99-1088ORiG1NAL Council File # �� Green Sheet # 08907_ RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA - �� Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandums of Understandings between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842, AFSCME Clerical Loca1 #t2508, AFSCME Legal #3757, Operating Engineers Local #70, Saint Paul Police Federation, Ciassified Confidential Employees Association, Saint Paul Supervisars Organization and Professional Employees Association to participate in Metropolitan Council's "Metro Pass" program. Requested by Depariment of: Office of Labox Relations BY� �I ti 1�.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Apps � Adopted by Council: Date �� �, \`1 �`�`(� Z Form App ed b Ciry ttomey sy: � DEPARTMEfVT/OFFTCE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET 1vo.:os9o7 �tq-k�tr� L�80R'kELATTONS October26, 1999 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � IIvtTTAIJDw7'e iprr�qUpp1� 7CILIE KRAUS 266-6513 � 1 n�rr.�x DE��� a crn covxcn. �JMg� 2 CLTY AITORNE.Y CITY CLERK MUSF BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA7'� FOR BUDGET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVtCE DIIi. ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) � ORDER �J �� TOYAL # OF S7GNATUAE PAGFS l {CIdP Alb LOCATtONS ROR SIGNATf3RE) ncrcox xe�u�sren: This resolution approves the attached Memoradum of Unders�tandings between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842, AFSCME Clerical Locai #2508, AFSCME Legal #3757, Operating Engineers Local #70, S� Paul Police Federation, Classified Confidential Employees Association, Saint Paul Supervisors Organizzdon and Professiona� Employees Association to participate in the Metropolitau Councii's "Metro Pass" program. RECAMMENDATTONS: Apgrove (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE COIVTRACfS MUST ANSWER T4IE FQI,IAWISVG QUESTTONS: _PLANNING COMAIISSION _CIVll. SERVICE COMIv1[SSION 1. Has tLis persoNfirm ever worked under a contrac[ for this departrnen[? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has ihis persoNf¢m evu been a city empioyee? DI57RICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? 3. Dces this pe'sonf5mi possess a skiti not imimatty possessed by any caurrnt city empioyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answera on sepante s6eet and attath to greea sheet INITIA7'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R'ho, Wha4 Wheu, Wherq Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DLSADYANTAGES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF T'07 APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUMBER , /Ry� �.�.•° vYa„�r ,`^ ^��.. P Sfi3�!$M:< ..+� � 5:-i �lY:ti�iE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIf� OCT2�i�� � qh-los-� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME Technical Local #1842 The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842 agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOi� will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligibie employees azethose employees regulazly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bazgaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �-- �� Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � � I �--- g � AFSCME Technical Local #1842 ''� •- Robin Madsen President DATE: ----�� [ 7 F:�I,ABRELUASON�METROP�nou.wpd a `�-�oSb' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOLn will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. EligibleemployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassignedtoworkinDowntownSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the azeas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addenduxn to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL c���� _rl Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � - I �- — g'� AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 � a'� �� Bob Steiner President DATE: '� � F:U.,ABRELUASOI�ivIE'I'ROPUnou.wpd MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME #3757 - LEGAL The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME #3757 - Legai agree to the following: �`l -lo�� The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" prograzn for a period not to exceed two yeazs. Tlus Memorandum of Understanding (MOtn will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the grogram, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. EligibleemployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassignedtoworkinDowntownSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the azeas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tas basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL E �l� �� 'l _ - - a � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �/— / � — �! �7 AFSCME # 3757 - LEGAL F:�I,ABRELVASON�METROPUnou.wpd DATE: -�`�9� JUL'n7 1FJ•JO l,.l i JI.rMU��_ f1UIIHN f:t7VUh VIEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTA1vDING BETWEEN TRE CITY OF SAI�1'I' PAUL & Int'1 Operating Engineers Local #70 The Ciry of Saint Pau) and Int1 Operatina Engineers Local #70 agree to flte following: Y'.UL Lt_ ` \ _ ,� �/ V The City of Saint Paul agrees to garticipaze in the Metropolitan Council's "MetzoPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. ':his Tviemorandum of Understanding {MOU} wilI become cffective the fizst month the 1�4etroPass program beCOmes operational. Tlie City of Saini Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 3Q �ys notice, anytimc during the two year pilot prograin. The cost to elie,}'ble City employezs who are mcmbers of this bazgaining unit will be $ZSAO per mond�. Fligiblecmployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassi�nedtoworkinDocvnto�mSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees w�ho choose to participate agreeto do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employec's paycheck on a pre-tax basis foc a period of six inonths and wili be administered by Risk Management. 11us MOU serves as an addendum to the cuircnt co[lective bargaining agreement. It does not re- opcn or affect any other Articles of the eoltective bazgaining �greement and is nut subjeet to the griavance proccdure or any other dispute resolution proc�ss. WITNESSES: C1TY OF SAI�iT PAUL - ry-. ��-�. Joe Reid Director of T'inancial5ervices DATE: � � �' �- � � F:y.ABRELVASO*nMF fCtOPlmou.wpd Int'1 Operating Engineers Local #70 � ' Ed y�ram;inger Business Represenative DATE: - o 7 f - /� � � TOTRL P.Z2 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & St. Paul Police Federation The City of Saint Paul and St. Paul Police Federation agree to the following: al9 -IokY The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. Tkus Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program> with 30 days notice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eli Downtown is defined as the areas inciuded in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-taac basis for a period of six months and will be admuustered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bargaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL m � oe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �" Z�" � / St. Paul Police Federation � Brad Jacobs President DATE: ��`� � � F:�I.ABRELUASON4VIETROP�nou.wpd al`1- l okb� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & Classified Confidential Employees Association The City of Saint Paul and Classified Confidential Employees Associafion agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOi� will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days norice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees are those employees regularly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. Tlus MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �•j. � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � - �- - � % F:�L,ABRF..i..UASOI�METROPUnou.wpd � ` . . Classified Confidential Employees Association �� J hnBrandtjen President DATE: � � � — ( / � �-- • ..� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & Saint Paul Supervisors Organization The City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization agree to the following: � q _ �o �g The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan CounciPs "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall haue the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees ate those employees regulazly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 ar 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tas basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. Tt does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ J'1�- � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �� T � � % F:�.ns�LV�so��xor�,o�.wPe ' Saint Paul Supervisors Organization � �IJ�J Helga Kessler President DATE: _�� L .. i'� �tq - to�p- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & THE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION The CiTy of Saint Paul and The Professional Employees Association agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall haue the discretion to tenninate the program, with 30 days norice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees are those employees regularly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bargaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bazgaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSE5: CITY OF SAINT PAUL T`�si..t " � Joe Reid Budget Director PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION � � p �,�---- ! ftc—t tcic--,� 6��'�2�s�CarA 4� �/.X.oYYP Title: �ivf,,;,,i� ,� DATE: _ ` �,� F:V.ABRELVASON4�]ROPMou wpd DATE: (�o �0?3 - 9 y ORiG1NAL Council File # �� Green Sheet # 08907_ RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA - �� Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandums of Understandings between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842, AFSCME Clerical Loca1 #t2508, AFSCME Legal #3757, Operating Engineers Local #70, Saint Paul Police Federation, Ciassified Confidential Employees Association, Saint Paul Supervisars Organization and Professional Employees Association to participate in Metropolitan Council's "Metro Pass" program. Requested by Depariment of: Office of Labox Relations BY� �I ti 1�.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Apps � Adopted by Council: Date �� �, \`1 �`�`(� Z Form App ed b Ciry ttomey sy: � DEPARTMEfVT/OFFTCE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET 1vo.:os9o7 �tq-k�tr� L�80R'kELATTONS October26, 1999 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � IIvtTTAIJDw7'e iprr�qUpp1� 7CILIE KRAUS 266-6513 � 1 n�rr.�x DE��� a crn covxcn. �JMg� 2 CLTY AITORNE.Y CITY CLERK MUSF BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA7'� FOR BUDGET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVtCE DIIi. ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) � ORDER �J �� TOYAL # OF S7GNATUAE PAGFS l {CIdP Alb LOCATtONS ROR SIGNATf3RE) ncrcox xe�u�sren: This resolution approves the attached Memoradum of Unders�tandings between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842, AFSCME Clerical Locai #2508, AFSCME Legal #3757, Operating Engineers Local #70, S� Paul Police Federation, Classified Confidential Employees Association, Saint Paul Supervisors Organizzdon and Professiona� Employees Association to participate in the Metropolitau Councii's "Metro Pass" program. RECAMMENDATTONS: Apgrove (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE COIVTRACfS MUST ANSWER T4IE FQI,IAWISVG QUESTTONS: _PLANNING COMAIISSION _CIVll. SERVICE COMIv1[SSION 1. Has tLis persoNfirm ever worked under a contrac[ for this departrnen[? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has ihis persoNf¢m evu been a city empioyee? DI57RICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? 3. Dces this pe'sonf5mi possess a skiti not imimatty possessed by any caurrnt city empioyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answera on sepante s6eet and attath to greea sheet INITIA7'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R'ho, Wha4 Wheu, Wherq Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DLSADYANTAGES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF T'07 APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUMBER , /Ry� �.�.•° vYa„�r ,`^ ^��.. P Sfi3�!$M:< ..+� � 5:-i �lY:ti�iE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIf� OCT2�i�� � qh-los-� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME Technical Local #1842 The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842 agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOi� will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligibie employees azethose employees regulazly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bazgaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �-- �� Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � � I �--- g � AFSCME Technical Local #1842 ''� •- Robin Madsen President DATE: ----�� [ 7 F:�I,ABRELUASON�METROP�nou.wpd a `�-�oSb' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOLn will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. EligibleemployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassignedtoworkinDowntownSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the azeas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addenduxn to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL c���� _rl Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � - I �- — g'� AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 � a'� �� Bob Steiner President DATE: '� � F:U.,ABRELUASOI�ivIE'I'ROPUnou.wpd MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME #3757 - LEGAL The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME #3757 - Legai agree to the following: �`l -lo�� The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" prograzn for a period not to exceed two yeazs. Tlus Memorandum of Understanding (MOtn will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the grogram, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. EligibleemployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassignedtoworkinDowntownSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the azeas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tas basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL E �l� �� 'l _ - - a � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �/— / � — �! �7 AFSCME # 3757 - LEGAL F:�I,ABRELVASON�METROPUnou.wpd DATE: -�`�9� JUL'n7 1FJ•JO l,.l i JI.rMU��_ f1UIIHN f:t7VUh VIEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTA1vDING BETWEEN TRE CITY OF SAI�1'I' PAUL & Int'1 Operating Engineers Local #70 The Ciry of Saint Pau) and Int1 Operatina Engineers Local #70 agree to flte following: Y'.UL Lt_ ` \ _ ,� �/ V The City of Saint Paul agrees to garticipaze in the Metropolitan Council's "MetzoPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. ':his Tviemorandum of Understanding {MOU} wilI become cffective the fizst month the 1�4etroPass program beCOmes operational. Tlie City of Saini Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 3Q �ys notice, anytimc during the two year pilot prograin. The cost to elie,}'ble City employezs who are mcmbers of this bazgaining unit will be $ZSAO per mond�. Fligiblecmployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassi�nedtoworkinDocvnto�mSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees w�ho choose to participate agreeto do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employec's paycheck on a pre-tax basis foc a period of six inonths and wili be administered by Risk Management. 11us MOU serves as an addendum to the cuircnt co[lective bargaining agreement. It does not re- opcn or affect any other Articles of the eoltective bazgaining �greement and is nut subjeet to the griavance proccdure or any other dispute resolution proc�ss. WITNESSES: C1TY OF SAI�iT PAUL - ry-. ��-�. Joe Reid Director of T'inancial5ervices DATE: � � �' �- � � F:y.ABRELVASO*nMF fCtOPlmou.wpd Int'1 Operating Engineers Local #70 � ' Ed y�ram;inger Business Represenative DATE: - o 7 f - /� � � TOTRL P.Z2 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & St. Paul Police Federation The City of Saint Paul and St. Paul Police Federation agree to the following: al9 -IokY The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. Tkus Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program> with 30 days notice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eli Downtown is defined as the areas inciuded in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-taac basis for a period of six months and will be admuustered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bargaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL m � oe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �" Z�" � / St. Paul Police Federation � Brad Jacobs President DATE: ��`� � � F:�I.ABRELUASON4VIETROP�nou.wpd al`1- l okb� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & Classified Confidential Employees Association The City of Saint Paul and Classified Confidential Employees Associafion agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOi� will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days norice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees are those employees regularly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. Tlus MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �•j. � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � - �- - � % F:�L,ABRF..i..UASOI�METROPUnou.wpd � ` . . Classified Confidential Employees Association �� J hnBrandtjen President DATE: � � � — ( / � �-- • ..� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & Saint Paul Supervisors Organization The City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization agree to the following: � q _ �o �g The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan CounciPs "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall haue the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees ate those employees regulazly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 ar 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tas basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. Tt does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ J'1�- � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �� T � � % F:�.ns�LV�so��xor�,o�.wPe ' Saint Paul Supervisors Organization � �IJ�J Helga Kessler President DATE: _�� L .. i'� �tq - to�p- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & THE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION The CiTy of Saint Paul and The Professional Employees Association agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall haue the discretion to tenninate the program, with 30 days norice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees are those employees regularly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bargaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bazgaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSE5: CITY OF SAINT PAUL T`�si..t " � Joe Reid Budget Director PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION � � p �,�---- ! ftc—t tcic--,� 6��'�2�s�CarA 4� �/.X.oYYP Title: �ivf,,;,,i� ,� DATE: _ ` �,� F:V.ABRELVASON4�]ROPMou wpd DATE: (�o �0?3 - 9 y ORiG1NAL Council File # �� Green Sheet # 08907_ RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA - �� Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandums of Understandings between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842, AFSCME Clerical Loca1 #t2508, AFSCME Legal #3757, Operating Engineers Local #70, Saint Paul Police Federation, Ciassified Confidential Employees Association, Saint Paul Supervisars Organization and Professional Employees Association to participate in Metropolitan Council's "Metro Pass" program. Requested by Depariment of: Office of Labox Relations BY� �I ti 1�.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Apps � Adopted by Council: Date �� �, \`1 �`�`(� Z Form App ed b Ciry ttomey sy: � DEPARTMEfVT/OFFTCE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET 1vo.:os9o7 �tq-k�tr� L�80R'kELATTONS October26, 1999 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � IIvtTTAIJDw7'e iprr�qUpp1� 7CILIE KRAUS 266-6513 � 1 n�rr.�x DE��� a crn covxcn. �JMg� 2 CLTY AITORNE.Y CITY CLERK MUSF BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA7'� FOR BUDGET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVtCE DIIi. ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) � ORDER �J �� TOYAL # OF S7GNATUAE PAGFS l {CIdP Alb LOCATtONS ROR SIGNATf3RE) ncrcox xe�u�sren: This resolution approves the attached Memoradum of Unders�tandings between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842, AFSCME Clerical Locai #2508, AFSCME Legal #3757, Operating Engineers Local #70, S� Paul Police Federation, Classified Confidential Employees Association, Saint Paul Supervisors Organizzdon and Professiona� Employees Association to participate in the Metropolitau Councii's "Metro Pass" program. RECAMMENDATTONS: Apgrove (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERV[CE COIVTRACfS MUST ANSWER T4IE FQI,IAWISVG QUESTTONS: _PLANNING COMAIISSION _CIVll. SERVICE COMIv1[SSION 1. Has tLis persoNfirm ever worked under a contrac[ for this departrnen[? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has ihis persoNf¢m evu been a city empioyee? DI57RICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? 3. Dces this pe'sonf5mi possess a skiti not imimatty possessed by any caurrnt city empioyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answera on sepante s6eet and attath to greea sheet INITIA7'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R'ho, Wha4 Wheu, Wherq Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DLSADYANTAGES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF T'07 APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUMBER , /Ry� �.�.•° vYa„�r ,`^ ^��.. P Sfi3�!$M:< ..+� � 5:-i �lY:ti�iE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIf� OCT2�i�� � qh-los-� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME Technical Local #1842 The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Technical Local #1842 agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOi� will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligibie employees azethose employees regulazly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bazgaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �-- �� Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � � I �--- g � AFSCME Technical Local #1842 ''� •- Robin Madsen President DATE: ----�� [ 7 F:�I,ABRELUASON�METROP�nou.wpd a `�-�oSb' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOLn will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. EligibleemployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassignedtoworkinDowntownSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the azeas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addenduxn to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL c���� _rl Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � - I �- — g'� AFSCME Clerical Local #2508 � a'� �� Bob Steiner President DATE: '� � F:U.,ABRELUASOI�ivIE'I'ROPUnou.wpd MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & AFSCME #3757 - LEGAL The City of Saint Paul and AFSCME #3757 - Legai agree to the following: �`l -lo�� The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" prograzn for a period not to exceed two yeazs. Tlus Memorandum of Understanding (MOtn will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the grogram, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. EligibleemployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassignedtoworkinDowntownSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the azeas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tas basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL E �l� �� 'l _ - - a � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �/— / � — �! �7 AFSCME # 3757 - LEGAL F:�I,ABRELVASON�METROPUnou.wpd DATE: -�`�9� JUL'n7 1FJ•JO l,.l i JI.rMU��_ f1UIIHN f:t7VUh VIEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTA1vDING BETWEEN TRE CITY OF SAI�1'I' PAUL & Int'1 Operating Engineers Local #70 The Ciry of Saint Pau) and Int1 Operatina Engineers Local #70 agree to flte following: Y'.UL Lt_ ` \ _ ,� �/ V The City of Saint Paul agrees to garticipaze in the Metropolitan Council's "MetzoPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. ':his Tviemorandum of Understanding {MOU} wilI become cffective the fizst month the 1�4etroPass program beCOmes operational. Tlie City of Saini Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 3Q �ys notice, anytimc during the two year pilot prograin. The cost to elie,}'ble City employezs who are mcmbers of this bazgaining unit will be $ZSAO per mond�. Fligiblecmployeesazethoseemployeesregulazlyassi�nedtoworkinDocvnto�mSaintPaul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees w�ho choose to participate agreeto do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employec's paycheck on a pre-tax basis foc a period of six inonths and wili be administered by Risk Management. 11us MOU serves as an addendum to the cuircnt co[lective bargaining agreement. It does not re- opcn or affect any other Articles of the eoltective bazgaining �greement and is nut subjeet to the griavance proccdure or any other dispute resolution proc�ss. WITNESSES: C1TY OF SAI�iT PAUL - ry-. ��-�. Joe Reid Director of T'inancial5ervices DATE: � � �' �- � � F:y.ABRELVASO*nMF fCtOPlmou.wpd Int'1 Operating Engineers Local #70 � ' Ed y�ram;inger Business Represenative DATE: - o 7 f - /� � � TOTRL P.Z2 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & St. Paul Police Federation The City of Saint Paul and St. Paul Police Federation agree to the following: al9 -IokY The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. Tkus Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program> with 30 days notice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eli Downtown is defined as the areas inciuded in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-taac basis for a period of six months and will be admuustered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bargaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL m � oe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �" Z�" � / St. Paul Police Federation � Brad Jacobs President DATE: ��`� � � F:�I.ABRELUASON4VIETROP�nou.wpd al`1- l okb� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & Classified Confidential Employees Association The City of Saint Paul and Classified Confidential Employees Associafion agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOi� will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall have the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days norice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bazgaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees are those employees regularly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. Tlus MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �•j. � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: � - �- - � % F:�L,ABRF..i..UASOI�METROPUnou.wpd � ` . . Classified Confidential Employees Association �� J hnBrandtjen President DATE: � � � — ( / � �-- • ..� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & Saint Paul Supervisors Organization The City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization agree to the following: � q _ �o �g The City of Saint Paul agrees to participate in the Metropolitan CounciPs "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two yeazs. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall haue the discretion to terminate the program, with 30 days notice, anytime during the two year pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees ate those employees regulazly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 ar 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tas basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bazgaining agreement. Tt does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bargaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ J'1�- � Joe Reid Director of Financial Services DATE: �� T � � % F:�.ns�LV�so��xor�,o�.wPe ' Saint Paul Supervisors Organization � �IJ�J Helga Kessler President DATE: _�� L .. i'� �tq - to�p- MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL & THE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION The CiTy of Saint Paul and The Professional Employees Association agree to the following: The City of Saint Paul agees to participate in the Metropolitan Council's "MetroPass" program for a period not to exceed two years. This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will become effective the first month the MetroPass program becomes operational. The City of Saint Paul shall haue the discretion to tenninate the program, with 30 days norice, anytime during the two yeaz pilot program. The cost to eligible City employees who aze members of this bargaining unit will be $25.00 per month. Eligible employees are those employees regularly assigned to work in Downtown Saint Paul. Downtown is defined as the areas included in the 55101 or 55102 zip codes. Eligible employees who choose to participate agree to do so for a period of six months. The employee contribution will be deducted from the employee's paycheck on a pre-tax basis for a period of six months and will be administered by Risk Management. This MOU serves as an addendum to the current collective bargaining agreement. It does not re- open or affect any other Articles of the collective bazgaining agreement and is not subject to the grievance procedure or any other dispute resolution process. WITNESSE5: CITY OF SAINT PAUL T`�si..t " � Joe Reid Budget Director PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION � � p �,�---- ! ftc—t tcic--,� 6��'�2�s�CarA 4� �/.X.oYYP Title: �ivf,,;,,i� ,� DATE: _ ` �,� F:V.ABRELVASON4�]ROPMou wpd DATE: (�o �0?3 - 9 y