89-1082 WHITE ; CITV CLERK OUIICll �►� �J�NK � FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL �{//%�� / G BLUER• -MAVORTMENT � lle NO.""""�J^ �^ `DO � . \ • / • `` � �nCe I I �? rdinance N 0. !�(O�� � �__; Presented By �ferred �� � Committee: Date /� °���� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance hase out private club licenses in Saint au in favor of on-sale intoxicating liquo 1 censes . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S IN PAUL DOES ORDA N: Sec io l The definition of the t r "Club" in secti n 409 .02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code s ereby amended t read as follows: "Club shall mean a c rporation organi ed under . the laws of the st t for civic, frat rnal, - social or business p rposes or for in ellectual � ` improvement or pr o ion of sports which has more than fifty ( 0) members and for ore than ' a year owned, hir d r leased a buil ing or space in a buildi g f such extent a d character � as may be suitabl a d adequate for he reasonable and comfortable a co odation of its members,� and whose affairs an management are conducted by a board of direct rs, executive comm ttee or other similar bod c osen by the mem ers at a meeting held for h purpose, none f whose members, officers gents or employe s are paid, directly or indir c ly, any compensa ion by way of profit from th istribution or s le of beverages to the e bers of the club or to its guests beyond the a ount of such rea onable salary or wage a m y be fixed and v ted each year by the dire to s or other governing body. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Dep rtment of: Dimond �� � [n Fa r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Again t BY Sonnen Wilson Form App ved by City A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s d by Counc' Secret ry BY �` G�G� gy ��-(i Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by May r for Submission to Council By BY , , � � � . � � . . . C'��,-�a��z � �7(7G A Club shall also, ' n rder to be lice sed, meet the provisions of Minn. Stat. �34 A.404, subd. 1(4 ) , which r qu res that the or anization shall have been in xi tence for at e st three years, and liquor s le will be only t members and bona fide guest . The above term ill include private clubs forme 1 licensed under hapter 404 of the Code, so 1 ng as they meet he above requirements upon a p ication for an o -sale license. " Sect ' o 2 Section 409 . 05 of the S in Paul Legislati e code is hereby amended by adding a new subs ct on (h) to read s follows: " (h) the annual li en e fee for a clu and a private club shall be in conformity w' th Minnesota Statutes s ction 340. 40 , ubd. 2 (b) , " Sec i 3 Section 409 . 08 of the S i t Paul Legislati e Code is hereby amended by adding the follow' n new subsection !') : �9 " (rY3) No club shal ell any alcoholi beverage to any person not ember or a bona fide guest of a member. " Se ti n 4 The last paragraph of ec ion 409 . 06 (b) o the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby me ded to read as ollows: "No new license e ee t-an-en-sa�e-�a� e-er �ntex�eat�r�e�-n�a�t �� �e�-��ee�se-�ss eel-t��eler Seet�en-499 .-�5 sh 1 be issued for a y location within a one-half m' le radius of whi h there already are four 4 ) or more premise licensed for the sale and o sumption of into icating liquor on the pre i es; provided, ho ever, that this restriction h 11 not apply ( 1) if the pro- posed new locati ies within a designated commercial devel m nt district.- ; ( 2 ) to an on-sale wine or ' nt xicating malt liquor license issued u de section 409: o the Code; or 3 ) to cense issued to a club which at the tim o application fo an on-sale 2 � ��� � . , � � � � � � � . � � . . ���_,o�-�. � ��� �� license hereunder 1 a private club license under chapter 404 f he Code for the same premises now sough t be licensed un er this chapter, and for s 1 ng as the on-sale license remains at that lo at on and the lice sed premises is neithe e larged nor tran ferred. " Sec io 5 Section 409 .06 of the S in Paul Legislati e Code is hereby amended by adding a new subs ct on J�-}' to read s follows: � O " y�J Nonconforming Cl bs; Transition. The restrictions and r qu rements in sect ons 409 . 06 f) , 409 . 06 ( 1 , nd 409 .0 ( 11 of t is chapter shall not apply to li enses issued to a club under t is chapter wh ch at the time f application for an on-sale lic ns held a private club license under chapter 404 f he Code for the same premises for whic a licens reunder is soug t or will be issued, for so lon s the on-sale li ense remains at that location a d the licensed pre ises is neither enlarged n r transferred. Su h licensed premises will be d e ed a lawful nonc nforming use under the zoning c d . ' Sec i n 6 No new private club lic n es shall be issu d or renewed by the City Council under chapt r 404 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code on and after January l, 1 90 . Clubs holdi g licenses whose termination dates occur aft anuary l, 1990, ill be permitted to operate under applicable r visions of chapter 404 until but not after said termination at . Se ti n 7 Chapter 404 of the Sai t aul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety ef ec ive January 1, 991. Se ti n 8 Section 410 . 01(b) of t e aint Paul Legis ative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : " (b) On-sale lic ns s shall permit he licensee for the sale of s id nonintoxicating malt liquors to sell such for on umption on the remises. 3 �VIL , . , - � - � � � � . � . . ��y��°�-�, ����� On-sale licenses sh 1 be granted only to restaurants, hotels ona fide clubs, establishments for h exclusive sale f nonintoxicating mal everaqes and est blish- ments licensed for h exclusive sale f intoxicating liquors. The term bona fide clubs shall includ p ivate clu s or r y licensed under cha te 04 of the Code so long as they meet he requirements of Minn. Stat. 340A. 101, s b. 7 . ' Sec io 9 Section 410 . 03 of the S in Paul Legislati e Code is hereby amended by adding a new subs ct ' on ,Lj�J to read s follows: � � " ' Nonconfirmin C ubs; Transition The restrictions and r q rements in sect ons 410 . 03 (q) and 410 . 4 ( ) of this chapt r shall not apply to licen e issued under th s chapter to a club which a h time of an appl cation for an on-sale lic n e held a private club license under chap e 404 of the Code for the same premises o which the on-sa e license hereunder is sough r will be issued, for so long a the sai o -sale license re ains at that location d the licensed pre ises is neither enlarge or transferred. Such licensed premises i 1 be deemed a la ful nonconforming use un er the zoning c de. " 4 � {o�G WFIITE - CITV CLERK . 'PINN = FINANCE C 11I1C11 /�iC BLUERr-.MqVORTMENT GITY OF INT PAUL F le NO. O ` �0�� Ord n nce dinance N 0. ��V'l0 Presented By Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate Sect ' on 10 This ordinance shall be ' n ull force and e fect thirty (30) days following its passage, a pr val and publica ion. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depact ent of: Dimond �� � In Favo Goswitz �t�� � Against BY scneibet Sonnen Wilson A�' z,(� Form App oved by ity Att ey Adopted by Council: Date � . Certified P d by Council Secretary BY �� �. By Approve May . D e C7 2 ' I�v Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council �—_ B Y PU8lt� S t P - 2 19 9 , . ���� � , • ��� • . . . � • . s�v�' CITY OF SAI�1�I��L S� �ITT Q� .]�,�•` �I�j �; �-, FFICE OF 7HE CITY ATrORNEY %;r iiiiLii'ii �_ <;.. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY , '''<<u;,,,��°'m���'��^` 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR i�'lEMORANDUM .�� z���� ` � �:� ��.��'`.�� � ��, TO: Bill Wilson ��'�f,� i `-� .- ���5� FROM: Phil Byrne� DATE: June l, 1989 V�t-�� Y�ILJJ,� RE: Private Clubs Here is a draft ordinance fo our review. It rovides as follows ( in summary description) : Section l. It re-defines " lu " to include the additional restrictions imposed by stat 1 w on the on-sal licensing of clubs to sell hard li uo . None of the onditions should be a problem fo e tablished clubs . Section 2 . The club fee is li ited by state 1 w, e.g. , $300 annual fee for a club it under 200 memb rs; 500 for a club of 201-500 me bers; and so on Sec. 340A.408 . Section 3 . Prohibits sales to nonmembers, as andated by state law. Section 4 . Exemption from 'a i-concentration ' language, for grandfathering. Section 5 . A club switchin rom club to on-s le license is grand- fathered at its p esent location. Section 6 . No new private 1 � licenses issue after January 1, 1990 ; no renew s of licenses terminating in 1990 . Section 7 . Chapter 404 (p iv te club licenses) is repealed January l, 199 . Section 8 . Definition of lu for 3 . 2 licens s. Section 9 . Grandfathering fo 3 . 2 licenses r placing club licenses . NOTE: A. In each cas , he new on-sale icenses will be subject to all regu at 'ons, including ambling and chariable gambling, w ic apply to other licenseholders. B. The 3 . 2 lic n does not restr ct sales to members, because sta e law does not. PBB:paw enc . I _ , . . �?S� C:�J�°-�-~� Members: '�����`��� Janice Rettman, chair � 'r�;�s� ' CITY OF A NT PAUL Bill WilsOn �� i,•::.z tt�n GG � OFFICE OF T E ITY COUNCIL Bob Long C�� l��� Date: August 3, 1989 �7�� JANICE RETTMAN Counc�7person Co m m i t e Re po rt To: Saint Paui City Council ' From : Community and Hu a Services Co mittee Janice Rettman, Ch ir A meeting of the Community and Human Se i es Committee was he d on Wednesday, August 2, 1989. 1. A roval of Minutes of JuZ 19, 198 m etin . Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. Cit Council A enda 5/S/89, Item No 2 First Readin - 9-1001 - An ordinance amendin Section 409.26 of the Le i la ive Code allowin ines to be im osed in lieu of sus ensions. (For referral to the Communit and uman Services Committee.) (Laid over to Au ust 2, 1 89 for draft ordin nce to be com osed usin the seatin rationale in lie of fines in the matri on all items exce t Numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, and 10.) Substitute ordinance recommended f r proval on 3-0 vote 3. Cit Council A enda 6/15/89, Item o. 2: First Readin - 89-1082 - An ordinance amendin Section 409 of the Le isl ti e Code ertainin t the hasin out of Private Club Licenses .in favor of n ale Intoxicatin Li uor Licenses. (For referral to the Communit and Huma S rvices Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vo e. 4. Ordinance increasin amblin man er wa es and worker w es. This ordinance is resented as an out rowth of d' c sion in the Commun t and Human Services Committee. Recommended, on 3-0 vote, to be p ac d on City Council a enda for action. 5. Child Care Financin Pro ram, as e ested b Gre David on, Nei hborhood Development Division of P.E.D. Discussion was held. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr CTTY HALL ROOM NO.718 S T PAUL,MINNFSO'TA 5102 612/298-5289 �46 � � � � ���, �--��..�� ����. � � � ��` f f�o AGENQA OF THE SAI AUL CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1989 9 00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMB RS THIRD FLOOR CITY AND COURT HOUSE ALBERT B. OL CITY CLERK OFfICIAL CQ�INICATION OF THE MAYOR 1. Presentation of �r000sed 1990 budge f r the City of St. Pa 1 by Mayor George . Latimer. � ORDINANCES 2. Final Adootion - 89-10 - An ordinan e mending Chaoter 91 of the Administrative Code oertaining to orocedures fo o blic hearings regardi g oublic nuisances by authorizing the �billing of a rea orooerty owner for the cost of oolice enforcement activities incurred n he execution of a se rch warrant on the �rooerty of an owner when an illega drug or drugs are re overed thereon and subsequent legal action, as aoo ori te, if the bill is n oaid. (Community & Human Services Committee recom �en s aooroval - Laid ove from August lOth) 3. Second Reading - 89-1398 - An ordin nc amending Chaoter 409 of the Legislative Code �ertaining to gambling mana er by increasing allowa le comnensation to them �and other emoloyees by se ti new uooer and low limits for their compensation. (Community & Huma S vices Committee reco nds aooroval) �. First Reading - 89-1460 - An ordin ce amending Chanter 183 of the Legislative Code oertaining to human righ s y reoealing �section dealing with the di rector and the commi ssi on and re umberi ng the remai ni g orovi si ons whi ch � deal only with enforcement. (F R FERRAL TO THE COMMUN TY �& HUMAN SERVICES C(�'IM I TTEE) �,5. First Reading - 89-1461 - An or in nce am ending the Ad inistrative Code by adding a new chaoter establishi g Deoartment of Human Rights and creating the oosition of director for sai d oartment. (FOR REFER TO THE COMMUNITY & HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE) �6. First Reading - 89-1462 - An or in nce am ending the Ad inistrative Code by adding a new chaoter establishi g Human Rights Commis ion. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY�& HUMAN SERVIC C MMITTEE) APPLICATIONS - COM�INICATION 7. Letter of the City Attorney's Of ic announcing date of �ublic hearing for August 28th before an Administra iv Law Judge oertainin �to uossible adverse action against licenses for th Caravelle Restaur nt located at 799 � University Avenue. 8. Letter of the City Attorney's Of ic announcing date of �ublic hearing for August 30th before an Administr tiv Law Judge pertainin �to oossible adverse action against licenses for Gra d uto located at 904 Un versity Avenue. 9. Letter of the Mayor's Office an ou cing a vacancy on t e Mayor's Advisory Committee for Peoole with Disab li ies. CONMITfEE REPORTS ��. Second Reading - 89-897 - An ord na e amending Chaoters 369 and 370 of the Legislative Code oertaining to building trades bu iness licenses and • certificates of comoetency. ( 'nance Committee re ommends denial or withdrawl) 11. Resolution - 89-1238 - Amendin ction 28.B of the ivil Service Rules oertai ni ng to compensati on. ( ec d Readi ng & Adooti on - Fi nance Commi ttee recommends aoproval) � � 12. Resolution - 89-860 - Amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Comoensation regarding Unclassified Positions. (Finance Committee recommends aoproval of a substitute resolution) 13. Resolution - 89-1181 - Granting wage and benefit orovisions of contracts between the City and the Suoervisors Organization to non-reoresented managers who elected not to be covered by the new Manager's Wage and Benefit Policy. (Finance Committee recommends aooroval) 14. Resolution - 89-351 - Amending the 1989 budget by transferring $32,062 from ' Contingent Reserves to Police Administration for full time oosition to oversee license renewal and aoolication process. (Finance Committee ` recommends aooroval) 15. Resolution - 89-1153 - Amending the 1989 budget by adding $17,068 to the Financing & Soending Plans for Fire & Safety Services Administration. (Finance Committee recommends item be withdrawn) 16. Resolution - 89-1004 - Amending the 1989 budget by adding $112,000 to the Financing & Soending Plans for Community Services Utility Needs. (Finance Committee recommends aooroval as amended) 17. Resolution - 89-1024 - Amending the 1989 budget by adding $23,500 to the Financing & Soending Plans for Com munity Services Division of Libraries Maintenance Services. (Finance Committee recommends aooroval as amended) 18. Resolution - 89-1272 - Declaring intent to reooen negotiations in an attemot to resolve firefighters issue. (Finance Committee recomm ends aooroval of a substitute resolution) 19. Resolution - 89-1242 - Aooroving the ao�ointments by the Mayor of Jerome Lantry, LeClair Lambert, Donald Larson and Richard Swanberg to serve on the Civic Center Authority. (Finance Committee recommends aooroval ) 20. Resolution - 89-1343 - Amending the 1989 budget by adding $8,000 to the Financing & Soending Plans and acceuting grant from BCED Develooment Comoany to the City's �Purchasing Division for Targeted Business Program. (Housing & Economic Develoanent Committee recorrmends aooroval with amendment) 21. Resolution - 89-1344 - Aooroving funding oriorities and budgets for six orojects in comoliance with the Neighborhood Partnershio Program requirements and extending aooreciation to all a�olicants in develooing or000sals for the 12th cycle of the NPP. (Housing & Economic Develooment Committee recommends aooroval ) 22. Resolution - 89-1307 - Amending C.F. 89-802 adooted June 27, 1989 oertaining to . new fees for zoning and environmental reviews by deleting language relative to the $200 maximum uenalty. (Housing & Economic Develooment Committee recommends aooroval ) � NE1�1 BUSINESS - RESOLUTIONS 23. Resolution - 89-908 - Allocating $50,000 to the Police Deoartment for continuation and exoansion of the Beat Patrol Program for 1989 and transferring $25,000 to a contingent reserve fund to cover bossible additional overtime costs related to the orogram and drug law enforcement efforts. (Finance Committee recommends denial - Laid over from August lOth) 24. Resolution - 89-1323 - Establishing an Advisory Committee on Environmentally Acceotable Packaging and consenting to a�oointments. (Laid over from August lOth) 25. Resolution - 89-1463 - Amending the 1989 budget by adding $45,000 to the Financing & Soending Plans for Soecial Accounts Government Resoonsiveness Program. (FOR ACTION) � y �� � � � � C,� �- %��� �. i7G �� 26. Resolution - 89-1464 - Amending the 19 9 budget by addin 316,672.32 to the Financing & Soending Plans for Pu lic Works equianent. (�F R ACTION) 27. Resolution - 89-1465 - Amending the 19 CIB budget by addi g $120,648 for the E. 7th Street trestle reconstruc ion oroject between Payn and Mounds Blvd. (FOR ACTION) � 28. Resolution - 89-1466 - Aooroving t E ergy Park Tax Increm nt Financing Plan ' and Restated Joint Powers Agreem t ncluding Twin Testin Develooment Area. (Housing & Economic Develo anent C mm'ttee recorrmends aooro al ) ' 29. Resolution - 89-1467 - Saving and di g harmless Ramsey ounty for City's� usage of the Ramsey County Showm bi e in connection with KIDSDAY on October 14, 1989. (FOR ACTION) 30. Resolution - 89-1468 - Authorizing he 'ssuance of refund in the amount $575 to Belfany Homes, Inc. on uaym ent ad for orooerty locate at 601 Burlington Road for Sewer Availability Char e. (FOR �ACTION) 31. Resolution - 89-1469 - Authorizing is ict Councils to use unds allocated for neighborhood clean uo orojects n ddition to Neighborh od Cleanuo Day and that District 15 Community Counc 1 s authorized to utili e its Neighborhood Cleanuo allocation for orinting nd istribution of solid waste reduction and recycling brochure. (FbR ACTION 32. Resolution - 89-1470 - Directing th a atement of nuisance or orooerty located at 856 Carroll be done and in t ent the work is not comoleted the City may oroceed for oerform the nec ss y work. (FOR ACTION - Hearing held July 27th) � 33. Resolution - 89-1471 - Directing th a atement of nuisance or orooerty located at 423 E. Jessamine be done and in the event the work i not comoleted the City may oroceed for perform th n cessary work. (FOR A TION - Hearing held June 20th) 34. Resolution - 89-1472 - Directing t a atement of nuisance or orooerty located at 930 Marshall be done and in he event the work is no comoleted the City may proceed for perform the nec ss ry work. (FOR ACTION - Hearing held June 6th) 35. Resolution - 89-1473 - Directing t atement of nuisance or oro�erty located at 874 Marion be done and in the ev t the work is not co oleted�the City may �roceed for oerform the neces ar work. (FOR ACTION - Hearing held July llth) � 36. Resolution - 89-1474 - Affirming de ision by the Board o Zoning Aooeals and. denying the aooeal of Nguyen ua and directing Mr. uan to remove the illegal encroachment and bri g into comoliance oroo rty located at 1359 Blair within 60 days. (FOR ACT ON Hearing�held July 2 th) 37. Resolution - 89-1475 - Affirming d ision by the Board f Zoning Aobeals and denying the a�oeal of Bernard al zing for a setback v riance for orooerty located at 2214 St. Anthony. ( OR ACTION - Hearing held July 20th) � PU�C HEAI�NGS � �. �I�{��--�i ng - 89-1082 - An ordi an e amendi ng Section 4 of the Legi sl ati ve Code oerta�n�ng to the ohasing ou of Private Club lic nses in favor of On Sale �Intoxicating Liquor Lice ses (Community & Huma Services Committee recommends aooroval ) 39. Hearing to consider the aooeal o R nald Gnetz to a dec sion of the Planning Commission denying request r nonconforming use ermit for orooerty located at 2048 Bohland to con inu as a six unit aoart �ent. (Laid over from August lOth) � � r � 40. Hearing to consider the request of Parrish's Suooer Club for a modification of �arking requirements to allow servi e of liquor i new addition fo orooerty located at 2176 W. 7th Street. ����. D�-� Q.u.�� /7� � 41. Resolution - 89-1476 - Ratifying assessment for co struction of concrete curb on Minnehaha between Stroh Drive and vacated Greenbrier in conjunction with the Arcade/Minnehaha Street Paving & Lighting oroject. (Public Works Committee recommends a4ornval ) � 42. Resolution - 89-1477 - Ratifying assessment for sidewalk reconstruction for �arts of McAfee, Mechani c, Norfol k, W, Page, E. Rose, E. Si xth, Tayl or and Wilson. 43. Resolution - 89-1478 - Auoroving aoolication for the transfer of Class A Gambling License apolied for by the Deoartment of Minnesota Jewish War Veteran's currently �located at 1060 University to 733 Pierce Butler Route. 44. Resolution - 89-1479 - Aooroving auplication for the transfer of Class A Gambl i ng Li cense aool i ed� for by Nel s Wol d Chaoter #5 Mi 1 a tary Order of the Purole Heart currently located at 1060 University to 733 Pierce Butler Route. 45. Resolution - 89-1480 - Aoproving aoolication for the transfer of Class A Gambling License aoolied for by St. Peter Claver Social Club located at 1060 Univers�ty to 733 Pierce Butler Route. 46. Resolution - 89-1481 - Ao�roving aoolication for the transfer of Class A Gambling License by Merrick Booster Club currently located at 1060 University to 733 Pierce Butler Route. 47. Resolution - 89-1482 - Aooroving aoolication for the transfer of Class A Gam bling License by M errick Comoanies currently located at 1060 University to 733 Pierce Butler Route. � 48. Resolution - 89-1483 - Aooroving aoolication for the transfer of Class A and C Gambling Licenses aoolied for by Juan Diego Club Our Lady of Guadaluoe Church currently located at� 408 Main Street to 1324 E. Rose. � 49. Resolution - 89-1484 - Aooroving/denying aoolication for the renewal of Class 6 Gambling License aoolied for by Johnson Area Hockey at Governors located at 959 Arcade. � � 50. Resolution - 89-1485 - Aooroving/denying aoolication for the renewal of State Class B Gambling License aoolied for by Johnson Area Hockey at Minnehaha Lanes located at 955 Seminary. 51. Resolution - 89-1486 - Aooroving/denying aoolication for the renewal of Gambling Manager's License aoolied for by Bruce Wigen dba Johnson Area Hockey at Governors located at �959 Arcade. 52. Resolution - 89-1487 - Aooroving/denying aoolication for the renewal of Gambling Manager's License ao4lied for by Donald Hayden dba Brunettes Youth Boxing at Lentsch's located at 1091 Rice Street. 53. Resolution - 89-1488 - Aonroving with stioulation aoolication for the renewal of State Class B Gambling License aonlied for �by Brunettes Youth Boxing Association at Lentsch's located at ].091 Rice Street. � _ - , � ; - n. . �� ` ����/y�� � ���� � l i^�s ' O�)� i ��i✓v7�"' lst [0 -�-5 ��/ 2nd � — 1� ✓ � G O �^ ' '- --- -- 3rd ' ' d / Adopted - --- --- ----— �— /� C uncil F le N0._�'��—,`��02 Yeas ays DIMOND � � --�D�°'Z rdinance N 0. � �� GOSWITZ j fi� ate � �.-''�'�° / LONG � : � \ — ate RETTMAN SONNEN ate club . � 'on- ale WILSON � / MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL DAI : i _ / _ ..__._ . _ - ____ _ - __�_....-- --- i - ----__ ---- ._--_.._._� The definition of the te m "Club" in sectio 409 .02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code i ereby amended to read as follows: "Club shall mean a o poration orgariized under the laws of the st te for civic, frat rnal, social or business pu poses� or for in ellectual improvement or pro ot on of sports wh' ch has more than fifty (5 ) embers and for ore than a year owned, hire o leased a build ng or space in a buildin such extent an character as may be suitable a adequate for t e reasonable and comfortable ac o odation of its embers, and whose affairs n management are onducted by a board of directo s executive commi tee or other similar bod c osen by the memb rs at a meeting held for a purpose, none f whose members, � officers, a ents or employe s are paid, � directly or indir ct y, any compensa ion by way of profit from th d stribution or s le of beverages to the em ers of the club or to its guests beyond the am unt of such rea onable salary or wage as ma be fixed and v ted each year by the direc or or other gover ing body. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depa tment of: Yeas Nays Dimond LO°g In Fav r Gos.v;tz Rettman s�be�n� Agains By Sonnen Wilson Form App ved by City A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ' � G'�i'