusive Communities" is being presented by the Minnesota Fair Housing Centers. Mr. Soderholm circulated Yhe brochure. Mr. Soderholm referred to the current issue of Land Patterns, a publication of the 1000 Friends . i � �� `�� - t�q\ � 20 square feet to allow for a 50 square foot sign (30 squaze feet is code); variance of 11 feet to allow for a 7'6" high sign 10 feet from property line (21 foot setback is required) along Arcade Street (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested sign variance to a11ow for a 50 sq.ft sign in an area mhere 30 sq.ft was permitted; a setback variance to allow for 7' 6" high sign 10 feet from t1:e property line at 669 Arcade Street which carried unanimously on a voice vote. — #98-154 Scenic Minnesota - Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding vazious advertising signs damaged in recent storms located at 1142 West Seventh Street, 1184 West Seventh Street, 1209 West Seventh Street, the southeast comer of Ford Pazkway and South Cleveland, the southwest corner of Ford Parkway and Kenneth Street, and 1820 Grand Avenue (Larry Soderholm, 266-6575). Commissioner Field explained that the staff repor[ determined that there were only two signs for which the appeat could be made because the Zoning Administrator had not made decisions on the other signs. Mr. Soderholm agreed with Commissioner Field's explanation. He went on to say that the Zoning Administrator, Wendy Lane, wrote to Eller Media, Inc. indicating that on rivo of the damaged billboards there was no structural damage to the structure holding up the board, and therefore, the sign panels could be replaced and the signs put back into service. With regard to four other locations, she asked for more information about the extent of the structural damage. Then Scenic Minnesota appealed Ms. Lane's letter. The City Attorney � advised the Zoning Committee that they should act only on the two cases where a final decision had been made, not on the matters where Ms. Lane had simpty asked the company for more information. The rivo locations of the appeal are 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards on the roof of the Aighland Village Shopping Center. Discussion to clarify followed. MOTION Commissioner Field moved denial of this appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising signs that were damaged in recent storms located at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards at the Highland Village Shopping Center which carried on a voice vote (Field abstaining). �--- #98-163 Twin Citv Townhomes. Inc. - Special condition use permit to allow a cluster development of 30 townhouse units south oFthe West Cottage Avenue cul-de-sac beriveen Wheelock Parkway and Westem Avenue (Donna Drummond, 266-6556). MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested special condition use permit, with conditions, to allow a cluster development of 30 townhouse units sauth of the West Cottage Avenue cu[-de-sac between A'heelock Parkway and Western Avenue. Commissioner Johnson asked Commissioner Field about the nature of the opposing testimony. Commissioner Field responded that he thought it was the mass of the structuces related to the size of the site. He also thought folks preferred to maintain the natural setting and green space � for their enjoymennt. ,� i� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 6, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: ABSENT: OTNERS PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, and Wencl Chavez, Gordon, Vaught Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm, Allan Torstenson, and Jim Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. SCENIC MN - Zoning File 98-154 - Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision regarding various advertising signs damaged in recent storms. Larry Soderholm, PED, said that he received telephone cails from the West Seventh/Fort Road Federation and the Highland Area Community Council requesting to join this appeal as co- appellants. Mr. Soderholm also received a fax from Scenic MN stating that any district councils that would like to join in the appeai may do so. Mr. Soderhoim expfained that six bi(Iboard locafions are discussed in fhis case. Two of the billboards did not have structural damage, except that the sign face panels blew away. Four of the billboards had structural damage to the framing that hoids the sign face up. The city has not in the past required sign permits for the replacement of sign face panels. Wendy Lane of LIEP sent a letter to the billboard company, Eller Media, Inc., teiling them they could replace the sign panels on the two billboards, but that they wouid need to submit more information about the extent of the damage and get sign permits in order to repair the four biilboards with structural damage. Ms. Lane's letter said that the decision about the two billboards was subject to appeal. Scenic MN submitted an appeal regarding the two billboards and also regarding how the code is interpreted for structurally damaged biilboards. The staff report as mailed responds to aU of Scenic MN's specific questions. However, the staff from LIEP, PED, and the City Attorney's Office have discussed the case since the staff report was written, and agree that the only actual decision made by the Zoning Administrator was regarding the replacement of the sign face panels without requiring sign permits. Mr. Soderholm then gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. He stated staff is recommending the appeal be denied. in response to Commissioner Kramer's questions, Mr. Soderholm explained why the various signs are legal nonconforming signs--special sign districts, size of sign, height of sig�, etc. Upon questions of Commissioner Wencl, Mr. Soderholm confirmed that only the two signs where the sign panels were replaced without permits should be decided at today's hearing. Mr. Warner stated that no decision has been reach yet by the Zoning Administrator on the structurally damaged billboards so there is no decision to appeal from. When LIEP receives the additional information needed from the sign companies, the Zoning Administrator will make a determination. Ms. Lane ��( � � � aq_�a�l Zoning committee Minutes Meeting of August 6, 1998 � Scenic MN (98-154) Page Two stated they need the information before making any determination. At that time, either side may file an appeal. However, in the meantime the sign company should not be doing any work on those signs, other than the freestanding sign on West Seventh where metal overhanging the public sidewalk caused a public hazard and should be removed. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Mr. Soderholm stated that acts of nature are covered in the zoning code and are not exceptions to the written code. If any type of nonconforming sign is more than 51 percent destroyed, it cannot be replaced in its nonconforming position. Additional restrictions apply to the renovation or replacement of advertising signs as opposed to on-premise business signs. Responding to Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Lane explained that new signs cannot be built on tops of buildings except that existing rooftop signs can be replaced on the same lot if other condit'tons are met and they can be built on another lot using billboard credits, again if other conditions are met. Ms. Lane repeated that, regarding the signs on West Seventh, a decision hasn't been made yet. Brian Bates, Executive Director of Scenic MN, stated that this appeal is about whether all of the provisions in the code about nonconforming biliboard replacement are being followed; it is not just about city permits. He also challenged the claim that LIEP never requires a permit for sign face replacement. He understands that a sign face was recently done on University Avenue which required a permit. Mr. Bates corrected Mr. Soderholm's staff report on which of the three biliboards . at Highland Viliage are being appealed. It is the eastern two boards at Highland, not the western board. The middle board is the one on which new sign faces have already been installed. He suggested that the sign on Grand and Fairview be measured, that it appears to be too high. The middle set of biilboards in Highland appear to spread wider than the 35 degree angle allowed. Mr. Bates stated that these two billboards, which are the subject of today's hearing, were renovated and they should not have been because they are in special sign distric�s that prohibit billboards. And if Eller Media was allowed by the city to repair storm damage, they should have been required at the same time to bring the boards into conformance with the code standards for height and angle. Gail Summers the community organizerforthe Highland Area Community Council spoke regarding the signs covered by the Highland Village Special Sign District. Her office is in the Highiand Village Shopping Center so she sees what is being done there. She stated that the sign with structural damage had been worked on at least three times since the storm, and at least twice with welding equipment. She suspects that tf�e sign structure is being repaired without the required city permit. The position of the Highland Business Associaiion and the Highfand Area Community Council is that they want the Highiand Sign Plan adhered to. The damaged signs shouid come down. Marvin Liszt, attorney for Eller Media lnc., appeared. Mr. Liszt objected that the Zoning Committee is hearing an appeal by a statewide nonprofit organization. He stated that Section 66.408 of the code indicates that persons affected by the decision of the Zoning Administrator may appeal. Scenic MN certainly has a right to appear at this hearing, but they don't have standing to appeal. Persons actually affected by the decision would be the lessor, lessee, the mortgagee, and so forth. Regarding the two signs in question, the cost to repair these is negligible. It is far less than 51 percent of the replacement cost, with the cost to repair being approximately two thousand dollars � versus twelve thousand to replace each of the signs. Regarding Section 66.301 of the Zoning Code, Mr. Liszt emphasized that the two signs involved are legal nonconforming signs. Legal signs have a right to remain. i� Zoning Committee Minutes Meeting of August 6, 1998 Scenic MN (98-154) Page Three Howard Stacher, owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center appeared in opposition to Scenic MN's appeal. He stated that he has a long-term relationship with Eller Media and he believes that they have a right to repair the sign. If they are not allowed to do so, it will mean taking a valuable property right away from him. Thomas J. Klees, Director of Operations, Eller Media lnc., 3225 Spring Street NE appeared, stating that he had inspected the signs involved. He said sign panels can last for different periods of time depending on the climate. In Minnesota, where there is no sait in the air, the galvanized panels last a long time, up to twenty years. Replacement of panels is more frequent near the coasts. Mr. Bates came forward for rebuttal and stated that, according to the code, there are no vested property rights in any billboard in the city. There are, however, vested property rights in surrou�ding residential properties. He stated that the residential properties are impacted by these biliboards. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved denial of the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow sign face replacements at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboard on the roof of the Highland Village Shopping Center. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Faricy. Commissioner Kramer spoke in opposition. There was no further discussion, and the vote was called on the motion to deny the appeal. Adopted: Yeas - 3 Nays - 1(Commissioner Kramer) Commissioner Fieid stated that he abstained from voting on this item because he represents a partnership that owns commercial property elsewhere and has a lease with Eller Media. Drafted by: Geri Boyd Recording Secretary Submitted by: Team Approved / Litton Field Chair , � � � (V �q - ta� ` � 2. FILE # 98-154 APPLICANT: SCENIC MINNESOTA DATE OF HEARING: 8/6/98 ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT CLASSIFICATION: Administrative Appeal LOCATION: Various locations of storm-damaged billboazds (1142, 1184, and 1209 W. Seventh St., Highland Village Shopping Center at the southeast corner of Ford Parkway and Cleveland Ave., and 1820 Grand Ave.) 4. 5. 6. 7. � 8. � PLANNING DISTRICTS: 9, 14, and 15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at PED PRESENT ZONING: All signs are in B-2 districts ZONING CODE REFERENCES: 66.408, 66.301, 66302(a)(1), 66.404, and 66.405(i) STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/25/98 BY: Larry Soderholm 9. DATE RECEIVED: 06/16/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 8/15/98 NOTE ADDED 9/30/98 FOR CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING At the Zoning Committee meeting on 8/6/98, the staff recommendations in this staff report were revised orally. After consultation with the City Attorney's Office, PED staff concluded that only two of the six billboard locations in question were ripe for action. In the other four cases, the Zoning Administrator had requested information from the billboard company but had not made appealable decisions on whether any of the billboards could be repaired or reconstructed. In the two "live" cases PED staff recommended denial of the appeal because replacement of sign face panels without building permits was consistent with LIEP's past practice and past interpretation of an ambiguous paragraph in the code. The ambiguity should be addressed through zoning text amendments in the current advertising sign study initiated by the City Council. Ij A. PURPOSE: Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising signs � damaged in recent storms. B. EXISTING LAND USE: All the billboazds in question are in neighborhood commercial azeas. At five locations the billboazds are on rooftops. One of the W. Seventh St. billboards is freestanding. C. SURROUNDING LAND USE: All of the billboazds in question are in neighborhood commercial areas. At 1820 Grand Ave., which is at the southwest corner of Fairview on top of the Subway sandwich shop, the surrounding uses are commercial with single- family residential across the alley to the south. At Highland Shopping Center, the surrounding land uses are predominantly commercial with a church and pazochial school on the next block to the south and a public playground on the block to the east. On W. Seventh Street, the billboards in question are all within a standard city block (660') of one another along a mixed use strip where there aze duplexes, apartments, a church, commercial-residential mixed use buildings and businesses. Just off W. Seventh St. the neighborhood is made up of single-family and duplex structures. D. ZONING CODE CITATION: E. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: All of the billboazds in question are owned by Eller Qutdoor � Advertising (formerly Naegele and then Universal), which is a national billboard company and the one that has the most signs in Minnesota. A major wind storm hit the Twin Cities on the Saturday night of May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of damage to homes and trees and power lines, and also to some billboazds. The day following the storms, Eller sent emergency crews out to clean up debris and stabilize any billboazd structures that might represent a hazazd. Apart from securing signs, the crews did no repair work on them. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of damaged billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged biilboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the southeast comer of Ford Parkway and S. Cleveland Ave. had not received structural damage. The sign and poster panels that provide the backing for the sign had blown down. Replacing poster panels does not, as a matter of standazd City practice, require a building permit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to repiace the poster panels on those two signs. Ms. Lane's letter said the other four locations were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information about the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sib . In the Zoning Code, the standard test for the repair of nonconforming signs that aze damaged is that the sign can be repaired if the damaged is � 2 t v. �`� -��� � � less than 51 percent of its replacement cost. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16 appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allow replacement of the poster panels at two locations, and her use of the 51 percent test as the basis for future decisions about whether the other billboazds will be permitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific azguments. This staff report addresses each of the specifics. F. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: PED staff has not received district council recommendations at the time the staff report was written. G. FINDINGS: 1. All of the billboards in question aze nonconforming for one reason or another. At 1820 Grand, the sign is in the Grand Ave. special sign district, which was approved by the City Council in 1983 and prohibits any new billboazds. The billboazds in Highland Village are in the Highland Village special sign district, was approved by the City Council in 1985 and prohibits any new billboazds as well as setting a goal of removing all existing billboazds by 1995. The billboards on W. Seventh St. aze in an interim special sign district, created earlier in 1998 at the request of the W. Seventh Federation, while the City Council reviews and revises advertising sign regulations; the interim district also � prohibits additional advertising signs and "the replacement of any damaged advertising signs." All of the billboazds in question are too closely spaced along the street except 1209 W. Seventh. The billboazd at 1184 W. Seventh appears to be too high. The billboard at 1209 W. Seventh, which has three faces, is too big. 2. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising signs, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66302), which is specifically about advertising signs. A. At the beginning of the Zoning Code, there is a section on "Construction of Language" (60.102). The first rule is that "the particular shall control the general." Thus, to the extent there aze discrepancies between 66301, which is about all types of signs, and 66302, which is exclusively about advertising signs, the City should follow the regulations in 66302. B. Section 66.302(1) says that a nonconforming billboazds may be "renovated" if it is in a zoning district where billboards are permitted. Cleazly billboazds aze not permitted on Grand Avenue or in Highland Village. For at least an interim period, they are not allowed on W. Seventh St. either. s �� C. A dictionary definition of renovate is "to restore to an earlier condition, to improve by repairing..." (American Heritage Dictionary). A higher level of sign repair would be reconstruction, which is not permitted if damage exceeds 51 percent of the replacement cost. It is reasonable to suppose there is a lower levei of sign repair than renovation--say, minor repairs or routine mainYenance—but these terms aze not found explicitly in the Zoning Code on signs. PED Staff Recommendation: The billboazds in question should not be renovated. The 51 percent test is not the proper test for damaged billboazds. Anything beyond "minor repairs" should meet the standards in 66302. 3. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test were to apply, it should apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. A. Billboazds aze made several standazd components and it is helpful to identify them in relationship to "sign face." At the bottom is the "footing" or the rooftop sign "pad." Next is the "upper structure" that carries and supports the sign. Bolted to the upper structure is the "sign face," also referred to as the "poster panel", which is the flat backing on which paper messages can be glued or vinyl messages can be tied. Surrounding the sign face, many billboazds have a"frame", which is like a large picture frame. The poster panel is made of light-gauge sheet metal. Although the poster panel and the frame aze the obvious parts of the billboazd to the viewer, they are not neazly as expensive as the footing and the upper structure. C. The Zoning Code has definitions only for "sign" and "sign shucture" (66.121), as follows: , Sign. "The use of words, numerals, figures, devices, designs, or trademazks the purpose of which is to show or advertise a person, firm, profession, business, product or message." Sign structure. "Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign as defined in this chapter. A sign shucture may be a single pole; it may not be an integral part of a building" Choosing beriveen these defirutions, the sign face of a billboazd would be part of the sign structure and the paper or vinyl message would be the actual sign. � PED Staff Recommendation: The sign face should be considered as part of the sign structure. Scenic Minnesota's third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or replacement of sign faces should require a sign permit. 0 � � J � � a� -�o�\ � A. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels) LIEP treated Eller Outdoor the same as they have treated all billboazd companies. LIEP interprets 66.405 to allow poster panel replacement without a sign permit. This is practical because the replacement of poster panels after a certain number of years is routine upkeep. B. But 66.405 grants exemption from permits to "the changing of the display surface on a painted or printed sign only. However, this exemption shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on-site changes involving sign painting elsewhere than directly on a building." The reference is to posters, which probably means the paper or vinyl with the printed or painted message, not the poster panel, which is part of the sign structure. PED Staff Recommendation: The City should require a sign permit for the replacement of poster panels. While the replacement of poster panels may be routine for conforming signs, it should not be routine for nonconforming ones. 6. Scenic Minnesota's fifth specific appeal is that the W. Seventh billboazds cannot be replaced or renovated during the interim special sign district. A. In February 1998, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to � the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by writing a letter. Tn eazly July, the City Council held a public heazing an approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that appiied. The West Seventh Federation applied on Apri16, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. B. The Federation's letter applies to prohibit "modification of existing signs or the replacement of any damaged signs." This may leave a question as to what level of repair may be permitted. The freestanding billboard at 1142 W. Seventh has twisted and failing upright posts which are weakly anchored in substandard footings. The poster panel is gone. The billboard on top of Bill's "I'V had two faces; since the storm part of the sign structure was removed so that it is now single-sided, and the single face has no poster panels. The triple-faced billboard at 1209 W. Seventh, which is on top of Big Wheel Rossi, is missing most of its poster panels. � PED Staff Recommendation: There is an interim speciat sign district in effect in the W. 5 v� Seventh azea, but the application to prohibit the replacement of damaaed signs requires � interpretation. The freestanding billboard at 1142 W. Seventh seems to require replacement, which shouId be prohibited. The City's structural engineer says that Eller's repair cost estimates aze too low. The missing sign structure for the second (west-facing) billboard at 1184 W. Seventh should not be replaced. The others aze missing poster panels. Attachments: Appeal and attached letters Wendy Lane letter to Chris McCarver, 6/10/98 Information submitted by Eller Media Company Letter of 7/1/98 to Eiler from City Structural Engineer Frank Berg Letter received 4/6/98 from the W. Seventh Federation requesting special sign district \�PID�SY52\SFiARID\SODERHOL�ZONLYG\98I54.WPD 6 � � �,v �q_��� s i APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departmerrt oJPlarrtei�:g and Eco�von:ie Develapment Zonii:g Sectio�: II00 Cin' Hal1 Anner 25 {1 est FourtJr Street Saint Paul, hi�' S5102 166-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION Nam2 Sc'cn.�. ��)�on� Address � � �� �F hn � f'1�`t City �( .(�1�-.L St.ljln Zip SS/vSDaytime phone �y� Zoning File Na Address/Locati zan�ng rn�i�e use on€y Fi(e no. — � Fse �' F � �� (3't�- � Te�tativ= heari� date: _ c V� � TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeai to�e: � - 6oard of Zoning Appeals � City Council (L����� �� c�1m�55: � ; t und>r tne provisions of Chapter�4, Section �C J , Paragraph � of the Zoning Code, to appeal a de isio? ma by thz �� Z�7+n L- /-�d�riv�� 5,-�z,3'��f2- on �� ��' I/ J , 19 File number: (Cate of decisio GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit. d=cision or refusal made by an administrative o`icial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. � C' f: f-�7'Tl}��� �r � A[tach additional sheet if necessary) Applicant's signatu ;� � � ��7� City ac c:�<zi3S C " . OU ��1��9:1 OJjiCers: John Mannifto Jeanne Weigum Michael Paymar Ruby Hunt June 26, 1998 Chair Gladas Morton Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Storm-Damaged Billboards. Dear Commissioner: Esecultue Ofrector 6rian 8ates 1985 Grand Aveni Saint Paui, Mf( 55t0 6l2 690-967I Pursuant to Zoning Code §66.408, Scenic Minnesota hereby appeals the decisions contained in the June l0, 1998 letter from Saint Paul Department of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection Zoning bianager Ms. Wendy Lane to Mr. Chris McCarver of Universal outdoor, Inc. (attached). Specifically: (1) we appeal the decision that Zoning Code § 66.301(2) applies to. the damaged billboards. We rely on §66.302 for this position, (2) We appeal the decision that if g66.301(2) were to apply, that it only applies to the sign structure and not the sign face. We rely on §66.301(2)("such sign or sign structure"). (3) We appeal the decision that the sign £aces may be replaced without a permit. We rely on §66.404 {"A�pplications for sign and/or sign structure permits ..."). (4) We appeal the decision that replacing the sign face without a permit is allowed by §66.405(1). We rely on §§66.404 and 66.405(1). (5) We appeal the decision that the West Seventh billboards nay be replaced or renovated at this time. We rely on Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amended and the West Seventh/Fort Road Federation application £or a special sign district. By reference, I include my memorandums of June 2 and June 3, 1998 to Jane Prince and Wendy Lane, ny letters of June 4 and June 11, 1998 to Ms. Wendy Lane, and my letter o£ June 12, 1998 to Dir. Robert Kessler. This appeal is accompanied by a check for the appropriate fee as determined by the Planninq Commission. Regard� �_ , ' �,_� i5-� Brian Bates cc: Chris McCarver, Robert Kessler, Wendy Lane, Be'tty Moran, Gayle Summers, Kathie Tarnowski, Jane Prince, Dan Smith, Gerry McInerney. �71 SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA � � 7� �tq - �og� � CITY OF SAItiT PAUL Sonn Coltm.Jr.. 31a}'or June 10, 1998 Chris blcCarver tiniversal Outdoor, Inc. 322� Sprin� S[. N.E. hlinneapolis, MN 5�413 Re: Storm Damaeed Siens Dear b1r. McCarver: OFFICE OF LICE�SE, t\SPECTIO�S A`D E>:VIR6\�SE`TAL PROT[CTI6� Rnbrrt f."rsslrr. D��rctar LOtiRY" PROFESSIO.�:aL BL7LDL�"G Sir.'tr 300 3i0St PetzrStrzrt SaiutPau{dLmtasotc 5=l0?-fiA% Tzlzphor.t 6:1-?h5-9,s. Fc:simi(e' 611-?h6-9'��i 61?-'6h-7!�' � John Hard�ti�ick and Dave Ken}�on from this office accompanied you las� Friday in the inspection of the CTniversal advertisins sians that �cere clamaged from th� storm last wzzk. They determined that the sians at 1142 �V. 7th St., 1184 W. 7th S[., 1209 W. 7�h St. and at the southwest corner of Ford Pkwy. and Kenneth St. sustained structural damaQz. Thz repair of these siens will require a pzrmit. Before a permit can be issued, please submit s[ructural plans for each si�n structure. In addition, you ��'ill need to shoce• ho�c the repair is in compliance with Section 66.301(2) of the Saint Paul LeQisla[i�'z Code, �chich reeulates nonconformina si�ns as foliows: Shoutd such siQn or sisn structurz bz destro}ed by an}� means to an� eztent of more than fifr}�-one (� I) percent of its replacement cost, it shatl not be reconstructed excepi in conforn �cith th� provisicas of this cha�:�r. � Piease submit detaii�d information about the repair cost and the replacement cost of each sien structure. The roof mounted signs a[ 1520 Grand Ave. and at the southeast corner of Ford Pkwy. and S. Cles•eland A�'e. were missinQ the poster panels but did not sustain an}• visible s�ruccural damaoe. The replacemen� of poster panels is pzrmitted �ei�hou[ a permit, pursuan� tu Section 66.40�(1) of the Sain[ Pau1 Leoislative Code. Ho�+e�'er, sian structure_ �vithout a displa}� surface area arz considered "unsightly'� a�d must be reposted or the sian struc[ure removed within 1� days accordin� to Section 66.201(3). Please take ac[ion to repost them ��'ithin the time specified. An} pzrson affected by the decision in the preceeding para�raph may appeal this decision / 2� Chris McCarver June 10, 1998 Pa�e 2 to the plannin� commission w�ithin thir[y calendar days of toda}�'s date, accordin� to Section 66.403(a). There is a filin� fee for such appzal; $22� for sinole fami!}' or duples appellants, 5300 for mult-family appeltants and �350 for commercial, industrial or institutional appellants. Please contact me if } ou have any questions regardin� this matter. Sincerz(}�, ����� �i-�—�_ �Vend}� L e Zonino Mana�er 266-9031 � c: Bett}' Moran, �l'est Se�•enth/Fort Road Federation, Districct 9 Gay 1e Summers, Hiahland Area Communitc• Council, District 1� � Kathie Tamo«'ski, Macalester Groveland Communi[y Council, District 14 �Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota Dan Smith, Councilmember Harris' Office Larry Soderholm, PED Robert Kessler, Director John Hardwick, ZoninQ Specia[ist . �� OjJlcers: � John Mannillo Jeanne Weigum Michaet Paymar Ruby Hun[ June 4, 1998 Ms. Wendy Lane Zoning Manager LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Billboards. Dear Wendy: �q-���` EFeCt<UVe D1rec[or 8rian Ba[es 1985 Grand Avenu� Saint Paul, Mi( 55I OS 612 690-967! Thanks for the heads-up about the anticipated permit requests. As I have said, any non-conforming billboard located in a district in which billboards are not a permitted use, cannot be renovated. Zoning Code g 66.302(a)(1). All the damaged billboards are non-conforming and located in � districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. Billboards are not a permitted use in Highland and on Gzand due to the long- standing provisions in those special sign districts which state explicitly that billboards are not permitted in the district.� The West 7th boards cannot be repaired at this time because of the provision in the request for a temporary� sign district which disallows repairs to boards in that community council district. I ask that I and the respective community councils be made aware of any developments, industry arguments, or department decisions in this natter. I ask that we be allowed an opportunity to respond to industry arguments. Please also advise what appeal procedures we may use if LIEP decides to issue the permits. Regards, � C ��:.r-- Brian Bates ps. What's up with the Business Review Council Letterhead? cc: Jane Prince � ' This language is in the text of the special district sign plans which is incorporated by reference into the zoning code. �_^ r :�. s , : _.; { < SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA �✓� O(Ticcrs: John Mannillo Jeanne Weigum Michael Paymar Ruby tiunt � SCEIYIC MIlY1YESOTA June 11, 1998 Ms. Wendy Lane LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minneso�a 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Signs Dear Wendy: EseCUttoc Dlrector Brian Ba;es 1985 a�and Ave� Saint Paul, M^f 55 612 690-96� This is in response to your letter of June 10, 1998 to Mr. McCarver of Universal outdoor, Inc. As I have stated in past memorandums and letters on this subject, specifically the memorandum dated June 3, 1998 and the letter dated June 4, 1998, the first consideration for the reolacement or renovation of any damaged billboard is whether the billboard is a permitted use in the zoning district in which it is located. See Zoning Code § 66.302(a)(1). This provision specifically includes restrictions in "a special sign district� approved by the city council." Section 66.216(b) allows special sign districts to have more restrictive provision5 tha� Chapter 66. Both Grand Avenue and Highland have�special sign districts approved by the City Council which specifically include the statement that billh,oards are not permitted. The West Seventh/Fort Road Federation has recently applied for a special sign district pursuant to Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amended. The Federation's application specifically states that damaged billboards shall not be repaired. The billboards in Highland and on Grand cannot be "replaced or renovated" because they are not a permitted use. Your letter of June 10, 1998 not only allows the replacement and renovation of one of the billboards in Highland and the billboard on Grand but seems to encouraqe the replacement within 15 days. You allow and encourage activity which seems to conflict with the zoning code. Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amehded, includes the provision that any permits issued for the modification of any existing billboard, a£ter a Community Council applies for a special sign district and an objection thereto has been received by the Director of LIEP shall be conditional. No permittee shall engage in any construction, installation or work after an objection i� lodged. Any construction, installation or work shall no thereafter commence if the prohibitions contained in the special c �� qR - l�R\ � Ms. Lane June 11, 1998 Page 2. sign district application become e£fective as provided. one of the provisions in the Federation's special sign district application is that damaged billboards not be repaired. Your letter of June l0, 1998 avoids both any discussion of g66.302(a)(1) or the e££ect of the Federation's application for a special sign district despite the fact I have raised these issues in previous writings. Be aware that Scenic Minnesota and/or the respective community councils will appeal the decisions contained in your letter o£ June 10, 1998. Your office, and the City of Saint Paul, assumes responsibility for any actions taken, and construction expenses incurred, which result £rom a decision by your office which violates the provisions of the zoning code. I suggest that your office disaliow any repair, renovation, or work on any of the damaged billboards �ntil this matter if finally resolved through the appeal process. Regards, � � � `� i � Brian Bates cc: Chris McCarver, Universal outdoor, Inc+ Jane Prince Dan Smith Betty Moran Gayle Summers Kathie Tarnowski Larry Soderholm Robert Kessler John Hardwick � ��1 OJj7cers: John Manniilo Jeanne K'eiyum Michael Paymar ftuby tlim[ June 12, 1998 Mr. Robert Kessler LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Billboards. Dear Mr. Kessler: � E.secaLtuc Dlrec[or 6rian Brtes 1985 Grand Aven Saint Paul. Mil 55 6f2 690-9h� I write to express concern over your department�s recent decisions to allow the replacement of certain billboard "poster panels" and to apply the 51% damage rule to other billboard structures. These decisions coupled with pro-industry decisions ir. the past seriously undermine the credibility of your department as the, supposedly, impartial interpreter and enforcer of the zoning code. While the zoning code is somewhat convoluted, it is decipherable_ Section 66.301 pertains to all nonconforming signs, including nonconforming advertising signs. Whereas, section 66.302 is an exception to section 66.301 and pertains specifically to any nonconforming advertising sign existinq as of the date of this section (February 2, 1988] which is located in a zoning district which does not permit advertising signs or which does not conforr� to the size height and/or spacing requirements of this chapter." Whenever a nonconforming advertising sign, existing in 1988, is "replaced, relocated or renovated" for any reason that action must comply with the provisions of §66.302. There is no requirement in secti�on 66.302 that a certain degree of damage occur before that section applies. The billboards on Grand and in Highland are nonconforming both because of spacing requirements and because they are in zoning districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. (The Highland and Grand special sign districts declaring billboards not pernitted were enacted in 1985.) These billboards existed in 1988. Therefore any replacement, relocation, or renovation of the billboards on Grand cr in Highland nust comply with §66.302. Whether the non-conforming billboards are to be "replaced, relocated, or renovated" on the same or different zoning 2ot, th first consideration oP §66.302 is that the zoning lot be within a zoning district "in which advertising signs are a permitted use. � SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA � �tq - ��`� \ . Mr. Kessler June 12, 1998 Page 2. See §§66.302(a)(1) �and (b)(1). BilZboards located in zoning districts in which billboards are not a permitted use cannot be replaced or renovated. Such billboards can onZy be relocated in a zoning district in which billboards are a permitted use. The Grand and Highland billboards cannot be replaced or renovated. But accept, £or the sake of argument, your staff's interpretation that the 51� damage threshold in §66.301 must be exceeded before g66.302 applies. Section 66.301(2) states: Should such sign �r. sign structure be destroyed by any means to any extent of more than fifty-one (51) percent of its replacement cost, it sha11 not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of thi5 chapter. The 51% damage threshold applies to the "sign or sign structure." The use of the disjunctive must mean that if 51% of the replacement cost of the sign or 51% of the replacement cost of the sign structure is exceeded the sign or the sign structure may not be replaced except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. � Your staff has interpreted the 51� damage threshold to apply only to the sign st�ucture and has allowed the replacement of the sign faces at Grand and in Highland under an exemption designed to allow "poster replacement and/or sign painting" without a permit. §66.405(1). A sign face is not a poster. � These interpretations are illogical and, when coupled with past failures to enforce�, give the appearance of a department catering to the interests of the billboard industry rather than protecting the public interest. I would welcome any reaction. Regards, � �---�--_� / � Brian Bates � On April 28, 1997 you wrote a letter to Midwest Outdoor Advertising statinc� Midwest had built a freeway billboard a� Valdalia and I-94 21 feet hiqher than Midwest had specified ir � their permit application and 21 feet higher than is allowed by the Zoning Code. You told that company to get a height variance or decrease the height. Midwest was denied the height variance lona ago and yet the sign still stands. �1 NOTES ON ST. PAUL STORM DAMAGE REPAIR COSTS ELLER MEDiA COMPANY 1. Removal of hazards, securing structures and cleaning area immediately after the storm of May 30, on Sunday, May 31, 1998. S On Sunday ten Elier sign hangers worked ten hours each responding to the emergency conditions caused by the damage to the storm the night before. Crews were immediately assigned to Highland in St. Paut where 5 sign faces at 2 locations were damaged, and to sites in south Minneapolis where faces and structures where left in hazardous condition by the storm. As work was completed in Minneapolis the crews were rotated to assist the crew in Highland and to respond other damage on W. 7th and at a site on Grand. By the end of Sunday ali crews were working in St. Paul. The assignment to each crew was: 1. Respond to and eliminate any hazardous conditions created by the wind damage the night before. 2. Stabilize and secure the structure, removing (often by cutting away) any damaged or unsecured parts. 3. Clean up the area, removing any parts or other debris that had falien from the sign. 4. Move on to the ne>ct damaged location. No repairs of the signs were attempted or completed. No signs in St. Paul were made usable or returned to service as a result of the work done by the emergency crews on Sunday, May 31. All the expense that day was labor. No rePlacement materials were in'stalled or permanent repairs attempted or completed. � Eller crews spent approximately 70 hours in St. Paul that day securing, stabilizing and cleaning up around our damaged signs. The crews were paid at an overtime rate of $44.40 per hour. Our local crews were assisted in the cleanup at one St. Paul location, 1184 W. 7th Street, on Wednesday June 3, by a three person contract Quantum crew from Chicago. The Quantum crew spent 9 hours at this one location in St. Paui at a rate of $ 40.00 per hour. The costs assigned to each location are provided on the Worksheet for that focation. 2. Cost of materials Billboards constructed at the time and in the places affected in St. Paul typicaily had two standardized elements and two custom elements. From front to back they are: a. Trim. This the standardized "picture frame" around the sign face (see exhibit one). This trim is now typicaily of fiberglass. The FORMETCO, INC. order acceptance provides the cost� of our most recent purchase of trim kits (see exhibit two) the four pieces that make up the frame and the assorted clips and fasteners. �� � �� � ��� \ Notes on St. Paul Storm Damage, Eller Media Company � b. Sign face. This is also a standardized element (see exhibit one}. The faces are made of interlocking paneis of light gauge steel that Eller assembles in its shop, brings compiete to the site, and swings into place with a crane. Traditionally we have used vertical interiocking panels, but now have switched to horizontal inter{ocking pane{s. The quotation for sign faces from Tiffin Metai Products (exhibit three) provides the current cost of a sign face assembly. c. Upper structure. This is the metal framing that supports the sign face. These are similar in the materiais used (stock angle and channei iron and steel) but can be custom in design, depending on when it was built, whether it is attached to the ground or is on a roof, and how it rests on the roof or wali. Upper structures are a combination of verticai supports, often in the shape of an "A" and horizontal stringers for stability. The upper structure for the affected signs could have been fabricated in our shop or on site from standard, typically salvaged, materiais. We have found no benefit in using identical new material. The upper structure is assembled by standard bolts and weiding techniques. Each of our crane trucks is equipped with gas and electric welding equipment and suppiies and typically at least one member of each crew is a trained welder. Because the upper structure is built of standard stock materials we as a practice keep a stockpile of these materials (the long pieces) we have saivaged from signs we have retired. We have salvaged materials on hand for all the proposed repairs described in the attached June 19 letter (exhibits four and four a) firom our structural engineer. We will have no external � cost for those materiais. If we had needed to purchase materiai we would purchase it from a salvage yard. The salvage yards price the material by the pound rather than by the foot. To avoid that calculation, we requested quotes for new material from South St.Paul Steel Supply Co. Exhibit five provides their quotes for new materiai. These are the values used in our estimates. Salvaged material is typically available for purchase for one third the cost of new material. The design and fabrication of the upper structure is the primary difference between the "new identical structure" and the "new replacement structure" values on the worksheets. If we were building a new sign, we would use a new unitized design and fabrication system for the upper structure. d. Foundation. This supports the upper structure. These are custom to each site. With the exception of one member at one site, these elements sustained no damage during the storm {see exhibits four and Tour a), and therefore no repairs are proposed to these elements. 3. Replacement Cost Two costs for rebuilding the entire structure are provided. First, the cost of buiiding an identical new structure, same materials, same design (identicai structure). The basis for these costs is our testimony in condemnation hearings. Given the choice, we would not choose to rebuild an identical structure. We would use different materials and a different i design (replacement structure). The basis for this cost is the cost of a recently instailed � structure in Minneapolis (exhibit six) 2 ,� STORM DAMAGE WORKSHEET ELLER MEDIA COMPANY LOCATION Ford Pkwy & Cieveland DISPLAY 2 Poster Faces A. REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIALS 1. STRINGERS AND SUPPORTS (1} ft angle iron @ per ft ft "C" channel @ per ft 2. SIGN FACE AND TRIM (2) 2 sign faces @$499 per face 2 trim kits C��220 per face B. LABOR 24 hours @ $22.00 per hour COST OF REPAIRS Estimated cost of new identical structure(4) Estimated cost of new replacement structure(4) Estimate of cost of securing, stabilizing and clean up on May 31(3),i4 hrs af $44.00 per hour (1) See note 2c (2) See notes 2 a& b (3) See note 1 (4) see note 3 Ail costs are direct costs none none $998.00 $440.00 $528.00 $1966.00 $12,230 �29,500 $616.00 � � � � �t`t - t��� � STORM DAMAGE WORKSHEET ELLER MEDIA COMPANY LOCATION 1820 Grand DISPLAY 2 Poster Faces A. REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIALS 1. STRINGERS AND SUPPORTS (1) ft angle iron @ per ft ft"C" channel C� per ft 2. SIGN FACE AND TRIM (2) . � 2 sign face(s) C$499 per face 2 trim kits @$220 per face L� 24 hours C$22.00 per hour COST OF REPAIRS Estimated cost of new identicai structure(4) Estimated cost of new replacement structure(4} Estimate of cost of securing, stabilizing and clean up on May 31(3) 2 hrs at $44.00 per hour (1) See note 2c (2) See notes 2 a& b (3) See note 1 (4) See note 3 All costs are direct costs none none $998.00 440.00 $528.00 $1966.00 $12, 230 $29,500 $88.00 �� Tiffin's 24 and 30-Sheet Poster Panels, vertical or horizontal, are made of the finest steel, meeting the highest mill requirements. Tiffin's special engineering and design offers speedy assembly and easy erection and instailations on-site. Tiffin Posiers can 6e completely assembled on the floorofyourshop,orthe ground, on-site and quickly and easily lifted into piace on yaur structure. -��� � � -�- c�v� A smooth, continuous surf2ce is formed with Tiffin's Rib-Locking or interlacking sections. Tiffin has always been the fore- runner of newdesigns and innovations in outdoor advertising to improve appearance and life, 2nd make installation faster and simpler. RitrLock Sections fit instantly with Tiffin Sprits. Tiffin sections, parts and hard- ware are interchangeabie with your . . .. . ... - .existinginuer�tories... � _� PLAN VIEW �24'-0� eign face .. � � 8_O• � 8 • � 4_O•- frame A� column pipe ��me "B' � � ^I 0 � � Raaf f m Iadtler 0 cl II n � p �._I Column n^ 9 9 c � n b 0 Undieturbed yp0 ps( aandY 9raM or beH Drilied coMiete / / I I 1 1 I �I _ / / tail �1' '.d�� �. I. .. . J � Aa' �i � � � a-� � '� .. p Y �I, 1 I � ' � d � � i i i i� �. ' i � r '' i' i Qi �. I.� � i f. ?�1 � ° I� __i Found dpmeter (ses sehedule) �vanaN �`l • ��`� \ E ° e. b e .� _ _� � m �- ha� 5 ts roar walfc�voy 7' nng plote I V I I v i i g` I I 5/i6 o I I `a I i � ' I "; L 1 1/4V ' 1' ring plote Column pipe w x L 80 45' w=t+5/16 3'max L = 4't diamater —� w = widM of weld L = la�gth of weld t = wall thiekness of Lower column pipe SPLJCE DEfAI� COLUMN PIPE & FOUNDATIOt OVERALL HEIGHT COLUMN PIPE 0'-0' - 42'-6" 24"0 x .375' 42'-7" - 47'-6' 30'6 x .3i2" 47'-7' - 59'-6' 30"0 x .375' 59'-7' - 72'-6" 36"4 x .375' ��/� 72�-7' - 81'-6' 36"0 x .4�6" = e walkway / i . e ' i }`' O m ' G � O iH ` � � � -`.�� •_ � �: " Y - _ - _ :.� ' ' O N D :� N � f `• . .. . :k�i _ i, _ " . 0 � � E a w O � � .£-,L L .0-.8 `V' �� �� ,� � �� �� r� �� �� �� ! i � a � '�` a v ; c a a � � � � a Q Q 3 'O � i a. G Y p _ . __ . _.� . . .,.-- �'--- �b-, l l- � W 5 Q.. U � F � Y O� O � � � � RR -1��\ �: -:. _ . _- :-'(, _ � _, � � �'� . ;� � . am aE � �;`�it, �':. � $ - � E £ - Q. 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EAX GRDER ACCEPTANCE Sold �o= �LLE� L�fED�A 3225 SPRING ST NE �fINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 ATTN: Tom Klees 612-80"9-190G Fax:612-"oEi9-7082 JP 770-476-7000 fi00-367-638� k300-239 '770-497-9014 � ryr � r � No L Ax sn�L Lo: � ELLER MEDIA 3225 SPRING �T IvE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55913 ATTN: TOM KLEES 612-869-1900 Fax:67_2-869-7082 Sales Order Order Date Cust No. SLS P.O. Number Shi.p Via 86511 OS/21l98 ELL023 1 Sh�p Via ----------------- ---------------------------------------------� Ord Qty Stem NLwzber / Description Unit Price U/M Ext. Price ----------------------------------------------- 5 ^ *90 FXMP7 **Parent Item � _n Kit*' 5145.55 EkCH 5727-75 FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIiI WH=TE , 10 90-FXWV FORMA-FLEX 300 TRI� WH::TE VERTICAL 20 90-FX:vH FORMA 300 TRIM WHITE HORIZONTAL 50 *90-FX-TRIM **Parent Item in KitF* FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIM BRACfCET 90 90-fx-trim-bkt FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIM BRACKET 360 10-32501 TRIM SCREwS - #14 ZP 81 1Q-95102 HOOK BOLTS/NUTS 2 5 10-21C90 F-109 FORMATIC SPRITS 5 F10-21092 **Parent Item in Kit** r-1_09 Z HADiGEf2 PLATES & BOLTS/NUTS S 10-210921 F-109 Z HANGER PLP.TES WZTHOUT B/N $1.79 EACH SC.26 EACF; $:34.55 EAC�± $3.10 EACH � $161.10 $Z1.0'c S17Z.7J $15_SC ���� L � / ^ j �� � s �� Page: � � / JU%. 6.1998 1�41PM TIFFIN METRL PRODUC�� _/ � r �-,t� / i � � � � � � ` . t� METAL PRODUCTS 450 W ali Street, Tiffin, Ofiio 44883 /(419) 447-8414 Sa.� • 9� May 12, 19�8 � � < �� �,� �CX �J Mr. Tom Klees ELLER MEDIA COMPANY 3225 Spring Street, N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55413 Deaz Tom, l0 T"� , � Phone:#6i2-869-1900 Fax: r6i2-869-7082 v�a ,� ���� ���� It was a pleasure speaking with you! Per your request, we are pl�ased to provide� our quotation for the following: �,2' x 24' HORT70NTAL F'�.(`E�LESS TRIM� TO INC U1�G_ (8) Each 18" x 24'S-1/2" Horizontal Sections (3) Each Sprits ,_ _ -------_-�` (2'� Each 2" Hook Bolts � � —_ (4) Each Hanger Plates � TOTAL PER �f�.�„E �499.25 (4) Each #95-158 Comer �:tpport Brackets f9r Fiberglass Trim $2.€,�)/Ea.ch (14) Each #1026 Brackets $1.�'E,!Each *F.O.B., Tiffin, Ohio *Ta�c not inciuded Tom, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to oontact me arrgGt at 1-800-53 ?• 0983. We are looking tozwazd to worldng with your glant again. Sincerely, TIFFIN METAL PRODUCTS �� Peg Wenner Sales Manager/Outdoor Products Division CREATIVE DESIGN W I�AETAL FABRIC'�""IOP! ,1 _I N0.176 P.3 �� WATS 1-800-537-0983 FAX 1-41 q-447-8512 �� ���. a��(��i � �/ , � 3�. E;? .� �� . � ) .� . 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Council File # qq � ��t RESOLUTION CITY OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # �(� t��{ � $' �S Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, Scenic Minnesota, in Zoning File 98-154 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislarive Code § 66.408 made application to the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission (Commission) to appeal the decision of the Saint Paul Zoning Administrator to a11ow repairs to storm damaged advertising signs located at 1820 Grand Avenue and at the southeast corner of Ford Parkway and South Cleveland Avenue; and 8 WHEREAS, on August 6, 1998, the Commission's Zoning Committee conducted a 9 public hearing where all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard and submitted 10 its recommendation to deny the appeal to the Commission; and 11 12 WHEREAS, in its Resolution No. 98-45, dated August 14, 1998, the Commission 13 decided to deny the appeal based upon the findings in Resolution 98-45 which is attached hereto 14 and incorporated herein by reference; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, Scenic Minnesota, in Zoning File 98-247 and pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislafive Code § 64.206, filed an appeal from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council (Council) for the purposes of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WIIEREAS, on October 7, 1998 and acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208 with noUce to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Council where al] interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby; RESOLVE, to affirm the decision of the Commission. The Council finds no error in any fact, procedure or finding made by the Plax�ning Commission and that Zoning Code § 66301 applies to these non-conforming advertising signs ; and be it 1 a.g, -�� g,� 2 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall maii a copy of this resolution to Brian 3 Bates, Esq. on behalf of the appellant, Marvin Liszt, Esq, on behaif of the sign company, the 4 Zoning Administrator and the Plauuing Commission. Requested by Department of: By: Apps Byc By: Form Appro ed by City Attoxney s ����� ��/t7/y5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ���Q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy °l.�i, - �O �t-L ....�.�� . GREEN SHEET No104�78 Peter Warner iT 8E ON CIXRJCIL AGH�IIN BY (Q4Tq rta���vl� OR06t TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES i� , -�_�� =� •�e ❑ an�naeEr ❑ anctsx ❑ wuxcu�mn+r.�soa ❑ wwio��a ❑Yratlatuasrwrtl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Memoralizing the decision of the City Council on October 7, 1998 denying the appeal of Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and Rogers Chambers to a decision of the Planning Commission regarding storm-damaged billboards at 1820 �rand Avenue and at Highland Village Shopping Center. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfITEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IcY:. �e� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Has mie aeiswJfiim eexr Mwicea unaer a conhact for tnie �pamnemv vES r�o Fias thia perem/firm ever been a dly empbyee? YES MO poe6 this pe�aonlfi�m poscess a sidll rqt normallYPossessetl bY airy cunmt city employeeT YES NO Is this pereoNfirm a tarpetetl Mendoi? YES NO COSTIREVENUE BUDfiETED (qRLYE ON� VES NO SOURCE ACTNIiY NUMBER (EfPWN) 0.� - toq� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: October 28, 1999 TO: Nancy Anderson FROM: Peter Warner RE: Resolution memorializing decision of City Council from 10-7-98 in the matter of Scenic Minnesota, et a1. appeal of Planning Commission Resolution 98-45. It came to my attention that the appeal of Scenic Minnesota of a decision of the Planning Commission dated August 14,1998 had notbeen reducedto aresolutionmemorializing the decision of the City Council as required under Saint Paul City Charter § 6.03.01. Accordingly please fmd attached, for placement at your earliest convenience on the CounciPs Consent Agenda, a signed original resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council to deny Scenic Minnesota's appeal. ��`"iaa .,"��a�c."�°?'�w�?1t� C�T � � ��99 � l�_2�--a�q `t`1-lo g� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-45 �te August 14, 1998 �VHEREAS, SCENIC MINNESOTA, file � 98-154, has filed an appeal, under the provisions of Section 66300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising sians damaged in a storm on May 30, 1993; and located at 1820 Grand Avenue, the Hi�hland Villa�e Shoppin� Center, which is on the south side of Ford Pazkway between Kenneth Street and Cleveland Avenue, and at 1142, 1184, and 1209 W. Seventh Street (legal descriptions on file); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on Au�ust 6, 1448, held a public heazing at which alt persons present ���ere given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said application in accordance �vith the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Plannin; Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zonin� Committee at the public heazin� as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follo�ving findings of fact: A major wind storm hit the T�vin Cities on May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of damaee to homes, trees, and power lines, and also to some billboards. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of dama�ed billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller Media, Inc. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller Media that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged billboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the middle billboazd structure at Hi�hland Vi(la�e had not teceived structural d'ama�e; just the si�ns and poster panels, w�hich provided the backing for the siQns, had blow�n down. Replacin� poster panels does not, as a matter of standard City practice dating back many yeazs, require a building peanit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to replace the poster panels on those tW0 SIaIIS. Ms. Lane's letter said that the other four billboazd locations--one at Highland Village Shopping Center and three on W. Seventh Street--were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information abou[ the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sign. One of the tests in the Zoning Code for the repair of nonconformin� siQns that have been damaaed is that the renovation costs aze less than 51 moved by Field seconded by in favor 10 (Field abstained) against � �j percent of the replacement cost. 2. A(1 of the billboazds in question are owned by Eiler Media, Inc. (formerly Naegele and then Universal), �vhich is a national billboard company. All of the biltboazds aze in B-2 (Community Business) zoning districts, where advertising signs aze permitted if they meet certain size and spacing requirements unless an overlay special sign district imposes stricter regulations. None of the billboards in question are conformina, they are all legal nonconformina signs for one reason or another. The Grand Avenue and Highland Village signs are in Special Sign DisTricts adopted in the 1980s w•here billboards aze prohibited. The W. Seventh Street billboards aze in an interim Special Sign District approved by the City Council earIier this yeaz, �vhere new construction and modification of biliboards aze prohibited until new advertising sign regulations are adopted by the City Council. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16, 1998, appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allo�v replacement of the poster panels at t�vo locations (1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboards on the Highland Vitlage Shopping Center), and her request for cost estimates from Eller in relation to the 51 percent test as a basis for future decisions about cvhether the other billboazds will be peanitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific arguments. 4. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising si�ns, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66.302), which is specifically about adverfising signs. The city staff from LIEP, PED, and tEie City Attorney's Office have conferred and a�ree that nonconforming billboards aze regulated by both sections and by applicable special sign districts; in the event of any appazent inconsistency, whichever contains the most specific provisions controls. However, the Zonin� Administrator's letter contained only a request for information, not a decision about how the renovation cost information `vould be used. Therefore, since no decision has been made, an appeal of this issue is premature. 5. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test �rere to apply, it shoutd apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. Based on the definitions for "sign" and "sign structure" in the code (66.121), this appeal has some merit. But different terms are used in the para�raph on exemptions from getting building permits (66.40�), which refers to "display surface" and "poster replacement". The Iatter terms aze not defined in the code and, being subject to interpretation, are a responsibility of the Zonin� Administrator. The Cit�• Council is expected to amendment advertising sign re�ulations later this yeaz and tivill receive comments from the Plannin� Commission before doing so. Code amendments ���ould be a better way to clazify how sign faces shoutd be considered than tryin� to reach a decision through an appeals process. 6. Scenic Minnesota s third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or replacement of sien faces should rzquire a sign {building) permit. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels), LIEP treated Eller Media the same as they have treated all billboard companies. For many years the Zoning Administrator has interpreted 66.40� to �� `� °l - to �l\ allow poster panei replacement without a sign permit. Poster panels come in kits of interlockin� strips of galvanized sheet metal, �vhich aze assembled on site and typically cost less than 20 percent of the construction cost of a billboard. For the set of billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboazds on Highland V illage Shopping Center, LIEP inspectors determined that no structural damage had occurred. Ms. Lane's letter of June 10, 1998, is clearly consistent with established practice; any other decision would have been discriminatory. 7. The fifth specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that the W. Seventh biliboazds cannot be replaced or renovated at this time because of the interim Special Sign District for the �V. Seventh neighborhood. In February 1998, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by wTiting a letter. In early July, the City Councii held a public heazin� and approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that applied. The �Vest Seventh Federation appiied on April 6, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. As with the 51 percent test, the Zoning Administrator has not rendered a decision about whether or not the W. Seventh billboards can be renovated, and an appeai is premature. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow the replacement of the sign faces �vithout sign permits for the billboards at 1820 Grand Avenue and for the middle set of billboards at Highland Villa�e Shoppin� Center is hereby denied; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission renders no decision on this appeal as regards the eastem set of billboards at Highland Village Shopping Center or the billboazds on W. Seventh Street; since LIEP has only asked for information from Eller Media on these storm-damaged billboards and has not yet made decisions on whether they can be renovated, appeals about them are premature. �i DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pamela Wheelock, Di�ector CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayar September 16, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Research O�ce 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 H'est Fourth Street Saint Paut, MN i57D2 �.\��+t Ktsd�•'�+or� pQ � C.� ��� i �� Telephome: 612d 66-6� 65 Facsim77e- 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 7, 1998 for the following zoning case: Applicants: File Nuxnber: Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and Rogers Chambers 98-247 Purpose: Appeal of Planning Commission decision regarding storm-damaged biliboards: Planning Commission upheld action of LIEP to allow replacement of sign face panels where the sign support structure was undamaged on billboards in the Grand Avenue and Highland Special Sign Districts Locations: 1820 Crrand Avenue (southwest corner of Grand and Fairview) and at Highland V illage Shopping Center (southwest comer of Ford Pkwy. and Cleveland) My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council on September 23, 1998 and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Wr' ' LarrySo rholm ___ _ Principal Planner - Zoning cc: Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Harris Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota , �.�. � NOTICE OF POBLIC HEARING .� . -c�. ' The Saint Paul City Covncil a'i11 cunduct a public hearing on Wednesday, October 7. 1998 at 5:30 p.m: in the City Council Chambers, Thicd Floor City Hall-Coart House. to consider the appeai of Scenic Minnesota, Higkiland Area Community Conncil. and Rogers Chambers to a decision of the Planning Cocnmissiun regarding storm-damaged bil(boards at IS20 Grand Avenue (southwest corner of Grand and Fairview Avenues) and�at Highland�ViHage Shopping Center (souihwest corner of Ford Pazkway and Cleveland Avenuel. . � _ , Dafeda.Septemherl7, 1998 NANCYANDERSON " . . Assistant City Cbtutcff SecreCary � � - (9eptetttber 19. 1998) _.. � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 30, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 PameZa WheeZocl� Director � 9_� b � 1 25 West Fourth Sveet Telephone: 612-266-6565 Saint Paul, IvN 55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 RE: Zoning File # 98-247: SCENIC MINNESOTA, HIGHLAND AREA COMMUNITY COLJNCIL, and ROGERS CHAMBERS (co-appellants) City Council Hearing: October 7, 1998 at 530 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision that allowed the replacement of sign face panels � on two storm-damaged billboards located in special sign districts where the construction, replacement, or renovation of billboards is prohibited. The Planning Commission denied an appeal filed by Scenic Minnesota and the Highland Area Community Council of an administrative decision made by LIEP. The Zoning Administrator in LIEP determined that sign face panels that had blown off could be replaced on billboazds where the sign structures that support the sign faces were undamaged. LOCATIONS: The billboards in question are at 1820 Grand Avenue (southwest comer of Fairview on top of the Subway Sandwich shop) and at 2012 Ford Parkway (the middle billboard on top of the Highland Village Shopping Center.) Both billboard structures are V-shaped with rivo billboard faces. � PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Deny appeal by Scenic Minnesota and the Highland area community council, 10-0 (with 1 abstention) ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATTON: Deny appeal, 3-1 (with 1 abstention) STAFF RECQMMENDATION: Deny appeai but revise code to require building permits for sign face panel replacement in the future SUPPORT FOR APPEAL BY SCENIC MN: Co-appellants, plus one letter of support. OPPOSITION TO APPEAL BY SCENIC MN: Two representatives of the billboard industry and the owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center. Dear Ms. Anderson: SCENIC MINNESOTA, the HIGHLAND AREA COMMIJNITY COLINCIL, and ROGERS CHAMBERS have appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Plannina Commission to deny a previous �l ` Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Secretary September 30, 1998 Page 2 appeal led by Scenic Minnesota of the Zoning Administrator's decision that sign face panels b(own down by storms could be replaced on those billboards where the sign structure was not damaged, even on billboards located in special sign districts where the construction, replacement, or renovation of billboards is prohibited. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the matter on August 6, 1998. Representatives of Scenic Minnesota and the Highland Area Community Council spoke in support of the appeal. Two representatives of Eller Media Company and the owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center spoke in opposition, that is, in support of the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of the code. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 3 to 1 with 1 abstention to recommend denial of the appeal. The Planning Commission considered the case on August 14, 1998; they supported the Zoning Committee's recommendation and denied the appeal by a vote of 10 to 0 with 1 abstention. The appeal to the Planning Commission initially involved six billboards, but the Planning Commission found that in four cases the Zoning Administrator had not yet rendered a decision on whether the billboards could be repaired, but had only requested information from Eller Media Company about the extend of dama�e and estimated repair costs. Thus, the Planning Commission made decisions about only rivo billboards; they upheld the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of the Zoning Code and denied the appeal. The present appeal to the City Council is about the two billboards, one on Grand Avenue and the other at Highland Village Shopping Center, on which the Zoning Adminish�ator authorized the installation of new sign face panels. These two billboards were put saon put back into service within weeks after the storms. In several other cases around the city, storm-damaged billboards remain out of service while information gathering and decisions aze made. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 7, 1998. Please call ma (266-6575) if you have questions and please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the sites presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, L�holm PrincipalPlanner- Zoning Attachments cc: City Council members Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota Gayle Summers, HACC Rogers Chambers \�PED\SY52�SHAAED�SODERHOL�ZONRVU198?47CC2.L1R Peter Warner, Asst. City Attomey Wendy Lane, LIEP Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cronin, outdoor advertising consultant � � � ' � q q _ togl ATTACffiVIENTS • A. B. C. D. Appeal form and letter of explanation �.��� Planning Commission Resolution and Planning Commission minutes for 8/14/98 � Zoning Committee minutes for 8/6/98 �,�� 1`� ` ���' Staff Report of 7/25f98 with many attachments sent to the Zoning Committee �� E. Location and zoning maps P. �Z -� �� �J • UPED\SYS2\SHAREDVSODERHOL�ZONIlVG\98247CC2.LIR � �lq - lo`l\ � APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departme�:t af Planning and Econamic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annec 25 YT'est FourUr Stree� Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 �or�€ng �ae use Fiie rto �� �`7' � - Fs� � �`?� �££1�3t1Y9 -#?2�i£liig �_ � - - __..��'' �"� . 't�_��- r _ - APPELLANT Name SCtn�c. ��C`�''li7in�.nrn,eet,q<<t.. Address f�« �"`5 I�b � �r/��''+-�( �`'`�- �ni f � �S1°i City St._ Zip Daytime phone �°� ° �� 6 � �».+�'�+�5 11j�iY- 5 5i. ('a*-c ��°� � (Pr?v- 3`i� � PROPERTY LOCATtON Zoning File Name Address/Location TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby mad�e for an appeaf to the: ❑ Board of Zoning Appeals �'City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appea4 a ecisio made by the �n�� ���n^�55�� on ����'-/ � , 19_ File number: 7 ^ 5 (date of decision) � GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding rnade by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Pianning Commission. ��inint�C.C'�- �ll�_ h���-�eS iN i '�z-►Jov.}Tia�S 8� �SL �.� v�—�A�nn�Le�Q �rc�3�,�.ns . < , �i�s SeL���n. j��s�e-��o•�S ��n.�pvar c� �r��r�,An.,�s k,��at 13 fl/�c rt�T fl ��Li�i�i�' v5�_ , �1�.LGv,��s.�s in f�rEttyt�� � Or� �/}� N�. I���lL+nrTC.� � �� Attach additiona/ sheet rf necessary) ,!7 . Appiicant's signature s c�« /77 n ,7�� �: / . e . _ r u� � �by �� g�City agent ! .1�'�n'�� �/ � O//icers: Ezecutice Otrettor 6rian 6afes John Mannillo 1985 Grand Avenue Jeanne Weigum Saint Paul, MIY 55105� Michael Paymar SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA 612 690-9671 ftuby tlunt September 1, 1998 Mr. Larry Soderholm Planning and Economic Development City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . Re: Damaged Billboards Appeal. Mr. Soderholm: I ask that this writing and attached letter be made part of the appeal lodged on August 24, 1998 by Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and J. Rogers Chambers. ScoRe I understand the action being appealed is Zimited to that portion oP LIEP Zoning Manager Wendy Lane's June 10, 1998, letter in which she allowed the renovation and replacement of the two- � paneled, middle, rooftop billboard on the building on the south- east corner of Cleveland and Ford Parkway and the two-paneled, � rooftop billboard at 1820 Grand Avenue. Background An appeal of Zoning Manager Lane`s letter of June 10, 1998, was filed at a cost of $150.00 on June 16, 1998. The appeal was heard by the Zoning Committee of the Planninq Coaunission on August 6, 1998. That committee voted four to one, with Chair Field abstaining�, to deny the appeal. Denial of the appeal was formalized by the Planning Commission on Auqust 24, 2998. Commissioner Field moved denial and, except for his abstention, the � Litton Field derives income from a billboard on downtown � Saint Paul property in which he has an interest. � aq-�o�� � motion passed unanimously. On August 24, 1998, appellants filed this appeal in this matter, again at a cost of $150.00. Appellants hereby appeal the Planning Commission's denial of appellants' earlier appeal. Appellants' Position The crux of the issue before trie City Council on appeal is the proper interpretation o£ the City Zoning Code. The industry has argued the controlling Zoning Code provision is §66.301, which pertains generally to "signs." Appellants argue the controlling provision is §66.302, which pertains more specifically to "advertising signs." When interpreting the Zoning Code its lanquage is to be construed according to the rules of construction contained in � §60.102. The first rule of construction in that section requires "the particular shall control the general." Further, the use of the word "shall is mandatory." We conclude it is mandatory that the particular control the general. We further conclude §66.302, which pertains particularly to advertising signs, must control §66.301, which pertains more generally to advertising, as well as business, signs. It is uncontested the subject billboards are nonconforming; were damaged in a windstorm; were replaced and/or renovated; and are located in special sign districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. Section 66.302 allows the replacement and/or renovation of any � 2 � 7 nonconforming advertising siqn only if the advertising sign is � located in a zoning district in which advertising signs are a permitted use. We conclude that nonconforming advertising signs in the Grand Avenue Special District Sign Plan area and the xighland Village Special District Sign Plan area cannot be replaced or renovated. We further conclude replacing and/or renovating, or allowing the replacement and/or renovation of, the subject billboards violates the Saint Paul Zoning Code. The subject billboards are illegal and must be removed in their entirety immediately. Any other action would sanction a violation of the Zoning Code. PED's Position In its Zoning Committee Staf£ Report, PED, after consultation . with the City Attorney's office, made the following determinations: 1) The subject advertisinq signs are nonconforming; 2) Section 66.302 controls; � 3) Advertising signs are not a permitted use on Grand Avenue and in Highland Village; 4) Renovation is "to restore to an earlier condition, to improve by repairing." (PED did not discuss the term "replace.") PED concluded, and recommended, the subject billboards could not be renovated, that is, returned to their earlier condition; the 51% damage test contained in §66.301 is not the,appropriate test for damaged billboards; anything beyond minor repairs must meet the standards of §66.302; and the City should require a sign permit for the replacement o£ poster panels. See PED Zoning Committee Report. 3 C J "5 49 �►d q1 � LIEP's Departmental Practice It has been suggested that LIEP acted appropriately when LIEP did not require the issuance of a permit for, and thus allowed, the renovation of the subject billboards. The argument goes that since LIEP had a longstanding practice of not requiring the issuance of permits for sign face replacement LIEP was right not to have done so here. There are several £laws in this reasoning. First, we challenge whether this "long-standing practice" is a fact or merely a convenient explanation for allowing the subject billboards to be renovated or replaced in violation of the Zoning Code. We have seen no written internal policy on this point. We are unaware of any instances where sign companies have applied for permits for the replacement of sign faces and have been told in � writing a permit was unnecessary. On the contrary, we are aware of at least one recent instance where a permit application was submitted, and a permit issued, for the replacement of a sign face � (2/26/98 issuance of a permit to Universal Outdoor to replace a rooftop sign face on University near Prior). Even if a"long-standing practice" can be estalalished, we disagree the subject billboards can be renovated and/or replaced. The logic that departmental practice should override provisions of the Zoning Code leads to several distinct, and equally untenable, results. The Zoning Administrator is required by the Zoning Code to enforce trie provisions of the Zoning Code. See §66.401. This provision becomes a nullity if the Zoning Administrator does not, in fact, enforce all provisions of the Zoning Code. If the Zoning � 4 ✓ � Code is not enforced in this instance it follows the Zoning Code � can never be enforced. In all similar future circumstances sign companies will, no doubt, argue that the City must treat them as Universal sign company is now treated. Logically, this leads to the effective rewriting of the Zoning Code by City staff. City staff has no such authority. Regardless, LIEP did not make reference to any "long-standing�' internal policy when it wrote Universal Outdoor allowing replacement of the subject billboards. LIEP referred to a specific provision of the Zoning Code. In her June 10, 1998, letter, Ms. Lane stated: "The replacement of poster panels is permitted without a permit pursuant to Section 66.405(1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." Section 66.405(1) reads: The changing of the display surface on a painted or printed � sign only. However this exception shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on-site changes involving sign painting elsewhere than directly on a building. Ms. Lane used a Zoning Code provision, allowing the replacement of an advertising poster, to allow the replacement of � advertising poster panels. This is not a casual mistake. To confuse posters and poster panels is to confuse paint and the painting surface, a sign and a sign face, a bulletin and a bulletin board, or chalk and a blackboard. Ms. Lane went to extraordinary lengths to accommodate Universal outdoor. A Word On Property Riahts The Zoning Code specifically disallows vestinq oP property rights with any billboard company or any billboard property owner. Neither the billboard company, nor the property owner, has any � 5 lri `C9 -�05\ � right to the continuation of any billboard use under the Zoning Code. See § 66.411. On the other hand, area residents do have vested property rights. The residential property owners have a right to quiet enjoyment of their properties. The replacement of the subject billboards has interfered with area residential property rights. See Chambers letter attached. Relief Appellants ask the City Council to declare the two subject billboards nuisances per se pursuant to Zoning Code §66.413 and order their immediate removal. Further, appellants ask the City Council to order the return of $300.00 in filing fees to appellants.' � L �r-- - �-���.� Brian Bates for: Scenic Minnesota Highland Area Community Council J. Rogers Chambers � Appellants are aware that the issue of reimbursement of filing fees has recently been before the Council. The Council riqhtly declined to allow special rules for neighborhood or non- profit groups. However, appellants now suggest the return of the filing fees (no attorney fees) in any case where the appellant prevails or substantially prevails on appeal. In this case, appellants' filing fees were necessitated by LIEP's error in judgment and the Planninq Commission's failure to correct the error. Appellants suggest it is unfair that private moneys be expended to en£orce the Zoning Code where public � employees and officials have failed to do so. 6 � � August 5, 1998 St. Paul Zoning Committee 25 West 4"' Street 1100 City Hall Annex St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 ATTN: Mr. larry Soderholm Va Fax#651/228-3314 , Dear Mr. Soderholm: This letter is in support o# Scenic Minnesota's appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding the rebuilding of biAboards at the southwest corrier of Grand and Fairview (1820 Grand Ave.} after they were damaged in the recent wind storms. From the back of our home at 1834 Summit Avenue we can see the billboards and consider them unsightly_ They are a very unpleasant aspect of fhe view from the house, and they block a piece of sky we have a right to see. As property owners in the neighborhoai, we were led to believe that if ever these biilboards were destroyed by natural causes, they would not be replaced. After the damage to them in May, we thought that we would not see the biliboards any longer. We were very surprised, and much disappointed, to see them rebuilt. We urge the Zoning Committee to grant Scenic Minnesota's appeal and reverse the Administrator's decision aliowing the rebuilding of the biliboards. This form of advertising is a bfight on the urban landscape and our neighbor wiil oniy be improved by their removal. We hope that you wi;l agree with our viewpoint, grant the appeai, and adhere to the zoning code resfrictions as they current{y stand, disaliowing the billboards. We do not need this type of adve �" in our neighborhood. i Sincerel � ��7 /n �� J-Rogers Chambers Shawn �. Chambers 1834 Summit Avenue , , 'h` ��+1ri � i � � `�q - �o �� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-_ date Au 14 1998 WHEREAS, SCENIC MIi� file � 98-154, has filed an appeal, under the provisions of Section 66300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the Zoning Administrator's decision re�azding advertising si�ns damaged in a storm on May 30, 1998; and loca[ed at 1820 Grand Avenue, the Highland Village Shopping Center, which is on the south side of Ford Pazkway between Kenneth Street and Cleveland Avenue, and at 1142, 1184, and 1209 �V. Seventh Street (legal descriptions on file); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on August 6, 1998, held a public heazin� at which all persons present w�ere given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following � findings of fact: 1. A major �vind storm hit the Twin Cities on May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of dama�e to homes, trees, and power lines, and also to some billboards. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of damaged billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller Media, Inc. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller Media that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged billboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the middle billboazd structure at Highland Village had not received structural damage; just the signs and poster panels, which provided the backing for the signs, had blown down. Replacing poster panels does not, as a matter of standard City practice dating back many years, require a building permit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to replace the poster panels on those two signs. Ms. Lane's letter said that the other four billboazd locations--one at Highland Village Shopping Center and three on W. Seventh Street--were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information about the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sign. One of the tests in the Zoning Code for the repair of nonconformin� signs that have been dama�ed is that the renovation costs aze less than 51 moved by Field � seconded by in favor 10 (Field abstained) against �i percent of the replacement cost. 2. All of the billboazds in question are owned by Eller Media, Inc. (formerly Naegele and then Universal), which is a national biilboazd company. All of the biilboazds aze in B-2 (Community Business) zoning districts, where advertising signs aze permitted if they meet certain size and spacing requirements unless an overlay speciat sign district imposes stricter regulations. None of the billboazds in question are conformin�; they aze all legal nonconforming signs for one reason or another. The Grand Avenue and Highland Village signs are in Special Sign Districts adopted in the 1980s where billboards are prohibited. The W. Seventh Street bi116oards aze in an interim Special Sign District approved by the City Council earlier this yeaz, where new construction and modification of billboards aze prohibited until new advertising sign regulations aze adopted by the City Council. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16, 1998, appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allow replacement of the poster panels at two locations (1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboazds on the Highland Village Shoppin� Center), and her request for cost estimates from Eller in relation to the 51 percent test as a basis for future decisions about whether the other billboazds will be permitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific arguments. � 4. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising signs, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66302), which � is specifically about advertising signs. The city staff from LIEP, PED, and the City Attomey's Office have conferred and agree that nonconforming billboards aze regulated by both sections and by applicable special sign districts; in the event of any appazent inconsistency, whichever contains the most specific provisipns controls. However, the Zoning Administrator's letter contained only a request for information, not a decision about how the renovation cost information would be used. Therefore, since no decision has been made, an appeal of this issue is premature. 5. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test were to apply, it should apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. Based on the definitions for "si�n" and "sign structure" in the code (66.121), this appeal has some merit. But different terms aze used in the paragraph on exemptions from getting building permits (66.405), which refers to "display surface" and "poster replacemenP'. The latter terms are not defined in the code and, being subject to interpretation, aze a responsibility of the Zoning Administrator. The City Council is expected to amendment advertising sign reQulaTions later this year and will receive comments from the Planniug Commission before doing so. Code amendments would be a better way to clarify how sign faces should be considered than trying to reach a decision through an appeals process. 6. Scenic Minnesota's third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or reptacement of sign faces should requirQ a sign (building) permit. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels), LIEP treated Eller Media the same as tYiey have treated all � billboard companies. For many years the Zoning AdminisYrator has interpreted 66.405 to IG �9 - Loq � � allow poster panel replacement without a sign permit. Poster panels come in kits of interlocking strips of galvanized sheet metal, w�hich are assembled on site and typically cost less than 20 percent of the construction cost of a billboazd. For the set of billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards on Highland Village Shopping Center, LIEP inspectors determined that no structural damage had occurred. Ms. Lane's letter of June 10, 1998, is cleazly consistent with established practice; any other decision would have been discriminatory. 7. The fifth specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that the W. Seventh billboards cannot be replaced or renovated at this time because of the interim Special Sign District for the W. Seventh neighborhood. In February 1998, the City Councii adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by writing a letter. In early July, the � City Council held a public hearing and approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that applied. The West Seventh Federation applied on April 6, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. As with the 51 percent test, the Zoning Administrator has nbt rendered a decision about whether or not the W. Seventh billboards can be renovated, and an appeal is premature. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow the replacement of the sign faces without sign permits for the billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and for the middle set of billboazds at Highland Village Shopping Center is hereby denied; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission renders no decision on this appeal as regards the eastem set of billboards at Highland Village Shopping Center or the billboazds on W. Seventh Street; since LIEP has only asked for information from Eller Media on these storm-damaged billboards and has not yet made decisions on whether they can be renovated, appeals about them are premature. . N Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center ���� ,{� 15 Kellogg Boulevard West d �(�� '' � . w��h �� � A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, August 14, 1998, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Engh, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and Messrs. Field, Johnson, Kramer, Mazdell, Mazgulies, and Nowlin. Mmes. *Duarte, *Faricy and *Geisser and Messrs. *Chavez, Gervais, *Gordon, Kong, McDonell, Sharpe, and Vaught. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Acting Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Domma Drummond, Martha Faust, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton announced that all the applications for Liveable Communities Demonstration are in and Saint Paul has rivo: 1) Lowertown: Urban Livability and Technology; and 2} Main street on Payne: Renewed Urban Village II. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm announced that Ken Ford is on vacation. Mr. Soderholm also announced that the Mayor's Office is taking applications for Planning Commission members. The contact person is Deborah Wiley in the City Clerk's Office at 266- 8695. There has been a request for a small area plan for the Irvine Avenue area from the CapitalRiver Council (downtown). It will be put on PED's work program for 1999 unless there is a development crisis which necessitates immediate action. There has also been a request from the Summit Avenue Residential Preservation Association (SARPA) for updating the Summit Avenue plan done in 1986. He announced a seminar coming up on housing. It is scheduled for Friday, September 18, 1998. "Building Inclusive Communities" is being presented by the Minnesota Fair Housing Centers. Mr. Soderholm circulated Yhe brochure. Mr. Soderholm referred to the current issue of Land Patterns, a publication of the 1000 Friends . i � �� `�� - t�q\ � 20 square feet to allow for a 50 square foot sign (30 squaze feet is code); variance of 11 feet to allow for a 7'6" high sign 10 feet from property line (21 foot setback is required) along Arcade Street (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested sign variance to a11ow for a 50 sq.ft sign in an area mhere 30 sq.ft was permitted; a setback variance to allow for 7' 6" high sign 10 feet from t1:e property line at 669 Arcade Street which carried unanimously on a voice vote. — #98-154 Scenic Minnesota - Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding vazious advertising signs damaged in recent storms located at 1142 West Seventh Street, 1184 West Seventh Street, 1209 West Seventh Street, the southeast comer of Ford Pazkway and South Cleveland, the southwest corner of Ford Parkway and Kenneth Street, and 1820 Grand Avenue (Larry Soderholm, 266-6575). Commissioner Field explained that the staff repor[ determined that there were only two signs for which the appeat could be made because the Zoning Administrator had not made decisions on the other signs. Mr. Soderholm agreed with Commissioner Field's explanation. He went on to say that the Zoning Administrator, Wendy Lane, wrote to Eller Media, Inc. indicating that on rivo of the damaged billboards there was no structural damage to the structure holding up the board, and therefore, the sign panels could be replaced and the signs put back into service. With regard to four other locations, she asked for more information about the extent of the structural damage. Then Scenic Minnesota appealed Ms. Lane's letter. The City Attorney � advised the Zoning Committee that they should act only on the two cases where a final decision had been made, not on the matters where Ms. Lane had simpty asked the company for more information. The rivo locations of the appeal are 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards on the roof of the Aighland Village Shopping Center. Discussion to clarify followed. MOTION Commissioner Field moved denial of this appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising signs that were damaged in recent storms located at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards at the Highland Village Shopping Center which carried on a voice vote (Field abstaining). �--- #98-163 Twin Citv Townhomes. Inc. - Special condition use permit to allow a cluster development of 30 townhouse units south oFthe West Cottage Avenue cul-de-sac beriveen Wheelock Parkway and Westem Avenue (Donna Drummond, 266-6556). MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested special condition use permit, with conditions, to allow a cluster development of 30 townhouse units sauth of the West Cottage Avenue cu[-de-sac between A'heelock Parkway and Western Avenue. Commissioner Johnson asked Commissioner Field about the nature of the opposing testimony. Commissioner Field responded that he thought it was the mass of the structuces related to the size of the site. He also thought folks preferred to maintain the natural setting and green space � for their enjoymennt. ,� i� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 6, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: ABSENT: OTNERS PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, and Wencl Chavez, Gordon, Vaught Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm, Allan Torstenson, and Jim Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. SCENIC MN - Zoning File 98-154 - Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision regarding various advertising signs damaged in recent storms. Larry Soderholm, PED, said that he received telephone cails from the West Seventh/Fort Road Federation and the Highland Area Community Council requesting to join this appeal as co- appellants. Mr. Soderholm also received a fax from Scenic MN stating that any district councils that would like to join in the appeai may do so. Mr. Soderhoim expfained that six bi(Iboard locafions are discussed in fhis case. Two of the billboards did not have structural damage, except that the sign face panels blew away. Four of the billboards had structural damage to the framing that hoids the sign face up. The city has not in the past required sign permits for the replacement of sign face panels. Wendy Lane of LIEP sent a letter to the billboard company, Eller Media, Inc., teiling them they could replace the sign panels on the two billboards, but that they wouid need to submit more information about the extent of the damage and get sign permits in order to repair the four biilboards with structural damage. Ms. Lane's letter said that the decision about the two billboards was subject to appeal. Scenic MN submitted an appeal regarding the two billboards and also regarding how the code is interpreted for structurally damaged biilboards. The staff report as mailed responds to aU of Scenic MN's specific questions. However, the staff from LIEP, PED, and the City Attorney's Office have discussed the case since the staff report was written, and agree that the only actual decision made by the Zoning Administrator was regarding the replacement of the sign face panels without requiring sign permits. Mr. Soderholm then gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. He stated staff is recommending the appeal be denied. in response to Commissioner Kramer's questions, Mr. Soderholm explained why the various signs are legal nonconforming signs--special sign districts, size of sign, height of sig�, etc. Upon questions of Commissioner Wencl, Mr. Soderholm confirmed that only the two signs where the sign panels were replaced without permits should be decided at today's hearing. Mr. Warner stated that no decision has been reach yet by the Zoning Administrator on the structurally damaged billboards so there is no decision to appeal from. When LIEP receives the additional information needed from the sign companies, the Zoning Administrator will make a determination. Ms. Lane ��( � � � aq_�a�l Zoning committee Minutes Meeting of August 6, 1998 � Scenic MN (98-154) Page Two stated they need the information before making any determination. At that time, either side may file an appeal. However, in the meantime the sign company should not be doing any work on those signs, other than the freestanding sign on West Seventh where metal overhanging the public sidewalk caused a public hazard and should be removed. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Mr. Soderholm stated that acts of nature are covered in the zoning code and are not exceptions to the written code. If any type of nonconforming sign is more than 51 percent destroyed, it cannot be replaced in its nonconforming position. Additional restrictions apply to the renovation or replacement of advertising signs as opposed to on-premise business signs. Responding to Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Lane explained that new signs cannot be built on tops of buildings except that existing rooftop signs can be replaced on the same lot if other condit'tons are met and they can be built on another lot using billboard credits, again if other conditions are met. Ms. Lane repeated that, regarding the signs on West Seventh, a decision hasn't been made yet. Brian Bates, Executive Director of Scenic MN, stated that this appeal is about whether all of the provisions in the code about nonconforming biliboard replacement are being followed; it is not just about city permits. He also challenged the claim that LIEP never requires a permit for sign face replacement. He understands that a sign face was recently done on University Avenue which required a permit. Mr. Bates corrected Mr. Soderholm's staff report on which of the three biliboards . at Highland Viliage are being appealed. It is the eastern two boards at Highland, not the western board. The middle board is the one on which new sign faces have already been installed. He suggested that the sign on Grand and Fairview be measured, that it appears to be too high. The middle set of biilboards in Highland appear to spread wider than the 35 degree angle allowed. Mr. Bates stated that these two billboards, which are the subject of today's hearing, were renovated and they should not have been because they are in special sign distric�s that prohibit billboards. And if Eller Media was allowed by the city to repair storm damage, they should have been required at the same time to bring the boards into conformance with the code standards for height and angle. Gail Summers the community organizerforthe Highland Area Community Council spoke regarding the signs covered by the Highland Village Special Sign District. Her office is in the Highiand Village Shopping Center so she sees what is being done there. She stated that the sign with structural damage had been worked on at least three times since the storm, and at least twice with welding equipment. She suspects that tf�e sign structure is being repaired without the required city permit. The position of the Highland Business Associaiion and the Highfand Area Community Council is that they want the Highiand Sign Plan adhered to. The damaged signs shouid come down. Marvin Liszt, attorney for Eller Media lnc., appeared. Mr. Liszt objected that the Zoning Committee is hearing an appeal by a statewide nonprofit organization. He stated that Section 66.408 of the code indicates that persons affected by the decision of the Zoning Administrator may appeal. Scenic MN certainly has a right to appear at this hearing, but they don't have standing to appeal. Persons actually affected by the decision would be the lessor, lessee, the mortgagee, and so forth. Regarding the two signs in question, the cost to repair these is negligible. It is far less than 51 percent of the replacement cost, with the cost to repair being approximately two thousand dollars � versus twelve thousand to replace each of the signs. Regarding Section 66.301 of the Zoning Code, Mr. Liszt emphasized that the two signs involved are legal nonconforming signs. Legal signs have a right to remain. i� Zoning Committee Minutes Meeting of August 6, 1998 Scenic MN (98-154) Page Three Howard Stacher, owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center appeared in opposition to Scenic MN's appeal. He stated that he has a long-term relationship with Eller Media and he believes that they have a right to repair the sign. If they are not allowed to do so, it will mean taking a valuable property right away from him. Thomas J. Klees, Director of Operations, Eller Media lnc., 3225 Spring Street NE appeared, stating that he had inspected the signs involved. He said sign panels can last for different periods of time depending on the climate. In Minnesota, where there is no sait in the air, the galvanized panels last a long time, up to twenty years. Replacement of panels is more frequent near the coasts. Mr. Bates came forward for rebuttal and stated that, according to the code, there are no vested property rights in any billboard in the city. There are, however, vested property rights in surrou�ding residential properties. He stated that the residential properties are impacted by these biliboards. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved denial of the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow sign face replacements at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboard on the roof of the Highland Village Shopping Center. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Faricy. Commissioner Kramer spoke in opposition. There was no further discussion, and the vote was called on the motion to deny the appeal. Adopted: Yeas - 3 Nays - 1(Commissioner Kramer) Commissioner Fieid stated that he abstained from voting on this item because he represents a partnership that owns commercial property elsewhere and has a lease with Eller Media. Drafted by: Geri Boyd Recording Secretary Submitted by: Team Approved / Litton Field Chair , � � � (V �q - ta� ` � 2. FILE # 98-154 APPLICANT: SCENIC MINNESOTA DATE OF HEARING: 8/6/98 ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT CLASSIFICATION: Administrative Appeal LOCATION: Various locations of storm-damaged billboazds (1142, 1184, and 1209 W. Seventh St., Highland Village Shopping Center at the southeast corner of Ford Parkway and Cleveland Ave., and 1820 Grand Ave.) 4. 5. 6. 7. � 8. � PLANNING DISTRICTS: 9, 14, and 15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at PED PRESENT ZONING: All signs are in B-2 districts ZONING CODE REFERENCES: 66.408, 66.301, 66302(a)(1), 66.404, and 66.405(i) STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/25/98 BY: Larry Soderholm 9. DATE RECEIVED: 06/16/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 8/15/98 NOTE ADDED 9/30/98 FOR CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING At the Zoning Committee meeting on 8/6/98, the staff recommendations in this staff report were revised orally. After consultation with the City Attorney's Office, PED staff concluded that only two of the six billboard locations in question were ripe for action. In the other four cases, the Zoning Administrator had requested information from the billboard company but had not made appealable decisions on whether any of the billboards could be repaired or reconstructed. In the two "live" cases PED staff recommended denial of the appeal because replacement of sign face panels without building permits was consistent with LIEP's past practice and past interpretation of an ambiguous paragraph in the code. The ambiguity should be addressed through zoning text amendments in the current advertising sign study initiated by the City Council. Ij A. PURPOSE: Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising signs � damaged in recent storms. B. EXISTING LAND USE: All the billboazds in question are in neighborhood commercial azeas. At five locations the billboazds are on rooftops. One of the W. Seventh St. billboards is freestanding. C. SURROUNDING LAND USE: All of the billboazds in question are in neighborhood commercial areas. At 1820 Grand Ave., which is at the southwest corner of Fairview on top of the Subway sandwich shop, the surrounding uses are commercial with single- family residential across the alley to the south. At Highland Shopping Center, the surrounding land uses are predominantly commercial with a church and pazochial school on the next block to the south and a public playground on the block to the east. On W. Seventh Street, the billboards in question are all within a standard city block (660') of one another along a mixed use strip where there aze duplexes, apartments, a church, commercial-residential mixed use buildings and businesses. Just off W. Seventh St. the neighborhood is made up of single-family and duplex structures. D. ZONING CODE CITATION: E. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: All of the billboazds in question are owned by Eller Qutdoor � Advertising (formerly Naegele and then Universal), which is a national billboard company and the one that has the most signs in Minnesota. A major wind storm hit the Twin Cities on the Saturday night of May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of damage to homes and trees and power lines, and also to some billboazds. The day following the storms, Eller sent emergency crews out to clean up debris and stabilize any billboazd structures that might represent a hazazd. Apart from securing signs, the crews did no repair work on them. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of damaged billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged biilboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the southeast comer of Ford Parkway and S. Cleveland Ave. had not received structural damage. The sign and poster panels that provide the backing for the sign had blown down. Replacing poster panels does not, as a matter of standazd City practice, require a building permit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to repiace the poster panels on those two signs. Ms. Lane's letter said the other four locations were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information about the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sib . In the Zoning Code, the standard test for the repair of nonconforming signs that aze damaged is that the sign can be repaired if the damaged is � 2 t v. �`� -��� � � less than 51 percent of its replacement cost. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16 appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allow replacement of the poster panels at two locations, and her use of the 51 percent test as the basis for future decisions about whether the other billboazds will be permitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific azguments. This staff report addresses each of the specifics. F. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: PED staff has not received district council recommendations at the time the staff report was written. G. FINDINGS: 1. All of the billboards in question aze nonconforming for one reason or another. At 1820 Grand, the sign is in the Grand Ave. special sign district, which was approved by the City Council in 1983 and prohibits any new billboazds. The billboazds in Highland Village are in the Highland Village special sign district, was approved by the City Council in 1985 and prohibits any new billboazds as well as setting a goal of removing all existing billboazds by 1995. The billboards on W. Seventh St. aze in an interim special sign district, created earlier in 1998 at the request of the W. Seventh Federation, while the City Council reviews and revises advertising sign regulations; the interim district also � prohibits additional advertising signs and "the replacement of any damaged advertising signs." All of the billboazds in question are too closely spaced along the street except 1209 W. Seventh. The billboazd at 1184 W. Seventh appears to be too high. The billboard at 1209 W. Seventh, which has three faces, is too big. 2. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising signs, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66302), which is specifically about advertising signs. A. At the beginning of the Zoning Code, there is a section on "Construction of Language" (60.102). The first rule is that "the particular shall control the general." Thus, to the extent there aze discrepancies between 66301, which is about all types of signs, and 66302, which is exclusively about advertising signs, the City should follow the regulations in 66302. B. Section 66.302(1) says that a nonconforming billboazds may be "renovated" if it is in a zoning district where billboards are permitted. Cleazly billboazds aze not permitted on Grand Avenue or in Highland Village. For at least an interim period, they are not allowed on W. Seventh St. either. s �� C. A dictionary definition of renovate is "to restore to an earlier condition, to improve by repairing..." (American Heritage Dictionary). A higher level of sign repair would be reconstruction, which is not permitted if damage exceeds 51 percent of the replacement cost. It is reasonable to suppose there is a lower levei of sign repair than renovation--say, minor repairs or routine mainYenance—but these terms aze not found explicitly in the Zoning Code on signs. PED Staff Recommendation: The billboazds in question should not be renovated. The 51 percent test is not the proper test for damaged billboazds. Anything beyond "minor repairs" should meet the standards in 66302. 3. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test were to apply, it should apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. A. Billboazds aze made several standazd components and it is helpful to identify them in relationship to "sign face." At the bottom is the "footing" or the rooftop sign "pad." Next is the "upper structure" that carries and supports the sign. Bolted to the upper structure is the "sign face," also referred to as the "poster panel", which is the flat backing on which paper messages can be glued or vinyl messages can be tied. Surrounding the sign face, many billboazds have a"frame", which is like a large picture frame. The poster panel is made of light-gauge sheet metal. Although the poster panel and the frame aze the obvious parts of the billboazd to the viewer, they are not neazly as expensive as the footing and the upper structure. C. The Zoning Code has definitions only for "sign" and "sign shucture" (66.121), as follows: , Sign. "The use of words, numerals, figures, devices, designs, or trademazks the purpose of which is to show or advertise a person, firm, profession, business, product or message." Sign structure. "Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign as defined in this chapter. A sign shucture may be a single pole; it may not be an integral part of a building" Choosing beriveen these defirutions, the sign face of a billboazd would be part of the sign structure and the paper or vinyl message would be the actual sign. � PED Staff Recommendation: The sign face should be considered as part of the sign structure. Scenic Minnesota's third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or replacement of sign faces should require a sign permit. 0 � � J � � a� -�o�\ � A. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels) LIEP treated Eller Outdoor the same as they have treated all billboazd companies. LIEP interprets 66.405 to allow poster panel replacement without a sign permit. This is practical because the replacement of poster panels after a certain number of years is routine upkeep. B. But 66.405 grants exemption from permits to "the changing of the display surface on a painted or printed sign only. However, this exemption shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on-site changes involving sign painting elsewhere than directly on a building." The reference is to posters, which probably means the paper or vinyl with the printed or painted message, not the poster panel, which is part of the sign structure. PED Staff Recommendation: The City should require a sign permit for the replacement of poster panels. While the replacement of poster panels may be routine for conforming signs, it should not be routine for nonconforming ones. 6. Scenic Minnesota's fifth specific appeal is that the W. Seventh billboazds cannot be replaced or renovated during the interim special sign district. A. In February 1998, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to � the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by writing a letter. Tn eazly July, the City Council held a public heazing an approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that appiied. The West Seventh Federation applied on Apri16, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. B. The Federation's letter applies to prohibit "modification of existing signs or the replacement of any damaged signs." This may leave a question as to what level of repair may be permitted. The freestanding billboard at 1142 W. Seventh has twisted and failing upright posts which are weakly anchored in substandard footings. The poster panel is gone. The billboard on top of Bill's "I'V had two faces; since the storm part of the sign structure was removed so that it is now single-sided, and the single face has no poster panels. The triple-faced billboard at 1209 W. Seventh, which is on top of Big Wheel Rossi, is missing most of its poster panels. � PED Staff Recommendation: There is an interim speciat sign district in effect in the W. 5 v� Seventh azea, but the application to prohibit the replacement of damaaed signs requires � interpretation. The freestanding billboard at 1142 W. Seventh seems to require replacement, which shouId be prohibited. The City's structural engineer says that Eller's repair cost estimates aze too low. The missing sign structure for the second (west-facing) billboard at 1184 W. Seventh should not be replaced. The others aze missing poster panels. Attachments: Appeal and attached letters Wendy Lane letter to Chris McCarver, 6/10/98 Information submitted by Eller Media Company Letter of 7/1/98 to Eiler from City Structural Engineer Frank Berg Letter received 4/6/98 from the W. Seventh Federation requesting special sign district \�PID�SY52\SFiARID\SODERHOL�ZONLYG\98I54.WPD 6 � � �,v �q_��� s i APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departmerrt oJPlarrtei�:g and Eco�von:ie Develapment Zonii:g Sectio�: II00 Cin' Hal1 Anner 25 {1 est FourtJr Street Saint Paul, hi�' S5102 166-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION Nam2 Sc'cn.�. ��)�on� Address � � �� �F hn � f'1�`t City �( .(�1�-.L St.ljln Zip SS/vSDaytime phone �y� Zoning File Na Address/Locati zan�ng rn�i�e use on€y Fi(e no. — � Fse �' F � �� (3't�- � Te�tativ= heari� date: _ c V� � TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeai to�e: � - 6oard of Zoning Appeals � City Council (L����� �� c�1m�55: � ; t und>r tne provisions of Chapter�4, Section �C J , Paragraph � of the Zoning Code, to appeal a de isio? ma by thz �� Z�7+n L- /-�d�riv�� 5,-�z,3'��f2- on �� ��' I/ J , 19 File number: (Cate of decisio GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit. d=cision or refusal made by an administrative o`icial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. � C' f: f-�7'Tl}��� �r � A[tach additional sheet if necessary) Applicant's signatu ;� � � ��7� City ac c:�<zi3S C " . OU ��1��9:1 OJjiCers: John Mannifto Jeanne Weigum Michael Paymar Ruby Hunt June 26, 1998 Chair Gladas Morton Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Storm-Damaged Billboards. Dear Commissioner: Esecultue Ofrector 6rian 8ates 1985 Grand Aveni Saint Paui, Mf( 55t0 6l2 690-967I Pursuant to Zoning Code §66.408, Scenic Minnesota hereby appeals the decisions contained in the June l0, 1998 letter from Saint Paul Department of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection Zoning bianager Ms. Wendy Lane to Mr. Chris McCarver of Universal outdoor, Inc. (attached). Specifically: (1) we appeal the decision that Zoning Code § 66.301(2) applies to. the damaged billboards. We rely on §66.302 for this position, (2) We appeal the decision that if g66.301(2) were to apply, that it only applies to the sign structure and not the sign face. We rely on §66.301(2)("such sign or sign structure"). (3) We appeal the decision that the sign £aces may be replaced without a permit. We rely on §66.404 {"A�pplications for sign and/or sign structure permits ..."). (4) We appeal the decision that replacing the sign face without a permit is allowed by §66.405(1). We rely on §§66.404 and 66.405(1). (5) We appeal the decision that the West Seventh billboards nay be replaced or renovated at this time. We rely on Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amended and the West Seventh/Fort Road Federation application £or a special sign district. By reference, I include my memorandums of June 2 and June 3, 1998 to Jane Prince and Wendy Lane, ny letters of June 4 and June 11, 1998 to Ms. Wendy Lane, and my letter o£ June 12, 1998 to Dir. Robert Kessler. This appeal is accompanied by a check for the appropriate fee as determined by the Planninq Commission. Regard� �_ , ' �,_� i5-� Brian Bates cc: Chris McCarver, Robert Kessler, Wendy Lane, Be'tty Moran, Gayle Summers, Kathie Tarnowski, Jane Prince, Dan Smith, Gerry McInerney. �71 SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA � � 7� �tq - �og� � CITY OF SAItiT PAUL Sonn Coltm.Jr.. 31a}'or June 10, 1998 Chris blcCarver tiniversal Outdoor, Inc. 322� Sprin� S[. N.E. hlinneapolis, MN 5�413 Re: Storm Damaeed Siens Dear b1r. McCarver: OFFICE OF LICE�SE, t\SPECTIO�S A`D E>:VIR6\�SE`TAL PROT[CTI6� Rnbrrt f."rsslrr. D��rctar LOtiRY" PROFESSIO.�:aL BL7LDL�"G Sir.'tr 300 3i0St PetzrStrzrt SaiutPau{dLmtasotc 5=l0?-fiA% Tzlzphor.t 6:1-?h5-9,s. Fc:simi(e' 611-?h6-9'��i 61?-'6h-7!�' � John Hard�ti�ick and Dave Ken}�on from this office accompanied you las� Friday in the inspection of the CTniversal advertisins sians that �cere clamaged from th� storm last wzzk. They determined that the sians at 1142 �V. 7th St., 1184 W. 7th S[., 1209 W. 7�h St. and at the southwest corner of Ford Pkwy. and Kenneth St. sustained structural damaQz. Thz repair of these siens will require a pzrmit. Before a permit can be issued, please submit s[ructural plans for each si�n structure. In addition, you ��'ill need to shoce• ho�c the repair is in compliance with Section 66.301(2) of the Saint Paul LeQisla[i�'z Code, �chich reeulates nonconformina si�ns as foliows: Shoutd such siQn or sisn structurz bz destro}ed by an}� means to an� eztent of more than fifr}�-one (� I) percent of its replacement cost, it shatl not be reconstructed excepi in conforn �cith th� provisicas of this cha�:�r. � Piease submit detaii�d information about the repair cost and the replacement cost of each sien structure. The roof mounted signs a[ 1520 Grand Ave. and at the southeast corner of Ford Pkwy. and S. Cles•eland A�'e. were missinQ the poster panels but did not sustain an}• visible s�ruccural damaoe. The replacemen� of poster panels is pzrmitted �ei�hou[ a permit, pursuan� tu Section 66.40�(1) of the Sain[ Pau1 Leoislative Code. Ho�+e�'er, sian structure_ �vithout a displa}� surface area arz considered "unsightly'� a�d must be reposted or the sian struc[ure removed within 1� days accordin� to Section 66.201(3). Please take ac[ion to repost them ��'ithin the time specified. An} pzrson affected by the decision in the preceeding para�raph may appeal this decision / 2� Chris McCarver June 10, 1998 Pa�e 2 to the plannin� commission w�ithin thir[y calendar days of toda}�'s date, accordin� to Section 66.403(a). There is a filin� fee for such appzal; $22� for sinole fami!}' or duples appellants, 5300 for mult-family appeltants and �350 for commercial, industrial or institutional appellants. Please contact me if } ou have any questions regardin� this matter. Sincerz(}�, ����� �i-�—�_ �Vend}� L e Zonino Mana�er 266-9031 � c: Bett}' Moran, �l'est Se�•enth/Fort Road Federation, Districct 9 Gay 1e Summers, Hiahland Area Communitc• Council, District 1� � Kathie Tamo«'ski, Macalester Groveland Communi[y Council, District 14 �Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota Dan Smith, Councilmember Harris' Office Larry Soderholm, PED Robert Kessler, Director John Hardwick, ZoninQ Specia[ist . �� OjJlcers: � John Mannillo Jeanne Weigum Michaet Paymar Ruby Hun[ June 4, 1998 Ms. Wendy Lane Zoning Manager LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Billboards. Dear Wendy: �q-���` EFeCt<UVe D1rec[or 8rian Ba[es 1985 Grand Avenu� Saint Paul, Mi( 55I OS 612 690-967! Thanks for the heads-up about the anticipated permit requests. As I have said, any non-conforming billboard located in a district in which billboards are not a permitted use, cannot be renovated. Zoning Code g 66.302(a)(1). All the damaged billboards are non-conforming and located in � districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. Billboards are not a permitted use in Highland and on Gzand due to the long- standing provisions in those special sign districts which state explicitly that billboards are not permitted in the district.� The West 7th boards cannot be repaired at this time because of the provision in the request for a temporary� sign district which disallows repairs to boards in that community council district. I ask that I and the respective community councils be made aware of any developments, industry arguments, or department decisions in this natter. I ask that we be allowed an opportunity to respond to industry arguments. Please also advise what appeal procedures we may use if LIEP decides to issue the permits. Regards, � C ��:.r-- Brian Bates ps. What's up with the Business Review Council Letterhead? cc: Jane Prince � ' This language is in the text of the special district sign plans which is incorporated by reference into the zoning code. �_^ r :�. s , : _.; { < SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA �✓� O(Ticcrs: John Mannillo Jeanne Weigum Michael Paymar Ruby tiunt � SCEIYIC MIlY1YESOTA June 11, 1998 Ms. Wendy Lane LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minneso�a 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Signs Dear Wendy: EseCUttoc Dlrector Brian Ba;es 1985 a�and Ave� Saint Paul, M^f 55 612 690-96� This is in response to your letter of June 10, 1998 to Mr. McCarver of Universal outdoor, Inc. As I have stated in past memorandums and letters on this subject, specifically the memorandum dated June 3, 1998 and the letter dated June 4, 1998, the first consideration for the reolacement or renovation of any damaged billboard is whether the billboard is a permitted use in the zoning district in which it is located. See Zoning Code § 66.302(a)(1). This provision specifically includes restrictions in "a special sign district� approved by the city council." Section 66.216(b) allows special sign districts to have more restrictive provision5 tha� Chapter 66. Both Grand Avenue and Highland have�special sign districts approved by the City Council which specifically include the statement that billh,oards are not permitted. The West Seventh/Fort Road Federation has recently applied for a special sign district pursuant to Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amended. The Federation's application specifically states that damaged billboards shall not be repaired. The billboards in Highland and on Grand cannot be "replaced or renovated" because they are not a permitted use. Your letter of June 10, 1998 not only allows the replacement and renovation of one of the billboards in Highland and the billboard on Grand but seems to encouraqe the replacement within 15 days. You allow and encourage activity which seems to conflict with the zoning code. Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amehded, includes the provision that any permits issued for the modification of any existing billboard, a£ter a Community Council applies for a special sign district and an objection thereto has been received by the Director of LIEP shall be conditional. No permittee shall engage in any construction, installation or work after an objection i� lodged. Any construction, installation or work shall no thereafter commence if the prohibitions contained in the special c �� qR - l�R\ � Ms. Lane June 11, 1998 Page 2. sign district application become e£fective as provided. one of the provisions in the Federation's special sign district application is that damaged billboards not be repaired. Your letter of June l0, 1998 avoids both any discussion of g66.302(a)(1) or the e££ect of the Federation's application for a special sign district despite the fact I have raised these issues in previous writings. Be aware that Scenic Minnesota and/or the respective community councils will appeal the decisions contained in your letter o£ June 10, 1998. Your office, and the City of Saint Paul, assumes responsibility for any actions taken, and construction expenses incurred, which result £rom a decision by your office which violates the provisions of the zoning code. I suggest that your office disaliow any repair, renovation, or work on any of the damaged billboards �ntil this matter if finally resolved through the appeal process. Regards, � � � `� i � Brian Bates cc: Chris McCarver, Universal outdoor, Inc+ Jane Prince Dan Smith Betty Moran Gayle Summers Kathie Tarnowski Larry Soderholm Robert Kessler John Hardwick � ��1 OJj7cers: John Manniilo Jeanne K'eiyum Michael Paymar ftuby tlim[ June 12, 1998 Mr. Robert Kessler LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Billboards. Dear Mr. Kessler: � E.secaLtuc Dlrec[or 6rian Brtes 1985 Grand Aven Saint Paul. Mil 55 6f2 690-9h� I write to express concern over your department�s recent decisions to allow the replacement of certain billboard "poster panels" and to apply the 51% damage rule to other billboard structures. These decisions coupled with pro-industry decisions ir. the past seriously undermine the credibility of your department as the, supposedly, impartial interpreter and enforcer of the zoning code. While the zoning code is somewhat convoluted, it is decipherable_ Section 66.301 pertains to all nonconforming signs, including nonconforming advertising signs. Whereas, section 66.302 is an exception to section 66.301 and pertains specifically to any nonconforming advertising sign existinq as of the date of this section (February 2, 1988] which is located in a zoning district which does not permit advertising signs or which does not conforr� to the size height and/or spacing requirements of this chapter." Whenever a nonconforming advertising sign, existing in 1988, is "replaced, relocated or renovated" for any reason that action must comply with the provisions of §66.302. There is no requirement in secti�on 66.302 that a certain degree of damage occur before that section applies. The billboards on Grand and in Highland are nonconforming both because of spacing requirements and because they are in zoning districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. (The Highland and Grand special sign districts declaring billboards not pernitted were enacted in 1985.) These billboards existed in 1988. Therefore any replacement, relocation, or renovation of the billboards on Grand cr in Highland nust comply with §66.302. Whether the non-conforming billboards are to be "replaced, relocated, or renovated" on the same or different zoning 2ot, th first consideration oP §66.302 is that the zoning lot be within a zoning district "in which advertising signs are a permitted use. � SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA � �tq - ��`� \ . Mr. Kessler June 12, 1998 Page 2. See §§66.302(a)(1) �and (b)(1). BilZboards located in zoning districts in which billboards are not a permitted use cannot be replaced or renovated. Such billboards can onZy be relocated in a zoning district in which billboards are a permitted use. The Grand and Highland billboards cannot be replaced or renovated. But accept, £or the sake of argument, your staff's interpretation that the 51� damage threshold in §66.301 must be exceeded before g66.302 applies. Section 66.301(2) states: Should such sign �r. sign structure be destroyed by any means to any extent of more than fifty-one (51) percent of its replacement cost, it sha11 not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of thi5 chapter. The 51% damage threshold applies to the "sign or sign structure." The use of the disjunctive must mean that if 51% of the replacement cost of the sign or 51% of the replacement cost of the sign structure is exceeded the sign or the sign structure may not be replaced except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. � Your staff has interpreted the 51� damage threshold to apply only to the sign st�ucture and has allowed the replacement of the sign faces at Grand and in Highland under an exemption designed to allow "poster replacement and/or sign painting" without a permit. §66.405(1). A sign face is not a poster. � These interpretations are illogical and, when coupled with past failures to enforce�, give the appearance of a department catering to the interests of the billboard industry rather than protecting the public interest. I would welcome any reaction. Regards, � �---�--_� / � Brian Bates � On April 28, 1997 you wrote a letter to Midwest Outdoor Advertising statinc� Midwest had built a freeway billboard a� Valdalia and I-94 21 feet hiqher than Midwest had specified ir � their permit application and 21 feet higher than is allowed by the Zoning Code. You told that company to get a height variance or decrease the height. Midwest was denied the height variance lona ago and yet the sign still stands. �1 NOTES ON ST. PAUL STORM DAMAGE REPAIR COSTS ELLER MEDiA COMPANY 1. Removal of hazards, securing structures and cleaning area immediately after the storm of May 30, on Sunday, May 31, 1998. S On Sunday ten Elier sign hangers worked ten hours each responding to the emergency conditions caused by the damage to the storm the night before. Crews were immediately assigned to Highland in St. Paut where 5 sign faces at 2 locations were damaged, and to sites in south Minneapolis where faces and structures where left in hazardous condition by the storm. As work was completed in Minneapolis the crews were rotated to assist the crew in Highland and to respond other damage on W. 7th and at a site on Grand. By the end of Sunday ali crews were working in St. Paul. The assignment to each crew was: 1. Respond to and eliminate any hazardous conditions created by the wind damage the night before. 2. Stabilize and secure the structure, removing (often by cutting away) any damaged or unsecured parts. 3. Clean up the area, removing any parts or other debris that had falien from the sign. 4. Move on to the ne>ct damaged location. No repairs of the signs were attempted or completed. No signs in St. Paul were made usable or returned to service as a result of the work done by the emergency crews on Sunday, May 31. All the expense that day was labor. No rePlacement materials were in'stalled or permanent repairs attempted or completed. � Eller crews spent approximately 70 hours in St. Paul that day securing, stabilizing and cleaning up around our damaged signs. The crews were paid at an overtime rate of $44.40 per hour. Our local crews were assisted in the cleanup at one St. Paul location, 1184 W. 7th Street, on Wednesday June 3, by a three person contract Quantum crew from Chicago. The Quantum crew spent 9 hours at this one location in St. Paui at a rate of $ 40.00 per hour. The costs assigned to each location are provided on the Worksheet for that focation. 2. Cost of materials Billboards constructed at the time and in the places affected in St. Paul typicaily had two standardized elements and two custom elements. From front to back they are: a. Trim. This the standardized "picture frame" around the sign face (see exhibit one). This trim is now typicaily of fiberglass. The FORMETCO, INC. order acceptance provides the cost� of our most recent purchase of trim kits (see exhibit two) the four pieces that make up the frame and the assorted clips and fasteners. �� � �� � ��� \ Notes on St. Paul Storm Damage, Eller Media Company � b. Sign face. This is also a standardized element (see exhibit one}. The faces are made of interlocking paneis of light gauge steel that Eller assembles in its shop, brings compiete to the site, and swings into place with a crane. Traditionally we have used vertical interiocking panels, but now have switched to horizontal inter{ocking pane{s. The quotation for sign faces from Tiffin Metai Products (exhibit three) provides the current cost of a sign face assembly. c. Upper structure. This is the metal framing that supports the sign face. These are similar in the materiais used (stock angle and channei iron and steel) but can be custom in design, depending on when it was built, whether it is attached to the ground or is on a roof, and how it rests on the roof or wali. Upper structures are a combination of verticai supports, often in the shape of an "A" and horizontal stringers for stability. The upper structure for the affected signs could have been fabricated in our shop or on site from standard, typically salvaged, materiais. We have found no benefit in using identical new material. The upper structure is assembled by standard bolts and weiding techniques. Each of our crane trucks is equipped with gas and electric welding equipment and suppiies and typically at least one member of each crew is a trained welder. Because the upper structure is built of standard stock materials we as a practice keep a stockpile of these materials (the long pieces) we have saivaged from signs we have retired. We have salvaged materials on hand for all the proposed repairs described in the attached June 19 letter (exhibits four and four a) firom our structural engineer. We will have no external � cost for those materiais. If we had needed to purchase materiai we would purchase it from a salvage yard. The salvage yards price the material by the pound rather than by the foot. To avoid that calculation, we requested quotes for new material from South St.Paul Steel Supply Co. Exhibit five provides their quotes for new materiai. These are the values used in our estimates. Salvaged material is typically available for purchase for one third the cost of new material. The design and fabrication of the upper structure is the primary difference between the "new identical structure" and the "new replacement structure" values on the worksheets. If we were building a new sign, we would use a new unitized design and fabrication system for the upper structure. d. Foundation. This supports the upper structure. These are custom to each site. With the exception of one member at one site, these elements sustained no damage during the storm {see exhibits four and Tour a), and therefore no repairs are proposed to these elements. 3. Replacement Cost Two costs for rebuilding the entire structure are provided. First, the cost of buiiding an identical new structure, same materials, same design (identicai structure). The basis for these costs is our testimony in condemnation hearings. Given the choice, we would not choose to rebuild an identical structure. We would use different materials and a different i design (replacement structure). The basis for this cost is the cost of a recently instailed � structure in Minneapolis (exhibit six) 2 ,� STORM DAMAGE WORKSHEET ELLER MEDIA COMPANY LOCATION Ford Pkwy & Cieveland DISPLAY 2 Poster Faces A. REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIALS 1. STRINGERS AND SUPPORTS (1} ft angle iron @ per ft ft "C" channel @ per ft 2. SIGN FACE AND TRIM (2) 2 sign faces @$499 per face 2 trim kits C��220 per face B. LABOR 24 hours @ $22.00 per hour COST OF REPAIRS Estimated cost of new identical structure(4) Estimated cost of new replacement structure(4) Estimate of cost of securing, stabilizing and clean up on May 31(3),i4 hrs af $44.00 per hour (1) See note 2c (2) See notes 2 a& b (3) See note 1 (4) see note 3 Ail costs are direct costs none none $998.00 $440.00 $528.00 $1966.00 $12,230 �29,500 $616.00 � � � � �t`t - t��� � STORM DAMAGE WORKSHEET ELLER MEDIA COMPANY LOCATION 1820 Grand DISPLAY 2 Poster Faces A. REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIALS 1. STRINGERS AND SUPPORTS (1) ft angle iron @ per ft ft"C" channel C� per ft 2. SIGN FACE AND TRIM (2) . � 2 sign face(s) C$499 per face 2 trim kits @$220 per face L� 24 hours C$22.00 per hour COST OF REPAIRS Estimated cost of new identicai structure(4) Estimated cost of new replacement structure(4} Estimate of cost of securing, stabilizing and clean up on May 31(3) 2 hrs at $44.00 per hour (1) See note 2c (2) See notes 2 a& b (3) See note 1 (4) See note 3 All costs are direct costs none none $998.00 440.00 $528.00 $1966.00 $12, 230 $29,500 $88.00 �� Tiffin's 24 and 30-Sheet Poster Panels, vertical or horizontal, are made of the finest steel, meeting the highest mill requirements. Tiffin's special engineering and design offers speedy assembly and easy erection and instailations on-site. Tiffin Posiers can 6e completely assembled on the floorofyourshop,orthe ground, on-site and quickly and easily lifted into piace on yaur structure. -��� � � -�- c�v� A smooth, continuous surf2ce is formed with Tiffin's Rib-Locking or interlacking sections. Tiffin has always been the fore- runner of newdesigns and innovations in outdoor advertising to improve appearance and life, 2nd make installation faster and simpler. RitrLock Sections fit instantly with Tiffin Sprits. Tiffin sections, parts and hard- ware are interchangeabie with your . . .. . ... - .existinginuer�tories... � _� PLAN VIEW �24'-0� eign face .. � � 8_O• � 8 • � 4_O•- frame A� column pipe ��me "B' � � ^I 0 � � Raaf f m Iadtler 0 cl II n � p �._I Column n^ 9 9 c � n b 0 Undieturbed yp0 ps( aandY 9raM or beH Drilied coMiete / / I I 1 1 I �I _ / / tail �1' '.d�� �. I. .. . J � Aa' �i � � � a-� � '� .. p Y �I, 1 I � ' � d � � i i i i� �. ' i � r '' i' i Qi �. I.� � i f. ?�1 � ° I� __i Found dpmeter (ses sehedule) �vanaN �`l • ��`� \ E ° e. b e .� _ _� � m �- ha� 5 ts roar walfc�voy 7' nng plote I V I I v i i g` I I 5/i6 o I I `a I i � ' I "; L 1 1/4V ' 1' ring plote Column pipe w x L 80 45' w=t+5/16 3'max L = 4't diamater —� w = widM of weld L = la�gth of weld t = wall thiekness of Lower column pipe SPLJCE DEfAI� COLUMN PIPE & FOUNDATIOt OVERALL HEIGHT COLUMN PIPE 0'-0' - 42'-6" 24"0 x .375' 42'-7" - 47'-6' 30'6 x .3i2" 47'-7' - 59'-6' 30"0 x .375' 59'-7' - 72'-6" 36"4 x .375' ��/� 72�-7' - 81'-6' 36"0 x .4�6" = e walkway / i . e ' i }`' O m ' G � O iH ` � � � -`.�� •_ � �: " Y - _ - _ :.� ' ' O N D :� N � f `• . .. . :k�i _ i, _ " . 0 � � E a w O � � .£-,L L .0-.8 `V' �� �� ,� � �� �� r� �� �� �� ! i � a � '�` a v ; c a a � � � � a Q Q 3 'O � i a. G Y p _ . __ . _.� . . .,.-- �'--- �b-, l l- � W 5 Q.. U � F � Y O� O � � � � RR -1��\ �: -:. _ . _- :-'(, _ � _, � � �'� . ;� � . am aE � �;`�it, �':. � $ - � E £ - Q. Q . � _ ' m ':� m � ' , I 6 �� . � � °�' �' � .� �:- -' ;t . t� n . ' t� y :r _ _ I i �1.�.�' . . . . r:d:i _' �� , , a' � '_" ._. .. _C,� $ - L N m � �� N _ ,x_ ' � a "i:'lc: �? - . ' v,; �S " � ��e':: ' ' . . �>✓ �,'?� �[.�= � :.,' �', ,.:-. ` . "'.iir`F,'� � s �C 3p O p9 G p � r7i E � g a d .°. u � ° w .°.. Q o � 9 � GCId� � M M ' Y1 i � � n � � J � •�1 OIXBM � � _ 3 $�' Olx9M F .8 eoo; u .0-,Zl �' w s �. 3 � a D a `o a. �a �` a �a s ^u aa pe O XU \ NL 3 N � �g. I ^ �� ,1� " �� I � N 0 8 N M 0 9 \ h � N �I \ � 3 i; c ,8 � � �o ,9 � � � o oM� Y� � o'p3 3 -� 3 J � Q �� r S p 9 N �O w N P c _ _ _ — ,�� ty � MAY-21-19�8 13�20 FROM FORMETCO,INC. P.o_ Pox 1989 2963 Pleasant Hill Ad_ Duluth, Ga 30095 Date: ti5/21/98 F O R M E T C O OFFICE: TO 16128697082 P.01 I N C. EAX GRDER ACCEPTANCE Sold �o= �LLE� L�fED�A 3225 SPRING ST NE �fINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 ATTN: Tom Klees 612-80"9-190G Fax:612-"oEi9-7082 JP 770-476-7000 fi00-367-638� k300-239 '770-497-9014 � ryr � r � No L Ax sn�L Lo: � ELLER MEDIA 3225 SPRING �T IvE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55913 ATTN: TOM KLEES 612-869-1900 Fax:67_2-869-7082 Sales Order Order Date Cust No. SLS P.O. Number Shi.p Via 86511 OS/21l98 ELL023 1 Sh�p Via ----------------- ---------------------------------------------� Ord Qty Stem NLwzber / Description Unit Price U/M Ext. Price ----------------------------------------------- 5 ^ *90 FXMP7 **Parent Item � _n Kit*' 5145.55 EkCH 5727-75 FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIiI WH=TE , 10 90-FXWV FORMA-FLEX 300 TRI� WH::TE VERTICAL 20 90-FX:vH FORMA 300 TRIM WHITE HORIZONTAL 50 *90-FX-TRIM **Parent Item in KitF* FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIM BRACfCET 90 90-fx-trim-bkt FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIM BRACKET 360 10-32501 TRIM SCREwS - #14 ZP 81 1Q-95102 HOOK BOLTS/NUTS 2 5 10-21C90 F-109 FORMATIC SPRITS 5 F10-21092 **Parent Item in Kit** r-1_09 Z HADiGEf2 PLATES & BOLTS/NUTS S 10-210921 F-109 Z HANGER PLP.TES WZTHOUT B/N $1.79 EACH SC.26 EACF; $:34.55 EAC�± $3.10 EACH � $161.10 $Z1.0'c S17Z.7J $15_SC ���� L � / ^ j �� � s �� Page: � � / JU%. 6.1998 1�41PM TIFFIN METRL PRODUC�� _/ � r �-,t� / i � � � � � � ` . t� METAL PRODUCTS 450 W ali Street, Tiffin, Ofiio 44883 /(419) 447-8414 Sa.� • 9� May 12, 19�8 � � < �� �,� �CX �J Mr. Tom Klees ELLER MEDIA COMPANY 3225 Spring Street, N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55413 Deaz Tom, l0 T"� , � Phone:#6i2-869-1900 Fax: r6i2-869-7082 v�a ,� ���� ���� It was a pleasure speaking with you! Per your request, we are pl�ased to provide� our quotation for the following: �,2' x 24' HORT70NTAL F'�.(`E�LESS TRIM� TO INC U1�G_ (8) Each 18" x 24'S-1/2" Horizontal Sections (3) Each Sprits ,_ _ -------_-�` (2'� Each 2" Hook Bolts � � —_ (4) Each Hanger Plates � TOTAL PER �f�.�„E �499.25 (4) Each #95-158 Comer �:tpport Brackets f9r Fiberglass Trim $2.€,�)/Ea.ch (14) Each #1026 Brackets $1.�'E,!Each *F.O.B., Tiffin, Ohio *Ta�c not inciuded Tom, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to oontact me arrgGt at 1-800-53 ?• 0983. We are looking tozwazd to worldng with your glant again. Sincerely, TIFFIN METAL PRODUCTS �� Peg Wenner Sales Manager/Outdoor Products Division CREATIVE DESIGN W I�AETAL FABRIC'�""IOP! ,1 _I N0.176 P.3 �� WATS 1-800-537-0983 FAX 1-41 q-447-8512 �� ���. a��(��i � �/ , � 3�. E;? .� �� . � ) .� . 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Council File # qq � ��t RESOLUTION CITY OF Presented By Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # �(� t��{ � $' �S Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS, Scenic Minnesota, in Zoning File 98-154 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislarive Code § 66.408 made application to the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission (Commission) to appeal the decision of the Saint Paul Zoning Administrator to a11ow repairs to storm damaged advertising signs located at 1820 Grand Avenue and at the southeast corner of Ford Parkway and South Cleveland Avenue; and 8 WHEREAS, on August 6, 1998, the Commission's Zoning Committee conducted a 9 public hearing where all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard and submitted 10 its recommendation to deny the appeal to the Commission; and 11 12 WHEREAS, in its Resolution No. 98-45, dated August 14, 1998, the Commission 13 decided to deny the appeal based upon the findings in Resolution 98-45 which is attached hereto 14 and incorporated herein by reference; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, Scenic Minnesota, in Zoning File 98-247 and pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislafive Code § 64.206, filed an appeal from the determination made by the Commission and requested a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council (Council) for the purposes of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and WIIEREAS, on October 7, 1998 and acting pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 64.206 - 64.208 with noUce to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the Council where al] interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby; RESOLVE, to affirm the decision of the Commission. The Council finds no error in any fact, procedure or finding made by the Plax�ning Commission and that Zoning Code § 66301 applies to these non-conforming advertising signs ; and be it 1 a.g, -�� g,� 2 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall maii a copy of this resolution to Brian 3 Bates, Esq. on behalf of the appellant, Marvin Liszt, Esq, on behaif of the sign company, the 4 Zoning Administrator and the Plauuing Commission. Requested by Department of: By: Apps Byc By: Form Appro ed by City Attoxney s ����� ��/t7/y5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ���Q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy °l.�i, - �O �t-L ....�.�� . GREEN SHEET No104�78 Peter Warner iT 8E ON CIXRJCIL AGH�IIN BY (Q4Tq rta���vl� OR06t TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES i� , -�_�� =� •�e ❑ an�naeEr ❑ anctsx ❑ wuxcu�mn+r.�soa ❑ wwio��a ❑Yratlatuasrwrtl ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Memoralizing the decision of the City Council on October 7, 1998 denying the appeal of Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and Rogers Chambers to a decision of the Planning Commission regarding storm-damaged billboards at 1820 �rand Avenue and at Highland Village Shopping Center. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfITEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IcY:. �e� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Has mie aeiswJfiim eexr Mwicea unaer a conhact for tnie �pamnemv vES r�o Fias thia perem/firm ever been a dly empbyee? YES MO poe6 this pe�aonlfi�m poscess a sidll rqt normallYPossessetl bY airy cunmt city employeeT YES NO Is this pereoNfirm a tarpetetl Mendoi? YES NO COSTIREVENUE BUDfiETED (qRLYE ON� VES NO SOURCE ACTNIiY NUMBER (EfPWN) 0.� - toq� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: October 28, 1999 TO: Nancy Anderson FROM: Peter Warner RE: Resolution memorializing decision of City Council from 10-7-98 in the matter of Scenic Minnesota, et a1. appeal of Planning Commission Resolution 98-45. It came to my attention that the appeal of Scenic Minnesota of a decision of the Planning Commission dated August 14,1998 had notbeen reducedto aresolutionmemorializing the decision of the City Council as required under Saint Paul City Charter § 6.03.01. Accordingly please fmd attached, for placement at your earliest convenience on the CounciPs Consent Agenda, a signed original resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council to deny Scenic Minnesota's appeal. ��`"iaa .,"��a�c."�°?'�w�?1t� C�T � � ��99 � l�_2�--a�q `t`1-lo g� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-45 �te August 14, 1998 �VHEREAS, SCENIC MINNESOTA, file � 98-154, has filed an appeal, under the provisions of Section 66300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising sians damaged in a storm on May 30, 1993; and located at 1820 Grand Avenue, the Hi�hland Villa�e Shoppin� Center, which is on the south side of Ford Pazkway between Kenneth Street and Cleveland Avenue, and at 1142, 1184, and 1209 W. Seventh Street (legal descriptions on file); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on Au�ust 6, 1448, held a public heazing at which alt persons present ���ere given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said application in accordance �vith the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Plannin; Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zonin� Committee at the public heazin� as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the follo�ving findings of fact: A major wind storm hit the T�vin Cities on May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of damaee to homes, trees, and power lines, and also to some billboards. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of dama�ed billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller Media, Inc. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller Media that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged billboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the middle billboazd structure at Hi�hland Vi(la�e had not teceived structural d'ama�e; just the si�ns and poster panels, w�hich provided the backing for the siQns, had blow�n down. Replacin� poster panels does not, as a matter of standard City practice dating back many yeazs, require a building peanit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to replace the poster panels on those tW0 SIaIIS. Ms. Lane's letter said that the other four billboazd locations--one at Highland Village Shopping Center and three on W. Seventh Street--were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information abou[ the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sign. One of the tests in the Zoning Code for the repair of nonconformin� siQns that have been damaaed is that the renovation costs aze less than 51 moved by Field seconded by in favor 10 (Field abstained) against � �j percent of the replacement cost. 2. A(1 of the billboazds in question are owned by Eiler Media, Inc. (formerly Naegele and then Universal), �vhich is a national billboard company. All of the biltboazds aze in B-2 (Community Business) zoning districts, where advertising signs aze permitted if they meet certain size and spacing requirements unless an overlay special sign district imposes stricter regulations. None of the billboards in question are conformina, they are all legal nonconformina signs for one reason or another. The Grand Avenue and Highland Village signs are in Special Sign DisTricts adopted in the 1980s w•here billboards aze prohibited. The W. Seventh Street billboards aze in an interim Special Sign District approved by the City Council earIier this yeaz, �vhere new construction and modification of biliboards aze prohibited until new advertising sign regulations are adopted by the City Council. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16, 1998, appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allo�v replacement of the poster panels at t�vo locations (1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboards on the Highland Vitlage Shopping Center), and her request for cost estimates from Eller in relation to the 51 percent test as a basis for future decisions about cvhether the other billboazds will be peanitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific arguments. 4. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising si�ns, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66.302), which is specifically about adverfising signs. The city staff from LIEP, PED, and tEie City Attorney's Office have conferred and a�ree that nonconforming billboards aze regulated by both sections and by applicable special sign districts; in the event of any appazent inconsistency, whichever contains the most specific provisions controls. However, the Zonin� Administrator's letter contained only a request for information, not a decision about how the renovation cost information `vould be used. Therefore, since no decision has been made, an appeal of this issue is premature. 5. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test �rere to apply, it shoutd apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. Based on the definitions for "sign" and "sign structure" in the code (66.121), this appeal has some merit. But different terms are used in the para�raph on exemptions from getting building permits (66.40�), which refers to "display surface" and "poster replacement". The Iatter terms aze not defined in the code and, being subject to interpretation, are a responsibility of the Zonin� Administrator. The Cit�• Council is expected to amendment advertising sign re�ulations later this yeaz and tivill receive comments from the Plannin� Commission before doing so. Code amendments ���ould be a better way to clazify how sign faces shoutd be considered than tryin� to reach a decision through an appeals process. 6. Scenic Minnesota s third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or replacement of sien faces should rzquire a sign {building) permit. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels), LIEP treated Eller Media the same as they have treated all billboard companies. For many years the Zoning Administrator has interpreted 66.40� to �� `� °l - to �l\ allow poster panei replacement without a sign permit. Poster panels come in kits of interlockin� strips of galvanized sheet metal, �vhich aze assembled on site and typically cost less than 20 percent of the construction cost of a billboard. For the set of billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboazds on Highland V illage Shopping Center, LIEP inspectors determined that no structural damage had occurred. Ms. Lane's letter of June 10, 1998, is clearly consistent with established practice; any other decision would have been discriminatory. 7. The fifth specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that the W. Seventh biliboazds cannot be replaced or renovated at this time because of the interim Special Sign District for the �V. Seventh neighborhood. In February 1998, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by wTiting a letter. In early July, the City Councii held a public heazin� and approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that applied. The �Vest Seventh Federation appiied on April 6, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. As with the 51 percent test, the Zoning Administrator has not rendered a decision about whether or not the W. Seventh billboards can be renovated, and an appeai is premature. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow the replacement of the sign faces �vithout sign permits for the billboards at 1820 Grand Avenue and for the middle set of billboards at Highland Villa�e Shoppin� Center is hereby denied; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission renders no decision on this appeal as regards the eastem set of billboards at Highland Village Shopping Center or the billboazds on W. Seventh Street; since LIEP has only asked for information from Eller Media on these storm-damaged billboards and has not yet made decisions on whether they can be renovated, appeals about them are premature. �i DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Pamela Wheelock, Di�ector CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayar September 16, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Research O�ce 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 H'est Fourth Street Saint Paut, MN i57D2 �.\��+t Ktsd�•'�+or� pQ � C.� ��� i �� Telephome: 612d 66-6� 65 Facsim77e- 612-228-3314 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 7, 1998 for the following zoning case: Applicants: File Nuxnber: Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and Rogers Chambers 98-247 Purpose: Appeal of Planning Commission decision regarding storm-damaged biliboards: Planning Commission upheld action of LIEP to allow replacement of sign face panels where the sign support structure was undamaged on billboards in the Grand Avenue and Highland Special Sign Districts Locations: 1820 Crrand Avenue (southwest corner of Grand and Fairview) and at Highland V illage Shopping Center (southwest comer of Ford Pkwy. and Cleveland) My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council on September 23, 1998 and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6575 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Wr' ' LarrySo rholm ___ _ Principal Planner - Zoning cc: Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Harris Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota , �.�. � NOTICE OF POBLIC HEARING .� . -c�. ' The Saint Paul City Covncil a'i11 cunduct a public hearing on Wednesday, October 7. 1998 at 5:30 p.m: in the City Council Chambers, Thicd Floor City Hall-Coart House. to consider the appeai of Scenic Minnesota, Higkiland Area Community Conncil. and Rogers Chambers to a decision of the Planning Cocnmissiun regarding storm-damaged bil(boards at IS20 Grand Avenue (southwest corner of Grand and Fairview Avenues) and�at Highland�ViHage Shopping Center (souihwest corner of Ford Pazkway and Cleveland Avenuel. . � _ , Dafeda.Septemherl7, 1998 NANCYANDERSON " . . Assistant City Cbtutcff SecreCary � � - (9eptetttber 19. 1998) _.. � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 30, 1998 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 PameZa WheeZocl� Director � 9_� b � 1 25 West Fourth Sveet Telephone: 612-266-6565 Saint Paul, IvN 55102 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 RE: Zoning File # 98-247: SCENIC MINNESOTA, HIGHLAND AREA COMMUNITY COLJNCIL, and ROGERS CHAMBERS (co-appellants) City Council Hearing: October 7, 1998 at 530 p.m., City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision that allowed the replacement of sign face panels � on two storm-damaged billboards located in special sign districts where the construction, replacement, or renovation of billboards is prohibited. The Planning Commission denied an appeal filed by Scenic Minnesota and the Highland Area Community Council of an administrative decision made by LIEP. The Zoning Administrator in LIEP determined that sign face panels that had blown off could be replaced on billboazds where the sign structures that support the sign faces were undamaged. LOCATIONS: The billboards in question are at 1820 Grand Avenue (southwest comer of Fairview on top of the Subway Sandwich shop) and at 2012 Ford Parkway (the middle billboard on top of the Highland Village Shopping Center.) Both billboard structures are V-shaped with rivo billboard faces. � PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Deny appeal by Scenic Minnesota and the Highland area community council, 10-0 (with 1 abstention) ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATTON: Deny appeal, 3-1 (with 1 abstention) STAFF RECQMMENDATION: Deny appeai but revise code to require building permits for sign face panel replacement in the future SUPPORT FOR APPEAL BY SCENIC MN: Co-appellants, plus one letter of support. OPPOSITION TO APPEAL BY SCENIC MN: Two representatives of the billboard industry and the owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center. Dear Ms. Anderson: SCENIC MINNESOTA, the HIGHLAND AREA COMMIJNITY COLINCIL, and ROGERS CHAMBERS have appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Plannina Commission to deny a previous �l ` Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Secretary September 30, 1998 Page 2 appeal led by Scenic Minnesota of the Zoning Administrator's decision that sign face panels b(own down by storms could be replaced on those billboards where the sign structure was not damaged, even on billboards located in special sign districts where the construction, replacement, or renovation of billboards is prohibited. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public heazing on the matter on August 6, 1998. Representatives of Scenic Minnesota and the Highland Area Community Council spoke in support of the appeal. Two representatives of Eller Media Company and the owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center spoke in opposition, that is, in support of the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of the code. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 3 to 1 with 1 abstention to recommend denial of the appeal. The Planning Commission considered the case on August 14, 1998; they supported the Zoning Committee's recommendation and denied the appeal by a vote of 10 to 0 with 1 abstention. The appeal to the Planning Commission initially involved six billboards, but the Planning Commission found that in four cases the Zoning Administrator had not yet rendered a decision on whether the billboards could be repaired, but had only requested information from Eller Media Company about the extend of dama�e and estimated repair costs. Thus, the Planning Commission made decisions about only rivo billboards; they upheld the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of the Zoning Code and denied the appeal. The present appeal to the City Council is about the two billboards, one on Grand Avenue and the other at Highland Village Shopping Center, on which the Zoning Adminish�ator authorized the installation of new sign face panels. These two billboards were put saon put back into service within weeks after the storms. In several other cases around the city, storm-damaged billboards remain out of service while information gathering and decisions aze made. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 7, 1998. Please call ma (266-6575) if you have questions and please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the sites presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, L�holm PrincipalPlanner- Zoning Attachments cc: City Council members Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota Gayle Summers, HACC Rogers Chambers \�PED\SY52�SHAAED�SODERHOL�ZONRVU198?47CC2.L1R Peter Warner, Asst. City Attomey Wendy Lane, LIEP Chris McCarver, Eller Media Co. Mike Cronin, outdoor advertising consultant � � � ' � q q _ togl ATTACffiVIENTS • A. B. C. D. Appeal form and letter of explanation �.��� Planning Commission Resolution and Planning Commission minutes for 8/14/98 � Zoning Committee minutes for 8/6/98 �,�� 1`� ` ���' Staff Report of 7/25f98 with many attachments sent to the Zoning Committee �� E. Location and zoning maps P. �Z -� �� �J • UPED\SYS2\SHAREDVSODERHOL�ZONIlVG\98247CC2.LIR � �lq - lo`l\ � APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departme�:t af Planning and Econamic Development Zoning Section 1100 City Hal! Annec 25 YT'est FourUr Stree� Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 �or�€ng �ae use Fiie rto �� �`7' � - Fs� � �`?� �££1�3t1Y9 -#?2�i£liig �_ � - - __..��'' �"� . 't�_��- r _ - APPELLANT Name SCtn�c. ��C`�''li7in�.nrn,eet,q<<t.. Address f�« �"`5 I�b � �r/��''+-�( �`'`�- �ni f � �S1°i City St._ Zip Daytime phone �°� ° �� 6 � �».+�'�+�5 11j�iY- 5 5i. ('a*-c ��°� � (Pr?v- 3`i� � PROPERTY LOCATtON Zoning File Name Address/Location TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby mad�e for an appeaf to the: ❑ Board of Zoning Appeals �'City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appea4 a ecisio made by the �n�� ���n^�55�� on ����'-/ � , 19_ File number: 7 ^ 5 (date of decision) � GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding rnade by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Pianning Commission. ��inint�C.C'�- �ll�_ h���-�eS iN i '�z-►Jov.}Tia�S 8� �SL �.� v�—�A�nn�Le�Q �rc�3�,�.ns . < , �i�s SeL���n. j��s�e-��o•�S ��n.�pvar c� �r��r�,An.,�s k,��at 13 fl/�c rt�T fl ��Li�i�i�' v5�_ , �1�.LGv,��s.�s in f�rEttyt�� � Or� �/}� N�. I���lL+nrTC.� � �� Attach additiona/ sheet rf necessary) ,!7 . Appiicant's signature s c�« /77 n ,7�� �: / . e . _ r u� � �by �� g�City agent ! .1�'�n'�� �/ � O//icers: Ezecutice Otrettor 6rian 6afes John Mannillo 1985 Grand Avenue Jeanne Weigum Saint Paul, MIY 55105� Michael Paymar SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA 612 690-9671 ftuby tlunt September 1, 1998 Mr. Larry Soderholm Planning and Economic Development City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . Re: Damaged Billboards Appeal. Mr. Soderholm: I ask that this writing and attached letter be made part of the appeal lodged on August 24, 1998 by Scenic Minnesota, Highland Area Community Council, and J. Rogers Chambers. ScoRe I understand the action being appealed is Zimited to that portion oP LIEP Zoning Manager Wendy Lane's June 10, 1998, letter in which she allowed the renovation and replacement of the two- � paneled, middle, rooftop billboard on the building on the south- east corner of Cleveland and Ford Parkway and the two-paneled, � rooftop billboard at 1820 Grand Avenue. Background An appeal of Zoning Manager Lane`s letter of June 10, 1998, was filed at a cost of $150.00 on June 16, 1998. The appeal was heard by the Zoning Committee of the Planninq Coaunission on August 6, 1998. That committee voted four to one, with Chair Field abstaining�, to deny the appeal. Denial of the appeal was formalized by the Planning Commission on Auqust 24, 2998. Commissioner Field moved denial and, except for his abstention, the � Litton Field derives income from a billboard on downtown � Saint Paul property in which he has an interest. � aq-�o�� � motion passed unanimously. On August 24, 1998, appellants filed this appeal in this matter, again at a cost of $150.00. Appellants hereby appeal the Planning Commission's denial of appellants' earlier appeal. Appellants' Position The crux of the issue before trie City Council on appeal is the proper interpretation o£ the City Zoning Code. The industry has argued the controlling Zoning Code provision is §66.301, which pertains generally to "signs." Appellants argue the controlling provision is §66.302, which pertains more specifically to "advertising signs." When interpreting the Zoning Code its lanquage is to be construed according to the rules of construction contained in � §60.102. The first rule of construction in that section requires "the particular shall control the general." Further, the use of the word "shall is mandatory." We conclude it is mandatory that the particular control the general. We further conclude §66.302, which pertains particularly to advertising signs, must control §66.301, which pertains more generally to advertising, as well as business, signs. It is uncontested the subject billboards are nonconforming; were damaged in a windstorm; were replaced and/or renovated; and are located in special sign districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. Section 66.302 allows the replacement and/or renovation of any � 2 � 7 nonconforming advertising siqn only if the advertising sign is � located in a zoning district in which advertising signs are a permitted use. We conclude that nonconforming advertising signs in the Grand Avenue Special District Sign Plan area and the xighland Village Special District Sign Plan area cannot be replaced or renovated. We further conclude replacing and/or renovating, or allowing the replacement and/or renovation of, the subject billboards violates the Saint Paul Zoning Code. The subject billboards are illegal and must be removed in their entirety immediately. Any other action would sanction a violation of the Zoning Code. PED's Position In its Zoning Committee Staf£ Report, PED, after consultation . with the City Attorney's office, made the following determinations: 1) The subject advertisinq signs are nonconforming; 2) Section 66.302 controls; � 3) Advertising signs are not a permitted use on Grand Avenue and in Highland Village; 4) Renovation is "to restore to an earlier condition, to improve by repairing." (PED did not discuss the term "replace.") PED concluded, and recommended, the subject billboards could not be renovated, that is, returned to their earlier condition; the 51% damage test contained in §66.301 is not the,appropriate test for damaged billboards; anything beyond minor repairs must meet the standards of §66.302; and the City should require a sign permit for the replacement o£ poster panels. See PED Zoning Committee Report. 3 C J "5 49 �►d q1 � LIEP's Departmental Practice It has been suggested that LIEP acted appropriately when LIEP did not require the issuance of a permit for, and thus allowed, the renovation of the subject billboards. The argument goes that since LIEP had a longstanding practice of not requiring the issuance of permits for sign face replacement LIEP was right not to have done so here. There are several £laws in this reasoning. First, we challenge whether this "long-standing practice" is a fact or merely a convenient explanation for allowing the subject billboards to be renovated or replaced in violation of the Zoning Code. We have seen no written internal policy on this point. We are unaware of any instances where sign companies have applied for permits for the replacement of sign faces and have been told in � writing a permit was unnecessary. On the contrary, we are aware of at least one recent instance where a permit application was submitted, and a permit issued, for the replacement of a sign face � (2/26/98 issuance of a permit to Universal Outdoor to replace a rooftop sign face on University near Prior). Even if a"long-standing practice" can be estalalished, we disagree the subject billboards can be renovated and/or replaced. The logic that departmental practice should override provisions of the Zoning Code leads to several distinct, and equally untenable, results. The Zoning Administrator is required by the Zoning Code to enforce trie provisions of the Zoning Code. See §66.401. This provision becomes a nullity if the Zoning Administrator does not, in fact, enforce all provisions of the Zoning Code. If the Zoning � 4 ✓ � Code is not enforced in this instance it follows the Zoning Code � can never be enforced. In all similar future circumstances sign companies will, no doubt, argue that the City must treat them as Universal sign company is now treated. Logically, this leads to the effective rewriting of the Zoning Code by City staff. City staff has no such authority. Regardless, LIEP did not make reference to any "long-standing�' internal policy when it wrote Universal Outdoor allowing replacement of the subject billboards. LIEP referred to a specific provision of the Zoning Code. In her June 10, 1998, letter, Ms. Lane stated: "The replacement of poster panels is permitted without a permit pursuant to Section 66.405(1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." Section 66.405(1) reads: The changing of the display surface on a painted or printed � sign only. However this exception shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on-site changes involving sign painting elsewhere than directly on a building. Ms. Lane used a Zoning Code provision, allowing the replacement of an advertising poster, to allow the replacement of � advertising poster panels. This is not a casual mistake. To confuse posters and poster panels is to confuse paint and the painting surface, a sign and a sign face, a bulletin and a bulletin board, or chalk and a blackboard. Ms. Lane went to extraordinary lengths to accommodate Universal outdoor. A Word On Property Riahts The Zoning Code specifically disallows vestinq oP property rights with any billboard company or any billboard property owner. Neither the billboard company, nor the property owner, has any � 5 lri `C9 -�05\ � right to the continuation of any billboard use under the Zoning Code. See § 66.411. On the other hand, area residents do have vested property rights. The residential property owners have a right to quiet enjoyment of their properties. The replacement of the subject billboards has interfered with area residential property rights. See Chambers letter attached. Relief Appellants ask the City Council to declare the two subject billboards nuisances per se pursuant to Zoning Code §66.413 and order their immediate removal. Further, appellants ask the City Council to order the return of $300.00 in filing fees to appellants.' � L �r-- - �-���.� Brian Bates for: Scenic Minnesota Highland Area Community Council J. Rogers Chambers � Appellants are aware that the issue of reimbursement of filing fees has recently been before the Council. The Council riqhtly declined to allow special rules for neighborhood or non- profit groups. However, appellants now suggest the return of the filing fees (no attorney fees) in any case where the appellant prevails or substantially prevails on appeal. In this case, appellants' filing fees were necessitated by LIEP's error in judgment and the Planninq Commission's failure to correct the error. Appellants suggest it is unfair that private moneys be expended to en£orce the Zoning Code where public � employees and officials have failed to do so. 6 � � August 5, 1998 St. Paul Zoning Committee 25 West 4"' Street 1100 City Hall Annex St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 ATTN: Mr. larry Soderholm Va Fax#651/228-3314 , Dear Mr. Soderholm: This letter is in support o# Scenic Minnesota's appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding the rebuilding of biAboards at the southwest corrier of Grand and Fairview (1820 Grand Ave.} after they were damaged in the recent wind storms. From the back of our home at 1834 Summit Avenue we can see the billboards and consider them unsightly_ They are a very unpleasant aspect of fhe view from the house, and they block a piece of sky we have a right to see. As property owners in the neighborhoai, we were led to believe that if ever these biilboards were destroyed by natural causes, they would not be replaced. After the damage to them in May, we thought that we would not see the biliboards any longer. We were very surprised, and much disappointed, to see them rebuilt. We urge the Zoning Committee to grant Scenic Minnesota's appeal and reverse the Administrator's decision aliowing the rebuilding of the biliboards. This form of advertising is a bfight on the urban landscape and our neighbor wiil oniy be improved by their removal. We hope that you wi;l agree with our viewpoint, grant the appeai, and adhere to the zoning code resfrictions as they current{y stand, disaliowing the billboards. We do not need this type of adve �" in our neighborhood. i Sincerel � ��7 /n �� J-Rogers Chambers Shawn �. Chambers 1834 Summit Avenue , , 'h` ��+1ri � i � � `�q - �o �� � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 98-_ date Au 14 1998 WHEREAS, SCENIC MIi� file � 98-154, has filed an appeal, under the provisions of Section 66300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the Zoning Administrator's decision re�azding advertising si�ns damaged in a storm on May 30, 1998; and loca[ed at 1820 Grand Avenue, the Highland Village Shopping Center, which is on the south side of Ford Pazkway between Kenneth Street and Cleveland Avenue, and at 1142, 1184, and 1209 �V. Seventh Street (legal descriptions on file); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on August 6, 1998, held a public heazin� at which all persons present w�ere given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following � findings of fact: 1. A major �vind storm hit the Twin Cities on May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of dama�e to homes, trees, and power lines, and also to some billboards. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of damaged billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller Media, Inc. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller Media that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged billboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the middle billboazd structure at Highland Village had not received structural damage; just the signs and poster panels, which provided the backing for the signs, had blown down. Replacing poster panels does not, as a matter of standard City practice dating back many years, require a building permit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to replace the poster panels on those two signs. Ms. Lane's letter said that the other four billboazd locations--one at Highland Village Shopping Center and three on W. Seventh Street--were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information about the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sign. One of the tests in the Zoning Code for the repair of nonconformin� signs that have been dama�ed is that the renovation costs aze less than 51 moved by Field � seconded by in favor 10 (Field abstained) against �i percent of the replacement cost. 2. All of the billboazds in question are owned by Eller Media, Inc. (formerly Naegele and then Universal), which is a national biilboazd company. All of the biilboazds aze in B-2 (Community Business) zoning districts, where advertising signs aze permitted if they meet certain size and spacing requirements unless an overlay speciat sign district imposes stricter regulations. None of the billboazds in question are conformin�; they aze all legal nonconforming signs for one reason or another. The Grand Avenue and Highland Village signs are in Special Sign Districts adopted in the 1980s where billboards are prohibited. The W. Seventh Street bi116oards aze in an interim Special Sign District approved by the City Council earlier this yeaz, where new construction and modification of billboards aze prohibited until new advertising sign regulations aze adopted by the City Council. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16, 1998, appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allow replacement of the poster panels at two locations (1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboazds on the Highland Village Shoppin� Center), and her request for cost estimates from Eller in relation to the 51 percent test as a basis for future decisions about whether the other billboazds will be permitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific arguments. � 4. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising signs, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66302), which � is specifically about advertising signs. The city staff from LIEP, PED, and the City Attomey's Office have conferred and agree that nonconforming billboards aze regulated by both sections and by applicable special sign districts; in the event of any appazent inconsistency, whichever contains the most specific provisipns controls. However, the Zoning Administrator's letter contained only a request for information, not a decision about how the renovation cost information would be used. Therefore, since no decision has been made, an appeal of this issue is premature. 5. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test were to apply, it should apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. Based on the definitions for "si�n" and "sign structure" in the code (66.121), this appeal has some merit. But different terms aze used in the paragraph on exemptions from getting building permits (66.405), which refers to "display surface" and "poster replacemenP'. The latter terms are not defined in the code and, being subject to interpretation, aze a responsibility of the Zoning Administrator. The City Council is expected to amendment advertising sign reQulaTions later this year and will receive comments from the Planniug Commission before doing so. Code amendments would be a better way to clarify how sign faces should be considered than trying to reach a decision through an appeals process. 6. Scenic Minnesota's third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or reptacement of sign faces should requirQ a sign (building) permit. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels), LIEP treated Eller Media the same as tYiey have treated all � billboard companies. For many years the Zoning AdminisYrator has interpreted 66.405 to IG �9 - Loq � � allow poster panel replacement without a sign permit. Poster panels come in kits of interlocking strips of galvanized sheet metal, w�hich are assembled on site and typically cost less than 20 percent of the construction cost of a billboazd. For the set of billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards on Highland Village Shopping Center, LIEP inspectors determined that no structural damage had occurred. Ms. Lane's letter of June 10, 1998, is cleazly consistent with established practice; any other decision would have been discriminatory. 7. The fifth specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that the W. Seventh billboards cannot be replaced or renovated at this time because of the interim Special Sign District for the W. Seventh neighborhood. In February 1998, the City Councii adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by writing a letter. In early July, the � City Council held a public hearing and approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that applied. The West Seventh Federation applied on April 6, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. As with the 51 percent test, the Zoning Administrator has nbt rendered a decision about whether or not the W. Seventh billboards can be renovated, and an appeal is premature. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow the replacement of the sign faces without sign permits for the billboazds at 1820 Grand Avenue and for the middle set of billboazds at Highland Village Shopping Center is hereby denied; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission renders no decision on this appeal as regards the eastem set of billboards at Highland Village Shopping Center or the billboazds on W. Seventh Street; since LIEP has only asked for information from Eller Media on these storm-damaged billboards and has not yet made decisions on whether they can be renovated, appeals about them are premature. . N Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center ���� ,{� 15 Kellogg Boulevard West d �(�� '' � . w��h �� � A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, August 14, 1998, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Engh, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and Messrs. Field, Johnson, Kramer, Mazdell, Mazgulies, and Nowlin. Mmes. *Duarte, *Faricy and *Geisser and Messrs. *Chavez, Gervais, *Gordon, Kong, McDonell, Sharpe, and Vaught. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Acting Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Domma Drummond, Martha Faust, and Allan Torstenson, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton announced that all the applications for Liveable Communities Demonstration are in and Saint Paul has rivo: 1) Lowertown: Urban Livability and Technology; and 2} Main street on Payne: Renewed Urban Village II. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Soderholm announced that Ken Ford is on vacation. Mr. Soderholm also announced that the Mayor's Office is taking applications for Planning Commission members. The contact person is Deborah Wiley in the City Clerk's Office at 266- 8695. There has been a request for a small area plan for the Irvine Avenue area from the CapitalRiver Council (downtown). It will be put on PED's work program for 1999 unless there is a development crisis which necessitates immediate action. There has also been a request from the Summit Avenue Residential Preservation Association (SARPA) for updating the Summit Avenue plan done in 1986. He announced a seminar coming up on housing. It is scheduled for Friday, September 18, 1998. "Building Inclusive Communities" is being presented by the Minnesota Fair Housing Centers. Mr. Soderholm circulated Yhe brochure. Mr. Soderholm referred to the current issue of Land Patterns, a publication of the 1000 Friends . i � �� `�� - t�q\ � 20 square feet to allow for a 50 square foot sign (30 squaze feet is code); variance of 11 feet to allow for a 7'6" high sign 10 feet from property line (21 foot setback is required) along Arcade Street (Allan Torstenson, 266-6579). MOTION Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested sign variance to a11ow for a 50 sq.ft sign in an area mhere 30 sq.ft was permitted; a setback variance to allow for 7' 6" high sign 10 feet from t1:e property line at 669 Arcade Street which carried unanimously on a voice vote. — #98-154 Scenic Minnesota - Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding vazious advertising signs damaged in recent storms located at 1142 West Seventh Street, 1184 West Seventh Street, 1209 West Seventh Street, the southeast comer of Ford Pazkway and South Cleveland, the southwest corner of Ford Parkway and Kenneth Street, and 1820 Grand Avenue (Larry Soderholm, 266-6575). Commissioner Field explained that the staff repor[ determined that there were only two signs for which the appeat could be made because the Zoning Administrator had not made decisions on the other signs. Mr. Soderholm agreed with Commissioner Field's explanation. He went on to say that the Zoning Administrator, Wendy Lane, wrote to Eller Media, Inc. indicating that on rivo of the damaged billboards there was no structural damage to the structure holding up the board, and therefore, the sign panels could be replaced and the signs put back into service. With regard to four other locations, she asked for more information about the extent of the structural damage. Then Scenic Minnesota appealed Ms. Lane's letter. The City Attorney � advised the Zoning Committee that they should act only on the two cases where a final decision had been made, not on the matters where Ms. Lane had simpty asked the company for more information. The rivo locations of the appeal are 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards on the roof of the Aighland Village Shopping Center. Discussion to clarify followed. MOTION Commissioner Field moved denial of this appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising signs that were damaged in recent storms located at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle set of billboards at the Highland Village Shopping Center which carried on a voice vote (Field abstaining). �--- #98-163 Twin Citv Townhomes. Inc. - Special condition use permit to allow a cluster development of 30 townhouse units south oFthe West Cottage Avenue cul-de-sac beriveen Wheelock Parkway and Westem Avenue (Donna Drummond, 266-6556). MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested special condition use permit, with conditions, to allow a cluster development of 30 townhouse units sauth of the West Cottage Avenue cu[-de-sac between A'heelock Parkway and Western Avenue. Commissioner Johnson asked Commissioner Field about the nature of the opposing testimony. Commissioner Field responded that he thought it was the mass of the structuces related to the size of the site. He also thought folks preferred to maintain the natural setting and green space � for their enjoymennt. ,� i� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 6, 1998 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: ABSENT: OTNERS PRESENT: Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, and Wencl Chavez, Gordon, Vaught Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Donna Drummond, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm, Allan Torstenson, and Jim Zdon of PED The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. SCENIC MN - Zoning File 98-154 - Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision regarding various advertising signs damaged in recent storms. Larry Soderholm, PED, said that he received telephone cails from the West Seventh/Fort Road Federation and the Highland Area Community Council requesting to join this appeal as co- appellants. Mr. Soderholm also received a fax from Scenic MN stating that any district councils that would like to join in the appeai may do so. Mr. Soderhoim expfained that six bi(Iboard locafions are discussed in fhis case. Two of the billboards did not have structural damage, except that the sign face panels blew away. Four of the billboards had structural damage to the framing that hoids the sign face up. The city has not in the past required sign permits for the replacement of sign face panels. Wendy Lane of LIEP sent a letter to the billboard company, Eller Media, Inc., teiling them they could replace the sign panels on the two billboards, but that they wouid need to submit more information about the extent of the damage and get sign permits in order to repair the four biilboards with structural damage. Ms. Lane's letter said that the decision about the two billboards was subject to appeal. Scenic MN submitted an appeal regarding the two billboards and also regarding how the code is interpreted for structurally damaged biilboards. The staff report as mailed responds to aU of Scenic MN's specific questions. However, the staff from LIEP, PED, and the City Attorney's Office have discussed the case since the staff report was written, and agree that the only actual decision made by the Zoning Administrator was regarding the replacement of the sign face panels without requiring sign permits. Mr. Soderholm then gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. He stated staff is recommending the appeal be denied. in response to Commissioner Kramer's questions, Mr. Soderholm explained why the various signs are legal nonconforming signs--special sign districts, size of sign, height of sig�, etc. Upon questions of Commissioner Wencl, Mr. Soderholm confirmed that only the two signs where the sign panels were replaced without permits should be decided at today's hearing. Mr. Warner stated that no decision has been reach yet by the Zoning Administrator on the structurally damaged billboards so there is no decision to appeal from. When LIEP receives the additional information needed from the sign companies, the Zoning Administrator will make a determination. Ms. Lane ��( � � � aq_�a�l Zoning committee Minutes Meeting of August 6, 1998 � Scenic MN (98-154) Page Two stated they need the information before making any determination. At that time, either side may file an appeal. However, in the meantime the sign company should not be doing any work on those signs, other than the freestanding sign on West Seventh where metal overhanging the public sidewalk caused a public hazard and should be removed. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Mr. Soderholm stated that acts of nature are covered in the zoning code and are not exceptions to the written code. If any type of nonconforming sign is more than 51 percent destroyed, it cannot be replaced in its nonconforming position. Additional restrictions apply to the renovation or replacement of advertising signs as opposed to on-premise business signs. Responding to Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Lane explained that new signs cannot be built on tops of buildings except that existing rooftop signs can be replaced on the same lot if other condit'tons are met and they can be built on another lot using billboard credits, again if other conditions are met. Ms. Lane repeated that, regarding the signs on West Seventh, a decision hasn't been made yet. Brian Bates, Executive Director of Scenic MN, stated that this appeal is about whether all of the provisions in the code about nonconforming biliboard replacement are being followed; it is not just about city permits. He also challenged the claim that LIEP never requires a permit for sign face replacement. He understands that a sign face was recently done on University Avenue which required a permit. Mr. Bates corrected Mr. Soderholm's staff report on which of the three biliboards . at Highland Viliage are being appealed. It is the eastern two boards at Highland, not the western board. The middle board is the one on which new sign faces have already been installed. He suggested that the sign on Grand and Fairview be measured, that it appears to be too high. The middle set of biilboards in Highland appear to spread wider than the 35 degree angle allowed. Mr. Bates stated that these two billboards, which are the subject of today's hearing, were renovated and they should not have been because they are in special sign distric�s that prohibit billboards. And if Eller Media was allowed by the city to repair storm damage, they should have been required at the same time to bring the boards into conformance with the code standards for height and angle. Gail Summers the community organizerforthe Highland Area Community Council spoke regarding the signs covered by the Highland Village Special Sign District. Her office is in the Highiand Village Shopping Center so she sees what is being done there. She stated that the sign with structural damage had been worked on at least three times since the storm, and at least twice with welding equipment. She suspects that tf�e sign structure is being repaired without the required city permit. The position of the Highland Business Associaiion and the Highfand Area Community Council is that they want the Highiand Sign Plan adhered to. The damaged signs shouid come down. Marvin Liszt, attorney for Eller Media lnc., appeared. Mr. Liszt objected that the Zoning Committee is hearing an appeal by a statewide nonprofit organization. He stated that Section 66.408 of the code indicates that persons affected by the decision of the Zoning Administrator may appeal. Scenic MN certainly has a right to appear at this hearing, but they don't have standing to appeal. Persons actually affected by the decision would be the lessor, lessee, the mortgagee, and so forth. Regarding the two signs in question, the cost to repair these is negligible. It is far less than 51 percent of the replacement cost, with the cost to repair being approximately two thousand dollars � versus twelve thousand to replace each of the signs. Regarding Section 66.301 of the Zoning Code, Mr. Liszt emphasized that the two signs involved are legal nonconforming signs. Legal signs have a right to remain. i� Zoning Committee Minutes Meeting of August 6, 1998 Scenic MN (98-154) Page Three Howard Stacher, owner of the Highland Village Shopping Center appeared in opposition to Scenic MN's appeal. He stated that he has a long-term relationship with Eller Media and he believes that they have a right to repair the sign. If they are not allowed to do so, it will mean taking a valuable property right away from him. Thomas J. Klees, Director of Operations, Eller Media lnc., 3225 Spring Street NE appeared, stating that he had inspected the signs involved. He said sign panels can last for different periods of time depending on the climate. In Minnesota, where there is no sait in the air, the galvanized panels last a long time, up to twenty years. Replacement of panels is more frequent near the coasts. Mr. Bates came forward for rebuttal and stated that, according to the code, there are no vested property rights in any billboard in the city. There are, however, vested property rights in surrou�ding residential properties. He stated that the residential properties are impacted by these biliboards. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved denial of the appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision to allow sign face replacements at 1820 Grand Avenue and the middle billboard on the roof of the Highland Village Shopping Center. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Faricy. Commissioner Kramer spoke in opposition. There was no further discussion, and the vote was called on the motion to deny the appeal. Adopted: Yeas - 3 Nays - 1(Commissioner Kramer) Commissioner Fieid stated that he abstained from voting on this item because he represents a partnership that owns commercial property elsewhere and has a lease with Eller Media. Drafted by: Geri Boyd Recording Secretary Submitted by: Team Approved / Litton Field Chair , � � � (V �q - ta� ` � 2. FILE # 98-154 APPLICANT: SCENIC MINNESOTA DATE OF HEARING: 8/6/98 ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT CLASSIFICATION: Administrative Appeal LOCATION: Various locations of storm-damaged billboazds (1142, 1184, and 1209 W. Seventh St., Highland Village Shopping Center at the southeast corner of Ford Parkway and Cleveland Ave., and 1820 Grand Ave.) 4. 5. 6. 7. � 8. � PLANNING DISTRICTS: 9, 14, and 15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at PED PRESENT ZONING: All signs are in B-2 districts ZONING CODE REFERENCES: 66.408, 66.301, 66302(a)(1), 66.404, and 66.405(i) STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/25/98 BY: Larry Soderholm 9. DATE RECEIVED: 06/16/98 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 8/15/98 NOTE ADDED 9/30/98 FOR CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING At the Zoning Committee meeting on 8/6/98, the staff recommendations in this staff report were revised orally. After consultation with the City Attorney's Office, PED staff concluded that only two of the six billboard locations in question were ripe for action. In the other four cases, the Zoning Administrator had requested information from the billboard company but had not made appealable decisions on whether any of the billboards could be repaired or reconstructed. In the two "live" cases PED staff recommended denial of the appeal because replacement of sign face panels without building permits was consistent with LIEP's past practice and past interpretation of an ambiguous paragraph in the code. The ambiguity should be addressed through zoning text amendments in the current advertising sign study initiated by the City Council. Ij A. PURPOSE: Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding advertising signs � damaged in recent storms. B. EXISTING LAND USE: All the billboazds in question are in neighborhood commercial azeas. At five locations the billboazds are on rooftops. One of the W. Seventh St. billboards is freestanding. C. SURROUNDING LAND USE: All of the billboazds in question are in neighborhood commercial areas. At 1820 Grand Ave., which is at the southwest corner of Fairview on top of the Subway sandwich shop, the surrounding uses are commercial with single- family residential across the alley to the south. At Highland Shopping Center, the surrounding land uses are predominantly commercial with a church and pazochial school on the next block to the south and a public playground on the block to the east. On W. Seventh Street, the billboards in question are all within a standard city block (660') of one another along a mixed use strip where there aze duplexes, apartments, a church, commercial-residential mixed use buildings and businesses. Just off W. Seventh St. the neighborhood is made up of single-family and duplex structures. D. ZONING CODE CITATION: E. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: All of the billboazds in question are owned by Eller Qutdoor � Advertising (formerly Naegele and then Universal), which is a national billboard company and the one that has the most signs in Minnesota. A major wind storm hit the Twin Cities on the Saturday night of May 30, 1998, causing a great deal of damage to homes and trees and power lines, and also to some billboazds. The day following the storms, Eller sent emergency crews out to clean up debris and stabilize any billboazd structures that might represent a hazazd. Apart from securing signs, the crews did no repair work on them. On June 5, city inspectors checked the sites of damaged billboazds with Chris McCarver of Eller. On June 10, Wendy Lane of LIEP wrote to Eller that, as a result of the inspection, two of the damaged biilboards, 1820 Grand Ave. and the southeast comer of Ford Parkway and S. Cleveland Ave. had not received structural damage. The sign and poster panels that provide the backing for the sign had blown down. Replacing poster panels does not, as a matter of standazd City practice, require a building permit. Therefore, Eller could proceed immediately to repiace the poster panels on those two signs. Ms. Lane's letter said the other four locations were found to have structural damage. Therefore, she requested information about the cost of repairs in relation to the replacement cost of each sib . In the Zoning Code, the standard test for the repair of nonconforming signs that aze damaged is that the sign can be repaired if the damaged is � 2 t v. �`� -��� � � less than 51 percent of its replacement cost. Scenic Minnesota, a nonprofit organization, in a letter dated June 16 appealed Ms. Lane's decision to allow replacement of the poster panels at two locations, and her use of the 51 percent test as the basis for future decisions about whether the other billboazds will be permitted to be renovated. The appeal contains five specific azguments. This staff report addresses each of the specifics. F. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: PED staff has not received district council recommendations at the time the staff report was written. G. FINDINGS: 1. All of the billboards in question aze nonconforming for one reason or another. At 1820 Grand, the sign is in the Grand Ave. special sign district, which was approved by the City Council in 1983 and prohibits any new billboazds. The billboazds in Highland Village are in the Highland Village special sign district, was approved by the City Council in 1985 and prohibits any new billboazds as well as setting a goal of removing all existing billboazds by 1995. The billboards on W. Seventh St. aze in an interim special sign district, created earlier in 1998 at the request of the W. Seventh Federation, while the City Council reviews and revises advertising sign regulations; the interim district also � prohibits additional advertising signs and "the replacement of any damaged advertising signs." All of the billboazds in question are too closely spaced along the street except 1209 W. Seventh. The billboazd at 1184 W. Seventh appears to be too high. The billboard at 1209 W. Seventh, which has three faces, is too big. 2. The first specific appeal by Scenic Minnesota is that, for advertising signs, the 51 percent rule (66301)(2) is superseded by the list of conditions in the next section (66302), which is specifically about advertising signs. A. At the beginning of the Zoning Code, there is a section on "Construction of Language" (60.102). The first rule is that "the particular shall control the general." Thus, to the extent there aze discrepancies between 66301, which is about all types of signs, and 66302, which is exclusively about advertising signs, the City should follow the regulations in 66302. B. Section 66.302(1) says that a nonconforming billboazds may be "renovated" if it is in a zoning district where billboards are permitted. Cleazly billboazds aze not permitted on Grand Avenue or in Highland Village. For at least an interim period, they are not allowed on W. Seventh St. either. s �� C. A dictionary definition of renovate is "to restore to an earlier condition, to improve by repairing..." (American Heritage Dictionary). A higher level of sign repair would be reconstruction, which is not permitted if damage exceeds 51 percent of the replacement cost. It is reasonable to suppose there is a lower levei of sign repair than renovation--say, minor repairs or routine mainYenance—but these terms aze not found explicitly in the Zoning Code on signs. PED Staff Recommendation: The billboazds in question should not be renovated. The 51 percent test is not the proper test for damaged billboazds. Anything beyond "minor repairs" should meet the standards in 66302. 3. Scenic Minnesota's second specific appeal is that if the 51 percent test were to apply, it should apply to the sign face as well as to the rest of the sign structure. A. Billboazds aze made several standazd components and it is helpful to identify them in relationship to "sign face." At the bottom is the "footing" or the rooftop sign "pad." Next is the "upper structure" that carries and supports the sign. Bolted to the upper structure is the "sign face," also referred to as the "poster panel", which is the flat backing on which paper messages can be glued or vinyl messages can be tied. Surrounding the sign face, many billboazds have a"frame", which is like a large picture frame. The poster panel is made of light-gauge sheet metal. Although the poster panel and the frame aze the obvious parts of the billboazd to the viewer, they are not neazly as expensive as the footing and the upper structure. C. The Zoning Code has definitions only for "sign" and "sign shucture" (66.121), as follows: , Sign. "The use of words, numerals, figures, devices, designs, or trademazks the purpose of which is to show or advertise a person, firm, profession, business, product or message." Sign structure. "Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign as defined in this chapter. A sign shucture may be a single pole; it may not be an integral part of a building" Choosing beriveen these defirutions, the sign face of a billboazd would be part of the sign structure and the paper or vinyl message would be the actual sign. � PED Staff Recommendation: The sign face should be considered as part of the sign structure. Scenic Minnesota's third and fourth specific appeals azgue that the installation or replacement of sign faces should require a sign permit. 0 � � J � � a� -�o�\ � A. On replacement of the sign face (poster panels) LIEP treated Eller Outdoor the same as they have treated all billboazd companies. LIEP interprets 66.405 to allow poster panel replacement without a sign permit. This is practical because the replacement of poster panels after a certain number of years is routine upkeep. B. But 66.405 grants exemption from permits to "the changing of the display surface on a painted or printed sign only. However, this exemption shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on-site changes involving sign painting elsewhere than directly on a building." The reference is to posters, which probably means the paper or vinyl with the printed or painted message, not the poster panel, which is part of the sign structure. PED Staff Recommendation: The City should require a sign permit for the replacement of poster panels. While the replacement of poster panels may be routine for conforming signs, it should not be routine for nonconforming ones. 6. Scenic Minnesota's fifth specific appeal is that the W. Seventh billboazds cannot be replaced or renovated during the interim special sign district. A. In February 1998, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance that created an Advertising Sign Legislative Advisory Committee to make recommendations to � the Council. During the study period, the ordinance provides that district councils may apply for a special sign district by writing a letter. Tn eazly July, the City Council held a public heazing an approved interim special sign districts in every citizen participation district that appiied. The West Seventh Federation applied on Apri16, 1998, and the district became effective on May 6. B. The Federation's letter applies to prohibit "modification of existing signs or the replacement of any damaged signs." This may leave a question as to what level of repair may be permitted. The freestanding billboard at 1142 W. Seventh has twisted and failing upright posts which are weakly anchored in substandard footings. The poster panel is gone. The billboard on top of Bill's "I'V had two faces; since the storm part of the sign structure was removed so that it is now single-sided, and the single face has no poster panels. The triple-faced billboard at 1209 W. Seventh, which is on top of Big Wheel Rossi, is missing most of its poster panels. � PED Staff Recommendation: There is an interim speciat sign district in effect in the W. 5 v� Seventh azea, but the application to prohibit the replacement of damaaed signs requires � interpretation. The freestanding billboard at 1142 W. Seventh seems to require replacement, which shouId be prohibited. The City's structural engineer says that Eller's repair cost estimates aze too low. The missing sign structure for the second (west-facing) billboard at 1184 W. Seventh should not be replaced. The others aze missing poster panels. Attachments: Appeal and attached letters Wendy Lane letter to Chris McCarver, 6/10/98 Information submitted by Eller Media Company Letter of 7/1/98 to Eiler from City Structural Engineer Frank Berg Letter received 4/6/98 from the W. Seventh Federation requesting special sign district \�PID�SY52\SFiARID\SODERHOL�ZONLYG\98I54.WPD 6 � � �,v �q_��� s i APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Departmerrt oJPlarrtei�:g and Eco�von:ie Develapment Zonii:g Sectio�: II00 Cin' Hal1 Anner 25 {1 est FourtJr Street Saint Paul, hi�' S5102 166-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION Nam2 Sc'cn.�. ��)�on� Address � � �� �F hn � f'1�`t City �( .(�1�-.L St.ljln Zip SS/vSDaytime phone �y� Zoning File Na Address/Locati zan�ng rn�i�e use on€y Fi(e no. — � Fse �' F � �� (3't�- � Te�tativ= heari� date: _ c V� � TYPE OF APPEAL: Appiication is hereby made for an appeai to�e: � - 6oard of Zoning Appeals � City Council (L����� �� c�1m�55: � ; t und>r tne provisions of Chapter�4, Section �C J , Paragraph � of the Zoning Code, to appeal a de isio? ma by thz �� Z�7+n L- /-�d�riv�� 5,-�z,3'��f2- on �� ��' I/ J , 19 File number: (Cate of decisio GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit. d=cision or refusal made by an administrative o`icial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. � C' f: f-�7'Tl}��� �r � A[tach additional sheet if necessary) Applicant's signatu ;� � � ��7� City ac c:�<zi3S C " . OU ��1��9:1 OJjiCers: John Mannifto Jeanne Weigum Michael Paymar Ruby Hunt June 26, 1998 Chair Gladas Morton Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Storm-Damaged Billboards. Dear Commissioner: Esecultue Ofrector 6rian 8ates 1985 Grand Aveni Saint Paui, Mf( 55t0 6l2 690-967I Pursuant to Zoning Code §66.408, Scenic Minnesota hereby appeals the decisions contained in the June l0, 1998 letter from Saint Paul Department of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection Zoning bianager Ms. Wendy Lane to Mr. Chris McCarver of Universal outdoor, Inc. (attached). Specifically: (1) we appeal the decision that Zoning Code § 66.301(2) applies to. the damaged billboards. We rely on §66.302 for this position, (2) We appeal the decision that if g66.301(2) were to apply, that it only applies to the sign structure and not the sign face. We rely on §66.301(2)("such sign or sign structure"). (3) We appeal the decision that the sign £aces may be replaced without a permit. We rely on §66.404 {"A�pplications for sign and/or sign structure permits ..."). (4) We appeal the decision that replacing the sign face without a permit is allowed by §66.405(1). We rely on §§66.404 and 66.405(1). (5) We appeal the decision that the West Seventh billboards nay be replaced or renovated at this time. We rely on Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amended and the West Seventh/Fort Road Federation application £or a special sign district. By reference, I include my memorandums of June 2 and June 3, 1998 to Jane Prince and Wendy Lane, ny letters of June 4 and June 11, 1998 to Ms. Wendy Lane, and my letter o£ June 12, 1998 to Dir. Robert Kessler. This appeal is accompanied by a check for the appropriate fee as determined by the Planninq Commission. Regard� �_ , ' �,_� i5-� Brian Bates cc: Chris McCarver, Robert Kessler, Wendy Lane, Be'tty Moran, Gayle Summers, Kathie Tarnowski, Jane Prince, Dan Smith, Gerry McInerney. �71 SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA � � 7� �tq - �og� � CITY OF SAItiT PAUL Sonn Coltm.Jr.. 31a}'or June 10, 1998 Chris blcCarver tiniversal Outdoor, Inc. 322� Sprin� S[. N.E. hlinneapolis, MN 5�413 Re: Storm Damaeed Siens Dear b1r. McCarver: OFFICE OF LICE�SE, t\SPECTIO�S A`D E>:VIR6\�SE`TAL PROT[CTI6� Rnbrrt f."rsslrr. D��rctar LOtiRY" PROFESSIO.�:aL BL7LDL�"G Sir.'tr 300 3i0St PetzrStrzrt SaiutPau{dLmtasotc 5=l0?-fiA% Tzlzphor.t 6:1-?h5-9,s. Fc:simi(e' 611-?h6-9'��i 61?-'6h-7!�' � John Hard�ti�ick and Dave Ken}�on from this office accompanied you las� Friday in the inspection of the CTniversal advertisins sians that �cere clamaged from th� storm last wzzk. They determined that the sians at 1142 �V. 7th St., 1184 W. 7th S[., 1209 W. 7�h St. and at the southwest corner of Ford Pkwy. and Kenneth St. sustained structural damaQz. Thz repair of these siens will require a pzrmit. Before a permit can be issued, please submit s[ructural plans for each si�n structure. In addition, you ��'ill need to shoce• ho�c the repair is in compliance with Section 66.301(2) of the Saint Paul LeQisla[i�'z Code, �chich reeulates nonconformina si�ns as foliows: Shoutd such siQn or sisn structurz bz destro}ed by an}� means to an� eztent of more than fifr}�-one (� I) percent of its replacement cost, it shatl not be reconstructed excepi in conforn �cith th� provisicas of this cha�:�r. � Piease submit detaii�d information about the repair cost and the replacement cost of each sien structure. The roof mounted signs a[ 1520 Grand Ave. and at the southeast corner of Ford Pkwy. and S. Cles•eland A�'e. were missinQ the poster panels but did not sustain an}• visible s�ruccural damaoe. The replacemen� of poster panels is pzrmitted �ei�hou[ a permit, pursuan� tu Section 66.40�(1) of the Sain[ Pau1 Leoislative Code. Ho�+e�'er, sian structure_ �vithout a displa}� surface area arz considered "unsightly'� a�d must be reposted or the sian struc[ure removed within 1� days accordin� to Section 66.201(3). Please take ac[ion to repost them ��'ithin the time specified. An} pzrson affected by the decision in the preceeding para�raph may appeal this decision / 2� Chris McCarver June 10, 1998 Pa�e 2 to the plannin� commission w�ithin thir[y calendar days of toda}�'s date, accordin� to Section 66.403(a). There is a filin� fee for such appzal; $22� for sinole fami!}' or duples appellants, 5300 for mult-family appeltants and �350 for commercial, industrial or institutional appellants. Please contact me if } ou have any questions regardin� this matter. Sincerz(}�, ����� �i-�—�_ �Vend}� L e Zonino Mana�er 266-9031 � c: Bett}' Moran, �l'est Se�•enth/Fort Road Federation, Districct 9 Gay 1e Summers, Hiahland Area Communitc• Council, District 1� � Kathie Tamo«'ski, Macalester Groveland Communi[y Council, District 14 �Brian Bates, Scenic Minnesota Dan Smith, Councilmember Harris' Office Larry Soderholm, PED Robert Kessler, Director John Hardwick, ZoninQ Specia[ist . �� OjJlcers: � John Mannillo Jeanne Weigum Michaet Paymar Ruby Hun[ June 4, 1998 Ms. Wendy Lane Zoning Manager LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Billboards. Dear Wendy: �q-���` EFeCt<UVe D1rec[or 8rian Ba[es 1985 Grand Avenu� Saint Paul, Mi( 55I OS 612 690-967! Thanks for the heads-up about the anticipated permit requests. As I have said, any non-conforming billboard located in a district in which billboards are not a permitted use, cannot be renovated. Zoning Code g 66.302(a)(1). All the damaged billboards are non-conforming and located in � districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. Billboards are not a permitted use in Highland and on Gzand due to the long- standing provisions in those special sign districts which state explicitly that billboards are not permitted in the district.� The West 7th boards cannot be repaired at this time because of the provision in the request for a temporary� sign district which disallows repairs to boards in that community council district. I ask that I and the respective community councils be made aware of any developments, industry arguments, or department decisions in this natter. I ask that we be allowed an opportunity to respond to industry arguments. Please also advise what appeal procedures we may use if LIEP decides to issue the permits. Regards, � C ��:.r-- Brian Bates ps. What's up with the Business Review Council Letterhead? cc: Jane Prince � ' This language is in the text of the special district sign plans which is incorporated by reference into the zoning code. �_^ r :�. s , : _.; { < SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA �✓� O(Ticcrs: John Mannillo Jeanne Weigum Michael Paymar Ruby tiunt � SCEIYIC MIlY1YESOTA June 11, 1998 Ms. Wendy Lane LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minneso�a 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Signs Dear Wendy: EseCUttoc Dlrector Brian Ba;es 1985 a�and Ave� Saint Paul, M^f 55 612 690-96� This is in response to your letter of June 10, 1998 to Mr. McCarver of Universal outdoor, Inc. As I have stated in past memorandums and letters on this subject, specifically the memorandum dated June 3, 1998 and the letter dated June 4, 1998, the first consideration for the reolacement or renovation of any damaged billboard is whether the billboard is a permitted use in the zoning district in which it is located. See Zoning Code § 66.302(a)(1). This provision specifically includes restrictions in "a special sign district� approved by the city council." Section 66.216(b) allows special sign districts to have more restrictive provision5 tha� Chapter 66. Both Grand Avenue and Highland have�special sign districts approved by the City Council which specifically include the statement that billh,oards are not permitted. The West Seventh/Fort Road Federation has recently applied for a special sign district pursuant to Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amended. The Federation's application specifically states that damaged billboards shall not be repaired. The billboards in Highland and on Grand cannot be "replaced or renovated" because they are not a permitted use. Your letter of June 10, 1998 not only allows the replacement and renovation of one of the billboards in Highland and the billboard on Grand but seems to encouraqe the replacement within 15 days. You allow and encourage activity which seems to conflict with the zoning code. Ordinance 97-1568 dated 2/11/98, as amehded, includes the provision that any permits issued for the modification of any existing billboard, a£ter a Community Council applies for a special sign district and an objection thereto has been received by the Director of LIEP shall be conditional. No permittee shall engage in any construction, installation or work after an objection i� lodged. Any construction, installation or work shall no thereafter commence if the prohibitions contained in the special c �� qR - l�R\ � Ms. Lane June 11, 1998 Page 2. sign district application become e£fective as provided. one of the provisions in the Federation's special sign district application is that damaged billboards not be repaired. Your letter of June l0, 1998 avoids both any discussion of g66.302(a)(1) or the e££ect of the Federation's application for a special sign district despite the fact I have raised these issues in previous writings. Be aware that Scenic Minnesota and/or the respective community councils will appeal the decisions contained in your letter o£ June 10, 1998. Your office, and the City of Saint Paul, assumes responsibility for any actions taken, and construction expenses incurred, which result £rom a decision by your office which violates the provisions of the zoning code. I suggest that your office disaliow any repair, renovation, or work on any of the damaged billboards �ntil this matter if finally resolved through the appeal process. Regards, � � � `� i � Brian Bates cc: Chris McCarver, Universal outdoor, Inc+ Jane Prince Dan Smith Betty Moran Gayle Summers Kathie Tarnowski Larry Soderholm Robert Kessler John Hardwick � ��1 OJj7cers: John Manniilo Jeanne K'eiyum Michael Paymar ftuby tlim[ June 12, 1998 Mr. Robert Kessler LIEP Suite 310 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 RE: Damaged Billboards. Dear Mr. Kessler: � E.secaLtuc Dlrec[or 6rian Brtes 1985 Grand Aven Saint Paul. Mil 55 6f2 690-9h� I write to express concern over your department�s recent decisions to allow the replacement of certain billboard "poster panels" and to apply the 51% damage rule to other billboard structures. These decisions coupled with pro-industry decisions ir. the past seriously undermine the credibility of your department as the, supposedly, impartial interpreter and enforcer of the zoning code. While the zoning code is somewhat convoluted, it is decipherable_ Section 66.301 pertains to all nonconforming signs, including nonconforming advertising signs. Whereas, section 66.302 is an exception to section 66.301 and pertains specifically to any nonconforming advertising sign existinq as of the date of this section (February 2, 1988] which is located in a zoning district which does not permit advertising signs or which does not conforr� to the size height and/or spacing requirements of this chapter." Whenever a nonconforming advertising sign, existing in 1988, is "replaced, relocated or renovated" for any reason that action must comply with the provisions of §66.302. There is no requirement in secti�on 66.302 that a certain degree of damage occur before that section applies. The billboards on Grand and in Highland are nonconforming both because of spacing requirements and because they are in zoning districts in which billboards are not a permitted use. (The Highland and Grand special sign districts declaring billboards not pernitted were enacted in 1985.) These billboards existed in 1988. Therefore any replacement, relocation, or renovation of the billboards on Grand cr in Highland nust comply with §66.302. Whether the non-conforming billboards are to be "replaced, relocated, or renovated" on the same or different zoning 2ot, th first consideration oP §66.302 is that the zoning lot be within a zoning district "in which advertising signs are a permitted use. � SCEIYIC MIIYIYESOTA � �tq - ��`� \ . Mr. Kessler June 12, 1998 Page 2. See §§66.302(a)(1) �and (b)(1). BilZboards located in zoning districts in which billboards are not a permitted use cannot be replaced or renovated. Such billboards can onZy be relocated in a zoning district in which billboards are a permitted use. The Grand and Highland billboards cannot be replaced or renovated. But accept, £or the sake of argument, your staff's interpretation that the 51� damage threshold in §66.301 must be exceeded before g66.302 applies. Section 66.301(2) states: Should such sign �r. sign structure be destroyed by any means to any extent of more than fifty-one (51) percent of its replacement cost, it sha11 not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of thi5 chapter. The 51% damage threshold applies to the "sign or sign structure." The use of the disjunctive must mean that if 51% of the replacement cost of the sign or 51% of the replacement cost of the sign structure is exceeded the sign or the sign structure may not be replaced except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. � Your staff has interpreted the 51� damage threshold to apply only to the sign st�ucture and has allowed the replacement of the sign faces at Grand and in Highland under an exemption designed to allow "poster replacement and/or sign painting" without a permit. §66.405(1). A sign face is not a poster. � These interpretations are illogical and, when coupled with past failures to enforce�, give the appearance of a department catering to the interests of the billboard industry rather than protecting the public interest. I would welcome any reaction. Regards, � �---�--_� / � Brian Bates � On April 28, 1997 you wrote a letter to Midwest Outdoor Advertising statinc� Midwest had built a freeway billboard a� Valdalia and I-94 21 feet hiqher than Midwest had specified ir � their permit application and 21 feet higher than is allowed by the Zoning Code. You told that company to get a height variance or decrease the height. Midwest was denied the height variance lona ago and yet the sign still stands. �1 NOTES ON ST. PAUL STORM DAMAGE REPAIR COSTS ELLER MEDiA COMPANY 1. Removal of hazards, securing structures and cleaning area immediately after the storm of May 30, on Sunday, May 31, 1998. S On Sunday ten Elier sign hangers worked ten hours each responding to the emergency conditions caused by the damage to the storm the night before. Crews were immediately assigned to Highland in St. Paut where 5 sign faces at 2 locations were damaged, and to sites in south Minneapolis where faces and structures where left in hazardous condition by the storm. As work was completed in Minneapolis the crews were rotated to assist the crew in Highland and to respond other damage on W. 7th and at a site on Grand. By the end of Sunday ali crews were working in St. Paul. The assignment to each crew was: 1. Respond to and eliminate any hazardous conditions created by the wind damage the night before. 2. Stabilize and secure the structure, removing (often by cutting away) any damaged or unsecured parts. 3. Clean up the area, removing any parts or other debris that had falien from the sign. 4. Move on to the ne>ct damaged location. No repairs of the signs were attempted or completed. No signs in St. Paul were made usable or returned to service as a result of the work done by the emergency crews on Sunday, May 31. All the expense that day was labor. No rePlacement materials were in'stalled or permanent repairs attempted or completed. � Eller crews spent approximately 70 hours in St. Paul that day securing, stabilizing and cleaning up around our damaged signs. The crews were paid at an overtime rate of $44.40 per hour. Our local crews were assisted in the cleanup at one St. Paul location, 1184 W. 7th Street, on Wednesday June 3, by a three person contract Quantum crew from Chicago. The Quantum crew spent 9 hours at this one location in St. Paui at a rate of $ 40.00 per hour. The costs assigned to each location are provided on the Worksheet for that focation. 2. Cost of materials Billboards constructed at the time and in the places affected in St. Paul typicaily had two standardized elements and two custom elements. From front to back they are: a. Trim. This the standardized "picture frame" around the sign face (see exhibit one). This trim is now typicaily of fiberglass. The FORMETCO, INC. order acceptance provides the cost� of our most recent purchase of trim kits (see exhibit two) the four pieces that make up the frame and the assorted clips and fasteners. �� � �� � ��� \ Notes on St. Paul Storm Damage, Eller Media Company � b. Sign face. This is also a standardized element (see exhibit one}. The faces are made of interlocking paneis of light gauge steel that Eller assembles in its shop, brings compiete to the site, and swings into place with a crane. Traditionally we have used vertical interiocking panels, but now have switched to horizontal inter{ocking pane{s. The quotation for sign faces from Tiffin Metai Products (exhibit three) provides the current cost of a sign face assembly. c. Upper structure. This is the metal framing that supports the sign face. These are similar in the materiais used (stock angle and channei iron and steel) but can be custom in design, depending on when it was built, whether it is attached to the ground or is on a roof, and how it rests on the roof or wali. Upper structures are a combination of verticai supports, often in the shape of an "A" and horizontal stringers for stability. The upper structure for the affected signs could have been fabricated in our shop or on site from standard, typically salvaged, materiais. We have found no benefit in using identical new material. The upper structure is assembled by standard bolts and weiding techniques. Each of our crane trucks is equipped with gas and electric welding equipment and suppiies and typically at least one member of each crew is a trained welder. Because the upper structure is built of standard stock materials we as a practice keep a stockpile of these materials (the long pieces) we have saivaged from signs we have retired. We have salvaged materials on hand for all the proposed repairs described in the attached June 19 letter (exhibits four and four a) firom our structural engineer. We will have no external � cost for those materiais. If we had needed to purchase materiai we would purchase it from a salvage yard. The salvage yards price the material by the pound rather than by the foot. To avoid that calculation, we requested quotes for new material from South St.Paul Steel Supply Co. Exhibit five provides their quotes for new materiai. These are the values used in our estimates. Salvaged material is typically available for purchase for one third the cost of new material. The design and fabrication of the upper structure is the primary difference between the "new identical structure" and the "new replacement structure" values on the worksheets. If we were building a new sign, we would use a new unitized design and fabrication system for the upper structure. d. Foundation. This supports the upper structure. These are custom to each site. With the exception of one member at one site, these elements sustained no damage during the storm {see exhibits four and Tour a), and therefore no repairs are proposed to these elements. 3. Replacement Cost Two costs for rebuilding the entire structure are provided. First, the cost of buiiding an identical new structure, same materials, same design (identicai structure). The basis for these costs is our testimony in condemnation hearings. Given the choice, we would not choose to rebuild an identical structure. We would use different materials and a different i design (replacement structure). The basis for this cost is the cost of a recently instailed � structure in Minneapolis (exhibit six) 2 ,� STORM DAMAGE WORKSHEET ELLER MEDIA COMPANY LOCATION Ford Pkwy & Cieveland DISPLAY 2 Poster Faces A. REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIALS 1. STRINGERS AND SUPPORTS (1} ft angle iron @ per ft ft "C" channel @ per ft 2. SIGN FACE AND TRIM (2) 2 sign faces @$499 per face 2 trim kits C��220 per face B. LABOR 24 hours @ $22.00 per hour COST OF REPAIRS Estimated cost of new identical structure(4) Estimated cost of new replacement structure(4) Estimate of cost of securing, stabilizing and clean up on May 31(3),i4 hrs af $44.00 per hour (1) See note 2c (2) See notes 2 a& b (3) See note 1 (4) see note 3 Ail costs are direct costs none none $998.00 $440.00 $528.00 $1966.00 $12,230 �29,500 $616.00 � � � � �t`t - t��� � STORM DAMAGE WORKSHEET ELLER MEDIA COMPANY LOCATION 1820 Grand DISPLAY 2 Poster Faces A. REPLACEMENT OF DAMAGED MATERIALS 1. STRINGERS AND SUPPORTS (1) ft angle iron @ per ft ft"C" channel C� per ft 2. SIGN FACE AND TRIM (2) . � 2 sign face(s) C$499 per face 2 trim kits @$220 per face L� 24 hours C$22.00 per hour COST OF REPAIRS Estimated cost of new identicai structure(4) Estimated cost of new replacement structure(4} Estimate of cost of securing, stabilizing and clean up on May 31(3) 2 hrs at $44.00 per hour (1) See note 2c (2) See notes 2 a& b (3) See note 1 (4) See note 3 All costs are direct costs none none $998.00 440.00 $528.00 $1966.00 $12, 230 $29,500 $88.00 �� Tiffin's 24 and 30-Sheet Poster Panels, vertical or horizontal, are made of the finest steel, meeting the highest mill requirements. Tiffin's special engineering and design offers speedy assembly and easy erection and instailations on-site. Tiffin Posiers can 6e completely assembled on the floorofyourshop,orthe ground, on-site and quickly and easily lifted into piace on yaur structure. -��� � � -�- c�v� A smooth, continuous surf2ce is formed with Tiffin's Rib-Locking or interlacking sections. Tiffin has always been the fore- runner of newdesigns and innovations in outdoor advertising to improve appearance and life, 2nd make installation faster and simpler. RitrLock Sections fit instantly with Tiffin Sprits. Tiffin sections, parts and hard- ware are interchangeabie with your . . .. . ... - .existinginuer�tories... � _� PLAN VIEW �24'-0� eign face .. � � 8_O• � 8 • � 4_O•- frame A� column pipe ��me "B' � � ^I 0 � � Raaf f m Iadtler 0 cl II n � p �._I Column n^ 9 9 c � n b 0 Undieturbed yp0 ps( aandY 9raM or beH Drilied coMiete / / I I 1 1 I �I _ / / tail �1' '.d�� �. I. .. . J � Aa' �i � � � a-� � '� .. p Y �I, 1 I � ' � d � � i i i i� �. ' i � r '' i' i Qi �. I.� � i f. ?�1 � ° I� __i Found dpmeter (ses sehedule) �vanaN �`l • ��`� \ E ° e. b e .� _ _� � m �- ha� 5 ts roar walfc�voy 7' nng plote I V I I v i i g` I I 5/i6 o I I `a I i � ' I "; L 1 1/4V ' 1' ring plote Column pipe w x L 80 45' w=t+5/16 3'max L = 4't diamater —� w = widM of weld L = la�gth of weld t = wall thiekness of Lower column pipe SPLJCE DEfAI� COLUMN PIPE & FOUNDATIOt OVERALL HEIGHT COLUMN PIPE 0'-0' - 42'-6" 24"0 x .375' 42'-7" - 47'-6' 30'6 x .3i2" 47'-7' - 59'-6' 30"0 x .375' 59'-7' - 72'-6" 36"4 x .375' ��/� 72�-7' - 81'-6' 36"0 x .4�6" = e walkway / i . e ' i }`' O m ' G � O iH ` � � � -`.�� •_ � �: " Y - _ - _ :.� ' ' O N D :� N � f `• . .. . :k�i _ i, _ " . 0 � � E a w O � � .£-,L L .0-.8 `V' �� �� ,� � �� �� r� �� �� �� ! i � a � '�` a v ; c a a � � � � a Q Q 3 'O � i a. G Y p _ . __ . _.� . . .,.-- �'--- �b-, l l- � W 5 Q.. U � F � Y O� O � � � � RR -1��\ �: -:. _ . _- :-'(, _ � _, � � �'� . ;� � . am aE � �;`�it, �':. � $ - � E £ - Q. Q . � _ ' m ':� m � ' , I 6 �� . � � °�' �' � .� �:- -' ;t . t� n . ' t� y :r _ _ I i �1.�.�' . . . . r:d:i _' �� , , a' � '_" ._. .. _C,� $ - L N m � �� N _ ,x_ ' � a "i:'lc: �? - . ' v,; �S " � ��e':: ' ' . . �>✓ �,'?� �[.�= � :.,' �', ,.:-. ` . "'.iir`F,'� � s �C 3p O p9 G p � r7i E � g a d .°. u � ° w .°.. Q o � 9 � GCId� � M M ' Y1 i � � n � � J � •�1 OIXBM � � _ 3 $�' Olx9M F .8 eoo; u .0-,Zl �' w s �. 3 � a D a `o a. �a �` a �a s ^u aa pe O XU \ NL 3 N � �g. I ^ �� ,1� " �� I � N 0 8 N M 0 9 \ h � N �I \ � 3 i; c ,8 � � �o ,9 � � � o oM� Y� � o'p3 3 -� 3 J � Q �� r S p 9 N �O w N P c _ _ _ — ,�� ty � MAY-21-19�8 13�20 FROM FORMETCO,INC. P.o_ Pox 1989 2963 Pleasant Hill Ad_ Duluth, Ga 30095 Date: ti5/21/98 F O R M E T C O OFFICE: TO 16128697082 P.01 I N C. EAX GRDER ACCEPTANCE Sold �o= �LLE� L�fED�A 3225 SPRING ST NE �fINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 ATTN: Tom Klees 612-80"9-190G Fax:612-"oEi9-7082 JP 770-476-7000 fi00-367-638� k300-239 '770-497-9014 � ryr � r � No L Ax sn�L Lo: � ELLER MEDIA 3225 SPRING �T IvE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55913 ATTN: TOM KLEES 612-869-1900 Fax:67_2-869-7082 Sales Order Order Date Cust No. SLS P.O. Number Shi.p Via 86511 OS/21l98 ELL023 1 Sh�p Via ----------------- ---------------------------------------------� Ord Qty Stem NLwzber / Description Unit Price U/M Ext. Price ----------------------------------------------- 5 ^ *90 FXMP7 **Parent Item � _n Kit*' 5145.55 EkCH 5727-75 FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIiI WH=TE , 10 90-FXWV FORMA-FLEX 300 TRI� WH::TE VERTICAL 20 90-FX:vH FORMA 300 TRIM WHITE HORIZONTAL 50 *90-FX-TRIM **Parent Item in KitF* FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIM BRACfCET 90 90-fx-trim-bkt FORMA-FLEX 300 TRIM BRACKET 360 10-32501 TRIM SCREwS - #14 ZP 81 1Q-95102 HOOK BOLTS/NUTS 2 5 10-21C90 F-109 FORMATIC SPRITS 5 F10-21092 **Parent Item in Kit** r-1_09 Z HADiGEf2 PLATES & BOLTS/NUTS S 10-210921 F-109 Z HANGER PLP.TES WZTHOUT B/N $1.79 EACH SC.26 EACF; $:34.55 EAC�± $3.10 EACH � $161.10 $Z1.0'c S17Z.7J $15_SC ���� L � / ^ j �� � s �� Page: � � / JU%. 6.1998 1�41PM TIFFIN METRL PRODUC�� _/ � r �-,t� / i � � � � � � ` . t� METAL PRODUCTS 450 W ali Street, Tiffin, Ofiio 44883 /(419) 447-8414 Sa.� • 9� May 12, 19�8 � � < �� �,� �CX �J Mr. Tom Klees ELLER MEDIA COMPANY 3225 Spring Street, N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55413 Deaz Tom, l0 T"� , � Phone:#6i2-869-1900 Fax: r6i2-869-7082 v�a ,� ���� ���� It was a pleasure speaking with you! Per your request, we are pl�ased to provide� our quotation for the following: �,2' x 24' HORT70NTAL F'�.(`E�LESS TRIM� TO INC U1�G_ (8) Each 18" x 24'S-1/2" Horizontal Sections (3) Each Sprits ,_ _ -------_-�` (2'� Each 2" Hook Bolts � � —_ (4) Each Hanger Plates � TOTAL PER �f�.�„E �499.25 (4) Each #95-158 Comer �:tpport Brackets f9r Fiberglass Trim $2.€,�)/Ea.ch (14) Each #1026 Brackets $1.�'E,!Each *F.O.B., Tiffin, Ohio *Ta�c not inciuded Tom, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to oontact me arrgGt at 1-800-53 ?• 0983. We are looking tozwazd to worldng with your glant again. Sincerely, TIFFIN METAL PRODUCTS �� Peg Wenner Sales Manager/Outdoor Products Division CREATIVE DESIGN W I�AETAL FABRIC'�""IOP! ,1 _I N0.176 P.3 �� WATS 1-800-537-0983 FAX 1-41 q-447-8512 �� ���. a��(��i � �/ , � 3�. E;? .� �� . � ) .� . F e � � r � .�� � x6 � � P - � � � � � , # 19� z ....,.�. ., : � ��r '- .I E 7 ` s 14 16 �7 2 �' r1 b � F ������ .. ��� 3 �. ���,`�, G aL. �I.... �!`� F�...-i>.I , 'I AIc .....aa\� � �1 - ro R s' i \ \ �� � � a p 1.-° F � �. � .s' , ;" " J � p �' /i e � / • �� ae CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRIC'I'S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Q f SL7NRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD HA7.EL PARK HADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHAI.EN NORTH END THOVfAS-DALE SUMMIT-UiVIVERSITY WEST SEVENTH COMO HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. ANTHONY PARK MERFZIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAML.INE-SNELLING HAMLI�TE MACALESTER GROVELf�ND HIGHLAND SUMi�fIT HILL DOWN`fOWN ZON{NG FILE Q�'� � 3 0`O���O��'Q r �O�O't�'�'��4p� �M�r�:�� � f k k� G k�� � V --- AVE. � 1 k� e�f j€� Cl�7 ^ W — —' �F�6���oC! 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