89-1041 �1,� y�"� ,�':O�t.� ' . ' ' °�--�-L°'"�,�,,�r:.- ,�� �. �,. �, -, yg� � � . . � ���1��.z���, �, , ,� , WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY O AINT PAUL Council - CANARV -OEPARTMENT BI.UE -MAYOR File NO. � /��/ ��... . O ndnce � Ordinance N 0. Presented By '/ Referred To ����'�-��� Committee: Date � l`��� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendin' ections 14. 01 .1 14.�11. 2, 14.01. 3 and 1 .01.4 of the Ch rter of the City of Saint P ul pertaining t special assessments. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAI : Sec i n 1. That pursuant to Minneso a Statutes Sectio 41.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of th C arter Commissio of the City of Saint Paul , Section 14.01.1 o he Charter of t e City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is a ended to read a follows : "Sec . 14. �11.1 . ��������� j� ���������� Asse ment Procedures (1) After the date of t e " final orde ' described in - Subdivision 2 of Sec ion 13.03.2d�� he proper city 19����� � officials s a 1 calculate the xpenses incured or to be incurred in m king the improv ent. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depar ent of: Dimond �� �Il e'BVOI Goswitz Rettroan Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by C' y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By J�-�-�-Q- �' ���-�-f�- J 3> � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor r Submission to Council By BY 1 .. : . ,�:. � .-- . . ._ i J: � . S.! WHITE - C1TY�CLERK � � - �' �� CORIICII�F �/J �� PINK - FIN� ,A�IICE � GITY O `�AINT PA�I`L �� �� �' CANARY -DEPARTMENT . 1 �J � � BIUE �MAVOR � I,'l1E NO. -�^ � :r � { .s F` 0 ndnce ordinance N 0. Presented By �`�=��� , '��`�� ` _� f � ar'Referred To `•--� - Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ` � #: I►n ordiA�nce a�e�c2! Sectiat�s 1�.�1, Il.iI.2, 2�.p2.3 s 4.#i.� ot the C rter of Lbe City ai Ssin ul pe�rtaining •p�ciai a�saes�ts TE#S �t�MCIG OF T�L CIT? QF Si1 P�UL DO�S 4Rt)�► t � O!! �. '!'t�at p�rsnent to l�iaoes t 3tatot�s S+�eti A 41.1�t 8obd. T� aac3 t�po� raccus�eee�dstio�a a# t e hartez Co�a�iss n o! t!� City o# �ai�t Paa2, SecLion 24.�1,2 f tbe �hazter of A: Cft�► of Safnt . paol be a�! t'be :ams hezet�� s e�ded to read s €o2lorrs; "BeC. 14.�l.1. �li���Mt# :�It llrii��il4 �►s! i�t Pso�edarss �l� �ttsr tha date c► he "fiaa2 ora z" a.s�= ���a �a Sobdi�isioa 2 of S etfon 13.+�3.I�� tQa p�oper city ���1� ot icis�s �h 11 cal�aiate t!� esp�n�es incnred � � or to b� nc�e�'� a aking Llt� i�ZO a�t. _... _... ...._ ...____--- .� COUNCIL MEMBERS � - ' ' Yeas �8ys Requested by D artment of: Dimond ��g In F vor . sosw;tz Rettman s��;n�i Agai st By sonaen � Wilson Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' '' � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by M or for Submission to Council By BY , � .. � . . (��9�d�/ (2) Thereafter, an ass ss ent roll shall e prepared, which shall include a s ssments agai st the property benefited or to b enefited by th improvement upon its completion. h roll shall be iled and open to public inspection. (3) In estim ating th enefits to an particular lot, piece, or parcel o land , the pro er city �€€��e�� officials shall c ns der the owners interest therein, the form and posi i n of the severa parcels of land, the qualified ri h s of the owne s, and any other circumstances ren er ' ng the improve ent beneficial to k4t� e� ��L� the pr p rt . (4) Notice of the pub ic hearing at whi the council will consider the asse sm nt roll shall published in the official paper n t less than �we� � �la�� two weeks before such hear n . At least � ��g� two weeks before the hearin , notice thereof hall be mailed to every known owner of property subje to an assessment at i��s the owner' s last known ad ess. The notice shall comply with t notice re uir ents set forth n Section 429 .�61, ub ivis on 1, of M nnesota Statutes. (5) At the hearing o t any adjourn ent thereof, the council shall 'ea all persons relative to the assessment. Any affected propert owner, or person legally required t �a� the asses ment, wishi� to formally o� b •�ect o he amount of a rassessment must file a written o 'e tion wi-th the it clerk prior to the assessment he r n or present written objection to the presidin ff cer at th hear n� After consider�ing all � es imony' the cou cil���e��a€����� ���������r�� shall adopt , by resolution, the assessm ent roll w th or without ame m ent." � ec ion 2. That pursuant to Minn so a Statues Secti n 410.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of th Charter Commis ion of the City of Saint Paul, Section 14.01. o the Charter o the City of Saint Paul be and the sam e her b is deleted i its entirety and replaced with a new Section 14.PJ1 . 2 which shal read as follows : "Sec. 14 .01 .2 . Author t to Collect Ser ce Charges. The council m� rov d , � ordinance that the cost of certain services, suc s, but not 1 i e� to, the ongoing �o�e�r�a�t�ion and mainten nc of existing�c pital improvements and e abatement of u sances— ,includ n administrative 2 s%3��'1 � � . � � . . . � . � . . � � (I� �9--�0�/ costs, undertaken and er ormed � the C ' m� be char�eid against the property b n fited b�, or w ich received, or wh�ich—is deemed to a e received t service. The apportionment of the am unts�to be ch r ed� shall be a reasonable allocation o r he costs of the service and shall not exceed the actual c s to provide the ser rvice. Ser e c�iarc�es s�iall be a�opte , ollected and ap ealed n the same manner as special asses m ts or in such o her manner as the coun 1 determines." � � S ' ct' on 3. That pursuant to Minne t Statutes Secti n 41Q1.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of he Charter Commis on of the City of Saint Paul, Section 14.01.3 of the Charter of he City of Saint Paul be and the same here y is deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Section 4.QJ1 . 3 which shal read as follows : "Sec. 14.011.3. Suppl ' m ntal Assessme t; Reassessment; Recalculation of Servic + har es. 1. The council m� m ke su lement assessments to correct omissio s errors , or istakes n-the ass'essmentrrela i g �to� the tot l �costs of the impr'ovement or a ther articula . A su��lemen'tal assessment shall b preceded by p rsonal or mailed noticerto the ow e of each parce included in the supplemental asse sm nt of a hea� to be held similar to that provided f r in the oric�inal assessment. 2. When an assessme t or a service ar e is, for any � reason whatever, s t aside � a c urt of competent �u sir diction as t a y parcel or par els of land, or in the event the cou ci finds that th assessment or the service charge o n part there is excessive or determines that t e assessment or the proposed assessment or�the se vice+ch� arc�e or nr part thereof is or ma be invalid fo � reason, t cou c 1 m�a upon not� and� h- eari as provid f in the or�inal assessment or s r ice charge pr eedings, make a reassessment or ne assessment o recalculate the service ch�ar�ce as to such parcel or arcels." ec ion 4. That pursuant to Minne o a Statutes Sect on 410.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of th Charter Commis ion of the City of Saint Paul , Section 14.P11. o the Charter o the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : 3 T� 5�3,/�y � � � � � . �. �� . � . - � �l,c�y'-�o�r "5ec. 14.01. 4. Appeal . �r P����i�� �w����� da � ���e� �A� s��l � s�eg���i� �k� _ . . asse�g�t��* e� �al�� g ��ass�ss����T �e� �sse�ss�►���T e� s�gg�e�ae���� �� � ex�et��T at�� @�� �i x��� �@p��� �e _ ��� ��i����e� eee��� � €���i�q � �9��e �� ��age�4 �v��t� �l�e ���� ����1� s� � �� �He g�e���l �ge� ���el� ��� _ �pg��� 4s �al�e��- �� r�e���e ��ia�� � €���� ���� �k� e�e�t� e€ ��e d���� e� e���� w����� � t� d��� a€��� ��ie €����lg w��l� ��i� e�� ����_ (1) Issues and proced re of appeal fo service charges shall be as provid d in this section or— in such other manner as the counc 1 determines. (2) No a��eal ma� be t ken as to th amount of an� assessment unless a written ob 'ect on signed by the affected property wn r, or person 1 all required to p�a the assessment i filed with th city clerk prior to the assessment ea in or presente to the presid ni g off ci er at the hea in . � ~ � I (3) An affected proper owner, or perso legally required to pa� the asses m nt, ma� a�pe 1 the council' s determination of� n assessment to istrict court � serving notice of he ap�peal upon the city clerk w thin 20 days after the do tion of the ass ssment and fir lin� such notice with h district cour within ten days after service upon th city clerk. �: (4 ) The only defense o an assessm ent hall be that the assessment is fr ud lent, or that t is made upon a demonstrable mis a e of fact or aw, or that the assessm ent is in a am ount in exc ss of the actual benefits to the roperty. The ju isdiction of the court shall not be affected by error , act , or omission not affe t ng the substan ial rights of any person. 3: (5) A person who fail o file the writ en objection with the city c__lerk be o e the assessme t hear�ng or w th t�ie presiding off ce at the hearin or fails to file the notice of ap ea with the cit clerk within the time specified , r ails to file t notice of appeal with the district co rt within the t me specified shall be forever barre f om proceeding ith an appeal and trial in said cou t, and the assessm nt shall be final . 4 I ✓P�'►'ti S�3/�Pfl WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF����� INT PAUL Council O CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File �O. �-/ � Or i dnce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. (6) In case of an appe 1 , the appellant a request and shall be given a co y of the assessm nt roll or any part thereof upon p y ent of an amou t designated by administrative ordin n e. This copy s 11 be certified to by the proper ci y ������� offic-i 1s and filed by the appellant in the district court." Sec io 5. This ordinance shall take e fect and be in rce ninety (90) days from and after its passag , pproval and pu ication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depart ent of: Dimond � TA ��g I �avor Goswitz � , �. : Rettman ' Sc6eibel � Against BY Sonnen ? � Wilson �' �. . Form Approved by C y Attorney Adopted by Council: D�� �' Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � ��- ���-�'�'J��'��- S 3! �C' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor f Submission to Council By BY WHITfi - CITV CLERK � . . . � '-�\ � _. � � . � � �� PINK - FINANCE �$` . � [+�F COIlI1C1I\�� ... � /; /� ,�. BLUERV�MAVORTMENT � �f��� OF A7V4:�.�INT PAU�`L �.l�e ,: .�. �C.�V." 17��j�� �� ' � � • Or i dnce �inance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: �te � Out of Committee By Date 4. � In case of aA aQpe , thA agpe2lant a r� at�d sDa21 be g i�en a co y flf t�� a�ssass� et ro or any part th�z�o�' nPo� �nt of ae aa�oa d��ignm�ed by •Omtnistrat#re arai� . Tbis copY a 13 �e certf�ied to by the psopez cf �l��t�ls offici la a�a ftle� bp ths appel2ar�t fn t2�+d �i tricL co�st. � �0 5. Tbis ordieapce �beil talce e� eeL and be fn ree nieetp {9i1) d�ya fzoa and after ite p�asag s pproval and pe fcation. � .�- %� I ; ; 7 COUNCIL MEMBERS ; Request�d by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays Dlmond �� In Favor Goswitz r Rettman ��� Against By sonnen . Wilson , Form Approved by Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY r r ' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved�Mayor f Submission to Council By BY � � � . � � ��q-�o�l Members: �+, ' "�° CITY OF INT PAUL Bob Long, Chair �'��rgl��'� Janice Rettman fF1 Pld ll I OFFICE OF T E ITY COUNCIL Tom Dimond COMMI E REPORT FINANCE MANAGEMENT D PERSONNEL OMMITTEE November 13 1989 RECFIIlFn �OV14i989 ��: : ��.�f:�� 1. Approval of minutes of October 3 , 989, meeting. Approved 2. Resolution 89-1520 - approving c ns lidation of the Denied Saint Paul Fire Department Relie A sociation with PERA-Police and Fire. (Referred fr m Council August 29) 3. Ordinance 89-1917 - amending Sec io 125.02(a) of Laid over three the Legislative Code pertaining o treet obstruction weeks permits. (Referred from Council Oc ober 24) 4. Resolution 89-1974 - approving oi Powers Agreement Approved between the Parks & Recreation ivision and ISD #625 for community education brochur . (Referred from Council November 2) 5. Resolution 89-1983 - approving 60 ,000 funding for Laid over three the Neighborhood Crime Preventi n rant Program for weeks 1990-1991. (Referred from Coun il November 7) 6. Resolution 89-1985 - approving ev sion in project Approved scope for the Wheelock Parkway cq isition project. (Referred from Council 7. Ordinance 89-1041 - amending Se ti n 14 of the City Withdrawn Charter pertaining to special a se sments. (Referred from Council June 13, la d over July 31 and October 16) CITY I-IALL SE EN H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s• se . . , . . . _ . . - . �-�y_.,o�i . 1:. ; �,h SAINT PAUL C � � R COMMISSI N �, c � :�. P � �� �� MINNESOTA 55 � 2 SAINT AUL, ' ��� ;� I��. ���.w�ti RE�EI Ma 25 1989 V Y � i Ea I M AY31 � � � � 9s9 i�y� r��� � Albert B. Olson i City Clerk ; i 386 City Hall � i Saint Paul , MN 55102 � i Dear Mr. Olson: � � EncJ_osed please find a Resol�'ut on adopted by ithe Saint Paul Charter Commission at its meet�ng today and whic iproposes amend- ments to Chapters 13 and 14io the Saint Pa �. City Charter. Please place it on the nextia ailable Counciliagenda. Thank you. i Yours truly, i � � Raymond Faricy, Jr. , Presi nt Saint Paul Charter Commission � Enc . � I I 22 I � � . � � . � � �y"yy��ioy/ E OLUTION F THE SAINT PAU C ARTER COMMISSIO WHEREAS, the Council of the City of int Paul, by its Resolution of December 8, 19 8 C.F. No. 88-178 ) requested Charter Commission review and cons 'de ation of amend nts to Saint Paul City Charter Chapter 13, pe a ning to acquisi 'on of property and improvement procedures, an C apter 14, spec 1 assessments and service charges; and WHEREAS, at its meetin s n January 26, 1 9 ; March 23 , 1989 ; and April 27, 1989, the Char e Commission rev' wed and considered the aforesaid Charter amend en s; now, theref e, be it RESOLVED, that pursuan t Minnesota Stat es Section 410.12, Subd. 7, the Saint Paul Ch rt r Commission he eby recommends for unanimous Council adoption t e roposed amendme ts attached hereto. � . _ �-��,,o�r � I i: � - SAINT PAUL CHAR� E COMMISSI N I ` . �l�,� � :� . j �;; SAINT PAUL, �f � ';=. MINNESOTA 551 2 '�� 'ai� May 25 , 1989 �'CEIVfD May�� �g89 CITY CLERK Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul , MN 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed please find a Resol ti n adopted by he Saint Paul Charter Commission at its meeti g today and which proposes amend- ments to Chapters 13 and 14 of the Saint Pau City Charter. Please place it on the next av ilable Council agenda. Thank you. Yours truly, � � Raymond Faricy, Jr. , Presid t Saint Paul Charter Commission Enc . 22 . _ ` , �, _ ��� _,o�, RE OL TION F HE SAINT PAUL C A TER COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Council of t e City of Sai t Paul, by its Resolution of December 8, 1988 (C F. No. 88-1786) equested Charter Commission review and conside a ion of amendme s to Saint Paul City Charter Chapter 13, perta n'ng to acquisiti of property and improvement procedures, and a ter 14, specia assessments and service charges; and WHEREAS, at its meetings n January 26, 198 ; March 23 , 1989; and April 27, 1989, the Charte ommission revie d and considered the aforesaid Charter amendme ts; now, therefor be it RESOLVED, that pursuant o innesota Statut s Section 410.12 , Subd. 7, the Saint Paul Char er Commission her y recommends for unanimous Council adoption the pr posed amendment attached hereto. '� T _ { a _ ' �- '.r .. ' � " . : �. . ,�:, lL �.� �'. � �,: I � — _ x � __ � _ _ _ P. . f ... __ ._.�._.__.._..�.._......_.:....___�._.�. ..,._.r.... . _.�. ._. .'' _ � . .., ., 'i: � r �. _.- ' ' � - z-. lst �p-/3 � 2nd - p � �: -�� • I ��- .> . (v `01�' �-` � 3rd � -c�C Ado t � -�1�-�/� ` , ..�. ,�.. � - t :� � , . . �. . .. , „ ,.. . ` � Yeas Nays Y ,_,� - R _ � DIMON �J ,� �y_/ oZ �` _ L�� �' ` � : , � - . . ,-. �: '�' : y ., ' l7VSYY1 ! / ` . _ . . L�LY .. . . ^P r l RETT � z �t SONN WIL - - MR. PRESIDEN � HEIBEL - < �; -: �r. � �3 .-�. - - - - _ ;° - . �;. „ - - � n - _ fy � . _ Y:y .. _ ' . . . .� : .:': , '._ _ '.._ .. 3. '� . .:_.. ,. -. .. . �.-� _ ..t. .. ... -.... ..: ..�... . — . - ' _" . �..� ._ ". -; . :: ., � _ �. .. . . h _. ,.. , . "'�.,' `'"� _ � _ � . . .. .-�.. . _. . ' _ . , -�. ' -. .. . '':: r.. � .:. .., . ... . ,:: -� _ C _ _ _ _ _ t�: ' '? _ f .. , � .. .. . . � . , . , . � . . ,. _,' ",. ' ' " ' , ' � . , . j . . � . '..0 . . a}n..,w . _ ,:,s.hs'�'�:,ti�i< y;uua:;�dx.{.:.e•.. .. .wr_..,c:2 . :.Cr . ... . .,.es. ... ''>"' _ _ ��. . .. �:a'n