89-1045 . . , . . . , WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 ��/y/'} r///�✓� CANARV -OEPARTMENT G I T Y O A I N T PA U L ,�VJ y-�7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ` , _r�O , v �e�`��s��e� lo �� • � Q��, . rG�� ndnce Ordinance N 0. �K7�-�r6 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date standards, or that the e ort in any way y constitute a warranty by the city ' r the board of th condition of the housing evaluated. ! he evaluator b his or her report warrants that h o she has utili d reasonable care and diligence in i sp cting the house and has found no instances of noncom �li nce with the i ms contained on the report except as'', s ecifically stat therein. e tion 2 This ordinance shall ta e effect and be i force thirty days from and after its passage, p roval and publi tion. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depa ment of: Dimond �"g [n Favo Goswitz Rettman scne;t�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form App v d by ity A rney Adopted by Council: Date ! Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By ! Approved by Mayor: Date Appr d by Mayor or Submission to Council By By . � : � . , ���i�a�s,.- DGP�ENT/�FFICEICOUNCIL • , DATE INITIATE Tom �imond GREEN SHE No. 3���� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHq�IE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Steve Dor an Z — � GTY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING BUD(iET DIRECTOR �flN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTA � TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PACiE8 (CLIP ALL OC IONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Appr�ve amending of section i�9.�4 of t e aint Paul Legislati e Code pertaining `�±� 'Crut�t `fin Housing. REOOMMENDATIONS:Approve(/y a Rsject(F� COUNC� RESEARCH REPORT OPTI AL _PLANNINO�MMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMI38bN ANALYBT PHONE NO. _CIB COMMfTTEE _ COMMENTS: _STAFF — _DI8TRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 INI7IATIN�PROBLEM,18SUE.OPPORTUNITY(1Nho.What,When,VVhere,Wh�: Individuals are not informed to the le 1 oning of th.e real state which they are buying. What the real estate was se for under p:r^e�vir�W � zoi�ir�g�may-:rrot be legal under current zoning. ADVANTAOES IF MPROVED: Individuals will be informed as to the le al zoning by the s ler prior to the purchase of the real estate. D18ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: qSADVANTAQE8IF NOT APPROVED: Individuals may draw wrong conclusion t the zoning of the eal estate they are purchasing. ouncil Research Center J U('d 0� i°8J TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � WST/i�VENUE BUDQE (CIRCLE ONk� YES NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTMTY NUMSER FlNANGAL INFORMIITION:(IXPLAIf�