89-1043 WMITE — CITV CLERK f PINK FINANCE COUI1C11 (�S '/ CANARV����E9APTMENT GITY SAINT PA /J L� B4!s�w —MArOR�' File NO. `� �^/O '" � _ � � r indnce Ordinance N 0. � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ch pters 60 and 6 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code o s to establish Special State Fair Parking District. STAT E T OF PURPOSE The Council of the Cit f Saint Paul ha been advised that the annual Minnesota State Fa ' r located adja nt to the City of Saint Paul attracts over on illion attender and that the off- street parking facilities a ilable on the Fair grounds and adjacent thereto are not de uate. That th s parking problem increases each year, and ha the State Ag icultural Society , operating agency of the An ual State Fair , h s not proposed to provide additional off-stree p rking facilitie in the foreseeable future. Owners of reside ti 1 property adj cent to the Fair grounds have, for a period o many years, a empted to provide relief from this parking p o lem by allowin the use of their residential properties for he general use of he public to park their automobiles. That thi p actice has been generally accepted by the Saint Paul communit lthough such u es of residential property may have been in o flict with the provisions of the Legislative Code . The City ou cil does hereby find and determine that it is in the best inte es s of the publi to permit the use of residential property for h limited purpos of providing off- street parking during the an ua period of the M nnesota State Fair subject to reasonable condi io s and restricti ns. The Planning Commission of the City of aint Paul has re mmended that the Zoning Code of the City be m nded so as to p rmit limited off- street parking on residentia roperty during e State Fair, and has proposed that the Cou cil adopt approp iate Zoning Code amendments for that purpos . Pursuant to he provisions of Minnesota Statute, Section 4 2 . 57 , subdivisio 5 , the Planning COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depa ment of: Dimond �� In Favo coswitz Rettroan Scheibel A gai n s t By Sonnen Wilson Form Appro e by ty Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY J^ � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Mayor r Submission to Council By BY . ' . ; , � . � ��-ia�3 - ' � ���� Commission, and the City ou cil , has surv ed the area of the city to be affected by su h amendments , nsisting of more than 40 acres , and have deter i d that the num r of descriptions of property affected by s h amendments ren ers obtaining of consents impractical . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA N PAUL DOE5 ORDA . S c ion l . That section 60. 219 o he Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add th ollowing defini ' on in appropriate alphabetical order: State Fair Parking. n off-street par 'ng operation on private residential p operty for wh' h a fee is charged for the privi eg of parking ring annual Minnesota State Fair. ec ion 2. � That Cha�ter 60 of t e Saint Paul Le islative Code is hereby amended so as to ad he following t reto establishing a special zoning district , e t tled "State Fai Parking District" : 60. 711 . State Fai Parking Over- y District . There is hereby es a lished a spe ' al over-lay zoning district with'n the city of int Paul to be known as the " t te Fair Parki g District" , and which special is rict shall be placed over the other establish d zoning distri ts as shown on the attached map , ich map is m e a part of this Ordinance as ' f the matter a information set forth thereon w re all fully des ribed herein. Notwithstanding the ro isions of sect ' on 62. 104( 11 ) to the contrary, sta e fair parking o residentially �oned propert5r may ..e permitted i:� re.�uirec� �ide and front yards only du ing the period of the annual Minnesota State Fair rovided, howev , that state fair parking in requi ed front yards wil be permitted only with the wri te consent of the adjoining property owners on ot sides of the subject front yard. Written co se ts must be btained prior to the each annual St te Fair. ��� WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - sINANCE G I TY SA I NT PA Council CANA`RV'-.DEPARTNENT / BNii� -MAVOR File NO. �J�" �� . �. � • _ r indnce Ordinance N 0. /���0�_ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date S ction 3 . This ordinance shall ex ire two (2) y ars from and after the date on which it is do ted by the Cou cil . Additionally, this ordinance shall be r vi wed by the Cou cil after the first year of operation and prior t the second yea of parking. S ction 4. This ordinance shall ta e effect and e in force thirty days from and after its pas a e, approval and ublication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Depa ment of: Dimon� �og � In Favo Goswitz Rettman scne�ne� Against BY Sonnen R�ilsew- Adopted by Council: Date JUL i ; 1ggg Form Approved by C' y Attorney Certified Pas ouncil retar BY � �' �`'�"' _� �� By Approve Mayor: �a�'-- + �ag Approved by Mayor f Submission to Council By BY PUBt�D J U L 2 2 198� - . . . . (�-�-�oy3 " � g � /�(�(�Z a � — �o = � � o �. eo _ ;m o 4 p� E E � y �� ° V O �► y t � m g �y � � � 4= ���, � h =� _ N � O e �a�! 3 o �F�'- � � ��� � � cV,rch�� a �ac� ''� ��' _ yN o a�acacac ►-►- ¢ac �� aca�s m m maomao ; --- dd < - :--.-._-.>. � � ,�� �'. ia - � � � � � ._ ' k , \ � _- �I I:."'� ' : _ � a / . - '� , / M _:�_'� � �1� S4 � � � `\1 ___- " _ r1 1� , �}���.y, �r' \O' / . . � a. e . '_ ... 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I �S — _ � _. _ _ �+_ bo,s, s .�,�, -- : � y r -_ �. - - -- - - - �: s : � .f.. i . � • :. - , � _. -- :: --- -- - -- - .�.: --- - _ .. _ _ .�.� .: ::�: � � p�� �� � •i ��f : _�~ . � . � . - • � o : � : �_ ___-�,`--- � , _ � _ . 1- ____— :- - _- --- ..__ - - =ao� ___ - � : y _ ....... � . . . �. I � Uat _ •if�i. . �5.........3N�Clt..� __'— � � I ' � — � ` I .... i.�._'�_._� ' N � I 1 ,` " _ I.:.. �:y� . � � , .. _ � � � . ; ;-� _ � � . � � �� = � � h . � _ .s ..i �� .. .�. ._�. ..- � � � •� � _.. � � � " O .. , ' . . . ' . . . a _ .. _.�,� .. ..�__ . � Q . - �- v� a ° - d • : � i � _ i . . ; � � ;;. ,,.an. . � � O t • �.�� � '_,�,,, � � 0 � � 0 0 � : .. . ., � ,. � , _ � , -. oC �� . . . . .._. . � � � wo: v � • • � • , �� . ; � � � ��� WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL Council �►►�_l� CANARV -DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. � Or � dnce Ordinance N0. Presented By / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordin�nce amending se ti ns 60. 206 and 6 . 104 ( 11 ) of the Sain Paul Legisla iv Code pertaini g to Zoning Regulatior�s and permitting fair and festiv 1 parking on residentia�, properties. THE COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF S IN PAUL DOES ORDA N : ec ion 1 That section 60 .$06 of t e Saint Paul L islative Code is hereby amended to add\, the o lowing definiti n in appropriate alphabetical order: Fair and Festival 1?a ki An off-s eet aarkinq operation on private r' id ntial propertv r which a fee is charqed for the riv le e of parkin4 du in a fair or festival which fair and � stival has a du tion of more than a dav but less th n °. wo weeks, and s an avera4e daily attendance of at le ' t 100 ,000 ers ns. Se tiQn 2 That section 62 . 104 ( 1 ) f t�P�e Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code is hereby amended to read a f llows"; ( 11 ) Reauired vards: a k ' n rest��ictions• setback. Except as otherwi rovided n Secti n 60. 573 (3 )� or Section 61 . 103 (a)�., or ce t in reauired side a ds in connec ion ith fair and festival rk n off-s���eet parking �s shall not e ithin a requ'rre front or ', COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by D �rtment of: Dimond �� In F vor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr v d City Attorne � Adopted by Council: Date / Certified Passed by Council Secretary gy �`I r l!� By � Approved by Mayor: Date App � v by M or for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CIERK COLLI1C11 PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PALTL File NO. �� ���3 CANARV -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR . , O'� n�nCP, Ordinance N 0. Presented By Z / > Referred To. Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date side yard and shall b a minimum of f ur (4) feet from any side o line. In addi ion to the a o e rovisi n fair and f s ival parkinc� � ermitte n reauired fron r s with the written co sen of the 'acent proqertv own�rs on i her side of the ub 'ect front vard- S c ion 3 This ordinance shall ta ffect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, pp oval and public tion . � °�,. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by D artment of: Dimond �� In F vor Goswitz Rettman �he;�� Agai st BY Sonnen �Ison Form Appro ed y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �' By (/ Approved by Mayor: Date Appro�d by M or for Submission to Council By BY , . -,.. -��.,v x-.';�;; . ._ � 5 2 GREE 8 � No. �_��� oo�,�ar�wa��noNe ,�, o�iM��,owp�p�. • , an►ppMp�, _ an�now�� anr awc .: wR�aN oaMa�ra�r lon� ; M+orr.owo�a w�.a w��NO�tl�t��° w►ro� Re_, lchert . t�ar�r of«aann�'�an � tio�ro��ow► . •:. .,;.� .z.v,.-„ . �,_ � - . Approve r�coa�aAded Legislative Code:te t�, ndments retati�g to restrict! �ysnd�parkln� to r�ar yands-� aide:ya�ds th6t. are a cae. � �b1e fran elt�er . rb<cut� or`��7�►� '�`, �� ��:; Prohibit yatd �iciaq �1� residantia] p ' ies along S�e����n Avem�e :due to �b�-:�af,e#y : . . . . . . ., . #�:.►l�,�:: ' ' �."l�AIMN 00111M�IOM �•�pNL�IIIOt OOIiMM�ION /WAL ' .::- . , . lIIOIR N0. ... _ , . -: � ���T1E � ,,.s . �RAP� 'H:�z . �0�11�`T 00{IIR � �� . . � MN�OIfl�MrC11 COIJIICL O�CIIYl7 Nei hborhoods .«tr►t.+a r�o.�.ia�uE,o�oirn�rn�wne,w�wMn.w�.».wnyk Many Cano Park residents have al]owed eh cular parking.on sidential front, �side, and rear yards for decades during the Stat F ir without enforc nt of existing laws. With impending enforcement of conflicting e is ing parking and zo ing .laws, City staff studied the issues and identified possible opt on to deal with the ituation. �ov���wna�eo: _ St. Paul citizens will benefit fran: e ced yard parking neighborhood; reduced potential damage to curbs, sidewalks, an bou�levards; reduc likelihood of potential accidents on private property; reduct on in possible 1.iabil y problems for City; and improved public safety for pedestrian o sidewalks. ae�ar�wr�aea��no�: • Other nearby neighborhoods may have t a sorb additiona�l o street parking demand; more enforcement would .be needed to p v nt/deter yard par ng on required front yards of residential properties. � � , ,. ._.. .. , . . . .� ; _ �:. . , aMw�wr�s f���o�o: . Continued conflict between portions f inistrative �tode continued potential high : � liability groblems for city reiated o ard =paracing-practf ; CoQiinued reduct�oa in publ�c safety for .rtsidents abd de tr.ians in Caao nei borh�d: �� � � - ' '�-- , ��c;�:�;f ��se�rGl�,C�nter ,._ _ . . _ .. _ _ . . . �,�,�i Ol �`�.;J roT��T o�nwa�raN oosTn�e� �a�xs oMq res No ^�aq�ou�cE �c�nv�rr M�n wwwa��r�r�Ta�c� __ _ , _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __- ---- WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII CANARV -OEAARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL BIUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. � /a • ` �. 0� Z CLIZCP. Ordinance N O. Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By' Date An ordinance amendi g ections 60.206 nd 62. 104` ( 11 ) of the a' t Paul Legisla ve Code pertaining to o ing Regulations nd permitting fair and f stival parking residential propert ' e . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S N PAUL DOES ORDR . c ion l . That section 60.2b6 the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to add th ollowing defini ' on in appropriate alphabetical order: Fair and Festival Pa ki g. An off-s reet parking operation on private e idential prope y for which a fee is charged for ka �rivilege of arking during a fair or festival tini h fair and i tival has a duration of more �than a `�aay but less t n two weeks , and has an average dai y �tendance of a least 100, 000 persons . e tior�. 2. . ,� That section 62. 104 ( 1 ) oft�i the Sain Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to r ad as fol��.ows : �h (11 ) Required yards; ar ing res'trictio ; setback. Except as otherwi e provided\ in Se ion 60. 573 ( 3) , or Section 1 .103 (a).� or except in required side y d in connectio with fair and festival ar ing, off�.stre t parking s�aees shall no e within a ,tre ired front or side yard an �hall be a m�ini um of four COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by De, rtment of: Dimond ` � �ng In Fa or � � w � �� c,osW�cZ Rettman / LGi.�' s�ne�neo Again t BY Sonnen Wilson Form A r ved City A torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Ma f ubm sion to Coun il , By �.. : , _ .- .- -. .;� . - - _. { T -- - - _ k' . 1, � n ,, �-- .� ;: r �� - ' . " - .�..i= .. M ,,�_.'.`y n 1" - r- r - A ; i. ' �L '�' _•y • . . .,- "' a..�_ .,�. ... ..�.�r-.��_.s �._. . . .,_ �- .� -. .: r ��: _.. . -."�............"_..—...L___..�._�Y.� _ ,..�._,.�..�,...i. .. _ . ., � A ' : - :. z �. . . . �' . . ' .� � ._` '�,-.t . . ' � �� r ' ^ , _,» � ' ' ��.. . _ ,. _. . n��. . .. G . - � � ,, � ZSt '�'a`'t "�✓ � . � , C�{ �"�� d � ,�. � ' � E - - ' 3rd �—a�-�/ dopted — '-I .,i ' +�:�j � � . . . � . � . ir r �, Yeas aYs y > �� D MOND /��3 F WITZ /5p rl � , LONG :_ � ; � _ - ETTMAN SONNEIV � �_ - - - ,� - v ; - WILSON z`�'r°- MR. R IDENT� SCHEIBEL ' � ti � � - > f _ f � . � . . � . . � - _ , �. ;, �: „ .;, .� ..� ... }: ,�: ::, , . --.�'"` , �` -.. .. . :. - - . ... _ _ : . .:. .._. ..:. -.: :� ' _ _ — . :,. .,._,�....�......-- .� ., . .. . . .-- ,.. . , ,_- M >•� � e - - r j ` ' _ �` �.. _ r - _ { r ' : . � r . � .,... ' ..' . , - ,J . .� .-�. i , _ x . .'c = ' ti. _ . ' �:: ....r��l ..�:..� �...n.-: •�� ..��::. r:�i�� •. ..+_..w . 3 _ ��: - ' � �^a - r � � ' a� _ .( " ` - ? - " 4# � ` � _ • � w � .� .. ..: � ; _tJ .. .'. " � ,. ....� ._ �-.: .. .. .; ..:• - ",: :� � ... .. '.. .. �,. . . . :. . .. ...:: �. ..: .. _ ..�..'. . ...�. , .... .. .....:: , �.:.:. � . .. ...:.': . ... .. .. ._ � ..,. � .._,� ..��.. -...�, . '.. . ...�:... ,- ......�,.. .� ...: , . :..:.�. �� .' : ' t _ _ -_ _ _ * '_'�. . . ' ..: ".:' ..... :- _ .., �, .. .. C �:.' ' . .i• ��' �� ' t - 3.'k" _ . _ . - _ rt� . � �. ' .: :.. : r.- ; .. , . ,�ir„�C�.• �:.... :.:._ .,.:....�.i..d,'�r'«�aca'.5�.... �,h-s�„'.twu .�+'*�n-.v»+<..� ' S- +o-,.:�. _,b*"wr.l;:+.�. �'` . _. _.. r>.r!r"avh-^r x`w.sx.mNm4Mw�` : �;^=a:.. � . .. ... ,x•f- -- ,.,..:.;. _ _ - _ WH17E - CITV CLERK , PINK - FINANCE COUIICII /�!� �/� CANARV -OEPARTMENT G I TY O� S I NT PA U L ��J / fj�J BLUE -MAVOR File NO. i�f� ` D• - O� i nce Ordinance N0. Presented By `�-�c.y`'�-` t / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (4) feet from an ide lot line. Access to fair and festi a parkin on r sidential properties adjoini g Snelling Ave e shall be only from an adj in ng public alley � S ct 'on 3. This ordinance sha'll t ke effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passa e , approval and p lication. ;� `; 0 , � ', 2. ,,� -\, COUNCIL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays Requested by_Dep tment �f: Dimond I�/� �ng In Fav r � . ��c� Rettman Scheibel A gai ns BY ` Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr d by ity ttorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date Appr e y May fo ion to Counc' , By BY s' . , � �_� � � � . � , _ -- - _ -- _ WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK � FINANCE GITY O[�' AINT PAUL � GANARV —OEPARTMENT � COUflC1I BLUE —MAYOR Flle NO. • � i dnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending sec i ns 60. 206 and 6 . 104 ( 11 ) of the Saint Paul Legislat v Code pertaini to Zoning Regulations and permitti g air and festiv parking on residential properties. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA NT PAUL DOES ORDAI : S ction 1 That section 60. 206 of h Saint Paul Le islative Code is hereby amended to add the � 1 owing definiti in appropriate alphabetical order: air and Festival Par in . �n off- t et parkinq otieration on arivate resi e ia proqertv f which a ee is charqed for the rivi e . �of parkina dur 'n � fair or festival w ich fair and e ti al has a dur 'on gf more than ,� dav � ess tha t o weeks. and h an averaae . dailv attendance of at 1 a 100.000 rso S c ion 2 That section 62. 104 ( 11 o the Saint Pau Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as o lows: ( 11 ) Reauired yards: ar in restrictions: etback. Except as otherwise p vided in Sectio 60. 573 (3)� or Section 1 . 03 (a)1 or ex e t in reauired side ard n connection w h fair and festival ar i off-street parking -s�s�e�es shal l not be wi thi n a requi red ront or COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Dep tment of: Yeas Nays Dimond i'O°� �[l Fav r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr v d by ity Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �`��l J�" By Aporoved bv Mavor: Date App v by Mayo for Submission to Council � " t WMITE - CITV CLERK - . PINK - FINANCE - COURCll CANARV -DEPARTMEWT CITY O AINT PALTL File � NO. OLUE -MAVOR - Or Z dIZCP. Ordinance NO. Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date side yard and shall e a minimum of f r (4) f eet f rom any s i de 1 t 1 i ne. I�. d i o �,g the above r v ' io fair an 'v , parkinq i� ermitte i reauired fr ar s wi h � written on n c�f t e 'acen proaertv owners Qn e e side o� #�gi 'ect front yard• Se t 'on 3 This ordinance shall tak� e fect and be in orce thirty days from and after its passage, ap r val and publica ion. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depa ment of: Dimond LO"g in Favo coswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro ed y ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor• Date Appro d by Mayor or Submission to Council � � (� � , � 0 �� � ���*=o. GITY OF AINT PAUL e . _'_"_, o . 'M OFFIC O THE MAYOR °} � I�I�II�� o � t ° � 3 C Y HALL '- /, .... SAINT PA L, INNESOTA 55102 GEORGELATIMER ( 12) 298-4323 RECEIVED MAYOR MAY 111989 May 8, 1989 �'7� CL�Kt', Members of the City Council 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear City Councilmembers: Enclosed is the Fair and Festival ar ing Study which ad essed the impacts of yard parking practices that occur ur' g the State Fair ' the neighborhood east of the Fair. The report reco e ds that yard parki be restricted to only rear yards and side yards for pr perties that have cess through either alleys or through front yard legal cu b cuts. The repor further recommends that yard parking along Snelling A en e be prohibited, e ept in rear yards with alley access, for public safe y easons. The recommended amendments to the eg slative Code that plement this recommendation are indicated on pa e 7 of the report. ese amendments are intended to limit yard parking to ea yards and side ya s and to prohibit this activity in front yards. The am ndments identify t events that can have yard parking in nearby reside ti 1 areas based on d ration and average daily attendance of the event. Fi al y, tfie amendments larify the reference to vehicular parking on lawns on g as plots found in th Parking Code. Although this approach does not re ov all of the issues relating to the practice of yard parking, it attem ts to mitigate severa problems by reducing the impacts of yard parking on the ne ghborhood. I enco rage you to adopt these amendments as recommended by th Saint Paul Planni g Commission. If you have any questions, please call La ry Soderholm at 228-3 62 or Marv Bunnell at 228-3368. Very truly yo rs, e La ' May GL:ss �<s , : : ���a�.3 , R�6`t T Y Op �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; ���„���,,, ; DEPART E T OF PLANNING A � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `,, ���� �� � ,�o' DIVISION OF PLANNING s $West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 +ss• 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: May 8, 1989 T0: Mayor Latimer FROM: Peggy Reicher RE: Fair and Festival Parking St dy This study reflects the results o e tensive staff rese ch and analysis as well as community imput regarding th impacts of yard p king on the neighborhoods affected by State F ir attendees. Extreme high deficits of off-street parking spaces in thes a eas contribute to e situation. Problems of traffic congestion related to he unusual manueverin of vehicles over curbs, boulevards, and sidewalks av created public sa ty concerns for the pedestrians attending the Fair. B th residents and city fficials have expressed concerns about potentia 1 ability issues rel ing to yard parking practices. The Como Community seems to be po ar zed on this issue. any residents strongly support the continuation of yard ar ing as an entrepre urial enterprise while many residents strongly oppose it si ce they view it as isruptive and a negative influence on the neighbo ho d. In addition, ne by neighborhoods have some concerns regarding potential sp llover effects of -street parking in their areas if the practice of ya d arking is totally anned, or even restricted. The six alternatives that were id nt fied to deal with is situation range from legalizing the practice of y rd parking to totally anning it. The Planning Commission unanimously d ci ed to support Alte native Five which addresses the realities of yard p rk ng by not banning he practice but by reducing its impact on the neighb rh od. This approach estricts yard parking to only rear yards and side yards fo properties that h ve access granted through front yard legal curbcuts an driveways or from alleys. It was also recommended that yard parking alo g nelling Avenue be rohibited, except in rear yards with alley access, for pu lic safety reasons. Planning staff supports this alternative. It is hoped that the City Council ca review and act on this recommendation prior to the start of the next St te Fair. If you have ny questions about the study or the recommendations of t e lanning Commission please call me or Marv Bunnell of my staff. . _ . • ��/�3 ARTAAENT/OFFl(:E/COUNpL DATE INI TED PED - Plannin 5 2 9 GREEN S��"� NO. 7N27Ar� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE ApTMENT pIRECTOR �CRY OOUNqL Marv Bunn 11 228-3368 N'�� pTM�T*�� ❑ciTV c��c kMJBT BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY(DAT� �BUDOET DIRECTOR 3 MOT.SERVICE8 aR. ��u►v«+coA�ss�s�,� Re i c h e r t TOTAL#►OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP A L CATIONS FOR 81ONATUR� ACTION AEOUESTED: Approve recorr�nended Legislative Code te a endments relating o restricting yard parking to rear yards and side yards that are a es ible from either c rb cuts or alleys. Prohibit yard parking in residential pr e ies along Snelling Avenue due to public safety RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(N o►�(� CalNCI CO �REPORT �PUWNING COMMISSION _qVIL BERVICE COMMISSION �Y� � E.m.��@./ � � ���� _pB OOMMITfEE _ �STAFF _ �ME —o�����,� — M AY 1 01989 SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNpL OBJECTIVE9 Nei hborhoods INfMTINO PROBLEM,183UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whtl.When.NRrrs.Why): Many Como Park residents have allowed v hi ular parking on re dentia ront, side, and rear yards for decades during the State Fa r without enforcem t of existing laws. With impending enforcement of conflicting ex st ng parking and zoni g laws, City staff studied the issues and identified possible opti ns to deal with the si uation. ADVANTAOESIf APPROVED: St. Paul citizens will benefit from: r du ed yard parking in eighborhood; reduced potential damage to curbs, sidewalks, a d oulevards; reduced ikelihood of potential accidents on private property ; reductio i possible liabilit . problems for City; and improved public safety for pedestrians n idewalks. ' MSADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Other nearby neighborhoods may have to bs rb additiona•1 on-s reet parking demand; more enforcement would be needed to pre en /deter yard parkin on required front yards of residential properties. DI8ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: Continued conflict between portions of dm'nistrative Code; c ntinued po�ential high liability problems for city related to ar parking practices continued reduction in public safety for .residents and ped tr'ans in Como neighb rhood. TOTAL MAOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REYENUE BUDOET (qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDMW SOURCE ACTIVITY NtlMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(IXPWI� v , _� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: .-�are preferred routings for the�ve most frequent rypes of dxumenta: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESOI.UTION (Amend, Bdgts./ bud�t exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepartmeM Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budgat Director 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Ateiatant 5. Finance�Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Aocountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. Department Director 3. MayodAasi�ant 4. Budget Director 4. City Coundl 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Ffn 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRAT�VE ORDERS (all others) 1. IniUating Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Gty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PACiES Indicate the#of pages on whlch signatures are required and papercljp each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologf- cal order or order of impoRence,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete se�tences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issne in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)�rour project/request supports by liedng the key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are epecific wa in which the City of SsiM Paul and its cftizens will beneflt from this pro�icUactfon. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past procesaes might thia projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)T To Whom7 When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate7 Loss of revenue7 FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in generai you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ' �-��-�a�� , . . _ , .._. . _ � � �_ . ,. .. .„ ,i�E o po �tc�t�q�.,- ,+..:�, _ � . �f�� : . Notice is hereby given that a ub2 hesring��will be-heId be the�ty-. Cuuncil on the 29th daq of June,1 :�A.A�..in the S�int paul #t�Co�ci1�� ; Chambers,City, a o �e, coasider�iro�sosed airien' ea�s fb�=: Saitrt PatrlZ�nirig'Or�`iria��e,Seet n� �81fd @2 vf the�$aint Pau I�I�I�i#� • ' Code as they x�etate tv�:Zt�ni�g` u�� .o�a anel�=�ermitting-fair -�e�t�v�t1�; parkf3:g on4rPSidential`p�roperties:> s d time�t��plaee, the `2>�►��be�Ti';•� all persons relative to this proposa • ., � �, Dated June 13, 1989. � ALBERT B. OLSON,City Clerk • Y �J �e � 1989) ,_ . � � I � ��io� ����� � . � � � � ■ � � � Pa ing Stu � 1 L � � � 0 ACRE STUDY � MAY 1989 � � � P nning Division , DEPARTMENT 0 P NN1NG & ECONOMIC EVELOPMENT � � ��-���� I i���7 � D D D � D D 1 FAIR AND FES IV L PARKING STUDY � Major Findin�s � Yard parking has occurred for many ye rs as a result of e extremely high � demand for off-street parking by S at Fair attendees. D icits of nearly 21,000 and nearly 11,000 off-stree p rking spaces in th area east of the Fair on the weekend and during the we k, respectively, h e placed demands on � nearby residents to provide yard p rk ng services. ' Traffic congestion combined with ar parking practices reate potentially hazardous public safety problems nd raise questions of otential liability � issues for the city and for resid nt . A disproportionate nwnber of traf ic related and other cidents occur in this area during the Fair. High pedest ia traffic at the Fa and high traffic � volumes provide increased opport it es for traffic vio ations, auto theft, and other criminal incidents. � The Como Community is fairly eve ly ivided on the iss with many residents wishing to prohibit the practice an many residents wi ing to continue it. � Recommendations � Planning Division staff and the 1 ning Commission de eloped six alternatives (discussed on pages 12-16 of th r ort) to deal with he situation. The Planning Commission unanimously re ommended Alternati Five described below � (and discussed more fully on pa es 16-18) . Staff supp ts this alternative. Alte native Five - No Front wn Pa kin • No Drivin n Sidewalks � This alternative would allow th p actice of yard par ing for fairs or festivals to continue in a red ed fashion. This appr ach restricts the practice of yard parking only r ar yards and to si e yards with access � granted through front yard leg 1 rbcuts and drivew s or from alleys to rear yards. In addition, it was rec mm ded that yard par ng along Snelling Avenue be prohibited, except in rear ar s with alley acces for public safety � reasons. The recommended changes to cha te s of the Saint Pau Legislative Code for this recommended alternative a e ndicated on page 1 of the report. �� � r DIVISION OF PLANNING•DEPARTMENT OF PL NNING AND ECONOMI DEVELOPMENT•CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANNEX•25 WEST FOURTH ST EE , SAINT PAUL, MINNE OTA, 55102•TEIEPHONE 612-292-1577 � � ' ������3 � � � I � FA R D FESTIVAL � ING STUDY � � � ay 1989 � � � � la ing Division � Department of P an ing and Economic D elopment � � j � . � � � ��..�o� � TABLE OF CO TENTS � I. INTRODUCTION 1 � II. FINDINGS AND RECONII�iENDATIONS 2 III. BACKGROUND I S � IV. METHODOLOGY AND STUDY AREA 5 V. RESEARCH FINDINGS 5 � A. EXTENT OF YARD PARKING P CT CES 5 � B. SUPPLY OF AND DEMAND FOR ING SPACES 7 C. IMPACTS OF YARD PARKING F R PECIAL EVENTS 9 � 1. TRAFFIC PROBLEMS 9 2. REPORTED CRIME INC E S 10 � 3. ECONOMIC IMPACTS 11 � 4. NOISE, NUISANCE, D OCIAL 12 VI. ALTERNATIVE REGULATORY APPR AC ES 12 � A. ACCEPT STATUS QUO - ELI N E CODE CONFLICTS 13 B. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT B P ITION � 13 � C. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT B P TITION, PLUS REGU IONS 13 D. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT B Z NING; REGULATIONS; ITE PLANS � AND PERMITS 14 E. NO FRONT LAWN PARKING; 0 RIVING ON SIDEWALK 15 � F. NO YARD PARKING EXCEPT N ; ENFORCE EXISTING ODES 15 VII. RECOMMENDATION 16 � A. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO HA TER 60. ZONING COD 17 � B. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO HA TER 62. ZONING COD - GENERAL PROVISIONS 17 C. PROPO.SED REVISIONS TO TER 157. GENERAL P ING � . RESTRICTIONS 17 � VIII. IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFOR EM NT 18 A. NOTIFICATION OF RESID NT IN AFFECTED AREA 18 � 1 ��-'�.� B. ENFORCEMENT I 18 � APPENDIX A - ALTERNATIVE ONE• P 0 , R OS D REVISIONS 19 i APPENDIX B - ALTERNATIVE TWO; PRO OS D REVISIONS 21 i APPENDIX C - ALTERNATIVE THREE; P OP SED REVISIONS 24 � APPENDIX D - ALTERNATIVE FOUR; PR PO ED REVISIONS 28 � APPENDIX E - ALTERNATIVE SIX; PRO OS D REVISIONS 37 APPENDIX F - PLANNING CO1�II�fISSION ES LUTION 38 � CREDITS 39 � � � � � � � � � � � � � l,�" �����3 � � � � � FAIR AND FESTIVAL P I G FORTY ACRE STUDY � I. INTRO C ON �. Vehicular parking in the front, sid , nd rear yards of r idential property as well as on commercial and indust ia property in the C o Community has occurred over several years. These ar parking practices in this area have � happened largely in response to the ra idly growing atten ance at the Minnesota State Fair. Much of the p nation for this ph nomenon is related to the extremely high demand for o f- reet parking in a area with an � insufficient supply of off-street s ell as on-street p king spaces. Although the practice of yard park ng is in violation of rovisions of the current Zoning Code as well as oth r rdinances, the Cit of Saint Paul has � not required that these ordinances be strictly enforced. st year the Department of Public Works issued n dministrative orde which essentially legalized this practice during th St te Fair period in erms of the provisions of the Parking Code bu d not address the p rking regulations of � the Zoning Code. Part of the reason for the incons st nt enforcement of rking regulations relating to the practice of yard ar ing is that no ord ance specifically � refers to it. In addition existin o dinances have over apping regulations that are confusing to enforcemen of icials. Based on p st practices of the � City in terms of inconsistent or o xistent enforceme of city ordinances, it makes sense to study this iss e t only in the con xt of fairs and festivals in general. � This study examines this issue 1 rg ly in the context how this phenomena affects the Como Community since th parking practices hich occur in this area during the State Fair esse ia ly prompted the ne d for this study. Even � though this study focuses on ya p rking relating to he State Fair, it is clear that other fairs and fest' a may also require imilar treatments. One purpose of this study is to mea ur the extent and na re of the yard parking phenomena as it may occur tempo ar ly in a residentia area which is affected by an excessively high demand f r ff-street parking nerated by a such an event. In addition this study w 11 determine whether ch practices, which might occur in response to othe f stivals, should be egalized and if so, how they should be .regulated. If le al zed and regulated, one intent is to � . narrowly define fair or festiv rking to limit the occurrence of yard parking practices within the c ty. � � 1 • � � II. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Findines � 1. The attendance at the State Fair has grown remarkably over many years � and is expected to continue at its current high level or increase. It is the only multi-day festival with an average daily attendance of over 100,000 people. 2. During the Fair, yard parking operators in residential zones provided � between 2,100 parking spaces on weekdays and 4,200 spaces on weekends. 3. The typical yard parking operator grosses between $1,500 and $1,900 if � they operate for the entire fair. 4. The practice of yard parking in the Como Community has occurred for many � years with little or no enforcement of city ordinances prohibiting this activity. 5. There is a deficit of about 20,700 off-street parking spaces on the '� weekend and about 10,600 off-street parking spaces during the week in the study area during the Fair. The demand for such spaces exceeds the supply by 978 on the weekend and by 72$ during the week. � 6. Traffic volumes during the Fair on residential streets in the study area were at least twice as high as the levels on these streets after the � Fair. Traffic congestion combined with yard parking practices create potentially hazardous public safety problems. 7. A disproportionate nwnber of traffic-related and other incidents occur � in the study area during the Fair. High pedestrian traffic at the Fair and high traffic volumes provide increased oppportunities for traffic violations, auto theft, and other criminal incidents. ,� 8. Increasing traffic congestion and off-street parking needs will continue with growing attendance at the State Fair. � 9. Noise and nuisance problems occur in the study area as a result of Fair attendees passing through the neighborhood and moving their vehicles from yard parking lots. � 10. The Fair and yard parking may have a detrimental effect on home sales prices and home appreciation rates. � 11. Any decision that the City of Saint Paul makes about regulating or not regulating this practice will please some residents and displease � others. 12. The practice of yard parking in the Como Community will probably continue unless there is vigorous and ongoing enforcement of regulations � which prohibit the practice. � 2 � � �G�_�°�3 Six Basic Alternatives � 1. ACCEPT STATUS QUO; ELIMINA DE CONFLICTS � The city could allow the p ac ice of yard parkin for fairs or festivals to continue with mi imal revision of a licable regulations. This means maintaining the st tus quo by elimina ng conflicts in the Legislative Code which pro ib t this practice. R ulting effects could � include: - Continuing and flouri hi g yard parking; sa sfied yard parking � operators; angry opp ne ts of the practice - Increased likelihood f serious accident ttributable to yard parking. - Continued city potent al exposure to lawsui from such an � incident. - No additional costs c'ty for enforcement � 2. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT BY ET ION The city could allow the ra tice of yard parki for fairs or � festivals to continue wit a few revisions to a licable regulations. In addition to the change i regulations that e indicated in alternative 1, this appro ch would require prop ty owners to submit a consent petition with sig at res of 708 of the ers on that block � to the Department of Publ c orks. Resulting ef cts could include: - Continuing but sligh ly diminished extent f yard parking; � irritated yard parki g perators; angry op onents of the practice. - Moderately high lik li od of a serious ac ident attributable to yard parking. � - Continued but sligh ly diminished exposur to lawsuit from such an incident. - Little additional c st to city for enfor ment. � 3. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT BY PE ITION, PLUS REGULA ONS � The city could allow the pr ctice of yard park g for fairs or festivals to continue wi h everal revisions t applicable regulations. This approa h ould incorporate t e changes previously referred to in alternati e and would also sp cify several � regulations to provide le of operation for ard parking entrepreneurs. Resultin e ects could include: � - Continuing but dim" i ed extent of yard arking; irritated yard parking operators; ir itated opponents o the practice. - Moderate likelihoo o a serious acciden attributable to yard � parking. - Continued but dimi is ed exposure to law it from such an incident. - Some additional co ts to the city for en rcement. � 4. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT B Z NING; REGULATIONS; ITE PLANS AND PERMITS The city could allow th p actice of yard .par ing for fairs or �� festivals to continue 'th many revisions to pplicable regulations. � 3 � This approach would identify a fair or festival overlay parking district, would require applicants to notify neighbors of their intent � to park vehicles in yards for fairs or festivals, would require applicants to obtain an approval for a site plan, and would require applicants to obtain a parking permit for running a parking operation � on their property. Resulting effects could include: � Continued yard parking but at reduced levels initially. � - Parking operators initially irritated. This option would anger opponents initially; eventually they would understand that having enforceable regulations for this activity is preferable to having no or unenforceable regulations. - Decreased likelihood of serious accident attributable to yard - parking; City has limited potential exposure to lawsuit from such � an incident. City has increased costs for enforcement and for processing applications. - Other nearby residential areas may have to absorb additional � on-street parking as a result of high parking demand of Fair. 5. NO FRONT LAWN PARKING; NO DRIVING ON SIDEWALKS � The city could allow the practice of yard parking for fair or festivals to continue in a reduced fashion through the legalization of this practice onl_y in required side yards with access granted through � front yard legal curbcuts or through access from rear yards to address the concerns of residents. Resulting effects could include: - Continued yard parking but at reduced levels initially, j - This option would anger parking operators who have parked autos in their front yards for many years. � - This option would irritate opponents initially; eventually they would understand that having regulations for this activity and reducing its impact on front yards is preferable to having no or unenforceable regulations. � - Decreased likelihood of serious accident attributable to yard parking; city has limited potential exposure to lawsuit from such an incident. � - City has increased costs for enforcement. 6. NO YARD PARKING EXCEPTIONS; ENFORCE EXISTING CODES The city could ban the practice of yard parking by clarifying and � strengthening the existing ordinances. Resulting effects could include: � - Potential lawsuit by previous yard parking operator(s) . = Yard parking practices would continue and defy city regulations. � - Angry previous yard parking operators. Opponents of practice would support a ban but would complain about lack of enforcement. - Otfier nearby residential areas may have to absorb additional � . on-street parking as a result of high parking demand of Fair. - Additional costs to city for enforcement of the ban. ,� 4 � � �����3 Recommendation � The Planning Commission's pr li inary recommendati n is to pursue alternative five. Modificati ns to three portions f the Legislative Code would define fair and st val parking, would reduce the required � side yard setback standards or fair and festival arking with access granted through front yard eg curbcuts or thro h rear yards in residential areas on paved ur aces, and would al w parking of vehicles � on lawns or grass plots. � III. BA KG OUND On August 4, 1988, the City Counc 1 assed resolution 8 -1044 requesting the � Planning Commission to initiate a fo ty acre study to e amine the possibility of amending the zoning ordinance nd other ordinances s as to permit the short-term parking of motor vehic es on required yards nd to permit the � conduct of a short-term parking si ess on residential y zoned property. IV. METHODO OG AND STUDY AREA � In order to gather information a ou the impacts of ya parking on the local � neighborhood, a public hearing o t is topic was held November 16, 1988. At this hearing several people shar d heir views regardi public safety issues, economic issues, noise and nuisa ce issues, and genera social concerns. Many � of these concerns are discussed n he section on impa ts of yard parking. Additional research included det rm ning which areas o the city were affected by the yard parking phenomena fo a particular event, nd collecting a variety of information to attempt to de 'ne te the impacts of ard parking on the � neighborhood that was identifie . The only neighborhood that was de tified as having y d parking operators � according to testimony at the p bl c hearing was the rtion of the Como Community directly east of the ta e Fair property. s area was monitored by Public Works staff during the F ir to count both the ber of operators and the number of off-street parkin s aces that were pro ded by these parking � operators. Other festivals/exhi it ons also were iden 'fied and examined by staff in terms of attendance n be s and parking prac ces. These other events apparently had no documented ya d arking occurring i response to high � off-street parking demand. The oc s of the study thu became the yard parking in the Como area during the Sta e sir. Map 1 indicat s the study area for this forty acre study. � V. RE H FINDINGS � A. EXTENT OF YARD PARKING P C ICES � The phenomena of yard parking as existed in the Com Community for many years as it relates to providing add ti nal parking for St e Fair attendees. During the 1988 Minnesota State Fair, th Traffic Division the Public Works Department monitored parking o er tions both on the blic right-of-way and on � private property in the reside ti 1 areas shown on M p 1. The results of this � 5 � STUDY AREA � N � > > Q � Q � c z, c � � o c a�i c .� � c � o � � .� o � o E c� o � � (A Q Q c� � 2 Q � = 2 U Hoyt Ave. :::,�::�`:;:<';: � �::>:�::�::�: Nebraska � �'``�'���'.' >::::>::::::::HuE�'srt>:>::::>:'::: � »::�`::;: .:.'.:e:;::;::::: ..Y::::. ':;�lOtii::�4rps;:::;:::: <::::<::::::><���;::';';::: � Arlington Ave. ````"```'`` "`'````"`'"` , � � Fa'r � or�° State nds Fair PI. '< � ark � Grou Frank P Son a d eis�� � Midway Pkwy. �...,..�. :���,,,�..-.. - -.... .............., .:....... ._., - � Canfield Almond ( ° Albany c � � Como Ave. - � . � Breda � � Wynne � U . . � MILES � 1/4 1/2 � � MAP1 � 6 � ����°y3 � field work indicate that 462 or o t 36$ of the 1282 sidential properties in this study area participated s arking "entreprene s" at some time during the Fair, with the overall parti ip tion rate ranging tween 25$ during the week to 33$ on the weekend. Gene al y, a majority of t properties within a � quarter mile east of the State F ir rounds participate in this activity during the last State Fair as in ic ted on Map 2. � These parking "entrepreneurs" pr vi ed between 4,226 a d 2,133 parking spaces on private residentially zoned op rty on the weekend and during the week respectively, during this fair. maximum number of ounted off-street � parking spaces on private prope ty sed at some time ring the 1988 State Fair was 4,355 spaces. In addit on most of the on-st et parking spaces were occupied by the vehicles of tho e ttending the Fair. e counts of these on-street parked vehicles in th s udy area ranged be een 2,482 to 2,561 with � the maximum number of on-street sp ces used at some t e during the State Fair as 2,658 spaces. � B. SUPPLY OF AND DEMAND FOR ING SPACES � The State Fair generates a lar e mand for off-stree parking which cannot be readily supplied by available ar ing lots in the ar nor by satellite � parking lots provided by the S at Fair Board. This rge off-street parking deficit creates the extensive ra fic congestion sur unding the Fair and prompts some property owners t p ovide yard parking o meet this demand. � The table shown below illustra es this situation. Su 1 of and D ma d for Parkin S ac s � At and Ne r he State Fair Supply of Parking Spaces Weekends Weekdavs � State Fairgrounds 14,500 14,500 Nine Satellite Parking Lots 5,950 Six Parking Lots in Study A ea 350 350 Commercial Property Parking 600 - � Total Supply 21,400 14,850 Yard Parking in Study Ar a 4,226 2,133 � Net Supply 25,626 16,983 Demand for Parking Spaces � Average Daily Attendance 178,40 113,450 Arriving by Bus, Other 10,05 11,571 � Arriving by Auto, Truck, Va 168,35 101,879 Assume Average Vehic e Occupancy of 4.0 Number of Vehicles Needed 42,08 25,470 � Parking Space Deficit (20,68 ) (10,620) (Supply - Demand) � Deficit as Percent of Tot 1 upply 96. 71.58 Deficit With Net Supply (16,4 ) (8,487) � Deficit as Percent of Net Su ply 64. 50.0$ � 7 - • � • - • • � ' • ' � , � . . � ' �� ,� �.0.� �,�� . . � . . . . . . . � . : . . . , . . . . ::: ........ ;::::::: ......., ::�� ......., �:::�:� :�: �....... ......., ::::: : ,....... 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(It has been re rted that some of thses satellite parking lots will ot be available for w kend parking for the � next Fair. ) Six other parking lots in the study area pro iding 350 parking spaces were also identified by Pub ic Works staff. In addition, it is estimated that oc 1 businesses withi a half mile just ' south of the Fairgrounds provide t l ast 500 additional off-street parking spaces for fairgoers on weekends. Fi lly, it is estimat d that local businesses along Como Avenue prov'de another 100 off-st et parking spaces for � fairgoers on weekends. Therefore, it is estimated that e available supply of off-street parking spaces for the St te Fair ranges bet en 14,850 during the week and 21,400 on the weekends e cl ding the amount pr ided by the parking "entrepreneurs" . If the off-stree p rking spaces provi d by these parking � "entrepreneurs" is also counted, he overall supply of f-street parking spaces for State Fair attendees r ng s between about 17 000 during the week to about 25,600 during the weekend. � The average daily attendance dur' g eekdays at the 198 State Fair was about 113,450 as compared to the avera e aily attendance du ng weekends of about � 178,400. Since the proportion of th average daily att dance arriving by bus or a means other than by auto is es imated at about 10 on weekdays and 5.6� on weekends, the number of peopl a riving by autos is stimated at 101,879 on weekdays and 168,350 on weekends I an average vehicl occupancy of 4.0 � persons per auto on weekdays is ss ed, there is an e imated 25,470 autos bringing attendees to the State ai during the week. ikewise, if an average vehicle occupancy of 4.0 persons pe auto is assumed, ere is an estimated � 42,088 autos bringing attendees o he State Fair on w ekends. These figures translate into a ef' it of about 10,620 vehicles during the week and a deficit of about 20, 88 ehicles on the we end. Even the provision � of parking spaces on residentia ly zoned property by rd parking participants does not meet the demand for pa ki g spaces generated y the State Fair, especially on weekends. It is e ti ated that during t week the demand for � off-street parking spaces excee s he supply by 71.5$ nd that on the weekend the demand for off-street parki g paces exceeds the pply by 96.2$. The use of the off-street spaces provid d y parking entrepre urs reduces these � percentages to 50$ and 64� resp ct vely. C. IMPACTS OF YARD PARKING R PECIAL EVENTS � The following information was t ined from the publi hearing and from additional research into these is es. � 1. TRAFFIC PROBLEMS The Traffic Division staff of he Public Works Depar ent determined that there was a substantial differ nc in traffic volume along many streets in � the Como Community during the ta e Fair as compared to usual traffic levels. The following table indicates he e traffic levels a d the differences for eight locations in this area. � � 9 � State Fair Traffic Volumes Location During Fair After Fair Difference � Hoyt east of Asbury 4,031 1,300 2,731 � Arona north of Midway Pkwy 4,443 624 3,819 Arona south of Midway Pkwy 3,992 971 3,021 Midway Pkwy east of Arona 7,224 1,975 5,249 Pascal south of Arlington 2,793 1,267 1,526 � Pascal south of Midway Pkwy 3,529 1,450 2,079 Como west of Arona 16,502 6,883 9,619 Hamline north of Arlington 16,407 7,950 8,457 � Many of these locations are in areas with high participation rates of yard parking which tends to exacerbate traffic flow problems as well as-increase � the number of potential accidents for pedestrians and motorists. For example, data from the Saint Paul Police Department indicates that over one fifth of all traffic accidents that were reported during the last ten years for the area shown on Map 1 actually occurred during the State Fair period. This level � is nearly three times the amount that could be expected if all accidents were evenly apportioned over the Police Department's 13 annual reporting periods. In addition, 64.18 of all traffic violations that were reported during the � last decade for this area actually occurred during the State Fair period. Some of these traffic accidents may be attributable to the unusual maneuvering of vehicles as they are driven, usually by their owners, over curbs, � sidewalks, and on to front and/or side yards of residential properties in this area. Some of these traffic accidents may also be due to the backing of vehicles on public right-of-way in order to adequately maneuver vehicles to � and from these private properties. These arrival and departure maneuvers to and from residential "parking lots" are particularly hazardous during the evening hours when visibility of oncoming pedestrian and vehicular traffic is ' reduced. These situations have proven to be particularly dangerous along the � eastern side of Snelling Avenue according to Police reports. It is the recommendation of both the Public Works Department and of the Police Department that the practice of yard parking along Snelling Avenue be � prohibited for public safety reasons. Staff attempted to examine a 108 sample of the traffic accidents and � violations that occurred in the study area during the Fair to ascertain whether they were related to the practice of yard parking. Unfortunately only twenty-five such reported incidents had written reports relating to the incident. Three of the 25 reports that were examined or 12$ of these incidents � were related directly to the practice of yard parking. Two of these related to vehicles parked on a boulevard and one was a complaint about a vehicle which had been parked without authorization on the complainant's property. � The increased congestion in this area during the State Fair due to the high numbers of vehicles seeking parking spaces may also slow down the response times of emergency vehicles seeking to provide emergency services to area � residents or visitors. 2. REPORTED CRIME INCIDENTS � Many parti�ipants of the November 16, 1989 public hearing on fair and festival parking were adamant about their perception that there are no traffic accidents or other types of disturbances in the neighborhood related to the � 10 � � ��`/0�3 phenomena of yard parking during e tate Fair. However information obtained � from the Saint Paul Police Depart n indicates that mor than one-fifth of all incidents that were reported o e Police during t last ten years in the study area shown on Map 1 act al occurred during e State Fair � reporting period. The following t bl indicates the num r of reported incidents by type during this per od for the study area. Number of Reported In id nts by Type, 1979- 88 � Tvve State Fair Perio Annual Total Per nt of Annual Total � Assaults 51 481 10.6$ Burglary 89 960 9.3$ Larceny 347 1,744 19.9$ Auto Theft 146 334 43.7$ � Vandalism 119 648 18.4� Traffic Accidents 368 1938 19.0$ Traffic Violations 1,587 2,474 64.1$ � Total Incidents 4,010 18,702 21.4� Since there are 13 reporting per' ds used by the Police Department, the State � Fair reporting period covers onl 7. 8 of the year but ccounts for much higher proportions of these repo te incidents. Althou all of these reported incidents cannot be directly lin ed to the practice of ard parking, it is clear that increased opportuniti s xist during the St e Fair for crimes � against property, particularly a to theft, and for var us traffic violations. 3. ECONOMIC IMPACTS � Testimony at the public hearing nd cated that the pra ice of yard parking of vehicles for the State fair prov de an economic boost o parking entrepreneurs and to the local b si esses as the money arned by this practice � is circulated through the local co omy. It was also i icated that by allowing this practice to contin e, the city "encourag s entrepreneurial enterprises." , Participants in the yard parkin pr ctice stated at th public hearing that they average between eight and n ollars per parked ehicle and that the � turnover of autos is about twic p day. Based on thi information and the data collected by the Traffic D i ion staff of Public Works during the last State Fair, the typical or aver ge arking entreprene grosses between $1,500 and $1,900 if they operate for he full 12 days and c rge either $8.00 or � $10.00 per vehicle parked. Further economic impacts show t at a large scale fest" al or exhibition, such � as the State Fair, and the prac ic of yard parking, y have a detrimental effect on home sales. According to Multiple Listing S ices data the average annual home appreciation rate b tw en 1984 and 1987 f homes in the study area of nearly 1� was less than th average annual ho appreciation rate for � houses in the eastern portion o t e Como Community o 2.75�. Between 1974 and 1978, the aver ge annual sales price of single family homes 1 in the Como Community exceeded he citywide average. etween 1979 and 1982, these values fluctuated with ne'th r predominating ov r this period. However, since 1982, the average annual al s price of single amily homes in the Como � Community has fallen slightly lo the citywide aver ge. These values have � 11 � remained below city averages for the study area since 1984 when MLS first � devised subdistricts for the monitoring of home sales trends. Average Annual Sales Prices of Single Family Homes � Year City Avera�e Como Communitv Study Area 1982 $76,321 $76,419 NA � 1983 $76,608 $71,132 NA 1984 $74,382 $70,361 $67,960 1985 $70,592 $68,544 $67,248 � 1986 $72,818 $70,755 $70,360 1987 $72,180 $69,718 $69,995 Although it is difficult to directly link these home appreciation and home � sales trends to the phenomena of yard parking, it is interesting to note that these trends roughly coincide with rather remarkable increases in the attendance levels at the State Fair. However, conversations with area realtors � show that the study area has a relatively strong demand for homes. While most realtors mentioned the yard parking practice during the State Fair as a problem, they did not believe that it had any ma�or impact on sales rates or � sales prices. 4. NOISE, NUISANCE, AND SOCIAL IMPACTS Testimony at the public hearing indicated that the noise levels in the study ' area have increased over the past few years as a result of State Fair activities. Much of the noise is attributed to fireworks, and to the drinking � behavior of fairgoers as they leave the fairgrounds and go back to their vehicles. A few people at the hearing stated that it was inappropriate to have additional traffic and noise in the neighborhood from yard parking over and above what already exists from State Fair activities. Several individuals � indicated that noise and nuisance problems are difficult for city officials to address since regulation and enforcement of these phenomena are inconsistent. Several residents who have participated in yard parking stated that there are � beneficial social aspects to this practice. First, area residents tend to closely watch their properties and yards during the State Fair, assuming they are home. Second, State Fair visitors prefer. to park in neighborhoods than at � the Fair parking sites due to the entrepreneurial hospitality of yard parking participants. Finally, neighborhood residents tend to have more social interaction with each other during the State Fair than at other times during � the year. IV. ALTERNATIVE REGULATORY APPROACHES � There are six basic alternatives, with many variations of these, which the � city could follow in addressing the regulation of yard parking for fairs and festivals. Each alternative is briefly described below with its changes to existing ordinances and with its advantages and disadvantages mentioned. More � lengthy and specific changes to the ordinances mentioned are found in the appendices to this report. � 12 � I ����'°�3 A. ACCEPT STATUS QUO - ELIMINATE CO E CONFLICTS � The first alternative is essentially to maintain the statu quo by eliminating the conflicts in the city ordinances wh ch prevent the pra tice of yard � parking. Changes to the legislative o would include: de ining fair and festival parking in Section 60.206. . , odifying setback s andards in Section 62.104(11) . Setback. , slightly revi in Section 157.04. (4) Miscellaneous Parking Restrictions to allow parki g n lawns or grass p ts, and revising � Chapter 417 Parking Lots to allow f ir and festival parki to occur on private property without regulation du ing the Fair. � This alternative would probably ha t e following effect : .Yard parking would not only cont'nu but flourish as m e and more property owners east of the State Fair c os to become parking ntrepreneurs. � .Little or no regulation would sa is y the yard parking articipants who take a laissez faire attitude a ou such entrepreneur 1 activities. .Allowing such a practice to cont nu without sufficien regulation would � anger a number of area resident w o have legitimate oncerns about pedestrian safety, crime, and te tial effects on ho e resale values. .The likelihood of a serious acc'de attributable to t e practice of yard � parking would increase. The li el ood of the city b ng sued as a result of such an accident would incr as . .No additional costs to the city fo enforcement. � B. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT BY P TI ION The second alternative would als al ow yard parking to continue using the � same changes to the Legislative od mentioned above as well as requiring property owners to submit a cons nt etition with sign ures of 70$ of the owners on that block to the Depa tm nt of Public Works. This latter item would be located in a new Chapte 1 9 of the Legislati Code. This new � chapter would also require at le st a 708 agreement le 1 among property owners to be maintained in order to allow yard parking o occur on any given block. If the agreement level dr pp d below 70$, yard arking would not be � allowed. In addition, a copy of he e requirements wou d be distributed to all property owners on each block w er yard parking has b en permitted through this petition process so that o e s could police the elves. � This alternative would probably ha e the following ef cts: .Yard parking would continue b t t a slightly dimin shed level. � .The petition requirements wo d rritate yard parki g participants. .Allowing the practice to con in without much regu ation would anger opponents of the practice wh h e legitimate conce ns about pedestrian � safety, crime, and potential ef ects on home resal values. .The likelihood of a serious cc dent occurring whi could be attributable to yard parking would be mod ra ely high but sligh y lower than in the first alternative. � .The likelihood of the city b in sued would only b slightly reduced. .Some additional costs to the ci y for enforcement; the petition approach is anticipated to be largel s f-policing. iC. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT Y ETITION, PLUS REGU TIONS � The third alternative would a so allow yard parking o continue using the changes to the Legislative Co e entioned in both a ernative one and in , 13 � alternative two and would add several regulations. These regulations would specify rules of operation for yard parking operators. These rules would be � delineated in a new Chapter 169 of the Legislative Code. The rules would prohibit parking over the sidewalk or on the boulevard or within two feet of the side lot line, require ushering of vehicles by the parking operator, � prohibit standing in the public right-of-way to attract customers to the parking operation, require closing the operation by midnight, and require the posting of the parking fee on the operator's property. Here again, a copy of � these requirements would be distributed to all property owners on each block where yard parking has been permitted through this petition process so that owners could police themselves. This alternative would probably have the following effects: � .Yard parking would continue but on a reduced level; the requirements would � probably deter many previous yard parking entrepreneurs. .The petition requirements and the regulations would anger yard parking operators. .Allowing the practice of yard parking to continue with some level of � regulation would irritate the opponents of the practice initially. .The likelihood of a serious accident occurring which could be attributable to the practice of yard parking would be slightly lower than for alternative � two and considerably lower than for alternative one. .The likelihood of the city being sued for such an occurance would be lower than for alternative two and considerably lower than for alternative one. .Some additional costs to the city for enforcement; the petition approach � with regulations is anticipated to be largely self-policing. D. FAIR PARKING DISTRICT BY ZONING; REGULATIONS; SITE PLANS AND PERMITS � The fourth alternative would also allow yard parking to continue but would have several more regulatory steps for the yard parking operator to meet. � This alternative is the most regulatory of these alternatives because it has many different requirements for the parking operator to satisfy prior actually operating. Changes to the Legislative Code would include: defining fair and festival parking in Section 60.206.F. , establishing a fair and festival � vehicular parking overlay district in a new Section 60.800, developing new site plan regulations in Section 62.120 to require the submittal of a site plan for each yard parking operator within the new overlay district, slightly � revising Section 157.04(4) Miscellaneous Parking Restrictions to allow parking on lawns or grass plots, slightly revising Section 157.15(2) , (4) , and (5) Parking or Stopping on Public Way to connect responsibilities for potential damage to sidewalk, curb, gutter, or boulevard to the parking operator, and � establishing a new Chapter 379 requiring the yard operators to obtain a permit from the Licensing Division in order to operate. An applicant would be required to submit an approved site plan of the proposed � parking operation to obtain a permit. Additional regulations would require the posting of the permit to enable passing police to check on the number of � vehicles allowed to be parked by the yard parking operator. This alternative would probably cost each applicant at least $100 for required fees. This alternative would probably have the following effects: � .Yard parking would continue but at a significantly reduced level initially. .The amount of regulation that parking operators taould be required to � experience would anger them but generally placate many opponents of the � 14 � ��y--�d�3 practice. '� .Opponents of the practice of yard p ki g would eventually understand that having enforceable regulations for is activity is prefer ble to having no unenforceable regulations. � .The likelihood of a serious acciden o curing which is at ibutable to yard parking would be lower than for any of the preceeding alt natives. .The likelihood of the city being su d or such an occuran would be lower � than for any of the preceeding alte na ives. .The city has increased costs for pr ce sing a large numbe of site plans and permit applications as well as for nf rcing these regula ions with the Police Department. � .With the slight reduction in the n b of parking operat rs, other nearby residential areas may have to abso ditional off-stree parking as a result of the high off-street park ng demand of the Fair. ( E. NO FRONT LAWN PARKING; NO DR VI G ON SIDEWALKS The fifth alternative would allow th p actice of yard par ing to continue for � fairs or festivals but in a reduced as ion in order to re ce the negative impacts of this practice on the surr un ing neighborhood. ith this option the city would allow yard parking in re rds and in require side yards with � access to side yards granted throug f nt yard legal curb uts or through access from rear yards. This approa h ould prohibit yard arking in the front yards of property owners near the F ir It would also red e the potential � damage that yard parking can cause o idewalks, curbs, g ters, and the boulevard in this area. This approa h ould also probably educe the number of vehicles parked in yards by at leas 5 �, if not more. � Changes to the Legislative Code inc u : defining fair an festival parking in Section 60.206.F, reducing the req ir side yard setback standards for fair and festival parking in Section 62.10 (11) , and slightly evising Section � 157.04 (4) General Parking Restric io s to allow parking f vehicles on lawns or grass plots. This would probably have the foll wi g effects: � .Yard parking would continue but t educed levels. .Elimination of front yard parki w uld anger laissez- aire minded parking � entrepreneurs. .Allowing rear and side yard par in to continue might rritate residents concerned about pedestrian saf ty, crime, and home r ale values. � .Getting vehicles off the sidewa ks would reduce the 1 elihood of a serious accident attributable to the p ac ice of yard parkin The likelihood of the city being sued as a resul o an accident would ecrease. . Less damage to public curbs, s de alks and boulevard . � . More enforcement would be need d o prevent yard par ing on required front yards. . Other nearby neighborhoods ma h e to absorb additi nal on-street � parking as a result of cuttin b k on yard parking. F. NO YARD PARKING EXCEPTIO S; ENFORCE EXISTING C ES , The sixth alternative would ban he practice of yard p king in front and side yards by clarifying and strength ni g the existing ord ances; yard parking � � 15 ' would still be permitted in rear yards. This approach would reduce the potential damage that yard parking can cause to sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and � boulevards. Changes to the Legislative Code include: mentioning fair and festival parking as a prohibited activity in both Section 62.104 (11) and in Section 157.04 (4) . � This would probably have the following effects: .Potential lawsuit by previous yard parking operator(s) . � .Yard parking practices would continue and defy city regulations. .Angry previous yard parking operators. .Opponents to the practice of yard parking would support a ban but would � complain about lack of enforcement. .Sharply reduced likelihood of serious accident attributable to yard parking. .City has little potential liability_resulting from such an accident. � .Other nearby residential areas may have to absorb additional on-street parking as a result of the high off street parking demand of the Fair. .City would have increased costs for enforcement of this ban, especially in the years immediately following the ban. � VII. RECOMMENDATION � Alternative five appears to address the realities of yard parking by not � banning the practice but by reducing its impact on the neighborhood. This approach restricts the practice of yard parking to the rear yards and to � paved surfaces and lawns in side yards. As a part of this approach, it is also recommended that yard parking along Snelling Avenue be prohibited, except in rear yards with alley access, for public safety reasons. This approach evolved � from public safety concerns of residents and the Police Department as well as the from the concerns of the Public Works Department regarding potential damage to boulevards, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Based on the research, there appears to be a significant public purpose for � restricting front yard parking so that vehicles don°t drive over curbs and down the sidewalks. There is a need to regulate these activities in order to � protect public safety, to reduce traffic congestion in a neighborhood during the fair, and to insure convenient access to properties in the area during such an event. Acknowledging and allowing the practice of yard parking to continue with these � restrictions provides the city with some assurance that the city and the neighborhood residents may be protected, in part, from any unfortunate � situations or from any liability issues which could arise. Any approach that allows this type of use in residential zones will require revisions to the Saint Paul Legislative Code particularly to Chapter 60 and 62 � of the Zoning Code. This following sections will identify the recommended changes to these chapters of the Legislative Code. The recommendations also will clarify the roles and responsibilities of various city agencies regarding � the enforcement of these recommended regulations. � 16 � �;��—�o� 1 A. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPT R 0. ZONING CODE � Section 60.206.F. Fair and Festi 1 arking (definitio ) � Add Fair and Festiva P kin (new section Fair and Festival P kin An of -s eet arkin o erat on on rivate residential ro ert for which a fe is char ed for th rivile e of arkin � durin a fair or festival• such ai or festival has a uration of more than a da but less than two week and ha an avera e dail tendance of at least 100.000 persons. � DISCUSSION � It is necessary to define fair a d estival parking in rder to provide the basis for which this type of par in may occur. This d inition restricts parking operators to only certai q alifying events ba d on the reference to a high average daily attendance, an by the reference o a requirement that � the duration of the event be mor t an one day. It is elieved that very few exhibitions, fairs or festivals cc rring within Saint Paul will qualify with these restrictions. The intent limit the locatio s and the events which � may use fair and festival parki g order to minimize neighborhood disruptions. B. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO C PT R 62. ZONING CODE - GENERAL PROVISIONS � Section 62.104 (11) Setback Sta da ds � Modify Setback Stan ar s Section 62.104 (11) . Setback. E ce t as otherwise pro ided in Section 60.573(3)� or Section 61.103(a) o exce t in re uire side ards in � connection with air and festiv 1 a kin off-street arking spaces shall not be within a required front or s de yard and shall be minimum of four (4) feet from any side lot line. � DISCUSSION � It is necessary to modify the et ack standards refe ing to parking in side yards during fairs and festiva s n order to allow s h parking to occur during the Fair. This slight c an e still prohibits rd parking in the front yards of residential propertie d ring fairs and fes vals. � C. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO C P ER 157. GENERAL P ING RESTRICTIONS � Section 157.04. Miscellaneous ar ing Restrictions. Revise paragraph ( ) � (4) No vehicle shall b p rked on the approa hes to any bridge, nor upon any boulevar , 1 wn or grass plot u less the are associated with fair and fes iv ark n as define in Section 60.206.F. � DISCUSSION � This revision would allow suc p rking to occur on ivate lawns or grass plots of parking entrepreneur d ring a fair or fes val. � 17 , VIII. IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT � The issue of fair and festival parking is not only complex from the standpoint � of implementing the regulations this year but also from the standpoint of enforcing them. This portion of the forty acre study attempts to address the issues relating to how these recommended regulations may be implemented prior � to the next Fair and how they may be enforced during the Fair. A. NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENTS IN AFFECTED AREA � The schedule for the review and the adoption of these proposed regulations is extremely tight and therefore requires the early notification of the residents , in the Como Community about the key dates that have already been scheduled. The first draft of this report was completed by February 10, 1989. Subsequent to this date, internal review and revision of the document occurred prior to it being sent to the Housing and Neighborhood Committee of the Planning � Commission for their review and recommended revisions. It is expected that the Planning Commission will receive this document from this committee by March 10, 1989 and will set the public hearing on this issue at that time. The � public hearing date in front of the Planning Commission has been tentatively set for April 21, 1989. In order to meet this tight time schedule (which includes meetings with the � Housing and Neighborhood Committee of the Planning Commission on 2-22, 3-1, and on 3-8) , it is recommended that a letter be sent to all district councils by early March notifying them of specific key dates relating to the review and � adoption of these regulations. In addition, a letter should be sent by the Como Park Community Council to all of the residents in the area that may be affected by fair and festival parking notifying them of the recommendations in the forty acre study, and the known dates for public review � and input including the Planning Commission public hearing date April 21, and the March 14th meeting of the Como Park Community Council. B. ENFORCEMENT � In order for this recommended approach to work it will be important for the � Saint Paul Police Department to allocate a sufficient number of police officers, reserve officers and meter monitors to enforce the laws regarding the regulation of yard parking during the 1989 Fair. This is especially true for the first few years following the adoption of these regulations. It is � anticipated that many parking operators will "test" these regulations to see whether the city is serious about enforcing them. � � � � 18 � / C� .��D�3 � APPEN IX � ALTERNAT VE ONE ACCEPT STATUS QUO; ELI IN TE CODE CONFLICTS � A. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHA TE 60 and 62. 20NING �ODE � Section 60.206.F. Fair and Festival Pa king (definition) Add Fair and estiva P rk (new section � Fair and Festival Parkin An off- tr t arkin o eratio on rivate residential ro e t or which a f e s be ed fo the rivile e of � arkin durin a fair or festival• su fair o estival as a duration of more than a da but ess t an two ee s d s an aver e dail attendance of at least 100.000 persons. � DISCUSSION It is necessary to define a fair d estival parking in order to provide the � basis for which this type of park g sy occur. This def nition restricts parking operators to only certain qu lifying events bas on the reference to a high average daily attendance, nd y the reference t a requirement that � the duration of the event be more th n one day. It is b ieved that very few exhibitions or festivals occurrin w thin Saint Paul wi qualify with these restrictions. The intent is to li it the locations and e events which may use fair and festival parking in rd r to minimize neig orhood disruptions. � Section 62.104 (11) Setback Stan r � Modify Setback � Section 62.104 (11) . Setback. Ex ep as otherwise prov ed in Section 60.573(3)� or Section 61.103(a) or exce t n. re uire side ards in connection with fair and fe t v rki off street p king spaces shall not be within a required front or si e ard and shall be a inimum of four (4) � feet from any side lot line. DISCUSSION � It is nec.essary to modify the s tb ck standards refer ng to parking in side yards during fairs and festival i order to allow su parking to occur during the Fair. This slight ch ng still prohibits y d parking in the front � yards of residential properties du ing fairs and fest als. � B. PROPOSED REVISIONS T C PTER 157. GENERAL ARKING RESTRICTIONS Section 157.04. Miscellaneous ar ing Restrictions.. vehicle shall be parked � in violation of any of the fol ow ng provisions: � 19 ' Revise paragraph (4) � (4) No vehicle shall be parked on the approaches to any bridge, nor upon any boulevard, lawn or grass plot unless they are associated , with fair and festival parking_,as defined in Section 60.206.F. DISCUSSION This revision would allow such parking to occur on private lawns or grass , plots of parking entrepreneurs during a fair or festival. C. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 417. PARKING LOTS � Section 417.02. Definition. � Revise definition Section 417.02. Definition. "Parking lot" means and includes any premises � where ten (10) or more motor vehicles are parked, stored or allowed to remain, and where the owner or person storing or parking such vehicle is charged a fee � therefor exclusive of locations where fair and festival parking occurs as defined in Section 60.206.F. DISCUSSION � This revision excludes fair and festival parking operations from the licensing requirements of the Licensing Division regardless of the number of vehicles � that a fair and festival parking operator chooses to park on private property. � � � � . � � � � 20 � � ���g✓�°�3 � AP EN IX � ALTE AT VE TWO FAIR PARKING D ST ICT BY PETITION � A. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO C P ER 60 and 62. ZONI G CODE � Section 60.206.F. Fair and Festi 1 arking (definitio ) � Add Fair and Festiva P kin (new secti n) Fair and Festival Parkin . An of -s eet a k n o era on on rivate � residential ro ert fo which a e ha bee ar ed r the rivile e of arkin durin a fair or festiva • uch fair or festiv has a duration of more than a da but less than tw w eks and h s an av a e dail attendance of at least 100.000 persons. � DISCUSSION � It is necessary to define a fair an festival parking order to provide the basis for which this type of par in may occur. This d inition restricts parking operators to only certai q alifying events ba d on the reference to a high average daily attendance, an by the reference a requirement that � the duration of the event be mor t an one day. It is elieved that very few exhibitions or festivals occurri g ithin Saint Paul w 11 qualify with these restrictions. The intent is to 1 mi the locations and the events which may � use fair and festival parking i or er to minimize nei hborhood disruptions. Section 62.104 (11) Setback Sta a s , Modify Setback � Section 62.104 (11) . Setback. E ce t as otherwise pro ded in Section 60.573(3)� or Section 61.103(a) o exce t in re uir side ards in connection with fair and festiv 1 arkin off-street rking spaces shall not be within a required front or s de yard and shall be minimum of four (4) � feet from any side lot line. DISCUSSION � It is necessary to modify the s tb ck standards refer ing to parking in side yards during fairs and festival i order to allow su parking to occur � during the Fair. This slight ch ng still prohibits y rd parking in the front yards of residential properties du ing fairs and fest vals. � B. PROPOSED REVISIONS T C PTER 157. GENERAL ARKING RESTRICTIONS � Section 157.04. Miscellaneous ar ing Restrictions. vehicle shall be parked in violation of any of the fol ow' g provisions: r21 � Revise paragraph (4) � (4) No vehicle shall be parked on the approaches to any bridge, nor upon any boulevard, lawn or grass plot unless they are associated � with fair and festival parking as defined in Section 60.206.F. DISCUSSION This revision would allow such parking to occur on private lawns or grass � plots of parking entrepreneurs during a fair or festival. ' C. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 417. PARKING LOTS Section 417.02. Definition. � Revise definition Section 417.02. Definition. "Parking lot" means and includes any premises � where ten (10) or more motor vehicles are parked, stored or allowed to remain, and where the owner or person storing or parking such vehicle is charged a fee � therefor exclusive of locations where fair and festival parking occurs as defined in Section 60.206.F. DISCUSSION � This revision excludes fair and festival parking operations from the licensing requirements of the Licensing Division regardless of the number of vehicles � that a fair and festival parking operator chooses to park on private property. D. ADD PROPOSED CHAPTER 169. FAIR AND FESTIVAL PARKING DISTRICT; � ESTABLISHMENT AND REQUIREMENTS Section 169.01. Declaration of Purpose , Add proposed Declaration of Puroose � Section 169.01. Declaration of Purnose. The council of the City of Saint Paul finds that there are residential areas within the Citv of Saint Paul which are � adiacent to or near short term but intense fair and festival uses that do not provide adeauate off-street �arking. The council further finds that persons attendine these fair and festival uses frequently,_,park their vehicles � on nearbv residential 'streets and on nearby residential vards resulting in traffic safety �roblems. potential damage to Qublic infrastructure and other serious residential vroblems. This p3rking ordinance. re�ulating the creation � of fair and festival varking blocks in desit�nated residential areas is herebX established in order to vrotect pedestrians from bodilv in,�urv and to protect real and versonal nroperty from damage by reducin� hazardous traffic conditions: to �rotect residential areas from undesireable uses on adj,oining � vronerties: and to nreserve the �eneral health. safetv welfare and integrity of those residents and residential areas. � , 22 CG��°`�`� � � DISCUSSION The declaration of purpose ident fi s the rationale fo establishing fair and festival parking districts and m nt ons the purposes t t these districts will � help to achieve. � Section 169.02. Petition Process Add proposed Petiti ocess � Section 169.02 Petition Proces . a Initiation. The desi nation of a fair and festiva arkin district shall � be initiated b a consent etit on of ro ert owners n a block filed with the director of ublic works st ti the desire of sa owners to run fair and festival arkin o erations on he block. A filin fe of ten dollars er � consentin ro ert shall acco an ever etition. b A reement Level The conse t tition shall be si ned b 70� of the owners of all residences multi-famil b ildin s churches r an other occu ied � structure located alon the r o ed block. No si na re shall be considered where multi le owners of a str ct re are not able to ree on whether or not the area should have fair and es ival arkin . An " ner ma withdraw � his er name b filin a writt n e uest with the di ctor at least 30 da s rior to the startin date of he fair and festival. e ro ert owners must be able to maintain at least a 70 a reement level s ortin fair and festival arkin on the block n rder to continue s ch arkin o erations. � If for an reason the number s' ners falls below he re uired sevent 70 ercent level within 30 da s f e startin date o the fair and festival the etition shall be deemed ef ctive and fair and estival arkin shall be � rohibited on the block in u st on c Verification Each si ner sh 11 the eo write h er name and address. One owner er residence buil in or multi-dwellin buildin shall be allowed , to si n the etition In the as of multi le owner i onl one owner ma si n on behalf of the ownersh . An name a earin on the etition not conformin to the residenc r u rement at the time of the et'tion shall not � be included. d Information Followin t e bmittal of the co ent etition each � verified si nee of the etit on will receive in th mail a co of the cit re ulations ertainin to fa r nd festival arkin � DISCUSSION This process enables parking en repreneurs to obta permission to operate fair and festival parking wi h consent petition f at least 70� of the � property owners along a blo . ese regulations r quire the maintenance of the 70$ agreement level amo g operty owners alo a block in order to allow fair and festival par in to occur. This is he same rationale used by the Public Works Department in dealing with permi parking. The thirty day � time frame allows city enfo ce ent personnel adeq te time to prepare for checking the various fair a d estival parking op ations during the event and to account for any last min te changes in blocks ere such parking is not � allowed. In addition, the P bl c Works staff will rovide to all verified signers of the petition a c py of regulations per aining to yard parking. � 23 � APPENDIX j ALTERNATIVE THREE � FAIR PARKING DISTRICT BY PETITION, PLUS REGULATIONS � A. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 60 and 62. ZONING CODE Section 60.206.F. Fair and Festival Parking (definition) , Add Fair and Festival Parkine (new section) Fair and Festival Parkin An off-street arkin o eration on � �• .p g p private residential urovertv for which a fee has been charr�ed for the privilege of parkine during a fair or festival• such fair or festival has a duration of � more than a dav but less than two weeks and has an average dailv attendance of at least 100.000 persons. DISCUSSION � It is necessary to define a fair and festival parking in order to provide the basis for which this type of parking may occur. This definition restricts � parking operators to only certain qualifying events based on the reference to a high average daily attendance, and by the reference to a requirement that the duration of the event be more than one day. It is believed that very few , exhibitions or festivals occurring within Saint Paul will qualify with these restrictions. The intent is to limit the locations and the events which may use fair and festival parking in order to minimize neighborhood disruptions. � Section 62.104 (11) Setback Standards Modify Setback � Section 62.104 (11) . Setback. Except as otherwise provided in Section � 60.573(3)1 or Section 61.103(a) , or exce�t in required side yards in connection with fair and festival parkin,K off-street parking spaces shall not be within a required front or side yard and shall be a minimum of four (4) feet from any side lot line. � DISCUSSION It is necessary to modify the setback standards referring to parking in side � yards during fairs and festivals in order to allow such parking to occur during the Fair. This slight change still prohibits yard parking in the front yards of residential properties during fairs and festivals. � B. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 157. GENERAL PARKING RESTRICTIONS � Section 157.04. Miscellaneous Parking Restrictions. No vehicle shall be parked � in violation of any of the following provisions: 24 ' ,��io�3 � � Revise paragraph (4) (4) No vehicle shall be ar ed on the approach to any bridge, nor � upon any boulevard, a or grass plot unl s the are associated with fair and festiv 1 arkin as defined ' Section 60.206.F. DISCUSSION � This revision would allow such p rk ng to occur on pri te lawns or grass plots of parking entrepreneurs d ri g a fair or festiv . � C. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO C P ER 417. PARKING LO S � Section 417.02. Definition. Revise definition � Section 417.02. Definition. "Pa i lot" means and in ludes any premises where ten (10) or more motor ve ic s are parked, stor d or allowed to remain, � and where the owner or person s or' g or parking such ehicle is charged a fee therefor exclusive of locations h e fair and festiv arkin occurs as defined in Section 60.206.F. � DISCUSSION This revision excludes fair and fe tival parking oper ions from the licensing � requirements of the Licensing D vi ion regardless of e number of vehicles that a fair and festival parkin o erator chooses to rk on private property. � D. ADD PROPOSED CHAPTER 1 9. FAIR AND FESTIVAL ING DISTRICT; ESTABLIS E T AND REQUIREMENTS ' Section 169.01. Declaration of ur ose � Add proposed Declar ti n of Pur ose Section 169.01. Declaration of u ose. The council o the Cit of Saint Paul � finds that there are residenti 1 eas within the Cit of Saint Paul which are ad'acent to or near short term u intense fair and f stival u es that do not rovide ade uate off-street a i . The council fur er finds that ersons � attendin these fair and festi al ses fre uentl a their vehicles on nearb residential streets nd on nearb resident" 1 ards resultin in traffic safet roblems oten ia dama e to ublic " frastructure and other serious residential roblems. hi arkin ordinance re ulatin the creation , of fair and festival arkin b oc s in desi nated re dential areas is hereb established in order to rotec destrians from bod in'ur and to rotect real and ersonal ro ert fro d ma e b reducin h ardous traffic ' conditions• to rotect residen ia areas from undesi able uses on ad'oinin ro erties• and to reserve th neral health safe welfare and inte rit of those residents and residen ia areas. � , 25 . � DISCUSSION The declaration of purpose identifies the rationale for establishing fair and � festival parking districts and mentions the purposes that these districts will help to achieve. � Section 169.02. Petition Process Add proposed Petition Process � Section 169.02. Petition Process. � (a) Initiation. The desi�nation of a fair and festival parking district shall be initiated by a consent petition of property owners on a block filed with the director of vublic works stating the desire of said owners to run fair and � festival varking operations on the block. A filing fee of ten dollars per consentinr� vropertv shall accompany everv petition. (b) Agreement Level. The consent petition shall be signed by 70$ of the owners � of all residences, multi-family buildings, churches, or any other occuvied structure located along�the pro�osed block. No signature shall be considered � where multiple owners of a structure are not able to a��ree on whether or not the area should have fair and festival parking. Any signer mav withdraw his/her name by filin� a written request with the director at least 30 da� prior to the startin�? date of the fair and festival. The property owners must � be able to maintain at least a 70$ agreement level supporting fair and festival parking on the block in order to continue such parking operations. If for any reason the number of signers falls below the required seventy (70) � percent level within 30 davs of the starting date of the fair and festival. the petition shall be deemed defective and fair and festival parking shall be prohibited on the block in question. � (c) Verification. Each signer shall thereon write his er name and address. One owner per residence, building� or multi-dwelling building shall be allowed to sign the petition. In the case of multiple ownership, only one owner maY � siQn on behalf of the ownership. Any name appearing on the petition not conforming to the residency requirement at the time of the petition shall not be included. � (d) Information. Following the submittal of the consent netition. each verified signee of the petition will receive in the mail a copy of the city regulations pertaining to fair and festival parking. � DISCUSSION This proc.ess enables parking entrepreneurs to obtain permission to operate � fair and festival parking with a consent petition of at least 70� of the property owners along a block. These regulations require the maintenance of the 70$ agreement level among property owners along a block in order to � allow fair and festival parking to occur. This is the same rationale used by the Public Works Department in dealing with permit parking. The thirty day time frame allows city enforcement personnel adequate time to prepare for � checking the various fair and festival parking operations during the event and to account "for any last minute changes in blocks where such parking is not allowed. In addition, the Public Works staff will provide to all verified � signers of the petition a copy of regulations pertaining to yard parking. 26 ' ����3 1 � Section 169.03. Fair and Festival Pa ki g Requirements Add proposed Fair and F ti al Parkin Re uire ents � Section 169 03 Fair and Festival P rk' Re uirements. P kin o erations in fair and festival arkin districts as determined b the tition rocess described in this cha ter shall be on ucted and maintain sub'ect to such � conditions as are hereinafter re ui ed 1 No vehicles so arked ma xt nd over the sidewa or over the ublic � boulevard or within two f et of the side lot li e of ad'oinin properties. � 2 Parkin o erators shall vi e for the usherin of vehicles in and out of their rivate ro t re ardless of the our 3 Parkin o erators shall m ke rovisions for clo n the fair and � festival arkin o eratio b 12:00 midni ht un ss the have obtained revious written e mission from the d ector of he de artment of ublic work � 4 Parkin o erators shall n t llow those solicit and arkin vehicles to stand in the ub ic ri ht-of-wa to attract attention to their or an ad'oinin ar in o eration. � 5 Parkin o erators shall os the arkin fee o each individual ro ert with a tem orar s n that has at lea three inch letterin � and is located within te f et of the ublic b levard and ma be clearl seen from the u li ri ht-of-wa . � DISCUSSION These regulations respond to conc rn expressed by city staff and citizens at the public hearing. The restricti n f prohibiting vehi les from extending � over the sidewalk will avoid the lo king of sidewalks or pedestrians walking to the fair or festival. The res i ion of prohibitin vehicles from being parked within two feet of the si e t line will limit he amount of � disruption such activity may hav o the immediate nei bors. The requirements of ushering of eh cles regardless of he hour and no soliciting of vehicles by standi g n the public right f-way were � recommendations of the Public Wo ks staff. These requi ments will make such parking operations safer for ped st ians and for the d ivers of vehicles. Closing the parking operation by mi night will limit t e amont of neighborhood � disruption attributable to the y rd parking operations during such fairs and festivals. � The requirement that the parkin o rator post the par ing fee in a clearly readable location will help to ee traffic on reside ial streets moving and help to avoid some of the backi g f vehicles on resi ntial streets that frequently occurred during the 98 State Fair. ' _ � � 27 � � APPENDIX � ALTERNATIVE FOUR OVERLAY PARKING DISTRICT, REGULATIONS, SITE PLAN APPROVAL, PERMIT � A. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 60. ZONING CODE , Section 60.206.F. Fair and Festival (definition) � Add Fair and Festival (new section) Fair anf Festival. An exhibition or festival with a duration of more than a ' dav but less than two weeks. that has an avera�e daily attendance of at least 100s000 persons, and that impacts the surrounding nei�hborhood (within 2.200 feet of the nearest exhibition or festival structure) due to generating a very � hieh varking demand which exceeds the available supply of off-street parking spaces by at least 25$. DISCUSSION � It is necessary to define a fair and festival in order to provide the basis for which fair and festival parking may occur. This definition restricts � qualifying events by the reference to a high average daily attendance, and by the reference to the demand for parking exceeding the supply of off-street parking spaces by at least 25$. It is believed that very few exhibitions or � festivals occurring within Saint Paul will qualify with these restrictions. The intent is to limit the locations and the events which may use fair and festival parking in order to minimize neighborhood disruptions. � Section 60.206.F. Fair and Festival Parking Lot Add Fair and Festival Parking Lot � Fair and Festival Parkin�, Lot. Any premises where less than ten motor vehicles are varked. stored, or allowed to remain until the end of the dav that the � vehicle's occupants attend a fair or festival and where the person who stores or varks such vehicle is char�ed a fee for such storage or parking DISCUSSION � This definition limits the size of fair and festival parking lots to less than ten vehicles per lot in order to minimize neighborhood disruptions occurring � with the movement of vehicles into and out of these lots and to allow for further restrictions dealing with distances from lot lines and setbacks. In addition, the built-in time restriction in the proposed regulations will � require the closing of fair and festival parking lots at midnight to further minimize neighborhood disruptions occurring at early morning h'ours. Parking lots are defined in Chapter 417 as having ten or more vehicles and must meet the requirements identified therein. ' Section 60.800 P-2 FAIR AND FESTIVAL VEHICULAR PARKING DISTRICT � 28 � �-��o� r Add Special Overlay Dis ri t � Section 60 801 INTENT. The P-2 Fair an Festival Vehicula Parkin Overla District is intended to ermit the st blishment of tem o r off-street � arkin o erations for dail arkin o rivate assen er ehicles as a use incidental to a rinci al use in an ar a within 2200 feet o structures used in a fair or festival. The district is desi nated to redu e con estion in the ublic streets to romote and ro ct ublic safet b r ulatin vehicles , artici atin in this activit an i ure convenient acc ss to ad'acent and artici atin ro erties durin th f ir and festival. � DISCUSSION The use of an overlay district def ne as within 2200 fe of structures used in a fair and festival restricts s ch parking practices ly to a specific , area for the duration of the fair nd festival. The spec 1 event parking district is created in addition to an not in replacemen of underlying zoning districts. Staff believes that thi a proach is more pal table and potentially , easier to enforce than using other zo ing approaches suc as a special condition use permit. However, th t chnique relies hea ily upon the permitting of fair and festival p k" g lots and on the nitial reviews of site plans of applicants. These r gu tory aspects are dressed below. � Add Establishment of ar in Overla Distri � Section 60.802 ESTABLISHMENT. A P 2 air and Festival V icular Parkin Overla District shall be establi he b the cit throu a fort acre stud or b a consent etition of a ma' ri of the ro ert ers on blocks , located within 2200 feet of struc ur s used in a fair o festival. With the creation of a fair and festival rk n P-2 district a a desi natin such district shall be develo ed and s al become an addend to the ma section of the Zoning Code. � DISCUSSION � This section provides for a mean t establish a fair d festival parking overlay district either through f rty acre study or rough a consent petition of the property owners oc ted within 2200 fe of structures used in � a fair or festival. The creation of a map delineating ch district will also occur with the establishment of he fair and festival rking overlay distict. Add Princi al Uses P rm tted � Section 60.803 PRINCIPAL USES PE I TED. Premises in s ch districts ma be used for tem orar off-street ve ic lar arkin o erat'ons on rivate ro ert � with a current ermit and such er tions shall be est blished and maintained sub'ect to such conditions as a e reinafter re uire � The a lican� shall s bm't a etition with e names tele hone � numbers and comments of the ad'oinin ro t owners and tenants if an and s te lan to the Pla in Administrator. ' � The site lan submitt 1 hall conform to re ired s ecifications and shall indicate ho rked vehicles will e ositioned on the front and side ards f he ro ert where e a licant resides and � how such vehicles wou d ain access to the ro ert . � 2g � � The number of vehicles shall be limited to nine or less on anv permitted fair and festival parking lot exclusive of vehicular � parking conducted in the rear yard of the parking operator which shall conform to existing regulations and ordinances. � No vehicles so parked may extend over the sidewalk or over the � public boulevard, or within two feet of the side lot line. � The applicant shall require the use of reflective clothing by those � soliciting and parkin� vehicles. � The applicant shall post the permit on the inside front window of the propertv with four inch lettering for the permit number and the � permitted number of vehicles so that they may be easily read from the public right-of-way. �7 , The applicant shall provide for the ushering of vehicles in and out ' of their private property regardless of the hour. � The applicant shall make provisions for closing the fair and , festival parkinp, operation bv 12:00 midnight unless the permit suecifically allows a later closing. � The apvlicant shall not allow those soliciting and parking vehicles � to stand in the public right-of-way to attract attention to the special event parking lot. ' (10) The applicant shall post the parking fee on his property with a temporarY sign that has at least three inch lettering and is located within ten feet of the public boulevard and mav be clearly seen from � the public right-of-way. DISCUSSION � These regulations respond to concerns expressed by city staff and citizens at the public hearing. The submission of a petition indicates to city staff that the applicant has attempted to communicate his plans with his neighbors in � order to obtain their feedback regarding the proposed parking operation. The submission of a site plan will clarify how the applicant intends to park vehicles on his private property and how the vehicles will access the � applicant's property. Limiting the number of vehicles to nine or less for a fair and festival � parking operation retains the License Code definition of a parking lot as ten or more vehicles on a paved lot. It appears that commercial, institutional, or industrial uses could operate a temporary parking lot, if they had the paved space for. it, instead of a fair and festival parking lot during these events. ' The restriction of prohibiting vehicles from extending over the sidewalk will avoid the blocking of sidewalks for pedestrians walking to the fair and festival. The restriction of prohibiting vehicles from being parked within two � feet of the side lot line will limit the amount of disruption such activity may have on the immediate neighbors. The requirements of reflective clothing, ushering of vehicles regardless of , the hour, and no soliciting of vehicles by standing in the public right-of-way were all recommendations of the Public Works staff, These requirements will � 30 ' i ��`��`�3. make such parking operations safer or edestrians and fo the drivers of � vehicles. Closing the parking opera io by midnight will mit the amount of neighborhood disruption attributabl t the yard parking erations during such fairs and festivals. � The requirement that the applicant os his special event arking permit in an easily readable location will en bl the Police to eas y monitor and enforce the number of vehicles perm tt d on the site as w 11 as many of � the other regulations. Posting the ar ing fee in a clear readable location will help to keep traffic on reside ti 1 streets moving a d help to avoid some of the backing of vehicles on resi nt al streets that fr quently occurred , during the 1988 State Fair. Add Amendme ts to Fair an stival Parkin erla District � Section 60.804. AMENDMENTS. The fa r nd festival arkin overla district desi nation established b this or in nce shall not be r oved nor modified unless it can be shown that an eve t o lon er ualifies s a air and , festival or that new circumstances re uire the ad'ustmen of an overla district boundar to conform with c nsent etition of ma'orit of the ro ert owners within 2200 feet o a fair and festival � DISCUSSION This section identifies the requi me ts necessary to re ove or modify the ' boundaries of a fair and festival a ing overlay distri t. These procedures are comparable to the requirement f the establishmen of such a district by requiring a consent petition of a majority of property ers for the modification of the boundaries of a air and festival p king district. The � removal of a fair and festival pa ki g overlay district ould require evidence that the event no longer qualifie a a fair and festiv � B. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAP ER 62. ZONING CODE - NERAL PROVISIONS Add Fair and Festival Pa kin Site Plan Rev ew (new section) � 62.120. FAIR AND FESTIVAL PARKIN SI E PLAN REVIEW P- districts Subdivision 1. Plan Submission an A lication. A si lan shall be � submitted to and a roved b t e lannin Administra r before a ermit is issued for the o eration of a air and festival kin lot in a P-2 overla district. A lication or site lan a roval hall include seven � co ies of the lan with suffic en detail to demonst te that the lan com lies with the rovisions o t is code Subdivision 2 Site Plan Revie a d A roval In ord to a rove the fair � and festival arkin site lan t e Plannin Adminis rator shall consider and find that the site lan is co sistent with: � � The cit 's ado ted m ehensive Plan and evelo ment or ro'ect lans for subareas f e cit . ' � A licable ordinanc s f the cit of Sain Paul. � Protection of ad'oi in ro erties throu adherence to side ard setback re uirement he suitable arran ent of vehicles on the � site and the selec io of suitable acces a roaches to the site , 31 , to minimize disruption of the nei�,hbors and minimize possible damag,e to curb. gutter. boulevards. sidewalks and plant � materials. �, Safety and convenience of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic , within the site and in relation to accessing the site includin� the location of entrances/exits and the posted parking fee sign Subdivision 3. ComDliance and Time Requirements. The Planning Administrator � may make such requirements with resQect to the above matters as to assure com�liance with them. When changes are required. the revised site plan shall be submitted within one month from the date the applicant was notified of � reauired changes. The Planning Administrator ma�grant extensions Subdivision 4. Fees. The Planning Administrator shall recommend to the City ' Council the vavment of an appropriate sum of money by the applicant for the review and approval of site plans submitted for operating private fair and festival varking lots. This recommendation shall take into account the existing fee structure for site plan reviews and shall occur at least one , month vrior to the initiation of this site plan review process DISCUSSION � This section provides the necessary guidelines for the review of fair and festival parking lot site plans by Planning Division staff which will be required with the adoption of these recommended changes to the Zoning Code. � The actual conducting of such parking operations by an entrepreneur will still require a fair and festival parking permit from the License Division of the Dept, of Finance and Management based in part on a site plan approval. The fee ' that will be charged for this site plan review will be determined at a later date. C. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 157. GENERAL PARKING RESTRICTIONS � Section 157.04. Miscellaneous Parking Restrictions. (page 1183) � No vehicle shall be parked in violation of any of the following provisions: Revise paragraph (4) � (4) No vehicle shall be parked on the approaches to any bridge, nor upon any boulevard, lawn or grass plot unless thev are parked on private vrovertv vursuant to a fair and festival parking permit � DISCUSSION This revision would allow such parking to occur on the ;private property of � fair and festival parking permit holders for the duration of a such an event. This text change would not circumvent the stated prohibitions of this paragraph for other situations. � Section 157.15. Parking or Stopping cn public way. The following provisions shall apply to parking or stopping on public ways: ' Revise paragraph (2) , (4) , and (5) (1) No person shall stop, park or drive an automobile, motorcycle, i 32 , , ��.-�o y3 Ii motorized bicycle, truck, ac or, construction e uipment, house I moving equipment or vehicu ar quipment of any ki d on, along or across any public curb, bo le ard or sidewalk wi in the limits of the City of Saint Paul, ot er than where regular r authorized driveways or crossings are pr vided for that pur se, except that I vehicles equipped with rub er tires may be used those sidewalks not having areaways or oth r ubstructures betwe November 15 and April 1 for the purpose of pl wing and removing ow where such I equipment does not exceed t tal weight of four thousand (4,000) � pounds and the axle weigh do s not exceed two t ousand pounds. (2) When necessary and for go d ason, the above p hibition will not apply if permission is ob ai ed in writing from he director of the department of public work o his authorized re esentative or if ermission is secured thr u the a roval of a air and festival site lan and the obtaini f a fair and festi 1 arkin ermit � sub'ect to meetin the co di ions stated in Sec ion 60.803 of the Zoning Code. � (3) Any permission secured w'll e on the conditio that suitable I precautions are taken to pr ent any unnecessa damage to the curb, boulevard or sidew lk and to prevent any njury to persons lawfully using the curb, bo levard or sidewalk. � i I (4) Any person who has secur d uch permission sha bear the cost of repairing or installing he sidewalk, boulevar or curb damaged by � him, his agents or emplo ee or b ersons a in or storin vehicles for a fee urs nt to a fair and fest val arkin ermit. (5) The department of publi w ks shall maintain file of all such � locations where parking is ermitted contrary o law and where fair and festival arkin ha b en ranted ursuan to Section 60 803 of the Zoning Code. � DISCUSSION � These text changes will allow fair an festival parking o occur on private I � property contingent on an applica o taining appropriat site plan approvals I and on obtaining a fair and festi 1 arking permit as scribed in Section � 60.803 of the Zoning Code. These ar graphs clarify the esponsibilities of a � parking entrepreneur and identify th potential liabili faced by a fair and festival parking operator if prop rt damage to city-o d property results from the parking operation. The p op sal that the publi works department � keep track of the location of fai a d festival parking perators will enable this staff to monitor residential pr perties where pote tial damage to public property may occur due to fair an f stival parking. � D. ADD PROPOSED CHAPTER 379. AI AND FESTIVAL PARKI G i w Add Permittin of Fa r nd Festival Parkin Lots Section 379.O1. . Permit re uired. No erson shall en a in the business of ` conductin or o eratin a fair a d estival arkin lo in Saint Paul without a germit. Section 379.02. Definition. "Fa' d Festival Parkin Lot" means and includes r ` 33 � I � C��''�0�3 , AP EN IX F 1 aty of saint paul P��9 �mission re lu ion � f�e number 89-2� � �te APri l 28, 1989 � � FAIR AND F ST AL PARKING STUDY , WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council ni iated a 40 Acre S dy of the residential � parking restrictions in Chapters 60, 2� and 157 of the Sa t Paul Legislative Code to consider permitting the short-te p king of motor veh les on required yards and permitting the conduct of short- e parking businesse on residentially zoned � property; and ilHEREAS� the practice of yard parkin h s occurred in the mo Community for an indefinite number of years in respon e o extremely high o -street parking demand � related to the State Fair; and WHERFAS� the practice of yard parkin h s been studied in pth in terms of both � positive and negative impacts on the co unity; and iIHEREAS, the Housing and Neighborhoo C mmittee of the Pla ing Commission reviewed and suggested ordinance amendments a d as recommended the to the Planning , Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Stat es Section 462.357(5) the Planning Commission ' did hold a public hearing on the pro os d amendments at i regular meeting o.n April 14, 1989, and that proper notice of he hearing had been ven in the Pioneer Press Dispatch on March 24� March 31, and p 1 7, 1J89; and , WHEREAS. the Planning Commission ha d termined that the oposed amendments to the Saint Paul Legislative Code are rel te to the overall ne s of the community to existing land use and to a plan for fu ure land use and t t the proposed amendments � promote and protect the public heal h, safety, morals and eneral welfare of the community; ' NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t e Planning Commiss n recommends approval of the Legislative Code text amendment r lated to Alternati Five as proposed in the Fair and Festival Parking 40 Acre S ud and recommends ap roval of the prohibition of yard parking along Snelling Aven e ue to public safet reasons and hereby ' directs the.Deputy Director for Pla ni g to forward the s udy and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for thei r view and action. , m��(j � Ms. Zieman ' ;���d � Mr. Neid in fav�or ��a— � � ' against— � , � �<!-/OS� ' CR DI S , Administration and Policy Direction: , Kenneth Johnson, Director Peggy Reichert, Deputy Direct r Planning , Lawrence Soderholm, Principal 1 ner Planning and Research: � Marvin R. Bunnell, Senior Pla ne Karl Johnson, Engineer, Dept. of Public Works Marty Jurgensen, Student Inte n , ' , , ' , � � � ' ' , r