89-1062 i a3 City of St.Paul COUNCI,,FILE NO. ���� ` ,y Resolution Ratifying and Confirmi g BY � ' - Condemnation and Awards of Dam es 18533E-2A and Assessment Therefor Fi No. Voting In the matter of W�rd 5 Condemning aad taking a permanent u ilitp aasem�at a deX ar�d acroas Lot 28� Block 4� Rice 3t�ca�et Vf1las # a eey Couat�, Mia ssata, described as follovs : Bagiaaiag at w point c�n h •outh line and 63. 13 fe�t eae�t n� the �outhweat corner of s Sd Lot 28, t1�� Ee narth�est�rly a distanc� of 59.41 teet � a� paint on the �o th lin� a� saic! Lot � 28j 19. 2 teet east of he aorthwest cora r of said Lor 28 ; thenee west on said Iot li e to the narth est corn�r of eaid Lot 28; thence south on he weat liae c! sa d Lot a diatence of 9. 79 festj the�ce oauthe st x3y to a �roint a tha south line of said Lot x8; 33. 16 faet es t af t�e •auth sst torner of said Lot 28 ; Thenca east al n$ [h� eout� lia of said Lot 28 a dietanae of 29.93 feet t t � painC o� b�gi niag. under Administrative Order �' approve ��' Preliminary Order 8�"'�'� approve J�=t ry 17� 1989 ' Final Order 8�"��� approve �ab a 2I� i989 A public hearing having been had upon the t ing and condemnation of the 1 nds or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages ther for, and also upon the assessm nt of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now theref re e it RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnatio of the lands described in the nnexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and mad a art hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in aid assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessm nt f benefits, be and the sam is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirm tion. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc 1: Date JUN 2 0 �89 YeasDl,�p� Nays ,�� � Certified by Co ncil Secretary �ns ��� In Favor By =cl�ibal Q . � Against ifil�an aJU� 2 0 �8�ayor p�a!JUL r �9�9 pt�flltSN� J U L ' 11989 City of St.Paul COUNCI FILE N0. ��'"����� Report of Director of Finance By on Condemnation of Lands File No. 1A333��A '������ In the matter of Wsrd S I'i +Gor�rJsesa�in� �n�! taki�� a p���a��at ut �it�r saa��+��t a d�rt �ts:e� ptc�a��e �..ot �t�, i�iock �4 � �ics Str��� �'ill�s„ �t� ��r Co��tr, Ni�a sata, ��es�c�i,b�+� �,rr foltow• t B�giaaia� �L � �a#,�t o� h •o�►tt� lf.n�e and i��. �i3 �rr�et �a�at c�t the sauthw�eut Qa�r��ec +�f s i+d Lat 2�, th� c+r �s�rt�l�w�st:rlp e� dist,�aae� d� 5'�,41 t�a�� �c� a palAt or� tb� north �i�� �►f �sf�t i.+�t 2� ; 14. x t'��t esst ot t e mact'�weet cora s �� usi4 I.mt 2� ; the�nee �rrsL aa �r�id lot 1! e ta lk�e �na�t}�w �k ����a�er s�f ssi� Lot. 28; tA+�t��ce aos�Ch os� t e r�e��t Iiae +�f �ai Lat • dis[�e�c� c� 4. i9 le�t � th��ce �r�uRheet t r�� t� a �v�at cs �.3�e avuth l�n� of �aSd �+�t 2d; 73. 1� t�et •a� � m►t �b+� �nuEla �et cara�tr o! e�i�' Lo�. �� � Th�eu�a +�a�t �lo � Lht �o�a�.�C li�e a,f N�id Gt►t �� � +�is�.��ca a;! 29.95 f+�et ca t • p�►i�t a�� �►e�ci� i��. under Administrative Order � approve � Preliminary Order ���4 I� approve '��� ` �� ��' 1$�� FinalOrder ��'"�� approve ��b �tt� ��tw 14�9 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of t e 1 d, lands or easements there n taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of am ges therefor to the owners . ereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and d ter ined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment ro entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the nde signed's finding on said ma ters. Director of Finance City of St.paul COUNCI FILE NO. '°' ' �''�%!' "� Notice of Hearing in Condemnatio By Proceedi ngs �����E��� FIle No. �r���,�,�� In the matter of �i�cr� � �5 ��,�+3:�a�lag r►ad takla� x� po�r�ra�se�t �t lit� •a�r�r��rat � �e� au+� a�r.a��� ta�b 2�, tloak 4, ��ee i�tre�at� '�i21ss„ ,�� ey C��rpt�►. t�ipa sot�, ��rec��b�d �►� tsrl taws t ���i��itt� at �t �a�iat e�� he �ot�ti� Ii�o a�►� b�. �� €essz �es.�t �aP t�� �r��ttAwart �+�r�ra�r ot s,r d i��� 3l�w ct�e►,s a aort��r��t,�rl.� a rZi�t�rnee oi ��.#1 l��tt� i��r +� �►o�.t�t �rx t�ae aor h 2f�►e �t ��f�+� �.�� �� ; I�. � l�.t e�a�i �[ t � Asre,h�r�st aerr� r of sa�d L.+�t �� ; � thsa�cs �rest o� a�r�i� ��t # • t� t�+a �+rrthw sk a+�r��er s�� ,�std� L+�t 2ti� ���rac�r �vat� ��a E r vri+r� Iio+r �af sai L�� a �is��s���n �f g. J9 fe�ri � tb+��e�e r�ut�+a�x � rrl�r t� a �oi�R n t�h� •otst'� 1�ne+ u� sald Lot ��; �3. 2�4 ter�t � t o! tb� rorrct�w �t cart�+�t a�� a�i��. �.�� Z� ; T'h�nc� +e��t alo � ab�e soutA line n#' e���.d Le�t ��+ ra diat+��ca o� �9.'�� ��e��t ta► t1 u pal,iat of b,��gia 3��. under Administrative Order '"'"` approve �� Preliminary Order ��"�'� approve '��� ���' ;�' ���� FinalOrder �g'"��� approve ��� �'�r� ��' ���� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing wil be had before the Council of e City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. aul, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the o ner r owners of the lands or ea ements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvements, and the persons to whom suc awards were payable and f r the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property fro the making of said impro ment. Objection, to the taking of such lands or ease nts therein, or the awards of d ages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed f r s d hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated Director of Finance • , _ • a , RE 4/19 89 ��r�0�� DEPAR�NIFf1T Ndl DATE INITIA D Q Finance & Management Services �4/18/8 GREEN SHE T NO. v�7 CONTACT PERSON 8 P INRIAU TE INITIAWATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Peter White 298-5317 N��� �,A�NEy �an,c�+K MUBT BE ON COUNdL AQENDA BY(DAT� RO{lTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR ABSIST � TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SKiNATURE) ACTION REGUEBTED: 1. Set hearing date to approve acquisiti n f easements. 2. Approve acquisition of permanent ease en s for the Albemarle Nebraska Area Sewer Project (File No. 18533E-2) . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(A)a Rs�sct(F� CGUNCIL EE/RESEAi�H i�PORT OPT AL _PUWNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PF�NE NO. qB CO�AMITTEE _ 1 �� _ COMMENTB: -DISTRICT COURT _ 3UPPORTB WHlpi WUNqL OBJECTIVE? Better nei hborhoods INI7IATINO PROBLEM�ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY lWho�What�When.Where.N1hy): The construction of the above en ioned sewer project requires the easements as described on the tt ched. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: The easement will facilitate t e uilding of the abo mentioned storm sewer, resulting in effi ie t and economic rou ng of the sewer. DISADVANTA6E$IF APPROVED: The permanent easement will be an encumbrance on the ffected propert�r, : DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Construction cannot proceed as sc eduled. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1H 2OO CpgT�EVENUE BUppETEp�q pNE� YEg NO � � • . � Storm Sewer S stem Char e �-�' � .:::� �i£::� r,;`�il �t�l'l t2t' FUNDING 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER Flwwcw.iNr-oANU►nori:�ocwuM � I`vtl� �ti�� n U <�� �-,��� i°1� °- O� . o 'd CITY OF SAtNT PAUL r iiii�ii°i c DEPART E T OF fINANCE AND ANAGEMENT SERVICES . � ���� REAL ESTATE DIVISION 218 City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYO�une 20 , 1989 Conrad Leurer 1285 Westminster Street St. Paul , �Iinnesota Re : �LBSKAELB/HgBBAS�.A BASEPI AT Dear Mr. Leurer: This letter is to answer some of your concerns r garding the sewer eaaement over your prop rt . The existing and proposed easements are underground eas 'me ts for the purp se of construction, operation, main ai ing a public se er. You retain the right to use the aurface xc pt that you are not allowed to place any permanent structure o er the easement. The pole building you propose to build is considered a te porary structure ; as such the i�etrop 'li an Waste Contro Commission and the City Sewer Division agree !to allow you to bu' ld a pole building over the egisting ea em nt , with the st ' pulation that if the easement rights must be e er ised , i . e . for ewer repair, etc . , you agree to remove the 'bu lding at your o n cost and egpense . (See attached lette f om MWCC . ) You ould be �iven 90 days notice to remove the bui �di g, except in an emergency situation in which case you w ul be given as mu h notice as possible. Of course , in orde t construct the uilding, you will need to meet the appropr' at zoning code , b ilding code and site plan requirements . The City' s consultant will be te ting the soil t at is disturbed by the sewer construction to er fy that the com action meets the construction ' s specifications . e will send you copies of those tests in the area of your pro 'os d building for our use in obtaining a building permit . If you have any additional qu st ons or need any further information, please call me a � 2 8-5317• Very tr ly qours , � Peter White Right-of-Way Engineer PW: dm cc : Councilperson Janice Ret ma Fred Stenberg, Metro Was e ontrol Commissi n t�iike Kramer , SEH Roy Bredahl (Leurer) �� ������ . �Vietropolitan aste Control Comamission . t`�� ears Park Centre, 230 Ea.t Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 612 222-8423 Jun� 19, 1989 Mr . Roy Bredahl City c�f Saint Pau�. Sewer Engi.ne�r St. Paui , MN 55102 Re: `�rout Brook North�e�t Ex e sion yWC� ProjeCt Number 88-5 Propos�c� tem�orary build ' n over exis�ing in�erceptor Dear iKr . Bredahl.: A rnee�i.ng was heid on June 1 , 969 to discuss the proposed cons�ruc- tion of a tempo�ary pole bui'ld ng over an exis ing MWCC interce�tar . The property owner , Conzad Le r r , had �n existing agreement with MWCG ta ailow a temporary buildxn �r the inte�ceptor . The construction of the Trout Bzook Nar�hwes n�erceptor Ex�e sion has required the previous building �o be tak n own to al�ow c nstruction of the new separate sanit�r.y a.nterca�p�or . The property ow er is now proposing to r�p�ace the orevious tempora y building once t e interceptor work is complete in a few months ' tim . Mr . Leurer ha� o�f�red �0 2 ec: the new tempn ary building with the • condition that he would bear t e future cost o removal and replace- ' ment shouid the existinq zn e �eptor need to e excavated. He has asked that a 90-day notice be g ven i.� the temp rary buildinq needs to be removed. This notzce p�ri d is reasonable a d acceptable unless of course an em�rgency repai'z effo t xs needed. Mr. Leurer' s proposal is �cc p able on the bas s that he will assume building remova7, and replac e t costs should there be the need to excavate the sewer . There sh u�,d be very li tle likelihood that a Eutur� problem wil� requ��re th sew�r to be e cavated. I recommend that Mr . Leurer Ue a].lowed o erect the propo zd temporary building under the conaitions discuss n this letter. P�ease advise m� x� further is ussion is neces ary. Very tzuly yo rs, �� Frederic . Stenborg, PE PrajeCt Manaqer F,7S : jmb 'L-47 cc: �lr . Peter White, St. Pau Carol Linde. MWCC EQI.'AL OFFpRTU ITY' AFFIRI�iATIVE ACTI4N EM L4YER , .- t . . - , � = ; • " � t l; ' � �� . , . ; � i + -��-�1 �0 . . . . . , � . . . � - . , � , i . . . . • � , � �,. . � � ': . . •"_�! � � � - 4 �� � ; ' . . - � . t . . � , ., y . . - - -�!�'�-P6//.� - �RP�T - AV�,_ _ - - - - u L�i - - - � . �— �' �; �h � � � � - - - - - - - - - - - -,-,� 130r =�� �.F.: �`+z�1� �,►;�-. _ � � ° _ �., .-.-,.�' -��F = I 1 j j '''' � 'I $ ! '" � I �� � i . � • � ` 9 � � 2 �� 29 � *- � � � -- . , � � '= 29 � i� � '•` �---- .� r — ------ � 7 � � � 4 � _ � 27 . ' a'� _ � , z? I � �,�_ �._— � — � � = 6 s . 26 ,�-� 5�' � - r -- - - j � s � 6 �� 2s , — - - � � ZO' � � 24 . � -- - -•---- .J _ r �__. h � 3 ( e � � � z3 3� /6 � � � ---- - --- – ---� --- - � • ? 9 i= 22 pROPOSeo �sr► --- — � , � • � i ( io , � 2� � � — ' ----- --- � � Il� _ � � 20 �� .« — —� - � . j . �9 �� ,r�•� �2 • 7 �9 . �� ;''. � � � �,) • /8 �'`� � _ � /8 �( 4 I � �'j $ /1 �� � �10�/4�� ` /7 1 � — �� K /S �: � /6 � i ao : � . � ...�,..« $ . /DANO �1�E. � - . � , � .- - ' � ' � J / 30 ' � � - - � - � (• 29 2 �I : �.A � � � • . ,�- � (�--�-���� � � Members: . . CITY AINT PAU Roger J. Goswitz, chair � „����,,,n Janice Rettman r�n����u • OFFICE F TFIE CtTY COQN(7I Tom Dimond ����� Date: June 7, 1 89 RECEIVED Co ittee Report �uN o�1g89 To: Saint Paul City Cou ci CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Uti iti s, and Transp rtation Committee , , Roger J. Goswitz C air ' 1. Approval of minutes o M y 31, 1989. � 'Hearing Date ' � 2. 6/13/89 VACATION: Petition of th Port Authority, T in Approved 3-0 ;,,� City Testing and Mich el E. Ryan for the vacation of MYRTLE ST EE between Cromwell Avenue and Pelham Blv . Purpose is to expan Twin City Testing fac li y. 3. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemnin Approved 3-0 and taking a permanen u ility easement unde with and across Lot 28, B1 ck 4, Rice Street Vill s stipulations ,for the ALBEMARLE/NEB AS AREA SEWER PROJEC . � Easement required by he MWCC. 4. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemnin Approved 3-0 and taking temporary as ments in conjunctio with the reconstructi n f the MARYLAND/JESS E intersection. 5. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Condemn ng and taking permanen Approved 3-0 utility easements and te porary construction easements for the SYL AN ACKER STORM SEWER PROJECT. 6. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and Approved 3-0 taking permanent util ty easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER SEWER PR JE . (Amended order o be required) . � 7. ACQUISITION: of prope ty for the SYLVAN/ACKE Approved 3-0 pond from Glacier Par C pany. with . amendment. CITY HALL SEVENTH LU R - SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 �e , M 8. 6/20/89 FINAL ORDER: Improving the alleys in Block 26, Laid over in Chas. Weide's Subd. of Blocks 25 and 26 of committee to Arlington Hills Addition by grading alley to the 6/21. easterly North-South alley and grading and paving the westerly North-South alley from Sims Avenue to the north line of Lot 24 in said Block 26. Also construct a sewer in the alley for storm water purposes. Also for slope construction in the above said alley grading and paving. (Project bounded by Edgerton, Sims, Payne and York) . 9. RESOLUTION 89-862: Amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding a196,888 to the Financing and Spending with . Plans for Public Works performance improvement amendment. - activities. (Referred to Committee 5/18/89) . 10. ORDINANCE 89-896: An ordinance amending Chapter 71 of the Legislative Code pertaining to house numbering and requiring building permits within Approved 3-0 one year after a waiver is granted. (Referred to Committee 5/23/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-907: Approval for use of MnDOT Approved 3-0 payment for easements taken on KELLOGG MALL for Kellogg Mall Park construction. , 12. RESOLUTION: to authorize City officials to ' execute an Agreement with Minnesota Department of Transportation for cost participation for Approved 3-0 EAST 7TH STREET RETAINING WALL over Bridge No. 90386 between Payne Avenue and Mounds Blvd. 13. RESOLUTION 89-323: Plan to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (Laid over in Committee committee 5/31/89) . until 6/21. 14. DISCUSSION: Street and Alley Assessment Laid over in Notices. committee until 6/21. 15. RESOLUTION 89-1013: Authorizing proper City Approved 3-0 officials to execute an agreement with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency pertaining to stormwater into the Mississippi River and amending the 1989 budget by adding $150,000 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Public Works Sewer Service Enterprise Fund. (Referred to Committee 6/6/89) . . � . . , - �_-�/�`� c _ 16. RESOLUTION: Approvin p ans and cost sharin Laid over in agreement with MnDOT or the city's share of committee sewer and bridge work as ociated with MnDOT' until 6/21. plan to reconstruct I 94 between the Lafayet e Bridge and Third Stre t. 17. Other Business. .�, ` � � ,�.r�-,�� �� "�BE30LUTION°APPBOVINQ,l13�E$ �liN�'#�1[�6 � �a` . �; THERLON"ANp FII[ING TIML OF G ON TNE�Mr�W� GBS, r , ., ! Council File No.89=809—By Janice tt an- ������ � descriYsd as f�al�aw►R _ ..< .� , . _,}, � , :, ..r,i � He�innin�at a poiM an�c wwt� iS.Y1 i�ret�ast oi!be ro � w�st , eM��'�M�M1aee ��M r�A V�.7:':�i potnL o:t tltr nerlk 24nrof-said�ot > .��eas!t�l�t�e - oi,s$id Lvt 28;thence west on sai lot ine to the northt�vest corner said i.ot 28; thence south on the west line of"said Lot a distance of 9: 9�feet; thtnce sautheast�exly to a�3o?nt o th south line nf said Lot 28;3 18�feet easf o�the souEhw,gst c�irner of id.`. qt 28; thence east along t soutYr line of said Lot 28 a distance oi .95 et to the point of beginni . Und�Prelia�inar�Qgdgx �9-74 app ove; ,Januazy 17, 1989; Fina1 O c��er�9-307 aPProved Fe�iruary 2I; ]98�J: � ` � The Director of Finance'having s bm' ted his report in the above atter as to the amount of damages awarded for he king of the land or easeme ts therein ' appropriated for the above improve ent and to whom payable;and 'lstl`ts��i�sg submitted his assessment of benef ts t " property from the maki g ot said . ' improvement,therefvre be it RESOLVED,That the said asses me of benefits be and the sam is hereby approved. - , � ,. . � , ' ,.. t ! RESOLVED FUATHER, That a pu ic hearin�''t�e had before t e Council � upon said report and for a confirm fon 6f tti�award of damages de by the ' Director oi Finance and a2so c�on th sgi `a'ssessment of benefits;at 'he Coi�ncil Chamixr,in the Court House in the 'ty &t.Paul,axi the 13t,1z�a of une 89 at nine dclock A.M.,aact that the Dir tp o�Finanee be an, . re e to givg notice of sa3c�hearing:as prescribed y t Charter. _, . File No: ]8533-2A � Adepbed�y 4he Council May 9, 1 89. � � APPrayed May 10,:19fl9. (M 2Q I989)