99-1090Return copy to: Reat Fstate Division 140 City Aatl Presented By Referred To ORIGfNAL RESOLUT(ON Council �le # ° lt—tl1qC Green Sheet # i 00 4�{ WHEItEAS, the HRA purchased property for recreational use, but tifle was never uansferred to the City and; WHEREAS, the HRA approved conveyance of said property to the Ciry Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation for use as parkland on September 8 1999, as documented in HRA's Report to the Commissioners and the City of Saint Pau] Departrnent of Parks is willing to accept said property, the properry is described in the copy of the Quit Claim Deed attached hereto for reference, mazked Exhibit "A"; so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept the attached Quit Claim Deed conveying said property to the City of Saint Paul as parkland. Requested by Depamnent oE Technoloev & Management Services By: � � y_ 1J�'1/� Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���✓f✓w,.v+�'^ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. �� a' - Approved by Ma ate � By: �i�-... ,�..,,,� � �� •.,.� � + i. � �� �� � � � �� � r � ; , ��L��� � �- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1� Adopted by Councii: Date �.�-., �o�.�Sq� �,xh� b /'� , Porm No. 31-M — QUIT CLNM DBED Corooraflon or Paztnecshio to Comoiation or Pazlnershio Minnesota Uniform No delinquent �a.xes and [ransfer en[ered; Ce�[ifica[e of Real Fstate Value O filed O not requiced Cerlificate of Real estate Value No. , 1997 County Auditor by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date` , 1997 (reserveA for rccordiug dntx) � 1�� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Cily oP Sainl Paul, Minnesota a public corporauon under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby convcys and quitclaims to the Citv of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantee, real property in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lots 14 and 15, Block 10, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota; and Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 32, Thompsons Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. (if more space is needed conlinue on back) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, sub,ject to the 1'ollowing exceptions: The grantor certifies that, to the best knowledge of the grantor, there are property described. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ss N o Wells on thc The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_ day of 19_, NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) Grantor(s). SIGNATURE OP PERSON 1'AKING ACKNOW LLDGMIiN'C tements for the renl propecty dascribeA in �his inslrument should bo sont tu ie name and addcess of Grnnlec): � `lq -10�0 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: ree Sh t Number: 1�� onfad Person and PLone Nvmber: 2 EPAR7?NP-� 7R� G I 4 CiTY COI7NCII. ' le� PicJia 266-SS62 1 arro�r cz.�aa L�DGEfDIItEClOR FFICEOFFiNANC7A7,SVCS ud be on Co�n7 Agenda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSIST OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) crrox�QuFS�rm: cce t Quit Ciaim Deed from HRA - Conve excess ri ht of wa to St Paul Parks. coMI�aENDA1TONS APexoVE (a) oR RF.JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JSf ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/rrm ever worked mder a contract for this depar�ent? YES NO PIANNING COMMISS[ON A STAEF Has [7tis perso�Srm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CNIL SERVICS COMAllSSION . Does tlds perso�Lrm possess a sldll not normally posse.ssed by any YF,S NO carreut City employee? CIB COMMITTEL Iain all YES a�swers on a se te sheet aml attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) �� S DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL fi� R HIT7ATING PROBLEIVI� ISSi7E� OPPORT[JNITY (Who, What� When� Where� Why?): The HRA approved the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue in Samnvt Unversity District 8 and 895-905 rchard Street in the North End District 6 Areas to the City Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation for , se as parkland on September 8,1999, as documented in HRA's Report to the Cominissioners and the City o aint Paul Deparhnent of Parks is willing to accept said property. , A � r n�s� �a �.....v.�._. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property wili benefit titizens of that azea as parKland. ��7 ��'�s�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None foreseen. 7SADVANTAGESIF NOT APPROVED: o ert will not benefit citizens of that area as arkland. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: _ COST/REVENUE BUDGETID (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTI�'ITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) qq- �o Ro Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: August 30, 1999 Brian Sweeney, Director Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex Victor A. Wittgenstein, Dir c or � Pazks and Recreation � 300 City Hall Annex � 736 Laurel Avenue (Marshall - Webster Pazk Site) 885-905 Orchazd Avenue (Orchazd Recreation Center Site) sF R O FiV 9� FSTqTF ` The referenced properties were purchased by F3RA many years ago for recreational use, but title was appazently never transfened to the City. This is to confirm that the Division of Parks and Recreation will accept these properties when transferred from HRA. c: Paul Mordorski Peter White Rich Lallier Vince Gillespie qq-log.o From: Paul Mordorski To: ParksRec.ParksCHA.wirka Date: 9/16/99 1120am Subject: 736 Laurel and 89r905 Orchard The HRA approved the conveyance of the above mentioned properties on September 8 to the City of Saint Paui Division of Parks and Recreation. it is my understanding that the next step is for you to go to the City Council to accept this conveyance of property. I believe that the Real Estate Division can handle this for you. Please contact Dave Nelson in Real Estate at 6-8860 to begin the process. Enclosed are the Board Report and Resolution for conveying the above mentioned properties from the HRA to Parks and Rec. Please contact me at 66683 if you have any questions. CC: carlsonc, TMSD.TMS.nelson qq_togo HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE: September 8, 1999 REGARDING Authorization to Convey 736 Laurel Avenue in Summit University District 8 and 895-905 Orchard Street in the North End District 6 Areas to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation (Public Hearing) Purpose The purpose of this report is to request authorization to execute the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 895-905 Orchard Street to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. Background 736 Laurel Avenue was purchased by the HRA in April, 1971 under the Summit University Urban Renewal Project. The property was included in City Council Resolution 272467 on January 30, 1979 as part of a joint land use agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District 625 for recreational use for Webster Magnet School, the adjoining property. It is presumed that the HRA would convey the property to Parks and Rec shortly before the joint land use agreement was made. 885, 897 and 905 Orchard Street were all acquired by the HRA between 1976 and 1979 for outdoor recreational use as part of the Orchard Recreation Center, the adjacent property which was built in 1978. After review of the documents, it appears the list of properties were intended to be, but never were conveyed from the HRA to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. a q - �o� Transaction Information The HRA will convey the properties to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation without cost. Public Purpose The conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 89�905 Orchard Street will allow the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625, who have a joint land use agreement, to continue to use these properties for recreational purposes. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 895-905 Orchard Street to the City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. Statement of Chairman Being duly authorized by the Board of Commissioners to conduct this Public Hearing, the hearing is now open. This is a Public Hearing called for the proposed disposition of certain parcels of land located in Districts 8 and 6 by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA). Notice of time, place and purpose of this hearing was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on Saturday, August 28, 1999. The a�davit of publication of the Notice of Public Hearing wi{I be made part of these proceedings. The HRA proposes to convey the properties in Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 areas. Conveyance of these properties will place title in the correct legal entity and will assure that Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625 can continue to use these properties for recreational purposes. Is there anyone who wishes to be heard on these sales? If not, the Chair will declare this Public Hearing adjourned. Sponsors: Commissioners Jerry Blakey and Jim Reiter qq-toqo Paul Mordorski, Project Services - PED(266-6683) qq -lo�o Sponsor, Sponsor, Commissioner Jerry Blakey CommissionerJim Reiter RESOLUTION NO. 99-9/$ Resolution Authorizing E�ecution of Deeds of Conveyance for 736 Laurel Avenue in District 8 and 895-905 Orchard Street in District 6 to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation (Public Hearing) WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("HRA") has duly adopted and there is now lawfully in effect a City-Wide Redevelopment Plan providing for the acquisition, rehabilitation and resale of properties for redevelopment of which Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 are a part; and WHEREAS, the properties located in District 6 and 8 are being used for recreational purposes or as part of a joint land use agreement between the City of St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625 Webster Magnet School and have been for many years; and WHEREAS, the said proposal, pursuant to due notice thereof, was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on August 28, 1999; a public hearing on said proposal and proposed sale and provision thereof was held on September 8, 1999 at 2:00 pm., Central Daylight time, in the Council Chambers, Third Floor, at 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WIIEREAS, the HRA, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statues, agrees to convey said Parcels for use in accordance with the City Wide Redevelopment Plan of which the Summit-University District 8 Norti� End District 6 are part of; and WHEREAS, the proposal to convey said land conforms with the general objectives and specific requirements of said CiTy Wide Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the IIRA proposes to convey said land in accardance with and subject to the restricrions of the City Wide Redevelopment Plan, said land being situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and more particulariy described as follows: aq -tcqo 736 Laurel Avenue - Lots 14 and 15, Block 10, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 895, 897, and 905 Orchazd Avenue - Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 32, Thompsons Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota; and NOW Tf�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota (HEtA) as follows: 1. That the proposal to convey said properties in Siumnit-University District 8 and North End District 6 Areas conforms to the objectives and specific requirements of the City Wide Redevelopment Pian, which includes said Districts. 2. That there is no cost to City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation to acquire the property. 3. That the method of disposition of said Parcels is in accordance with the City-Wide Redevelopment Plan, which includes said Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 areas, and is the appropriate method of making said Parcels auailable. 4. That the execution and delivery of a Deed of Conveyance of said Parcels to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized by the Boazd of Commissioners to be executed on its behalf by the Executive Director and the Assistant Secretary of the HRA, and to be approved by the Director of Finance of the City of Saint Paul. �q-�o�o From: John Wirka To: TMSD.TMS.nelson Date: 9/16/99 2:06pm Subject: 736 Laurel and 89�905 Orchard -Forwarded Dave: We want to accept these properties. Please proceed. Thanks. CC: wittgens � � � ��� = =�-� r � • i „! , � / , qq _ to�o From: Glenn Picha To: CP_O.Attorney.wamer Data: 9/28/99 11:48am Subject: HRA desires to convey 736 Laurel Ave & 895-905 Orchard Street to Parks Here is the resolution for the Real Estate Division to convey 736 Lausel Ave & 895-905 Orchard Street to Parks and Recreation. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ca11 me at 266-8862- Thanks Glenn Return copy to: Reat Fstate Division 140 City Aatl Presented By Referred To ORIGfNAL RESOLUT(ON Council �le # ° lt—tl1qC Green Sheet # i 00 4�{ WHEItEAS, the HRA purchased property for recreational use, but tifle was never uansferred to the City and; WHEREAS, the HRA approved conveyance of said property to the Ciry Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation for use as parkland on September 8 1999, as documented in HRA's Report to the Commissioners and the City of Saint Pau] Departrnent of Parks is willing to accept said property, the properry is described in the copy of the Quit Claim Deed attached hereto for reference, mazked Exhibit "A"; so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept the attached Quit Claim Deed conveying said property to the City of Saint Paul as parkland. Requested by Depamnent oE Technoloev & Management Services By: � � y_ 1J�'1/� Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���✓f✓w,.v+�'^ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. �� a' - Approved by Ma ate � By: �i�-... ,�..,,,� � �� •.,.� � + i. � �� �� � � � �� � r � ; , ��L��� � �- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1� Adopted by Councii: Date �.�-., �o�.�Sq� �,xh� b /'� , Porm No. 31-M — QUIT CLNM DBED Corooraflon or Paztnecshio to Comoiation or Pazlnershio Minnesota Uniform No delinquent �a.xes and [ransfer en[ered; Ce�[ifica[e of Real Fstate Value O filed O not requiced Cerlificate of Real estate Value No. , 1997 County Auditor by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date` , 1997 (reserveA for rccordiug dntx) � 1�� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Cily oP Sainl Paul, Minnesota a public corporauon under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby convcys and quitclaims to the Citv of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantee, real property in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lots 14 and 15, Block 10, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota; and Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 32, Thompsons Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. (if more space is needed conlinue on back) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, sub,ject to the 1'ollowing exceptions: The grantor certifies that, to the best knowledge of the grantor, there are property described. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ss N o Wells on thc The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_ day of 19_, NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) Grantor(s). SIGNATURE OP PERSON 1'AKING ACKNOW LLDGMIiN'C tements for the renl propecty dascribeA in �his inslrument should bo sont tu ie name and addcess of Grnnlec): � `lq -10�0 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: ree Sh t Number: 1�� onfad Person and PLone Nvmber: 2 EPAR7?NP-� 7R� G I 4 CiTY COI7NCII. ' le� PicJia 266-SS62 1 arro�r cz.�aa L�DGEfDIItEClOR FFICEOFFiNANC7A7,SVCS ud be on Co�n7 Agenda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSIST OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) crrox�QuFS�rm: cce t Quit Ciaim Deed from HRA - Conve excess ri ht of wa to St Paul Parks. coMI�aENDA1TONS APexoVE (a) oR RF.JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JSf ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/rrm ever worked mder a contract for this depar�ent? YES NO PIANNING COMMISS[ON A STAEF Has [7tis perso�Srm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CNIL SERVICS COMAllSSION . Does tlds perso�Lrm possess a sldll not normally posse.ssed by any YF,S NO carreut City employee? CIB COMMITTEL Iain all YES a�swers on a se te sheet aml attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) �� S DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL fi� R HIT7ATING PROBLEIVI� ISSi7E� OPPORT[JNITY (Who, What� When� Where� Why?): The HRA approved the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue in Samnvt Unversity District 8 and 895-905 rchard Street in the North End District 6 Areas to the City Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation for , se as parkland on September 8,1999, as documented in HRA's Report to the Cominissioners and the City o aint Paul Deparhnent of Parks is willing to accept said property. , A � r n�s� �a �.....v.�._. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property wili benefit titizens of that azea as parKland. ��7 ��'�s�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None foreseen. 7SADVANTAGESIF NOT APPROVED: o ert will not benefit citizens of that area as arkland. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: _ COST/REVENUE BUDGETID (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTI�'ITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) qq- �o Ro Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: August 30, 1999 Brian Sweeney, Director Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex Victor A. Wittgenstein, Dir c or � Pazks and Recreation � 300 City Hall Annex � 736 Laurel Avenue (Marshall - Webster Pazk Site) 885-905 Orchazd Avenue (Orchazd Recreation Center Site) sF R O FiV 9� FSTqTF ` The referenced properties were purchased by F3RA many years ago for recreational use, but title was appazently never transfened to the City. This is to confirm that the Division of Parks and Recreation will accept these properties when transferred from HRA. c: Paul Mordorski Peter White Rich Lallier Vince Gillespie qq-log.o From: Paul Mordorski To: ParksRec.ParksCHA.wirka Date: 9/16/99 1120am Subject: 736 Laurel and 89r905 Orchard The HRA approved the conveyance of the above mentioned properties on September 8 to the City of Saint Paui Division of Parks and Recreation. it is my understanding that the next step is for you to go to the City Council to accept this conveyance of property. I believe that the Real Estate Division can handle this for you. Please contact Dave Nelson in Real Estate at 6-8860 to begin the process. Enclosed are the Board Report and Resolution for conveying the above mentioned properties from the HRA to Parks and Rec. Please contact me at 66683 if you have any questions. CC: carlsonc, TMSD.TMS.nelson qq_togo HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE: September 8, 1999 REGARDING Authorization to Convey 736 Laurel Avenue in Summit University District 8 and 895-905 Orchard Street in the North End District 6 Areas to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation (Public Hearing) Purpose The purpose of this report is to request authorization to execute the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 895-905 Orchard Street to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. Background 736 Laurel Avenue was purchased by the HRA in April, 1971 under the Summit University Urban Renewal Project. The property was included in City Council Resolution 272467 on January 30, 1979 as part of a joint land use agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District 625 for recreational use for Webster Magnet School, the adjoining property. It is presumed that the HRA would convey the property to Parks and Rec shortly before the joint land use agreement was made. 885, 897 and 905 Orchard Street were all acquired by the HRA between 1976 and 1979 for outdoor recreational use as part of the Orchard Recreation Center, the adjacent property which was built in 1978. After review of the documents, it appears the list of properties were intended to be, but never were conveyed from the HRA to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. a q - �o� Transaction Information The HRA will convey the properties to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation without cost. Public Purpose The conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 89�905 Orchard Street will allow the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625, who have a joint land use agreement, to continue to use these properties for recreational purposes. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 895-905 Orchard Street to the City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. Statement of Chairman Being duly authorized by the Board of Commissioners to conduct this Public Hearing, the hearing is now open. This is a Public Hearing called for the proposed disposition of certain parcels of land located in Districts 8 and 6 by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA). Notice of time, place and purpose of this hearing was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on Saturday, August 28, 1999. The a�davit of publication of the Notice of Public Hearing wi{I be made part of these proceedings. The HRA proposes to convey the properties in Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 areas. Conveyance of these properties will place title in the correct legal entity and will assure that Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625 can continue to use these properties for recreational purposes. Is there anyone who wishes to be heard on these sales? If not, the Chair will declare this Public Hearing adjourned. Sponsors: Commissioners Jerry Blakey and Jim Reiter qq-toqo Paul Mordorski, Project Services - PED(266-6683) qq -lo�o Sponsor, Sponsor, Commissioner Jerry Blakey CommissionerJim Reiter RESOLUTION NO. 99-9/$ Resolution Authorizing E�ecution of Deeds of Conveyance for 736 Laurel Avenue in District 8 and 895-905 Orchard Street in District 6 to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation (Public Hearing) WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("HRA") has duly adopted and there is now lawfully in effect a City-Wide Redevelopment Plan providing for the acquisition, rehabilitation and resale of properties for redevelopment of which Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 are a part; and WHEREAS, the properties located in District 6 and 8 are being used for recreational purposes or as part of a joint land use agreement between the City of St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625 Webster Magnet School and have been for many years; and WHEREAS, the said proposal, pursuant to due notice thereof, was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on August 28, 1999; a public hearing on said proposal and proposed sale and provision thereof was held on September 8, 1999 at 2:00 pm., Central Daylight time, in the Council Chambers, Third Floor, at 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WIIEREAS, the HRA, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statues, agrees to convey said Parcels for use in accordance with the City Wide Redevelopment Plan of which the Summit-University District 8 Norti� End District 6 are part of; and WHEREAS, the proposal to convey said land conforms with the general objectives and specific requirements of said CiTy Wide Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the IIRA proposes to convey said land in accardance with and subject to the restricrions of the City Wide Redevelopment Plan, said land being situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and more particulariy described as follows: aq -tcqo 736 Laurel Avenue - Lots 14 and 15, Block 10, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 895, 897, and 905 Orchazd Avenue - Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 32, Thompsons Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota; and NOW Tf�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota (HEtA) as follows: 1. That the proposal to convey said properties in Siumnit-University District 8 and North End District 6 Areas conforms to the objectives and specific requirements of the City Wide Redevelopment Pian, which includes said Districts. 2. That there is no cost to City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation to acquire the property. 3. That the method of disposition of said Parcels is in accordance with the City-Wide Redevelopment Plan, which includes said Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 areas, and is the appropriate method of making said Parcels auailable. 4. That the execution and delivery of a Deed of Conveyance of said Parcels to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized by the Boazd of Commissioners to be executed on its behalf by the Executive Director and the Assistant Secretary of the HRA, and to be approved by the Director of Finance of the City of Saint Paul. �q-�o�o From: John Wirka To: TMSD.TMS.nelson Date: 9/16/99 2:06pm Subject: 736 Laurel and 89�905 Orchard -Forwarded Dave: We want to accept these properties. Please proceed. Thanks. CC: wittgens � � � ��� = =�-� r � • i „! , � / , qq _ to�o From: Glenn Picha To: CP_O.Attorney.wamer Data: 9/28/99 11:48am Subject: HRA desires to convey 736 Laurel Ave & 895-905 Orchard Street to Parks Here is the resolution for the Real Estate Division to convey 736 Lausel Ave & 895-905 Orchard Street to Parks and Recreation. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ca11 me at 266-8862- Thanks Glenn Return copy to: Reat Fstate Division 140 City Aatl Presented By Referred To ORIGfNAL RESOLUT(ON Council �le # ° lt—tl1qC Green Sheet # i 00 4�{ WHEItEAS, the HRA purchased property for recreational use, but tifle was never uansferred to the City and; WHEREAS, the HRA approved conveyance of said property to the Ciry Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation for use as parkland on September 8 1999, as documented in HRA's Report to the Commissioners and the City of Saint Pau] Departrnent of Parks is willing to accept said property, the properry is described in the copy of the Quit Claim Deed attached hereto for reference, mazked Exhibit "A"; so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept the attached Quit Claim Deed conveying said property to the City of Saint Paul as parkland. Requested by Depamnent oE Technoloev & Management Services By: � � y_ 1J�'1/� Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���✓f✓w,.v+�'^ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. �� a' - Approved by Ma ate � By: �i�-... ,�..,,,� � �� •.,.� � + i. � �� �� � � � �� � r � ; , ��L��� � �- � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1� Adopted by Councii: Date �.�-., �o�.�Sq� �,xh� b /'� , Porm No. 31-M — QUIT CLNM DBED Corooraflon or Paztnecshio to Comoiation or Pazlnershio Minnesota Uniform No delinquent �a.xes and [ransfer en[ered; Ce�[ifica[e of Real Fstate Value O filed O not requiced Cerlificate of Real estate Value No. , 1997 County Auditor by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date` , 1997 (reserveA for rccordiug dntx) � 1�� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Cily oP Sainl Paul, Minnesota a public corporauon under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby convcys and quitclaims to the Citv of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantee, real property in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lots 14 and 15, Block 10, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota; and Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 32, Thompsons Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. (if more space is needed conlinue on back) together will all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, sub,ject to the 1'ollowing exceptions: The grantor certifies that, to the best knowledge of the grantor, there are property described. Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ss N o Wells on thc The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_ day of 19_, NOTARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANK) Grantor(s). SIGNATURE OP PERSON 1'AKING ACKNOW LLDGMIiN'C tements for the renl propecty dascribeA in �his inslrument should bo sont tu ie name and addcess of Grnnlec): � `lq -10�0 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: ree Sh t Number: 1�� onfad Person and PLone Nvmber: 2 EPAR7?NP-� 7R� G I 4 CiTY COI7NCII. ' le� PicJia 266-SS62 1 arro�r cz.�aa L�DGEfDIItEClOR FFICEOFFiNANC7A7,SVCS ud be on Co�n7 Agenda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSIST OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) crrox�QuFS�rm: cce t Quit Ciaim Deed from HRA - Conve excess ri ht of wa to St Paul Parks. coMI�aENDA1TONS APexoVE (a) oR RF.JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JSf ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/rrm ever worked mder a contract for this depar�ent? YES NO PIANNING COMMISS[ON A STAEF Has [7tis perso�Srm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CNIL SERVICS COMAllSSION . Does tlds perso�Lrm possess a sldll not normally posse.ssed by any YF,S NO carreut City employee? CIB COMMITTEL Iain all YES a�swers on a se te sheet aml attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) �� S DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL fi� R HIT7ATING PROBLEIVI� ISSi7E� OPPORT[JNITY (Who, What� When� Where� Why?): The HRA approved the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue in Samnvt Unversity District 8 and 895-905 rchard Street in the North End District 6 Areas to the City Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation for , se as parkland on September 8,1999, as documented in HRA's Report to the Cominissioners and the City o aint Paul Deparhnent of Parks is willing to accept said property. , A � r n�s� �a �.....v.�._. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property wili benefit titizens of that azea as parKland. ��7 ��'�s�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None foreseen. 7SADVANTAGESIF NOT APPROVED: o ert will not benefit citizens of that area as arkland. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: _ COST/REVENUE BUDGETID (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTI�'ITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) qq- �o Ro Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: August 30, 1999 Brian Sweeney, Director Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex Victor A. Wittgenstein, Dir c or � Pazks and Recreation � 300 City Hall Annex � 736 Laurel Avenue (Marshall - Webster Pazk Site) 885-905 Orchazd Avenue (Orchazd Recreation Center Site) sF R O FiV 9� FSTqTF ` The referenced properties were purchased by F3RA many years ago for recreational use, but title was appazently never transfened to the City. This is to confirm that the Division of Parks and Recreation will accept these properties when transferred from HRA. c: Paul Mordorski Peter White Rich Lallier Vince Gillespie qq-log.o From: Paul Mordorski To: ParksRec.ParksCHA.wirka Date: 9/16/99 1120am Subject: 736 Laurel and 89r905 Orchard The HRA approved the conveyance of the above mentioned properties on September 8 to the City of Saint Paui Division of Parks and Recreation. it is my understanding that the next step is for you to go to the City Council to accept this conveyance of property. I believe that the Real Estate Division can handle this for you. Please contact Dave Nelson in Real Estate at 6-8860 to begin the process. Enclosed are the Board Report and Resolution for conveying the above mentioned properties from the HRA to Parks and Rec. Please contact me at 66683 if you have any questions. CC: carlsonc, TMSD.TMS.nelson qq_togo HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE: September 8, 1999 REGARDING Authorization to Convey 736 Laurel Avenue in Summit University District 8 and 895-905 Orchard Street in the North End District 6 Areas to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation (Public Hearing) Purpose The purpose of this report is to request authorization to execute the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 895-905 Orchard Street to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. Background 736 Laurel Avenue was purchased by the HRA in April, 1971 under the Summit University Urban Renewal Project. The property was included in City Council Resolution 272467 on January 30, 1979 as part of a joint land use agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District 625 for recreational use for Webster Magnet School, the adjoining property. It is presumed that the HRA would convey the property to Parks and Rec shortly before the joint land use agreement was made. 885, 897 and 905 Orchard Street were all acquired by the HRA between 1976 and 1979 for outdoor recreational use as part of the Orchard Recreation Center, the adjacent property which was built in 1978. After review of the documents, it appears the list of properties were intended to be, but never were conveyed from the HRA to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. a q - �o� Transaction Information The HRA will convey the properties to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation without cost. Public Purpose The conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 89�905 Orchard Street will allow the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625, who have a joint land use agreement, to continue to use these properties for recreational purposes. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the conveyance of 736 Laurel Avenue and 895-905 Orchard Street to the City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. Statement of Chairman Being duly authorized by the Board of Commissioners to conduct this Public Hearing, the hearing is now open. This is a Public Hearing called for the proposed disposition of certain parcels of land located in Districts 8 and 6 by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA). Notice of time, place and purpose of this hearing was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on Saturday, August 28, 1999. The a�davit of publication of the Notice of Public Hearing wi{I be made part of these proceedings. The HRA proposes to convey the properties in Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 areas. Conveyance of these properties will place title in the correct legal entity and will assure that Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625 can continue to use these properties for recreational purposes. Is there anyone who wishes to be heard on these sales? If not, the Chair will declare this Public Hearing adjourned. Sponsors: Commissioners Jerry Blakey and Jim Reiter qq-toqo Paul Mordorski, Project Services - PED(266-6683) qq -lo�o Sponsor, Sponsor, Commissioner Jerry Blakey CommissionerJim Reiter RESOLUTION NO. 99-9/$ Resolution Authorizing E�ecution of Deeds of Conveyance for 736 Laurel Avenue in District 8 and 895-905 Orchard Street in District 6 to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation (Public Hearing) WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("HRA") has duly adopted and there is now lawfully in effect a City-Wide Redevelopment Plan providing for the acquisition, rehabilitation and resale of properties for redevelopment of which Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 are a part; and WHEREAS, the properties located in District 6 and 8 are being used for recreational purposes or as part of a joint land use agreement between the City of St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation and Independent School District 625 Webster Magnet School and have been for many years; and WHEREAS, the said proposal, pursuant to due notice thereof, was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on August 28, 1999; a public hearing on said proposal and proposed sale and provision thereof was held on September 8, 1999 at 2:00 pm., Central Daylight time, in the Council Chambers, Third Floor, at 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WIIEREAS, the HRA, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statues, agrees to convey said Parcels for use in accordance with the City Wide Redevelopment Plan of which the Summit-University District 8 Norti� End District 6 are part of; and WHEREAS, the proposal to convey said land conforms with the general objectives and specific requirements of said CiTy Wide Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the IIRA proposes to convey said land in accardance with and subject to the restricrions of the City Wide Redevelopment Plan, said land being situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and more particulariy described as follows: aq -tcqo 736 Laurel Avenue - Lots 14 and 15, Block 10, Holcombe's Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 895, 897, and 905 Orchazd Avenue - Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 32, Thompsons Addition to St. Paul and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota; and NOW Tf�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota (HEtA) as follows: 1. That the proposal to convey said properties in Siumnit-University District 8 and North End District 6 Areas conforms to the objectives and specific requirements of the City Wide Redevelopment Pian, which includes said Districts. 2. That there is no cost to City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation to acquire the property. 3. That the method of disposition of said Parcels is in accordance with the City-Wide Redevelopment Plan, which includes said Summit University District 8 and North End District 6 areas, and is the appropriate method of making said Parcels auailable. 4. That the execution and delivery of a Deed of Conveyance of said Parcels to the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized by the Boazd of Commissioners to be executed on its behalf by the Executive Director and the Assistant Secretary of the HRA, and to be approved by the Director of Finance of the City of Saint Paul. �q-�o�o From: John Wirka To: TMSD.TMS.nelson Date: 9/16/99 2:06pm Subject: 736 Laurel and 89�905 Orchard -Forwarded Dave: We want to accept these properties. Please proceed. Thanks. CC: wittgens � � � ��� = =�-� r � • i „! , � / , qq _ to�o From: Glenn Picha To: CP_O.Attorney.wamer Data: 9/28/99 11:48am Subject: HRA desires to convey 736 Laurel Ave & 895-905 Orchard Street to Parks Here is the resolution for the Real Estate Division to convey 736 Lausel Ave & 895-905 Orchard Street to Parks and Recreation. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ca11 me at 266-8862- Thanks Glenn