89-1070 WHITE - C1TY CLERK - PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A NT PAU L Co ncil ���yyy ^ CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��/O�// BLUE - MAVOR FII NO• v - Cou il solution ��j Presented By Referred To Committee: D te �7�[� Out of Committee By D te RESOLVED: That application (ID #1 40 ) for a Class A Ga bling Location ticense by Lou's Viaduc I n Inc. DBA Lou's Viaduct Inn at 1056 E. 7th Street, be nd the same is hereby approved��. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman � Scheibel A gai n s t BY 9vnnen Wilson JUN � � � Form Ap d b,}r C' y y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa y ou cil , cre ry BY By A►pprove avor. Date � �y Approved by Mayor f r Submission to Council g � �`!L./ '.� -�CsYt''�--• '—� BY Y ' � PUBIIStfm J U N 2 4 198 ` - � � . ��-/o�a DEPARTMENT/OF COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � �O^ Fi nance/�i cense REEN SHEET No. � CONTACT PER80N Q PHONE DE ENT DIRECTOR �Nm�V DATE CITY OOUNCIL �NITIAUDATE Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 ��� C AITORNEY �cirv c�aK MU3T BE ON COUNqL AOENDA 8Y(DAT� ROUTING BU ET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVI�B OIR. 6-13-89 MA OFi(ORA8818T Q Counci 1 Research TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL L TI 8 FOR 81�iNATUR� ACiION REQUEBTED: Approval of an application for a C as A Gambling Locati n License. Notification Date: 5-24-89 Hearing Date: 6- 3-89 RECOI�AMENDATIONB:Approw(A)or ReJsct(Fq UNCIL COM EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PUWNIPK�COMMI8SION _GVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N �'YST PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT _ BUPPORT8 WHK:FI OOUNpI OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whet,When.Whero,Wh»: Lou's Viaduct Inn Inc. DBA Lou's ia uct Inn at 1056 E. th Street requests City Council approval of it application for a lass A Gambling Location License. This license w 11 allow the liquor es ablishment to lease space to a charitable organizatio ( rlington Booster C1 b) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. All f es and applications ha e been submitted. All required divisions - Zoning, ir , Police and Licens have given their approval . ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, a ar'table organization will be able to sell pulltabs and/or tipboard a Lou's Viaduct Inn. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: o�rcEi �esearch Center f�IAY 3 0 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CI E ONE� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . . - �-�-�a 70 UiVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT ADMINIST TI llATE �/ o � / �( °�� � � INTP,RDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn ro essed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �pu 5 V tQ,�uG{" Z�1/'1 � � Home Address � �- �.?[cact� r"Q✓��l.JQ C.� t/ 1 Rusiness lvame j—l��( S �li�c[l�t�f' J..n�"1 Home Phone ? 7�� � � �T Business Address ld `J � � ��a � Type of License(s) � QSS /4 — Business Phone �1C!NYt ��lv1 l�0 +«n Public Hearing Date `7 7�4— 3 y 77 License I.D. 41 �� �� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, � $3�f�� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4� � �" to Applicant ����9 I'ederal I'irearms �� � � Public Hearing --r DATE II�SPEC IU REVIEW VERFIED (CO UT ) CUMMENTS Ap roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � � � Ol� Health Divn. � , ���� � � Fire Dept. � i �'2G���1 �/L Yolice Dept. ' �Q11'� I �f f asJ 5 0� '��-r'k� � License Divn. ' � l�� � a�L City Attorney � 5��, a� � D te Received: Site Plan �� �'� � �� ? i To Council P.PSea ch � Jd Lease or Letter ate from Landlord � �� � , � � TO BE COMP ET D BY BAR OWNER �� ���� Application No. Date ec ived By . - CITY OF SA T PAUL,_MINNESOTA CHARITABL G LING LOCATION Directions: •This form must b� filled out wi h a tqpewriter or b printing in ink by the sole owner, bq each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of Sx ia the corporation and/o as ociation in whieh t e name of the license will be isaued. THIS APPLICATION IS CT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC . , 1. Application for (name of license) : s ' � ,y�! ,:� L.� 2. Located at (address) c �/ � , ,�1/ ,1,T–,�r 3. Name under which business is operat d � �� �r S //�' �l ��� ` .-, 4. True Name �c'c�, �j ���'� J. /' �q i✓ Phone (Fizst) (Middle) (Maiden) (Las ) 5. Date of Birth , � 3 Place of Birth / 1' �L- /�7.��r .-r (Month, Day, Year 6. Home Address l � � � ���� �=� �/\ r�✓/t Home Phone �,< �J�/% 7. Have you ever been comricted of anq g ling violations? 8. List licenses which you currentlq h ld at this location. ct c ,` c- C �� � � �'S��N S,� �. 1 `%-s'g��YS,�— +� a f C i:X 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAMBLI G OOTH WILL BE LOCAT ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MA ER SUBMITTID WILL R SULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I herebq state under oath that I have an a ed all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is tzue a c rrect to the best o mq knowledge and belief. I hereby state further uader oath that I ha e received no moneq or other considerations, directlq, or indirectly, ia connection th thia license, from nq person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, oth�r n already disclosed i the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minaesota ) � ) sa � County of Ramseq ) � � Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Si ture of Applicant) ��_ day of � �� 19 �� " �I"'�C. �-�`-tC�G'f/ __ __._,� .,,____.._._-----..�.. Notary Public, Ramsey Countq, Minnesota ''.' � Mq Commiseion expirea � � _,,,, t _ , _ /6 �a7 . City of Sai Paul ' Department of Finance an Management Services �-�.(�'-/p 70 License and Pe it Divis�on 203 ity all St. Paul, Minne ta 5102-298-5056 APPLICATIO R LICENSE CASH CH� CLASS NO New R ew + � Date � t9� Code No. Title of License From � 19�fo �� �� 19�Q a3� 4'��Q�cJ �, , . � , ,00 L o u 5 �a dU�� 1,�� ` LO —��� AppNca�UCompany N �oo j � ` � ` --�`�.' � � � ��j� 100 Buafneaa Name ,00 S� . '' a << i , r�l ,; 55%�!P Busi�ess Address Phon�No. 100 1 Mail to Address Phone No. 1 ManaqedOwner•Na s 1 1 AlanagerlGwner•Ho e Addresa Pt+one No. 4098 Applfcatfon Fee 5 Received the Sum of 1 , ManagerlOwner•Cit ,State 8 2ip Code 100 Total 1 License InspeCtor w By: �� ignature of AppliCent Bond• Company Name Poliey No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Nsme Polfcy No. Expiration Dat� Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicle tnformation: S��ial Numbsr at�Numb�r Other: THIS IS A RECE PT OR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your application for Iicen e wi l either be granted or rejected subject to the proviaions ot the mninq ordinancs and completlon of the fnspections by the Health, Fire Zon y and/or Licsnse Inspectora. . $15.00 CHARGE FOR LL RETURNED CHECKS � ! Q'�� � �!� � ������ �a��9 � �s � � , , ' _, . . ---- - -�- ���loryo ' � �0 BE COMPL E BY BAR OWNER t under�tanci ancl wi11 uphold che ordi �n amending Chapcer 0� ot chc St. Paul Legislat.ive Code (IncoxicaLi g ► 'Ruor) . I further understand chac failure co om, ly may resulc in ch st�,pension or revoca�ion or . ; Qn Sale Liquor an c rresponding license • . •, � . � � Sigr�acure � " ,/L„v�'y��„� /�'�— ; Establishmenc � ` �� _ �T Dace Recurn co: License � Per.nic Division Room :U3, Cicy Hall St. Paul , �IN 55102 P�ease retain the attached ordinance or your records. 3/sb