89-1040 � a � �;�f.�.:����:� ��� �. - � . 3 4` - �;_,,;, � .,. , � n s,� r- �;,,�- ��/ �,.: �� �' + ,•/--��"-�T _ _ __ � _ WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY F SAINT PAU Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT � BI.UE -MAVOR File N0. �� /�� RETURN COPY TO ROOM 218 O Z�dn�e , PW (Chap 13) �rdinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance m nding Sections 1 .03 . 1 , 13 . 03 . 3, and 3 . 03 . 5 of the Cha er of the City of Saint P ul by changing e notification and publicati n requirement for ublic hearings , authorizing t e asaessment of o er governmental units for pub i improvements f which they benefit , and 1 owing the Counc ' to direct payment to Di t ict Court at th same time as they approve h award of damag for Condemnations . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 AINT PAUL DOES DAIN: ection 1 . Pursuant to Minnesota Sta u es Section 410. 1 , Subd. 7 and upon recommendation of the Cha t r Commission of he City of Saint Paul, Sections 13 .03 . 1 , 1 . 3. 3 , and 13 . 03 • of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul be a d the same here is amended to read as follows : Sec . 13 .03 . 1 Preliminary r er. 1 . Improvements an cquisitions sha originate upon petition of the p operty owners a ected or upon the council ' s own i itiative as the c ncil may, by administrative r inance, prescri . Before adopting COUNCIL MEMBERS �� �r Requested by De rtment of: Yeas D'�o�d Nays Finance & anagement S�rvices �� In Fa r Goswitz �tt� � Director s�ne;ne� Again By ` Sonnen Wilson Form Appro C' Attornn��pp Adopted by Council: Date L� Ceatified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve M or Su 'ssion to Cou il By .. ; . �q-�o�D DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/OOUNqL DATE INITI D Finance & Management Services GREEN SH T NO. 5�'�� CONTACT PER80N 6 PHONE I TE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpI Peter White 298-53ll � � arr�rroAr�v 1 �ciTV ct.�r�c MUBT BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE� ROUTNlO BUDQET OIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.BERVIt�8 DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSI8TA � TOTAL�OF SIGNATUl�PAGE8 � (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUF� �cnoN aECU�sr�o: Approval of the attached ordinance will me d Chapter 13 of th City Charter. F�oOMMENDnT10NB:Apqow(N a�k�(� ITTEE�JtRCFI REPORT _PLANNIN3 COMMM88�1 _CIVIL SERVIC.�COAAMI8310N ANALYST PlWNE N0. _��� A Charter Commi sion X sT� — ca� . -��*�' - OFF E(iF THE DiRECTOR suw�oArs w►�oour�oaiecrrvE� pEP TMENl OF FINANCE u�n��.�e,oProaruNrtv�wno,w�,wnen,wn.r..wnyY: The requirements for publication of No 'ce of Public Hearing urrently are different for Chapter 13 of the City Charter and Min so a Statutes Chapter 429. Since we use each of the procedures in different situations, it makes sense to hav the same requirements for both procedures. . ADNANTAOE8IF APPFIONED: The City Charter requirements for publ ca ion will meet the quirements in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. as�wwwr�oes��noveu: This will require two publications in he newspaper. Now on one publication is required. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: There would continue to be two proced re for published not ication of public hearings. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION NIA CAST/REVENUE 8U HD(CIRCI.E ONE) YES NO �ou�o SouACE N/A �CrmTr NuMro� N/A FINANCIAL INfOHMATiON:(EXPLAIt� � � . � , . �_ - ( ' . . . . NOTE: COMPLETE DiRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE iiREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31NCi OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Below are profsrred routit�s for tM fivs most frequent rypes of documsnts: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNqL RE80lUTION (Amend,Bdpts•� budgst sxists) Acapt.(iraMs) 1. Outside A�sncy 1. Dsp�R�M Director 2. Initiatin�Dsp�Rmsnt 2. sudpst Dkrctor 3. Gty Attornsy 3. Cily/►1lomsy 4. Mayor 4. May�ONAsNstant 5. Ffneace 8 M�..t�N�ctor 5. Gty Coundt 8. Finer�ce AccouMing 6. ChNf 11�ocouMant, Fin�Mgmt uNcs. � ADMINISTRATIVE ORdER : (Budyet COUNqL RL80LUTION (all othsrs) FieVisbn) and ORDINANCE 1. Act. Manl�[ • ... 1. InitiWnp DepanmeM Oirector 2. Db��nt AarouMant '' 2• �Y�Y 3. DopsrkrN„n Diredbr'. : 3. AAay�oNA�NtarK 4. 6u�get Dire�tor , . . ; 4. City COIMIdI 5. City Clsrk , 6. Chief AccouMant, Fln 8 M�mt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (all othsrs) 1. Initiating DepaRmsnt 2. City Attorney 4. M�syo�p/�atant TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATURE PAOES Indicate the#�of pagss on which signaturos are required and paperd�P sech of theae� . ACTION REQUESTED Descrfbe wh4t the prohct/reqwst sNks to axomplish in either chra�olopl- cel oMer or order of imponanca�wFdchwsr Is nast appropriet�tor ths issue. Do not writs compNte�sru�nces.Be�in each ksm in you�Hst with a vsrb. • RECOMMENOATIONS Complete ff the issue U qwstfon ha bsen press�rted before anY bodY�PubBc or private. 3UPPORTS WHICH C�UNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Cour�cii obj�cdw(a)your projscUrequest supporta by Iblfnp the key word(s)(HOU3tNQ, F�CREATION, NEICiHBORHOOD3, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDC��ET, SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTAUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL�MMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PR�LEM,18SUE.OPPORTUNITY Explein the situetbn or oondidons that created a need tor your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Ind�ate whether this is timply�ennual budpst procedure requlred by I�w/ chartsr or whethsr thsro aro ap�dflc wa in wh�h ths Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will bsnsHt irom this pro�t/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Whet neyative elfecb a myo►chan�es to sxistinp or past procesess mi�M this projecUrequest produos M k is passed(e.g.,traffic dNays, nofse, tax increa�es or a»ssertNrns)?Tv Whom?Whsn4 For how long? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the nepatiw caasqusr�ea if the promised action ia not approved? Inability to d�Nwr aervice�CoMinued high traffic, noise, accldent rata?Loas of revsnus? FINANqAL IMPACT . Althaph you must taibr ths inManation you provide here to ths iasue you aro add�sing, in ysneral you must answsr Mro questions: How much is it poinp ro oost?Who is gdnp to pay? ��� ��� /'� 4,...� ,.4J �(jL the final order r vided herein, t council shall , by resolution entit e , "preliminary rder, " set a time and place for a u lic hearing ��.e ee� on the proposed improve e t . The public earing shall follow two publications i the newspaper f a notice stating the time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improveme t the estimated ost and the area proposed to be ss ssed . The two ublications shall be a week apart an the hearing sh 11 be at least twenty days e� e� after the firs publication of the resoluti n. � 2 . Not less than t n aqs prior to th hearing, notice of the hearing ha 1 be mailed to ach known owner of the affected pr perty at the ow er ' s l��e last known addr ss 3 . Failure to rece ' ve mailed or actua notice or any defects on the ot ' ce shall not in alidate the proceedings . 4 . Improvements wh ch benefit propert owner by other governmental un ts shall be assess d under the provisions of M nn sota Statutes ction 435 • 19• I Sec . 13 . 03 .3 Passage f Title--Deposit . i 1 . Should the Coun i deem it neceas y, it may on or after date of t e "final order" , ' rect by resolution the payment of um of money int the District Court to secure compe s tion to the own of the property or interest in , r perty being con emned , which amount shall be fixed y the Court in a um not less than the true and full v 1 ation of the pr perty appropriated as fixed by the asse sor and as fina ly equalized. � 2 . The title on p op rty or interest therein being condemned shal p ss to the city pon payment of the sum of money h re nder into the C urt . Except when any interest r ta ned by the owne includes the right of continued p ss ssion , the city shall thereupon have the right to e te immediately up n the propertg appropriated , em lish any struct re thereon e� �ke�e�a and pr ce d with the cons ruction of any public improve en proposed by it Sec . 13 . 03 . 5 Appeals 1 . Any person who e 'nterest in prop rty has been condemned or t ke may appeal, or an appeal may be ���� �o1�f�i 2 . . � "�.,.,cJ _ _ WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PAU Council o � CANARV -OEPARTMENT ��� ,rI � BI.UE -MAVOR File NO. a �� (Chap13) 0 in�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date taken on his or h r behalf, from he ratification and confirmatio f the condemnat on or from the award of damage r both. A writ en notice of appeal shall be f led with the ci y clerk within 40 days of the rat ' f cation, confirm tion, and award of damages . 2 . The written not ' c of appeal shal epecify the name of the appella t , a description o the property in which the appella t has or claims an interest , the nature of the pp llant ' s interes and the objection.s the ap ellant has to t e condemnation, or award, or both 3 . Within ten days a ter the notice f appeal has been filed with the ci y clerk, the ap ellant shall file the notice of p al s�a�� be €�� � with the clerk of the District C urt . 4. A person who do s not file with t e City Clerk a written notice f appeal within t e time specified, or does not file t e notice of appea with the clerk of the District Co r within the tim specified shall be forever barred fr m proceeding wi h an appeal and trial in that court , n the condemnati n and award shall be final . ection 2. Thie ordinance shall take a fect and be in orce ninety (g0) days from and after its passage , approval and pu lication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by De rtment of: Dimond �� In Fa or ��� Rettman Scheibe7 Again t BY � L irector Sonnen Wilson Form Appro City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 6 By Appcoved by Mayor: Date r v d y M or S mission to Council By _ , (,���o�� l{���. . _F_ . �� - INT PAU - C ITY O A � 1;31�ij��.';h . ,,.s�siL:L;1!�� � ' � OFFICE F E CITY COUNCIL I COM I EE REPORT FINANCE MANAGEME T ND PERSONNE COMMITTEE OCTOB R 6, 1989 � � 1. Approval of minutes of Sept b 11, 1989, meeting Approved 1 Z. Discussion of existing TIF 'olicies and practices; Laid over and Resolution 89-1255 - up ating tax increment I financing policies to be ad er d to by the City i the administration of its e is ing tax increment districts and in the consid ra ion of any propose I new districts. (Referred f om Council July 18) 3. Resolution 89-1346 - determ ni g that neither ove Laid over two weeks time pay nor formal compens to y time is authoriz for unclassified appointed mp oyees and that any overtime hours recorded are er oneous and to be removed from payroll record . (Referred from Cou il August 1, laid over August 1 nd September 11) 4. Resolution 89-1347 - author zi g the use of paid � Approved as amended interns in 1990 for each Co nc lmember for up to maximum of 500 hours per ye r nd that the Direct r of City Council Investigati n nd Research Center include funds in the propos d ity Council Legisl - tive budget. (Referred fro C uncil August 1, la'd over August 21) 5. Ordinance 89-1040 - amendi ction 13 of the Ci y Approved as amended Charter pertaining to proc u s for the acquisit on (hold for approval of and improvement of propert . (Referred from Coun il of #6) June 13, laid over July 31 6. Ordinance 89-1041 - amendi g ection 14 of the Ci y Laid over two weeks Charter pertaining to spec al assessments. (Referred from Council Jun 1 , laid over July 3 7. Ordinance 89-1506 - amendi g ection 376.13 of t Laid over two weeks Legislative Code pertainin t vehicle license transfer fees - taxi cabs. ( eferred from Counc August 22) CIT'Y EIALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 8�.46 ._ . � , ., _.. _ , . .. _ . . _ . . : .-. _, m � .-. `� - .r - ._ _._.._ _- "--.° -. _ _. -- - .-'- .. ."-- _ " : ."'_..._——'..�__., ._. '--- _ )� o - � � � ��. .. , ! lst '' 2nd ii �� " a/' �3 �1' . A _ ..' . . . . � . ; _ �o � 9 ;` 3rd Ado ed / .� ' 7'� � � ; _ .� ' Nays - ;; Ye s � �'i DI �'C�—/�'�`� � - � GOSW� ; .;; LONG � � ..:` ,. :. . � - . .. -, • � - _ �� - , RETT ..� , - -; � _ - _ - SONN -, , ...: � . - � , � , : :i : - - ; � WILS . MR. PRESIDEN SCHEIBEL . -; . - . i � " � _" -...1 ' 1.� �t� _i - _ '� _ .... .. . . � " .,... 'i:. . ..i�� �:.:: '. '..' ' N � _ ���� �--y✓ �� �_ - Q-Zc� C�. •� (� /' s47' � ' - ; ' '�J' `���'+.��tz� , �� �l!`,�.. ���� ---- -- _ _ '... WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F' SA I NT PALT Council /G" D CANARV -DEPARTMENT � BLVE -MAVOR File NO. ���� • Q indnce � ` Ordinance N 0. Presented By � � � � I/ Referred To -�=-��� Committee: Date ��l� �� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance am n ing Sections 13 03.1 , 13. 03. 3 and 13. 3 5 of the Charte of the Ci ty o f Sa i t Paul per ta in ing to procedures for h acquisition an improvement of r perty THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA N PAUL DOES ORDA . Se ti n 1 . That pursuant to Minnes ta Statutes Sectio 410.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of t e harter Commissi n of the City of Saint Paul, Section 13.03.1 f he Charter of e City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby i a ended to read follows : °Sec. 13. 03.1. P����f���l M� ���l�l3� Notice ublic hearing. (1) Improvements and c uisitions shal originate upon petition of the pr p ty owners aff ted or upon the council ' s own initi tive as the ouncil may, by administrative ordi a ce, prescribe. Before adopting the final order pro i ed herein, the ouncil shall� �,� �!§����l��l�� I�t4����� � �3��L����N��1��� � ���� ��� � ���� �19�1 ���9�� ��# hold p bl ic hear ing ��f ��}�� ���4pl��4 pl�j�� �� i��9�# ���L� �� � � i�!!!l��I�� ��f ��1� 1�1����1���l1 on the �roposed im rovemen ollowin two u lications n the COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Dep tment of: Dimond �ng In Fav r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY ' Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��L[� • `z���.�- J 31 8 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council gy By . . . . . . . . � I��r�ioyo i newspaper of a noti e tatin the tim and place of the hearing, the � ener 1 ature of the�i provement, the estimated cost and t e area ro ose to be assessed. The two publicatio s shall be a we apart and the �e -arin� shall be a east three da after the last publication. (2) Not less than ten d y prior to the h aring , notice of the hearing shall b m iled to each kn wn o wner of ��� an affected prope t at �i�e the ow er' s last known address. � (3) Failure to receiv ailed or actu �1 notice or any defects in the otice shall not ; invalidate the proceed ings. � (4) Improvements whi h enefit pro er � owned � other �overnmental un t shall be ass ssed under the provisions of Minn so a Statutes Sec on 435 .19 . "+ S c ion 2. That pursuant to Minne ot Statutes Secti n 41�l.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of he Charter Commis on of the City of Saint Paul , Section 13.�J3.3 o the Charter o the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is amend ed to read as follows : "Sec . 13. 03. 3. Passag o Tit1e=�Deposit� (1) Should the counci d em it necessar it may on or after the date of the " in 1 order", direc� by resolution the payment of a sum o money into th district court to secure com pensa io to the owner f the property or interest in pro er y being conde ned , which amount shall be fixed b t e Court in a su not less than the true and full val a ion of the prop ty appropriated as fixed by the assess r and as finall equalized . (2) The title to p o erty or inter Ist therein being condemned shall pa s to the city pon payment of the sum of money her un er into the cou t. Except when any interest retain d y the owner in�ludes the right of continued posses io , the city shal thereupon have the right to ente immediately on the property appropriated, de olish any structu thereon e� ������� and proceed w ' t the construc iion of any public improvement prop s d by it ." � 2 I � 5�'i� . . . . .. . . . , (� ��-/o�d That pursuant to Minne o a Statutes Sect on 41R1.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of h Charter Commis ion of the City of Saint Paul , Section 13.03. o the Charter o the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : "Sec . 13. �3. 5. Appeal . � (1) Any person who e interest in operty has been condemned or tak n may appeal , or an appeal may be taken on hi s or h r behal f, from t rati fication and confirmation of t e condemnation or from the award of damages or both. ' A written notice of appeal shall be filed with the ci y clerk within fo y (4�!) days of the ratification, con ir ation, and awar of damages. (2) The written notic f appeal shall pecify the name of the appellant, a e cription of th property in which �e the appellant a or claims an i terest, the nature of � the a el an ' s interest an the objections �� the appellant ha o the condemna ion, or award, or �o t�. (3) Within ten days f er the notice f appeal has been filed with the ci y clerk, the appe ant shall file the notice of appeal '�� �� be €��ed wi h the clerk of the district court. (4) A person who do s not file with the city clerk a written notice of a peal within the time specified, or aoes not file th notice of appeal with the clerk of the district cou t ithin the time pecified shall be forever barred fr m proceeding with n appeal and trial in that court, an he condemnation and award shall be final ." 3 J ��'} s�3�/�3�j _ . _ WHITE - CITV CLERK COLLIICII PINK - FINANCE TT CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA V D BLUE - MAVOR Fll@ NO.� 0 'n�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Se t' on 4. This ordinance shall tak ffect and be in force ninety (9P!) days from and after its passa e approval and p lication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Dep rtment of: Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman B s�ne;bel Agains Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass�d by Council Secretary BY �'�� � `3�—� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by May for Submission to Council By BY . . �. . . � Y -, ��'�l-/O� 9 ���� - SAINT PAUL C �TER COMM SION R�� �����:� . C T. HALL ��: �i ,:� � SAINT PAUL, A;' �j �;� MINNESOT 55102 �, a.� :� r�. -� �� �� May 25 , 1989 '�CEIVE� � MAy�z �g8s cirY���RK Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed please find a Re ol tion adopted y the Saint Paul Charter Commission at its me t' g today and wh ch proposes amend- ments to Chapters 13 and 4 of the Saint aul City Charter. Please place it on the ne t available Coun 1 agenda. Thank you. � Yours truly, � � Raymond Faricy, Jr. , Presi t Saint Paul Charter Commissio Enc. ?2 , � . � . � ' � � (i�` ��I`���d RES L TION O HE SAINT PAUL C AR ER COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Council of t e City of Sai Paul, by its Resolution of December 8, 1988 C. . No. 88-1786) equested Charter Commission review and conside at on of amendmen s to Saint Paul City Charter Chapter 13, perta ' i g to acquisitio of property and improvement procedures, and C ap er 14, special assessments and service charges; and WHEREAS, at its meetings n anuary 26, 1989 , March 23 , 1989; and April 27, 1989, the Charte C mmission review d and considered the aforesaid Charter amendmen s; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant t M nnesota Statute Section 410.12, Subd. 7, the Saint Paul Chart r ommission here recommends for unanimous Council adoption the r osed amendment attached hereto. � ' A ' 2nd� r �r � � lst �`3 � . - Adopted - 3rd Nays Yeas Q`7"� DIMOND ��'�'� _ � _ GOSWITZ " = LONG.�� � ' =- RETTMAN - SONNEN _ WILSON -;` . MR. PRESIDENT� SCH BEL . >, : � . . . - • . . .. ... < , � � ,, -� - - . . . .. �. .. : : . ,, , � .. ; . �q-�o�D DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/OOUNqL DATE INITI D Finance & Management Services GREEN SH T NO. 5�'�� CONTACT PER80N 6 PHONE I TE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpI Peter White 298-53ll � � arr�rroAr�v 1 �ciTV ct.�r�c MUBT BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE� ROUTNlO BUDQET OIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.BERVIt�8 DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSI8TA � TOTAL�OF SIGNATUl�PAGE8 � (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUF� �cnoN aECU�sr�o: Approval of the attached ordinance will me d Chapter 13 of th City Charter. F�oOMMENDnT10NB:Apqow(N a�k�(� ITTEE�JtRCFI REPORT _PLANNIN3 COMMM88�1 _CIVIL SERVIC.�COAAMI8310N ANALYST PlWNE N0. _��� A Charter Commi sion X sT� — ca� . -��*�' - OFF E(iF THE DiRECTOR suw�oArs w►�oour�oaiecrrvE� pEP TMENl OF FINANCE u�n��.�e,oProaruNrtv�wno,w�,wnen,wn.r..wnyY: The requirements for publication of No 'ce of Public Hearing urrently are different for Chapter 13 of the City Charter and Min so a Statutes Chapter 429. Since we use each of the procedures in different situations, it makes sense to hav the same requirements for both procedures. . ADNANTAOE8IF APPFIONED: The City Charter requirements for publ ca ion will meet the quirements in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. as�wwwr�oes��noveu: This will require two publications in he newspaper. Now on one publication is required. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: There would continue to be two proced re for published not ication of public hearings. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION NIA CAST/REVENUE 8U HD(CIRCI.E ONE) YES NO �ou�o SouACE N/A �CrmTr NuMro� N/A FINANCIAL INfOHMATiON:(EXPLAIt� � � . � , . �_ - ( ' . . . . NOTE: COMPLETE DiRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE iiREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31NCi OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Below are profsrred routit�s for tM fivs most frequent rypes of documsnts: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNqL RE80lUTION (Amend,Bdpts•� budgst sxists) Acapt.(iraMs) 1. Outside A�sncy 1. Dsp�R�M Director 2. Initiatin�Dsp�Rmsnt 2. sudpst Dkrctor 3. Gty Attornsy 3. Cily/►1lomsy 4. Mayor 4. May�ONAsNstant 5. Ffneace 8 M�..t�N�ctor 5. Gty Coundt 8. Finer�ce AccouMing 6. ChNf 11�ocouMant, Fin�Mgmt uNcs. � ADMINISTRATIVE ORdER : (Budyet COUNqL RL80LUTION (all othsrs) FieVisbn) and ORDINANCE 1. Act. Manl�[ • ... 1. InitiWnp DepanmeM Oirector 2. Db��nt AarouMant '' 2• �Y�Y 3. DopsrkrN„n Diredbr'. : 3. AAay�oNA�NtarK 4. 6u�get Dire�tor , . . ; 4. City COIMIdI 5. City Clsrk , 6. Chief AccouMant, Fln 8 M�mt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (all othsrs) 1. Initiating DepaRmsnt 2. City Attorney 4. M�syo�p/�atant TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATURE PAOES Indicate the#�of pagss on which signaturos are required and paperd�P sech of theae� . ACTION REQUESTED Descrfbe wh4t the prohct/reqwst sNks to axomplish in either chra�olopl- cel oMer or order of imponanca�wFdchwsr Is nast appropriet�tor ths issue. Do not writs compNte�sru�nces.Be�in each ksm in you�Hst with a vsrb. • RECOMMENOATIONS Complete ff the issue U qwstfon ha bsen press�rted before anY bodY�PubBc or private. 3UPPORTS WHICH C�UNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Cour�cii obj�cdw(a)your projscUrequest supporta by Iblfnp the key word(s)(HOU3tNQ, F�CREATION, NEICiHBORHOOD3, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDC��ET, SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTAUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL�MMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PR�LEM,18SUE.OPPORTUNITY Explein the situetbn or oondidons that created a need tor your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Ind�ate whether this is timply�ennual budpst procedure requlred by I�w/ chartsr or whethsr thsro aro ap�dflc wa in wh�h ths Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will bsnsHt irom this pro�t/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Whet neyative elfecb a myo►chan�es to sxistinp or past procesess mi�M this projecUrequest produos M k is passed(e.g.,traffic dNays, nofse, tax increa�es or a»ssertNrns)?Tv Whom?Whsn4 For how long? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the nepatiw caasqusr�ea if the promised action ia not approved? Inability to d�Nwr aervice�CoMinued high traffic, noise, accldent rata?Loas of revsnus? FINANqAL IMPACT . Althaph you must taibr ths inManation you provide here to ths iasue you aro add�sing, in ysneral you must answsr Mro questions: How much is it poinp ro oost?Who is gdnp to pay? ��� ��� /'� 4,...� ,.4J �(jL the final order r vided herein, t council shall , by resolution entit e , "preliminary rder, " set a time and place for a u lic hearing ��.e ee� on the proposed improve e t . The public earing shall follow two publications i the newspaper f a notice stating the time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improveme t the estimated ost and the area proposed to be ss ssed . The two ublications shall be a week apart an the hearing sh 11 be at least twenty days e� e� after the firs publication of the resoluti n. � 2 . Not less than t n aqs prior to th hearing, notice of the hearing ha 1 be mailed to ach known owner of the affected pr perty at the ow er ' s l��e last known addr ss 3 . Failure to rece ' ve mailed or actua notice or any defects on the ot ' ce shall not in alidate the proceedings . 4 . Improvements wh ch benefit propert owner by other governmental un ts shall be assess d under the provisions of M nn sota Statutes ction 435 • 19• I Sec . 13 . 03 .3 Passage f Title--Deposit . i 1 . Should the Coun i deem it neceas y, it may on or after date of t e "final order" , ' rect by resolution the payment of um of money int the District Court to secure compe s tion to the own of the property or interest in , r perty being con emned , which amount shall be fixed y the Court in a um not less than the true and full v 1 ation of the pr perty appropriated as fixed by the asse sor and as fina ly equalized. � 2 . The title on p op rty or interest therein being condemned shal p ss to the city pon payment of the sum of money h re nder into the C urt . Except when any interest r ta ned by the owne includes the right of continued p ss ssion , the city shall thereupon have the right to e te immediately up n the propertg appropriated , em lish any struct re thereon e� �ke�e�a and pr ce d with the cons ruction of any public improve en proposed by it Sec . 13 . 03 . 5 Appeals 1 . Any person who e 'nterest in prop rty has been condemned or t ke may appeal, or an appeal may be ���� �o1�f�i 2 . . � "�.,.,cJ _ _ WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PAU Council o � CANARV -OEPARTMENT ��� ,rI � BI.UE -MAVOR File NO. a �� (Chap13) 0 in�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date taken on his or h r behalf, from he ratification and confirmatio f the condemnat on or from the award of damage r both. A writ en notice of appeal shall be f led with the ci y clerk within 40 days of the rat ' f cation, confirm tion, and award of damages . 2 . The written not ' c of appeal shal epecify the name of the appella t , a description o the property in which the appella t has or claims an interest , the nature of the pp llant ' s interes and the objection.s the ap ellant has to t e condemnation, or award, or both 3 . Within ten days a ter the notice f appeal has been filed with the ci y clerk, the ap ellant shall file the notice of p al s�a�� be €�� � with the clerk of the District C urt . 4. A person who do s not file with t e City Clerk a written notice f appeal within t e time specified, or does not file t e notice of appea with the clerk of the District Co r within the tim specified shall be forever barred fr m proceeding wi h an appeal and trial in that court , n the condemnati n and award shall be final . ection 2. Thie ordinance shall take a fect and be in orce ninety (g0) days from and after its passage , approval and pu lication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by De rtment of: Dimond �� In Fa or ��� Rettman Scheibe7 Again t BY � L irector Sonnen Wilson Form Appro City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 6 By Appcoved by Mayor: Date r v d y M or S mission to Council By _ , (,���o�� l{���. . _F_ . �� - INT PAU - C ITY O A � 1;31�ij��.';h . ,,.s�siL:L;1!�� � ' � OFFICE F E CITY COUNCIL I COM I EE REPORT FINANCE MANAGEME T ND PERSONNE COMMITTEE OCTOB R 6, 1989 � � 1. Approval of minutes of Sept b 11, 1989, meeting Approved 1 Z. Discussion of existing TIF 'olicies and practices; Laid over and Resolution 89-1255 - up ating tax increment I financing policies to be ad er d to by the City i the administration of its e is ing tax increment districts and in the consid ra ion of any propose I new districts. (Referred f om Council July 18) 3. Resolution 89-1346 - determ ni g that neither ove Laid over two weeks time pay nor formal compens to y time is authoriz for unclassified appointed mp oyees and that any overtime hours recorded are er oneous and to be removed from payroll record . (Referred from Cou il August 1, laid over August 1 nd September 11) 4. Resolution 89-1347 - author zi g the use of paid � Approved as amended interns in 1990 for each Co nc lmember for up to maximum of 500 hours per ye r nd that the Direct r of City Council Investigati n nd Research Center include funds in the propos d ity Council Legisl - tive budget. (Referred fro C uncil August 1, la'd over August 21) 5. Ordinance 89-1040 - amendi ction 13 of the Ci y Approved as amended Charter pertaining to proc u s for the acquisit on (hold for approval of and improvement of propert . (Referred from Coun il of #6) June 13, laid over July 31 6. Ordinance 89-1041 - amendi g ection 14 of the Ci y Laid over two weeks Charter pertaining to spec al assessments. (Referred from Council Jun 1 , laid over July 3 7. Ordinance 89-1506 - amendi g ection 376.13 of t Laid over two weeks Legislative Code pertainin t vehicle license transfer fees - taxi cabs. ( eferred from Counc August 22) CIT'Y EIALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 8�.46 ._ . � , ., _.. _ , . .. _ . . _ . . : .-. _, m � .-. `� - .r - ._ _._.._ _- "--.° -. _ _. -- - .-'- .. ."-- _ " : ."'_..._——'..�__., ._. '--- _ )� o - � � � ��. .. , ! lst '' 2nd ii �� " a/' �3 �1' . A _ ..' . . . . � . ; _ �o � 9 ;` 3rd Ado ed / .� ' 7'� � � ; _ .� ' Nays - ;; Ye s � �'i DI �'C�—/�'�`� � - � GOSW� ; .;; LONG � � ..:` ,. :. . � - . .. -, • � - _ �� - , RETT ..� , - -; � _ - _ - SONN -, , ...: � . - � , � , : :i : - - ; � WILS . MR. PRESIDEN SCHEIBEL . -; . - . i � " � _" -...1 ' 1.� �t� _i - _ '� _ .... .. . . � " .,... 'i:. . ..i�� �:.:: '. '..' ' N � _ ���� �--y✓ �� �_ - Q-Zc� C�. •� (� /' s47' � ' - ; ' '�J' `���'+.��tz� , �� �l!`,�.. ���� ---- -- _ _ '... WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F' SA I NT PALT Council /G" D CANARV -DEPARTMENT � BLVE -MAVOR File NO. ���� • Q indnce � ` Ordinance N 0. Presented By � � � � I/ Referred To -�=-��� Committee: Date ��l� �� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance am n ing Sections 13 03.1 , 13. 03. 3 and 13. 3 5 of the Charte of the Ci ty o f Sa i t Paul per ta in ing to procedures for h acquisition an improvement of r perty THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA N PAUL DOES ORDA . Se ti n 1 . That pursuant to Minnes ta Statutes Sectio 410.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of t e harter Commissi n of the City of Saint Paul, Section 13.03.1 f he Charter of e City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby i a ended to read follows : °Sec. 13. 03.1. P����f���l M� ���l�l3� Notice ublic hearing. (1) Improvements and c uisitions shal originate upon petition of the pr p ty owners aff ted or upon the council ' s own initi tive as the ouncil may, by administrative ordi a ce, prescribe. Before adopting the final order pro i ed herein, the ouncil shall� �,� �!§����l��l�� I�t4����� � �3��L����N��1��� � ���� ��� � ���� �19�1 ���9�� ��# hold p bl ic hear ing ��f ��}�� ���4pl��4 pl�j�� �� i��9�# ���L� �� � � i�!!!l��I�� ��f ��1� 1�1����1���l1 on the �roposed im rovemen ollowin two u lications n the COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Dep tment of: Dimond �ng In Fav r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY ' Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��L[� • `z���.�- J 31 8 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council gy By . . . . . . . . � I��r�ioyo i newspaper of a noti e tatin the tim and place of the hearing, the � ener 1 ature of the�i provement, the estimated cost and t e area ro ose to be assessed. The two publicatio s shall be a we apart and the �e -arin� shall be a east three da after the last publication. (2) Not less than ten d y prior to the h aring , notice of the hearing shall b m iled to each kn wn o wner of ��� an affected prope t at �i�e the ow er' s last known address. � (3) Failure to receiv ailed or actu �1 notice or any defects in the otice shall not ; invalidate the proceed ings. � (4) Improvements whi h enefit pro er � owned � other �overnmental un t shall be ass ssed under the provisions of Minn so a Statutes Sec on 435 .19 . "+ S c ion 2. That pursuant to Minne ot Statutes Secti n 41�l.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of he Charter Commis on of the City of Saint Paul , Section 13.�J3.3 o the Charter o the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is amend ed to read as follows : "Sec . 13. 03. 3. Passag o Tit1e=�Deposit� (1) Should the counci d em it necessar it may on or after the date of the " in 1 order", direc� by resolution the payment of a sum o money into th district court to secure com pensa io to the owner f the property or interest in pro er y being conde ned , which amount shall be fixed b t e Court in a su not less than the true and full val a ion of the prop ty appropriated as fixed by the assess r and as finall equalized . (2) The title to p o erty or inter Ist therein being condemned shall pa s to the city pon payment of the sum of money her un er into the cou t. Except when any interest retain d y the owner in�ludes the right of continued posses io , the city shal thereupon have the right to ente immediately on the property appropriated, de olish any structu thereon e� ������� and proceed w ' t the construc iion of any public improvement prop s d by it ." � 2 I � 5�'i� . . . . .. . . . , (� ��-/o�d That pursuant to Minne o a Statutes Sect on 41R1.12, Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of h Charter Commis ion of the City of Saint Paul , Section 13.03. o the Charter o the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : "Sec . 13. �3. 5. Appeal . � (1) Any person who e interest in operty has been condemned or tak n may appeal , or an appeal may be taken on hi s or h r behal f, from t rati fication and confirmation of t e condemnation or from the award of damages or both. ' A written notice of appeal shall be filed with the ci y clerk within fo y (4�!) days of the ratification, con ir ation, and awar of damages. (2) The written notic f appeal shall pecify the name of the appellant, a e cription of th property in which �e the appellant a or claims an i terest, the nature of � the a el an ' s interest an the objections �� the appellant ha o the condemna ion, or award, or �o t�. (3) Within ten days f er the notice f appeal has been filed with the ci y clerk, the appe ant shall file the notice of appeal '�� �� be €��ed wi h the clerk of the district court. (4) A person who do s not file with the city clerk a written notice of a peal within the time specified, or aoes not file th notice of appeal with the clerk of the district cou t ithin the time pecified shall be forever barred fr m proceeding with n appeal and trial in that court, an he condemnation and award shall be final ." 3 J ��'} s�3�/�3�j _ . _ WHITE - CITV CLERK COLLIICII PINK - FINANCE TT CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA V D BLUE - MAVOR Fll@ NO.� 0 'n�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Se t' on 4. This ordinance shall tak ffect and be in force ninety (9P!) days from and after its passa e approval and p lication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Dep rtment of: Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman B s�ne;bel Agains Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass�d by Council Secretary BY �'�� � `3�—� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by May for Submission to Council By BY . . �. . . � Y -, ��'�l-/O� 9 ���� - SAINT PAUL C �TER COMM SION R�� �����:� . C T. HALL ��: �i ,:� � SAINT PAUL, A;' �j �;� MINNESOT 55102 �, a.� :� r�. -� �� �� May 25 , 1989 '�CEIVE� � MAy�z �g8s cirY���RK Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed please find a Re ol tion adopted y the Saint Paul Charter Commission at its me t' g today and wh ch proposes amend- ments to Chapters 13 and 4 of the Saint aul City Charter. Please place it on the ne t available Coun 1 agenda. Thank you. � Yours truly, � � Raymond Faricy, Jr. , Presi t Saint Paul Charter Commissio Enc. ?2 , � . � . � ' � � (i�` ��I`���d RES L TION O HE SAINT PAUL C AR ER COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Council of t e City of Sai Paul, by its Resolution of December 8, 1988 C. . No. 88-1786) equested Charter Commission review and conside at on of amendmen s to Saint Paul City Charter Chapter 13, perta ' i g to acquisitio of property and improvement procedures, and C ap er 14, special assessments and service charges; and WHEREAS, at its meetings n anuary 26, 1989 , March 23 , 1989; and April 27, 1989, the Charte C mmission review d and considered the aforesaid Charter amendmen s; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant t M nnesota Statute Section 410.12, Subd. 7, the Saint Paul Chart r ommission here recommends for unanimous Council adoption the r osed amendment attached hereto. � ' A ' 2nd� r �r � � lst �`3 � . - Adopted - 3rd Nays Yeas Q`7"� DIMOND ��'�'� _ � _ GOSWITZ " = LONG.�� � ' =- RETTMAN - SONNEN _ WILSON -;` . MR. PRESIDENT� SCH BEL . >, : � . . . - • . . .. ... < , � � ,, -� - - . . . .. �. .. : : . ,, , �