89-1063 _-__._� AMENDED ORDER � ` City of St.Paul COUNCI FILE N0. �7`--'"��� Resolution Ratifying and Confirmi g BY Condemnation and Awards of Dama es 18542E-2 and Assessment Therefor Fil No. Voting Ward In the matter of 5 Condemning and taking permane t tility easements a d temporary construction easements for t S lvan/Acker Combine Sewer Separation Project on, under and across ro erties as shown on the map on file with the Department of Finance and Ma agement Services, ivision of Real Estate, Room 218, City Hall. Temporary easements expire D e r 31, 1989 or upo completion of the project. under Administrative Order -- approve — Preliminary Order $9-196 approve Feb uar 2, 1989 FinalOrder 89-389 approve �r h 7 1989 A public hearing having been had upon the t ing nd condemnation of the la ds or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages there or, nd also upon the assessm nt of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now theref e b it RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnatio of he lands described in the a nexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and mad a rt hereof, and the awards f damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth 'n s id assessment roll, be and he same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessm t benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to he istrict Court for confirma ion. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. Date �N 13198� Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz � Certified ss d b Cou ci Secreta Long Re t tman In Favor By Scheibel 0 � ,g�� - Against Wilson Mayor JUN 1 4 i989 PUBII� JUN 2 4 �989 ar�rm� oxnr� . City of St.Paul COUNCI FILE N0. ,����'��-..� Report of Director of Finance By � r �-:� ��� ,.��'�_.. on Condemnation of Lands / Ia����� File�No. Voting Ward In the matter of 5 Cond�aning and taking piroan t Cility �sae�nts d �aepor�ry coaetruation eaa�menta for t lvaza/A;eicc�r Cvmbi�e Sexer Separation Pro�oct on, und�r and across r eYtise As shoim on ths aap on �'i1• Wit1a tha Departoreut +at Fiaance an gea�nC S�swicua, ivisiwn of Real Butats, Raon 218, City Hall. Temporary easements expire D ce er 31, 1989 or upo completion of the project. under Administrative Order � approve Preliminary Order 89-196 approve �� z I9�9 FinalOrder 8�"�$g approve �r h 7 14$9 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of t e la d, lands or easements therei taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of am ges therefor to the owners ereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and de er ned the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and at ttached is an assessment ro entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the de igned's finding on said mat ers. Director of Finance AM8�iT1�D OHDBR City of St.paul COUNC L FILE NO. 'y' f li� �`_�. Notice of Hearing in Condemnati n By '. Proceedings ' 18S�i2&-2 File No. Voting i�eZd In the matter of 5 Co�d;�ning aad takin; p�rsan �e tilitq ssaa�n�a • ta�porurq coastrvetian �as�a�ta !or t e lvem/Ackar �+osbiaf Ssxa�r Saparation Pro�ect an, andar aad saroa�s pr •sCt�o s� sho�tn on t1u �ap on file vith the 11�parts�snt o� Financ� aa ga�ns�t 3�rvic:a. vision at �eul Batate. Aoe�a 21$. City Hall. Temporary easements expire D e er 31, 1989 or upo completion of the project. under Administrative Order "� approve " " Preliminary Order �4"'296 approve !�t i'u�a 2 19$9 FinalOrder ag"3�� approve � Cb� 7 19�9 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing wi be had before the Council of he City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. aul, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the o ner r owners of the lands or ea ements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvements, and the persons to who suc awards were payable and f r the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property fro the making of said impro ement. Objection, to the taking of such lands or ease nts therein, or the awards of d ages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed r s id hearing, or with the Cit Clerk prior thereto. Dated Director of Finance �r��d�3 DEPARTMENTIOFFICE/COUNdL DATE INITIATE Finance & Management Services 5/30/8 GREEN SHEE NO. 3��� CONTACT PER�N�PHONE DEPARTMENT DiRECTOR �CRY OOUNqL Peter White 298-5317 N�M� cm�rroar�ev �CITY G.ERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� 6 13 89 � BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 AAOT.BERVICES DIR. ust be in City Clerk's Office no Nu►voncoA�►esisr OCawa.cil. Re TOTAL N OF SICiNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL A IONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REDUEBTED: 1. Ratify permanent and temporary easeme ts s shown on the map on file with the Dept. of Finance, Real Estate Division, Room 2 8 ity Hall. (AMENDED ORDER) File N0. 18542E-2 Original Green Sheet Attached ��3927. REOOMMENDATIONB:Approv�(A)a Reject(1� OpUNCIL MI EElRESEARCN REPORT OPTI AL ANALYBT PFIONE NO. _PLANNINO COM�AISSbN _CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N _d8 OOMMITTEE _ A_STAFF _ OOMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ 8UPPORTS WIiICH OOUNpL OBJECiIVE? 1 INRIATINO PROBLEAA�ISSUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whst.When�WMre,Wh�: ADVANTA6E8 IF APPROVED: dSADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �urc�l Research Center ��AY 3�1 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE 9UDQETED( IRC.�E ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PWONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOWTION (Amend, BdgtsJ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Inftiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attorney 3. Ciry Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssistant 5. Flnance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accountfng 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Menager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAssfstant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayodAssistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIC3NATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip - each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the proJect/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the isaue. Do not wrRe complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council obJective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure requlred by law/ charter or whether there are apeciflc wa in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�icUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver aervice?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Afthough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay7 . . ���9'`�0�3 , RE 5/3/89 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNpL DATE IPMTUI Financ &e Management Services 5/3/ 9 GREEN SHE T NO. 3i�ink�dn � CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE p@pAqT1A�►iT pplECipp �CfTY COUNqL Peter White �298-5317 � cm�rrow�r 0 arr c�nc �r ee oN oou �a►ev�enTq eout»�o euociEr or�cron ��N.a war.s�+v�s o�. at be in�ity Clerk s ice no �Y��,� � (',rnmei 1 TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL TIONS FOR SKiNATlA� �raN�cuESr�c: Fi e - 1. Set hearing date for ratification of ea ements in connectio with the Sylvan/Acker Sewer Separation Project. 2' KesIf�s�a�$�iv�is�on,t�ogmr��� ��s�e a� as shown on map on file with Dept. of Finance RECOMI�IENDAT�ON8:APProw(�)a R�j�tx lRl CWJNCIL SE/►RCM REPORT T AL _PIJWNINO COIiAMIBSION _GVII SERVICE COMM�&410N ANALYST PMONE NO. _CIB COMMrtTEE _ COM1AEtrT3:, _j�.STAFF _ _018TRICT COURT _ SUPPOFiT3 WFIICH COUNpI OBJECTiVET 1 INfTIATINCi PROBLEM.IS3UE.OPPOATUNf7Y(Who.YVhat.WMn.WMr�.1Nhy�: The construction and future maintenance f he Sylvan/Acker Sew r Separation Project requires the easements as shown on the m p n file with the Dep rtment of Finance and Management Services, Division of Rea E tate, Room 218 City Hall. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: These permanent and temporary easements il facilitate the bui ding of the above i nentioned storm sewer project resulting n ore efficient and e onomic routing of the storm water runoff. asnnv�r�r,u�s iF,�wP�a. The permanent easements will be an encum ra ce on the propertie affected. OISADVMITAGES IF NOT APPF�VED: Without the necessary easements�, the sub ec sewer project coul not be constructed as planned. C .JTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s 78,140 cosTme�o�u��o�r�e o�► (y� ra �uNa�o sou� 1989 Storm Sewer System Charg ��m� - - - -2 FlNANGAL INFOfiAAl1T10N:(EXFLA�M _� , v r �� `�� r , STATE OF MINNESOTA D STRICT COURT { � � � � �,___ COUNTY OF RAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ----------------------------- -- ---- CASE T PE: CON�EMANTION City of Saint Paul, Piaintiff, • vs. NO ICE OF APPFAT• Lawrence H. Smith, Defendant. ----------------------------- -- ---- TO: The City of Saint P ul Plaintiff abov -named and their Attorney Mr. Edward St rr, 647 City Ha 1, Saint Paul, Minnesata, 55102 . PLEASE TARE NOTICE that aw ence Smith the wner of the property as more fully set forth in ta s atement attache hereto, marked Exhibit A, and incorporated h re'n by reference„ oes Appeal from the award of damages, and the ra ification and c nfirmation of the condemnation, as approved by es lution of the S int Paul City Council adopted at its meeting of Jun 1 , 1989. This A peal is taken pursuant to � 13.03 . 5 of the Saint Pau C' ty Charter and elates to lands on attached Exhibit A; the la d wned by Appella t is outlined in red, the permanent easemen g een, and the co struction easement in yellow, as set forth in at ac ed Exhibit B. This Appeal is taken upo e grounds that he proposed award of damages is inadequate and ha alternative ro tes were available routes for the installation o e sewer without requirement of condemnation. Lawrence H. Sm t is the fee owne of the subject premises. Lawre e 'th Jo . ney #21234 �,�E�� At orney a Law 700 Landma k Towers ���� 1 9�989 Sai t Paul MN 55102 2) 224- 345 CITY CLERK C'11 ^4 � `�f q+ ._� \ .f Y .e'V�� ���F � '� �� 4�A� ':'�. 1 i • F � .. ^ . f t i �4 .�- F � yt `w .. ,�. y, t: „c �7� �" � � �, � b� {�.�^" ��9h � L +F� �S .3:/` �� �'� � .� ��'"�R '+�• �>�7„� F�' ';. �� � 4 '?,,r ;�� n1f t' f t :� ;) � � S x�a` "�' `� 1'� ;7 .�, �- S C�-� �. f �,_ � � � � �� s� �: � ��.CY�� s� yK'> Y'� "� Y �:Gf } y�7f� ������v� i�'`rk�'�„�x '� }; ! � 4f�rt' a ;{�w�k ,��� 2 �,_� -.y � � �._�.f �� r�,_.s .a./,TM� ��...i i i , 3 v���� � :. � �»�v.��ld ¢ �,¢ r� if �k r � t ;+` ' / � , ��, '' � � Kk�� � �y r : � � 1�,� � �X ���z ��� � i - �� i ; � } � " � "i *'� « n� y � c,���� f .. �"' � � d ��:Y� t p �l a .t.,r�.. ;,.a� � '� ���.. s`�j� l�, � . � d= , < /°` yh'` d �' �� ,� ` ' �r x a i L t rS /..L � , 1 : 1 v' , - �..d � � fi ; J k'r� e.H ��' '�G� � ;� 4 < l� 5_a " r��, _ � / - } S \ 1'' � r r 7 � ,.. � � Y > �:�. f h J / 4 .(-7 `M' 'fl � L :l} } � '4 �}- S � � ,� . �s� . � f. �� �.� fi �.. y w�4 -�}Y 'l 1 y��jJ \�s .r Y'��.' � ( ` i�,j w,; 1 t _ r .( � � �,` ` �'� � i ` " � � �� � � Y � -'? �� N �.� ( - �� ` � �F a� +� � f't 1 � ��x � .. ) 1 ""✓° '� r '`r � � �:s� -y A �;r� � .� ' N � i, y � �� y •. y � %s a � , i , � ;. 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Y�l �. 3k � '� { :.� °s4- "w�-+� � � i #- - -:'r � �� , I � - �!.\.. � � � ���' .�� a � x i �1��,'`'�, _ f 4 �' +, t l � f C v� ��,.,� a: a .r+�` �^,7� -C �� �� $ s r4 � ��v�.. �'� , � � "3 � � � � � s � � r'� v ����� Y ���_ .��� .. .. , .,' " • . . -\` .� SY .. .. � . _ . ... ,. ,. ,�._ _ .�., . ,. ..., � .. F.? n. 1��{:�a a ._.Ti �i'ka y.�l_�r �-.� .t,. . �: . . (,��-io�.� Members: � _ t CITY SAINT PAU Roger J. Goswitz, chair ,�����,,;, Janice Rettman �mli��n . OFFICE F TFIE CIT CO NCJI Tom Dimond ������ Date: June 7, 1 89 �� RECEIVED Co ittee Report ,1u� o �r1989 CITY CLERK To: Saint Paul City Cou c' From :Public Works, Uti iti s, and Transp rtation Committee , Roger J. Goswitz air �' 1. Approval of minutes o �M y 31, 1989. � Hearing Date ' � 2. 6/13/89 VACATION: Petition of th Port Authority, T in Approved 3-0 .� City Testing and Mich el E. Ryan for the vacation of MYRTLE ST EE between Cromwell Avenue and Pelham Blv . Purpose is to expa d Twin City Testing fac li y. 3. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemni g Approved 3-0 and taking a permanen u ility easement und r with and across Lot 28, B1 ck 4, Rice Street Villas stipulations . for the ALBEMARLE/NEB AS A AREA SEWER PROJE T. ' Easement required by he MWCC. 4. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemnin Approved 3-0 and taking temporary as ments in conjuncti with the reconstructi n f the MARYLAND/JESSIE intersection. 5. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Condemn ng and taking permanen Approved 3-0 utility easements and te porary construction easements for the SYL AN ACKER STORM SEWER PROJECT. 6. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and Approved 3-0 taking permanent util ty easements for the SYLYAN/ACKER SEWER PR JE T. _ ,�mended order o b � 7. ACQUISITION: of prope ty for the SYLVAN/ACKE Approved 3-0 pond from Glacier Par C mpany. with . amendment. CITY HALL SEVENTH LO R - SA[NT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 4e 8. 6/20/89 FINAL ORDER: Improving the alleys in Block 26, Laid over in Chas. Weide's Subd, of Blocks 25 and 26 of committee to Arlington Hills Addition by grading alley to the 6/21. easterly North-South alley and grading and paving the westerly North-South alley from Sims Avenue to the north line of Lot 24 in said Block 26. Also construct a sewer in the alley for storm water purposes. Also for slope construction in the above said alley grading and paving. (Project bounded by Edgerton, Sims, Payne and York) . 9. RESOLUTION 89-862: Amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding a196,888 to the Financing and Spending with . Plans for Public Works performance improvement amendment. activities. (Referred to Committee 5/18/89) . 10. ORDINANCE 89-896: An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Legislative Code pertaining to house numbering and requiring building permits within Approved 3-0 � one year after a waiver is granted. (Referred to Committee 5/23/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-907: Approval for use of MnDOT Approved 3-0 payment for easements taken on KELLOGG MALL for Kellogg Mall Park construction. , 12. RESOLUTION: to authorize City officials to ' execute an Agreement with Minnesota Department of Transportation for cost participation for Approved 3-0 EAST 7TH STREET RETAINING WALL over Bridge No. 90386 between Payne Avenue and Mounds Blvd. 13. RESOLUTION 89-323: Plan to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (Laid over in Committee committee 5/31/89) . until 6/21. 14. DISCUSSION: Street and Alley Assessment Laid over in Notices. committee until 6/21. 15. RESOLUTION 89-1013: Authorizing proper City Approved 3-0 officials to execute an agreement with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency pertaining to stormwater into the Mississippi River and amending the 1989 budget by adding $150,000 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Public Works Sewer Service Enterprise Fund. (Referred to Committee 6/6/89) . . �� �o�� , . 16. RESOLUTION: Approvin p ans and cost shari g Laid over in agreement with MnDOT or the city's share o committee sewer and bridge work as ociated with MnDOT's until 6/21. plan to reconstruct I 94 between the Lafayette Bridge and Third Stre t. 17. Other Business. � . .�. ��� � `� � Ta 3 � _ i�' � i i o r/.'�-�-- s ,./i�iy LL= . �� M ����'�'r��( �-�Y�-S �l C►y �� I �c= l��3 i �F 9 0 0� �.! c,� ryj �t-77��! o � %t�-G 1�l�os L . , � � � i I,. � � .� . . - ��_�D�-� , ; � _ . � . _. = / ��saLC�a�wi�i��,� : ,��� �� . T8ER80N AND�T� F �t�1FT���P � . �"�►�;/��—� �� „ , .� ���.} . � __ _ .___ . - , , , _ __-- - -- �, ,v: , . . .� '_und�r Frelinqiriaiy er -19$ Fp' a '� . � ,�, f'�' . , � �pproyed M�rch 7, 1�89. . � `� . .. . � '�i3ii'ectbroi l'��ia�e hz'tvi §u �`. �E}�eeY�i+c�i'rf'in tfi' � e��to �� the amount af damage�awardQd or e tak{ng of the Iattd or , #`s;�e#tt��' appropriated for the,�'�pye ixstp v nt and to whom payabk; ' slsta�lt�, � submitted' his asses�teb� v#" fi s to propec�y from the kirig �#-saf.d �� �rnvement���ere#a���,jtr� .. . . � � -RESOLVED;�is�'f�s&id es tdat'of bet�effts�ie aaitth� ` �3�. ,. �R1�ved. � ;� , � , .:. - < ..i ,.:: := g , ' • � - '��1,�,YEI� F�F��R� a. ubli� �easa�g'b�had ` .�������� F •E�po�saic�report.�a,fl'fox�a�corif', . . o���urani oi damag . � }� Dir�eCto�o��3�tice aud stso uAa .t�3"e d t of bene��ts: t;the'� 1, C�hami�er,irt�he'CourE'I�use ui '�' y+o't ': : o�i tlie b�,� ' . A�t nie�e t�'cla�lr�,.�.,�th�� p�- �e and.he s noLiee of taid hearing as p�c� fii �, - ' �'-' �s� �., F 4.'- ���#ae::�fi�'�,,'.,.,'A . .. - �i.`i..�' . . . - � °`�^:��'. . �• ' :.�, ,., lf. .'--. i � ... t�t�Op��j�'�1!�C��'Sr< � -.. ,` `�151'OVMFt��fl�•��i'���. !r - . :;.,i ., �.. � � r ��;�� �_1��:� a -� � . --� ..�_._.-.... � ' . . .. . _ _ . -- , s •.c�: � .. �