89-1042 WMITE - CITV GLERK � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL ouncil (�A},�,, BLUERV-�MAVORTMENT 11C NO. (, ' �D�� r Z �nce �f 1 ` rdinance N 0. �a��� � Presented By :' Referr To Committee: ate Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of he Saint Paul Legi lative Code pertaining to zoning for the Cit o Saint Paul and th zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462.357 and § 64.4 of the Legislative Code, Jaguar Properties/Del a ealty, Inc. duly p itioned to rezone property located on the east sid o Rice Street betwe Wheelock Parkway and West Iowa Street which incl de Lots 7 through 9 d 12, excluding Wheelock Parkway, and all of Lots 13 th ou h 24, Block 5, Mer 'll 's Divsion of Rice Street Villas and the vacated alle f om B-3 and R-4 to 2 for the purpose of constructing a 15,000 squar f ot retail shopping enter, the petition having been certified by the P an ing Division on De mber 22, 1988 as having been consented to by at least tw -thirds of the own rs of the area of the property to be rezoned, and furt er having been consen ed to by at least 67% of the owners of the property si uated within 100 f et of the total contiguous property within one year pre ed ng the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee on Februa y 6, 1989 conducted public hearing for the purpose of considering the rez in petition, and pur uant to Section 107.03 of the Administrative Code, sub 'tt d its recommendati n to the Planning Commission that the petition anted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission consi r the rezoning peti ion at its meeting held on February 28, 1989 and ec mended that the Ci y Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing be or the City Council the said rezoning petition was duly published i t e official newspap of the City on March 11 , 1989 and notices were duly m il d to each owner of ffected property and property situated wholly or partly wi hin 350 feet of th property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the C ty Council , having be conducted on March 30 and April 4, 1989 where all i te ested persons were eard, and the Council having considered all the fact a d recommendations ncerning the COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depar ent of: Yeas Nays v�mona PLANNING AND E NOMIC DEVELOPMENT �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved y ty Attorney / Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY i By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv ayor r Submissio to Cbuncil gy B WMIYE — GTV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL ouncil [��] � C�NARV �sDEPARTMENT ��J BIUE —MAYOR lle NO. ��ri/ �'/O • / r ance rdinance N0. �7�d�1/� Presented By Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D ES ORDAIN: Secti n . That the zoning map of the City o S int Paul , Sheet No 4, as incorporated by reference in Sect on 60.301 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is er by further amended s follows: That property located on the east si e of Rice Street b ween Wheelock Parkway and West Iowa Street bein m re particularly de ribed as Lots 7 through 9 and 12, excluding Wheel ck Parkway, and all o Lots 13 through 24, Block 5, Merrill 's Division o R ce Street Villas a the vacated alley be and is hereby rezoned fr m -3 and R-4 to B-2. That property more particularl d cribed as the sout 60 feet of Wheelock Parkway adjoining Lot 12; Block 5; Merrill 's Division of Rice Street Villas be and is h re rezoned from B-3 o R-4; and That property more particularl d scribed as the sou 60 feet of Wheelock Parkway adjoining Lot 7 through 9; Block 5; Merrill ' s Division of Rice Street Villas be and shall remain z ed R-4. Secti n . This ordinance shall take effe t nd be in force thi y (30) days from and after its passage, ap ro al and publication COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depart ent of: Dimond � Planning and Ec omic Development �� In Favar Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen P a ing Administrator Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 2 9198 Form App ove by C y orney Certified Pa e � un '1 Se tar BY By N 3� Appr y Mayor r Submiss on o o�ncil Approve ayor: Date By Pt1B1tSl�D J U L ' 81989 _ - ' „ � . - , , � �cd7 , DEPARTMENT/OFFl�JOOUWIqL • DATE INITIATED ��/„� PED, P1 anni n Divi sion 5/2/89 REEN SHEET � NO. 7 3 Q cv O�ITACT PEii80N 8 PHONE 1��T� INITIAUDATE PARTMF�NT DIR CTOR GTY COUNGL Lisa J. Freese, 228-3366 �� ��+ � ���RK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL A�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO UDOET DiRECTOR �FIN.3 MQT.SERVICES DIR. 5/15/8 9 MAYOR(OR A8818T � TOTAL A�OF SIGINATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR 81QNATUR� ACTION REQUE3TED: To implement City Council action of April 1989 granting a rez ning fror� a-3 and R-a to B-2 for property located on the east sid of Rice Street betwee Wheelock Parkway « k'est Iowa St and rezoning Wheelock Parkway ai ng this property to R- RECOMMENDA7ION8:APP►we(AI a RMe�(R) COUN L MI1nnEFJ�SEAR�I REPORT _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N �Y PHONE NO. _q8 COMMITTEE _ E _STAFF _ _D18TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 INRIATINCi PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,When,Where, Rezoning was requested for the purp se of constructing a 1 ,000 shopping center. ADNANTAOES IF APPROVED: Will provide opportunity for th d velopment of shoppi g center rather than strip development along Rice Street. Eliminates sev ral blighted prope , ies. DISADVANTA(9ES IF APPROVED: Loss of 3 residentially zo d ots. Commercial e roachment into a residential area and along a Parkway. DIBADVANTA(iE8 IF NOT APPROVEO: The deteriorated resid nt'al properties are 1 ely to remain. The commercially zoned propert may be developed as s er 1 developments and s a result will increase traffic problems along Rice Street. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8A C08T/RBVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �°�"��� F�esearch Center �►����N��„�:�� . ry�aY o s i��9 . . . . . ��y-,. /7��� ZONING C I EE STAFF REPORT FILE #10418 1. APPLICANT: Jaguar Properties/1 lt Realty ATE OF HEARING: 2/16/89 Thompson Plaza 2. CIASSIFICATION: Rezoning fro B- (General Business and R-4 (One Family Residential) to B-2 (Communit B iness) ; Special C dition Use Permit 3. LOCATION: Rice Street Betwe n eelock Parkway an Iowa Street 4. PIANNING DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 7 th ough 9 and 12 thro h 24, Block 5, Merrill's Addition to Rice Street V 1 6. YRESENT ZONING: B-3, R- ZONING CODE ERENCE: 64.400; 60.534(9) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND RT: DATE: 2/10/8 BY: Lisa J. Freese A. PURPOSE To construc a 15,000 square foot etail shopping center; to establish a convenience store w t gasoline pumps as e of the tenants in the proposed shopping center. B. PARCEL SIZE: The p rc has 214.48' of fr tage along Rice Street, 280.53' of frontage along Whee oc Parkway and 318' frontage along Iowa Avenue for a total lot area of pp oximately 64,960 sq re feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE• o older single fam y homes alo�g Iowa Avenue and a vacant commercial struct re along Rice Street. The remainder of the site is vacant. D. SURRO NG US : North: Commerc al at intersection, B- & P-1, residential beyond, R-4 � RM-2 East: Low de si y residential, R-4 i South: Co�e i along Rice street B-3; Multiple family to the east, RM-2 � West: Co�e ci 1, B-3 E. FINDINGS: , 1. The applic , elta Realty, propo s to con�truct a 15,000 square foot retail shopping ce te at this location. e build�.ng wou�d be situated on the easterly po ti n of the site faci Rice Strget with,parking in front. The center wou d ave approximately 6 retail/service tenants. One of the proposed tenants is a onvenience store w h two self-service pump islands that are located i e northwest corner f the site. i . , . . . � � ,��c�9/oy2 ; File #10418 � Page T�vo ; � I � � 2. The 64�000 square foot site is co r sed of 4 separate parcels and requires , the vacation of an unimproved all y at lies within th site's boundary. The parcel abutting Rice Street is zo ed 8-3, General Busin s� and historically was '• used as an open-sir produce marke . The three parcels o the east are zoned ' R-4, One Family Residential; the ar el along Wheelock arkway is vacant and the � parcels along Iowa Avenue contai older single f y dwellings in � disrepair. All existing struc es ould be removed the site would be � � � re-graded to accommodate the pre en grade of the co cial property along Rice Street. ' 3. Section 60.212 requires that in rd r to develop more an one parcel as a unit, the zoning district of all parce s ust be the same. e developera are petitioning to rezone the site o B-3 and R-4 to B-2 Community Business. 4. Section 60.531 of the zoning co e tates that "the B- Community Buslazess District is intended to serve t e eeds of a (Ierger] onsumer population. . .and is generallp characterized by a c1 ster of establishm ts generating large volumes of veh�cular and pedest f trafftc." i 5. According to the site plan, th o entation of the s pping center will be towards Rice Street. Rice is la sified as a minor terial "A" street in the streets and highway section of th Comprehensive Pla . A minor arterial "A" = street is designed to connect ub egions and have di ct access to ma�or , activity centers such as shopp ng centers. The most recent traffic count o Rice Street at Whe lock Parkway is 16,600 ADT. This traffic volume is simila t the traffic on Fo Parlfwgy between Cretin and . Cleveland in the Highland Par s opping area. 6. In the retail industry, a sho pi g center of this s e is considered to be a neighborhood shopping center. A neighborhood cente generally supports retail and service uses that are ge e to meet the needs f the local market. While this type of center will loc i traffic to this tersection, it is not a destination oriented facili a d is not likely to enerate additional traffic into the area. 7. An objective of the City's C mp ehensive Plan is " maintain and enhance the city's co�ercial aress and o rovide the flexibi ity needed to scco�date new demands and opportunities." Mo e specifically, t city's Comprehensive Plan f land use section states as 1 y 4.2-4 that the ty "'wi11 continue to monitor ' commercial trends and adjus i s Zand use policie to remain abresst of changes sffecting the character of o ercisl areas. . ." a as policy 4.2-5 that the city "wfll continue to revi ts present co�erc I zoning to ensure that eech ' zoning classffication refle ts uses appropriate t the �ntended application of � the district." Finally, i po_icy 4.2-7 the plsn states that the city� through zoning, will encourage bus e es to maintain �he scale of surrounding development, reduce traffi a parking problems, and buffer incompatible land : uses. � � � � � ��y�oy� �7��� File #10418 Page Three 8. Rice Street is an older commer ia strip that is st ggling to coupete in today's retail market. The zo in reflects historic 1 platting practices and the land use patterns �hich ae ar ted co�ercial str s fron residential uoes by a narrow alley. This pattern as established prior o the eaergence of the shopping center concept and as a esult fostered fre -standing single use commercial establishments. In th present �ket� t e lots are not able to accommodate a reasonable shopp ng center design. By utilizing the shopping cent r oncept (multipls c rcial uses concentrated in one unified development), r ta lers are able to m rket more effectively to a broader consumer group. From;. 1 nd use standpoint. there is a greater opportunity for shared parking be een the uses and greater ability to control access onto the street in orde t provide for bette traffic flow and safety. 9. The District 6 Plan recommends th t the co�unity "s ould work to retsfn existing businesses and attrac n co�ercial estab ishments through �mprovements to the env�ronmen b f�rst, stsbiliz�n the existtng busfnesses, second, supporting tmprovement t the ad,facent resi enttal aeighborhoods, and third, providing spece for n es ablishment�." The plan acknowledges that many retail establishments have lef a d have been replac d by service oriented businesses along Rice Street b ca se of the change i retail merchandising and shopping center development el ew ere. � The development of this center ma provide space for Rice Street retaiZers in marginal locations to relocate in the same neighbor od. 10. The proposed development meets t intent of the B-2 zoning district, will foster development of an unde ti ized parcel of la and will maintain the scale of other Rice Street de lo ments. 11. Retail uses are permitted in e -2 zoning distric an auto service station is a permitted use sub�ect to th f lowing three cond ions: (a) The construction and ma t ance of al� drive ys� curbs, sidewalks. . .and other facilities used i c �unction with the peration of the auto service station shall b i accordance with t current specification. � � The site plan as subait d s in accordance w h city specifications, with the exception of the no h st service�=drive The developers are requesting a variance o t 25' setba�k requ ement for commercial driveways adjacent to r i ntially zoned lan ; (b) A ten-foot buffer area: screen pl ` ting an obscuring wall or fence shall be required along� n property �ne ad� ent to an existing 4 residence or adjacent t v ant land zoned fo residential use. � The site plan indicates n-foot landscaped uffer area with a 6' arborvitae hedge along e astern edge of th property which abuts an R-4 � zone. . . . - . ���-���� ,���� , File #10418 . Page Four ; ; f ; (c) Gasoline service statio ich are intended s ely for the sale of � gasoline, oil and minor cc ssories and having o facilities for � incidental servicing of ut mobiles (including ubricating facilities) may ' be permitted on a lot of 10 000 square feet, s ject to all other a provisions herein requir d. i � The total area of the si e 64�960; the area ich encompasses the ' convenience store/self-s rv e gasoline pumps approximately 28,000 square feet. 12. The zoning code requires off-s ee parking to be pro ded at the rate of one for every 150 square feet of us bl floor area for re il and one for every 190 square feet of usable floor are r coirvenience stor s with gas pumps. This combination of retail shop a d a com�enience st re with gas pumps would require approximately 75 parkin s aces, The site pl indicates that a total of 75 spaces can be provided. F. STAFF ANALYSIS: While this dev lo ffient will renove houses and expand commercial development into the re idential area to sast, it is well designed� provides an adequate ar ing area and is s iciently landscaped. This type of developaent is not li ely to significant increase the traffic and is designed to focus the traffi f ow towards ;Rice St et. The exit on Wheelock Parkway is designed to encourag t ing move�ents to e west and the driveway on Rice Street has been reconfi r d to accommodate c ges that will be made to the intersection at Rice and Wh el ck by the eity dur g 1989. As well, the building will serve as a visual an sound barrier to ce Street for the residential area to the east. G. STAFF RECOI�IENDATION: Based qn st ff findings 1 thro 12 and the staff analysis, staff recommends appr a of the rezoning f m B-3 and R-4 to B-2 and approval of the Special Conditi e Permit sub�ect the following conditions: 1) The applicant must submit vised site plan fo city review and approval. 2) All 75 parking spaces sha b provided on the s te with not more than 50 percent as compact spaces. 3) Truck deliveries (except:. r ulk fuel) are rest icted to between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.�a. da ly. 4) Convenience store staff wi 1 olice the site at east three times a day to remove litter and will pol ce the one block area urrounding the store once each week to remove�;c mr nience stor�-gener ed litter. `: 5) Snow must be removed or.ast re in such a manner at no off-street parking ; or vehicle maneuvering ar� i lost to saow stor e. 6) Employees for the retai�2 s op and coirvenience s re must park in the � parking area at the rear o t e building along east property line. � �r,�� 1 � 1 :�• t ' "�' •.�..', • '! �/ " � �' ' O , ` � � �t r � i � � � „ • . -�-` � � ,, i t � , . � , r � N � � • � r •� { � � � ,` - ��' � � •Q ��. 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'�Q % �''n�•�=` c x�a�sxa � r'`��, 3�� _ �E'�'� ���s� :'.� '�� ��j: � � � � � < -•�-- ����t v r!J� R/CE IlRL�OM� c����: � � �'r � �—�— � -—O . �� � � < • 7':� AtNLETIC f/ELD fe��y'ir�.`� '.-�u���� � � � � -O- �� �;>'? C�f.a r;^✓. •; ��,`';"�q��'~'� �F.�W E7 r'J�E� � ' f �. f� `,, �' .7 � � t�'3' � (-1 �i� � � I ' > _.- ca �q� s '� �t; � �� C�.' �. � f 3�`�� C� ` +,,� �E ; � � � , � �_ " ��e,r:�n �� .�J r;_��,�4'.� �J�����„3 =� _ __. ._ �--n_ �.-- _ ��'T��� J�f3 � �'� �t c�r°a �'-'� C�"'c��.:.�'.� �3 ( APPUCANT �AGUARfDELTA REALTX LEGEND PURPOSE �ZONING ..�.�. ning district boundary ! FI 10418 T 4�21�8 � bject property �northi LE # DA E � ' PLNG. DIST 6 MAP# 4 o ne family • • � cammercial > � ¢ o fam;ly � �� industrial SCALE 1" =400' ��.n ��i,�R�o s�..,,�„ " .,�,..,... �'�- l v��' CITY •F AINT PAUL INTERDEPART E AL MEMORANDUM RfCEIVED APR 11�9ag Cf�CY C�.EK�� M E M O R A N D U M DATE : April 10, 1989 �i TO: Albert B. Olson I City Clerk FROM: Edward P. Starr II City Attorney � I have received your let er of April 6 requ �lsting an ordinance implementing the action f he City Council � concerning the re- zoning petition of Jagua P operties/Delta ealty. Jerome J . Segal of ou ffice has beenjlassigned to prepare this matter by May 1 . W rkload, vacati � schedules or other problems may result in t is deadline n � being met , but if not, I have asked the a signed attorney ; to communicate with you in writing as to his o her progress w',�th your request. If our proposed deadlin d es not meet you ; needs, please advise me or Jane McPeak and e ill try to acc �mmodate circumstances which require special c ns ' deration. ; EPS : jr ,i I I I I I I I �9-���� 02 7� 0 CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART E TAL MEMORANDUM RECEIV�D APR 2'71989 CITY CLEftK M E M O R A N D U M DATE : April 10, 1989 TO: Albert B. Olson City Clerk FROM: Edward P. Starr City Attorney _ I have received your lett r f April 6 requ ting an ordinance implementing the action o he City Council concerning the re- zoning petition of Jaguar P operties/Delta alty. Jerome J. Segal of our o fice has been ssigned to prepare this matter by May l . W rkload, vacatio schedules or other problems may result in t is deadline no being met, but if not, I have asked the as igned attorney to communicate with you in writing as to his or her progress wi h your request. If our proposed deadline do s not meet your needs, please advise me or Jane McPeak and w ill try to acco odate circumstances which require special co si eration. / /��.�'" � �� (� EPS : jr / I � , /�'j /` �,. •- /�Fi� � � W _ ��;/�'� �� �� � � � � � �9�-���� ��°"^t�U CITY OF SAINT PAUL `,`,�...`�tT o�oW -~'� '=''- O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� �; ;� ium .: ;. �� '= %,+� ,.�= LBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK �,, = °'�qlm������''�� 3 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORCE LATIMER I 612-298-4231 MAYOR i I I .x,`, , p�.. April 6, 1989 V`�' �' . q .��h � I v�. � (t �J� �C�n °3 `l a��r �� t �� Planning Staff, Zoning Section i� ^ � �'�`�"' llth Floor, City Hall Annex I Dear Sirs: � After public hearing on April 6, 98 , the City Council voted to approve the petition of Jaguar P ties/Delta Realty o rezone property located on the east sid o Rice Street betw Wheelock Parkway and W. Iowa Street from -3 and R-4 to B-2 to nstruct a retail shopping center, with the re oning to extend to i e property line. Will you please prepare the pro r rdinance implemen �ng this action. V truly ours, � _✓-�""� li A bert B. Olson i City Clerk ABO:th I i I I i i i � � . ,��•``ltT �';., CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° �'� DEPARTME T F PLANNING AND E ONOMIC�DEVELOPMENT � �t Q� DIVISION OF PIANNItiG , ,. 25 W t Fou►th Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 5510Z �••• 612-22&3270 GEORGE UtIMER MAYOR � �V �� V �� March 24, 1989 Albert Olson, City Clerk MA� Z 7 1989 Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, hIN 55102 ��TY �;TORNEY RE: Zoning File #10418 - Jagu r/ elta Realty/Thompso Plaza East side of Rice Street et een Wheelock and I a City Council Hearing: M rc 30, 1989 URPOSE: To rezone from B-3 (G neral Business) an R-4 (One Family Residential) to B-2 (Commun'ty usiness) to establ sh a 15,000 square foot retail shopping center. -- PLANNING COMMISSION DECISI N: Approve (8-5) ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: pprove (4-2) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: pr ve SUPPORT: Five persons es ified at the heari OPPOSITION: Three pe o and a representat e from District 6 testified at the hearing; two lett rs and a petition wit 16 signatures received. Dear Sir: On February 16, 198 , he Zoning Committe of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on i rezoning. The pet ioner testified. At the close of the public hearing t e Committee voted to 2 to approve the rezoning based staff findings. e omittee also voted o recommend approval of a Special Condition Use Pe it for gasoline pumps or one of the tenants in the prop� shopping center. On February 24, 9 , the Planning Co ission upheld the Zoning Committe recommendation n vote of 8 to 5. This rezoning s cheduled to be hea by the City Council on March ' Planning Divi io staff will present hotographs of the area for the information. Sincerely, ---7 ;��c.�<:� 7%z z � Lisa J. Fr es Planner II IJ F:rm Attachme ts � , ci�y of saint paul plan��ing commission re I tion f�e number �9-,:� tJC�tE] Februarv 2�, 1?89 WHEREAS, Jaguar Properties/Delta Re � , fi�e =10418, pet� �oned to rezone property situated at the southeast corner of Ri e Stree� and �'hee� k Parkwav from B-3 and R-4 zoning to B-2 zoning for the pu ao e of cor.struc��rg 1�,000 square foot retail shopping center and to establish a on enience s�ore wi*_h gasoline pumps; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of t P anning Commission n February 16, 1989, held a public hearing at which all pers s resent were giver. n opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in ac or nce with the requ' ements of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code• a d WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commi si n, based on the ev ence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hea in as substantially flected in the minutes, made the following findings of fac : 1. The applicant, Delta Realty, p op ses to construct a 5,000 square foot retail shopping center at this locati n. The building woul be situated on the easterly portion of the site f ci g Rice Street with parking in front. The center would have approximatel 6 retail/service ten nts. One of the proposed - tenants is a convenience stor wi h two self-service pump islands that are located in the northwest corn r f the site. 2. The 64,000 square foot site i c mprised of 4 separ e tax parcels and requires � the vacation of an unimproved al ey that lies withi the site's boundary. The parcel abutting Rice Street i z ned B-3, General B siness, and historically was used as an open-air produce m rk t. The three parc ls to the east are zoned R-4, One Fam;�v Residential; he �a:cel along `w'heei ch Parkway is vacant and the parcels along Iowa Aver.ue co �ai �wo older single amily dwellings in disrepair. �11 exist�ng str t�� es :rould be remo:•e ar.d the site would be re-graded to accommodate the pr sen� grade of the mmercial property along Rice Street. 3. Section 60. 2�2 requires that in order �o de�:elo� m e �han one parcel as a unit, the zoning district oL" all p rc ls must be the sam . , Community Business. (continued) ��� t'�/ MORT ��i� s�econded by ZI in faMOr- ���= - _ �r-/��� � File $104I8 Page Two 4. Section 60.531 of the zoning c de sta�es that "the B- Communitv Business District is intended to serve �h needs of a (Zarger consumer population. . .and is generally characterized br a luster of establis ents generating Zarge volumes of vehicular and ped st ian traffic." S. According to the site plan, he orientation of the hopping center will be towards Rice Street. Rice s lassified as a mino arterial "A" street in the -- streets and highway sectio of the Comprehensive an. A minor arterial "A" street is designed to conn ct subregions and have direct access to major activity centers such as s op ing centers. The most recent traffic c un for Rice Street a Wheelock Parkway is 16,600 ADT. This traffic volume is s' i r to the traffic o Ford Parkway between Cretin and Cleveland in the Highlan P rk shopping area. � 6. In the retail industry, a hopping center of is size is considered to be a neighborhood shopping n r. A neighborhood enter generally suppoits retail and service uses that re geared to meet the eeds of the local market. While this type of center w' 1 ocalize traffic to his intersection, it is not a destination oriented ac Iity and is not lik ly to generate additional traffic into the area. � - . An objective of the it 's Co�prehensive P n is "to maintain and enhance the city's co�ercial a ea and �� provide the flexibilitv needed to accommodate new demands and opport it es. " �ore specifi lly, the city's Comprehensive Plan land use section s at as policy 4.2-4 t at the Citv "wi11 continue to monitor _ commercial trends d ad��ust '�s land us policies to remain abreast of change atrecting the cha c� r oi co�erciai ar s. . ." and as policy 4.2-5 that the city "wi11 contin e o rev�e� :cs prese commercial zoning to ensure that e� zoning classific io rei�ec�s uses aap priate to rhe intended application rhe disrrict." in Ily, in policy 4.2- the plan states that the city, thr zoning, will enc ur ge businesses to m ntain the scale of surrounding development, re u� traffic and parkin problems, and buffer incompatible uses. (con 'nued) ► . �, � (�Ir w . , ���, � v�� �� ;� � �� G«� ,� File =i0418 Page Three 8. Rice Street is an older commer ia strip that is str ggling to compete in today's retail market. The z i reflects histori 1 platting practices and the land use patterns which s pa ated commercial st ps from residential uses by a narrow alley. This pattern wa established prior o the emergence of the shopping center concept and a a result fostered fr e-standing single use commercial establishments. I e present market, e lots are not able to accommodate a reasonable sho i g center design. By utilizing the shopping ce te concept (multiple commercial uses concentrated in one unified development)� re ailers are able to market more effectively to a broader consumer group. Fr land use standpoi � there is a greater opportunity for shared park ng between the uses a a greater ability to control access onto [he street in o de to provide for be ter traffic flow and safety. 9. Th � existing businesses and at ra t new commercial e ablishments through �n improvements to the enviro e t by first, stabiZ ing the existing businesses, second, d retail establishments hav 1 ft and have been r lacediby serviceeorientedt many businesses along Rice Str et because of the cha e in retail merchandising and shopping center developme t lsewhere. The development of this en er may provide spa for Rice Street retailers in marginal locations to re oc te in the same nei borhood. 10. - (continued) � . File =10418 Page Four 11. Retail uses are permitted in the B 2 oning district; (a) The construction and maintenan e f all driveways� c bs, sidewalks. . .and other facilities used in conj ct on with the operat n of the suto service station shall be in accord.ance wi h the current spec fication. s, with the exception of the northeas s ice driveway. 1 d en , (b) A ten-foot buffer area with s re n planting and an scuring wall or fence shall be required along any p op rty line adjacent an existing residence or adjacent to vacant land zo ed for residential us . The site plan indicates a te -f t landscaped buffe area with a 6' � arborvitae hedge along the e st n edge of the pro rty which abuts an R-4 zone. (c) Gasoline service stations wh ch are intended solel for the sale of gasoline, oil and minor acce so ies and having no cilities for incidental servicing of automobiles (in lu ing lubricating fa ilities) may be permitted on a lot of 10,000 square fe t, subject to all oth r provisions herein required. The total area of the site "s 4,960; the area wh' h encompasses the convenience store/self-serv ce gasoline pumps is proximately 28,000 square feet. 12. The zoning code requires off-s e parking to be pro ided at the rate of one for every 150 square feet of u ab e floor area for re ail and one for every 190 square feet of usable floor ar a or convenience sto s with gas pumps. continued) �9����� File �10418 Page Five This d " e approximate y 75 park' The si tal f 13. In conclusion ro osed shoppi en i ed develo that is com atible with the exist ng la d se patterns of the area and is consistent � with the Compre ens , • i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by th Saint Paul Planning mmission that the petition of Jaguar Properties/Delta R al to rezone proper located at the southeast corner of Rice Street and ee ock Parkway more p ticularly described as Lots 7 through 9 and 12 through 24, B oc 5, Merrill's Addi 'on to Rice Street Villas from B-3 and R-4 zoning classi ic tions to a B-2 zon g classification is compatible with the existing land use pa terns and is consi tent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sain � P ul Planning Commis ion does hereby recommend to the Council of the City f aint Paul that pro erty located at the southeast corner of Rice Street and ee ock Parkway be rez ned from B-3 and R-4 to B-2 in accordance with the petition f r ezoning on file w' h the Saint Paul Planning Division. city of sa�,t paul pianning comm�ssion re�solu ' file r�umber 89-11 �te Februarv 24. 1989 WHEREAS, Jaguar Propezties/Delta Real y, file #10418, has a lied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provi io of Sections 64.40 and 60.534 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the pu pose of constructi a 15,000 square foot retail shopping center and to estab is a convenience stor with gasoline pumps on property located on the southeast c rn r of Rice Street a Wheelock Parkway, legally described as Lots 7 throug 9 and 12 through 24, lock 5, Merrill's Addition to Rice Street Villas; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of he Planning Commissio on February 16, 1989, held a public hearing at which all pe so s present were give an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in ac rdance with the re irements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative C de and -- WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning C m� ssion, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the publi h aring as substantia y reflected in the minutes, made the following findings o f ct: 1. The applicant, Delta Rea ty proposes to constr ct a 15,000 square foot retail shopping center at this oc tion. The buildin would be situated on the easterly portion of the si e facing Rice Stree with parking in front. The center would have appro i tely 6 retail/serv' e tenants. One of the proposed tenants is a convenien e tore with two self- ervice pump islands that are - located in the northw t orner of the site. 2. The 64,000 square fo s te is comprised of separate tax parcels and requires the vacation of an u im roved alley that li s within the site's boundary. The � parcel abutting Ric S eet is zoned B-3, neral Business, and historically was used as an open-air pr duce market. The ree parcels to the east are zoned R-4, One Family Re 'd tial; the parcel a ng Wheelock Parkway is vacant and the parcels along Iowa Av nue contain two ol r single family dwellings in disrepair. All e is ng structures woul be removed and the site would be re-graded to acco o te the present gr e of the commercial property along B Street. 3. Section 60.212 eq 'res that in order o develop more than one parcel as a the zoning dist ic of all parcels mu be the same. The developers are concurrently p ti 'oning to rezone th site from B-3 and R-4 to B-2, Com Business. (co tinued) mO� �/ MORTON ..i� �_Z I EMAN in fav�or against File �t10418 Pagw 1wo 4. Retail uses are permitted in the -2 zoning district; a auto service station is a permitted use subject to the fo lo ing three conditio . (a) The construction and maintena ce of all driveways, rbs, sidewalks. . .and othet facilities used in conj nc ion with the opera ion of the suto service station shall be in accordanc w th the current spe ification. � • The site plan as submitted is i accordance with c' specifications, with the exception of the northea t rvice driveway. e developers are requesting a variance of the 25' setback requireme for commercial driveways adjacent to reside ti lly zoned land. (b) A ten-foot buffer area with cr en planting and a obscuring wall or fence shall be required along any ro erty line adjacen to an existing residence or adj acent to vacant land on for residential e. The site plan indicates a t n- oot landscaped buf er area with a 6' arborvitae hedge along the as ern edge of the pr perty which abuts an R-4 zone. (c) Gasoline service stations i are intended sol y for the sale of gasoline, oil and minor ac es ories and having n facilities for incidental servicing of automobiles ( nc uding lubricating acilities) may be permitted on a lot of 10,000 square ee , subject to all o er provisions herein required. The total area of the sit i 64,960; the area ich encompasses the comrenience store/self-se i e gasoline pumps i approximately 28,000 square feet. 5. The zoning code requires off st et parking to be ovided at the rate of one for every 150 square feet of us le floor area for etail and one for every 190 square feet of usable floor re for convenience s res with gas pumps. (continued) � 9� � � File �10418 Page Three This combination of retail shop a a convenience sto with gas pumps would require approximately 75 parki s aces. The site pl indicates that a total of 75 spaces can be provided. 6. Approval of the Special Condi io Use Permit for the gasoline pumps is contingent upon City Council app oval of the petiti to rezone the subject properties to B-2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, b the Saint Paul Pla ning Commission, that under the authority of the City's gi ative Code, the ap ication for a Special Condition Use Permit to allo t construction of a 5,000 square foot retail shopping center and to estab is a convenience stor with gasoline pumps located at the southeast corner of Ric S eet and Wheelock P kway is hereby approved contingent upon approval of th rezoning petition d subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant must su mit a revised site an for city review and approval. The easterly serv' e riveway along Whee ck Parkway shall be removed on the revised site plan 2. All 75 parking s ac s shall be provide on the site with not more than SO '� percent as comt ct spaces. 3. Truck deliveri s except for bulk fue ) are restricted to between the hours of 6 a.m_ and .m. daily. 4. Convenience to staff will police he site at least three times a day remove litte a d will police the e block area surrounding the store each week t r ve convenience st e-generated litter. 5. Snow must e emoved or stored in such a manner that no off-street or vehicl m euvering area is 1 t to snow storage. 6. Employee f the retail shops d com►enience store must park parking re at the rear of th building along the east prope liINUTES OF ZOrTING COlQ�II1TEE ' CITY COUNCIL CHAt�EBS, SAINT PA , MINNESOTA ON FE UARY 16, 1989 PRESENT: !imes. Hirte, tiorton, Tr cy and 2ieaan; Messrs. Christenson, Levy, Neid and Repke of the Z ni g Co�ittee; Mr. S al, Assistant Citv Attorney; ns. Lane of t e uilding Inspection nd Design Division; Ms. Dr��ond, Ms. Frees , . I�icGuire� Iis. Mu ay and Mr. Soderholm of the Platming Divisi ff. ABSENT: None. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Mo ton� Chairman. Ja ar t'e A Rezoning f m B-3 and R-4 to B-2 on property located on Rice Stre t t,reen i,lheelock Pa ay and West Iowa Street to construct a 15,000 sq e foot �retail shoppi center and to establish a convenience store vi asoline p�ps. The applicant was present; ther w opposition prese at the hearing. Ms. Freese showed slides of the si e and reviewed the taff report with a recommendation for approval of he Rezoning from B-3 d R-4 to B-2 and approval of the Special Conditi n se Perait. Murray Kornberg, Delta Realty� ep esenting the appl ant, showed and explained detailed sketches of th proposed site pl Mr. Neid asked for the distanc b tween the proposed hopping center building and the nearest residential pr pe ty owner. Iir. Ro erg responded 40 feet. Ms. Hirte inquired about prop e signage. Mr. Ro erg replied that there would be one shopping center de ification siga h vould conform to the current zoning code sign requ re nts and that thei plan is to go with a uniform sign band on the buil n . lls. Hirte asked or information on the gas pumps and hours of operation� al o� the type of ligh ing used on the canopy. Mr. Kornberg responded that e as p�mps would ope ate during the same hours as the cotrvenience store; c ently. the te does not propose to be open 24 hours per day; and at e lighting uader e canopy would be directed the straight dovn. Mr. Neid questioned hours of th comienience store Mr. Kornberg stated that there are many factors i�ol d and thst decision ill be forthcoming. Mr. Neid asked about the two ho s ich trould be demo ished. Mr. Kornberg responded that both houses e n a state of disr air; however, one is salvageable and they vould epared to donate to an appropriate organization. Mr. Christenson asked if a i evay onto i�Theelock is required. Mr. Kornberg replied that it was require f r deliveries and at it was relocated because of the advice given at the si plan review co� tee meeting. Mr. George Thompson, 537 ar es Aveuue, said th he represents his 87-year old mother who has awned e roperty for 60 yea � operated Thompson's Market, and is satisfied W th the proposed devel ment. �9-1��� File �t10418 Page Two Rose Hruska� 110 West Wheelock Par ay testified in supp t of the development and said that the addi '0 1 lighting would b beneficial to the neighborhood. Bernard Bearth, 1700 Case Street, ta ed that he formerl lived in the neighborhood and the proposed deve op ent would be an as t to the area. Gary Stout� 5101 ilest 70th, idinne ol s, said that he is orking with the developer, that the plan has been e ewed with many ci departments and that the applicant has made seven chan es to the plan suggest d by city staff. Jim Long, 1566 Rice Street� said ha he owns co�ercia property one block south of the site� that he has be n n Rice Street for er eight years, and that the development vould improv e area. Ken Beatt� 117 Yest Vheelock Par _a , testified in oppo ition, stating that the present Rice Street business s ave not infringed o residential property. Ms. Zie�an asked why l�z. Beatt w s pposing the develo nt. Mr. Beatt replied that it is because the ew from his house wo be directly into the proposed easterly service drivew y long Wheelock Par y, Ms. Hirte asked if Mr. Beatt and other neighbors s oken with the deve pers. Mr. Beatt said that they did, but only at the is ict Council meeti John Bearth, 107 West Wheelock ar ay, stated that h has lived in the area for 26 years� is againsf the i ri gement/use of resi ntial lots� asked that business hours be limited� addr ss d the number of s lar businesses already in the area� and asked that Whe lo k Parkway be kept a residential street. Sharon Voyda� 1021 Marion Stre t, istrict 6 Communi Organizer� said that although the developers have b en approachable and encouraged input at district council meetings, the e re neighborhood co erns about encroachment into the residential area and verconcentration o aiailar types of businesses. She referred to e omprehensive Plan garding the stabilization of existing bus es es and the acquisi on of residential structures. . Vo da said t t e District 6 P1 ing Council recommends denial of the n Ms. Zienan stated that she is co cerned about the p posed service road off �1F►eelock Parkway. IrLs. Voyda ai that the Parkway ane of the assets of the North End area, that resident ' ssues address the ze of the development as well as the encroachment of c rcial businesses i o residential areas. Keith Jensen, 7025 Drev Aven e rth� Brooklyn Cent r, said that he is the manager of the Super A�erica St tion at 1625 Rice S reet, and suggested that the already existing co�erc al properties in the ea be rehabilitated and improved. Mr. Kornberg addressed conce regarding the rezo ng of residential lots, the encroachsent issue, and changing nature of retailing. Hearing no further testimon , . Morton closed t public portion of the meeting. File #10418 ' Page Three Committee discussion followed regarding cc ss to the service oad behind the proposed development, curb cuts on Whee c and encroachment p oblems. Ms. Tracy stated that she believes the ar ay needs protecti and that this development encroaches into the Parkwa a is therefore oppo ed to the rezoning. Ms. Hirte acknowledged that th s proposal is well esigned but she is also concerned about the integrity f he Parkway. Ms. Zieman moved to reco�end approva o the Special Condi on Use Permit based on staff report findings 11 and 12 and subject to sta report conditions 1 through 7 and the additi na condition that th easterly service driveway along Wheelock Parkway be r o d. Mr. Neid seco ed the motion which passed on a roll call vote of -2 (Hirte, Tracy) . Submitted by: Approv�d . �i7� -� /�' ',���'� �-tl72i q �`¢ ,i��i�� �/ Lisa Freese ' Gladys M ton, Chairman ZONING COI�4iITTEE T F REPORT FILE #10418 1. APPLICANT: Jaguar Properties/Delta R lt DATE 0 HEARING: 2/16/89 Thompson Plaza 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning from B-3 ( en ral Business) and R 4 (One Family Residential) to B-2 (Community Busi s ; Special Conditio Use Permit 3. LOCATION: Rice Street Between Whe o Parkway and Iowa reet 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 7 throu h and 12 through 24, lock 5, Merrill's Addition to Rice Street Villas 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-3, R-4 ONING CODE REFEREN . 64.400; 60.534(9) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPOR : DATE: 2/10/89 BY: Lisa J. Freese A. PURPOSE: To construct a 1 ,00 square foot retai shopping center; to establish a convenience store with g so ine pumps as one of the tenants in the proposed shopping center, B. PARCEL SIZE: The parcel a 214.48' of frontag along Rice Street, 280.53' of frontage along Wheelock ar ay and 318' of fr tage along Iowa Avenue for a total lot area of appro im tely 6'4,960 square eet. f C. EXISTING LAND USE: Tw o der single family h es along Iowa Avenue and a vacant "� commercial structure o Rice Street. The emainder of the site is vacant. �, D. SURROUNDING LANA USE• North: Commercial t ' tersection, B-3 � -1, residential beyond, R-4 � RM-' East: Low densit r idential, R-4 South: Commercial ai ng Rice street, B-3• Multiple family to the east, ' West: Commercia , -3 E. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, 1 Realty, proposes construct a 15,000 squr shopping center at this location. The uilding would be situa' easterly porti the site facing R e Street with parking center would h ve approximately 6 ret il/service tenants. tenants is a on enience store with o self-service pumr located in th n rthwest corner of e site. �9-/o�� File �10418 Page T�vo 2. The 64,000 square foot site is co pr'sed of 4 separate ax parcels and requires the vacation of an unimproved al y hat lies within t site's boundary. The parcel abutting Rice Street is z ne B-3, General Busi ss, and historically was used as an open-air produce mark t. The three parcels o the east are zoned R-4, One Family Residential; the pa cel along Wheelock arkway is vacant and the parcels along Iowa Avenue contai o older single fam ly dwellings in disrepair. All existing structu es would be removed a d the site would be re-graded to accommodate the pre en grade of the co rcial property along Rice Street. 3. Section 60.212 requires that in or er to develop more an one parcel as a unit, the zoning district of all parc ls must be the same. e developers are petitioning to rezone the site ro B-3 and R-4 to B- , Community Business. 4. Section 60.531 of the zoning co e tates that "the B- Co�ity Business District is intended to serve t e eeds of a jlargerj consumer population. . .and �s generally characterized by c1 ster of establis nts generating large volumes of vehicular and pedes ri traffic." 5. According to the site plan, th o ientation of the s pping center will be towards Rice Street. Rice is la sified as a minor rterial "A" street in the streets and highway section of th Comprehensive Pla . A minor arterial "A" street is designed to connect ub egions and have d ect access to major activity centers such as shop in centers. The most recent traffic count fo Rice Street at Wh lock Parkway is 16,600 ADT. This traffic volume is simila t the traffic on Fo Parkway between Cretin and Cleveland in the Highland Par s opping area. 6. In the retail industry, a sho pi g center of this s ze is considered to be a neighborhood shopping center. neighborhood cent generally supports retail and service uses that are ge re to meet the needs f the local market. While this type of center will loc li e traffic to this tersection, it is not a destination oriented facilit a d is not likely to enerate additional traffic into the area. 7. An ob�ective of the City's C mp ehensive Plan is " o maintain and enhance the city's co�ercial areas and o rovide the flexibi itp needed to acco�odate new demands and opportunities." M e specifically, t city's Comprehensive Plan land use section states as ol'cy 4.2-4 that the ty "wi11 continue to monitor commercial trends and ad 'us i s land use olicie to remain abreast of c an e ecting the c arac ercial areas. . . ai as policy 4.2-5 that the city continue to revi ts present co�erc 'a1 zoning to ensure that each zoning classification refle ts uses appropriate t the intended application of the district." Finally, i po icy 4.2-7 the plan states that the city, through zoning, will encourage bus' es es to maintain the scale of surrounding development, reduce traffi a parking problems, and buffer incompatible land uses. Fi�le #10418 Page Three 8. Rice Street is an older commercial s ri that is strugglin to compete in today's retail market. The zoning r fl cts historical pla ting practices and the land use patterns which separate mmercial strips fr m residential uses by a narrow alley. This pattern was e a ished prior to the emergence of the shopping center concept and as a re 1 fostered free-sta ing single use commercial establishaents. In the re ent market, the lo are not able to accommodate a reasonable shopping c nt r design. By utilizing the shopping center co ce t (multiple commer al uses concentrated in one unified development) , retail rs are able to market ore effectively to a broader consumer group. From a lan e standpoint, ther is a greater opportunity for shared parking be e the uses and a gre ter ability to control access onto the street in order to r ide for better tra fic flow and safety. __ 9. The District 6 Plan recommends tha t e community "shoul work to retain earisting businesses and attrsct n c �ercisl establis nts through improvements to the environment by fi st, stabilizing th existing businesses, second, supporting improvements to th edjacent resident 1 neighborhoods, and third, providing space for nev est bI shments." The pla acknowledges that many retail establishments have left an h ve been replaced b service oriented businesses along Rice Street beca e f the change in re ail merchandising and shopping center development else r . The development of this center ma p ovide space for Ri Street retailers in marginal locations to relocate in th same neighborhood. 10. The proposed development meets th i tent of the B-2 zo 'ng district, will foster development of an underuti iz d parcel of land a will maintain the scale of other Rice Strset develo me ts. 11. Retail uses are pernitted in the -2 zoning district; a auto service station is a permitted use subject to the f 1 ing three conditio s: (a) The construction and maint na ce of all driveway curbs, sidewalks. . .and other facilities used in c nj ction with the op ation of the auto service station shall be i a cordance with the rrent specification. The site plan as submitted is in accordance with ity specifications, with the exception of the north as service driveway. The developers are requesting a variance of t e 5' setba�k require ent for commercial driveways adjacent to res' e ially zoned land. (b) A ten-foot buffer area wi reen planting and n obscuring wall or fence shall be required along a y roperty line ad�ac t to an existing residence or adjacent to ac nt land zoned for sidential use. The site plan indicates a te -foot landscaped b fer area with a 6' arborvitae hedge along th e stern edge of the operty which abuts an R-4 zone. ��I� ��,� File #10418 � ?'age Four R �Qi�/ �k t �¢(• �3 ��t,r� ,00d (c) Gasoline service stations hi h are intended sol ly or`t e sale gasoline, oil and minor a e ories and having n facilities for incidental servicing of a to biles (including 1 ricating facilities) may be permitted on a lot of 0, 00 square feet, s ect to all other provisions herein require . The total area of the sit i 64,960; the area ich encompasses the convenience store/self-se i e gasoline pumps i approximately 28,000 square feet. 12. The zoning code requires off-s re t parking to be pro ided at the rate of one for every 150 square feet of ab e floor area for r sil and one for every 190 square feet of usable floor ar a or convenience sto s with gas pumps. This combination of retail sho s d a coitvenience s re with gas pumps would require approximately 75 parki g paces. The site p n indicates that a total of 75 spaces can be provided _ _ — F 3"1 ° _ While this e pment will remove o houses and expand commercial development into e esidential area to he east, it is well designed, provides an adequat p rking area and is ficiently landscaped. This type of developaent is n t ikely to significa ly increase the traffic and is designed to focus the traf ic flow towards Rice reet. The exit on Wheelock Parkway is designed to encour ge turning movements o the west and the driveway on Rice Street has been reco i red to accommodate changes that will be made to the intersection at Rice and lock by the city ring 1989. As well, the building will serve as a vis 1 and sound barrier Rice Street for the residential area to the east G• Based on ataff findings 1 t ough 12 and the staff analysis, staff recommends a pr val of the rezonin from B-3 and R-4 to B-2 and approval of the Special Con ti n Use Peruit sub�e t to the following conditions: 1) The applicant nust su mi a revised site pl for city review and approval. 2) All 75 parking spaces sh 11 be provided on e site with not more than 50 percent as compact sp ce . 3) Truck deliveries (exc pt for bulk fuel) are estricted to between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p. , daily. 4) Convenience store st f ill police the sit at least three times a day to remove litter and wi 1 lice the one bloc area surrounding the store once each week to re v �.convenience store- enerated litter. 5) Snow must be removed or stored in such a er that no off-street parking or vehicle maneuveri g rea is lost to sno storage. 6) Employees for the re ai shops and conveni ce store must park in the parking area at the ea of the building a ng the east property line. �'9- i��� I �' LIST OF A # 4 Page Rezoning Petition 1 Special Condition Use Permit A pl cation 8 Application Support Materials 9 Site Plan, Alternative 1 16 Site Plan, Alternative 2 17 Landscaping Plan __ 19 Building Elevations 20 Location Maps 21 Land Use Map 23 C� rr�SPoh��.hc�. ��e����� �Z � / . PE?ITION TO AMEND tONIN6 CODE CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL ZONING OFFICE E ONLY � Fi1e � /�' l� RECEIVED App,;�at;o� F e � s9s � �� DE� Tentative H ring Date ��"�� 191988 Number of ts or Size of Parcel : ZONING ===c===c=�- -==-o=�==a==e=m=ess=sazaxs=a TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU CI DATE 19,�� c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall nn Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 f e St. P aul Zoning rdinance and Section 462.357(5) of the Minnesota Statutes, �. �.. w f�/r , the owner of all of the land proposed fo r oning, hereby peti ions your Honorable Body to rezone the following describe pr perty: Street Address: Legal Description: � Q Z ^ / S �"'ro �' �v o� — � ; ci ,- / � r � O. �'f t / � from a " Zoning District to a Zoning District for the purpose of i � o r f f��F- Subscribed and swfl By: befor this day � of {r� 19J,g� Title ' � ���...�� �.,�r�..� nl�t � �,�.�- � . � P age 1 of ot a y P u i �` ` 4080 T UR D.WALaFI 2�85 ��,�� NO A111f LIC-�TA s�r cour�mr ,�„ ,,.M.,,,w."•"" .�..��. . ♦ * . CONSENT OF ADJOINING PaOOERT ERS TO REZONING We, the underslgned, or+ners of property r th n 100 feet of the tal contiguous descriptio�s of real estate owned, purchased, or old by Petitioner ithin one year preceding. the date of this petition, acknowl 9e that we have been rnished with the tolloMing: " l. A Copy of the Petition of Ja ua P o erties f��/%* Cf�/ ` i name of pet i i oner 2. A topy of Settia�s 60-490 hrough 60-500 , inclusive of the St. Paul toning Code; an acknoMledge that we are aware of all of he uses permi tted und a B-2 Oist�ict zoning classification and Me a e ware that any of t se uses can be established upon City Council approval of he rezoning; and hereby consent to the resoni�g of the Froperty described in he Petition of Ja uar Pro erties to a B-2 District. name o peti io er lOT BLOpC ADDITION RECORD ER SI6NAT E DATE _ , -�; 12 5 Merrill 's Ruth o son t� r � % '•� . � �� i 1 _,, 13 5 Merrili 's Ruth h m son , '�- 0 �3 14 5 Merrill 's Rut T ompson - � /o j 3 15 5 Merrill 's Ru hompson .'� , • . T, • �, �,�.:' ,-�. . • 16 5 Merrill 's R th Thompson �S �� � ,. � � � � 1 17 5 Merrill ' s ut Thom son < � 4- � � r • . . ' � ,- 3 ' .�. . ; 18 5 Merri 11 's Ru h Thom son •-�% • �-• • � � � � , /= � : ` � � 19 5 Merrill's R th Thompson �`j L `�; ��, ;.; .• � - i __ ..�, ,• i 20 5 Merrill ' uth Thompson � -� .�,. � � 4, '.-- � , • ~ , '� � o_ L ' � ' ` % "'� i 10 8 Merril ' s Ruth Thompson � � 1 ti � � '1 • •�-- 11 8 Merri 1 ' Ruth Thompson �� -r� , t , f 1 Petitions shall �ot be considered as of icially filed until after a petiti i reteired in the Z �g Office. Any si� rtithdraw his n herefrom by ►rriite request within th� i��NG FlLE � '= - � - •• CONSEKT OF ADJO I N I G a0P ERTt► OwtrERS TO ZON I NG �9' I o�� Me, the undefsigned. oNners of pr pe ty rithin 100 feet of the total contiguous deuriptions ot real estate oMmed. pur ha ed, or sold Dy Pe tioner within one year prtclding the date of this petition, kn wledge. that we ha been furnished with the tollarin9: .' 1. A COpy Of the Pttition of a uar Properties � � f � . ` . 2• � c name o petitioner opy of Sections 6 -49 through 60 500 . inclusive of the St. P�u i Zon i ng Code; and acknoM►ledge that we are aware of al l f he uses permi tted nder a B-2 Oist�ltt zoning classification and we ar aware that any o these uses can be established upon City Council approv 1 the retoning; an we hereby consent to the rtsoning of the �roperty descr9bed i t Petition of Jaguar Properties t0 B-Z District. narne of peti io er LOiT 6LOpC ADDITION RECORD R SI6NATU E pATE 7 5 Merrill ' s Bernard P. Bear �_�3_ 7 5 Merrill ' s Stella eart ��_� : • 8 5 Merrill ' s Bernard P. Bear h � ��_�3 _� � 8 5 Merriil 's Stella . Beart 9 5 Merrill 's Bernard P Bear M�� �� ;:� � �G,�� _�f 9 5 Merrill 's Stella M. Beart � /� ,�� _ 8 / C 21 5 Merrill ' s Bernar P Bear h� ` ' �% _ � �,:-.��U-� ;� 1- �- v 2I 5 Merrill ' s Stella M. Beart � � 22 5 Merrill ` s Bernar . Bear h�/^ y%^ �U �--= �,� %(J-/3 -�'F� 22 5 Merrill ' s Stell M Beart ,� , . 3_ 23 5 Merrill 's Berna d . Bear h�;'� � �;�'j � -- ;L,�_f- C%-%3-� 23 5 Merrill ' s Stell M. Beart � i - � � � 24 5 Merrill ' s Berna d . Bear h,? r.;,y � 'v'-� ' 24 5 Merrill ' s Stell . Bear �- " ' � � �� Petitions shall not be considered as offi;,ially filed u til tAe lapse of 7 working days after a petftion is received in t e oning Office. Any sig�ator of any petition may rtthdraMr his name therefrom Dy wr'tt n request within t at time. P age 2 of ' ���I�G � LE ��'= .- 3- • CONSENT Of 110JOINING P OP RTY OMMERS TO REZ NG We,�the undersigned, owners of proper y ithin 100 feet of he total contiguous desr�riptions of real estate owned. purcha , or sold by Petitio er within one year precedi�g the date of this petitlon� ackn 1 C9e that we have b n furnished with the tollowing: ' � y 1. A Copy of the Petition of Ja uar Pro erties %T name o pe itione� 2. A copy of Sections 60-490 through 60-500 � inclusive of the St. P�ul toning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of he uses permitted und a R_� Oistrlct zoning classlfitation and we ar a are that any of th se uses can be established upon City Council app�oval o t e retoning; and we hereby consent to Lhe r�zo�ing of thz F�operty described in th Pltitl0� of Jaguar Properties to a -2 Distritt. n�ne of petitlo er -- LOT BLOdC 11DDITION RECORD OWM R SIGNATURE OATE 3 5 Merrill 's Ying Her 3 5 Merrill 's Bao Yang e 4 5 Merrill 's Ying Her 4 5 Merrill 's Bao Yang e ' 5 5 Merrill 's Rose J. ru ka � ` ' ��-- ,��.�'��- 1 t i b 'X , 6 5 Merrill ' s Rose J. r ska �r "� � n` , � �� � 25 5 Merrill ' s John A. 1 us 25 5 Merrill ' s Geraldi e . G aus 26 5 Merrill 's William C. Sel itsch�' - , -� � � • 26 5 Merrill 's Carol L adea 27 5 Merrill 's Alex Pa r 'ck � / , , /i� - � '�y, �' - � . , , L � � / / �' �� ' � � L � �y -� � � � !i/U ,Y;' Petitions shall not be considered s ficially filed unt 1 the lapse of 7 working days after a petltion is �eceived in th 2 �ing Offite. Any gnator of any petition may �ithdraw his name therefrom by wri te �equest within th t1�ae. �1lNG F�� ` Page 2 of �c��l�r — � — • CONSENT OF IIDJOINI ROPEATY OMNERS TO ZONIN6 We; the undersigned, owners of p ty withln 100 fee of the tatal contiguous de�vriptions of real estate owned. pu cA sed. or so10 by Pe tioner within one year p�eceding the date of this petition, ck oMledge that r+e ha been furnished +rith the folloiring: ' 1. A COpy of the Petition Of a uar Properties fje. �f�� name �et i t i oner 2. A copy of Sect i ons 60-490 th�ou� 60- , i nc 1 us i ve of the St. Pwl Zo�ing Code; �nd acknowledge that we are aMare of all of he uses pern�itted er a B-2 Oistrict ioning classiflc�tion �nd � e �ware that any o these uses can be est�blished upon City Council approv 1 f the reZOning; an re hereDy consent to the rezoning of the �roperty �escribed 1 t Pltiti0n of Ja uar Pro erties Lo B_2 DiStriCt. n�ae of peti i r LOT BLOCK ADOTTI�i RECORD R SI6NAT OATE 1 8 Merriil 's Robert . hax 1 8 Merrill 's Judith . hav 2 8 Merrill ' s Robert . hax 2 8 Merrill ' s Judith . haw 3 8 Merriil ' s Robert . Shax 3 8 Merrill ' s Judith . Shaw 4 8 Merrill ' s The Pe r on Gr � s `' 5 8 Merrill ' s The Pe er on Gr p r3 Y 6 8 Merrill ' s The Pe er on Gr p � 7 8 Merrill 's The Pe er on Gt p f,` ' 8 8 Merrill ' s The Pe e on Gr �Fp 9 8 Merrill 's The Pe e son Gr , -. � pP Petitions shall not be considered as offi�ially filed u til the lapse of 1 worki�g days after a petition is �eceived in oning Offite. Any signator of any petition may Miihd�aw his name therefrau by it request Mithin at tise. P age ? of Z 1NG FILE ��� �� - s- . . ♦ • CONSENT OF ADJOINI ROP ptTY OMNERS TO ZONIlM . �` We, the undersigned. or+ners of p� pe ty vithin 100 feet the total contiguous descriptions of real estate ovrt►ed, pu h ed, or sold py Pet tioner within one year D�eceding the date of this petition. k led9e that we hav Deen furnished with the fo11oM►ing: ,/� � �� 1 . A copy of the Petition of / � �u�i' � name petitioner 2. A copy of Sectioes o—v� .' through �— , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; �n ackno�rledge that ae are aaare of all f he uses permitted er a �J Z District zoning classification and ar aware that any of hese uses can be est ablished upon City Council approv 1 the reZOning; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the froperty �escribed i t Petition of � to a District. � name pet r � LOR BLOpC ADDITION RECORD R SI6NA OATE . ., ��� �� � '• '�� � . Z � .��4' '' � � z�� �- Petitions shall not De considered as officially filed un il the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is reteived in t oning Offite. My i�ttor of any petition may withdrsw his na►ne tl�erefran by rrr Lt n request Mithin t t tiae. �{iNG FILE '�`�` � - G - �'�� � ` S�ATE OF MINNESOTA) : SS COUNTY UF RAMSEY ) /' �Tr� _ ;- � -% �"� , being fir t uly sworn, deposes nd states that he is the person who circulated the within petit'on and consent, consis ing of pages; that affiant is informed and believes that he parties described e the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately before ea h mm�e, that affia is informed and bel ieves that each of the parties described a ov is the owner of pr perty which is within 100 feet from any property oNned or ur hased by petitione or sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the d te of this petition N ch is contiguous to the property described in the petition t t except for none of the parties described abov h s purthased 'or ts rchasin� property from petitioner contiguous to the abov d stribed property w hin one 1 ) year of the date of the petition; that this conse s signed by each o said avners in the presence of this afflant, and that the sign ur s are the true and orrect� signatures of each an� a11 of the parties so described � � ��✓ �_ , �%� �-�'a/�,�.-�-, ..� ���� dress ����� �c,j� S�; � n ��-�- ?�' elephone Number Subscribed and sworn to be ore ine thi s l:r day of _ , 19� . �:`" '"".TNRvU rr,�'t �r, ; � .��.� _ � L nu_ .. '.RY PUcLiC— -.1 Not ary P u i c .;: . �-::. �MK•;����:;`;r- '" � rer i;c�y. �S£=' . ��',�? s � Approved s o form - Feb. 85 Plannfng De artment , �������� ���� — l ��� __ — �� APPLICATION FOR SPECtAL CONDITION USE , CRY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE E ONLY File l� �� '-11 Application Fee $ ��� = Tentative Hearin Date � '� � `�� Number of Lots Size of Parcel: ; Apptication is hereby made for a Special Condit' n se Permit under the ovisions of Chapter 60 , Section 534 , P ra aph h , of e Zoning Code to operate a Gasoline Service Station havi NO facilities f r in ' servicin of automobiles. � A. APPLICAN'T -- Name Delta Realty P e (Daytime) 944—G321 Address 6409 City West Pkwy, Ed n Prairie, nN ip 55344 Property interest of Applicant (Owner, on ract purchaser, etc.) ntract Purchaser Name of owner (if different) Ruth T o son, Stella an Bernard Bea B. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Address/Location East Side Ri e S B w : Legal Description: Lot B k Add. Present Zoning B2/Res. L Size 64, 960 S are feet C. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Explain how you will meet each of he pecial Conditions. A ach supporting materials (diagrams, site plan, letters of sup rt etc.) See attached site plan, Lot siZes is in excess f 0, 000 s uare fe t Ten foot buffer and scr en 'n fence rovi d at east of develo ment ad ' c nt to existin sidence. If you have any questions, please cont ct: Saint Paul Zoning Office R E E I V E D 1100 City Ha11 Annex C 191988 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 4102 (298-4154) ONING i�i�az � ��� �delto r�alty • CORPORATION ■ �--COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE REAITOM 6409 City West Parkway 612 944-�821 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 � � F X: 612-944-0329 THOMPSON P AZ RETAIL CENTER PETITI h FOR REZONING t�e are requestine a re-zoni g rom Residentia to B-2 classifica- tion in orde� to accommodat ur proposed de�- lopment of a Retail Shopping C;enter of approxim t l�- 14 , 800 squar feet . a portion of the site ! t os lots frontin directly on Rice Street - Lots 12 , 13 , 1� , 1" , 1 , 1? , 18 , 19 , 20 , Block 5 , Merrill ' s �ddition ) is alread� zoned B- . �+e are peti ' oning to rezone the back lots ( Lots 7 , 8 , 9 , 22 , 2 , 3 , 2� , Block 5 , �Ierrill ' s Addition ) of our site to B-2 , i*i or er tc complete th construction of the building and provide the e essarti- narking or our proposed de- �•elopment . tve are filine , c.cncurrentlt with this petit on for re-zonin� , an �pplication far Site Pla R .view , and an A lication for Special Gondition C"se . The con it onal use permi is required for our prop�sed Gasoline Servi e Station . We ve met the special conditions required bv t e zoning ordinane for Gasoline �er�•ice Stations . The construction of a r ta' 1 facility of his size requires one ( 1 ) off-street loading ar a , as identif ed on the Site Plan . This off-street loading ar a is abutting and which is currentlS' zoned Residential , and s such we are als requesting a variance to accommodate the off- t eet loading are . We are providing a ten I10 ) foot buffer b tw en aur develop nt and the Residential land � as well as a sc ee ing fence whic is required for the Condit� onal Lse Permit . beiieve that ese shielding measures should provide suffic ' e t screening for the off-street loading zone . ZON NG FILE ��`,__'_�_ RETAIL PROPERTY SPECIALISTS • D V LOPMENT • LEASI G • SITE SEARCHES • LAND SALES - 4- , PURCHASE A B ENT � Minneapolis , Minnesota Mayav, 198 Received of Jaquar Property Mana e nt Corporation e sum of One Thousand Dollars ( $1 , 000 .00 ) check as earne t money to be deposited the next business sy after acceptan in the trust account of the listing brok and in part p yment for the purchase of the premises leg 11 described as L s Twelve ( 12 ) , Thirteen ( 13 ) , Fourteen ( 4 ) Fifteen ( 15y , Sixteen ( 16 } , Seventeen ( 17 ) , Eighteen ( 18 , ineteen ( 19 ) , a Twenty ( 20) in Block Five ( 5 ) Merrill 's i ision of Rice Street Villa's. Consisting of 33, 687 . 5 squ re feet plus any cated streets or alleyways all in the City of S . Paul , County o Ramsey, State of Minnesota, including any mp ovements there . All of which properties Sellers have i day sold to B er for the sum of: Two Hundred Seventy-Five T usand Dollars , ( $275 , 000 .00 ) which �J� Buyer agrees to pay in th f llowing manner' arnest monev of One � , Thousand Dollars ( $1 , 0 0. 0 ) and � ndred '�L�'"� ��"1'housand Dollars ( ) c h on the d e of clo� n�4 ��� �a• � s� Q :o �. , - Subject to performance b Buyer, Seller agree to execute and deliver a Warranty De d, to be joined in by spouses , if any, conveying marketable it e to the pre ses subject only to Building and zoning aws, Ordinanc s , State and Federal Regulations and the Ut ' li y and drainage sements of record. REAL ESTATE TAXES Se le s agree to pay xes for the year 1988 on a pro rata basis to h date of closing Buyer agrees to pay pro rata taxes in the ea 1989 and to pay all taxes due and payable in the year 198 nd any unpaid installments of special assessments payabl herewith and ereafter. Sellers make no warrant,y regarding e homestead o nonhomestead status of the 1988 taxes or any ta es thereafter. either Sellers nor Sellers' Agent makes any r resentation co cerning the amount of future real estate taxes � Sellers make no wa ranties regardi improvements on the property or any other a anties beyond ose contained in the Warranty �. Deed as called fo above. Seller agree to deliver possession P closing and a 1 interest C ty water and sewer charg� electricity, at ral gas charges , fuel oil LP gas charges anc� other charges all be pro ra ed between the parties as � date of closi g. TITLE & EX I ATION Seller s 11 within a reasonable acceptance f this agreement furnish an Abstract Registered Pr perty Abstract, ertified to date to i searches c v ing bankruptci , State and Federa' liens. Bu er shall be allowe 20 business days a examinatio of title an making any � �4 NG FIL U E .1_.., - /o - . � ��- �o � shall be made in writing o emed waived. I any objection is so made,Seller shall be all w d 120 days to m e title marketable. Pending correction of titl , payments hereun r required shall be postponed, but upon corre t' on of title and ithin 10 days after written notice to Buyer, e parties shall p form this agreement according to its terms. If title is not corrected within 120 days from the date of wr' tt n objection, th s agreement shall be null and void, at option of Buyer, neither arty shall be liable for damages hereunder t he other, and e rnest money shall be refunded to Buyer. DEFAULT If title is mark t le or is corre ed within said time , and Buyer defaults in n of the agreeme s herein, Seller may terminate this agreement and on such te ination all payments made hereunder shall be etained by Sell and Agent , as their respective interests may ppear, as liq 'dated damages, time being of the essence r of. This provi ion shall not deprive either party of the ri t of enforcing th specific performance of the agreement, prov'de this agreement is not terminated and action to enforce spec' fi performance i commenced within six months after such righ f action aris s. In the event Buyer � defaults in his perfor an e of the terms of this Agrement, and Notice of Cancellation is served upon the Buyer pursuant to MSA 559 . 21 , the termination riod shall be thirty ( 30 � days as permitted by Subdivision f MSA 559. 21 . This offer is contingent p n the Purchaser ability to obtain the necessary zoning, i censing, permit and any and all other governmental requireme s for the c struction of retail facilities on the sub 'ec property and adjacent properties by October 15 , 1988 . Pu chaser agrees o proceed with all due diligence to acquire he necessary gov rnmental requirements immediately upon accepta ce of this contrac by Seller. This offer is also c n ingent upon the racticality of grading the property for its i tended use as r ail development. It is understood between buy r and sellers at substantial grading and excavating work ill need to done and that the configuration of the r perty at presen will make it necessary that certain provisio be made for sinage and for lateral support of adjacent ro erties. That he practicality of such grading, excavating a d improvements s all be within the sole discretion of purchase s nd shall be on he same time table with the paragraph above reg rd ng contingencie . Seller agrees to exe ut any document necessary as required. Any expenses connecte herewith are t be borne by Purchaser. Purchaser may enter u o the property f purposes of surveying � planning, making of soil tests o any other reasonable inspection. � /�� � In the event that a sale is n t onsummated und this Agreement � all of the Purchaser's work p o uct, including t not limited to surveys , test results, plans b th for grading d improvements ) , and applications for gover e t requirements shall become the property of Seller as to the b ect property. In the event the Purc as rs are unable to fulfill the contingencies, they must s otify Sellers prior to 6 p.m. , October 15 , 1988, that th y wish to void is Agreement. In which case this Agreement s all be ended an all earnest money shall be returned to Purc a er. Should no otice be given by Purchaser prior to October 1 , 1988, all con ingencies shall be deemed waived and closing h 11 occur on or efore December 15 , 1988. This contract is fully a ig able by Sellera and Buyers and all its obligations and rig ts shall to the benefits of all successors and assigns. Buyer shall have a right to e ect signs on th property either i its name or in the name of i s agent advertisi g its development Service of any notices, de an s or other corr spondence regardi to the transaction shall b made upon Sel ers at The Parran Companies, Inc. , 1500 Jack on Street N.B. , Mi neapolis , MN 554 and upon Buyers at Delt alty, Inc. , 64 City West Parkwa� Eden Prairie, MN 55344 . AGENCY DISCLOSURE Delta R alty Inc. sti lates that it i.°-. representing the purchas r in this transac ion even though th�-y will be sharing a comm' ss on with the isting broker. The Parranto Companies and he r agent repre ent that they are representing the sellers i this transact on and that they are div' ding a commission with De ta Realty Inc. Ja uar Pro tv Mana ment Co SELLER BUYER J by � S LLER The Parranto Com an Inc. Delta ealtv Inc . by � �--� l - �'. .. /� �.. . . , PURCHASE AGRE N l�riinneapolis, Minnesota June 10, 19 8 Rece•ived of Jaquar Property Mana e nt Corporation he sum of One Thousand Dollars (#1,0 00.000) by h ck as earnest money to be deposited the next business day fter acceptanc in the trust account of the listing broker and ' art payment for the purchase of the premises legally described s ots Seven (7) , ight (8) , Nine (9) , Txenty-One (21 ) , Tr�renty-Tvo 22) , Twenty-Thr e (23) and Twenty-Four (24) in Block Five (5) Me rill's divisio of Rice Street Villa ' s. Consisting of approximat 1 32,800 square eet including any improvements thereon. All of h ch properties S lers have this day sold to Huyer for the su of: One Hundre Fifty Thousand Dollars, (�150, 000.00) which Buyer a rees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money of One T ou and Doilars (�1 000.00) and One Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Dolla s �199,0 00.00) ca h on the date of closing . Subject to performance by Buy r, Sellers agree to execute and deliver a Warranty Deed, to be oined in -by ouses, if any, conveying marketable title to t remises subject only to Buildiny and zoning laxs, Ordinances, Sta e nd Federal Regu ations and the Utility and drainage easements o r cord. REAL ESTATE TAXES Sellers agree t pay ta or e year 1988 on a pro rata basis to the date o losing. Buyer rees to pay it' s pro-rata share of 1988 taxes and t pay al taxes e and payable in the year 1989 and any unpaid i t llments of sp cial assessments payable therewith and therafter. ellers make no arranty regarding the homestead or nonhomestead ta us of the 1988 axes or any taxes thereafter. Neither Sellers no S llers' Agent m es any represen- tation concerning the amount of f ure real estat taxes. Sellers make no warranties reya d' ng improvements n the pru�erty or any other warranties beyond t s contained in t e Warranty Deed as called for above. Sellers agr e o deliver poss ssion at closing and all interest City water a d ewer charges, e ectricity, natural gas charges, fuel oil-LP gas c ar es and any othe charges shall be pro rated betwe en the parties s f the date of osing. TITLE � EXAMINATION Selle hall within a r sonable time after acceptance of this agreement urnish an Abs ract of Title or Registered Property Abstrac , ertified to da e to include proper searches covering bankruptci s, State and Fed ral judgments and liens. Buyer shall be all we 20 business da s after receipt for examination of title and maki g ny objection, ich shall be made in writing or deemed waive . If any objecti is to made, Seller shaii be ailowed 120 days o make title arketable. Pending cor rection of title, payments h reunder require shall be postponed , but upon correction of title n within 10 days after written notice to Buyer , the parties shall pe form this agree ent according to ' ts� *and to pay in full all asse s nts presently vied or pending. Z N�NG F1LE -� �� . .�_ � terms. If title is not correcte w thin 120 days f om the date of written objection, this agreement ha 1 be null and v id, at option of Buyer , neither party shall be 1 ' ab e for damages h reunder to the � otherr and earnest money shali be ef nded to Buyer. J DEFAULT If title is marketable o is corrected w' hin said time, and Buyer defaults in any of th agreements her in, Seller may terminate this agreement, and on u h termination a 1 payments made hereunder shall be retained by Se le and Agent, as heir respective interest may appear, as liquid te damages, time being of the essence hereof . This provision s all not deprive either party of the right of enforcing the specif c erformance of the agreement, provided this agreement is no terminated and tion to enforce specific performance is commenced w' thin six months fter such riyht of action arises. In the event 8 y r defaults in h s performance of the terms of this Agreement, and o ice of Cancell tion is served upon the Buyer pursuant to MSA 59 21 , the termina ion period shall be thirty (30) days as permitted by Subdivision 9 o MSA 559 .21 . This offer is contingent upon th P rchaser' s abil ' y of obtain the necessary zoning, licensing, p r its and any and all other governmental requirements for th onstruction of etail facilities on the subject property and adja e t properties by October 15, 1�88. Purchaser agrees to proceed it all due dilige ce to acquire the necessary governmental requirem nt immediately up n acceptance of this contract by Sel ler . This offer is also contingent up n the practica ty of grading the property for its � intended u e as retail de lopment. It is understood between Buyers and S llers that subs antial grading and excavating work will need to be d ne and that the configuration of the property at present wi 1 make it neces ary that certain provisions be made for dra 'na e and for la eral support of adjacent properties. That th practicality of such grading , excavating and improvements sh 11 be within the le discretion of of Purchasers and shall be on he same time tabl with the paragraph above regarding contingencies. Seller agrees to execute any d cuments necessa y as required . Any expenses connected therewit re to be bor e by Purchaser . Purchaser may enter upon he property for pu poses of surveying, planning, making of soil test o any other rea nable inspection. In the event that a sale is n t onsummated un r this Agreement, all of the Purchaser' s wor roduct, includi but not limited to surveys, tests results, plans ( oth for grading and improvements) , and applications for gover m nt requirement shall become the property of Seller as to the su ject property . In the event the Purchasers re unable to fulfi 1 the contingencies , they must so notify Sellers ri r to 6 p.m. , 0 ober 15, 1988, that they wish to void this g ement. In whi case this Agreement shall be ended and all earne t money shall be eturned to Purchaser . Should no notice by given by P rchaser prior o October 15, 1988, al 1 contingencies shall be e ed waived and losing shall occur on or before December 15, 1988. 2 ... � L� .. . � ` Sellers shall have the right to r mo e any items de ired from the • builslings on subject property. S ch items shall nclude, but are nat limited to light fixt re , carpeting, ap liances, vindox eovering and built-in cabinetry c. In no circu stances are any items to be removed in such a man e a� to create o leave an unsafe condition (for example, all elect i al and gas conn tions must be capped as per city and state c d s and no holes e to be ief t in the structure) . Seilers also agr e to hold Buyers armless from any third party claims due to said r o al . Any remova of items f rom the subject property must be do e ithin s.�ct��,( s of closing or all riyhts to such items shal v s t in Buyer . ` . This contract is fully assignabl y Sellers and B ers and all its obligations and rights shall inu e to the benefits f all successors and assigns. Buyer shall have a right to re t signs on the roperty either in its name or in the name of its ge t advertising i s development. Service of any notices, demands or other correspo ence regarding to the transaction shall be ma e upon Sellers t The Par ranto Companies, Inc. , 1500 Jackson S reet N.E. , Min apolis, Minnesota 55413 and upon Buyers at Delta e lty, Inc. , 6409 ity West Parkway, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344. AGENCY DISCLOSURE _ Delta R al y Inc. stipula es that it is representing the Purchaser in hi transaction ev n though they will be sharing a commission wi h the listing b ker. The Parranto Companies and their agent repr se t that they ar representing the Sellers in this transaction a d hat they are d' iding a commission with Delta Realty Inc. Ja uar Pro rt Mana ement Cor . BUY ER '� by � S LLER The Parranto Com an Inc. Delta Rea Inc. � b �sl _ b Y ..� ���. � � .� ��Q y� . - 1�(+ev►�..:c'�-[ V� I � WEST WHEEL P KWAY ; ; sr•• Z�•.�" � - t _ •j�°a- � •.�s• � / • �,A. 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I V \`. �`v� • � ' _ '. p � tt - . �,� � ` :_ - 0 0-1� o � �1' • , ' ; ;o�� I o. ; � �iv, - . `� ; -- -_ �� � P� , - - - � � PARICWAY � O— � --- � � _ t v i� Q �, � � O � . � \ a V� - � - :0�:_ _: ;._� 1 � .. � � ��• O � _ _Q_ _> � � �O '-: �.-+-,+--it' �� -; . � ' � ° - o • -� o;c ib j �o o�-� � � - o � _-- yy G AVE. � ` �-"{ 0 0 � ' , � . O o -- � o -�` -� ' o o�o�o`o} ,o 0 oi o � � �_ -- -6 , � � + � � 1 tt z! O6 � i � �• -T- -r- � � � � -- ' ' , � � O�o _ 1 : � , , p � � � �� O -0 ,S- I � ¢ `"- � �� ' O O'p, � � � � a0 ilY. 0 T QN� , - - _. ► - (J o �,,.io ,o{o:'o 0 0 0� o � Za � 'i • � ' � � . , � � C ,� C ,.,�.._.._ , , ,; � /�24 29 29 � � 1' i � ' H �' ! • • � vl 1 '�.J W O z-s °a .p D�Oi�O�O •J � O;O � � �} • o �IV. 0 TQNA AYE. 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OIST 6 MAP� 4 0 � • • r+ ao�n�aal SCIILE t'= 400' � MMD • �� lndwlrfal � '� ��Q V vacar�t GONSOLIDATED INYESTM T PROPERTIE � su�r� ,22, 1660 SOUTH HIGMNAY�I100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 612-545-7462 February 14, 1989 1Ks. Lisa Freese Zoninq Co�mittee 25 �Test Fourth Street St. Paul, l�innesota 55102 Re: Jaquar Properties/Delta P pe ies - File 10418 - File Rice Street between Whee� k Parkway and i�s Iowa Street Dear Ms. Freese: I am the owner of Park�ray Sh p inq Center �►hi is within 350 feet of the above described p rty. I am aqainst the rezoninq and e ablishment of t e Special Condi- tion Use Permit for the foll i q reasons: 1. There is too much traffi a onq this partic lar stretch of Rice Street now. 2 . Cars are backed up in t ddle of inters tions when the stop liqhts are on red. 3. Turinq in and out of ea s inq properties a niqhtmare, tryi_nq to avoid accide s If this new center Was o leted, it wou d oaly add to the prer�en� traf=ic flaw probi oa this stretc of Rice Street. If you have any questioas p eaae contace 'e at 545-7462. Sincerely t`�� Robert L. rt RLR:nr ZO '����: e - -_:�: _�4_ �9- i°�� �, , _ bruary 9 , 1989 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Mn 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 1041 Zoning File Name: J g ar Properties/D ta Realty This letter is writte o state my pers al objection and that of my family and n ighbors to the ove listed project. We request that a 1 the petitions o rezone this property and issue a spec a condition use rmit be denied. The reasons for this requ s are as follows l. Traffic - The pet t 'oner has statea hat this type of business does not brin ny more traffic 'nto an area. Whether or not this is tr e can be debated. I�IOwever, what is true is that the traff c will be redirec d into the neighborhood and at the t m s when the scho buses are picking up or drmpping of hildren, and th residents of the neighborhood are leav n for or coming me from work. The parking and traffic p o lems in this ne' hborhood caused by the heavy use of Arlin t n Park have not een resolved and until a solution can e found it does n make sense to further add to or comp i ate the problem 2. Saturation - With'n a quarter mile the intersection of Rice and Wheelock Park a there are alre y five (5) gas stations, one with a serv c department, on with a car wash, and three (3) with convie c stores. The S er America store directly across the stree s open 24-hours In addition, a new auto mall of 17,000 s . feet is sched ed to be completed by September, �989 . If i act that what t developer stated about not bringing in any m re traffic is t e, the business of one or two of the alre d established bu 'nesses will suffer if this one is to r sper. Destroyi a business only to replace it with anothe f the same type oes not seem to me to make good business e se and does not 'ng to enhance the neighborhood or business o unity that aly dy exists . 3. Parkway - Three ( ) of the seven (7) R-4 properties that have to be rezoned t ake this projec viable boarder Wheelock Parkway. This p r way, a heavily ed bicycle route, runs between to major par s in St. Paul, Co and Phalen. It is also a part of the *iet o Park Corridor S tem. To allow a rezoning for commerc�i.al p r oses violates t restrictive and � Z � � ` Zoning File No. 10418 - 2 - February 9, 1989 protective status of th ' s system. Should uch a rezoning be allowed there could n most likely wo d be an erosion of R-4 properties to co e �2a1 or multif ily housing along this route. The zoning r� ulations and la d use plans for this area were made to ro ect the uniquen ss of this parkway � and should be adhered t i order to assur that this parkway remains the safe reside ti 1 route that th city planner intended it to be. 4 . Separation - Bec u e of the many p blems caused by the mixture of commer i 1 and residenti properties , a land use plan has been d v loped to keep t areas as separate as possible using alleys a streets as na ral boundaries wherever possible. A co i ent to this s aration can be � seen in the District 6 U P Partnership pro ram. I believe this project violates th s and use plan fo this area as -- it requires the crossing ve of such a boun ary and the rezoning of seven (7) ou o thirteen (13) -4 properties on the other side of tha b undary for this project to become viable. Again, we request tha he petition by guar Properties/ Delta Realty, File No. 10 1 be DENIED. Also we would like to re uest that the ning committee discourage any petitions o evelop the corn r of Rice and Wheelock Parkway (or any th r corner of the Parkway system) as a gas station/convienc s ore because of he saturation factor and set back requi em nts that may re uire rezoning of R-4 properties to comm c al . We would a so request the discouragement of any peti i ns to rezone an R-4 property to any other type of prope t use. As state before , not only is Wheelock Parkway a m jor artery betw n two major ' -- parks in St. Paul , it is a s a part of the tro Park Cor- ridor System and as such s o d be protected rom over develop- ment. The fact that the 1 nd use along it h remained R-4 contributes to the uniquen ss of this route d this uniqueness should be preserved. Yours truly, - C(„t,t�� Catherine LaC ir 101 W. Wheelo Parkway St. Paul , Mn 5117 cc J. Rettman - Council Pe so S. Voyda - Dist. 6 - Z6 - � � PETITION T D NY REZONING ,� � � TO DEVELO T OMPSON PLAZA ����• We, the undersigned„reque t he DENIAL of t petition to � rezone seven (7) Residenti 1 properties to C ercial. in order to develop Thompson 1 za as presented to the District Six Council and Land Use as Force. (These properties lie East of the plotted alley ru ning parallel o Rice Street. ) NAME A d ess Homeowner y N ' l - -- - _�/_? -_ - w��� � � � �h� . ,� �� _ � �� ; .� , � -,, ��- � � s�. ��� �:.�; � . ; ; �f i �_, , ��� ��� �� . : _-�.- ___�_ �i c.�`-� � .,i�d CJ�i � f � , ,���,�, , ' � + � �„ �s r-'�-�--- -�=-��l - �' �3 �_ s iI��I �� ���� �es . - � �� ���`` . - ---------- _ - ------- - — - - ---- 2� — ' � F PETITION TO DE Y REZONING • ,� �` TO DEVELOP T MPSON PLA2A '� ��'� We, the undersigned, .reque t he DENIAL of th petition to rezone seven (7) Residenti 1 roperties to Co ercial in order to develop Thompson 1 za as presented o the District Six Council and Land Use as Force. (These roperties lie East of the plotted alley ru ning parallel o Rice Street.) � Np,� d ess Homeowner . y N � � g � �� � J � -- `_,�L���.��- � C�� �� c���u�� _ ------_ .-- - -- �-� - _ _-X_ .,. . . . _�- � / — ^� �Q 2�- -� % �� � � ',,1`, ? '� / C•✓ fl�E�.�k . � _ -- -- � ��< - - - -' _ � �---- -- � . w- C4.>�`� c� ___- --- - - -f - �� r�c �GC.•� ��� r r , � � �1 ' L� �.� ��� I`l J G �'Y�c� \�` ` � i�ee�o� J� � � � ------------ -- -- -- - --- - - -- ------- - , - -- � --- ----�- - - -------- --- --- -- - -- - ------- ------ --------. .. Zg — . , � r _ ___ _ _ _ - ��-���� _ �WHiTE - CITY CLERK C flC1I PINK � FINANCE CITY OF A NT PAUL CANARV - DEPApTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR F• NO• Return c�py to: ouncil solution � Valuations -- Room 218 I� (RM) (25-1988) �� Presented By Referred To Committee: te Out of Committee By te RESOLVED, that upon t e etition of Ru Thompson, per Finance Department File No 5-1g88, all tho parts of the alleys in Block 5 , Merrill ivision of Ric Street Villas , bounded by Rice Street , Whee o k Parkway, Iowa Avenue and Park Street , hereinafter described , e and the same re hereby vacated and discontinued as public pr p rty. The vacated area ia desc i ed as follows : All that part of th north-south lley lying southerly of Wheel ck Parkway as open d and all that part of the ea t- est alley lying westerly of the southerly extens ' on of the easterl line of Lot 7, all in Block 5 , M rr' lls Division o Rice Street Villas - This vacation ahall e subject to t following conditions : 1 . That the vacation e subject to a 1 the terms and conditions of Chap e 130, codified arch l, 1981 , of the Saint Paul Legi 1 tive Code , ad a ended . 2. That the petitione , er heirs and as igns shall pay the City $8, 482 as com en ation for thia acation which is due and payable w' th n 60 days of th publication date of this resolution 3 . That the petitio er, her heirs , nd assigns shall - dedicate to the C ty of Saint Paul , ithin 60 days of the publication at of this resol ion, a permanent easement for right o -way purposes i a form and manner to be approved by t e City Attorney nd subject to the approval of the D partment of P lic Works . This easement shall be e ribe COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depa ment of: Yeas Nays Dimund Finan & Man ementnServices �� In Favo Goswitz ttman B s Director Scheibel A gai n s t y at„ Sonnen � L,."� Wilson Form Appr `e ity Att ey Adopted by Council: Date �� n Certified Nassed by CounGil Secretary BY � �/ gy, A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approve May ubmissi to Council R.. � ��� ✓V"�..° . � �+ITE - CITV CLERK ^ NK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /�/,G '.�NARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. `� • � �..UE - MAVOR �luationsy-t�Room 2�8 Council Resolution :zM) (25-1988) resented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Al1 that part of the north 20 feet . of the east 20 feet of Lot 24, Block 5 , Merrills Diviaion of Rice Street Villas 4. That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated areas to protect the interest of U. S. West Communications . 5 . That a permanent utility easement be retained within the vacated areas to protect the interests of Northern States Power Company. 6. That the petitioner, her heirs and assigns , by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits , actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuriea or damages received or sustained by any person, persons , or property on acc_ount of this vacation or petitioner' s use of this property including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees . 7. That the petitioner, its successors , and assigns , shall within 60 days of the publication date of this - resolution file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution comply in all respects with these terms and conditions . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Finance & Management ervices �ng In Favor ; Goswitz ? � i / Rettman -�. C �� Director scne�net _ Against BY ' � �"� � Sonnen � �'� ' Wiison y-!-�"��`/ Form Appr ,ed ity tor e:y Adopted by Council: Date Certi[ied Passed by Council Secretary BY C � � gy. Approved by �Navor. Date Appro e 6 Mayo o Submis ion to Council r By � . _ �;�-�i-s�� ORIGINATOR b DATE INRIATED TE C MPLETED G R E E N H E ET NO. 0 0 3 6 6 6 Finance & Manaoement Services >% � CONTACT PERSON D ARTMENT DIRECTOH 2 MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'n Dick McCann ASSIGN - NUMBER FOR FINANCE 8 MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECT -CITV CLEHK CANTACT DEPT. CONTACT PHONE NO. ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR Valuations 298-5317 ORDER: cirvarroaNev SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/REQUEST: Approve resolution for the petition of Ru h Thompson to vaca e part of the alleys in Block 5, Merrill's Division ou ded by Rice Street Wheelock Parkway, Park Street, and Iowa Avenue. . .��.... ._. ... _._._„ COUi�1CIL HEARING:� rch 30, 1989 LIC WORKS COMMIT E HEARING: March 22, 198 RECOMMENDATIONS:(Approve(A)or Reject(R)) COUNCIL RESEAR RE RT: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DATE IN" DAT OUT ANALYST PHONE NO. ZONING COMMISSION ISD 825 SCHOOL BOARD � �' STAFF CHARTER COMMISSION COMPLETE AS IS AOD'L INFO.ADDED'� RET'D TO CONTACT CONSTfNENT _ FOR ADD'L INFO.* _FEEDBACK ADOED* DISTRICT CAUNCII *EXPLANATION: SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 ��c���/�D �/ Located in Council District 4�5. � � � F�..r, �, t �c��� OFF:+ : �F TH, p�c,� ; F D1R�CTpR ��r�� A� �Mi=ntl p��f PlA,�I INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): ' �— `�?I��f+�� l+ The purpose of this vacation is for he contruction of a r tail shopping center to be located over approximat ly the westerly one-h lf of Block 5. JUSTIFlCATION(Cost/Benefits,Advantages,Results): The Department of Public Works; the Depa tm nt of Community Se ices; the Department of Planning and Economic Development; Wa er Utility; Police De artment; Fire & Safety Services; Northwestern Bell Telephone Co pa y; Northern States Power Company; District Energy St. Paul, Inc. ; Western Union, an C ntinental Cablevis on have no objections to the vacation. . CONSEOUENCES(What,When,and To Whom): District 6, does not support either the va ation or the propo d development. District 6's objections are outlined in th ir letter of Febru y 20, 1989 which is attached. ALTERNATIVES: ROS CON5 Deny vacation Keep status quo ` - i,. , � , NISTORY/PRECEDENTS: The vacation process and procedures f lo Chapter 130 of t Legislative Code. LEGAL ISSUES: Unknown. ' .- ! _RFORMANCE HISTORY OF SPONSORING FIRM/ORGANRATION/PRINCIPALS: None STAKEHOLDERS(List) POSITION(+,—,O) � r W�LL TESTIFYI(Y/N) RATIONALE(Summarize Main Arguments) Adjoining land owners - FINANCIAL IMPACT F�RST Y�R�s�oa�a> SECOND YEAR NOTES: Petitioner to pay $8,482.00 as co pensation for this cation. OPERATING BUDGET: REVENUES GENERATED ......................:........................................ _ EXPENSES: Salaries/Fringe Benefits..................................:.:..:::.....:....... Equipment..................:........................................:....:............. Supplies ..............................:..:...................:........................... Contrads for Service..........:.................................................. Other � PROFIT(LOSS) .............................................:.....:....:....::......._........ FUNDING SOURCE FOR ANY LOSS(Name and Amount) _ , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: DESIGNCOSTS................................................................................ . AC�WSITION COSTS...............................:.....................:................ - ' CONSTRUCTION COSTS .............:.................................................. _ TOTAL .................................................:.................................................. ., . : : SOURCE OF FUNDING(Name and Amount) � IMPACT ON BUDGET: AMOUNT CURRENTLY BU�GETED.............................................. • - ; _ AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDGET ,,,,,.,,_„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SOURCE OF AMOUNT OVER BUDGET........................................ PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST) .,,,..... � IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY: . DEPT/OFFICE � DIVISION -.. � . . . . ' � FUND TITIE _ ,. .. - ' � .. � . BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER&TITLE � . �� - - �ACTIVITY MANAGER .� . . � � . - . � HOW PERFORMANCE WILL BE MEASURED4: pROGRAM OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 1ST YR. : 2ND YR. EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITY: ' ' PEHSON DEPT. PHONE NO. REPORT TO COUNCIL OF DATE � � .� � � FlRST QUARTERLY , ` , - ° pERFORMANCE REPORT BY_ _i . • � � '� O O � �, ' v ` a` _, �` v v + . _Q G C, 0 � .�Y .� � "' :---: � C1 41 � � 48 `, �`T --r�-- i �{ _ � _ . \ O , � � O �. �y..��l��� � '✓ G � -- � � L � t 1 ' ---:_• '� -— r. 30 '+ •'''`�".'� ,; - - - A <___' � • OI ' O ` " ' �� .� - - • .v � � i :� v p � � ` ,` =� • • -� --- - "'�T:1 _ O p�a O � �� . --- { i ; � � � ' �`r�'�• �� ; -- ---. � - �� o l ��il'� i�l� . P� (v •� ` - - ---� � � . WHEELO K ARKWAY � . 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"!7.,. , ...� � �Y . , . . _ _ ._ . . � . � m . � � "� . � _ _ ..�i��'� ���'�� � � . .V, �w',�K, �J. i eXi. r vltu �S ��6.�.�s l �- '"? � i_� �.. `r.� � _ -..J.,.�., �� Y�,,��,��z. $ClSY �P � ..:�,_J ,:; �� �. �� �°"'CITY OF SAINT PAUL a ��������„� ; DEPART EN OF PLANNING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `� ���� �� � o' DIVISION OF PLANNING � � 25 est Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �86� 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVED March 24, 1989 ���2 ����� Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 3s6, �ity xa11 ClTY CLEatK Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File #10418 - Jaguar/De ta Realty/Thompson Pl za East side of Rice Street betwe n eelock and Iowa City Council Hearing: March 3 , 989 PURPOSE: To rezone from B-3 (Gene 1 usiness) and R-4 ( ne Family Residential) to B-2 (Community Bus' es ) to establish a ,000 square foot retail shopping center. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: App ve (8-5) ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Approv ( -2) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: Five persons testified a t hearing. OPPOSITION: Three persons and a r r entative from Dis ict 6 testified at the hearing; two letters and a pet'ti with 16 signatur received. Dear Sir: On February 16, 1989, the Zoning C i tee of the Planni Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. e etitioner testifi . At the close of the public hearing, the Committee te 4 to 2 to approv the rezoning based on staff findings. The Comittee also o d to recommend ap oval of a Special Condition Use Permit for gasoline p for one of the t ants in the proposed shopping center. On February 24, 1989, the Planning o ission upheld the oning Committee's recommendation on a vote of 8 to 5. This rezoning is scheduled to be h r by the City Counc' on March 30, 1989. Planning Division staff will prese t otographs of the ea for the Council's information. Sincerely, �//� ----i (/ �'`�� ��C.1- �./ Lisa J. Freese ("� l�C� �-� r � Planner II '�" � LTF:rm Attachments �� � / � � �' tn��� � ��G� c� � � c- ����. c,ity of saint paui planning commission reso u f�e number �9-,� �tE] Februarv ?:�, 1989 WHEREAS, Jaguar Properties/Delta Rea� :, file =10418, peti�� ned to rezone property situated at the southeas� corner oL 2=ce Street and '��:eeioc' Parkwa� from B-3 and R-4 zoning to B-2 zoning for the purp se o� cor.s�ruc�ir.g a ,000 square foot retail shopping center and to establish a co ve ier.ce store wi*_h g oline pumps; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the la ning Commission on ebruary 16, 1989, held a public hearing at which all persons pr sent were giver. an pportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accor an e with the require nts of Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; a d WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commissi n, based on the evide e presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearin a substantially ref cted in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant, Delta Realty, prop es to construct a 15, 00 square foot retail shopping center at this location. T building would b situated on the easterly portion of the site faci g 'ce Street with pa ing in front. The center would have approximately 6 re il/service tenant One of the proposed . tenants is a convenience store wi o self-service p islands that are located in the northwest corner o t site. 2. The 64,000 square foot site is co pr'sed of 4 separate x parcels and requires the vacation of an unimproved all y at lies within th site's boundary. The parcel abutting Rice Street is zo ed B-3, General Busin s, and historically was used as an open-air produce marke . The three parcels the east are zoned R-4, One Famiiv Residential; the ar el along w'hee�ocK rkway is vacant and the parcels along Iowa Avenue contain tw older single fami dwellings in disrepair. ?,11 existing struc�ur s ould be remo:�ed an the site would be re-graded to accommodate the pres n� grade of the comme ial property along Rice Street. 3. Section 60.2I2 requires that in o de �o develoo more t: n one parcel as a unit, the zoning district ot all parcel m s� be �he same. developers are petitioning �o rezone the si�e fr m -3 and R-4 �o B-2, ommunity Business. co tinued) ���p� �/ MORTON vv�� a+� �G'a'�� � Z I EMAN � ���� agait�.st- - File �10418 Page Two 4. Section 60.531 of the zoning cod s -�es that "the B-2 ommunitv Business District is intended to serve th n ds of a (ZargerJ nsumer population. . .and is generally characterized by a 1u ter of establishmen s generating large volumes of vehicular and pedestr" traffic." S. According to the site plan, the i tation of the shop ing center will be towards Rice Street. Rice is cl s ied as a minor ar rial "A" street in the -- streets and highway section of t mprehensive Plan. A minor arterial "A" street is designed to connect su e 'ons and have direc access to major activity centers such as shoppin c ters. The most recent traffic count fo Ri e Street at Wheelo k Parkway is 16�600 ADT. This traffic volume is similar t t traffic on Ford rkway between Cretin and Cleveland in the Highland Park s p 'ng area. � 6. In the retail industry, a shoppi c nter of this size s considered to be a ' neighborhood shopping center. A ei hborhood center ge erally supports retail and service uses that are geared to eet the needs of t e local market. While this type of center will localiz t ffic to this inter ection, it is not a destination oriented facility an is not likely to gene ate additional traffic into the area. 7. An objective of the City's Co�pr e ive Plan is "to ma ntain and enhance the city's commercial areas and �� p vi e the flexibiiitv eeded to accommodate new demands and opportunities." uor sp cifically, the cit 's Comprehensive Plan land use section states as polic 4. -4 that the Citv " i11 continue to monitor commercial [rends and adiust 'cs Ian use policies to r main abreast of changes aftecting the characte: o.= c��e ia' areas. . ." and as olicy 4.2-5 that the city "wi11 continue co rev�e•.: :ts pr sent commercial zo ing to ensure that each zoning classification reflec.:s u s ppropriate to the ntended application of the district." Finally, in polic !a.2-7 the plan state that the city, through zoning, will encourage businesses to maintain the scale of surrounding development, reduce traffic and p rk'ng problems, and b ffer incompatible land uses. co tinued) File =104I8 Page Three 8. Rice Street is an older commercial ri that is struggli to compete in today's retail market. The zoning fl cts historical pl ting practices and the land use patterns which separat mmercial strips f m residential uses by a narrow alley. This pattern was e ta ished prior to th emergence of the shopping center concept and as a re ul fostered free-sta ing single use commercial establishnents. In the re ent market, the lo are not able to accommodate a reasonable shopping c nt r design. By utilizing the shopping center co ce t (multiple commer al uses concentrated in one unified developoent), retail rs are able to market ore effectively to a broader consumer group. From a lan u e standpoint, ther is a greater opportunity for shared parking betw en the uses and a gre ter ability to control access onto the street in order to ro ide for better tra fic flow and safety. 9. The District 6 Plan recommends that th community "should vork to rets�n existing businesses and sttract n co ercial estebZis nts through improvements to the environment by ir t, stabiliziag the existing businesses, second, supporting improvements to he adjacent residenti 1 neighborhoods, and third, providing space for new est Ii hments." The pla acknowledges that many retail establishments have left an h e been replaced b service oriented businesses along Rice Street becau e the change in re il merchandising and shopping center development elsewh re. The development of this center may pr ide space for Ric Street retailers in marginal locations to relocate in he same neighborhood. 10. The proposed development meets the in ent of the B-2 zon g district, will tos�er development of an underutil ze parcel of land an will maintain the sca?e of other Rice Street develop en s. _ ( on inued) � �� l v��� File =10418 Page Four �1 . Retail uses are permitted in the B-2 zo ing district; an a o service station is a permitted use subject to the follo in three conditions: (a) The construction and maintenance of all driveways, cur , sidewalks. . .and other facilities used in conjunc io with the operatio of the auto service station shall be in accordance w th the current specif ation. The site plan as submitted is in ac ordance with city ecifications, with the exception of the northeast s rvi ce driveway. The evelopers are requesting a variance of the 25' se back requirement f r commercial driveways adjacent to residenti 1 zoned land. (b) A ten-foot buffer area with scr en lanting and an obs uring wall or fence shall be required along any pro er line adjacent to n existing residence or adjacent to vacant land zone f r residential use. The site plan indicates a ten-f ot landscaped buffer ea with a 6' - arborvitae hedge along the east rn edge of the proper which abuts an R-4 zone. (c) Gasoline service stations whic a intended solely f r the sale of gasoline, oil and minor access ri s and having no fac lities for incidental servicing of automobiles (incl di g lubricating faci ties) may be permitted on a lot of 10,000 square feet s bject to all other rovisions herein required. The total area of the site is 4, 60; the area which ncompasses the convenience store/self-service ga oline pumps is app ximately 28,000 square feet. 12. The zoning code requires off-stre t arking to be provi d at the rate of one for every 150 square feet of usab e loor area for reta' and one for every 190 square feet of usable floor area or convenience stores ith gas pumps. co tinued) File �10418 Page Five This combination of retail shops and c venience store wi gas pumps would require approximately 75 parking spac s. The site plan ind ates that a total of 75 spaces can be provided. 13. In conclusion, the proposed shopping en er is a well desi ed development that is compatible with the existing land se patterns of the ar a and is consistent with the Comprehensive Ylan for the c'ty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED� by the S in Paul Planning Co ission that the petition of Jaguar Properties/Delta Real y o rezone property ocated at the southeast corner of Rice Street and Whee oc Parkway more par cularly described as Lots 7 through 9 and 12 through 24, Blo , Merrill's Additi to Rice Street Villas from B-3 and R-4 zoning classifi at"ons to a B-2 zonin classification is compatible with the existing land use p tt rns and is consist t with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint au Planning Commissi n does hereby recommend to the Council of the City o S nt Paul that prop ty located at the southeast corner of Rice Street and Wh 1 k Parkway be rezo d from B-3 and R-4 to B-2 in accordance with the petition fo r zoning on file wit the Saint Paul Planning Division. city of saait paul . . . comm�,ss�on r file number 89-11 �te Februarv 24, 1989 WHEREAS, Jaguar Properties/Delta Realty, fi e #10418, has appl ed for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provision o Sections 64.400 d 60.534 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the pur os of constructing 15,000 square foot retail shopping center and to establish c nvenience store w' h gasoline pumps on property located on the southeast corne o Rice Street and elock Parkway, legally described as Lots 7 through 9 a d 2 through 24, Bloc 5, Merrill's Addition to Rice Street Villas; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the P1 nn ng Commission on F ruary 16, 1989, held a public hearing at which all persons p es nt were given an o portunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accorda ce with the requireme ts of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; an -- WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commissio , sed on the eviden presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially refl ted in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant, Delta Realty, propo s o construct a 15, 0 square foot retail shopping center at this location. Th building would be ituated on the easterly portion of the site facin R'ce Street with par 'ng in front. The center would have approximately 6 et il/service tenants One of the proposed tenants is a convenience store wit t o self-service pum islands that are � located in the northwest corner of th site. 2. The 64,000 square foot site is co ri ed of 4 separate t x parcels and requires the vacation of an unimproved alle t at lies within th site's boundary. The parcel abutting Rice Street is zo d -3, General Busin s, and historically was used as an open-air produce marke . e three parcels the east are zoned R-4, One Family Residential; the ar el along Wheelock rkway is vacant and the parcels along Iowa Avenue contain tw older single fami dwellings in disrepair. All existing structur s ould be removed an the site would be re-graded to accommodate the pres nt grade of the comme cial property along Rice Street. 3. Section 60.212 requires that in o de to develop more t an one parcel as a unit, the zoning district of all parcel st be the same. e developers are concurrently petitioning to rezo e site from B-3 a R-4 to B-2, Community Business. (c tinued) mO� �/ MORTON �.r� se�conded by Z=� in fav�or.- against�. n�� / �4�' File �t10418 Page Two 4. Retail uses are permitted in the B- z ning district; an to service station is a permitted use subject to the foll wi g three conditions (a) The construction and maintenanc o all driveways, cu s, sidewalks. . .and other facilities used in conjun ti n with the operati of the auto service station shall be in accordance it the current speci cation. The site plan as submitted is i a cordance with city pecifications, with the exception of the northeast e ice driveway. The evelopers are requesting a variance of the 25 s tback requirement r commercial driveways adjacent to residenti 11 zoned land. (b) A ten-foot buffer area with scr en planting and an ob curing wall or fence shall be required along any pro er y line adjacent to an existing residence or adj acent to vacant land zone f r residential use. The site plan indicates a ten- ot landscaped buffer rea with a 6' arborvitae hedge along the eas edge of the prope y which abuts an R-4 zone. (c) Gasoline service stations whic a e intended solely r the sale of gasoline, oil and minor access ri s and having no fa lities for incidental servicing of automobiles (incl di g lubricating faci ties) may be permitted on a lot of 10,000 square feet s bject to all other rovisions herein required. The total area of the site is 4, 60; the area which ncompasses the convenience store/self-service ga oline pumps is app ximately 28,000 square feet. 5. The zoning code requires off-stre t arking to be provi d at the rate of one for every 150 square feet of usab e loor area for reta' and one for every 190 square feet of usable floor area oz convenience stores ith gas pumps. co tinued) File #10418 Page Three This combination of retail shops a d convenience store ith gas pumps would require approxiaately 75 parking s ac s. The site plan dicates that a total of 75 spaces can be provided. 6. Approval of the Special Condition se Permit for the gas ine pumps is contingent upon City Council appro al of the petition to ezone the subject properties to B-2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by th S int Paul Planning mmission, that under the authority of the City's I.egislati e ode, the applicati for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow the con t ction of a 15,000 uare foot retail shopping center and to establish a co ve ience store with g oline pwnps located at the southeast corner of Rice Street a d eelock Parkway is ereby approved contingent upon approval of the rezon ng petition and subje to the following conditions: 1. The applicant must submit a re is d site plan for ci review and approval. The easterly service driveway lo g Wheelock Parkway shall be removed on the revised site plan. 2. All 75 parking spaces shall be pr vided on the site ith not more than SO percent as compact spaces. 3. Truck deliveries (except for 1 fuel) are restrict d to between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. 4. Convenience store staff will 1' e the site at leas three times a day to remove litter and will police th one block area su ounding the store once each week to remove convenien ore-generated lit r. S. Snow must be reaoved or store i such a manner tha no off-street parking or vehicle maneuvering area i 1 st to snow storage. 6. Employees for the retail shop a d corrvenience stor must park in the parking area at the rear of t e uilding along the st property line. �� ��_ ,�°� '�=��. MINUTES OF G COI4�IITEE CITY COUNCIL CF�A!lBEBS, SAINT P � IiINNESOTA ON FEBRU Y 16, 1989 PRESENT: Pimes. Hirte, liorton, Tracy an 2ieaan; tiessrs. C istenson, Levy, Neid and Repke of the Zoni g ou�ittee; Mr. Sega , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the ui ding Inspection an Design Division; Ms. Dru�ond, Ms. Freese� . KcGuire, Ms. Murra and Mr. Soderholm of the Planning Division s af . ABSENT: None. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Mo to � Chairaan. Ja a r t es A Rezoning from 3 and R-4 to B-2 on property located on Rice Street tw en iiheelock Parkwa and West Iowa Street to construct a 15,000 square oo retail shopping c ter and to establish a comienience store Nith g o ine pimps. The applicant was present; there �as op osition present at he hearing. Ms. Freese showed slides of the site an reviewed the staf report with a recommendation for approval of the zo ing from B-3 and R 4 to B-2 and approval of the Special Condition U rmit. Murray Kornberg, Delta Realtq, repr e ing the applicant, showed and explained detailed sketches of the o sed site plan. Mr. Neid asked for the distance be ee the proposed shop ng center building and the nearest residential proper o er. Iir. Kornberg esponded 40 feet. Ms. Hirte inquired about proposed a ge. Iir. Kornberg plied that there would be one shopping center identi ic tion sign vhich wo d conform to the current zoning code sign requireaen s d that their plan s to go with a uniform sign band on the building. Y,s Hirte asked for i ormation on the gas pumps and hours of operation� also e type of lighting d on the canopy. Mr. Kornberg responded that the gas p s would operate ing the same hours as the convenience store; that cuzr nt y� the tenant does ot propose to be open 24 hours per day; and that tha li ting under the c py would be directed the straight do�rn. Mr. Neid questioned hours of the c ence store. Mr. ornberg stated that there are many factors iuvolved t decision `rill be forthcoming. Mr. Neid asked about the two ho�es whi uld be demolished. Mr. Kornberg responded that both houses aze in s te of disrepair; wever, one is salvageable and they would be prep re to donate it to appropriate organization. Mr. Christenson asked if a drive�ra o to �iheelock is req red. Mr. Kornberg replied that it was required for li eries and that it s relocated because of the advice given at the site pl eviev cosaittee me ing. Mr. George Thompson, 537 Charles A e , said that he re esents his 87-year old mother who has ovaed the propa ty for 60 years, oper ed Thompson's Market, and is satisfied vith the r sed developsent. File �t10418 Page 1�vo Rose Hruska, 110 t�est Hheelock Par a , testified in supp rt of the developaent and said that the addi io I lighting would beneficial to the neighborhood. Bernard Bearth, 1700 Case Street, ta ed that he formerl lived in the neighborhood and the proposed deve op ent would be an as t to the area. Gary Stout, 5101 West 70th, Minnea ol s, said that he is orking with the developer, that the plan has been ev ewed with many ci departments and that the applicant has made seven chan s o the plan suggest d by city staff. Jim Long, 1566 Rice Street, said at he owns commercial property one block south of the site� that he has be Rice Street for o er eight years, and that the development would improv t area. Ken Beatt� 117 West Glheelock Par ay _testified in oppo tion� stating that the present Rice Street businesse h ve not infringed o residential property. Ms. Zieaan asked why Mr. Beatt wa o posing the develop nt. Mr. Beatt replied that it is because the vi w roa hia house woul be directly into the proposed easterly service drivewa a ong Wheelock Parkw Iis. Airte asked if Mr. Beatt and other neighbors had sp ken with the devel ers. Mr. Beatt said that they did, but only at the Di tr ct Council meeting John Bearth, 107 West Wheelock P y, stated that he as lived in the area for 26 years, is agains� the inf in ment/use of reside tial lots, asked that business hours be limited� addre se the number of sim' ar businesses already in the area, and asked that Whee oc Parkway be kept a a residential street. Sharon Voyda� 1021 l�iarion Street D strict 6 Community ganizer, said that although the developers have bee a proachable and hav encouraged input at district council meetings, there ar neighborhood conc about encroachment into the residential area and an ov rconcentration of ilar types of businesses. She referred to the Co rehensive Plan re rding the stabilization of existing busine se and the acquisiti of residential structures. l�s. Voqda said that th District 6 Pla=mi Council reco�ends denial of the rezoning. Ms. Zienan stated that she is c ce ed about the prop sed service road off Wheelock Parkway. Ns. Voyda sa d at the Parkway is of the assets of the North End area, that residents' is es address the si of the development as well as the encroachment of co er ial businesses int residential areas. Keith Jensen� 7025 Drew Avenue or � Brooklyn Center, said that he is the manager of the Super Aaerica St ti n at 1625 Rice Str t, and suggested that the already existing co�ercial pr perties in the are be rehabilitated and improved. Mr. Kornberg addressed concerns re arding the rezonin of residential lots, the encroachaent issue, and the ch nging nature of re iling. Hearing no further testiuony, . orton closed the p blic portion of the meeting. File �10418 Page Three Committee discussion followed reg rd ng access to the s ice road behind the proposed development, curb cuts o eelock and encroac ent problems. Ms. Tracy stated that she believe t e Parkway needs pr ection and that this development encroaches into the P r ay and is therefor opposed to the rezoning. "is. Hirte acknowledged th t this proposal is ell designed but she is also concerned about the integ it of the Parkway. Ms. Zieman noved to reco�end app ov 1 of the Special C dition Use Permit based on staff report findings 11 an 12 and subject to taff report conditions 1 through 7 and the a it onal condition tha the easterly service driveway along Wheelock Parkway b r moved. Iiz. Neid s onded the motion which passed on a roll call vote f -2 (Hirte, Tracy) . Submitted by: Approve �sy: �it�.�.�— -� t �/ ���'l` j-�7�! G�� /i'`�%� � Lisa Freese � Gladys rton, Chairman �, � , ,�� .,,� . ZONING CO I EE STAFF REPORT FILE #10418 1. APPLICANT: Jaguar Properties/Del a ealty D TE OF HEARING: 2/16/89 Thompson Plaza 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning from B- ( eneral Business) a d R-4 (One Family Residential) to B-2 (Community B in ss) ; Special Condi ion Use Permit 3. LOCATION: Rice Street Between el ck Parkway and Io Street 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 7 throu and 12 through 24, Block 5, Merrill's Addition to Rice Street Villas 6. YRESENT ZONING: B-3, R-4 Z NING CODE REFERENC : 64.400; 60.534(9) -- 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: D TE: 2/10/89 BY: Lisa J. Freese A. PURPOSE: To construct a 15,000 qu re foot retail sho ping center; to establish a convenience store with gasolin p ps as one of the enants in the proposed shopping center. B. PARCEL SIZE: The parcel has 21 .48' of frontage alon Rice Street, 280.53' of frontage along Wheelock Parkway n 318' of frontage ong Iowa Avenue for a total lot area of approximately 64, 60 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Two older s'ng e family homes alo Iowa Avenue and a vacant commercial structure along Rice St eet. The remainde of the site is vacant. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Commercial at intersect on B-3 & P-1, reside ial beyond, R-4 & RM-2 East: Low density residential, R 4 South: Commercial along Rice s re t, B-3; Multiple ily to the east, RM-2 West: Commercial, B-3 E. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Delta Realty, pr po es to construct a 5,000 square foot retail shopping center at this locatio . The building would be situated on the easterly portion of the site fa in Rice Street with arking in front. The center would have approximatel 6 etail/service tena ts. One of the proposed tenants is a convenience store it two self-service ump islands that are located in the northwest corne of the site. . File #10418 Page Two 2. The 64,000 square foot site is c mp ised of 4 separate tax parcels and requires the vacation of an unimproved al ey that lies within t site's boundary. The parcel abutting Rice Street is z ne B-3, General Busi ss, and historically was used as an open-air produce mark t. The three parcels o the east are zoned R-4, One Family Residential; the pa cel along Wheelock arkway is vacant and the parcels along Iowa Avenue contai o older single fam y dwellings in disrepair. All existing structu es would be removed a the site would be re-graded to accommodate the pre en grade of the comm cial property along Rice Street. 3. Section 60.212 requires that in de to develop more an one parcel as a unit, the zoning district of all parcel m st be the same. e developers are petitioning to rezone the site fr m -3 and R-4 to B-2, Community Business. 4. Section 60.531 of the zoning code st tes that "the B-2 �cuiity Business District is intended to serve the ne ds of a (IargerJ c sumer population. . .and is generally characterized by a c us er of esteblishmen generating Iarge volumes of vehicular and pedestri raffic." 5. According to the site plan, the o ie tation of the shop ng center will be towards Rice Street. Rice is cla si ied as a minor art ial "A" street in the streets and highway section of th C mprehensive Plan. minor arterial "A" street is designed to connect sub eg ons and have direc access to ma�or activity centers such as shopping ce ters. The most recent traffic count for i Street at Wheeloc Parkway is 16,600 ADT. This traffic volume is similar to he traffic on Ford Pa kway between Cretin and Cleveland in the Highland Park sho pi g area. 6. In the retail industry, a shopping ce ter of this size i considered to be a neighborhood shopping center. A n ig borhood center gen rally supports retail and service uses that are geared t m et the needs of th local market. While ' this type of center will localize ra fic to this inters tion, it is not a destination oriented facility and s ot likely to gener e additional traffic into the area. 7. An objective of the City's Compreh ns ve Plan is "to mai ain and enhence the city's commercial areas and to pro id the flexibility n ded to acco�date new demands and opportunities." More pe ifically, the city' Comprehensive Plan land use section states as policy .2- that the City "wi 1 continue to monitor co�ercial trends and adjust its 1 d se policies to r in abreast of changes affecting the character of commerci 1 reas. . ." and as po icy 4.2-5 that the city "wi11 continue to review its es nt co�ercisl zon g to ensure that each zoning classification reflects uses ap ropriate to the in ended application of the district." Finally, in policy .2 7 the plan states hat the city� through zoning, will encourage businesses t m intain the scale o surrounding development, reduce traffic and par in problems, and buf r incompatible land uses. G� / ) �4� v File #10418 Page Three 8. Rice Street is an older commercial strip tha is struggling to comp e in today's retail market. The zoning reflects is orical platting pr tices and the land use patterns which separated commer ia strips from resid tial uses by a narrow alley. This pattern was establish d rior to the emerge e of the shopping center concept and as a result fo er d free-standing si le use commercial establishaents. In the present ma et, the lots are t able to accommodate a reasonable shopping center si . By utilizing the shopping center concept (m tiple commercial u s concentrated in one unified development) , retailers a e le to market more ffectively to a broader consumer group. From a land us s dpoint, there is greater opportunity for shared parking between he uses and a greater ility to control access onto the street in order to pro d for better traffic low and safety. __ 9. The District 6 Plan recommends that t mmunity "shouZd wo to retain exfsting businesses and attract new c � rcisl establishment through improvements to the environment by f'rs , stabilizing the e sting businesses, second, supporting improvements to t e d,jacent residential neighborhoods, and third, providing space for new esta lis ents." The plan knowledges that many retail establishments have left and ha e been replaced by ervice oriented businesses along Rice Street becau e the change in ret 1 merchandising and shopping center development elsewh re The development of this center ma p ovide space for Ric Street retailers in marginal locations to relocate i t same neighborhood 10. The proposed development meets e ntent of the B-2 z ing district, will foster development of an unde il zed parcel of land nd will maintain the scale of other Rice Street dev lo ents. 11. Retail uses are pernitted in e -2 zoning district an auto service station is a permitted use subject to t f llowing three cond' ions: (a) The construction and in enance of all driv ays, curbs, sidewalks. . .and other facilities used in conjunction with th operation of the auto service station shall be in accordance with he current specification. The site plan as sub it ed is in accordanc with city specifications, with the exception of th n theast service dri way. The developers are requesting a varia e f the 25' setbaCk r quirement for commercial driveways adjacent to esidentially zoned and. (b) A ten-foot buffer ar a with screen plant g and an obscuring wall or fence shall be required ai ng any property li ad�acent to an existing residence or adj ce to vacant land zo d for residential use. The site plan i di ates a ten-foot lan caped buffer area with a 6' arborvitae hedg a ong the eastern ed of the property which abuts an R-4 zone. File #10418 Page Four (c) Gasoline service stations wh ch are intended so ely for the sale of gasoline, oil aad minor ce sories and having o facilities for incidental servicing of a to obiles (including ricating facilities) may be permitted on a lot of 0, 00 square feet� su 'ect to all other provisions herein require . The total area of the sit i 64,960; the area ich encompasses the convenience store/self-se i e gasoline pumps i approximately 28,000 square feet. 12. The zoning code requires off-st ee parking to be pro ded at the rate of one for every 150 square feet of us bl floor area for re il and one for every 190 square feet of usable floor are f r convenience stor with gas pumps. This combination of retail shop a d a cot►venience st e with gas pumps would require approxiam,ately 75 parkin s aces. The site pl indicates that a total of 75 spaces can be provided. F. STAFF ANALYSIS: While this dev lo ment will remove houses and expand commercial development into the re idential area to t east, it is well designed, provides an adequate ar ing area aad is su iciently landscaped. This type of developnent is not li ly to significant increase the traffic and is designed to focus the traffi f ow towards Rice St et. The exit on Wheelock Parkway is designed to encourag t rning move�ents to e west and the driveway on Rice Street has been reconfi r d to accommodate c ges that will be made to the intersection at Rice and iah el ck by the city dur g 1989. As well� the building will serve as a visual an sound barrier to ce Street for the residential area to the east. G. STAFF RECOh�iENDATION: Based on st ff findings 1 thro 12 and the staff analysis, staff recommends appr va of the rezoning f m B-3 and R-4 to B-2 and approval of the Special Conditi n se Permit subject the following conditions: 1) The applicant must submit a evised site plan f city review and approval. 2) All 75 parking spaces sha 1 e provided on the te with not more than 50 percent as conpact spaces 3) Truck deliveries (except or bulk fuel) are res icted to between the hours of 6 a.a. and 8 p.a ily. 4) Convenience store staff � 11 police the site at east three times a day to remove litter and will po ic the one block are surrounding the store once each week to remove; o enience store-gene ted litter. S) Snow must be removed or s or d in such a manner hat no off-street parking or vehicle maneuvering ar a s lost to snow sto ge. 6) Employees for the retail ho s and convenience ore must park in the parking area at the rear f e building along e east property line. LIST A C # Pag Rezoning Petition 1 Special Condition Use Permit pp ication 8 Application Support Materials 9 Site Plan, Alternative 1 16 Site Plan, Alternative 2 17 Landscaping Plan __ 19 Building Elevations 20 Location Maps 21 Land Use Map 23 C�rt��SPoh��.hc� ��c���. 2 �{ \ . �"' �°l��d, PETITION TO AMEND ZONING CODE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OF ICE USE ONLY File # ��`7/d RECEI VEp App,;�at; n Fee $ J�95 � �� DEC 9 Tentativ Hearing Date ��"�$ 1 1988 Number o Lots or Size of Parcel: ZONING TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU CI DATE 19 �� c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hall A ne Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of he St. Paul Zoning Or inance and Section 462.357(5) of the Mi nnesota Statutes, � ti�-� ,. ���� , the owner of all of the land proposed for rez ni g, hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described pro rt : Street Address: Legal Description: Z Z / .� �o � �V d - ,'NC/„ / J .- - �C ; � �G t / from a Zoning District to a Zoning District for the purpose of � � o r f� f�✓;�- Subscribed and swp By: befor this day of � 19�i� Title G���� ��� � v � P age 1 of ota y Pu li 4080 � 2/85 s.��:� ARTHUR D. WALSH �,�} � NOTARY PUeLIC-MINNEl10TA RAMSEY COUNTY My Commiabn Expira�11.IN1 ����� � °'.� GS/Ji!"� � � � . � CONSENT � AOJOINING PR E Y OWNERS TO REZON G Me, the undersigned, owners of propert w thin 100 feet of t e total contiguous _ destriptions of real estate owned, purchase , r sold by Petition r within one year preceding the date of this petition, ackno ed e that v+e have be furnished with the following: ' 1. A Copy of the Petiti0n of Ja u r ro erties ��// ���� f name of petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60-490 hrough 60-500 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code;� acknowledge that we are aware of all of t es permitted unde a B-2 Oistrict zoning classification and we are aw re that any of the uses can be established upon City Council approval of th rezoning; and we reby consent to the rtzoning of the property described in the Petition of Ja uar Properties to a B-2 District. na�ne of petition LOT BLOqC ADDITION RECORD OWNE SIGNATURE DATE � , ' � , � ,, ,,� _: 12 5 Merrill s Ruth Thom s n t� � ;- � �� i ___,, ,, 13 5 Merrill 's Ruth Thom s n � � o �3 _., 14 5 Merrill 's Ruth Thomp n � � t � �o j3 15 5 Merrill 's Ruth Thomp on � • .., - . 16 5 Merrill ' s Ruth Thomp on y �� �' � . , � � , , _ , 17 5 Merrill 's Ruth Thom o � � � � �� � ' 3 ' • �^ , 18 5 Merrill 's Ruth Thom so � - �� � � � � o � 19 5 Merri l l 's Ruth Thom so � -L�')1 � :J �• ' � o i3 � 20 5 Merrill 's Ruth Thom so , � � :� v > >.-- � 6 /3 l • „ . � .�,. i- L O . �10 8 Merrill ' s Ruth Tho s n � � � , ti r > >►-7 lG � 11 8 Merrill's Ruth Tho ps n � �, � � �� , � lb 13 1 Petitions shall not be tonsidered as of i�ially filed unti the lapse of 7 working days � after a petition is received in the on ng Office. Any si nator of any petition may rithdraN fiis n�ne therefrom by ririt n equest within tha time. P age 2 of ING FILE '��i'� _ � � , � ` f �',.► �J N�M`) •� CONSENT OF ADJOINING PR ER Y OWNERS TO REZONI G Me, the undersigned� owners of propert w thin 100 feet of t total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purchase , r sold by Petition r within one year preceding the date of Lhis petition, acknow ed e that we have bee furnished with the follaring: .. . . 1. A copy of the Petition of Jagu r roperties . � 1, re. • r.�. name of pet tioner 2. A copy of Sections 60-49 hrough 60-500 , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of t es permitted unde a B-2 0lstrict =oning classification and we are aw e that any of the uses can be established upon City Council approval of th rezoning; and we reby consent to the rezoning of the Froperty described in the Pltiti0rl Of Jaguar Properties to a 2 DiStriCt. name of petitione LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNE SIGNATURE DATE . � � 7 5 Merrill ' s Bernard P. e ' , �_f3_ 7 5 Merriil 's Stella M. B a t �D_� 8 5 Merrill 's Bernard P. Be r h ,� ' __ /p-/.� -�' 8 5 Merrill 's Stella M. ea t {�, . � /// 9 5 Merrill 's Bernard P. B ar � _.�...� /0/� -�YS� 9 5 Merrill 's Stella M. e rt i , � - 388 21 5 Merrill 's Bernard P B ar �^ ' _ � .�--f�-✓. � - 3- � 21 5 Merrill 's Stella M. B art , . � 22 5 Merrill ' s Bernard P. ear YY�'+ � ir' .�--�r /�/-/3 � 22 5 Merrill 's Stella M B art � r - 3- 23 5 Merrill 's Bernard . ear �� _ �_�3 _�-� � 23 5 Merrill 's Stella eart , - .� � � 24 5 Merrill ' s Bernard P. Bear Yx %� �G�-��- 24 5 Merrill ' s Stella . ear ' � f� Petitions shall not be tonsidered a of i�ially fiied unti the lapse of � working days after a petition is received in the o ng Office. Any s' nator of any petition may withdraw fiis aame therefrom by writ en requesi within tha time. P age 2 of � NING FI �o� _ 3.., . . . ' � CONSENT OF ADJOIN NG PROPERTIf OMINERS TO REZONING �P�.- ��'=t�� Ne, the undersigned, owners of op rty within 100 fe of the total contiguous destriptions of real estate owned� pu ch sed, or sold by P itioner within one year preceding the date of this petition. c owledge that we h e been furnished with the following: .' . 1. A COpy of the Petiti0n of J guar Pro ertie $r�T y name f petitioner 2. A copy of Sections 60-49 through 60 00 � inclusive of the St. Paul toning Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted under a R_� 0lstrict zoning classificatlon and w a e aware that any o these uses can be established upon City Council approv 1 f the retoning; an we hereby conse�t to the rezoning of the Froperty described i t e Peiition of Jaguar Properties to B-2 OistriCt. name of peti io er LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD N R SIGNAT E DATE 3 5 Merrill ' s Ying H 3 5 Merrill ' s Bao Ya er 4 5 Merrill 's Ying H r 4 5 Merrili 's Bao Ya g er ' 5 5 Merrill 's Rose J H uska ' � ,��.!'�LD�- 11' %b �' 6 5 Merrill 's Rose J H uska � � �J , ' , . �� 25 5 Merrill ' s John A G aus 25 5 Merrill ' s Gerald ne M. G aus 26 5 Merrill ' s Willia . Sel itsch� • ;-� � 26 5 Merrill ' s Carol . adea G��u�� . 27 5 Merrill ' s Alex P t ick � . ' ��, � ., -��' � - ' ' ` ' `- /� � � . 6 � � �y s � � , , t L �,��-- � l�/� ,[�Y' Petitions shall not be considered s fficially filed un il the lapse of 7 working days after a petltion is received in th Z ning Office. Any ignator of any petition may rithdraw his name therefrom by wri te request wiihin th t t1me. P age 2 of �illiVG FIL ` �c_ �..�._ _ �t _ . . . • �� CONSENT OF ADJOINING PR E Y OIdNERS TO REION G We, the underslgned, owners of propert w thin 100 feet of t e total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, purchase , r sold by Petition r within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknow ed e that we have bee furnished with the following: .' 1. A Copy Of the Petition of Jagu r roperties//�t J ��� name of pet tione� 2. A topy of Sections 60-490 hrough 60-500 � inclusive of the St. Paul Zo�ing Code; and acknowledge that we are aware of all of th u es permitted under a s-2 Oistrict zoning classification and we are wa e that any of the uses can be established upon City Council approval of he rezoning; and we reby consent to the rtzoning of the property described 1n the Pltitio� Of Ja uar Pro erties to a -2 DiStriCt. narne of petitione LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE OATE 1 8 Merrill 's Robert E. Sh w 1 8 Merrill 's Judith A. Sh w 2 8 Merrill 's Robert E. S w 2 8 Merrill ' s Judith A. S aw 3 8 Merrill ' s Robert E. S a� 3 8 Merrill 's Judith A. S aw 4 8 Merrill 's The Peterso r / 3 � 5 8 Merrill 's The Peterso r p � 3 � 6 8 Merrill 's The Peters r p � � f � '� 7 8 Merrill s The Peters n r p f,` 8 8 Merriii ' s The Peters n r �FP, . 9 8 Merrill 's The Peters n r P,� l Petitions shall not be considered as fi ially filed until he lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Z i Office. Any sig tor of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by writte r uest within that me. Z� Page 2 of N G FILE �� �g �- � . . . � � y� i����, M : CONSENT OF AOJO NI G PROPERTY OMNERS REZONING � We, the undersigned, owners of pr perty within 100 f t of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned, ur hased, or sold by titioner within one year preceding the date of this petition a knowledge that we ve been furnished with the folioNing: ,,� l . A copy of the Petition of �.r name f petitioner 2. A copy of Sectio�s �— �� through n --Q , inclusive of the St. Paul Zoning Code; an acknowledge that we are aware of al o the uses permitte under a � � Oistrict zoning classification and e re aware that any these uses can be established upon City Council appro ai of the rezoning; a we hereby consent to the rezoning of thz property �escribed n he Petiiion of � to a �7i District. � name f pet'ti ner � LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECOR ER SI6NAT RE DATE . .� ��� �� � '' �/� �� Z � �� , , � , Petitions sha31 not be cansidered s ffi;.ially filed un il the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in t Z ning Office. Any ignator of any petition may rfthdraw his name therefrom by wri t request wiihin th t time. z �iVG F!LE ��`�� - G - t STATE OF MINNESOTA) : SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) =�J'°" .� ./�x , being fir t uly sworn, depose and states that he is the person who circulated the within petiti n nd consent, consi ing of pages; that affiant is informed and believes that e arties described e the owners respectively of the lots placed imnediately before ac name, that affian is informed and believes that each of the parties described abo e s the owner of pro erty which is within 100 feet from any property owned or pu ch sed by petitioner r sold by petitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date of this petition whi is contiguous to the property described in the petition; th t xcept for none of the parties described above ha p rchased 'or is pur asin property from petitioner contiguous to the above des ri ed property withi one �l ) year of the date of the petition; that this consent wa si ned by each of sa owners in the presence of thi s aff i ant, and that the si gnatures ar the true and corr ct� si gnatures of each and all of the parties so described. _ '� ✓ . G�� �'�/ .��� ,� l�� Adrss ����� �y�„ �/o/ , �— ��i�' Tel hone Number Subscribed and sworn to before me this ?�IS_ day of s�E�_ , 19 . -� . �,s�''i ¢'�.THRY L t�IO�AbEC ^` P ��;RY P LIC 9z n.�E:�7Tf1 Notar P u i e �`� �'° F��s r�e��„v Y �. PAY�{�I�q. E S SER'. 7, i�2 a Approved as to form - Feb. 85 age of P 1 annf ng DepartmenL ��A�/!! C�� �` ' �i"�\�i �" — �� C f--/ ��� APPI.ICATiON FOR SPECIA� CONDITION USE CRY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFIC USE ONLY File 4� (� `� . c Application F $ ��� � Tentative Hear g Date � '� ' `�� Number of Lot or Size of Parcel: Application is hereby made for a Special �ondi io Use Permit under the rovisions of Chapter 60 , Section 534 , ra raph h , of he Zoning Code to operate a Gasoline Service Station hav n NO facilities r inci servicin of automobiles. A. APPLICANT -- Name Delta Realty P e (Daytime) 944—G321 Address 6409 City West Pkwy, d n Prairie, ,N ip 55344 Property interest of Applicant (Owner, ont act purchaser, etc.)C ntract Purchaser - Name of owner (if different) Ruth T om son, Stella and Bernard Bear h B. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Address/Location East Side Ric S r B Legal Description: Lot Blo Add. Present Zoning B2/Res. L t ize 64, 960 S u e feet C. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Explain how you will meet each of the ial Conditions. Atta supporting materials (diagrams, site plan, letters of support et .) See attached site plan, Lot sizes is in excess of 0, 00 s uare feet Ten foot buffer and screen n fence rovided t east of develo ment ad 'ace t o existin res ' ence. lf you have any questions, please contact: R EC V E D Saint Paul Zoning Office 1100 City Hall Annex DEC 1 �988 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 4102 (298-4154) ZO NG ���/s2 � ,�delta reolty CORPORATION ■ -..COMMERCIAI REAI ESTATE REAITOM 6409 City West Parkway 612 944-�821 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 � � FAX: 612-944-0329 THOMPSUN L ZA RETAIL CEIvTE PETIT O FOR REZONING We are requestin� a re-zoni g from Residentia to B-2 classifica- tion in order to accommodat ur proposed det lopment of a Retail Shopping C;enter of approxim t 1� 1� , 800 squar feet . a portion of the site ( th s lots frontin directly on Rice Street - Lots 12 , 13 , 1� , 15 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , lock 5 , Merrill ' s �►ddition ) is alread� zoned - we are petit oning to rezone the back lots ( Lots 7 , 8 , 9 , 21 , 2 , 23 , 2� , Block 5 , errill ' s �ddition ) of our site to B-2 , in ord r o complete the onstruction of the building and pret-ide the n c ssar�- narking f r our proposed de- velopment . 1ve are filin� , ccncurrentlt w th this petiti for re-zoning , an �pplication for Site Plan ev ew, and an App ' cation for Special Gondition [,�se. The condit ' o al use permit s required for our proposed Gasoline Service Station . We ha met the special conditions required bv the zo ing ordinance r Gasoline Ser�•ice Stations . The construction of a reta 1 facility of thi size requires one tll off-street loading area , as identified on the Site Plan . This off-street loading are s abutting lan which is currentl�' zoned Residential , and as s c we are also r uesting a variance to accommodate the off-str et loading area. We are providing a ten ( 101 foat buffer betwe n ur development nd the Residential land, as well as a screen � ng fence which i required for the Condit� onal Lse Permit . I be ieve that thes shielding measures should provide sufficient sc eening for the off-street loading zone . ZONING FILE ���1� � RETAII PROPERTY SPECIALISTS • DEVELOP E T • LEASING • SI SEARCHES • LAND SALES 4- . �' � _ /� �1 �, � PURCHASE A REEMENT Minneapolis, Minnesota Mayat�, 1 88 Received of Jaquar Property. Ma ag ment Corporatio the sum of One Thousand Dollars ( $1 , 000 .00) b check as ea est money to be deposited the next business d y after accept ce in the trust account of the listing bro er and in part ayment for the purchase of the premises le al y described as ots Twelve { 12 ) , Thirteen ( 13 ) , Fourteen ( 4) , Fifteen ( 15 ) Sixteen ( 16 ) , Seventeen ( 17 ) , Eighteen ( 18 � ineteen ( 19 ) , d Twenty ( ZO) in Block Five ( 5 ) Merrill ' s i ision of Rice Street Villa' s. Consisting of 33,687 . 5 squ e feet plus any cated streets or alleyways all in the City of St Paul , County o Ramsey, State of Minnesota, including any i pr vements thereo . All of which properties Sellers have th s day sold to Buy r for the sum of: TWO Hundred Seventy-Five T o sand Dollars , ( 275 , 000.00 ) which �,/' Buyer agrees to pay in the f 1 owing manner• E nest money of One 1G , Thousand Dollars ( $1 , 000. 00 and x �Hu dred '�:'''"� ��/�''1'housand Dollars ( . ) h on the date of clo� n�`� w�� �a� � s� d�, ao �- Subject to performance by uyer, Sellers ree to execute and deliver a Warranty Deed, t be joined in y spouses , if any, conveying marketable titl o the premise subject only to Building and zoning 1 ws Ordinances , State and Federal Regulations and the Utility an drainage ease nts of record. REAL ESTATE TAXES Sellers g ee to pay taxes or the year 1988 on a pro rata basis to the d te of closing. Bu er agrees to pay pro rata taxes in the year 1 89 and to pay all axes due and payable in the year 1988 and a y unpaid inst llments of special assessments payable ther w' th and therea er. Sellers make no warranty regarding the o estead or nonh estead status of the 1988 taxes or any taxes e eafter. Neithe Sellers nor Sellers' Agent makes any repres nt tion concernin the amount of future real estate taxes. Sellers make no warranti s regarding impro ments on the property or any other warranti beyond those co tained in the Warranty Deed as called for abov . Sellers agree t deliver possession at closing and all in er st City wate and sewer charges� electricity, natural ga arges, fuel oi LP gas charges and any other charges shall b pro rated betwe the parties as of the date of closing. TITLE & EXAMINATION el er shall within a reasonable time after acceptance of this a re ment furnish n Abstract of Title or Registered Property Ab t act, certified date to include proper searches covering ban r ptcies, State d Federal judgments and liens . Buyer shall b a lowed 20 busine s days after receipt for examination of tit e and making any objections , which NtNG FIL �oL1 �_�,� _ �o . . , shall be made in writing or d em d waived. If an objection is so made,Seller shall be allowe 1 0 days to make itle marketable . Pending correction of title, ay ents hereunder equired shall be postponed, but upon correcti n f title and wi in 10 days after written notice to Buyer, the a ies shall perf m this agreement according to its terms. f title is not co ected within 120 days from the date of writte bjection, this reement shall be null and void, at option of u er, neither par y shall be liable for damages hereunder to he other, and earn st money shall be refunded to Buyer. DEFAULT If title is marketa le or is correcte within said time , and Buyer defaults in any o the agreements erein, Seller may terminate this agreement, n on such termi tion all payments made hereunder shall be r t ined by Seller d Agent , as their respective interesta may p ar. as liquid ted damages , time being of the essence her of This provisio ahall not deprive either party__ of the right of enforcing the s ecific performance of the agreement, provide t is agreement is not terminated and action to enforce specifi erformance is c mmenced within six months after such right f action arises. In the event Buyer defaults in his performan e of the terms o this Agrement, and Notice of Cancellation is s rved upon the B er pursuant to MSA 559 . 21 , the termination r' od shall be irty ( 30) days as permitted by Subdivision 4 f SA 559 .21 . This offer is contingent up n he Purchaser's bility to obtain the necessary zoning, li ce sing, permits a d any and all other governmental requirements or the con ruction of retail facilities on the subjec roperty and a 'acent properties by October 15 , 1988 . Pu c aser agrees to roceed with all due diligence to acquire the ecessary gover ental requirements immediately upon acceptanc o this contract y Seller. This offer is also con in ent upon the pr cticality of grading the property for its i te ded use as reta 1 development. It is understood between buyer nd sellers th substantial grading and excavating work i 1 need to be done and that the configuration of the pr p rty at present ' ll make it necessary that certain provisions b made for dr inage and for lateral support of adjacent pr e ties. That th practicality of such grading, excavating and i provements sha 1 be within the sole discretion of purchasers an shall be on th same time table with the paragraph above regar in contingencies. Seller agrees to execu e any documents ecessary as required. . Any expenses connected t erewith are to e borne by Purchaser. Purchaser may enter upo he property for urposes of surveying, planning, making of s il tests or any other reasonable inspection. � �!� In the event that a sale s ot consummated nder this Agreement, all of the Purchaser's wo k roduct, includi g but not limited to surveys � test results � pl ns (both for gradi g and improvements ) � and applications for go er ment requireme ts shall become the property of Seller as to t e ubject property In the event the P rc asers are una le to fulfill the contingencies, they must s notify Selle s prior to 6 p.m. , October 15 , 1988, that th y wish to voi this Agreement. In which case this Agreeme t shall be ended nd all earnest money shall be returned to P r aser. Should o notice be given by Purchaser prior to Octo e 15 , 1988, all ntingencies shall be deemed waived and closi g shall occur on before December 15 , 1988 . This contract is fully a ignable by Sell s and Buyers and all its obligations and r g ts shall to e benefits of all successors and assigns. Buyer shall have a right o erect signs on e property either in its name or in the name of i s agent adverti 'ng its development. Service of any notices, d m nds or other co espondence regarding to the transaction shal be made upon S lers at The Parranto Companies, Inc. , 1500 Jac s n Street N.E. , 'nneapolis, MN 55413 and upon Buyers at Del a Realty, Inc. , 6 9 City West Parkway, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 . AGENCY DISCLOSURE Delta ealty Inc. st ulates that it is representing the purchas r in this transa tion even though they will be sharing a com ' s ion with the listing broker. The Parranto Companies and h ir agent repr sent that they are representing the sellers n this transac ion and that they are div' ding a commission wit D lta Realty Inc. Ja uar Pro rt Mana ment Co SELLER BUYER by � S LLER � The Parranto Com an Inc. Delta R altv Inc . ; by .� -� l - . . : . �: � /� � • - � ����` �� �� PURCHASE AGRE E T � Minneapolis, Minnesota June 10, 1 88 Received of Jaquar Property Man g ent Corporatio the sum of One Thousand Dollars (#1,000.000) by c eck as earnes money to be deposited the next business da after acceptan in the trust account of the listing broker and in part payment fo the purchase of the premises legally described as Lots Seven (7) , Eight (8) , Nine (9) , Twenty-One (21) , Twenty-Tw (22) , Twenty-T ee (23) and Twenty-Four (24) in Block Five (5 rril 1's divisi of Rice Street Villa 's. Consisting of approxima e y 32,800 square feet including any improvements thereon. All of w ich properties ellers have this day sold to Buyer for the um of: One Hundr d Fifty Thousand Dollars, (�150, 000.00) which Buy r grees to pay i the fol lowing manner: Earnest money of One ho sand Dollars ( ,000.00) and One Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Doll r (#199,000.00) sh on the date of closing . Subject to performance by B ye , Sellers agre to execute and deliver a Warranty Deed, to e joined in by spouses, if any, conveying marketable title to he premises subje only to Buildiny and zoning laws, Ordinances, St t and Federal Re lations and the Utility and drainage easements f record. REAL ESTATE TAXES Sellers agr e o pay ta or the year 1988 on a pro rata basis to the date of closing. Buye agrees to pay it' s pro-rata share of 1988 taxes a d o pay al taxe due and payable in the year 1989 and any unpaid n tallments of ecial assessments payable therewith and therafte . Sellers make n warranty regarding the homestead or nonhomestea s atus of the 198 taxes or any taxes thereafter. Neither Sellers or Sellers' Agent akes any represen- tation concerning the amount f uture real est e taxes. Sellers make no warranties re a diny improvemcn 5 on the pru�erty or any other warran ties beyond h se contained in the Warranty Deed as called for above. Sellers a re to deliver po session at closing and all interest City water an sewer charges, electricity, natural gas charges, fuel oil-LP gas c rqes and any o er charges shall be pro rated between the partie s of the date o closing. TITLE b. EXAMINATION Se le shall within a reasonable time after acceptance of this agreem nt furnish an A stract of Title or Registered Property Abstr ct certified to ate to include proper searches covering bankrupt i , State and deral judgments and liens. Buyer shall be a 1 ed 20 business ays after receipt for examination of title and ma i g any objection which shall be made � in writing or deemed wa e . If any objec ion is to made, Selier shail be ai lowed 120 d ys to make titl marketable. Pending cor rection of title, payme ts hereunder requi ed shall be postponed , but upon correction of tit e nd within 10 d s after written notice to Buyer, the parties sha 1 perform this ag ement according to ' tsL� *and to pay in full all a se sments presentl levied or pending . NING FIL -L �� ... � .�� � terms. If title is not corre te vithin 120 day from the date of vritten objection, this agreeme t hall be null an void, at option of Buyer, neither party shall b 1 able for damage hereunder to the � other, and earnest money shall e efunded to Buye . DEFAULT If title is marketa 1 or is correcte within said time, and Buyer defaults in any of t e agreements rein, Seller may terminate this agreement; and n such terminatio all payments made hereunder shall be retained by e ler and Agent, their respective interest may appear, as liq id ted damages, t me being of the essence hereof . This provis ' on shall not depr ve either party of the right of enforcing the spe if c performance f the agreement, provided this agreement is no terminated an action to enforce specific performance is commen ed within six mon s af ter such riyht of action arises. In the even yer defaults i his performance of the terms of this Agreement, a d otice of Canc lation is served upon the Buyer pursuan t to MS 59 .21 , the term ation period shall be thirty (30) days as permitt d by Subdivision of MSA 559 .21 . This offer is contingent upon h Purchaser' s ab lity of obtain the necessary zoning, licensing, p rmits and a y and all other governmental requirements for th construction o retail facilities on the subject property and a ja ent properties y October 15, 1988�_ Purchaser agrees to procee w th all due dili ence to acquire the necessary governmental requir m ts immediately pon acceptance of this contract by Seller . This offer is also continge t upon the practi ality of grading the property for its � intended u e as retail evelopment. It is understood between Buyers d Sellers that su stantial grading and excavating work will need to be done and that t e configuration of the property at present il make it nec ssary that certain provisions be made for d ai age and for ateral support of adjacent properties. That he practicali of such grading, excavating and improvements h 1 be within th sole discretion of of Purchasers and shall be o he same time ta. e with the paragraph above regarding contingencie . Seller agrees to execute a y documents neces ary as required . Any expenses connected therewith are to be b rne by Purchaser . Purchaser may enter upon t e property for urposes of surveying , planning, making of soil te ts or any other re sonable inspection. In the event that a sale is no consummated der this Agreement, al 1 of the Purchaser's w r product, inclu ' ng but not limited to surveys, tests results, pla s (both for gradi and improvements) , and applications for gov r ment requireme ts shall become the property of Seller as to t ubject property In the event the Purchaser a e unable to ful ill the contingencies, they must so notify Seller p ior to 6 p.m. , ctober 15, 1988, that they wish to void this A reement. In wh ch case this Agreement shall be ended and all ear es money shall be returned to Purchaser. Should no notice by given y urchaser prior to October 15, 1988, al 1 contingencies shall b emed waived an closing shall oc cur on or before December 15, 196 . 2 �. � L� .. : � • � <��%����`�1 Sellers shall have the right to r mo e any items de ired from the • buildings on subject property. ch items shall nclude, but are not limited to light fixt r , carpeting , a liances, vindow covering and built-in cabinetry tc. In no cire stances are any items to be removed in such a man e as to, create o leave an unsafe condition (for example, all elect i al and gas conn tions must be capped as per city and state c d s and no holes e to be left in the structure) . Sellers also agr e to hold Buyers rmless from any third party claims due to said re o al . Any remova of items f rom the subject property must be don ithin s-���( s of closing or all riyhts to such items shall v 5t in Duyer . �� . This contract is fully assignabl b Sellers and Bu ers and all its obligations and rights shali inu e o the benefits f all successors and assigns. Buyer shall have a right to e ec signs on the p operty either in its name or in the name of its a en advertising it development. Service of any notices, demands r ther correspon nce regarding to the transaction shall be mad pon Seilers The Parranto Companies, Inc. , 1500 Jackson tr et N.E. , Minn polis, Minnesota 55413 and upon Buyers at Delta R al y, Inc. , 6409 ' ty West Parkvay, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344. AGENCY DISCLOSURE _ Delta Rea t Inc. stipulat that it is representing the Purchaser in th s transaction eve though they will be sharing a commission with he listing bro er . The Parranto Companies and their agent repres n that they are representing the Sellers in this transaction and t at they are div ding a commis sion with Delta Realty Inc. Ja uar Pro er Mana ement Cor . BUYER '• by � S LLER The Parranto Companv, Inc. Delta Realt Inc. .- �� b <<l�� by ��� ' • •� � ' � �� �'Q d� - ���ev h�-�c v� I ' WEST WHEEL P RKWAY } ; . � . , � .s._ � . z�:r + t.-. �f�� �' .•.w' '� �! , a.q• � f . . . �♦ ,.� . ♦ � !.-y.::K"'u• �' . ..-nr e�."V".�„7• I � .�<� �e ,� - .4� -- - `_') •� f' •.�, � .a.s' �' � . 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I � �. 1.� ,v � � - �� � f'I w�� i0+� � p� �v - - --� � PABKWAY • � � � � e.�- � 1 ' � v i' Q �; � � � ' ' ' ' � �� . a N _ - .. -- _�.= _= �_L1 � , � � _ � _> � .� '-i � ,�-,+--ij—: � `='s• O _'_ � ' • � O � i OlC• ��, i0 Q`� • `� _ � } - �. � o o- --- �y G AVE. � �-== � o � o , 0 0 __ =�` -� ' o 0 o�o{oiojo,o 0 0?0 ! � � � -- �' � -6 , . � � � . ; `. z) O6 � i � �-� -T- -r- �- � � �.. ; �I � '" � ; � • � i I • I 1 i f � � ' .' . i . p1O ° -0 -=s- � ¢ ~, ' < �: ' o 0 0 oj o HO T AV�. ± � o .,��io ,o;o`o 0 0 0�o � 2a � �' � � � i � � ? C " C , ,. , , /�24 29 29 � � I' i �` q �� ! • � ` u1 1 '`J W� � -o DiO��a�b U o 0�0 � 'i o - o ONTaNa � avE. ' ► � � � � � < g �-� ��'�'' �t�~'�.� � ��`� ��E� 3'� �"'�`��� t o � C� � ` � � '� � �c� �' ����� "� ����w `' � ' � p 29 17 29 � w c 15�� �' C���` �t� �� � J.�- ti� ` .V '��%I ► � 0 � < rvi � � �C� �!���' �� -�"`�, �!` .��"J� 1"`�r.> �C� � `� � i 3 n '�? ��j'`� �'7 r� .3 i':.��� J� �.� � �� ��. _ � _ . , t ��NEBRASKA � ��� ... �e�bFe �'� j�C,��!'J� � �� • �' � _—_ ' _'__ J >' ���. :'�1 � M � � ��� c�� � �'�,� � _ ' ♦ _ . �, � 1 � -- L �,• i,,, _�R/CE AIPL/NGTON� ,..� � ,.� � r -� - � 3 � e� � u� < • 7 ��� ATN TIC f/EC D fe�f�''� �� :�.,,. �'J 1 t � i' = _,--- O-- O �+ � ��;J t.��t% :''�� G��Jt�e�J�3 �C`��f�';�� �,ti � C� l� ~ R "J � � � � V.� \ � ' �� t: �J t��_ <,C�'w` -� `� E3�; � � � ^.; , AP��� JAGUAR PROPEP.TIES f DELTA � PURPOSE SCUP & REZ (B-3 & R-4 to a 2) � �bp�ry FILE#t 10418 pA 12-27- 8 ���pipp�y ��� PLNG. OIST 6 MAP� 4 o pl�4si�r • • ^ COmmMCiai � ��!► ♦ �� �I SCIILE 1'=400' ���� ��»�y � v�x CONSOLIDATED INYES PROPER S SUtTE 122. 166a SOUTH HIGHWAY Nt00 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 612-545-7462 February 14, 1989 1Ks. Lisa Freese Zoninq Co�ittee 25 �Test Fourth Street St. Paul, lYttinnesota 55102 Re: Jaquar Properties/Delta P ies - File N 10418 - File �i Rice Street between Wheel k arkway aad ilest Iowa Street Dear 1�Ss. Freese s I am the owner of Parkway Sho p nq Center �►hic is �rithin 350 feet of the above described p y. I am aqainst the rezoning and st lishment of th Special Condi- tion Ose Permit for the follow nq reasonss 1. There ia too much traffic 1 q this particul stretch of Rice Street now. 2. Cara are backed up in the dle of interaec ons when the stop liqhts are on red. 3. Turinq in and out of eafe in properties is niqhtmare, tryinq to avoid accidents If this new center Was coa 1 ted, it would nly add to the prer�enc trafiic flow probie�as o this stretch o Rice Street. If you have any questions, pl a e contace me at 45-7462. Sincerely i`�'�"'" ,; . Robert L. rt RLRsnr �� .. •s Z��i�l�'r " i •• __:3.� �� e ruary 9 , 1989 Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Mn 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 10418 Zoning File Name: Ja u Properties/De a Realty This letter is written t state my perso 1 objection and that of my family and e 'ghbors to the a ove listed project. We request that 1 the petitions o rezone this property and issue a spec' 1 condition use p rmit be denied. The reasons for this requ st are as follows : 1. Traffic - The pet'ti ner has stated- hat this type of business does not brin a y more traffic nto an area. Whether or not this is tr e an be debated. YIowever, what is true is that the traff c ill be redirec d into the neighborhood and at the t m s when the scho buses are picking up or drmpping of ildren, and th residents of the neighborhood are leav n for or coming me from work. The parking and traffic p o lems in this ne ghborhood caused by the heavy use of Arli t n Park have not been resolved and until a solution can e found it does n t make sense to further add to or com li ate the problem 2. Saturation - Wit in a quarter mile f the intersection of Rice and Wheelock Par wa there are aly dy five (5) gas stations, one with a ser ic department, o with a car wash, and three (3) with convi nc stores. The per America store directly across the stre t is open 24-hour . In addition, a new auto mall of 17,00 q. feet is sche led to be completed by September, �989 . If 'n fact that what e developer stated about not bringing in a ore traffic is rue, the business of one or two of the al a y established b sinesses will suffer if this one is t p osper. Destroy'ng a business only to replace it with anot er of the same typ does not seem to me to make good busines s nse and does no hing to enhance the neighborhood or busines c mmunity that al eady exists. 3 . Parkway - Three (3 of the seven ) R-4 properties that have to be rezoned t make this proj t viable boarder Wheelock Parkway. This p rkway, a heavil used bicycle route, runs between to major p s in St. Paul, mo and Phalen. It is also a part of the "i t o Park Corridor System. To allow a rezoning for commerc�ial p rposes violates the restrictive and � ..� Zoning File No. 10418 - 2 - February 9, 1989 protective status of thi ystem. Should ch a rezoning be allowed there could _ d �ost likely wou d be an erosion of R-4 properties to co e �2a1 or multif ily housing along this route. The zoning ra Llstions and la d use plans for this area were made to ro ect the uniquen ss of this parkway • • and should be adhered t i order to assur that this parkway ; remains the safe reside ti 1 route that th city planner intended it to be. 4. Separation - Be a se of the many oblems caused by the mixture of comme c ' al and resident' 1 properties , a land use plan has been e eloped to keep e areas as separate as possible using alley nd streets as n ural boundaries wherever possible. A c itment to this eparation can be seen in the District 6 P/Partnership p ogram. I believe this project violates i land use plan or this area as -- it requiresthe crossin o er of such a bo ndary and the rezoning of seven (7) ut of thirteen (13 R-4 properties on the other side of t at boundary for th s project to become viable. Again, we request h the petition Jaguar Properties/ Delta Realty, File No. 1 418 be DENIED. Also we would like t request that t zoning committee discourage any petitio s to develop the rner of Rice and Wheelock Parkway (or y other corner of the Parkway system) as a gas station/conv' n e store because of the saturation factor and set back r qu rements that ma require rezoning of R-4 properties to o ercial . We wou d also request the discouragement of any pe itions to rezon any R-4 property < to any other type of ro erty use. As s ated before, not only is Wheelock Park ay a major artery etween two major -- parks in St. Paul, it is also a part of he Metro Park Cor- ridor System and as s c should be prot ted from over develop- ment. The fact that h land use along ' t has remained R-4 contributes to the un q eness of this r te and this uniqueness should be preserved. Yours t uly, . Cather ' e LaClair 101 W. heelock Parkway St. Pa , Mn 55117 cc J. Rettman - Cou c ' 1 Person ` S. Voyda - Dist. 6 6 � ' _ �! PETITI 0 DENY REZONING TO DE L P THOMPSON PLAZ � We, the unders�gned, .r qu st the DENIAL o the petition to � rezone seven (7) Resid nt al properties t Commercial. in order to develop Thomp on Plaza as prese ed to the District Six Council and Land U e ask Force. (T se properties lie East of the plotted al ey running parall 1 �o Rice Street. ) NAME dress Homeowner . / y _ '� . _1 7 _W w��� �rw _ s _ -� . t�� �h� � �.51 -� _ �- , .��-� _ � . �,� ��.� � � �� {��� � -� �.1..�x� � ��, �[.� ��c�� �-vi.c,i�, .,i..�c�, C.J�i � . f `� :.���ti� �� � n�' .�S � � -���--- �` � 1 __ . _! � q�_ S. ��.__• _ t,�� �1�� ,eS — . � � ��� Z� — � PETITION T DENY REZONING • TO DEVE THOMPSON PLAZA ��' "�� We, the undersiqned, .req e t the DENIAL of he petition to rezone seven (7) Reside i 1 properties to ommercial in order to develop Thomps n laza as present d to the District Six Council and Land Us T sk Force. (The e properties lie East of the plotted all y unning paralle �o Rice Street. ) � NAME A ress Homeowner Y N � ' SGt� u� ?� -- ,;-, � 1 �( _ ___L' �-�--�t.i_c..:.�c�.�.��i �� i�� Gt� G��'� -1�- , .�, . . � � , / — � 1 ��� � - �� �a �.-�� G �l' w � � �, .., ,/,- �" � , . �,,`� ,: / � /,��f � . � �- -- --7---�.:.1� _--�- •� - -- - � -- - '�!---- - l �- -�` �d�� C'� - --- _ �U�____ � �p; ���� � �' ,���._, J �C �1'� �c � , ' � ►�ee��c� 1� . � a - -- � - -- - ----___ _ - — � --- ------ - -- - —._------- -- -- _ -- - -------� --�- --------- _ Z $ — � �, / °`��. �3 G��- GpV � .� •� -� �C � N , PvL �NG RE�E�v�� . p PR �� S� NG �3 ��C �N� t�� ���K� p�e �,�� 1pA1$ Np . F��-� P PG� .� 6 3 �� p�str�� {rom ers w�t Qla��'r9 �are .�e� a�� to roperty t ti�e5 �f 64,96�ly Re �,da 15 '��O �O �ePre s e� appr�X;m t�lio�e F a o�S t r u c L to e o f a n d r d.er S t. a S�u s�nessl s s l �� c e�`ter � Z°wa e o n � B Sin e �n 9 ,�a W. P� S G g 3 l e o u t t r g a,� s�o p p ee\o G k QkW y • a vRp 4 �_2 0o wr p Squa e �wee� Stree� de °{ �,Ge + ON �as S .�P EP��V p,.�• co�tc �°�Se L 0 C�► C p�(� ��.�IES I���" 9�.o��all - � pP cy i c J G� R P� 3p, �989 d �1°�X c ��o�ami� P E T I T I1 '����`� aay� �1ar �ambe�5� ��i.�g 1 p,s,neX, p��` C�c �o�n�il t $,3 066 Cri4�ity �51p2 HEARING w �NG F a R n reeSe Se� i oom 11 e5o�,a � �Sa �i�g m Ul� �i N i^� o na C ,�h C�e4att �, a .t ONS G° elo4�jen SC�eet, ,��1 e QUESTION Qvc 5 `� �e W• 4th r pt;o,�'• �. � � ga, �e5c - �oLlGe s�n� 3�,L� �9 Notice �ent 3;],4/85 � � - T � � �.J � 2 � � �� v `- _j 1 �• � �_ O �� v . v , -Q G C� o ` -`y .;��T�- �- � - ; :- --: � c, 4� • • 08 '� � - . � , . Q `Y .����;I � ,�l ` `—' ° :-1 -i t 1 _._ . G -- � � . - -- . '3 � -- n 30 \��` ������► � _ _ ; - - � • d , O � +t � 't :a - < - � \ ,u V . � � ...� S • � v � .\ II � � - - -- -- O O --- . � . � '•PT` �j' ,\V � -- — o � L• ; � ; ; I � �. . . 0 0�a �, o ��;1'� �°i� P� ;�-� � ' _- - �. � � . WHEE 0 PARKWAY �'^ O O v � , I -- f` v ,' O O� • _ O .♦ _L .1 J \/:�-�, .i• � `\�� V/ - — � - . -� -���Lt— ':�� �'f' 11 � ' ; � ' i 1 rl � Q Q — - - _� � __ i ' �� ; ` O ! � 1 D�C� �� � t� (�`' . `��� � J =� I � _ � 0 --- W� I ` _ � 0 o G A avE. �- � _� :, , �- _ O o --_ -c>- o -� -F- j i � o c o t o;o i o 1 ,o o�o�o � �:. : , -- -� ` � ' � + '. , � 1--1- l - �y- r� O6 � - i � �� - -7- -�- � � � , � � ; � .I � i ; • � � � � , i , ` ' I i � ' v �o __ — - — Q � ; � � -0 ---�- 'j Q ¢ ~rt� �O � �: OIO�O�O� O�O iN. 0 T AVF . ! o . � o � -,�ol o;o:'ol o 0 0 0 � - , 24 � ` � � � 1 � �7 � r � i c • � '� ' . ' � , � � 6 I' ; • ' �' • • v� 1 `� /�24 29 29 ;. � � " , � �J W O ,p OqrJi�OiO �J.� ��G � � � � QY�. j •�r�` � •• o t y11. M NTANA o ! � � (� � W <_ ? 8 � �` €'�� :��`�C'�� (�� c��C]�:�f�c�^^���'��1 � � . pm �J 17'' � � < e � � ` ��c`� � � �.� c��� �-% ;%� �:� , �� � �-�, � 29 2 9 � -- '; v � ', � ��� �'t����� `�'� ��V r'"��J'' 3� �.V��'�%� 1 �• ;� i O � • �+ � �'' '� �� �.^� t'j � � r.> �� �J � 1. 3 � � x � �: ,..� (�'i� w e,� r., `:� C.�f� '� i ��� f'` �� { ....�,.........� r l'� �� `�•?W .. �'� � r- �'� .��� �� ,�� �,� . � NEBRASKA ;� . � � F � . � v • ("� � � � .,.,,, „„ � � �w�!3 ^ ,.� �,1•��t� (`) _ _ + � _'___ ' ' '_""_ . � , s^a�-� �. ��*�, M � � '-- --�=— �tJ �j � _ �R/CE RL/NGTOi� � v C ,,..,,�� �i . �..^,� C� i . a _ _� � � � `� � < . �� arHC �c F�EC o � ��,,� J�� •� �' `�`� ti � ;=� � � -� .-� � � -•� r;^� ^ -� --,, �',� :; � , '�+ -- - -�--- -—- ; 'O t? �,•; '�``,� t^�. ',/' �. , -� ��� „;t`J`\J�'' c�`I -�"�"'`�j� C�' �E� �a,�� � _ --- -- � .� r� � � r' �•� � �.r '� � �3 `� � � � � � � � , :� �J � ,� �� �3��,� . � �.v E� ' �'�-, �� " --; - ` '.�,_ �-� r �; � ,� , APPLICANT JAGUAR PR.OPERTIES/DELTA �- Y LEGEND PURPOSE sCUP & REZ (B-3 & R-� to B 2) � zoning district boundary FILE# 10413 DATE 12-2� s subjed property �rarth� � PLNG. DIST 6 MAP# 4 0 o�e family • • ^ commerr.ial � � two family ♦ �� industrial SCALE 1" =400' .�=� �� rr�niple family V vacant � � . MARCO Con t t�n 1171 West Larpenteu St. Paui, Minnesota 3 612 4 7258 iKarch 29 , 1989 Honorable l�iayor and City Council City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, i4IJ 55101 Re: Property on Rice tr et ana ��7heelock Parkway Known As Thompson I�I ket Being one of tne prop t owners on �ice Street, we are much in favor f he proposed dev lopment by Delta Realty and A so iates, and feel that they will contribute to a ' ea thier retail ma ket in this area. I Sincerely, �/,�� �� ; Irving T. Margol ' Marco Constructio IT :jt I I � I � I � Hon. Mayor and Council City of St. Paul The undersigned wish to on ey their suppo for the Delta Realty/Jaguar shop i center projec at Rice Street and Wheelock Park a . Not only is a welcome and needed addition to R' c Street commerc al, but an enhancement to the appe a ce of that port on of Wheelock Parkway. _ ��. . � ���� � ` S . !�� � 1 � �D �,+cch.� �. � l��r►-S _ � C��,C r � _ ;-; , � 4ctT! or X -'�f— � v / � U � ° CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �. � 1 y a ����;��,;,, ro DEPARTME T F PLANNING AND E ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT p� ���� ����� �e' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 W Fourth Street,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 �sa+ 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: April 5, 1989 T0; President Scheibel and Memb rs of the City Counci FROM: Lisa J. Freese, Planning Di is on, P.E.D. RE: Zoning District Boundaries n arkways At the public hearing held Thursday M rch 30, regarding he Thompson Plaza Development proposal at the southea t orner of Rice and eelock, Councilmembers Sonnen and Dimond i ui ed about the loca on of zoning district boundaries adjoining city parkways. e specific questi was whether the zoning district boundary should be th centerline of Whe ock Parkway or the property line between the proposed de elopment and the P kway. Planning staff has researched the issues and this me o summarizes those findings. Issue 1. Is a parkway considered s reet? Zoning Code Section 60.219. S. de in a street as "a p lic right-of-way, other than an alley, which afford t e principal means access to abutting property." Chapter 145 of the Sa nt Paul Legislative C e (See Attachment A) designates a number of streets an a enues in the city s parkways and regulates the use of the street-w y i.e. no truck traf ic) . Clearly, the intent of the legislative code is to �onsider parkways special type of street. It should be noted, howe er that this chapter does not impose restrictions on the development o t e properties abut ng parkways. Issue 2. Where should zoning dist ic boundaries be pla ed along properties that abut public streets? As a standard practice, the Plan in Division staff an the Zoning Administrator's office consider he centerline of the treet the zoning district boundaryline when prope ti s along streets ar rezoned. In consultation with Assistant Cit At orney Jerry Segal, Planning staff has determined that this practice a e s (1) to meet the eneral intent of the zoning code and (2) conforms wi revious council ac ons related to zoning district boundaries. President Scheibel and Members of the Ci y Council April 5, 1989 Page Two 1. The zoning code does not xp icitly state that hen property abutting a street is rez e , the zoning distr' t boundary must be the center of the street, b t the general inte implies that it should be the centerline or example, Zoning ode Section 60.303 stipulates that when "an s reet, alley or pub ic way within the city shall be vacated, s ch street, alley or o her public way or portion thereof shall be au omatically classif'ed in the same zoning district as the p op rty to which is at aches." Therefore, based on this pr vision, the hypot tical zoning district boundary would e he centerline any treet in the event that it would be vacate . 2. The official zoning map o Saint Paul adopte by the City Council in 1975 and the subsequ nt amendments to the aps were reviewed by. the Planning Division s af . Staff was unabl to find any instances where a zonin d strict boundary fo lowed a property line abutting a street rathe t an the center of e street right-of- way. Recent rezonings ro residential to P- and OS-1 located along parkways indicat t t the City Counci has continued to follow this convention. For example, a rezonin a Lexington and Fro t for the Como Credit Union was nearly ident ca to the situation efore the Council in this rezoning request. e boundary was pla ed on the centerline of the parkway and the bu lding constructed s not set back 10 feet from the property line, s well, the P-1 zo ing district boundary for the North End Depo o the north side o Wheelock is shown on the centerline of the a ay in the offici zoning map. Issue 3. Does the Council have d sc etion to determine here a zoning boundary shall be located? While historical precedent suppor s he current zoning istrict boundary practices, Segal noted that Secti n 0.302(6) authoriz the City Council, in the case of boundary conflicts, termine with inpu from the Planning Commission the exact location of zo ing district bound y lines. This implies that the Council has some discre io in making decisio about where boundaries lines are located. If the Council decides to exerci e iscretion in this articular instance, the following issues should be consi er d: 1. Subject to final int rp etation by the Zo ng Administrator, it appears that the re i d building set ba would be 10 feet from the property line a on Wheelock Parkway ssuming the entire street right-of-way wo ld be rezoned to R ) . The west 130 feet, as currently zoned B- ) , could be develo d with no setback requirement as the ro erties on the nort east and southwest corners have alread b en developed. � ``J" �`� �O'�v President Scheibel and Members of the C'ty Council April 5, 1989 � Page Three 2. As shown on the attached m p, such a boundary de ignation would be irregular and as a result, wo ld be confusing a subject to frequent misinterpretatio . 3. One of the purposes of zo in is to provide uni rm standards to ensure equitable treatmen o p"roperty owners i similar situations. If the objec iv is to regulate th setback of commercial development ai ng parkways, this sho ld be explicitly specified in the zoning c de rather that regula ing setbacks indirectly in specific zo i cases. For examp , the zoning code explicitly regulates adv t' ing signs along p kways. In conclusion, the Planning Division st ff recommends that he City Council follow the established boundary prac ic s in determining z ing district boundaries. If the Council desires o egulate commercial development along parkways, this should be accomplishe b revising the zoni g code accordingly rather than on a case-by-case basis. IJ F:rm Attachments 4146.01 LEGISLAT E ODE , . Street or Avenue From To Como Avenue Rice Street Como P k � East Como Boulevard Lexington Ave e � Como enue Ford Parkway Snelling Avenu Mississ pi River Boulevard John Ireland Boulevard Dayton Avenu Wabas Street Kellogg Boulevard � Mounds Boule d Summi Avenue Leuington Parkway Concordia Univer ty Avenue Mounds Boulevard East Seventh re Surrey venue West Seventh Boulevard West Seventh tr t Ft. Sn ing Bridge Summit Avenue Dayton Avenu St. Pet Street (Code 1956, $ 124.03) Chapter 146.T�uck Routes hroughout the City of aint Paul, and the re- ricting of the use of th streets,public thorough- Sec. 146.01. Definitions. ares, highways and pla s by such vehicles, the The following words and phrases,when used in ouncil shall lay out an define certain districts this chapter, shall, for the purposes of this chap- nd routes in which an over which all commer- ter, have the meanings ascribed to them herein: cial vehicles may use s ' streets and routes and Commercial aehicle means every self-propelled P�O�blhng°r restnct�ng e use°f the other streets motor vehicle other than a passenger vehicle or a by commercial vehicles. vehicle used for the purpose of transporting pas- �� The truck routes lished by the city coun�ii � sengers for hire, and shall include every truck, as of January 31, 196 are continued in effect truck tractor or road tractor or combination of and the council may a to or modify the routes truck or road tractor and trailer or semitrailer by appropriate ordinanc from time to time,which designed primarily for carrying commodities other ordinances shall not b deemed part of the city's than people,whether laden or unladen. Legislative Code. The shall be maintained in Gross wei ht and the tr�c engineer's o ice,the city clerk's office, g gross vehicle weight mean the the tr�c violation b eau and the traffic and actual unloaded weight of the vehicle, either a accident section of th police department, at all single unit truck or tractor-trailer combination, times, a complete listi of all such truck routes, plus the weight of the maximum load for which which said listin is reb such vehicle is actually or fully loaded. Any com- g y incorporated in this -- mercial vehicle operated or driven in the City o Code the same as if lly set forth herein. Said Saint Paul on streets other than state trunk high truck routes shall be identified by appropriate ways or trucks routes shall have stenciled in signs erected and mai tained by the traffic engi- conspicuous place on each side of the cab of th neer s office upon all ain tr�c routes entering vehicle the gross weight of the vehicle or co the city, notifying rs of highways that com- bined vehicles as herein defined. mercial vehicles aze nly permitted on marked truck routes and up all such other streets or Passenger automobile means any motor vehicl highways as the city ouncil shall from time to designed and used for the carrying of not mo time determine. than eight (8)peraons, including vehicles know (Code 1956, $ 125.02) as station wagons,but egcluding motorcycles. (Code 1956, $ 125.01) Sec. 146.03. Prohi tion. � Sec. 146.02. Routes established. � No person shall op ate a commercial vehicle of � over fifteen thousand 15,000)pounds gross v�reight (a) For the purpose of defining,regulating a d on or over any stree public thoroughfares, high- restraining the movement of commercial vehicl s ways and places in t e City of Saint Paul except- 068 � . �%`� �J�d . . � , . . 3�r\ . ' , � . . .� .. . . � L�. '. ', . - � '` RESTRICTED SE F CERTAIN STREETS ' ¢145.03 _. Chapter 145. Parkways - Sec. 145.02. Par sys where trucks ar� pro- - � . - lubi . � ' The.fplloy►ing st ts and�avenues are desig- • Sec. 145.01. Jurisdiction of departmen of nated as parkway and boulevards, upon which community services,etc. no person shall dri e, propel or draw,or cause to be driven,propell or drawn,any truck which is All those portions of those streets and ave ue licensed by the S te of Minnesota for a gross referred to in this chapter are set apart an de weight in egcess o nine thousand(9,000)pounds clared to be public parkways and boulevar s i exce t at intersec ' street crossin the City of Saint Paul, and the departme t o p g Ss, except for . one block betwee any two (2) consecutive inter- community services is granted full and com le secting streets or enues, and egcept where it is jurisdiction over said avenues and streets bet ee otherwise imposs le to reach a destination for the designated points to improve, regulate an the purpose of m 'ng a delivery to or returning control the same as public parkways and ul - from any lot or pr ises,when necessary to do so, vards of the City of Saint Paul. upon or along an parkway in the City of Saint (Code 1956, § 124.01) Paul: Sireet or Aaenue From o Cherokee Heights Boulevazd Annap lis treet hio Street Edgcumbe Road Lexin n arkway West Seventh Boulevard Highland Parkway Edgc be Road Mississippi River Boulevard Johnson Parkway Burns v ue Wheelock Parkway Lexington Parkway West eve th Avenue Concordia Lexington Parkway Unive sit Avenue Larpenteur Midway Parkway Snelli g venue Hamline Avenue Mississippi ftiver Boulevard City imi s West Seventh Boulevard Mounds Boulevazd Inter at Highway 94 Burns Avenue Mt. Curve Boulevard Rand lph Street Ford Parkway Pelham Boulevard Missi sip i River Boulevard St. Anthony Avenue Prospect Boulevard Bello s reet Hall Street Summit Avenue Miss' sip i River Boulevard Kellogg Boulevard Wheelcek Parkway East o o Boulevard Johnson Parkway (Code 1956, § 124.02) Sec. 145.03. Other parkways. - �'he following streets and avenues of t C y of Saint Paul aze designated as parkways nd oul- evazds; however, use of these parkwa s b all types of vehicles is permitted unless p ohi ited by the provisions of other chapters of t is ' ode, other ordinances of the City of Saint P ul r by the provisions of any law of the State of inn sota: 1067 . �_� _ /� ���. , . • RESTRICTED SE F CERTAIN STREETS $ 147.017 ing_in the districts or over the truck routes as designate temporary utes in addition to the routes provided by ordinance adopted pursuant to c- specifically provide to issue temporary permits � tion 146.02 of the Legislative Code. for commercial veh les of over fifteen thousand (Code 1956, § 125.03) (15,000)pounds gr weight to operate over routes not established; or otherwise deviate from the Sec. 146.04. Esception for deliveries. provisions of this apter. Such action of the di- When necessary in entering or leaving a t c r�t°r shall be subj ct to review and modification or cancellation by e council. terminal or for the purpose of making a deli e (Code 1956, § 125. ) or pickup, a commercial vehicle of over f e � thousand(15,000)pounds gross weight may ave upon any street where such delivery or pick p i �c. 146.07. Gov rnmental vehicles. to be made, or where such truck terminal s 1 �e provisions this chapter shall not apply to cated, but shall reach or leave such locati o emergency vehicl of the police department,fire said street by traveling over the shortest ou department, divis n of public health, nor to any from the nearest designated truck route o di - public utility veh le where actually engaged in trict; however, direct travel shall be allow d b - the performance emergency duties necessary to tween points of pickup or delivery, wi�ho t e necessity of returning to truck routes or dis ri be ��0�� by id public departments or pub- where the distance between said points of ck p lic utilities, nor any vehicle owned by or per- or delivery dces not exceed one mile.Com rc' 1 forming work fo the United States of America, vehicles or trucks over fifteen thousand (1 ,0 ) the State of Min sota,or the City of Saint Paul. pounds gross weight, when making a de ive (Code 1956, § 12 07) � pickup or when traveling to or from a tru t - minal located in the area bounded by Miss' si i Sec. 146.08. C ict with other provisions. River Boulevard, Marshall Avenue, Snelli g - No designatio of a "truck route" which con- enue, Selby Avenue, Summit Avenue, llo g sists in whole o in part of ahy"-5tate trunk high- Boulevard,West Seventh Street, Otto Aven e d way, federal hi way or parkway shall be con- Highland Pazkway shall consider Randolp A e- ����a pe ' ting use of said route in violation nue between West Seventh Street and Cle el d of any order or le of the commissioner of trans- Avenue,St. Clair Avenue between West ve th portation or an ordinance. Further, no designa- Street and Cleveland Avenue,and Grand ve ue tion of any "t ck route" shall be construed to between Dale Street and Cretin Avenue tr ck permit violatio of any state law or provisioa of _- routes, and all provisions of this chapter ppl ca- this Code,re ating the size, weight, capacity, ble to truck routes shall apply. hei ht len h s (Code 1956, § 125.04) g . � peed of trucks or other vehicles. (Code 1956, § 5.08) Sec. 146.05. Passing from route to ro te. . A commercial vehicle of over fifteen t ou and �ap r 147.One-Way Streets (15,000)pounds gross weight upon arrivi g a the end of any truck route designated herei m be �c. 147.01. utes established. driven over the most direct course to th ne est truck route which extends in the sam ge eral The one-wa streets established by the city coun- direction. cil as of Janu 31, 1967,are continued in effect, (Code 1956, § 125.05) and the coun 1 may add to or modify said routes by appropria ordinance from time to time, which Sec. 146.06. Powers of director. ordinances s all not be deemed part of the city Legislative ode. There shall be maintained in The director of the department of pu lic orks the tr�c e 'neer's office,the.city clerk's office, shall have authority,for cause or upon qu st,to the tr�c lations bureau and the tr�c and 1069 , ' $ 147.01 LEGISLATN C DE � accident division of the police department, at all sr� er From To times, a complete and up-to-day listing of alI such -Sh Line Road � Selby Avenu I=35E � � routes, which said listing is hereby incorporated � � �" in this Code the same as if fully set forth herein. (C de 1956, § 127.01) (Code 1956, § 126.01) Chapters 149, 1 .Reserved Sec. 147.02. Routes marked. Said one-way street routes shall be identified by appropriate signs erected and maintained by the tr�c engineer. (Code 1956, § 126.02) Sec. 147.03. Exemptions. No person shall drive or operate, or cause to be driven, any motor vehicle of any kind on any designated one-way street except in the direction � permitted on said street, subject, however, to the following exceptions: (1) To authorized emergency vehicles when re- sponding to emergency calls, provided the drivers thereof sound audible signal by siren, and two(2)lighted red lights or one lighted figure-eight light is displayed to the front. (2) To drivers of vehicles and other equipment while actually engaged in work upon the street or roadway, but shall apply to such drivers when traveling to or from such work. (Code 1956, § 126.03) Sec. 147.04. Police powers. Any police officer may, in case of necessity or -emergency, make such special order to drivers of vehicles as in his judgment may be necessary to _ meet such necessity or emergency,and it shall be the duty of every person to obey such direction or orders. (Code 1956, § 126.04) Chapter 148.Nonmotorized Traffic Restricted ' Sec. 148.01. Nonmotorized traffic prohibited. The use of the following streets shall be limite to motorized vehicles or tr�c only, and no pe son shall walk thereon,nor shall any person driv or operate any bicycle or other nonmotorized v - hicle thereon: IThe next page is 1119) 1 � � 1 „.� . �f /- i�,��1,,;1 � � � i2 � � 1 ��^` ';%` �v '- -- �� ��"_ '°.;.!� � I - . . (� ��>:.;:� :::�'� � Y O � Q � • '�� �'��f: y 0 .ql 41 ! • 4B �:;:: :"•: .: :�;,. ► p • �.�� Y I v r.'.Y I . � � � � a • .�y'� '— 1 '� . � O O �" �� _ . � j S �'!� � 30 - . . .�i� �d:.�.: � � :-;i;r�.� 4 � � V �`�.: ':';:::.;:� O �`�'`. �`:~':... � ����� O . � ���'�' � � � � i � 0 0 � � � .. .� i ���;. '- � - O N � �'1 O � O �O o O� � ' • �'��:' i -�:. � � Wt+���.oCk Pk�Y . � o ° �- �0`_ � _ " Q �; � ° � o � � � �)w) �_ .� �_� _ � _I ��:_— —T —1 —�� V �' -� - � ' ' i � d Q b • - ;� � � O O --- , W. 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