89-1056 U W1iITE - CITV CLERK PINK' - FINANGE TF' COUnC1I �` CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT 1 A L �% f BLUE - MAVOR File NO• — /�`� � Return copy to: Real Estate . . - � 218 �.H. Cou c l Resolut n � � (3-1989) (�) /� Q� .� � � �; Presented By I�..CJu� `-_ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , that upon t e petition of Th Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul win City Testi g Corporation, and Michael D. Ryan, per Fina c File No. 3-lg8g , that part of Myrtle Street lying between Crom e 1 and Pelham, he einafter described, be and the same is hereby v cated and discon inued as public property. The vacated area is. escribed as follow : All that part of M rt e Street adjoin ng lots 12 and 13 , Block 8 and lo s and 24, Block 6 , and lying between Cromwell A en e and Pelham Bo levard in Baker ' s Addition. Also all of the ea em nt in the land ecessary for the slopes, cuts, nd fills , includin the right of removal of lateral su port from subje t land or remainder thereof cc sioned by excav tion thereof or construction of sl pe in the grading of said right- of-way lying withi o adjacent to sa d vacated area described above. This vacation is s bj ct to the follo ing conditions : 1. That this vaca io shall be subje t to all the terms and cond ' ti ns of Chapter 1 0 , codified March 1 , 1g81 of the St. P ul Legislative ode, as amended. 2 . That the petit ' on rs , their succe sors and assigns shall pay $21 , 80 00 for this vac tion which is due and payable wi hi 60 days of the publication date of this resolutio . COUI�ICIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by partment of: Dimond �� [n avo Goswitz � n Rettman B `- (,FJ.-�� Sc6eibel A ga n s t Y � ` Sonnen S-7��1 Wilson Form Ap v ity Att ne Adopted by Council: Date �� � J�� f Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor. Date Approved b Ma Subm3s�on to Council ' � � _� -� � ��_ By — ,,PUBLIC H�ARING: June 13, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS CO3 ITTEE HEARING: June 7,�98 /a� DEPARTMENT/OFFiCE/00UNdL ' � IN A D ' Finance & Management Services S"�' GREEN HEET NO. 3 5 7 8� oorrt�cr�a wioNe �oEa�eNr aa�cro� �Grr couNa� ick McCann 298-5317 � ��y��� ��,� MUST BE ON COUNCtl.AGENDA BY(DATq �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. ee hearing schedule �]n�u►voa(��ss�sr�w ' ❑ TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQES ( P L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT � ACTION REGUEBTED: Approve resolution vaca ng Myrtle Street betw en Cromwell Avenue and Pelham Boulevard. REOOMMENDATIONS:MP►�W a►�1�(� NCI COMMITT�ARCH RE OPTIONAL _PLANWINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION YST PHONE NO. ^n�/ �:!': _018 COMMITTEE _ �i I h{I �Y �J ' A�STAFF _ E �— OFFlC� 0 T�iF�� ��. .� ,., _ore�crcou� — DEPr�,RTM �7 G� FIIV�i�t;� suPPORrsw►i�couNG�oaiECrrv� AND MAl�A� NI�N? SERVlCE irxru►nNa PROe�M,issu�.oPao�TUHmr Mrno.wna,wn.�.wnsrs.wn» i This vacation is re ui ed for the expansic� of the �tain Cities Testing fa ility. � � I �ov�wraaes���oven: Expansion of the fa 'li y will mean increa ed tax base for the City and pos ib e increased emplo ent. � I DISADVANTAOE8IF APPROVEO: I Unknown. � � I � � as�wv�rrr�a�rar�vEO: I Unknown. j i '� ���nc:' f�ese�rch Cet�ter �, '� (;li�Y � � i��� i 21 780.00 compens ti n to be paid to th City for the vacation. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � C08T/AEVENUE BUD�iET (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FuNCiNa sou� ACTIVITY NUMBER ��iNFOaMn7iON:(ocPwM a ' ' � .- , . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN$HEET INSTRUCTIONAL ; ' MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINf3 OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below are p�eferred routings for the five most frequent rypes of documeMs: " CONTRACTS (aesumes suthorized CQUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts.J budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Depertment Director 2. Initi�ting Depertment 2, Bud�et Director 3. Ciry Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Maypr 4. MayodAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. C.hief Axountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNGIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. Depertment Director 3, MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry CouncU 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fn &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Depertment 2. City Attomey 3. MayodAssistant 4. Ciry Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatur�are required and e�erclie each of these es. ACTION REDUESTED Describe what the project/request aeeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete aeMences. Beg1n each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMEN�ATIONS Complete if the issue in questio�has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by Nsting the key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEIC3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTHUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RECIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITI( Explain the situation or condkions that created a need for your proJect or request. AD�� $,IF APPROVED Ind ci �'t� �Fiet`1f1�'iTsr��1g9B g�,�rq�� required by law/ ch er or whether there are specific w�a a��in�w'liicfi tffe���nRL�r-,;,�,, u, a��L'i�il+�s'�1M[�Rnq�It f�����y�t�action. `�_ _ �.: : �'-.. .� . 1 (-.��`�IT�! DI `.SA�1�4'AGES 11F APPROVED�rs 2r»t �tea<��� ,A r,,". :,�r ,,� ;,y£fy,:} What negative effects or major changes to exiating or past processes might thi�j�l�}�/i4t�E�8F=py�pq��f s passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, ta�Nl��unta���a41 ,y��WF�Oma+b h�e�ng po�r�howrlong? r , ,: � .e�;,. ����s�,��a aYe s ecifi wa s in W �r��i u+� ��_.; DI�5/1b�%AN'�t�9"'IIR'��i�► v wnicn iha ,;,� � �x��'O�F.'ti21C t vr,�t �.;�.al W at will be the negative consequences i�t�e p�lised action is not �l'i�tl`FM89iA$►3q;�f0.�le�, e?Continued high traffic, noise, 'f��l���a�61���jY�f#4l�h� r .� r�rr�ce� . :� . _.. �fu) ;yf r .,��, .I.� ,-;. . i 3 � '7c'2�" t t.'.` � '�'�= '`�;g": FtiM41�l1:'I�:ii�1PA�`' �,:_:9� ,., r�o-c��, .' � � f'.^ � r, Y �hou�gh you must tailor the information you prd�l��fe'if�r6��tl�e�Sue you ss�rs�ddM�eling��gpnpr�-fy�A r two questions: How much is it ��� '6����>�,���(.�T�`�r���;.. Ii:rT?�y� . . . -, � F G BtlIiOTI 7 w .� ., "tr t� '�:iVBC u@�Ai;�� �.{71?2�t��:f4t� Pily^hl ttaf'!I�. ^�iJP�., . �- .. . r�..,y. �. r✓t°'�Jc�, . . � , , ���o� , � 3 • That a permane t tility easement be retained on behalf of the it of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works within t e acated area of yrtle Street from Cromwell Avenu t Pelham Bouleva d subject to the following rest ic ions : a. IVo buildin s , structures , or rees are permitted within the 'ea ement area nor ny temporary structure , ma erial storage , ixture or other objects th t ill prohibit no mal access to sewer facilities 'fo maintenance pu poses . , b. No change ro the existing g ade is permitted without writt n permission from the Director of the Departm n of Public Works . c . iVo change i urfacing within the easement area is permitted w ' t out written perm' ssion from the Director of t e Department of ublic Works . d. That the pe i ioners , their su cessors and assigns shall indem i , defend and sa e harmless the City of Saint Pa' 1, its officers , a ents , employees and servants fr m 11 suits , actio s or claims which shall arise ' fr m any injuries r damages received or sustaine b any break in a y service pipe , or connection n aid reserved ea ement , arising out of or resul in from any actio or negligence of the petitio er its employees , agents , or business invitees . 4• That the petiti ne s , their succes ors and assigns , shall pay all c st and expenses f r the removal of the improved st ee within the vac ted area , including but not limited to coets for remov 1 of paving, boulevard , curbs , utters , sidewalks , street lighting, street s gns and all other improvements as deemed necessary a d approved by the Department of Public Works . 5 . That the petitio e s , their success rs and assigns shall pay all co t and expenses fo the reconstruction o e intersections at the end of the vacated area inc u ing but not limi ed to costs for intersection cro ns , new curbs , new boulevards , new sidewalks , new p iv te driveway ent ances and drainage facilities which ma be required as a result of this vacation and sha l e subject to th approval of the Department of Pu li Works . 6 . `Phat a permanent ut ' litp easement b retained on � � ���� � 2 . . � . �-,���� behalf of the i y of Saint Paul oard of Water Commissioners v r the north 33 f et of said vacated part of l�Iyrtle S reet subject to he following conditions : a. No buildin s , structures , or rees are permitted within the ea ement area, nor ny temporary structure , ma erial storage , igure or other objects th t ill prohibit no mal access to water facilities fo maintenance pu poses . b. No change ro the egisting g ade is permitted without wr " tt n permiseion fr m the Water Utility. c . No change ' n urfacing within the easement area is permitted it out written per ission from the Water Utility d . That the pe i ioners , their successors and assigns shall fully i demnify, defend and save harmless � the Board o ater Commissioners , its officers , agents , emp o ees , and servant from all suits , actions or 1 ims which shall rise from any injuries or d mages received o sustained by any break in an ervice pipe , wat r main, or connection n said reserved ea ement , arising out of or resul in from any actio or negligence of the petitio er, its employees , agents or business invitees . 7 . That a permanen u ility easement e retained within the vacated area to pr tect the intere t of U. S . West Communication. 8. �lhat a permanen u ility easement e retained within the vacated are t protect the in erest of Northern States Power Co pa y. g. 'Phat a permanent u ility easement be retained within the vacated area t protect the interest of Continental Cabl v sion. 10 . That the petitio e s , their success rs and assigns , by acceptance of th erms and conditi ns of this vacation agree t ' ndemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Sain aul, its officer and employees from all suits , ct ' ons or claims o any character brought as a res lt of injuries or amages received or sustained by any pe son, persons , o property on account of this ac tion, or petiti ner ' s use of this property, includ ng but not limited to a claim brought L- �� � �� �1 3 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINN - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA IT Council /// �y CANARV - OEPARTMENT ��Q� � OLUE - MAVOR File NO. « . �Return copy to: Real Estate Coun i Resolutio Room 218 C.H. (3-1989) (RM) Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date because of any ct of omiasion, ne lect or misconduct of said petitio er or because of ny claims or liability arisi g rom any violati n of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner r ny of its agents or employees . 11. That the petiti ne s , their succes ora and assigns, shall within 60 days f he publication ate of this resolution file wi h the City Cler an acceptance in writing of the on itions of this esolution and shall within the peri d( ) specified in he terms and conditions of t ia resolution comp y in all respects with these term a d conditions . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by De artment of: Dimond � Finance & Ma agement Services L.ong In Fa ot Goswitz O � Rettman Director �he1�� _ Again t BY KI�- � f-, -fy Wilson � 1 31 89 orm Approv d Attorn�y Adopted by Council: Date �(/ �� Certified P s d b Co nci , ta BY 1�� B}� Appr v d y 1�lavor: Date ' � � �t Approved by May r for Submission to Council B " � � - �� ,���.�_ By � PUB!iSNE�) J U N 2 4 1 8